Richmond News June 1 2023

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June 3 to 4, 2023

Discover 39 of Richmond’s unique cultural and civic sites for FREE!

Learn more by visiting and follow #DoorsOpenRichmond on social media.


39 Service Battalion & 12 Service Battalion Museum

5500 No 4 Road

See the activities of the every day citizens who voluntarily train to suppo t supply and maintenance needs of the loca army re erve Museum volunteers present and will be providing commentary on the museum displays. Due o ongoing constructions, parking is limited

Drop-in on Saturday June 3rd from 10AM to 4PM or Sunday June 4th from 10AM o 4PM

Anar Persian Cuisine

12051 Third Avenue

Anar Persian Cuisine’s goa is to provide an educational experience where we will disp ay many diffe ent kind o food from our culture in a Persian restaurant.

Sample our menu and experience dif eren aspec s of a estaurant, such as its menu ambiance and services. The program can be used to crea e an nteractive platform tha p ovides use s with an mmersive experience of wha a Persian es au ant has to offer

Drop in on Sunday June 4 h from 1PM to 4PM

Please call 778-834-1707 for inqu ries.

www.anargril com

Az-Zahraa Islamic Centre

8580 No 5 Road

The Az-Zahraa Islamic Center enables its membe s to p omote the values and practices of the Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Jaffari Faith for the sp r tual, social, educational and economic well being of the community

Experience a comfortable environment in which guests are welcome to ask question and es ablish fruitfu dialogue with members of our community

Please be p epared to remove shoes. Guests a e visiting a religious centre and schoo and are requested to follow a modest dress code

Drop-in on Saturday June 3rd from 10AM to 4PM

Please call 604-368-8786 for inqu ries

Baha'i Community of Richmond 7700 Minoru Gate [Richmond Cultural Centre Plaza]

Richmond Baha' Community invites visito s to explore how o build a vibrant and ha monious community that celebrates unity in diversity!

Experience the Baha'i community-building activities that p omote unity in diversity including charactebuilding classes for children ocusing on vir ues, programs that empower junior youth and learning oppor un ties or parents and adults.

Drop-in on Saturday June 3rd rom 10AM to 4PM or Sunday June 4th f om 10AM to 4PM.

Please call 778-522-1844 for inquiries.


BC Emergency Health Services–South Richmond Station

3999 Williams Road

BCEHS oversees BC Ambulance Se vice & BC Patient Transfer Services. Within this mandate the South Richmond Station st ives to deliver the best poss ble pa ient care within Richmond and beyond

See inside an Ambulance Station and unde stand the day-to-day lives of Paramedics.

Drop-in on Saturday June 3rd rom 10AM to 4PM or Sunday June 4th f om 10AM to 4PM.

Please call 604-816-2249 for inquiries.

bcehs ca

Gulf of Georgia Cannery Society

12138 Fourth Avenue

The Gulf of Georgia Cannery is a living monument to he individuals involved in BC’s fishing ndustry, p eserving its history and p esenting n an engaging and elevan way

Our family-oriented prog am is an ora history booklet and s a f-led sto y elling sess on that connects with our exhibit Fish Tales The book et p ovides p ompts and a space fo k ds to record nterviews with family members, and co ect storie o heir expe iences

Drop-in on Satu day, June 3rd rom 11AM to 3PM for ou Doors Open program Please call 604-664-9261 for inquiries.

Richmond Collections Storage Site

Unit 101–7080 R ver Road

The Richmond Col ections Storage Faci ty houses the ma n artefact col ection for the C ty of Richmond. We are se dom open to the publ c, so we are excited to offer a rare gl mpse of our sha ed heritage

Nanaksar Gurdwara

Gursikh Temple

8691 Westm nster Highway

Explore Richmond’s history w th this fascinating tour opportunity Curators demonstrate the rich diversity of the C ty through ts treasured be ongings, and show how we care for those be ongings. See a giant ship whee , cameras, toys, trunks and much much more!

Britannia Shipyards

National Historic Site

5180 Westwater Drive

The Britann a Shipyards Nationa Historic Site is a rare, su viving example o Steveston s once hriving mix ure of canne ies, boa yards, and residences when fishing and boat building were flourishing industries on the Fraser River

Discover Britann a Shipyards and get a behind-thescenes look at the incredible restora ion project of the boat cradles in he in amous shipyard building

Here you will learn how hese cradles played such a pivota role in Steveston's fishing and boa ing history

Drop-in on Saturday June 3rd rom 11AM to 3PM or Sunday June 4th f om 11AM to 3PM or our Doors Open program.

