At the risk of turning this column into the Death Beat, I have a bit more to say on the topic of mortality
First, thank you to those who have reached out with condolences after my column last week, where I talked about my father’s passing No one really knows what to say in these situations, but a nod of acknowledgment is appreciated.
Second, what about the hospice situation in Richmond?
In my column, I talked about how grateful I was that my family had the Richmond hospice to be with my 95-year-old father at the end But the response I got from a number of readers was, “lucky you!” Ten beds at Richmond’s only hospice has meant some don’t have that “luxury ”
The possible need for another hospice may be fodder for a future column, but what I can talk about now is this common
thread regarding all the elements of care that we need outside of the hospital
No one would argue that hospitals aren’t vital to our health care system Richmond is in the process of getting a very expensive, state-of-the-art one And while I realize securing the funding and commitment to build the facility took a ton of hard work, what it didn’t take was a significant mind shift about its worth
No one in the process said a quality hospital isn’t something we need No one said, if you have cancer, go find your own doctor try Google No one said, if you ’ re having a heart attack, “That’s what you get for eating too many Twinkies try dieting ”
And even if some did, the intrinsic worth of a public hospital is largely undisputed, even by advocates for private clinics
However, when it comes to everything else surrounding the hospital, it’s another matter And nowhere is that more the case than mental health and addictions
I write this the day after the provincial
coroner has released the number of deaths related to drug toxicity in B C It’s an astounding number six people a day and 10,000 since the crisis was declared a crisis in 2016
In Richmond alone, the drug-related death tally for 2022 is 28
The same day the numbers were released, the provincial government started a threeyear pilot to decriminalize possession of small amounts of hard drugs
They’re calling this historic, and I guess it is, but it still falls so short of what’s needed The amount allowed is about half what we ’ re told a regular drug user consumes And there’s still no talk about a safe supply Remember, we ’ re talking about 10,000 deaths in six years
I don’t want to say nothing has been done That would be to dismiss the incredible work of so many who are in the field saving lives
But despite all the science, all the stats, all the expert advice from police chiefs to
addicts calling for significant policy and resource changes, the numbers continue to rise
Why? Perhaps our last municipal election provides a clue. During the fall campaign, the fact Richmond doesn’t have a safe injection site was discussed That prompted an announcement on the part of one group of candidates claiming secret negotiations were going on to open one, and they would stand firm against it
I suspect the last-minute messaging was an attempt to whip up anxiety about a scourge of drug addicts coming into our community and leading our children into a life of crime
But here’s the real secret “They” (that would be our brothers, sisters, children, friends and neighbours) are already here, and they’re dying for lack of services
If we are ever going to tackle the scourge of death and desperation, we have to make the mind shift towards realizing fancy equipment in a shiny new hospital only treats part of the malady
Alvin Chow achow@glaciermedia.ca 604.249.3336
Police are shifting to a new way of fare checking on transit Garden City Rd closes for hours after serious crash Richmond social worker seeks help to treat rare spine disease Richmond exhibitions, programs celebrate Black History Month
Kristene Murray kmurray@glaciermedia.ca 604.249.3353
Elder abuse prevention workshop offered in Richmond B.C.’s
Information Session February 15, 2023 – 7pm8:15pm or February 25, 2023 – 10am-11:15am Register online @ RichmondCE.ca or use these QR codes:
Richmond Continuing Education”
We at the Salvation Army Rotary Hospice House were so moved by the article written by your editor, Eve Edmonds, on the passing of her dad with us earlier this year
The picture of the sunrise over our backyard (shown in your online version) was absolutely beautiful and a loving testament of a daughter to the memory of her father
We are so grateful that his stay was a positive experience We are trained in the delivery of the very best there is in palliative care (the mitigation of symptoms and whole person care when a cure is no longer possible)
We endeavour to make the most devastating experience of the death of a loved one as meaningful and supported as we can
Our relationship with the Supportive and Palliative Care Unit at Richmond Hospital and the Palliative Home Care Support Service is as tight knit and collaborative as possible so that our care can be offered to as many people as we can manage from wherever their care is taking place when hospice care becomes the most appropriate placement
We are so glad that Eve and her family were part of this network of care along with the many, many other Richmond residents who we have had the privilege to support on their journeys for over the past 16 years.
The Salvation Army Rotary Hospice House is a not-for-profit entity supported and run by the Salvation Army and partially funded by Vancouver Coastal Health and donations from the public
Dear Editor,This morning I went to Domo to take advantage of their flash sale and the two attendants were standing around yawning and chatting to each other and eventually I had to honk to get their attention The receipt I requested was not the correct one I drove back and asked for the receipt I also asked them to be more attentive and help customers on arrival They then became extremely rude and when I drove away the one attendant stood in front of my car and pretended to yawn
At every gas station in Richmond, you find customers pumping their own gas as the attendants are mostly too lazy to assist They are being paid to help customers, albeit minimum wage.
Richmond, get rid of the ing anyone and isn’t pre
This is a busy section for people crossing into the park
Theoretically, the speed limit there is 50 km/h Give me a break!
There are no marked crossings from Katsura, through the corner/entrance to the parking lot of the park, even though there are the wheelchair accesses on the sidewalks
This should be a 30-km/h limit, max, with speed bumps beside the park
rsons MOND
Two Steveston businesses and their landlord were tangled in a real-life tale of woe, with Disney trapped in the middle
The backdrop was the fairytale character of Rumplestiltskin who, as the BC Supreme Court pointed out, “initially brought wealth, but eventually sowed discord” in the village during the filming of the ABC channel’s hit fantasy TV show Once Upon A Time (OUAT)
Front and centre in the real world, however, was a fight involving two adjoining businesses and their Moncton Street landlord The Fab Pad and It’s Posh Accessories on one side and building owner PD Riverside Ventures on the other
At the heart of the controversy was a dispute over production company Disney/ Stage 49’s payments to the tenants for business interruption and to the landlord for exterior shots of the premises, which doubled in OUAT as Mr Gold’s Pawn Shop, the “real world” version of the fairytale charac-
ter Rumplestiltskin.
