Namban Art: Japan's Global Connections in Rising Modernity (16th17th Century)
南蛮美術:日本の現代社会のグローバルなつながり(安 土桃山時代、江戸時代)
Author: Ricardo Hiroyuki Achidate Makino Professor advisor: Dra. Renata Martins Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, FAUUSP University of São Paulo
CPq-FAUUSP , unfunded Process nº 2020-280 ricardo.makino@usp.br
Namban Art Artistic phenomenon, most recognized by Japanese historiography in the 20th century as Namban Art (南蛮美術), originating from the artistic, cultural, political and religious encounter between Europeans and Japanese in the Early Modern Age (16th and 17th centuries). _ Identification: visual characteristic, material, technique, register or context of production Complex consequences between Asia, America and Europe: religious activity on the Asian continent, artistic hybridization with a global reach.
南 蛮 美 術 Detail of Namban byobu, Kano naizen. Kobe City Museum
Objectives Investigate artistic unfoldings manifested on Namban Art, through a bibliographic and iconographic survey, in themes such as: -
transculturation arising from the encounter between civilizations of the East and the West; understanding the routes of objects in the context of relations between Europeans and Japanese; most frequently employed techniques, skilled labor and themes related to iconography circulation; the reach of Asian works in relation to America and Europe in the period between the 16th and 17th centuries, navigation routes.
Resulting contribution: -
Asia Global Research Group: Decolonial Option and Asian Traditions in the History of Art and Architecture, part of the FAPESP Encrypted Baroque, Jovem Pesquisador Project, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP), coordinated by Profa. Dr. Renata Martins.
Optional subject: AUH-343 – Asian Arts in a Global Context: Artists, Objects and Collections (second semester of 2021 (now), as researcher and student-monitor)
Method and Procedure
Relevant bibliographic and iconographic survey, and comparison with existing material culture.
Defining chronological marks: 1543 - 1639.
Contemplation of contemporary scientific production, encompassing new approaches. Inclusion of emerging evidences from disperse collections (private or otherwise), nowadays circulating in the auction market, despite the limited number of surviving objects, due to the repression against Christianity (1613) by the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Japan Main Route of Nau do Trato, from Goa to Nagasaki (In:BOXER, Charles Ralph. O Grande Navio de Amacau. Lisboa: Fundação Oriente; Museu e Centro de Estudos Marítimos de Macau, 1989)
Recognize Japan's global connections, as well as the existing difficulties and possibilities for continuing studies. Detail of Kurofune, Iberian´s ship.Namban byobu, Kano Naizen. Museu de Arte Antiga, Lisbon.
Map of World of the Japan, 16th-17th century. Pair of six fold screens color and gold leaf on paper, each 97,0 x 273,0 cm Nanba Matsutaro Collection, Nishinomiya
Main Euro-American Bibliography
GRUZINSKI, Serge. As Quatro Partes do Mundo: história de uma mundialização.
Biombos Namban, cureted by Maria Helena Mendes Pinto. Lisboa, 1993.
Horizonte: Edusp, Ufmg, 2014.
BOXER, Charles Ralph. The Christian Century in
BAILEY, Gauvin. Art on the Jesuit Missions in
Japan 1549-1650. 2. ed. Berkley And Los Angeles:
Asia and Latin America, 1542 - 1773. Toronto:
University Of California Press, 1967.
Toronto University Press, 2001.
CARR, Dennis et alii. Made in Americas: The New World Discovers Asia (catalogue of exhibitions), Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 2015
Main Asian Bibliography
KANAGAWA PREFECTURAL MUSEUM, KAWASAKI/SUNAGO NAGOYA CITY MUSEUM (Japão). Momoyama: time of NO SATO MUSEUM (Japão). Yokohama Ukiyo-e: Modern Japan transformation. Nagoya: The Chunichi Shimbun, 2010. Opening: 150th Anniversary of Transgression. Tokyo: Tokyo Printing Co., 2009.
KYOTO NATIONAL MUSEUM (Japão). Kyoto: Highlights of the Kyoto National Museum: splendors of the ancient capital. Kyoto: Kyoto National Museum, 2014.
