Day Twenty-Eight // March 28 // Growing Generosity “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan –
There is a beauty in the imagery that portrays the growth of the great spiritual gifts as fruit grown from a tree. There is no more admirable goal in life than to be generous. But generosity is grown. We are born into the world crying to get our basic needs met. We are instinctively selfish, clamoring for more. We fight for what is ours and resent sharing. But generosity is grown and modeled. When we see how good generosity tastes, and see how it makes our lives flower, we want to branch out into increasing generosity. In the mid-1930s, during the economic travails of the Great Depression, there was a church in the Midwest known for its magnificent pipe organ. A visitor dropped by the church during the week, and the custodian gave him a tour of the church facility, including the sanctuary.