Day Eighteen // March 17 // Inattention “Familiarity breeds contempt only when it breeds inattention.” – George Santayana –
It’s all a blur. We rise every morning and gird ourselves up for yet another day of business and busyness. Surrounded by the electronic buzz of our modern-day lives, we hustle to make the most of every moment. We consume the day before us and in the process, are consumed by it, too. Transparent to us was the crimson sunrise; invisible, the golden moon. And all the quiet moments of grace in between fell passionless on deadened ears. Did our inattention make the sun less bright? Did it cause the moon to blush? Of course not. The lacking was not in them… but in us. It is the insidious curse of our age: the split-attention, the inattention, the hardening curse of multi-tasking in a world that’s come to value productivity over the value