KOBE CITY MUSEUM (Japão). Collection of Kobe City Museum: beauty and history transformation. Kobe: Kobe City Museum, 2008.
Byobu detail with キリシタン church and Jesuit priests wearing silk clothes with needlework in gold, accommodation to the Japanese manner of wearing clothes
Michaelina Wautier (c.1617-1689), Martino Martini (1614-1661), an Italian Jesuit missionary in China.1654. Oil on canvas, (69.5 x 59 cm.). Author's photo, exhibition História das Mulheres História das Feministas, MASP, 2019.
MARIA KANNON (マリア観音) SCULPTURE, LATE EDO PERIOD (1603-1868), EARLY-TO-MID 19TH CENTURY Medium: wood, metal, lacquer, polychrome pigments, and gold. Pedestal shaped to stylized lotus, cross in the back part. Measures cm. 15,3 x 5,4 x 4,7. Complete of original portable altar. PROVENANCE Roman Private Collection Auction details: Asian and Ethnic Art by Casa d'Aste Babuino October 30, 2019, 3:00 PM CET Rome, Italy (sold) Source:https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/maria-kannon-sculpture-late-edo-period-1603-1868--511- c-6ea484984e. Acess 18/08/2020
Instead of direct confrontation European-Asian relations, particularly European Japanese relations, largely worked on the basis of accommodation, on this matter being proeminent the Jesuit Order participation (such as St. Francis Xavier, Alessandro Valignano, Giovanni Niccòlo). Whether through evangelization or adaptation to local customs and their indigenous forms of construction, the missionary works relied on openness to cultural experimentation as modus operandi .
Saint Didacus of Alcalá. Ending of 17th Century, author unknown, mexican. Medium: Oil and mother-of-pearl inlay, with tempera accents, on panel. 38,7 X 46,4 cm; Framed: h. 70,2 A~ Larg. 61,9 Å~ Prof. 7,9 cm Source:https://www.philamuseum.org/collections/permanent/336138.html?mulR=426280616%7C6.Ac esso Access:18/08/2020
Altarpiece with maki-e and mother-of-pearls inlay, with birds and flowers, Beginning of the Momoyama period, attributed to Giovanni Niccolo's Seminary of Painters. Height 41.3 X Width 29.8 cm. Kyoto National Museum Collection.
Hybrid material and artistic culture with the dissemination of decorative motifs, techniques and materials across the four parts of the world. And even with regard to Japan, its culture was fertilized and contributions were conceived at different levels of Japanese society.
Namban Oratory Commissioned by the Jesuits Momoyama period (late 16th century), 47.2 x 35cm x 5.1cm . Convent of Santa Maria da Caridade, Sardoal, Santarém, Portugal. Sardoal's Holy House of Mercy, Sardoal.
Portable Christian Shrine (Seigan)with Maki-and mother-pearl inlay, with drawings of birds and flowers,Momoyama Period(1573-1603). 61,5 x 39,5 x 5 cm. Museu Nacional de Kyushu, Japão. Source: Catalog NAGOYA CITY MUSEUM (Japan). Momoyama: time of transformation. Nagoya: The Chunichi Shimbun, 2010
School of Giovanni Niccolò (Japanese) Portable shrine, ca. 1597 Lacquer, wood, gold, shell, canvas, pigment Nagasaki, Japan; with doors open: 17 7/8 x 12 5/8 x 1 7/8 ins, 45.4 x 64.77 x 4.76 cm., Peabody Essex Museum, MA, Museum purchase, 2000. © 2014 Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA. Photography by Walter Silver.
An Important Portable Christian Shrine (Seigan) Commissioned by the Portuguese Jesuits Momoyama period (late 16th century), 41.5 x 28 x 5cm. (frame); 23 x 28cm. (copper panel). inscribed Egodormio et Cor Mev. Vi-gi-lat (‘Ego dormio et cor meum vigilat’ is a quotation from the Old Testament Song of Solomon. Auction in Christie´s. 2015.