P ease call 604-238-6106 for inquiries. ona -historic-site/.

Eastern Catholic Church Richmond

8700 Railway Avenue

Described as "Best-kept Secret of the Catholic Church", explore our friendly, open multi-e hnic neighbourhood pa ish that follows he ancien

Eastern Christian t adition Expe ience he wonde s of timeless chants, Byzantine Theology, mystica praye Liturgica spirituality incense & Holy Icons.

Ac ivit es include: Church ours: on the hou and on the hal hour

Q&A sessions: every Quarter-past the Hou & every Quarte to the Hou

Topics that may include: Architectura theology, itu gica hymnody, Biblica chant music, explanat ons o iconography

Drop-in on Saturday June 3rd rom 10AM to 4PM or Sunday June 4th f om 1PM to 4PM.


ease ca l 604-447-1731 for inquiries.

Lamajoun Armenian Restaurant

128–11782 River Road

Lamajoun Armenian Restaurant is located in an ndustria area The expression “Baked w th Love” s not jus a slogan, bu he main ph losophy of our family business We only bake/cook/gri n a good mood sending our love and warm energy to those who will be enjoying ou p oducts.

Experience Armenian and Georgian variety of unique food items as well as some clay art from an Armenian a tist

Drop-in on Sunday une 4th from 1PM to 4PM

Please call 778-896-4200 for inquiries.

Lingyen Mountain Temple 10060 No 5 Road

Lingyen Mountain Temple p omotes cultura exchange and unde standing, by showcasing Buddhist cultural aspects and introducing people to diffe ent traditions and p actices.

Visit the meditation booth ha offers visitors a chance to learn abou different meditation p actices The a t and craft booth displays t aditional Buddhis art and a tifacts. The tea ce emony booth will offer a demonstration of a t aditional Buddhis ea ceremony The food booth will provide a selec ion of vegetarian dishes tha a e commonly eaten in Buddhist cu tures.

Drop-in on Satu day, June 3rd rom 10AM to 4PM or Sunday June 4th f om 10AM to 4PM

Please call 604-271-0009 for inquiries.

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London Heritage Farm

6511 Dyke Road

London Farm's goa is to provide an nformative experience rela ive to the histo y and contribution over ime of London Farm and he London fami y, the homesteaders fo his site

Explore London Heritage Farm site and experience what life was or a arm family in the ate 1800's to ea ly 1900's in Richmond Displays of authentic a tifacts bo h in he farm house and on site w p ovide a glimpse into the ways in which the London family lived and hrived

Drop-in on Satu day, June 3rd rom 10AM to 4PM or Sunday June 4th f om 10AM to 4PM

Please call 604-271-5220 for inquiries.

Nanaksar Gurdwara Gursikh Temple was bui n 1984 and s of a unique architectura design. t s open 24 hours da y we com ng people of a backgrounds. Since the Temple opened, continuous prayers have been he d n the nne sanctuary and Langa has been served to the congregation. V sit the Temple to experience the prayer ha l and enjoy anga with the congregation.

Drop in on Sunday June 4th from 1PM o 4PM

Please call 604-270-7369 for inquiries.

Richmond Art Gal ery

7700 M noru Ga e

Richmond Art Ga ery s a non-profit municipa art ga ery establ shed n 1980.

The ga lery produce an array of exhibitions and programs that connect, empower and provoke conversation w th our diverse Richmond and BC communities.

V ew three exhibitions n one day with a walk ng tour a ong the Canada Line for Capture Festiva exhibitions, ending a the Richmond Art Ga ery for tea and discuss on. Pre-registration s equired, ava abi ty may be m ted.

Please call 604-247-8363 for inquiries.

Richmond Caring Place Society

140–7000 Minoru Blvd

This hub for e even non-profit agencies offers a broad range of services, ncluding fami y counse ng, youth and single parent support, hea th promotion and chi dcare Learn about the success n providing programs that are vita to Richmond’s we be ng.