And in a not so happy ending, The Fab Pad’s owner, Laura Stapleton, was ordered to pay the landlord $19,629 17 for breach of the lease extension contract, while It’s Posh Accessories’ owners, Kimberley and Karl Sorensen, were ordered to pay $44,396 72
Court documents released this week told how the landlord, PD Riverside Ventures represented in person at the premises by a Dyona Dallas signed a three-year lease in 2013 with the tenants, while OUAT was still shooting in Steveston and, off and on, using the premises for filming
In the lease contract was a clause, which stated the landlord “shall retain full rights with respect to receiving compensation for the use of the exterior images” of the
building and that the tenant “shall have the rights to receive compensation for business interruption ”
It also stated that “ any and all contact or negotiations for these uses shall be through the landlord only” and not with Disney/ Stage 49
However, during the course of that lease term, the tenants dealt directly with Disney, providing calculations to and receiving cheques from the production company for business interruption losses from filming Court documents state that Dallas was “content to allow the tenants to deal directly with Stage 49, as she was at that time focused on her ailing parents ”
In a twist to the tale, from around August 2015, more than two years into the lease term, Dallas began asking the tenants about the business interruption payments and their dealings with Stage 49
And in April 2016, Scott Walden, from Disney, sent Dallas a copy of the location contract for the next season, at which time she took that opportunity to inquire with Walden about the business interruption arrangements with the tenants
BC Supreme Court judge Justice David Crerar noted the tenants expressed legitimate fears that Dallas would “try to leverage the business interruption payments in future negotiations” for the lease renewal
However, he also pointed out that Dallas, too, had a “good faith explanation” for her new interest in the business interruption payments as it wasn’t clear that the Sorensens would be the tenants during the next filming season
That lease was extended beyond 2016 and the two businesses continued to operate as before.
But it was around that time in the summer of 2016 that the relationship between the tenants and the landlord deteriorated to a point where they could only communicate via lawyers
And stuck in the middle was the Disney production company, which was preparing to film for the next season of OUAT and was getting pulled in both directions by the landlord and the tenants as to who to negotiate with in regard to payments
For the full story, go to Richmond-News. com and search OUAT.
Friday’s protest organizer Andrew Wagner was skeptical of claims by the Chinese embassy that such locations were to provide services such as driver’s licence renewal for overseas nationals and are not related to police activity.
At least 20 people were spotted protesting an alleged overseas Chinese “police station” in Richmond on Friday afternoon
The hour-long protest took place outside Wenzhou Friendship Society on Hazelbridge Way, with protesters holding flags and signs with messages such as “No CCP interference in Canada ” Members of the media and Richmond RCMP were also present at the scene
A European non-governmental agency, Safeguard Defenders, allege the society, along with many others across the globe, operate under the guise of a Chinese police campaign to contain online fraud, but, in fact, are used by Chinese police to carry out “persuasion to return” operations where overseas Chinese nationals are intimidated or pressured to return to China to “face justice ”
The Richmond RCMP confirmed in December the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team was investigating an alleged Chinese “police station” in Richmond, although they didn’t specify what organization this might be
Pursuant to the BC Self Storage Lien Act, the owner of CanStore Rentals Ltd has a lien upon all personal property located at the self-service storage facility for rent or other charges incurred for the storage of the personal property Due to the failure to pay the rent, the owner is enforcing its lien and intends to sell or otherwise dispose of the personal property located in the container listed in this notice The person liable as debtor for whom the lien exists is Jolanda Edwards
The contents will be sold by private or public sale on (February 10, 2023) or thereafter at 11660 Mitchell Road, Richmond BC V6V 1T7 604.322.0533 This notice is being provided pursuant to BC Provincial law before the sale The tenants listed may pay the amount necessary to satisfy the lien and the reasonable expenses incurred to redeem the personal property
Auction start: February 10, 2023
Auction end: TBD
Storage: Stacked up Container Auction location: Online www.ibid4storage.com
Auction items: contents in the container
“I don’t think they’re simply for renewing driver’s licences and things like that, because most countries would do that at a consulate That’s a highly unusual setup for such a procedure,” he said Friendship society denies intelligence activity
But the society claims it’s not involved in any intelligence activity and that its code of conduct bars its members from such activity under threat of being expelled.
“To the best knowledge of the board of the directors (the ‘Board’) of the Society, neither the Society nor its members have engaged any security intelligence activities with Wenzhou Public Security Bureau of the People’s Republic of China,” the society said in a statement released to the media “The Board and the members of the Society will continue to work to achieve the purpose of the mandate of its Constitution in creating a safe and helpful networking platform for its members and new Chinese immigrants ”
They further state the society requires its members to abide by Canadian laws including “not participating in aiding foreign intelligence gathering activities ”
Its main purposes are to promote fellowship, promote and improve the “morals and virtuous behavior within our society,” encourage social stability locally, promote world peace and do charitable work
One of the earliest mentions of “ overseas police service stations” dates back to a Chinese state media report from 2019, which announced the Qingtian county police of Zhejiang Province established an overseas police service centre in 2018 to provide “convenient” services
The Chinese police claimed the services were related to passport renewal, police operations, collecting opinions from the diaspora community and spreading policy information A team of 135 Qingtianese diasporas were ap-
The issue of these “service stations” gained international notoriety in 2022, when the “110 Overseas” initiative from Fuzhou city in China’s Fujian province kicked off According to an article from the state-owned Fujian Daily, the initiative offers police services over the phone and online platforms, as well as other services similar to the Qingtian operations
The initiative, pioneered by Fuzhou Public Security Bureau, was apparently the first of its kind in the country Anecdotes retold in the article include one of a woman calling from the U S to report her daughter, who was living in Fuzhou, missing. Another tells the tale of a Fuzhounese businessman calling from Mozambique to report an employee who stole money from his company and escaped back to China. The employee was apparently caught within a month
The Safeguard Defenders report links such “service stations” to the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front strategy and overseas associations, such as Richmond’s Wenzhou Friendship Society
“Leaders of hometown associations are frequently rewarded with meetings with CCP officials, participation in party-organised events and symbolic appointments to party-controlled bodies in China,” reads the Safeguard Defenders report
“In return, they are expected to assist the party in its propaganda and political influence activities, such as promoting China’s invasion (under the propaganda guise of ‘peaceful reunification’) of Taiwan.”
The Chinese embassy, however, has told CBC that the “service stations” are staffed with volunteers, not police officers, to help overseas nationals and are not involved in “ any criminal investigation or relevant activity ”
There have also been reports of the Chinese Communist Party allegedly trying to exert influence during the last federal election in Canada with files from Maria Rantanen/Richmond News
...neither the Society nor its members have engaged any security intelligence activities...
Roads where cars go 50 kilometres per hour can actually handle almost double the traffic of roads with 60- or 70-kilometre speed zones
This might seem “counter-intuitive,” explained Richmond’s director of transportation Lloyd Bie, but some American studies have shown roads with a 50-kilometre speed limit can handle about 900 cars per hour, whereas roads with higher limits can handle about 500 cars per hour.
City council unanimously approved lowering speed limits on all roads within Richmond’s jurisdiction to a maximum of 50 kilometres per hour.
