Year 4 Final Design Portfolio - MArch Architecture - Unit 16 - Bartlett School of Architecture

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Richard James Breen The Slakthusomr책det Project






PROJECT PRECEDENTS Dense Urban Housing Projects Creating an engaging, diverse, mixed use urban centres

PROJECT CONTEXT Sweden’s Housing Demographics and Migration Stockholm’s Substaintial Housing Shortage

PROJECT CONTEXT Sweden’s Energy Independance Europe’s Main Gas and Oil Pipelines

Image and Diagrams from: Stadsbyggnadsstrategi.20Söderstaden.pdf

Development Corridors

Development Zones

Green Zones and Corridors

Developing Industrial Zones

PROJECT CONTEXT Project Context in Stockholm’s City Plan and Vision 2030 Locating the Site’s Development as part of the Developing Cities Masterplanning Strategies

Europe Location Plan

Dense urban central Stockholm

Low density south island

Dramatic green space density

Suburban residential sprawl

Under developed industrial sites

PROJECT CONTEXT Locating a Potential Site for Development Focus on the Southern Island - Developing Light Industrial Areas

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Modelling and Experimenting with a Potential Closed Loop Recycling Centre Establishing an Overarching Structural Grid to Inform Site Development

Stockholm University

Värtahamnen Port

Kulturhuset T-Centralen T-bana Swedish Parliament Royal Palace Gamla-Stan

Södermalm Färgfabriken

Hammarby Sjöstad

Årsta Skog

Ericsson Globen Västberga Slakthusområdet Tele2 Arena Årstafältet

Gamla Enskede

City Plan scale 1:20000

PROJECT LOCATION Central Stockholm City Plan - Major Landmarks

Enskede Gård T-bana


Enskede Gård - suburban housing

Johanneshov tower blocks

Globen City shopping + commercial

Globen T-bana

Globen City shopping + commercial

Gullmarsplan T-bana

Site Plan scale 1:5000

PROJECT LOCATION Southern Island Focus - Major Local Landmarks Identifying the Slakt husområdet for the Project

Globen Arena

Tele2 Sports Arena


Motorway 73

Johanneshov Isstadion

Skärmarbrink T-bana

















Site Photograph Key


SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Slakthusomr책det Site Internal and Site Edge Photographs

SIGNIFICANT CULTURAL BUILDING HERITAGE Identifying Significant Buildings for Consideration and Preservation

SITE HISTORY A Rich and Established Culture of Meat Packing, Food and Preparation

Kitchen Academies Restaurants


Catering Schools

Tokyo Fish Market Borough Market New York Meat packing District

Professional Training World Class Eateries

> >

> >


A Rich and Established Culture of Meat Packing, Food and Preparation Establishing a New Urban Interest using the Site’s Established Cultures

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Modelling a Hyper- Extreme Urban Proposal Interco nnect ing System Translated into a Urban Strategy of Massing Blocks Suspended Ove r Exi sting Sites

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Developing the Hyper-Dense Proposal Engaing with an Arch itect ural Language of Layering and Project ion within Each Urban Block

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Developing the Hyper-Dense Proposal Developing Detail into the Massing Blocks

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT An Overarching System has been Established and Complexity Added to the Blocks - Forming a Hyper Dense Cityscape Self-contained cities or districts emerge - That can adapt to differemt functions and desities

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Blocks are Broken Down into Individual Units - Adding Complexity, Layering and Stacking Complexity of Blocks amd Unit Sizes to be Rationalised to Produce a More Coherent System

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Elevational Fragments - Scale and Depth

1b|2p & 3b|3p

3b|3p & 1b|2p

3b|3p & Garden & 2b|1p DUPLEX

2b|2p & Garden

2b|3p & 3b|3p

1b|2p & Garden & 2b|3p & Garden



2b|2p & Garden

3b|3p & 2b|2p

1b|2p & Garden

3b|3p & Garden 2b|3p

3b|3p & Garden 2b|3p

3b|4p & Garden 3b|2p

2b|3p & 2b|2p 2b|3p & Garden

1b|2p & Garden 1b|2p & Garden

1b|2p & Garden 2b|3p & Garden

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Unit Catalogue - Various Unit Sizes and Configurations - Diverese Demographic Introducing Allotments, Terraces and Gardens to Break-up Density

PROJE CT DEVELOPMENT The System can Stagger to Respond to Site Boundaries and Conditions and Remain Connected

PROJE CT DEVELOPMENT The System can Stagger to Respond to Site Boundaries and Conditions and Remain Connected

PROJE CT DEVELOPMENT The System can be Constructed and Configured in Stages to Respond to Demand

Gamla Enskede


Slakthusområdet Density Experiment

Building scales/density Massing + Void

Approx 2000 Multi-family dwellings Small scale Low density 80sqm

Street layouts Hard surfaces

Approx 8000 people Hise rise apartment Large scale High density 80sqm

Green spaces Open spaces

Approx 6500 people Interlocking apartments Medium scale High density 80sqm

PROJE CT DEVELOPMENT Exploring the Extremes of Scale and Massings of the Site’s Surrounding Context Quick Density Experiments Placed on Site using Typical Stockholm Housing Typologies

Globe 65m

Offices 35m

Slaughterhouse 14m

Tele2 50m

Water Tower 28m

Offices 60m

Single Residential 6m

Offices 35m

Linear Blocks 12m

Tele2 50m

PROJE CT DEVELOPMENT Exploring the Extremes of Scale and Massings of the Site’s Surrounding Context Quick Density Experiments Placed on Site using Typical Stockholm Housing Typologies

Proposed Strategy

Urban Strategy

Existing Condition

PROJE CT DEVELOPMENT Exploring the Extremes of Scale and Massings of the Site’s Surrounding Context Quick Density Experiments Placed on Site using Typical Stockholm Housing Typologies


Connect the Slakthusområdet site with the surrounding context - bridging the divide between Globen and Gamla Enskede.