Come n, tour the faci ty and view table displays presented by different agencies. Our board members w present tours of the faci ty and services.

Drop-in on Satu day, June 3rd from 10AM to 4PM

Please call 604-279-7000 for inquiries. Richmond City Hall

6911 No 3 Road

C ty Hal s whe e the primary tasks of running C ty government a e carried out. The C ty s comm tted to ensuring that citizens rece ve exce ent custome service from everyone work ng on the r beha f.

Take an exclusive and behind the scenes tour of Richmond C ty Ha on Saturday, June 3rd. Get a ook at the municipa bui ding, earn more about how the city operates, and how to ge nvolved.

P e-registration required; availability may be limited

Please call 604-276-4300 for inquiries.

Tours a 10AM 11:30AM and 1:30PM on Sa urday June 3rd and Sunday June 4th. Pre-registration required

Please call 604-204-8990 for inquiries.

Richmond Family Place Society

8660 Ash Street

Richmond Fam ly P ace has a m ssion to ensure every child n Richmond reaches the ful potentia We provide drop-in programs 6 days a week at locations a across Richmond. Our ma n site ncludes 2 playrooms and a we equipped outdoor play space and vegetable garden beds.

Come to an enriched early earning environment. Activities nclude ea ning materia s, outdoor play equipment and ga dening. Program end w th a story time where fam es gather to read & sing together bui ding early teracy sk s and form ng new friendships.

Drop-in on Satu day, June 3rd for p og ams at 9:30AM to11:30AM and 1:00PM o 3:30PM

Please call 604-278-4336 for inquiries.

Richmond Fire Rescue–


Richmond Jamia Mosque

Richmond Museum

Brighouse Fire Hall #1

6960 Gi bert Road

The Richmond Fire Department s eage to host anothe fun-fil ed Fi e and Life Safety day a our flagship fire ha ocated at G bert and Granvi e

Experience the Richmond Fire-Rescue fleet, handle the therma maging cameras, l ve fire hoses and more Take a picture w th the enormous YVR Crash Truck or cl mb nside a rea Ambulance

Drop-in on Satu day, June 3rd from 10AM to 2PM

Please call 604-278-5131 for inquiries.

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Richmond smail Jamatkhana

4000 May Drive

The Richmond sma i Jamatkhana w present ts space to the broader public, w th the goa of educating and ncreasing the understanding of slam and the sma l Community

Tour the Richmond sma Jamatkhana and view the beautiful se ection of mages of our community

Ce ebrating 50 Years of Settlement n Canada

V ew the various spaces of the faci ty and ea n about the diverse and plura stic nature of slam c architecture ncluding the praye ha

Drop-in on Satu day, June 3rd at 10AM o 4PM

Please call 604-614-1185 for inquiries.

12300 B undel Road

Establ shed n 1983, the Richmond Jamia Masjid s the heart and soul of Richmond's vibrant and diverse Sunni Muslim community

Tour BC's very first purpose-built Muslim mosque that serves Richmond's Sunni Muslim community V sitors will meet with members of the congregation, view various symbolic features of the mosque and earn about Islamic faith and practice and the plura stic nature and appeal of the world's fastest grow ng religion.

Modest clothing equired for both men and women (no shorts or short skirts)

Drop-in on Satu day, une 3rd from 10AM to 4PM or Sunday June 4th from 10AM to 4PM. Please call 604-839-2165 for inqu ries.


Richmond Multicultura Community Services (RMCS)

210–7000 Minoru Boulevard

Located at the Richmond Caring Place, Richmond Multicultural Community Services RMCS) was originally founded as the Richmond Multicultural Concerns Society in 1985. RMCS began as an advocacy group to support newcomers facing barriers and challenges with settling in Richmond, as well as facing discrimination and racism. This public art bus tour will offer newcomers a chance to see public art in parks and other public spaces in Richmond. The bus will meet the participants at Richmond Caring Place at 7000 Minoru Blvd.

Pre-registration required; availability may be limited Please call 604-279-7160 for inquiries

www rmcs bc ca/

7700 Minoru Gate

The Richmond Museum aims to inspire curiosity about our community s history while exploring our place in the world. The Museum' Vision is to make the history of Richmond relevant, engaging and accessible.

