Fin and Fur Process Book

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To follow the lineage of an animal as it goes through history. To compile a visual history to create an infographic that depicts how the animals apperance has changed in the eye of the beholder.


Typefaces Gill Sans (Regular and Italic) Designed by Eric Gill McKaba Designed by Richard McKaba

Typesetting & Illustration by Richard McKaba Assigned by Gary Deckard


HISTORIC DEPICTIONS This depiction is from the Pontifical of Guillaume Durand, an episcapal book of rite for bishops. It is roughly from 1230-1294, this is shortly before the Black Death ravaged Europe. This is interestung due to how the rat is shown as a rider (knight of sorts) which was a position of honor and valor, yet soon it would be discoveed that they were the carriers of the diease.

The shown image is a detail from A Tale Depicted Personalities : A Procession of Rats from 1880-90. The image shows that in the culture in Russia was one that connected rats and death and that it also believed that rats were the ushers of death and who guide one to the next relam. It is also interesting to note that only some of the rats are in the position we now know them to walk in while most are in a bipedal walking posture.

The image from India shows the god Ganesh and his rat companion leading human (an offering). The image is orginally is in relation to Karni Mata Temple, this temple is in fact the place where the rat is the sacred animal. The temple was built in the 17th century and dedicated to goddess Durga, and rats were holy due to their symbolism of people in hiding frim Yama (death goddess)

INFOGRAPHIC EXAMPLES In this infographic, the similar color theme between the gree and yellow-orange makes the brain seem as connected as it is, while also emphasising the differences between what each side of the brain. I also like the way that the header is given a non faded color and therefore pops. The minimal design of how the brain looks is also a feature I find to be visually pleasing and to show how few details are needed to convey the image.

The use of primary colors and very basic typography aids to its ability to convey a message while also getting across visually what the purpose of the poster is and what field or area of life it is in reference too. I also enjoy the way that the minimal use of shading turns a flat design into a more dimensional piece.


The aray of color in this infographic aids to create a color seperation for each field of study and to also give a connection between the graphics and the information connected to each field. I also like how the type is set to allow the high numbers to be as prominant as the graphics. This shows that although the graphics are important that it is truly the data and informtion that is meant to be showen.




Reference picture and color scheme images

How must one go about defining ‘life’, first we begin with a theoretical definition of life. A theoretical definition is a univocal, nonambiguous, non-vague, definition that is also both extensionally adequate and has no boarder line cases. To add more meat to this definition, the theoretical definition was also be epistemically serviceable. All of this actually boils down to have a theoretical definition, we have to have a definition that includes everything it is meant to define and doesn’t have define anything that is not within the considerable space of whatever it is we are attempting to define. This is where the overwhelming problem of finding any premise in which we find a truly univocal and espistemically serviceable


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Rats How must one go about defining ‘life’, first we begin with a theoretical definition of life. A theoretical definition is a univocal, nonambiguous, non-vague, definition that is also both extensionally adequate and has no boarder line cases. To add more meat to this definition, the theoretical definition was also be epistemically serviceable. All of this actually boils down to have a theoretical definition, we have to have a definition that includes everything it is meant to define and doesn’t have define anything that is not within the considerable space of whatever it is we are attempting to define. This is where the overwhelming problem of finding any premise in which we find a truly univocal and espistemically serviceable

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How must one go about defining ‘life’, first we begin with a theoretical definition of life. A theoretical definition is a univocal, nonambiguous, non-vague, definition that is also both extensionally adequate and has no boarder line cases. To add more meat to this definition, the theoretical definition was also be epistemically serviceable. All of this actually boils down to have a theoretical definition, we have to have a definition that includes everything it is meant to define and doesn’t have define anything that is not within the considerable space of whatever it is we are attempting to define.



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How must one go about defining ‘life’, first we begin with a theoretical definition of life. A theoretical definition is a univocal, nonambiguous, non-vague, definition that is also both extensionally adequate and has no boarder line cases. To add more meat to this definition, the theoretical definition was also be epistemically serviceable. All of this actually boils down to have a theoretical definition, we have to have a definition that includes everything it is meant to define and doesn’t have define anything that is not within the considerable space of whatever it is we are attempting to define.

First attempt at placement and size, needed more color variation and to do more research


Colors too dark and unreadible in print


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A Tale Depicted Personalities: A Procession of Rats 1880-90


Karni Mata Temple

17th Century

A Journery Through the Sewer

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This project has pushed me to not think of type and image as two seperate elements , but to bring them together into one unified idea and to have a true and complete hierarchy. It was in the combination of type for other purposes then to display information that brought around this revelation. To use type as both a way to display information, but also to use the legibility and readability to, at a distance, read as lines of color; but in closer inspection to see the information. Yet this project also came with its difficulties. My major issue with the overall project was the lack of my research ability and the inability to capture timestamps for my historical depictions. It was not until I looked to something i knew to have odd and often random drawings in them that I truly gained a meaningful grasp of a timeline. My major turning point was my rediscovery of illuminated manuscripts and their boarder drawings. From this project I also broke my habit of sticking tightly to a clean, primary, and vibrant color scheme and instead attempted to give justice to the the emotion and feeling that people would expect when comfronted with a rat. The process, re-thinking, and hours spent digging into digital archives has given me more than a successful poster that depicts the journey the rat has taken through out timeline and a visual recording of how we have seen rats throughout time and across the globe, but also given me a new appeciation for what research can yield and how to work successfully. To me that is the greatest aspect I obtained from this project, grasping the ability to work in a more research based manner.

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