Establish a strong visual and physical connection with the Globen entertainment district


Activate the street frontage along Arenavägen 58


Draw attention and enhance existing buildings of culture


Establish a nationally and internationally recognised culture of food, eating and culinary education and excellence


Provide an affordable, social and diverse living and sustainable environment


Activate the entire site for living and culture


Establish green and open park areas

EXPLORING THE ELEVATION COMPOSITION Elevations Developed with Reduced Unit Complexity The Modular System Allows for Flexibility - Facilities can be Added Based on Context and Inhabitant Requirements

EXPLORING THE ELEVATION COMPOSITION Exploring the Horizontal and Vertical Circulation Circulation Simplified as Cuts - Connecting Across Terraces

EXPLORING THE ELEVATION COMPOSITION Elevations Developed with Reduced Unit Complexity Potential Relationships Emerge Between New and Exisiting Buildings - to be Explored

Building Proposal The Slakthusomr책det Project


TRANSFORMING TO THE VERTICAL Stacking Units and Spaces Vertically - Units Between Vertical Structural Slices

EXPLORING THE ELEVATION COMPOSITION Placing New Model into Initial Video Scene Units and Cellular Structure Developed to be an Interconnected and Stacked Living System

Block Typology

Single Stacked Typology

Staggered Typology

Linear Typology

Central Street Typology

Courtyard Typology

Tower Typology

DEVELOPING THE SCHEME The Modular Housing System can be Reconfigured Throughout the Masterplan The Various Systems can Respond to Site Constraints and Housing Requirements

Procurement Package One Proposal The first procurement package will be a 6 strip section of the proposed mixed-use residential living system, located on the North-East boundary of the site, adjacent to the Central Slaughterhouse. The plan above shows the location of the scheme that will contain 35 duplex units and 2 three storey units, as well as a crèche, rooftop restaurant/bar/roof garden, cafÊ and ground floor restaurants, cooking schools, bar, outdoor dining and seating, public podium market place and private resident allotments and shared gardens. The baseline scheme would house 75 people, the proposal detailed in the following sections, post resident consultation will house 100 residents, with the ability to expand based on resident requirements.

PROCUREMENT PACKAGE Locating Housing Blocks within the Site Orientating Building Parallel to Road and Between Main Slaughterhouse - Public Functions Detailed

5p 3b 92m²

• • • • • • •

• •

4p 2b 77m²

• • • • • • • • •

access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families privacy Kindergartens large living space adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy demands over time plenty of storage space access to garden/allotments ability to reduce home size when children leave

MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families privacy Kindergartens large living space adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy demands over time plenty of storage space ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in support of next generation or care of eldery parents access to garden/allotments