Explore how Richmond’s stories are expressed through the arts while visiting the Richmond Museum's new exhibit, The Arts Live Here. Enjoy a self-guided tour of the gallery and enjoy onsite activities.

Drop-in Sunday, June 4th from 10AM to 4PM. Please cal 604-247-8330 for nqu ries. www

Richmond Olympic Experience

6111 Rive Road

Visit the Richmond Olympic Oval & Richmond Olympic Experience to discover the legacy of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games right here in Richmond!

Join us for an in-depth tour of the Richmond Olympic Oval to discover success stories from Team Canada athletes and the legacy of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games right here in Richmond.

Tours on Saturday June 3rd from 10:00AM and 2:00PM. Pre-registration required; availability may be limited

Please cal 778-296-1400 for nqu ries. o

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Geo ge Massey Tunne S t u r g e o n B a n k Bridgepor Rd Camb e Rd H ghway 91 N o 7 R d Wes minste Hwy Granv l eAve B undel Rd Franc s Rd N o 1 R d R a i l w a y A v e N o 2 R d G i l b e r t R d N o 3 R d G a r d e n C i t y R d N o 4 R d N o 5 R d N o 6 R d H i g h w a y 9 9 N o 8 R d W l ams Rd Steveston Hwy Moncton St A de bridge Way B unde Rd K n i g h t S t Canada Line Stations 30 19 1 4 3 26 13 22 37 24 34 28 27 21 23 16 38 9 12 25 15 18 29 14 36 20 39 17 7 5 8 2 35 6 11 10 31 33 32

Richmond Photo Club Society

6540 Gilbert Road

Founded in 1980, our club includes a range of beginner, intermediate, and advanced photographers shooting a wide variety of subjects Come along and meet us!

Come to the historic Minoru Chapel to visit an exhibit of multicultural images made by the members of the Richmond Photo Club

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 10AM to 4PM. Please call 604-506-6358 for inquiries

Richmond Public Art

6911 No 3 Road

The Richmond Public Art Program invites you on a free accessible bus tour of public art works situated around Alexandra, Bridgeport and Oval Villages. The tour will include recent additions to the collection such as Wake by Christian Huizenga and Aaron Zenga, Pergola Garden by Nicholas Croft and Michaela MacLeod as well as Typha by Charlotte Wall and Puya Khalili The tour will be led by Richmond Public Art Planner Biliana Velkova and will feature artist Christian Huizenga who will speak about his work

Tour on Sunday, June 4th 11AM-1PM Preregistration required; availability may be limited. Please call 604-247-4612 for inquiries

Richmond Public LibraryBrighouse Library

100–7700 Minoru Gate

Richmond Public Library is proud to be an essential source of information and learning for the community Our mission is to create opportunities to learn, connect and belong

We will be spotlighting traditional, nontraditional and digital literacy programs, services and resources at the library as well as opening our doors for all to come and explore our welcoming spaces

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 10AM to 4PM or Sunday, June 4th from 10AM to 4PM

Please call 604-231-6413 for inquiries

Richmond RCMP Community Policing Office

6931 Granville Avenue

Join the Richmond RCMP at the city's newest Community Policing Office Meet members of the RCMP, tour police vehicles, ask questions and take pictures with police officers and Safety Bear

Come out to this family friendly event with hands-on activities and displays. Learn about the Richmond RCMP's crime prevention programs and the city's Community Safety app

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 10AM to 2PM

Please call 604-207-4761 for inquiries

Richmond Youth Education Center

200–6760 No.3 Road

The goal of Richmond Youth Education Center is to provide an engaging educational experience where we will provide a range of activities seeking to bring our multicultural community closer together in unity and harmony

Visit the Richmond Youth Education Centre and benefit from a range of family-friendly and engaging activities for each age group. Activities seek to channel the multicultural beauty of our community, and will offer opportunities to learn about how we can build a vibrant community together!

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 10AM to 4PM and Sunday, June 4th from 10AM to 4PM. Please call 604-603-5691 for inquiries.

Sanduz Estate Wines

12791 Blundell Road

Sanduz Estate Wines staff are coming from different ethnicities and cultures serving various communities and cultures in Richmond. Sanduz is located in the heart of the richest agricultural lands of Richmond.

Come and visit our store and tasting room at Sanduz Estate Wines and sample from one of the largest selections of wines in BC. Our wines include varieties such as blueberry wine, black current wine, merlot, meritaj, dessert wines, icewine and port style wines.

