Day Fourteen // March 12 // Stridence in Pacing “Become slower in your journey through life. Practice meditation if you suffer from ‘hurry sickness.’ Become more introspective by visiting quiet places such as churches, museums, mountains and lakes. Give yourself permission to read at least one novel a month for pleasure.” – Wayne Dyer –
The true life of faith is not for the faint of heart. It is not for the timid or the cautious. It is not fed by the lazy or lethargic. It leaves no room for apathy or indifference or self-concern, for the path of faith leads to a rugged and splintered cross. This type of faith – this selfless and sacrificial faith – is rare. It is hard. It requires much more of us then we want to give… more than we think is actually possible. So, it’s easy to understand why so many of us don’t try. In the face of such staggering odds, it’s almost commonsensical to give up, to put our lives of faith on autopilot, to let them take care of themselves.