Artistic Hybridization: Japanese fitozoomorfic motifs, kacho-ga (花鳥画), executed in maki-e (蒔絵) and lacquer (urushi,漆) combined with Western Christian Iconography executed by the Japanese Seminary of Painters, School of Jesuit Giovanni Niccolò (1560 - 1626)
Pair of Namban byobu, Edo Period (1615-1868), author unknown, first half of 17th Century. Polichrome painting temper and gold leaf over paper, each 90,3 x 274,8cm. Shrine Sairenji, Anjo, Aichi Prefcture. Source: Catálogo NAGOYA CITY MUSEUM (Japan). Momoyama: time of transformation. Nagoya: The Chunichi Shimbun, 2010
Pair of Namban byobu, Kano Naizen (1570-1616). Japan, Momoyama (1568-1603)/Edo (1603-1868) Period, c. 1606. Medium: wood structure, paper, gold leaf, polychrome painting temper, silk, lacquer, gold copper. Each 178 x 366,4 x 2 cm. Museu de Arte Antiga, Lisbon. Origin: Buy at art merchandise in Paris, 1954/1953; art merchandise in Japan,, 1952
CIAPI, Antonio, Compendio delle heroiche et gloriose attioni, et santa vita di Papa Greg. XIII, de Macao, Roma: 1591, pages 39 and 40.
Comparison of previous byobu detail: Christian church
- Representation of churches in Japan are different in the Japanese byobu compared to some European official records, such as ´Compendio delle heroiche et gloriose attione, et santa vita di Papa Gregorio XIII´, c.1591. -The Jesuit´s epistolography (ARSI Japonica-Sinica) is more aligned to the japanese way of representation.
Emperor and Kings riding horses, 16th- 17th Century. Byobu of 4 leafs, polychrome and gold leaf over paper, 168.0 x 226.4 cm. Source: Collection of Kobe City Museum: beauty and history transformation. Tokyo: Suntory Museum of Art
Emperor and Kings riding horses, 16th- 17th Century. Byobu of 4 leafs, polychrome and gold leaf over paper, 166.2 x 460.4 cm. Kobe City Museum. Source: Collection of Kobe City Museum: beauty and history transformation. Kobe: Kobe City Museum, 2008.
- high circulation of iconographic models provenient from copperplate print - existence of print workshops in Nagasaki - exchange gifts from Japan´s Embassy to the Europe
Photo of the lost Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571–1638), “Nova Orbis Terrarum Geographica,” 1607. Original copperplate print, ink with hand color on paper, 143.0 x 204.0 cm. Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum, Amsterdam.
Conclusion There was a high capacity for the circulation of images and news in different traditions of both art and architecture traditions from east to west even in the primary moment of globalization: conceived in a global framework of transfer of relics and information (BAILEY, 2001; GRUZINSKI, 2014, ZAPATERO, 2012). The Western presence made new visions of the world possible, enabling adaptation to Japanese support, such as byobu screens and lacquers to the taste and aesthetic sensibilities of the local political classes and social elites. The pictorial techniques and new added repertoires, through material culture, denote the connective character between European sources and the underlying context of productions and circulating knowledge (BAILEY, 2001; CURVELO, 2007; KOTANI, 2010. LOH, 2013).
Portable Christian Shrine (Seigan)with Maki-and mother-pearl inlay, with drawings of birds and flowers,Momoyama Period(1573-1603). 61,5 x 39,5 x 5 cm. Museu Nacional de Kyushu, Japão. Source: Catalog NAGOYA CITY MUSEUM (Japan). Momoyama: time of transformation. Nagoya: The Chunichi Shimbun, 2010
Niccolò school: Madonna of the Snows, after 1583, oil and Japanese colours on paper, mounted on a hanging scroll (17 x 12 cm). Twenty-six Martyrs Museum, Nagasaki. Source: Art on the Jesuit Missions in Asia and Latin America 1542-1773, Gauvin Bailey. 2001
São Francisco Xavier, Beginning of the Edo period – Beginning of the 17th century, author unknown; painting framed, color on paper. Height 61.0 X Width 48.7 cm. Ikenaga Hajime Collection, Kobe City Museum. Source: Catalog Collection of Kobe City Museum: beauty and history transformation. Kobe: Kobe City Museum, 2008.
