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Commodore’s Message
from Ahoy! July/Aug 2022
by Koko Mueller
Many thanks to all members who participated in the Electoral General meeting held at Kellett on 9 June, and congratulations to those who were elected. As our year comes to an end, I want to thank all of those who have served on the Club’s committees over the last year and especially Denis Martinet for the leadership he has shown in his two years as Commodore. These have not been easy times for many in Hong Kong and he has helped the Club Commodore Lucy Sutro navigate its way through the many Covid related challenges that we have faced. The Club’s celebrations to mark the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) began back in June with the HKSAR 25th Anniversary Sailing Cup and will continue through this month so by the time it’s all over, we will have showcased what we are all about – sailing, rowing, paddling, charity, sustainability and community. My thanks to everyone involved from the 25A Working Group, member volunteers and staff who made it all happen. The St. James’s Place Sunset Series continues through the summer months and as ever, it’s a great opportunity to introduce new crew to the sailing scene and of course start off the weekend early in a fun and relaxed manner. The atmosphere at the Chart Room Balcony and on Main Deck during and after racing is an added bonus.
The Rowing and Paddle Sports Sunset Series will take place over four Thursday evenings throughout July and August. As with the St. James Place Sailing equivalent, competitors will be able to enjoy some tough racing in the harbour followed by a sociable evening.
The first of the new mark laying boats, and the new sampan for Middle Island, are presently aboard container ships on their way to Hong Kong. For those who have access to a ship tracking AIS system the ships names are, respectively, CMA CGM Benjamin Franklin and the HMM Mir. Thanks go to Bram van Olphen of the Dragon fleet whose company quoted the lowest shipping price. The new mark laying boat has been named Noel Croucher II and, having completed her sea trials on the Solent, will be available for race duties as soon as the Marine Department license can be processed. The sampan will have her ePropulsion outboard engine fitted at Kellett Island. With the hull of the sampan being constructed entirely of recyclable HDPE and the electric propulsion replacing a petrol-powered outboard engine the Club will be lowering our carbon footprint at Middle Island.
I hope you all have a great summer and, if you are travelling, look forward to seeing you back here for the start of the new season in September.
感謝所有會員出席於6月9日在吉列島會所舉行的「周年會員大會」,在此 亦恭喜所有獲選的理事會委員。現屆理事會的任期快將完結,我向過往兩 年在本會所有委員會服務過的委員,尤其孟憲庭在任會長一職兩年來全方 位的領導及付出衷心致謝。這兩年來對於香港來說可謂困難重重,在孟掌 舵下,我們成功突圍而出,跨過多個難關。
香港遊艇會慶祝香港特別行政區成立25周年的活動始於今年六月,由「 香港特別行政區25周年回歸帆船賽」揭開序幕,至本月精彩賽事及活動 將浪接浪。當所有活動完結後,我們把本會有關帆船運動、賽艇運動、 划槳運動、慈善基金、可持續發展以及社區參與等多方面呈現出來。感謝 「25A工作小組」、會員義工及職員的付出,令活動得以順利舉行。
St. James’s 黃昏系列帆船賽在整個夏天均會進行,一如以往,這是一個 好時機讓更多人認識帆船運動;更何況可以提早為周末帶來樂趣,何樂而 不為?賽前賽後在 Chart Room 露台及 Main Deck 的氣氛熾熱,大家 萬物錯過。 由賽艇及划槳運動部門舉辦的黃昏系列賽事於七月至八月期間,每逢周 四傍晚舉行。與 St. James’s 黃昏系列帆船賽一樣,參賽選手可先於維港 作賽,賽後在會內與朋友歡聚。
第一艘「浮標設置」船隻以及來往中途島帆船及賽艇訓練中心的舢舨,現 正由貨櫃船運往香港。如任何人有船隻追蹤「AIS系統」,以上兩艘船的 名稱分別為「CMA CGM Benjamin Franklin」以及「HMM Mir」,大家可 輸入船隻名稱以了解其定位。感謝「Dragon級別」帆船運動員 Bram van Olphen,其公司為我們提供最低的航運價格報價。新的「浮標設置」船隻 已被命名為 Noel Croucher II,她已在索倫特海峽完成首航,並在取得海 事署牌照後便可以立即服役。新舢舨的船身由全可循環再用物料HDPE 造成,加上船隻由汽油改為電動,相信我們可以把中途島的炭足跡大大 降低。
希望大家都有一個愉快的暑假。倘若大家外遊,期望在九月開鑼時見到 大家。