• access to external play - private and shared public play access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families spaces - connections with other families • privacy privacy • Kindergartens • access to external play - private and shared public play Kindergartens • large living space 5pfamilies 3b spaces - connections with other 3p 2b plenty of storage space • adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy • children privacyleave ability to reduce home size when demands over time 92m² 62m² • potential to add seperate dwelling toKindergartens plot in • plenty of storage space • large living space support of next generation or care of eldery parents • access to garden/allotments 3baccess to garden/allotments • adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy • ability to reduce home size when children leave demands over time 92m² • plenty of storage space • access to garden/allotments • ability to reduce home size when children leave • MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE DEMOGRAPHIC • access to external play - private• and shared public playIN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS accesspublic to external • access to external play - private• and shared play play - private and shared public play investments for the future - expandable plots - ability to spaces - connections with other• families spaces - connections with other families spaces - connections with other families grow home when developing as a family unit • privacy • privacy • privacy • small private external space • Kindergartens • MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE • Kindergartens • Kindergartens • access to shared gardens or allotments living space • access to external play - private •and shared publicspace play • large living space large living 2p•• 1b large • large living space adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy 4p•families 2b adaptable bedroom layouts to respond 5p 3b spaces - connections with other • adaptable to privacybedroom layouts to respond to privacy • adaptable bedroom to incorporate extra bedrooms 47m² demands over time • privacy demands over time 77m² demands over time 92m² space to haveplay guests •• access tostorage externalspace play - private•and shared public plenty of • Kindergartens • plenty of storage space • plenty of storage space space for working - small office/studio scenerio spaces with other•families • access -toconnections garden/allotments • large living space • ability to reduce home size when children leave • access to garden/allotments • 2b ability to reduce home size when children leave •• privacy • adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy ability to reduce home size4p when children leave • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • ability to reduce home size when children leave • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • Kindergartens demands over time 77m² • support of next generation or care of eldery parents • support of next generation or care of eldery parents • large living space • plenty of storage space • access to garden/allotments • access to shared garden/allotments • adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy • ability to reduce home size when children leave demands over time • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in MIORE FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE •• plenty ofTYPICAL storage space MIORE TYPICAL • support of next generation or •care of eldery parentsFAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE access public to garden/allotments external access to external play - private•• and access shared play play - private and shared public play to • access to external play - private and shared public play • access to garden/allotments spaces - connections with other• families spaces - connections with other families privacy leave spaces - connections with other families • ability to reduce home size when children • access to external play - private and shared public play • privacy privacy • easy accessibility • privacy spaces - connections with other families • Kindergartens Kindergartens • ability to expand or reduce home size based on • Kindergartens • privacy • large living space large living space circumstances - homes can be modified to accomo• large living space 2prespond • Kindergartens • 1b adaptable to privacy adaptable bedroom layouts to to privacybedroom layouts to respond date illness or disabilities 4p• 2b access to external play - private •and shared adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy public play 3p 2b • MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE • plenty of storage space demands over time demands over time 47m² • access to private garden/allotments demands over time 77m² spaces - connections with other families •• access tostorage externalspace play - private and shared public play • ability to reduce home size when children leave plenty of plenty of storage space 62m² • proximity to extra care services • • plenty of storage space privacy spaces - connections withsize other families • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in ability to reduce home when children leave access to garden/allotments • • pet friendly • ability to reduce home size when children leave • Kindergartens •• privacy • support of next generation or care of eldery parents potential to add seperate dwelling plotbathroom in ability to reduce home size when children leave larger facilities - less flexible • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in 3p• 2bto • plenty of storage space •• Kindergartens support of next generation or care of eldery parents to garden/allotments • children supportleave of next generation or•care access of eldery parents • ability to reduce home size when •• large living space 62m² access to garden/allotments • access to garden/allotments • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy • support of next generation or care of eldery parents demands over time MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE • access to garden/allotments • plenty of storage space access to external play - private• and ability shared to public playhome size when children leave • DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS reduce • access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other• families • investments for the future - expandable plots - ability to potential add seperate dwelling plot in • access toto external play - private and to shared public play access to external play - private and shared public play developing as a family unit spaces - connections with other •families privacy DEMOGRAPHIC FOCUS grow home when • support next generation or •care of eldery parentsIN NEED OF GREATER spaces -of connections with other families spaces - connections with other•families • privacy Kindergartens • small private external space small private external space •• access privacy to garden/allotments • privacy Kindergartens large living space • DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS • study space • access to shared gardens or allotments • Kindergartens • 1b Kindergartens large living space 1prespond 1b adaptable bedroom layouts to to privacy • investments for the future - expandable plots - ability to • connection to other young adults 2p • large living space • plenty of storage space 5p• 3baccess to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments 3p• 2b grow •a family plenty of storage space adaptable layouts toas respond tounit privacy demands over time homebedroom when developing • adaptable bedroom to incorporate extra bedrooms 32m² • ability to reduce home size when children leave • ability to reduce home size when children demands overexternal time space 47m² plenty of storage space • small private 92m² • compact guests • space toleave have guests • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot inliving - ability to have62m² • potential to add seperate dwelling to plotfor in working - small office/studio scenerio plenty oftostorage ability to reduce home size when children • access shared-space gardens or allotments ability to expand in circumstance • space •• access toleave external play - private public play home for change support of next generation or•and care of eldery parents 2p 1bshared • support of next generation or•care ability of eldery parentshome size when children leave access to garden/allotments potential to add seperate dwelling spaces to plot in • large living space highly flexible internally to reduce connections with other families access to garden/allotments support of next generation or••careprivacy of eldery parents adaptable bedroom to incorporate bedrooms • extra access to garden/allotments • • ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in 47m² • space to have guests access to garden/allotments • • support of next generation or care of eldery parents Kindergartens • space for working - small office/studio scenerio • plenty of storage space • access to shared garden/allotments • ability to reduce home size when children leave • ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling toFAMILY plot in SIZE •• potential to add seperate to plotFOCUS in DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED dwelling OF GREATER •• MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS supporttoofexternal next generation or •care of eldery parents • access to external playof - private •plots and access shared to external public play play •• support of next generation or care eldery parents investments for the future - expandable - ability to - private and shared public••play access play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families spaces - connections with other families • investments for the future - expandable plots - ability to access to external play - private and shared public play • access to shared garden/allotments • privacy as a family• unit privacy • privacy grow home when developing spaces - connections with other families • access to garden/allotments grow home when developing as a family unit • Kindergartens • Kindergartens spaces - connections with other families • easy accessibility • large living space • large living space • small private external space • privacy 5p 3b 5p 3b • small private external space • adaptable bedroom layouts •to respond adaptable to privacy bedroom layouts to respond to privacy privacy • ability to expand or reduce home size based on • access to shared gardens or allotments • Kindergartens demands over time demands over time 92m² 92m² • access to shared gardens or allotments Kindergartens • plenty of storage space • plenty of storage space circumstances - homes can be modified to accomo• large living space • 1b large living space • access to garden/allotments• access to garden/allotments 2p • large living space 2p 1b plenty of storage space 2b privacy ability 4p to reduce home size • when ability children to reduce leave home size when children leave• date illness or disabilities • adaptable bedroom to •incorporate extra bedrooms • adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy • adaptable bedroom to incorporate extra bedrooms ability to reduce home size when children leave • easy accessibility 47m² •• DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS 47m² • access to private garden/allotments space to have guests demands over time 77m² • space to have guests potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in for the future ability of tostorage expandspace or reduce home size based on •• investments - expandable plots - FAMILY ability to SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE • proximity to extra care services • MIORE TYPICAL FAMILYscenerio SWEDDISH • MIORE TYPICAL SIZE FAMILY space for working - small office/studio •• plenty • space for working small office/studio scenerio • access to external play private • and access shared to external public play play private and shared public play support of next generation or caregrow of eldery parents circumstances canwhen be modified accomohome when developing as a 1b family unit • pet friendly • ability to reduce home size children leave • ability to reduce- homes home size childrentoleave spaces2p -when connections with other families spaces - connections with other families • ability to reduce home size when children leave • privacy • privacy date illness or disabilities access to garden/allotments •• small private external space • larger bathroom facilities - less flexible potential to add seperate dwelling to •plotKindergartens in • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • Kindergartens • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in 47m² • large space large living space • access toofprivate garden/allotments •• access shared gardens or living allotments 4p 2b toof 4p 2b• support next generation orbedroom carelayouts of ••toeldery parents support next generation or care of eldery parents adaptable respond adaptable to privacy bedroom layouts to respond to privacy • support of next generation or care of eldery parents demands over time demands over time • proximity to extra care services • 77m² living space 77m² •• large access to shared garden/allotments • access to garden/allotments • plenty of storage space • plenty of storage space • access to shared garden/allotments pet friendly • ability to reduceextra home size • when ability children to reduce leave home size when children leave• • adaptable bedroom to incorporate bedrooms • potential to add seperate dwelling • potential to plottoinadd seperate dwelling to plot in • larger bathroom facilities - less flexible support of eldery of next parents generation or care of eldery parents • space to have guests • support of next generation• or care • access to garden/allotments• access to garden/allotments DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF •GREATER spaceFOCUS for working - small office/studio scenerio investments for the future - expandable plotsto- ability • ability reducetohome size when children leave privacy grow home when developing as•• a family unit • privacy potential to add seperate dwelling to- private plot in • access to external play • and access shared to external public play play - private and shared public •play access to external play - private and shared public play easy accessibility • DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS small private external space •• spaces - connections with other families spaces - connections with other families • easy accessibility support next generation caresize of eldery spaces - connections with other families • privacyor • based privacy parents • ability toofexpand or reduce home on • small private access to shared gardens or allotments • ability to expand or reduce home size based onexternal space • Kindergartens • Kindergartens • access • privacy 3p 2b to shared- garden/allotments 3p 2b• plenty space • plenty of storage space circumstances homes canof storage be modified to accomo• modified study space large living space circumstances - homes can be to accomoability to reduce home size • when ability children to reduce leave home size when children leave 62m² 62m²• 2p• 1b Kindergartens date illness or disabilities • potential to add seperate dwelling • potential to plottoinadd seperate dwelling to plot in 1p 1b date illness or disabilities • connection to other young adults adaptable bedroom to incorporate extra bedrooms • support of next2b generation• or care support of eldery of next parents generation or care of eldery parents 3p plenty of storage space • DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS • access to private garden/allotments • access to garden/allotments• access to garden/allotments • access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments 47m² space to have guests • access to private garden/allotments 32m² abilityprivate to reduce home size when children leave • small external space • proximity compact living - ability to have guests 62m² space for working - small office/studio scenerioto extra care services • proximity to extra care services • •• privacy potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • study space pet friendly • ability to expand home for change in circumstance ability to reduce home size when children leave • pet friendly • IN NEED OF • GREATER DEMOGRAPHIC FOCUS IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS 1pflexible 1b •• easy accessibility support of to next generation or care of eldery parents • connection other young adults larger -DEMOGRAPHIC less • investments for the future - •expandable investments plots -for ability the to future - expandable plots - ability to potential to add seperate dwelling to plotbathroom in expandfacilities • larger bathroom facilities - less flexiblehighly flexible internally grow home when developing as agrow family home unit when developing as a family unit • ability to or reduce home size based on • access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments garden/allotments 32m² • small private external space• small private external space support of next generation or carecircumstances of eldery parents • access shared gardens or• allotments access to shared gardens or allotments - homes can tobe modified to accomo• compact living ability to have guests 2p 1b 2p 1b• large living space • large living space access to shared garden/allotments date illness or disabilities • adaptable bedroom to incorporate • adaptable extra bedrooms bedroom to incorporate extra bedrooms • ability to expand home for change in circumstance 47m² 47m² • space to have guests • space to have guests • access to private garden/allotments • space for working - small office/studio • spacescenerio for working - small office/studio scenerio highly flexible internally ability to reduce home size • when ability children to reduce leave home size when children leave • proximity to extra care ••services potential to add seperate dwelling • potential to plottoinadd seperate dwelling to plot in • support of next generation• or care support of eldery of next parents generation or care of eldery parents • DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS • pet friendly • access to shared garden/allotments • access to shared garden/allotments privacy • investments for the future - expandable plots - ability to • larger bathroom facilities - less flexible • DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS easy accessibility DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS grow home when developing as •a family unit • privacy • privacy • small private ability to expand or reduce home size based onexternal space • easy accessibility • easy accessibility • small private external space • small private external space • ability to expand or reduce • home ability size to based expand on or reduce home size based on • modified study space circumstances - homes can be to accomo• study space circumstances - homes can be circumstances modified to accomo- homes can be modified to accomo• access to shared gardens or allotments 2p 1b 2p 1b illness or disabilities date illness or disabilities • connection to other youngdateadults date illness or disabilities 1p• 1b large living space 1b • connection to other young adults 47m² 47m²• access2p to private garden/allotments • access to private garden/allotments • access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments • proximity to extra care services • proximity to extra care services access to private garden/allotments • extra access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments • adaptable bedroom to incorporate bedrooms • pet friendly • pet friendly 32m² 47m² compact living - ability • to have guests larger bathroom facilities - less • flexible larger bathroom facilities - less flexible proximity to extra care services • • compact living - ability to have guests • space to have guests • ability to expand home for change in circumstance pet friendly • ability to expand home for change in circumstance • space for working - small office/studio scenerio DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS highly flexible internally larger bathroom facilities - less •flexible • ability to reduce home size when children leave internally highly flexible • small private external space • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • study space • DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF • GREATER DEMOGRAPHIC FOCUS IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS • small private external space• small private external space • support of next generation or care of eldery parents • connection to other young adults • study space • study space 1p 1b 1p 1b• connection to other young adults • connection to other young adults • access to shared garden/allotments • access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments • access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments 32m² 32m²• compact living - ability to have compact living - ability to have guests • compact living - ability ••to have guests • guests ability to expand home for• change ability in circumstance to expand home - for change in circumstance highlychange flexible internally highly flexible internally • ability to expand home for in circumstance highly flexible internally DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS • privacy small private external space • easy accessibility study space • ability to expand or reduce home size based on connection to other young adults circumstances - homes can be modified to accomo2p 1b access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments date illness or disabilities 47m² compact living - ability to have guests • access to private garden/allotments ability to expand home for change in circumstance • proximity to extra care services • pet friendly highly flexible internally • larger bathroom facilities - less flexible •