There are four such stretches of road in Richmond that allow vehicles to travel 60 kilometres per hour, and some of these have been identified as high-crash areas.
These stretches are No 6 Road between Cambie Road and Westminster Highway; Westminster Highway between No 4 and
No 6 roads as well as from Nelson to Highway 91; Vulcan Way from No 6 Road going west almost to Bath Slough; as well as Alderbridge Way between No. 4 and Shell roads
More traffic cameras wanted
Council also voted to ask the province to install more traffic enforcement cameras within the city something that’s under provincial jurisdiction
Currently, there are 10 photo radar cameras in Richmond to catch scofflaws one to catch speeders, at the intersection of Cambie and Garden City roads, and nine for vehicles that run red lights
City council approved and installed traffic cameras at dozens of intersections two years ago to monitor traffic and collect traffic data, but the city isn’t allowed to use them to catch speeders or vehicles that run red lights
After a brazen daytime shooting two years ago, city council voted 7-1 with Coun Michael Wolfe voting in opposition asking the province to increase the quality of the camera footage.
Wolfe said this week, while he’s supportive of the current network of cameras for data collection at a low-resolution, he wouldn’t want that necessarily expanded to allow them to do more
“I would be hesitant to support opening up to the high-definition and potential invasion of privacy of citizens and road users, ” Wolfe said
When the cameras were approved by city council three years ago, a staff lawyer with the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, Meghan McDermott, told the Richmond News the issue of privacy in a public place is not black and white Various court decisions have shown the public is allowed a certain level of anonymity even while in public McDermott said at the time that if faces and license plates weren’t blurred out from traffic camera data, the information could be used maliciously or just for general state surveillance
The privacy commissioner recommended the data be handled by the city rather than Richmond RCMP, unless there is an emergency such as an abduction
R i c h m o n d RCMP is asking for the public’s help to find a missing 23-yearold man
Marko Olas was reported missing on Jan 24 and was last seen around 6:45 p m at Westminster Highway and Gilbert Road
Olas is described as a Caucasian male, five feet seven inches tall, 147 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes He was last seen wearing a black scarf with brown and white dogs on it, a black jacket, brown pants, black shoes with white soles and a silver cross necklace.
Anyone with information on Olas is asked to contact their local police or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477
menting a new quality control system, however, the financial deductions would be taken from a bonus provided to staff, not from the staff’s base wage or tips.
These numbers were released on the same day that B C started a new exemption for illicit drugs police can no longer arrest people in possession of 2 5 grams of heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, crack, methamphetamines and MDMA (ecstasy)
A Richmond restaurant’s attempt to attract customers may have backfired after its new system for incentivizing employees was posted online.
According to a former server, the new management of Tasty Secret Hotpot told staff their pay could be docked for a number of reasons, including inappropriate restaurant attire, placing wrong orders and receiving customer complaints
The woman who created the post on Chinese social media platform Little Red Book said she and two other servers were fired after questioning the practice.
“I asked if this abides by B C ’ s labour laws but didn’t receive much of an answer, ” said the former server, who goes by the handle KEL. She is an international student, and the Richmond News has agreed to not use her name
A spokesperson for the restaurant acknowledge that management was imple-
“Aside from tips, our restaurant provides various bonuses to our staff For example, servers will receive a commission for promoting certain dishes,” the spokesperson said
The deductions would only be applied to the bonuses and not affect the staff’s salary or tips, she explained
“We need a way to uphold quality customer service,” the spokesperson added Regarding the recent termination of some employees, the spokesperson said they were let go because of their poor customer service, not because they questioned the restaurant’s incentive system
The post about the incentive program quickly went viral and sparked a flood of comments, mainly deriding the restaurant for its management practice
The spokesperson said she is aware of the feedback and is hoping for it to blow over
The Province is proposing to replace the existing four-lane George Massey Tunnel with a new, eight-lane immersed tube tunnel, and will decommission the existing tunnel once the new tunnel is in operation
A section of one of our power lines crosses the Fraser River through the existing George Massey Tunnel, so we need to relocate it before the tunnel is decommissioned. We’re studying three alternatives that include both overhead and underground lines for this project
Please share your feedback on these alternatives by participating in our online survey. Visit bchydro.com/gmt to participate in the consultation between now and February 25, 2023.
Visit bchydro.com/gmt for more information.
Contact us at 604 623 4472 or at projects@bchydro com
This is the second highest number since statistics started being made public in 2012 in 2021, there were 32 drug poisoning deaths in Richmond
The BC Coroners Service released its 2022 statistics on Tuesday morning, showing that 2,272 people died across B C from drugs that were tainted with fentanyl, benzodiazepines and other toxins This was slightly lower than in 2021, when 2,306 people died
Drug toxicity deaths about six people a day in B C are the highest cause of unnatural deaths, far exceeding suicide, motor vehicle accidents and homicides
Both in November and December, there were two deaths in Richmond from toxic drugs
A very small number of drug users are able to access a medical-grade opioid hydromorphone via MySafe vending machines in Vancouver and Victoria The coroner noted in her report Tuesday that “there is no indication that prescribed safe supply is contributing to illicit drug deaths ”
According to BC Emergency Health Services statistics, paramedics responded to 356 drug poisonings or overdoses in 2022 in Richmond, and to 33,654 across B C
Last year, the BC Coroners Service told the News, of the 24 deaths recorded so far at that point, 18 took place inside residences 14 in private homes and four in other residences Three deaths occurred outdoors, and three locations weren’t specified by the coroner ’ s service
The City of Richmond has completed its investigation into the flooding of Mitchell Island between Christmas and New Year
The city said the combination of a king tide and a “significant storm surge event” contributed to the flood on the industrial swath of land on Dec. 27 which resulted in “close to record high levels” of water
The island on the Fraser River between Richmond and Vancouver was cut off for several hours, with some workers telling of the waters partially submerging vehicles in the space of 10 to 15 minutes.
A tweet posted by the city on the day of the flood indicated that all of the city’s pumps on the island were “operating properly” but that an investigation would take place.
A spokesperson for the city told the Richmond News that it does have a long-term flood protection strategy for Mitchell Island, which was “developed in consultation with local businesses.”
However, in the short-term, “we are working with impacted property owners to identify solutions and encourage the construction of private flood protection infrastructure to protect their low-lying properties, and installing interim measures to prevent flooding along Mitchell Road,”
explained the city spokesperson.
“The flooding on Mitchell Island resulted from river levels exceeding the elevation of some low-lying land along the riverfront that is prone to flooding during long return period high water events.”