Namban Art in its predominant manifestation of portable character and modest dimensions of the surviving goods that ambivalently reveal the hybrid richness of its existence, despite the impermanence of the presence of European navigations in many regions of Asia, or at least its passing character . Its content manifests, above all, the coexistence of artistic traditions and the mutual fertilization of cultures in the hybridisms of the coexistence of civilizations connected to each other.
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Author: Ricardo Hiroyuki Achidate Makino e-mail: ricardo.makino@usp.br
Thanks to all my professors, family and friends world wide! 🌙
Idemitsu Museum, Tokyo 3-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100 Suntory Museum of Art Tokyo Midtown Gardenside 9-7-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku,107-8643 Tabacco & Salt Museum 1-16-8 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150 Tokyo National Museum 13-9 Ueno-koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110 Yasukuni Shrine, Yushukan 3-1-1 Kudan-kita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102 Museum of Imperial House Hold Chiyoda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0001 Kanagawa Prefectural Museum 5-60 Minami-nakadori, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 231 Suifumeitokukai, Tokugawa Museum 1-1215-1 Mikawa, Mito-shi, Ibaraki-ken 310 Sendai City Museum Sannomaru-ato, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken 980 MOA Museum of Art 26-2 Momoyama-cho, Atami-shi, Shizuoka-ken 413 The Tokugawa Art Museum 1017 Tokugawa-cho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken 461
Namban Bunka-kan 6-2-18 Nakatsu, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 531 Osaka Castle Museum 1-1 Osaka-jo, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540 Sakai City Museum 2-cho, Mozu Sekiun-cho, Sakai-shi, Osaka 590 The National Museum of Art, Osaka 10-4 Senri Banpaku-koen, Suita-shi, Osaka 565 Kobe City Museum 24 Kyo-machi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650 Museum Annex to The Tenri University 1 Furu-machi, Tenri-shi, Nara-ken 632 The Museum Yamato Bunka-kan 1-11-6 Gakuen-minami, Nara-shi, Nara 631 Toshodai-ji Temple 13-46 Gojou-cho, Nara-shi, Nara 630-8032 Kyoto National Museum 527 Chaya-machi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 605 Museum of the Literature Dept., Kyoto University Yoshida-honcho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 606 Myohoin Temple 675 Sanju Sangendo Magari-machi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 605-0941
Fukuoka City Museum 3-1-1 Momochihama, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka 814 Amakusa Kirishitan-kan 19-52 Funenoo-cho, Hondo-shi, Kumamoto-ken 863 Amakusa Rosario-kan Oe, Amakusa-cho, Amakusa-gun, Kumamoto-ken 863-13 Amakusa Shiro Memorial Hall 977-1 Oazanaka, Oyano-machi, Amakusa-gun, Kumamoto-ken 869-36 Matsuura Historical Museum 12 Kagamigawa-cho, Hirado-shi, Nagasaki 859-51
Tanegashima Gun Museum – Teppokan 7585 Nishinoomote, Nishinoomote-shi, Kagoshima-ken 891-31 Kirishitan Shiryokan 1502 Oishiwaki-cho, Hirado- shi, Nagasaki 859-537
Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga Rua das Janelas Verdes 1249-017 Lisboa Museu de Évora Rua de Serpa Pinto Museu do Caramulo Rua Jean Lurçat, 42 3475-031 Caramulo www.museu-caramulo.net
Hirado Kanko Shiryokan 2496 Okubo-cho, Hirado-shi, Nagasaki 859-5102
Museu do Oriente Lisboa, Av. Brasília, Doca de Alcântara (Norte), Lisboa http://www.museudooriente.pt/
Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture 1-1-1 Tateyama, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki 850-0007
Museu de São Roque Largo Trindade Coelho, 1200-470 Lisboa www.museu-saoroque.com
26 Martyrs Museum 7-8 Nishizaka, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki 850 Oita Art Museum 1-61 Makimidori-machi, Oita-shi, Oita 870 Shoko Shusei-kan 9700-1 Yoshino-cho, Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima-ken 892
Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 5th Ave, New York, NY 10028, Estados Unidos https://www.metmuseum.org/ Wallace Collection Hertford House, Manchester Square, London W1U 3BN, Reino Unido https://www.wallacecollection.org/