• • • • • 5p••

5p 3b 92m²

5p 3b 92m² •


5p 3b 92m²


• • •

4p• 2b 77m²

3000mm • • •

4p 2b 77m² • •

4p 2b 77m²

• • •

3p• 2b 62m² • • • • •

3p 2b 62m² •

3p 2b 62m²

• 2p• 1b • 47m² • • • •

2p 1b 47m² • •

2p 1b 47m²

• •

2p• 1b • 47m² • • • • • 2p •1b

47m² • • •

2p 1b 47m²

1p 1b • 32m² • • •

1p 1b 32m² • •

1p 1b 32m²




Family unit

Single level self contained unit

Shared flat shared living


Each Vertical Slice can Cater to Differing Demographics

The Widths of Each Vertical Slice can be Used as a Driver for Demographics 1p 1b 32m²

• • • • • • •

DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS small private external space study space connection to other young adults access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments compact living - ability to have guests ability to expand home for change in circumstance highly flexible internally

Expandable system

Module insertions into superstructure


Couples + Small Family

Singles +

Sharing +

Couples + Small family

Single + Couple

Large families +

Prefabricated modules

Plan based on a 1200mm x 1200mm structural grid

Adaptable and flexible configurations

Vertical spines provide structural and services requirements


SYSTEM PRINCIPLES Key Defining Design and Infrastructure Principles to Develop the Project