The city’s long-term plan includes acquiring right-of-ways along river bank properties to “facilitate a future dike, and encourage land raising to facilitate construction of a ‘superdike’ on Mitchell Island.”
The News also reported that week how the city’s flood defences appeared to hold up against the king tide and rainstorm at Britannia Heritage Shipyards in Steveston. There was, however, signs of flooding at London Landing in Steveston during the peak of the king tide.
“We don’t want people to abandon their pets here, but we don’t want them dumped in the park, either ”
Krista Shaw, BC SPCA’s Richmond Animal Centre’s manager, had mixed emotions after chasing a vehicle through the shelter’s parking lot last Friday.
Shaw had just witnessed the driver of the “brand new Mercedes” dropping off four boxes on a bench in the parking lot of the No 5 Road centre, before the vehicle “peeled away ” as she shouted after it
In the boxes were 12 baby bunnies, not more than five to six weeks old
“I witnessed the entire thing Thankfully I got their licence plate so we are on it,” Shaw told the Richmond News
“They were in OK condition There was a note left for us They told us they had gotten what they thought were three female rabbits, but it ‘turns out one of them was a male and
now we have 12 The male is no longer with us ”
“At the beginning of January, the exact same thing happened, eight rabbits were left in the parking lot; they looked very similar, with very similar handwriting on that note as well ”
Shaw said they can’t be absolutely certain it was the same people, but the “circumstances are very, very similar.”
BC SPCA investigating the bunny dump
Shaw reiterated that the abandonment of animals is a criminal offence and that the BC SPCA is “actively investigating this ”
Shaw said they’ve had to rearrange the centre to accommodate their new tenants and is now appealing for fresh, sealed supplies for their unexpected visitors
“We need lots of rabbit supplies, such as hay and food but we are still dealing with RHD (rabbit hemorrhagic disease) so it needs to be packaged and unopened, purchased from a store,” she added, noting that the likes of packaged alfalfa hay, fresh uncut
Richmond residents are being asked by police to help identify a man suspected of breaking into a storage locker in a city centre apartment complex.
Richmond RCMP has released a photo (right) of the man suspected to be involved in the break-in at the 5,000-block of Gilbert Road, close to River Road
Police are investigating the alleged break and enter of the storage locker in November of last year
The male suspect, say police, entered the building through a public parking area and then “allegedly
vegetables and greens are best, but no iceberg lettuce
And if people find themselves in a similar situation as the ones who “dumped and dashed” last week, just reach out to the BC SPCA first
“It is an offence (to abandon animals), but I don’t want to scare people…just give us a call and we will work with you We don’t
want them being dumped in a park
“And even if you think (your new rabbits) are the same sex, get them spayed or neutered, get them up to date on their vaccines, get them microchipped.”
To contact the centre in Richmond, call 604-2773100 or email richmond@ spca.bc.ca or go to their website at Spca bc ca/locations/richmond
Elections BC is looking for District Electoral Officers and Deputy District Electoral Officers for electoral districts in Richmond. These roles plan for and manage provincial elections, by-elections and related projects.
These management-level positions are critical to ensure voters and other stakeholders experience an impartial, fair, accessible and inclusive electoral process. We are seeking highly motivated leaders with strong administrative, human resource and project management skills.
For more information, visit elections.bc.ca/jobs.
forcibly entered the storage area, and took several bags of items with him.”
The Mounties are asking anyone who recognizes this man or has information regarding the incident to contact Richmond RCMP and quote file number 2022-33069.
—Alan Campbell/NewsApply now! Application deadline is February 4, 2023.
Two hundred truckloads of fill were dumped on a Richmond farm without a permit, and now the owner wants to keep the fill and improve it in order to create a blueberry farm
City council voted 6-3 to forward the property owner ’ s application to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), which has the final say in whether the fill can stay, despite some hesitation from council mem-
bers, given the fact there was no fill permit.
If the ALC rejects the application, the property owner will have to remove the soil
All fill applications on ALR properties need to be approved by the ALC, but only after the local municipality agrees to forward the application to the provincial agency Coun Laura Gillanders, who, in the end, voted against sending the application to the ALC, said she felt “ unease ” approving it since the owner himself brought in the fill She added she didn’t want to send a message to the community that “anything goes on farmland,” that is, if a property owner
A: Xerostomia is a medical description for dry mouth. Causes for dry mouth can occur naturally from damage to the salivary glands, high stress situations and from prescription medications Attention needs to be paid to this condition. When dry mouth occurs, acid levels in your mouth rise and can cause caries (cavities) in your teeth. High acid levels can also cause denture sores resulting from diminished tissue reparability Diabetics are always at risk for this condition and should closely monitor their salivary flow Health practitioners can aid their patients with a number of products such as Biotene™ and Xylitol™. Biotene™ is a moisturizer for your mouth. It comes in a toothpaste, mouth wash and a gel for severe xerostomia. Xylitol comes in a toothpaste, mouthwash, mints and gum. The moisturizing action of Xylitol occurs by naturally stimulating your salivary glands and creating a higher flow of your own saliva. Xylitol mints are excellent before physical activity or to have in your pocket during your daily activities The mints can bring the acid levels in your mouth to a neutral ph. within thirty seconds Both products are effective and can be used in combination. If you have questions regarding this or any other subject please do not hesitate to call or setup an appointment for a free consultation. You can also go our website at www.bcdenturist.ca for more articles and information.
dumps fill without a permit, he or she can just then apply later to keep it
“I think we need to have a deterrent there needs to be a message sent that that’s not okay,” Gillanders said, adding there are “dozens” of similar cases currently under investigation
Although 1,100 cubic metres of fill was dumped on the property, at 8251 No. 5 Rd just south of Blundell Road, no fines were ever levied by the city or the ALC Coun Carol Day suggested city council ask staff to look into whether the city could impose a fine on the property owner before
the application was sent to the ALC.
“Whatever they took in tipping fees, we should be charging them in a fine fair is fair,” Day said “We’ve got to send a message that you can’t get away with this.”
She added if this owner isn’t held “ accountable” there’s nothing to stop the next property owner from doing the same thing This, however, wasn’t supported by the majority of council and, instead, they voted to send it to the ALC for a decision
City council also asked staff to look into how it could better police illegal fill dumping on farmland
Is Canada going to have King Charles portrait on Canada’s 2023 coins? Q: A:
Canada is going to be commemorating Queen Elizabeth’s 60-year reign as Canada’s Queen
All coins coming out by the Royal Canadian mint, will have her portrait and 1952-2022 on the obverse of the coin
Both the $50 gold and $5 silver Maples Leafs should be here in two weeks, and they will have that “1952-2022” included on the coin.
