Day Thirty-Eight // April 9 // Abandoned to Man (Maundy Thursday) “It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely.” – Albert Einstein –
He had stooped. Heaven bowing near the earth to wash their mud-caked feet – all Divinity wiping worthless and fouling dirt. And He had blessed: breaking the bread and pouring the wine – the Savior serving sinners. And when He was done, He said that it is in being broken that we are made whole. He said that it is in being poured out that we are filled. He said that it is in accepting the very moments of pain that we long to avoid that we find our meaning and healing and peace. But it didn’t make sense – not then, and sometimes not even now. It defies all that we think we know. It presses us beyond all with which we’re comfortable. To break, stoop and serve - to hurt in places we’d rather defend.