Day Seven // March 4 // The Lost Art of Disagreeing “This is one of the marks of a truly safe person: they are confrontable.” – Henry Cloud –
We are surrounded by an onslaught of noise, the deafening cacophony of a world that has forgotten how to disagree… or, at least, how to disagree productively. Yes, we still know how to fight. We still know how to yell and scream and pout. We remember how to cling to the security of our own rigid self-righteousness and sanctimony. We know how to fight, but not well. We see it on the news. We hear it in boardrooms and in our own bedrooms. We feel passionately about certain issues, and that is a good thing. The rot takes hold, however, when we so determinedly stick to our positions without ever allowing space for another’s opinion. We forget that, sometimes, we may not be entirely right… and that “they” may not be entirely wrong.