This book is dedicated to those thousands of Real Estate Agents, who fill auditoriums and applaud their colleagues receiving prizes, ..…while working towards the day when they will be the Achievers.
I thank my wife Sylvia, and sons Peter and Graham, for the patience they showed while I spent many hours writing, asking for help with this or that, and talking about this book…….my friend Janet Jadrejevich who advised, assisted with the editing, and suggested the appropriate word “Blueprint” for the title, and my brother Clive who attended to the final formatting.
ISBN 978-0-620-53716-2 First published 2012
Foreword The information in this “Activities Blueprint” for Realtors will be of interest to every person who has ever had anything to do with real estate. All persons who are presently reading this foreword and in particular agency principals, real estate agents, including the secretaries taking messages for the agents, should have a copy. It clearly defines exactly how when and where the income that Estate Agents earn comes from, and how to go about the many activities so that the flow of this valuable commodity does not stop. This is a practical insight into the daily workings of real estate agents highlighting what they need to know and have to do in order to continue giving that selfless service which they are constantly called upon to deliver. Established management agencies, principals, estate agents in sales or letting, or new agents who have just entered into a learnership in any sphere of the industry, will find this “Blueprint” invaluable. Active agents need simply to digest the information and adhere to the formula set out in this “Blueprint” and thereby create opportunities which will give rise to that hard earned sales commission finding its way into their bank accounts. This “Blueprint” is different from any other training material that agents may have in their possession. It identifies all the activities that estate agents are involved in on a daily basis and not only describes exactly the way that each one should be done, but clarifies as to how, why and when to perform these activities so that they will produce an income. It likewise outlines the tiny mishaps which could occur along the way to a deal and gently remind an agent why certain specific approaches to an activity may not succeed. Every estate agent knows that even when they are enrolled to study for that compulsory NQF or any other additional real estate qualification that they are attempting to achieve, the day-to-day life of an estate agent, which consists only of activities to produce an income, cannot be ignored or put on hold. iii
Agents may have achieved many qualifications in the quest for personal improvement but no qualification is able to produce an income if the activities are suddenly stopped, or performed without full attention. The more experienced an agent becomes the more their workload tends to increase and he or she will soon be doing it all with such ease that it becomes second nature to them, and that is when the tendency to take a short cut starts. Familiarity breeds contempt which ultimately leads to the taking of short cuts or the possibility of neglecting to do something correctly, and… WHAM… the result is not what was expected. This “Blueprint” will keep an estate agent on track, keep skills honed to perfection, and be a blessed companion that can be carried around at all times for that easy reference about a specific activity that an agent may be involved with at any particular time.
About the Author
I was eighteen when I realised that I loved the sales arena and couldn’t wait to get engrossed in it. Indentured as an Architectural Draftsman in an office with 20 others I was soon lured into the selling of raffle and sweepstake tickets to my colleagues and friends, for the reward of the two free tickets in the hope that my “ship would come in”. This was my first foray into the world of commission earnings. Without giving up my day job my portfolio of products was ever increasing as I ventured into the world of door-to-door selling with brushes, brooms, cosmetics, life insurance, and original 3D paintings. Marriage in 1958, and thereafter children, came along but it did not put a stop to my sales activities as this extra pocket money was now much needed. Finally, at the age of 26, I was offered my first professional selling job as a Sales Representative for a major oil company in the area now known as Limpopo. It meant relocating to the outback, which I did not see as a problem as the career included the relocation costs, a company car, and a small expense account. This move boosted my sales career as it demanded fluency in two official languages and provided sales training courses. This embodied elements for which I am very grateful, as I still use them daily. I was quickly introduced to the fact that selling is a profession and not the actions of a slick, fast talking, sleight of the hand conman. I likewise learnt that although there will always be some product or other that changes hands, selling is being skilled in the art of handling people honestly, correctly and with the dignity they deserve. Put this skill into practice and the product that you are offering will be accepted without problems, leaving all parties happy My entry into Real Estate, after successful stints in paint and soft flooring came about after the sale of my carpet business in 1969. I joined the Currie’s v
Organisation and soon realised that in order to improve my earnings, I needed to improve my own knowledge and skills. I signed up for every available course that was either free, or at a cost that I could afford, and thank all those lecturers and class facilitators who shared their special knowledge with me. Over the years I have made it a goal to be involved with many social groups like the PTA’s of the schools that my sons attended, the local Ratepayers Association, the Masons, Round Table, Toastmasters, Lions, and never stood back when invited to be the Master of Ceremonies at stage productions and weddings. I achieved numerous Diplomas, Certificates and Awards and include: Salesmanship, Management & Control, Public Relations, Founder of a Motivational Club, Trainer, Facilitator, Assessor (real estate), CRS, Specialist Sectional Title Realtor, and being featured among Cherie Eilertson’s Champions in the year 2000. My prime motivation for writing this ”Activities Blueprint” is to put back a little of what I learnt during my time as an estate agent and to share with agents tips on the often forgotten small things that can make or break the chain of events, in the attempt to successfully conclude a property sale. I hope you enjoy reading this “Blueprint” as much as I have enjoyed writing it and do sincerely believe that in following the method, it will bring you the success that you deserve. I take this opportunity of wishing you many more sales.
