Day Eleven // March 9 // The Roots of Stridence “I came. I saw. I conquered.” – Julius Caesar –
What pushes us? Really. What is it that compels us to press and to challenge and to do? To do more? To do better? More than just competition, what lies beneath our gasping-for-breath assault to win: to win at life, to win at business, to win at school… to win at all costs? Could it be that, lurking just beneath the finely-honed facades that we don every morning, there is a sneaking suspicion that we really are nothing more than the sum total of bank accounts or our resume? Fueled by such an economy of self, it is no surprise that our world has grown ever more encumbered by the rot of stridence – that welling compunction of the flesh to prove itself capable and worthy: worthy of love, worthy of notice, worthy of grace.