Baseline municipality minimum living standard requirements and sizing

Site constraints - access/height restrictions/existing buildings and ground conditions etc. considered

Local municipality planning priorities - over arching master-planning and strategic principles

Ratio of shared gardens/allotments identified

5p 3b 92m²

• • • • • • •

• •

4p 2b 77m²

• • • • • • • • •

Public functions identified based on proposed demographic and local area requirements • • • • •

5p 3b 92m²

3p 2b 62m²

access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families privacy Kindergartens large living space 2p 1b adaptable bedroom layouts 47m²to respond to privacy demands over time plenty of storage space access to garden/allotments ability to reduce home size when children leave

Resident •• consultation •tenure and unit • MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE offer • access to external play - private and shared public play • • • •

4p 2b 77m²

• • • • •

• • • • • • • •

3p 2b 62m²

Resident 1 Resident Requirements INITIAL UNIT EXPANSION

Resident 15• 2p 1b 47m²

• • • • • • • • • •

Resident Requirements NO INITIAL EXPANSION • • •

initial capital family growth 3 bedrooms large kitchen space small private garden study room access to crèche

2p 1b low 47m²

budget • • future family • anticipated •

spaces - connections with other families privacy Kindergartens large living space 2p 1b adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy 47m² demands over time plenty of storage space ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in support of next generation or care of eldery parents access to garden/allotments

access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families privacy 1p 1b Kindergartens plenty of storage space 32m² ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in support of next generation or care of eldery parents access to garden/allotments

• • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • •

• • •

• • • •

• • • • • • •

Social and co-operative housing prioritised - future tenants budgets accessed - for sale or rent

Local materials identified and potential contractors skill based accessed

Initial system outline proposed and configured consultant/planning co-ordination access to external play - private and shared public play begins spaces - connections with other families privacy Kindergartens large living space adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy demands over time plenty of storage space access to garden/allotments ability to reduce home size when children leave

MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families privacy Kindergartens large living space 5p 3b adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy demands over time 92m² plenty of storage space ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in support of next generation or care of eldery parents access to garden/allotments

• • • • • • • •

access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families privacy Kindergartens large living space adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy demands over time plenty of storage space access to garden/allotments ability to reduce home size when children leave

• MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE • - private accessand to external play -play private and shared public play • access to external play shared public - connections with other families spaces - connections with spaces other families access to external play - private and shared public play • privacy • privacy spaces - connections with other families • Kindergartens • Kindergartens privacy large living space • large living space • Kindergartens 4p 2b 3b space • adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy • adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy plenty 5p of storage demands over time 77m² ability92m² to reduce home size when children leave demands over time • plenty of storage space plenty of storage space potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • • ability to reduce home size when children leave access to garden/allotments support of next generation or care of eldery •parents • size potential to add seperate • ability to reduce home when children leave dwelling to plot in access to garden/allotments • support of next generation or care of eldery parents • access to garden/allotments


Planning consultation Consultants information

Contractor appointment

• MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS • access to external play - private and shared public play investments for the future - expandable plots - ability to spaces - connections• with access other families to external play - private and shared public play grow home when developing as a family unit • privacy spaces - connections with other families small private external space • Kindergartens • privacy access to shared gardens or allotments • large living space • Kindergartens large living space 4p 2b • adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy 2bbedrooms • plenty of storage space adaptable bedroom to incorporate3p extra demands over time • 77m² ability to reduce home size when children leave space to have guests 62m² • plenty of storage space • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in space for working - small office/studio scenerio • ability to reduce home size when of children leave • support next generation or care of eldery parents ability to reduce home size when children leave • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • access to garden/allotments potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • support of next generation or care of eldery parents support of next generation or care of eldery parents • access to garden/allotments access to shared garden/allotments • DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS • investments for the future - expandable plots - ability to privacy • access to external play - private and shared public play as a family unit grow home when developing easy accessibility spaces - connections• with small other families private external space ability to expand or reduce home size based• on privacy • access to shared gardens or allotments circumstances - homes can be 2p modified • Kindergartens 1b to accomo• large living space date illness or disabilities 3p 2b • plenty of storage space • adaptable bedroom to incorporate extra bedrooms 47m² access to private garden/allotments • ability to reduce home when children leave • size space to have guests 62m² proximity to extra care services • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • space for working - small office/studio scenerio pet friendly • support of next generation or care of eldery parents • ability to reduce home size when children leave larger bathroom facilities - less flexible • access to garden/allotments • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • support of next generation or care of eldery parents • access to shared garden/allotments

Planning proposal and applications

• DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS • investments for the future -privacy expandable plots - ability to • as accessibility a family unit DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS grow home when developing • easy • small private external• space small private external space ability to expand or reduce home size based on • access to shared gardens circumstances or allotments study space - homes can be modified to accomo2p 1b • large living space connection to other young adults 2p 1b date illness or disabilities • adaptable bedroom to extra bedrooms access47m² to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments 47m² • incorporate access to private garden/allotments • space to have guests• compact living - ability to have guests proximity to extra care services • space for working - small office/studio ability to expand home for change in circumstance • pet friendly scenerio • ability to reduce home when children leave - less flexible highly flexible internally • size larger bathroom facilities • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • support of next generation or care of eldery parents • access to shared garden/allotments

DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS investments for the future - expandable plots - ability to grow home when developing as a family unit small private external space access to shared gardens or allotments large living space adaptable bedroom to incorporate extra bedrooms space to have guests space for working - small office/studio scenerio ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in support of next generation or care of eldery parents access to shared garden/allotments

Demolition/ groundworks On site construction

Resident 26

Resident Requirements

• • •

2p 1b 47m²


privacy easy accessibility ability to expand or reduce home size based on circumstances - homes can be modified to accomodate illness or disabilities access to private garden/allotments proximity to extra care services pet friendly larger bathroom facilities - less flexible

Target demographics and tenure types to meet local housing needs

high budget elderly parents/ extra care

1p 1b 32m²

1p 1b 32m²

• • • •

• • • • • • •


Factory based prefabrication of housing/WC units

privacy DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS easy accessibility • small private space ability to expand or•reduce home sizeexternal based on • study circumstances - homes can bespace modified to accomo• connection to other young adults date illness or disabilities • access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments access to private garden/allotments • services compact living - ability to have guests proximity to extra care • ability to expand home for change in circumstance pet friendly flexible internally larger bathroom facilities - highly less flexible

DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS small private external space study space connection to other young adults access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments compact living - ability to have guests ability to expand home for change in circumstance highly flexible internally

On site assembly, service connections, fixings and finishes

5p 3b 92m²

• • •

• •

4p 2b 77m²

1 bedroom 2 bedrooms kitchen/living space shared • DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED large OF GREATER FOCUS • small private external space small balcony kitchen/living space • study space 1p 1b • connection to other young adults • access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments small allotment wintergarden 32m² • compact living - ability to have guests for change in circumstance provision • ability to expand homesmall allotment highly flexible internally provision

Resident occupancy

access to external play - private and shared public play

• • •

Kindergartens large living space adaptable bedroom layouts 3p 2bto respond to privacy demands over time 62m² plenty of storage space access to garden/allotments ability to reduce home size when children leave

spaces - connections with other families Resident lifecycle • privacy

5p 3b 92m²

• • •

• •

4p 2b 77m²

• • • • • • • • •

Resident 1 No expansion

• • • •

MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families privacy Kindergartens large living space 2p 1bto respond to privacy adaptable bedroom layouts demands over time 47m² plenty of storage space ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in support of next generation or care of eldery parents access to garden/allotments

• • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • •

access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families privacy Kindergartens large living space adaptable bedroom layouts to respond to privacy demands over time plenty of storage space access to garden/allotments ability to reduce home size when children leave

MIORE TYPICAL FAMILY SWEDDISH FAMILY SIZE access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families privacy Kindergartens large living space 5p 3bto respond to privacy adaptable bedroom layouts demands over time 92m² plenty of storage space ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in support of next generation or care of eldery parents access to garden/allotments

access to external play - private and shared public play spaces - connections with other families privacy Kindergartens 4p 2b plenty of storage space 77m² ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in support of next generation or care of eldery parents access to garden/allotments

DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS investments for the future - expandable plots - ability to grow home when developing as a family unit small private external space access to shared gardens or allotments large living space 3p 2b adaptable bedroom to incorporate extra bedrooms space to have guests62m² space for working - small office/studio scenerio ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in support of next generation or care of eldery parents access to shared garden/allotments

to external play - private and shared public play Resident 15• access Resident 26•• privacy easy accessibility spaces - connections with other families • ability to expand or reduce home size based on • privacy circumstances - homes can be modified to accomo• Kindergartens 2p 1b More capital• plenty of storage space 2p 1b Internal date illness or disabilities 3p 2b 47m² 47m² • access to private garden/allotments • ability to reduce home size when children leave 1 extra bedroom reconfiguration 1 62m² • proximity to extra care services • potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in • pet friendly of next generation or care of eldery parents expansion •• support extra bedroom • larger bathroom facilities - less flexible access to garden/allotments

• •

2p 1b 47m²

• • • • • • • • • •

• • •

2p 1b 47m²


• • • •

DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS investments for the future - expandable plots - ability to grow home when developing as a family unit small private external space access to shared gardens or allotments large living space 1p 1b adaptable bedroom to incorporate extra bedrooms 32m² space to have guests space for working - small office/studio scenerio ability to reduce home size when children leave potential to add seperate dwelling to plot in support of next generation or care of eldery parents access to shared garden/allotments

privacy easy accessibility ability to expand or reduce home size based on circumstances - homes can be modified to accomodate illness or disabilities access to private garden/allotments proximity to extra care services pet friendly larger bathroom facilities - less flexible

Establishing the Mixed-use Housing System on Site Following Consultation Procedures 1p 1b 32m²

• • • • • • •

DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS small private external space study space connection to other young adults access to shared external facilities/gardens/allotments compact living - ability to have guests ability to expand home for change in circumstance highly flexible internally

• • • • • • •

DEMOGRAPHIC IN NEED OF GREATER FOCUS small private external space study space 2p 1b connection to other young adults 47m²facilities/gardens/allotments access to shared external compact living - ability to have guests ability to expand home for change in circumstance highly flexible internally

1p 1b 32m²


Structural Spines and Basement


Integrated Service Spines


Vertical Circulation Cores and Streets


Prefabricated WC/Shower/Stair Units


Baseline Prefabricated CLT Units


Public Functions within System

Steel frame superstructure Basement for waste collection

2 x Controlled resident entrances 2 x Main access and escape stairs with lift Internal streets providing access to units

Baseline accommodation provision to cater for a variety of demographics and ensure option of affordability

SYSTEM PRINCIPLES Elements and Strategies

Gas, electrical, internet, fresh water inputs Waste water, waste food removal Integrated rainwater drains and downpipes

Structural and insulative independent prefabricated units Installed in superstructure - ready to connect to units Greenhouse/winter garden spaces

Public functions can vary from block to block Functions assigned based on demographic, site based or resident desired requirements


Expandable Unit Based System


Public Podium Level

Residents are consulted and are provided with the option to expand/add/adapt the unit space provided for them based on their budget/needs/family circumstances

A space to separate public and private realms Open space provision for temporary/permanent market stalls/pop up venues - resident controlled and public facing

11 Resident

Shared Gardens & Private Balconies

Post installation of resident units, balcony and garden construction build ups added to roof of units, as part of final roofing/finishing/waterproofing construction phase.