Table of Contents Foreword ……………………………………………………………………………………..iii About the Author ................................................................................v Table of Contents ............................................................................. vii Chapter 1 – The Blueprint .................................................................. 1 1.1 Introduction................................................................................. 1 1.2 Background ................................................................................. 2 1.3 Basics .......................................................................................... 3 1.3.1 Knowledge of the Company’s Policies and Practices .................... 4 1.3.2 Knowledge of the company’s Products and Service ..................... 4 1.3.3 Knowledge of how people are persuaded to buy your services .... 5 1.3.4 Skills in applying the above knowledge....................................... 5 1.3.5 Legal Obligations....................................................................... 6 1.4 Summary.................................................................................... 6 1.4.1 Pertinent Facts .......................................................................... 7 1.5 Using the Activities Blueprint ....................................................... 9 Chapter 2- Support Activities .............................................................11 2.1 Budgeting ...................................................................................11 2.2 Checking Stock ...........................................................................12 2.2.1 Tips for Checking Stock ............................................................13 2.3 Sphere of Influence.....................................................................14 2.4. Improve Knowledge and Skills ....................................................17 2.5 Office Duty .................................................................................18 2.6 Cruise your Farming Area. ...........................................................20 2.7 Boards........................................................................................21 2.8. Meet the Community ..................................................................22 2.9. Attend Office Meetings ..............................................................23 2.10. Preparing & writing Adverts ......................................................26 2.10.1 Tips on Advertising.................................................................27 2.10.2 The Internet ..........................................................................28 vii
2.11 Motor Vehicle................................................................. 30 2.12 Personal Portfolio ........................................................... 31 Chapter 3- Income Producing Activities.................................... 33 3.1. Prospecting .................................................................... 33 3.1.1 Useful tips on Prospecting .............................................. 35 3.2 Referrals ......................................................................... 35 3.3 Contact with Existing Sellers.............................................. 37 3.4 Contact with Potential Buyers ............................................ 41 3.5 Valuations ....................................................................... 43 3.6 Listing Property................................................................ 45 3.7 Signing a Sole Mandate .................................................... 50 3.8 Holding a Show House...................................................... 53 3.8.1 Statistical Facts ............................................................. 54 3.8.2. Converting Statistics into Activity ................................... 55 3.8.3 Questions to Answer about a Show House ....................... 57 3.9 Taking Buyers to View Property ......................................... 59 3.10. Accepting an Offer to Purchase....................................... 61 3.11 Presenting an Offer to Purchase....................................... 64 Chapter 4- Mortgage Bond Application ..................................... 68 4.1. Introduction ................................................................... 68 4.2. Bond Consultant ............................................................. 68 4.3. Verification of information ................................................ 69 4.4. Approval in Principle ........................................................ 69 4.5. Valuation of Property....................................................... 70 4.6. Final Approval................................................................. 70 4.7. Final Acceptance ............................................................. 70 Chapter 5 – Conveyancing and Registration of Transfer............. 71 5.1 Introduction .................................................................... 71 viii
5.2 Length of Procedure ......................................................... 71 5.3. Preliminary Procedure...................................................... 72 5.4 Cancellation of any Bond .................................................. 72 5.5 Preparation of Transfer and Bond Documents ..................... 73 5.6 Documents to Deeds Office ............................................... 74 5.7 Up for Fees ..................................................................... 74 5.8 Registration of Transfer & Finalisation of Accounts .............. 75 5.9 Deeds Office Records ....................................................... 75 Glossary ............................................................................... 76 Comments & Recommendations……………………………………………. 79
Chapter 1 – The Blueprint
1.1. Introduction It has been said, and cannot be denied, that Real Estate is the innermost part of all wealth, the heritage of the wise, the thrifty and the prudent. In my opinion this is why a professional estate agent is a valued member of any modern community and is as important to its general well-being as the local Doctor, Dentist, Veterinarian, Attorney, Accountant, or Bank Manager. An Estate Agent’s domain is after all the provision of Shelter, which together with Food are life’s two most basic necessities. A career in Real Estate has always been, and will continue to be, very demanding. It requires commitment to long and unreasonable working hours, often without much attention being paid to weekends, family, meal times or leisure. It is not an 8 to 5 or part time career but a complexity of multiple and varied activities. A few of them require physical fitness, but most of them call for concerted mental ability. It is important however, to constantly bear in mind that it is a people business which is why the honing of special skills is paramount. It is a time consuming profession, which requires an alert mind and a body which is preferably kept physically fit and in shape. If you are an existing estate agent, this guide has not been written with the idea of introducing or teaching anything that you do not already know, but rather as a handy reference to assist you in rekindling your skills. The main objective is to assist you to give extra attention to, and enhance performance of those income-producing activities involved in your day-to-day business. Whilst being actively involved in Real Estate for more than 40 years either as an Agent, Principal, Trainer, or all three at once, I observed that Real Estate 1