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 10AM to 4PM and Sunday, June 4th from 10AM to 4PM. Please call 604-214-0444 for inquiries.

Sea Island Heritage Society

1891 Wellington Crescent

Discover the history of Sea Island through displays and chatting with our Volunteers.

Come to the historic Sea Island School to see our new space! See our display of artifacts. Sit down and glance through our historic collection.

Our space is accessed up a short 5 stairs. No washroom facilities.

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 10AM to 4PM.

Please call 604-619-0164 for inquiries.

Steveston Buddhist Temple

4360 Garry Street

One of the oldest standing Buddhist Temples in the lower mainland area, The Steveston Buddhist Temple has been part of the Steveston village since 1928.

Come visit the Steveston Buddhist Temple for a weekend of events and activities. Scheduled events will be ongoing throughout the weekend including the art of Buddhist flower arrangement, lessons on meditation, and the ABC's of Buddhism.

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 10AM to 4PM

Please call 604-908-4140 for inquiries.

Steveston Japanese Language School

4111 Moncton Street

The Steveston Japanese language School hosts an educational exhibit on the history of the Steveston Japanese community as well as an introduction to Japanese Language and Culture. Visit the community-built Japanese Cultural Centre and learn about the local history of the Steveston Japanese, and the Steveston Japanese Language School which traces its history back to the first Steveston school in 1909 and the courses it offers today

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 10AM to 4PM

Please call 604-274-4374 for inquiries.

Steveston Tram

4011 Moncton Street

Experience authentic interurban rail travel and learn about early transportation in Richmond at the Steveston Tram museum. Climb aboard Tram Car 1220, one of the original trams that ran on Richmond’s rail system.

Discover the stories behind the restoration of Tram Car 1220 to its original brilliance. Talk with project volunteers. Enjoy displays of photos, objects, and a 6-minute video of the process. Children can explore new exhibits with a scavenger hunt.

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 10AM to 4PM or Sunday, June 4th from 11AM to 4PM to meet our restoration volunteers for our Doors Open program.

Please call 604-238-8081 for inquiries.

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Richmond Service Center

220–7700 Minoru Road

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Richmond Service Centre provides essential information about government services and key resources in your community Services are free for eligible immigrants and their families and are offered in many languages. Come in and explore the vast types of services our Immigrant Settlement and Integration Program offers newcomers to Canada, seniors and women.

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 10AM to 1PM

Please call 604-279-7180 for inquiries.

The Blue Cabin Floating Artist Residency

4280 Bayview Street [Imperial Landing Docks]

The Blue Cabin Floating Artist Residency provides artists with the time, space and support to make work while providing the public with a distinct and diverse perspective of our heritage.

Stop by for a tour of the Blue Cabin and learn about the rich history of the space and the sustainable features of its deckhouse, see the current Sovereign Waterways art installations, and get a glimpse into upcoming residencies and public programs.

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 1PM to 4PM and Sunday, June 4th from 1PM to 4PM. Please call 403-651-6991 for inquiries.

Thrangu Monastery Canada

8140 No.5 Road

Discover Traditional Tibetan Art, Culture and meditation at our monastery here in Richmond. Tour the monastery facilities with a focus on traditional architecture, art and discussion of traditional Tibetan Buddhist meditation. Please wear modest clothing in the shrine room. Drop-in for tours at 10AM and 2PM on Saturday, June 3rd and Sunday, June 4th. Please call 778-297-6010 for inquiries.

Turkish Canadian Society

7700 Minoru Gate [Richmond

Cultural Centre–Performance Hall]

The Turkish Canadian Society (TCS)'s mission is to increase the public knowledge of contemporary and traditional Turkish art and culture, while creating a productive environment, as well as sharing the history and teaching the language.

Participate in our cultural and traditional activities and help us build a culturally harmonized community in BC. This will include traditional and contemporary Turkish art and crafts, traditional food/drinks, paintings/ photography, Turkish choir and folk dances. Drop-in on Sunday, June 4th from 1PM to 4PM. Please call 236-867-5638 for inquiries.