Ground Floor

Controlled access, cycle storage is provided for residents Central and accessible plant room Culinary schools, kitchens, public facing restaurants and external eating and drinking


Resident Allotments


Additional Tertiary Structures

SYSTEM PRINCIPLES Elements and Strategies

Allotments provided above podium level - resident access Food provision for residents and for cooking schools/ restaurants

Roller based louvres for South facing elevation Timber and glazed canopy to shelter top floor street,

continuing down the facade, to frame views, safety and provide growing shelves for example

Baseline Accommodation

Resident Consultation Additions

'Homes for life' + Public Functions

System expansion and fluctuation

SYSTEM PRINCIPLES Unit Expansion and ‘Homes for Life’ Principle

Smale scale, high density Main context flows

Small scale, low density Medium scale, medium density

Lesser context flows Internal site flows

Small scale, low density

Site access points

Large scale, high density

Main views

Open space

Flow from city

Main bus routes

Highly active frontages

Main train/tram routes

Low active frontages

Main transport hub

No active frontages

T-bana stations

Outward looking

Main bus stops

Inward looking

Main flows

Main site nodes

Transport nodes

Destination points

Destination nodes

Destination building

Destination buildings


FLOOR PLANS Ground Floor Level - Cooking Schools and Restaraunts 1:200


Down Down Up

FLOOR PLANS Apartment Access Level 1:200



Up Up


FLOOR PLANS Apartment Bedroom Level 1:200





Down Down


FLOOR PLANS Apartment Access Level - Top Level 1:200

FLOOR PLANS Restaraunt Level - Roof Level 1:200

FLOOR PLANS Roof Plan 1:200


ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS Diagrammatic Drawings to Communicate Massing and Vertical Slices

ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS Diagrammatic Drawings to Communicate Massing and Vertical Slices

Couples + Small Family


Singles + Couples + Small Family


Couples + + Couples Small Family Small family

Eldery Sharing +

Singles +

Single + Couple Singles +

Single + Couple

Couples + Small family

Sharing +

Growing Family Typology

Single + Couple

Couples + Small family

Sharing + + Large families

Large families +

Large families +

Single Floor Self Contained Typology




Restaurant /Bar Terrace

Restaurant /Bar Terrace Bar

Restaurant /Bar Terrace







Down Down

Down Down












Duplex Restaurant First Floor

Duplex Restaurant First Floor

Duplex Restaurant First Floor





Down Up











Couples + Small Family




Singles +

Single + Couple

Couples + Small family

Sharing +

Large families +

Couples + Couples + Couples + Single + Couples Single + Single + Couples + Couples + FamilyEldery Singles + Small Family Small Singles Family +Small Singles Couple Large families +Couple family Sharing Couple + Sharing +SmallSharing +Large familiesSmall + family +Small family

Couple Typology Expansion for Children

Single Typology Expansion for Couple

Large families +

Family Typology


Down Down






Restaurant /Bar Terrace

Bar Up



Restaurant /Bar Terrace

Restaurant /Bar Terrace





Down Down



Down Down

















Duplex Restaurant First Floor

Duplex Restaurant First Floor


Duplex Restaurant First Floor Down

Duplex Restaurant First Floor Up














Timber frame canopy with glazing

Green roofs

CLT Modules

Metal deck internal streets

Modular steel superstructure

Prefabricated and preinstalled WC pods

Modular stair and lift cores

Metal deck public podium Metal deck allotment build ups

Ground floor CLT units

Concrete basment plant room

Geothermal piles

EXPLODED AXONOMETRIC The Majority of Building Components are Prefabricated


On site demolition works of exisitng buildings



Modular prefabricated streel framed stair/lift cores lifted, stacked and fized in place



Prefabricated CLT residential modules lift and fixed into place


Groundworks -geothermal pile foundations installed with plant room basement

Remaining modular steel frameworks lifted,

stacked and fixed - contained preinstalled services and prefabricated WC and stair pods

Timber roof canopy and additional roof structures added - final waterproofing and thermal additions - cladding added


Ground floor steel structure fixed to foundations - ground floor CLT units installed


Prefabricated metal deck internal streets lift and fixed into place. Allotment deck structure added


Steel framed louvre facade lift and bolted to superstructure

CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE Groundworks are Completed Independantly - Prefabricated Components Delivered to Site

Laundry units

Prefabricated stair module

Prefabricated bathroom module



Prefabricated show room module

Prefabricated WC module


APPROACH TO SERVICING Spines Act as Vertical and Horizontal Services Distribution

Module Insertion

The building unit

SHS splice connection detail

Structural modular component containing services and WC/access pods

APPROACH TO SERVICING Spines can be Prefabricated and Assembled and Connected on Site

Down Down

Wall Build-up 18mm weatherboard Vapour barrior 150 mm mineral wool insulated timber frame 50mm acoustic insulation Breather membrane 25 mm service void with timber battens 12. mm fire rated plasterboard 12.5 mm plasterboard

APPROACH TO SERVICING Spines Provide Vertical Access Between Unit Floors as well as WC and Washing Services

CLT module with steel connection detail preinstalled

CLT module lifted into place

CLT module lowered between spines

APPROACH TO CONSTRUCTION Prefabricated Units are Lowered Between Spines and Connected

CLT module bolted to superstructure

CLT wall build-up 18mm weatherboard 200mm mineral wool insulation 140 CLT L5 panel

Steel hinge welded to L plate and rotation Projecting steel plate Lock plate welded to L-plate Steel bracket and bolt fixings Steel L plate with 100mm packed insulation Horizontal I-beam 203mm x 133mm CLT floor build-up 10mm floor finish 45mm screed Seperating layer 40 mm impact sound insulation 100mm service void packed with mineral wool insulation between horizontal timbers Notched 150mm CLT floor panel 130mm mineral wool insulation Vapor barrier Ventilated zone with 38mm timber battens 18mm Norwary spruce horizontal timber cladding

Hinge steel detail

APPROACH TO CONSTRUCTION Hinge Detail Design to Allow for Units to be Fitted and Fixed to the System



CLT wall build-up 150mm x 150mm SHS Steel L plate Steel hinge welded to L -plate and rotation Lock plate welded to L-plate Projecting steel plate Steel bracket and bolt fixings Horizontal I-beam 203mm x 133mm

1:20 Hinge detail

CLT wall build-up Notched CLT floor panel over L plate Steel L plate

1:10 Hinge detail Steel hinge welded to L plate and rotation Lock plate welded to L-plate Projecting steel plate Horizontal I-beam 203mm x 133mm 150mm x 150mm SHS and splice detail

APPROACH TO CONSTRUCTION Prefabricted CLT Units with High Insulative Values - Based on a 1200mm x 1200mm Grid