We also should have the 2023-coin sets and Silver Dollar in by the third week in February
There is also a special commemorative dollar, with all four different portraits of the Queen that were used on our coinage.
It will be available around the end of February.
Q:What does alternative health mean and how is it different than medicine?
A:An “alternative” is defined as “another choice” – but the alternative in health care may also be the less obvious choice. Traditional medicine encourages patients to seek a doctor’s help as a response to illness, alternative health-care providers focus on prevention. If you are interested in exploring an alternative health-care solution - a great place to start is with chiropractic care. For more than 100 years, chiropractors, have worked to transform the “traditional medicine” health-care paradigm from one based on treating disease to one focused on prevention. What can chiropractic do for you? A lot! Chiropractors believe that the body has an inherent ability to heal itself and that the structure of the spine relates to the function of the body
Rather than relieving only symptoms, chiropractors help patients prevent illness by achieving optimal health. If you would like to find out more - call our office and set up a consultation with one of our doctors.
Three Richmond citizens were honoured last week for their brave actions in helping Richmond RCMP catch a violent suspect and tending to an injured officer
Construction site workers Stephen Baskerville, Tracey Hill and Margaret Woodcock were joined by friends, family, Richmond RCMP Chief Supt Dave Chauhan and a handful of officers at the Richmond detachment on Jan 25 for the award presentation
The three civilians jumped in to help an injured Richmond RCMP officer and catch a suspect while officers were working on a stolen property case
On Feb 17, 2022, four suspects, three male and one female, were confronted by staff at the Hampton Inn on Bridgeport Road for fraudulent use of a credit card
The four individuals then fled the hotel
Richmond RCMP was called to the hotel and identified three of the four suspects through video surveillance Two male and one female suspects were recognized by two officers patrolling the area near Sex-
smith Road and Douglas Street
The female and one male were arrested for stolen property, but a second male suspect fled on foot
A Richmond RCMP officer chased the individual, which led to an altercation between the two in which the officer was repeatedly struck in the head The suspect then removed the officer’s collapsible baton from his holster and struck the officer with the baton, which “rendered the officer unconscious” and ran away
Civilian witness Hill, a construction flagger working nearby, witnessed the entire altercation and alerted fellow co-workers on-site, telling them what was happening and where the suspect ran
“I couldn’t run and jump in and save him because I probably wouldn’t have turned out okay,” said Hill
Construction site flagger Woodcock then used the work radio to direct their site supervisor Baskerville to a business plaza on Capstan Way where the suspect entered a restaurant
“To hear an officer has been hit, I just needed to find out what was going on and do whatever I could do,” said Baskerville, explaining “it was all instinct to help ”
The Gendo Asian Art Foundation nominated 12 Chinese characters, each representing an issue that dominated the thoughts of Canadians in 2022 The poll ended on Jan 27, with the character for inflation winning with 33,187 votes, followed by the character for discrimination with 12,800 votes
Chak Au, Richmond city councillor and chairman of the Gendo Asian Art Foundation, said the campaign was a success, noting that Canada had the highest participation ratio compared to countries with similar polls
More than 45 per cent of the participants were from Western Canada and most of them were from Metro Vancouver. Having so many non-Chinese participants was also encouraging and bodes well for future events, Au added
As for the first-place winner, Au was not surprised
“The high inflation rate has affected many people’s lives to a drastic degree in 2022,” Au said Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan also chose “inflation” as the Chinese character of the year
At the character reveal held on Saturday at the foundation’s office, Mark Jin, a Chinese calligraphy master, perform a brushwriting ceremony
Arthur Wang, secretary-general of the Gendo Asian Art Foundation, expressed his appreciation for every Canadian who voted in the poll and plans to turn it into an annual event
Also in celebration of the Lunar New Year, the Richmond Chinese Community Society was back at Lansdowne Centre for the first time since the pandemic
Hundreds of Richmondites and local dignitaries gathered at the Richmond mall on Saturday afternoon to enjoy the festivities, which included an opening ceremony, live dance and musical performances as well as various stalls showcasing cultural crafts and fun activities.
Lion dancers also visited tenants around the mall to bring good fortune
With his staff’s direction he located the suspect in the business plaza and held him down until police officers arrived
When asked if he was scared, Baskerville told the News the adrenaline was there to suppress the fear and he just did what he did without knowing what he was doing Hill told the News that she never expected
to be honoured like this
“To me, my honour and reward was when they told me he (the officer) was going to be okay
That was the biggest reward,” she said “I just did what I needed to do, and I’m glad that I did,” she added
The suspect in question has been charged with numerous offences, including assaulting a police officer with a weapon, disarming a police officer, wilfully resisting or obstructing an officer and failing to comply with a bail release order
The three civilians were presented a certificate of appreciation, a Richmond RCMP challenge coin and an RCMP officer-incharge accommodation letter by Chief Supt Chauhan
“I want to personally thank these civilians for rendering assistance to our injured officer, and for helping to ensure the suspect involved was quickly located and taken into custody,” said Chauhan
“The quick interaction and actions of (these) folks are commendable ”
Vancouver International Airport’s (YVR) latest crow tenant has moved out for now
According to a tweet from YVR, Moira the crow was “safely re-released” on Monday
However, Moira’s response to her banishment has been less than enthusiastic
Just before YVR’s tweet, @crowYVR, a Twitter account where Moira has been documenting her life at the airport, had warned of a “birdnapping” with a tweet stating, “Being manhandled is NOT APPRECIATED ”
Moira told the Richmond News, via her @crowYVR Twitter account, that she had been relocated out “into what became a snowy tundra ”
“The relationship I thought I had built with the YVR domestic terminal and their staff was clearly a lie,” the statement reads, adding that while there
were no physical injuries, feelings were hurt
Moira’s account also replied to YVR, accusing the airport of not giving credit for the photo of her
It remains to be seen whether travellers will see the celebrity crow perched around the airport again
“I found great solace and comfort at YVR, and the food options were plentiful, so I’ll be back,” reads Moira’s statement
“However, maybe next time I’ll have better luck in the international terminal ”
Mike Su
A woman who was scammed just got a second chance to hold the bank that authorized the transaction partially responsible
Li Zheng decided to sue the Richmond branch of Bank of China (Canada) after losing almost $70,000 to a scammer She turned to the Court of Appeal after her civil suit was dismissed in the Supreme Court.
Zheng had received a call from someone back in May 2018 who claimed to be with the Chinese consulate The caller, who had Zheng’s driver’s licence number, told her she was being investigated for an international money laundering case
She was given the option to either fly back to China and stay in jail during the investigation or transfer funds to Hong Kong that would be returned after the investigation
Zheng, who said she was “terrified to death” by the threats, went to the Richmond branch of the Bank of China (Canada) and
asked a teller to help her transfer $69,000 to another person ’ s account in Hong Kong
She claimed bank employees did not ask her security questions about the transfer, but the bank’s compliance officer told the court he had asked Zheng about her relationship with the Hong Kong recipient Although he did not get a response, he said he “did not notice anything out of the ordinary ”
When she realized she’d been scammed, Zheng filed a civil claim against the bank for not alerting her to the possible fraud.
When that claim was dismissed, Zheng appealed to the BC Court of Appeal, which has decided to revive her claim
In her written reasons, appeal judge Susan Griffin rejected the bank’s claim that Zheng would have made the transaction regardless of any questions from the bank
“There is no evidence that the Bank warned Ms Zheng that there was a prevailing fraud of this sort Had it done so, Ms Zheng may well have realized she was being duped and halted the transaction,” she wrote
March 5-11,
Take the grand staircase up to one of the most historic and beautiful ballrooms in Vancouver and the marquee event of Vancouver Cocktail Week: The Golden Era Cocktail Revival Gala
Raise your glass to the fall of Prohibition and enter the golden era of cocktails at an epic party that takes you on a glamorous journey through tipsy traditions Throughout the ballroom designed in 1939 and with more than 800 hours of hand-painted details stations featuring local bar stars and global brand ambassadors will offer drinks representing different eras in cocktail culture past and present
W Georgia St.
Come early and enjoy our VIP hour, where you can mingle with our international and national VIP guests while enjoying passed canapés and cocktails
Following the VIP hour, cheer on the finalists in the World Class Canada bartender competition during their speed-round hour before we announce the 2023 Canadian Bartender of the Year
Then enjoy the food stations, live music and DJ, and cast your bids in the silent auction to support the BC Hospitality Foundation
The Golden Era Cocktail Revival Gala is guaranteed to be a night to remember
Note that Fairmont Hotel Vancouver will be offering special room rates for the even ng. fairmont com/hotel-vancouver
R2737534 MLS
R2740051 MLS
Welcome home! This well cared for home owned by the same family since brand new In the prestigious, sought after area of North Delta backing onto the Sunbury Ravine, A move in ready 2 storey home with 5 bedrooms + den and 3 full bathrooms sitting on a huge 8700+ sq ft lot, a quiet street with beautiful curb appeal. Many top quality finishes in the interior and loads of updates over the years including a stunning kitchen, beautiful hardwood floors, new carpets, newer furnace, hot water tank and air conditioning. Roof done in 2021. Private rear yard backs onto Sunbury Ravine green space and is irrigated for easy maintenance Walk out lower floor could be suited or just a fantastic space for family entertaining. Brooke Elementary and Sands Secondary catchment.
Rarely available on the golf course w/water feature This resort style home is in the first-class community resort of Tsawwassen Springs. An open concept layout includes a spacious bedroom down with ensuite. Upstairs there is a a large media room, den & primary bedroom with a 5 pce ensuite Quality craftsmanship in this house provides pride of ownership, with engineered hardwood floors & wool carpeting. Granite counter-tops & high-end appliances make entertaining in this kitchen a dream.Two side by side garages provide ample parking and storage Amenities include a restaurant/bar, coffee shop/deli & fitness centre only steps away Easy access to Hwy 17A & 99. Walk to Tsa. Mills/Commons Resort living & freehold!
Just listed! Well maintained family home in desirable Steveston North! Spacious rooms throughout, comes with 2 5 baths, double car garage and 2 fireplaces Kitchen has some nice updates including granite counters, glass tile backsplash and stainless steel appliances. Large lot over 6000 sq ft is great for those who like to entertain or avid gardeners Good price for a home this size in this location
Just listed! Good sized lot on quiet street in south central Richmond House in good shape, would make an excellent holding property or build your 3600 sq ft dream home now Lots of other newer homes in the area. Close to Blundell shopping centre and located in the sought after Steveston/ London high school catchment Call for more details
Spacious 1 bedroom unit with huge, western exposed patio in "Southwater", a super popular and very well maintained complex in desirable Steveston South, up against the Fraser River!
#124 - 5500 Andrews Road
Large Lot in Lackner!
rectangular lot with south facing backyard in extremely popular and Prestigious Lackner Subdivision in West Richmond Surrounded by mansions, very few properties like this still available
5080 Maple Road
SUB PENTHOUSE RANCHER IN THE SKY, WITH AMAZING UNOBSTRUCTED VIEWS from every room, to the north, south and west Also a great sized balcony to sit and watch the sunsets from All rooms are well appointed to accommodate house size furnishings for those that aren’t quite ready to downsize completely Big open kitchen and eating area, ideal for putting together your best gourmet meal or finest baking. Beautiful gleaming sold Oak floors throughout with a great open layout for entertaining. Lots of windows make this a very bright and comfortable home. You really do feel like you are floating in the sky Located in the heart of Kerrisdale Endless choices of shops and dining experiences as well as public transit right around the corner Welcome Home! Call your agent for a private viewing.
Welcome to Bridgeview Court in Hamilton! This spacious 3-level townhome end un t w th 3 bedrooms, 2 5 bathrooms, double SxS garage with EV Charger, loads of storage space and a quaint cozy fenced backyard is perfect for a growing family or if you are downsizing from a house Walk up to the living and dining, open kitchen with generous eating area and large family room surrounded by windows on the main floor Extensive utility room,
Beautifully kept! This custom built 15 year family home offers a total of 6 bedrooms that comes complete with a fantastic 1 or 2 bedroom suite that’s perfect for in-laws or just as a mortgage helper! Still being enjoyed by the original owners, this 3450 SF home features a gourmet kitchen with island, stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops, extra large laundry room with 2 sets of washer/dryers, 4 full + 2 half bathrooms, HRV
Absolutely amazing 2 level CORNER end unit townhome with 3 bedrooms, large open den, 2.5 baths and family room located in the heart of the sought-after Lackner neighbourhood. Totally renovated from top to bottoms and features a brand new dream kitchen with stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops, all new bathrooms, new flooring throughout, designer paint, cozy gas fireplace, insuite laundry, new windows, new hot water tank, new patio doors and so much more. This 1493 SF home is also situated in a very private and quiet location within the complex and comes with a sunny south backyard, exterior storage room and 2 parking spots. Walk to Jessie Wowk Elementary / StevestonLondon Secondary Richmond Christian School, Blundell shopping centre, parks and transit.