Alltoment Parapet Aluminium flashing above a 6mm steel plate channel to bridge void sealed with vapour barrier Void 150 mm SHS column behind Wall build up 18mm weatherboard Vapour barrier wrapped over parapet 200mm mineral wool parapet insulation 18 mm weatherboard Ventilated zone with 38mm timber 18mm Norway spruce cladding boards Roof build up 100mm steel gutter channel to falls - fixed to parapet structure with mesh filter above 350m - 400mm tapered rigid insulation to falls 18 mm weatherboard Vapour barrier Root barrier 150 mm gravel filter 350 mm growing medium 140 CLT ceiling panel - attached to vertical wall with gasket seal


Water gutter and Greenhouse Deck 150 mm SHS column behind Roof build up 30 mm timber deck baords 30 mm timber batten floor structure Adjustable decking support pads 18 mm weatherboard 350m - 400mm tapered rigid insulation to falls Vapour barrier 18 mm weatherboard 133 mm x 203 mm I beam 100mm steel gutter channel to falls - fixed to roof structure with mesh filter above 110 mm structural metal deck with screed infill 50 mm rigid floor insulation 30 mm timber floor finish Single glazed aluminium framed glazed door - attached to metal fins 140 CLT ceiling panel - attached to vertical wall with gasket seal


Crèche Stair and Gutter Detail

150 mm SHS column behind Intermediate floor pod build up Steel framed access stair bolted to steel C channels Profiled stair treads Flashing and vapour layer to underside of stairs C channels attached to horizontal I beam below 30 mm timber deck baords 133 mm x 203 mm I beam 100mm steel gutter channel to falls - fixed to parapet structure with mesh filter above 30 mm timber deck baords 30 mm timber batten floor structure Adjustable decking support pads 18 mm weatherboard 350m - 400mm tapered rigid insulation to falls Vapour barrier 140 mm CLT ceiling panel

APPROACH TO CONSTRUCTION A Selection of Unique Construction Details - Junctions Between Units/Roof & Units/Streets






2 1

Podium Floor 400 mm structural metal deck with concrete infill Exposed concrete finish 100 mm concrete upstand to market pods

133 mm x 203 mm I beam Service zone Folding Market Pods 50 mm SHS framed panel construction with 18mm Norway spruce cladding boards - panel width 1200 mm Steel rail track system with hydraulic system Horziontal services above on perforated service tray Market stall to be configured to vendor’s requirements

APPROACH TO CONSTRUCTION Market Stall Detail - Between Spines on Public Podium Level

APPROACH TO CONSTRUCTION The Structural and Service Spines are Prefabricated Building Componenets

APPROACH TO CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICES The Service Spines Provide Water, Power and Access to the Adjoining Units



Semi - Closed

APPROACH TO SOLAR SHADING AND SOUTH FACING ELEVATIONS Motorised and Resident Controlled Solar Shading - Adding Movement and Dynamism to Facade

Fully Closed

APPROACH TO ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS Water Recycling and Geothermal Heat Pumps Integrated into the System

Modular Steel Superstructure

Timber Construction

Steel presents the best construction material for the structural spines that will act as the superstructure for this proposal. Steel can be prefabricated and components can be standardised to produce an efficieent structural system of parts. The specification of this material was inspired by the rapid construction of residential towers in China using a standardised prefabricated set of steel column and floor plate compents, that stacked and fixed together on site. The parts are fabricated in a protected and safe working factory environment, eliminating the majority of risks from the construction site. Assembly is quick and all services are embedded within the floor plates. This system provides for a quick construction time however requires a longer design process and a deeper understanding of prefrabrication and the ability of steel.

Timber has historically been the main construction material in Scandanvia, and only until recently is technology challenging the material to be able to build large residential towers. There a few notable projects currently under discussion and review in Stockholm that are made predominantly from timber, - projects which are set to challenge the perception of timber construction and encourage its dominance of the indusrty to return.

T30 Hotel by Broad Sustainable Building

The Strandparken Apartments From Swedish architecture office Wingårdhs is an eight-storey residential building constructed entirely from wood in the Stockholm suburb of Sundbyberg and was designed for property developer Folkhem, who was keen to explore the potential of sustainable multi-occupancy housing.

Wooden Skyscraper Berg | C.F. Møller Architects are working in partnership with architects Dinell Johansson and consultants Tyréns and have designed a 34-storey residential building, which will be seen for miles. The building will be built over a wooden construction with a concrete core, and it is intended to give the people of Stockholm a new and characteristic beacon and meeting place in their city.

MATERIAL AND STRUCTURE RESEARCH Following the Emerging Trend in Sweden of Reigniting Timber Construction

Benefits Energy Efficiency: •

• • •

a high level of quality control over thermal insulation and windtightness continuity, which can be tested and measured in a factory seals ensured and cold bridging minimised in components modularisation improves manufacturing efficiency - reducing CO2 emissions emboded energy can be deconstructed and re-used easily on and off site

Minimising Transport • • •

transport requirements to site are specific, organised and scheduled - reducing deleveries raw materials delivered in bulk to factory fewer personnel on site

Minimising Pollution • • • •

efficient use of materials in factory - modules based on strict grid format to reduce material waste through off-cuts materials can be recycled easily within factory environment on-site construction polution is reduced post groundworks, there is little noise and dust pollution fast construction process - reducing machinery emissions

Efficient Materials • • • •

timber is locally sourced and can be recycled steel frame work provides an efficient structure - high strength to weight ratio modules and modular components can be resused the system can be modifed easily on siteadditions can be made without extensive site interference - benefitting the residents and environment modules can be relocated

Water Conservation • • •

minimum water used in manufacture 'dry' construction site water can be recycled in factory condition

Despite the higher level of construction coordination and design detailing, modular and prefabricated construction offers many environmental benefits and effencies to be attractive enough for clients and developers.

PREFABRICATION RESEARCh The majority of Building Components to be Constructed off-site in Factory Conditions

Roof Level Shared Allotments Terraces

Unit Access Levels Internal Street Shared Gardens Terraces

Podium Level Market Stalls Public Street

Ground Floor Public Facilities

INHABITATED SECTION VERTICAL SLICE A Selection of Internal Perspectives



INHABITATED VERTICAL SLICE 1:50 Physical Model Units, Spine Walls, Allotments, Ground Floor Functions, Public Market Podium, Green Roofs















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