Impressively well kept 4 bedroom + den family home that’s located on a huge 13,207 SF lot w/ a wide 72.5’ frontage! Enjoy this centrally air-conditioned 2393 SF home that features a super bright kitchen w/ island, newer stainless steel appliances, vaulted ceilings & family room w/ wet bar (all added with City permits). Other updates incl a roof that s just 9 yrs old, 3 openable skylights, upgraded double-glazed windows, large laundry rm 2.5 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces & loads of storage in the enormous heated crawlspace. The super flexible layout can be easily separated for in-laws, nannies or extended family All this on a fully landscaped lot with a sunny SW backyard, large back patio & detached single garage. Perfect holding property or build your dream home that s 5212 SF plus garage.
#807 – 6833 Buswell Street
PRIMA, a beautifully-crafted brand new building by Robert Bosa's Quorum Group! Walk 1 short block to No 3 Rd & couple of minutes later at Richmond Centre. Lowdensity w/only 101 strata units. Functional floor plan. Spacious & bright! Qualityfinished w/built-in brand name appliances in open modern kitchen, gas cooktop, quartz counter tops, AC, F-to-C windows, German 12mm wide-plank laminated wood floors & large tiles in bathrooms. Roof-top garden, multi-purpose function room, equipped gym. All these plus a huge elegant entrance foyer on a very quiet residential street.
1,156 sf 3-bdrm NE corner unit + 2 balconies totaling 833 sf. Unobstructed Mt Baker & Burnaby Mt views. King-sized master bdrm has walk-in closet. $1,196,800
#1207 – 6833 Buswell Street
954 sf 2-bdrm NE corner unit + 95 sf balcony Unobstructed Mt Baker & Burnaby Mt views. Kingsized master bdrm. $1,098,800
#715 – 6833 Buswell Street
579 sf 1-bdrm + 70 sf patio. W-facing looking right onto the 5th fl roof top garden view Open & spacious, king sized master bedroom Not an inch of wasted space!! Asking $696,800
Nice retail shop in West Broadway Corridor 749 sq.ft. with excellent exposure, air-conditioned, security system. 9 feet height, 18'
6125-4000 NO. 3 ROAD
Top floor 12ʼ x 40ʼ (478 SF) office. F-to-C windows w/beautiful water & sunset views!
best area in this busy foot traffic shopping Mall. Perfect for any retail trade & services except for existing businesses already operating west of the food court (fashion excepted). Walking distance to Canada Line & City Centre. Good Tenant gross rent : $1,350/month, annual net return 3.25%.
April 11, 1932 - December 22, 2022
On December 22, 2022, our father Dr Lionel Tenby passed away at Richmond General Hospital. The symptoms of acute leukemia had presented quickly and he was admitted to the hospital on December 9. Our father passed away at age 90 having lived a full, happy and successful life. He was a Richmond doctor for half a century and cared for generations of patients in the community
He was predeceased by his father Dr Henry Tenby in 1956, mother Fanny Tenby in 1990, wife Judy in 1987, and is survived by his children Marla and Henry (and Idil), brother Dr Stephen Tenby in Honolulu, and extended family in England. He will be very much missed by his dear friend Josie. Throughout his life, our father maintained a strong bond with his Jewish faith in honour and memory of his father Henry’s family who remained in Lublin, Poland and were all victims of the Holocaust
Dr Lionel Tenby graduated from the University of London’s Westminster Hospital Medical School in 1955. He emigrated to Canada interning at London, Ontario’s St. Joseph’s Hospital, and enlisted in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps as a Medical Officer with the rank of Captain. In 1956, he returned to London when his father took ill to tend his father’s busy South London medical practice in Elephant & Castle until 1957. After his father’s death, Lionel returned to Canada.
He interned at Royal Columbian Hospital and was licensed to practice medicine in BC in August, 1958. After a year of residency at VGH as an ENT he went into general practice initially working for a GP in Ladner In the summer of 1961, our father started his practice in the Seafair Shopping Centre in Richmond (on August 15). In the 1980s, his office moved across the street to the Francis Road location where it remained until retirement
Our father admitted the very first pediatric patient to the newly opened Richmond General Hospital on March 17, 1966, and was an active doctor until his 2014 retirement. August 11, 2011, was a big date as our father celebrated his Golden Jubilee 50th anniversary of practicing family medicine He received the Queen’s Medal in recognition for his community service in a special ceremony in November, 2012. In later years our father enjoyed regular visits to LA to visit his Uncle Jack and Auntie Trixie, cousin Maggie and partner David, and made regular visits to see all his family in London (Loretta, Devora, Brenda and others) and in Israel (Ehud, Rivka and others). Our father’s funeral service was held at the Schara Tzedek Cemetery on December 25, 2022. May his soul rest in peace. He will be remembered as a kind, loving, gentle, generous soul, who lived life to the absolute fullest.
Call or ema l to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-653-7851 • 604-362-0586
nmather@glaciermedia ca • dtjames@glaciermedia ca
Book your ad online anytime at richmond-news.adperfect.com
June 9, 1980 to January 7, 2023
It is wth deepest sadness we announce the loss of our beautiful son Ryan Ryan was very cose to his famly especialy his brother Miles and sister Vanessa One of hs greatest oys was paying and laughing with hs niece Emre, and nephews Landon and Leo Ryan was a collector of tools (new and od), comic books and sports cards He loved to go to car shows and hockey games When there was a boxng match he would be at the bar to watch with Mies, Vanessa, his Dad, and frends Ryan was passionate about BMX bkes and Mustang cars Ryan’s cousin and best frend JD talked everyday about their BMX finds Ryan was a master gazier and very artcuate about hs work
Ryan had a wonderfu sense of humour and a great contagious laugh Ryan loved to learn about everything Such a wonderfu kind gentle sou rest in peace our precous boy, in al of our hearts forever Ryan wl be greatly mssed by his mother Marene Reeves, father Robin Reeves, brother Miles (Emrie and Leo) and sister Vanessa (Landon) Auntie Mary-Anne, Unce Andy (cousns Jennfer and Stephen), Auntie Jo (cousins Michele, Tyler, JD, Kady and Kely), Uncle Brian (cousin Alex), and Uncle Kevn Auntie Randi, Uncle Bob (cousins Jennifer, Courtney and Maree), Aunte Rcki (cousin Zachary) As wel as his second cousns, too many to mention and al of his friends Ryan was predeceased by his grandparents Nana and Baba; Deare and Grandpa George Amesbury, and hs great grandmother Grandma Mom Also, his fur baby (Bela) who was hs faithfu companion for 15 years Ryan loved al animals
A memoral servce wl be held to honour Ryan on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at 1:00 pm, Richmond Funera Home, 8420 Cambe Road, Richmond, B C Reception to folow at Funera Home
In leu of flowers, please make a donaton n Ryan’s name to a charty of your choice
Online condolences may be eft at www richmond-funera ca
Funeral arrangements entrusted to Richmond Funera Home • (604) 273-3748
June 20, 1978 December 31, 2022
On December 31, 2022, Chad passed away unexpectedly of undiagnosed heart disease at his home in Edmonton, Alberta. He was 44 years old. He is survived by his daughter, Kianna; partner Tammy Howe; parents Larry and Bonnie Makutra; sister Jamie (Aaron) Hudson; niece Amelia; and nephew Nathaniel. He will be remembered and missed by many extended family and friends.
Chad grew up in Steveston, BC and enjoyed a loving childhood filled with family, friends and sports lacrosse and hockey being his favourites. He survived a serious car accident in 1995 and worked hard to recover from and adapt to his injuries He went on to pursue culinary arts at Vancouver Community College before relocating to Edmonton, where he met his former spouse and brought Kianna into the world. Through all of life’s joys and frustrations Edmonton was a comfortable place for Chad, and he was happy to live in his maternal grandparents’ home for the last several years of his life.
Those who knew Chad will remember him for his goofy sense of humour, gregarious laughter, and love of food he always took pride in cooking up something delicious. If you regularly received pictures of his meals via text or messenger, consider this a sign of how much he valued your friendship.
Cremation has taken place, and an interment and family reflection will be held in Edmonton at a later date. In lieu of flowers, we invite you to raise a glass wherever you are and tell a good joke (maybe twice) in honour of Chad.
August 21, 1928 - March 11, 2020
February 12 2023
Remembrance of Kay at 1460 W 49th Avenue, Vancouver Refreshments to Follow Donations may be made to Joyfelowship - A church of Peope of al Abilties joyfelowshp bc ca
Sunday Service
HUDD, Audrey Yvonne
September 1, 1931 January 12, 2023
With great sadness, we announce the passing of our brave mother/grandmother/aunt. Audrey is survived by husband Harold, daughter Penny (Roy), son Michael, two grandchildren Declan and Kyle and many other family members. Born in Bombay, India, she married there and then moved to England, Scotland and finally, Canada. She worked at Little Flower Academy for many years, retiring in 1994. In 1999, Audrey beat the odds and survived a brain aneurysm, enjoying many more years with her family. Prayers on February 3rd, 5:30 pm and Funeral Mass on February 4th, 11:30 am at St. Paul’s Parish, 8251 St Albans, Richmond
COMMUNITY announcementS
Marg and George shared a partnershp based on common vaues, deep companonship and ove that stood the test of time
George was born in Edmundston, New Brunswck to Emma and Charles Edmonds He was a successfu Forestry Engineer but folowing the family’s move from Winnipeg to Cagary n 1963, he became regiona director of the Canadian Counci of Chrstans and Jews and eventually a manager at the Unversity of Cagary Book Store He eft the workforce n hs fifties to folow hs dream to become a writer
George pursued an authentic life He was a seeker who was always curious: he practiced Zen meditaton, vegetaransm and running before they were a thing in the 1970’s George was an ntrovert who read lterature, phiosophy and hstory and often commented that realty dd not hold a match to the wonderful world of lterature Yet, George was aso the life of the party with both adults and chidren His grandchidren woud laugh unti ther cheeks hurt
George loved the outdoors and introduced hs chidren to hking and cross-country sking in the Rocky Mountans when they were young Later he oned an outdoors club that went every week nto the Kananaskis George went on club cycing trips around the word into his 80’s Whle he oved to be part of the group, he woud often be found off to the side wrting or drawing in his notebook He also had a specal reationship with hs Westphala van, whch he took camping wth the famly or would park by the ocean to drink tea and read
When Marg and George were 80 years old, they moved from Calgary to Steveston to be close to their daughters and grandchildren He spent the past fifteen years of his ife walkng at Gary Point Park, dscussing poetry over coffee wth hs dear friend Ron and eventualy movng to The Maple Residences
Even though he was an od man when he died, hs passing was stl a shock as he was stil so young at heart
Grey Tabby since June 15
Short haired / Green eyes / Very friendly / Pics Online RN
Microchip / Reward / Please call 604 272 4207
Sales and Services Assistant
We are a successful, fam ly owned boutique trave agency w th an extensive portfo io of luxury v llas in Los Cabos, Mex co Compl ment ng our rental properties is our abi ity to del ver some of the most exciting itinerar es in the travel industry from relax ng with our pr vate chefs and but ers to cru s ng on yachts; golfing at some of the best courses in the Wor d, or trying to and the big one n the marlin sportfishing cap tal W th over 20 years of experience in th s el te market, we are wide y known and recognized as offering “the best of the best” Our reputation is ste lar and our attention to deta l and fierce protection of our client’s pr vacy has made us the go-to agency for celebrities and high net worth guests al ke
As a Sales and Serv ces Assistant you wi l be respons ble for the fol ow ng; The role
• Assisting sales staff with bookings
• Preparing and Executing Trave Itinerar es
• Managing incom ng cal s and text messages
• Schedu ing staff
• Other duties as requ red
Candidate profile
• Excellent Written and Verba Communication Sk lls in Eng ish
• Super or Multitasker
• Except onal Attention to Detai
• Proficiency with Gmai and the Google Su te (Docs, Sheets etc)
• Enthusiast c and Keen to Learn
• Works well Under Pressure
• Excellent Interpersona Ski ls
• Abi ity to Travel to Mexico
• Spanish
• Accounting Experience
• Related Tourism Experience
• Related Degree (Sales and Market ng)
Salary Range $42 000 - $46 000 depending on qual fications and experience Email resumes to Kate Harris: Kate@suncabo com
P ease Note: Our offices are located n South Richmond in the Ironwood area Due to high volumes of applications for this ob, only successful applicants wi l be contacted
Rajbeer graduated with an associate of science degree in 2015. She has succeeded for 8 years in the customer service industry, providing services with a positive and caring attitude. Having a passion for denturism, Rajbeer has provided excellent and dedicated patient care at Esthetics Denture Studio since she completed the CDI Denturists program.
Advantages and benefits of being an Esthetics Denture Studio patient:
• Alex Hupka has 26 years of experience as a registered dental technician and 21 years experience as a registered denturist
• A combined experience of 47 years in the dental field produces results of esthetic beauty with unparalleled accuracy in all our products
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Cosmetic Precision Denture System™
Premium quality Cosmetic Precision Dentures instill confidence and provide optimum function while eating, speaking and laughing
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