Vancouver International Buddhist Progress Society

Suite 6680–8181 Cambie Road

Located on the 6th floor of the President Plaza in the center of Richmond, the Vancouver International Buddhist Progress Society is easily accessible by car and public transit. Our temple is a solemn and tranquil monastery It aims to propagate Buddhist teachings through cultural, educational, charitable programs and Buddhist practice.

Pre-registration required; availability may be limited.

Please call 604-273-0369 for inquiries.

Ukrainian Community Society of Ivan Franko 5311 Francis Road

The Ukrainian Community Society of Ivan Franko continues to be dedicated to preserving and sharing our Ukrainian heritage and culture with our community We take great pride in our 86 year history We welcome the community to our Ivan Franko Centre where they will learn about the various Ukrainian events that are open to the public throughout the year

Visitors will be introduced to Ukrainian history and culture. They will have the opportunity to make a traditional Ukrainian craft and learn how to write their name in the Cyrillic alphabet. Also, visit our library to peruse our vast collection of books and view our cultural displays.

Drop-in on Saturday, June 3rd from 1PM to 4PM. Please call 604-274-4119 for inquiries.

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THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2023 WWW.RICHMOND-NEWS.COM Family and friends of little Dustin Haraguchi (pictured left with his family) rallied to help raise funds and bring awareness to a genetic disorder the brave five-year-old boy is battling DUSTY DOIN’ IT FOR Hotel workers’ 2-year strike P6 Bike ride sparks memories P14 Steveston thrift treasures P16
Call us (604) 370-1300 9100 Blundell Rd #490, Richmond in the Garden City Shopping Centre GINGER INDIAN CUISINE BOGO From our main dish menu Must buy one main dish first at full price, then the second same dish for 10$ only. Only with this coupon, 1 per visit, conditions apply, valid until June 30th. 2nd dish must be the same as the first dish. Serving since 2013
Photos by Valerie Leung
A2 THURSDAY, JUNE 01, 2023 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM UNIT #640, LANDSDOWNE CENTRE • 5300 #3 ROAD, RICHMOND • 604.232.1188 STORE HOURS: SUNDAY TO THURSDAY 9:30AM TO 7:00PM • FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 9:30AM-8PM Your Choice. Our Honour. Our Effort. Our Award. GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE IN STORE VALID THURSDAY, JUNE 1–WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2023 • WHILE QUANTITIES LAST This sale is only for the Richmond location LFM LANGLEY FARM MARKET For fresh and quality foods LANGLEY FARM MARKET For freshness and quality you can count on! MEAT & SEAFOOD BAKERY GROCERY $699 lb. $639 9 ea $499 ea. $170 ea. $269 9 lb $389 lb $379 ea $399 lb. $389 ea $140 ea VEAL BREAST Fresh / $15.38/kg PINEAPPLE RED BEAN BUN 100g 3FISH MUSSEL MEAT Cooked / Frozen / 500g METRO GOLD BASA FILLET 10/11 VP / Frozen / $5.93/kg SEARAY LOLIGO SQUID SMALL CALAMARI 8/10 / Frozen / 500g PORK BLADE MEAT – BONE IN Fresh / $8.56/kg WALNUT LOAF 450g WHOLE CHICKEN WINGS Fresh / $8.78/kg OATMEAL RAISIN COOKIES 280g CUP CAKE 100g 99¢ ea. SAN REMO TOMATO PASTE 156ml $399 ea. $299 ea. LOTUS COOKIES FILLED WITH VANILLA CREAM 150g $359 ea. $399 ea. LEE KUM KEE PLUM SAUCE 397g $379 ea. PRODUCE 99¢ lb. $199 ea. AMBROSIA APPLES Product of U.S.A./B.C $2.18/kg $139 lb. LARGE NAVEL ORANGES Product of U.S.A. $3.06/kg 88¢ lb. CANTALOUPE MELON Product of U.S.A. $1.94/kg HADEN MANGO Product of Mexico ROMAINE LETTUCE Product of U.S.A. $129 ea. ROGERS WHITE SUGAR 2kg $129 ea. NONG SHIM SPICY CHICKEN NOODLE BOWLS 86g $169 ea. REGGIA FUSILLI #48 500g $188 ea. NOH HAWAIIAN SPICY CHICKEN MIX 57g EAT WHOLESOME SAN MARZANO TOMATO D.O.P. 796ml $299 ea. EAT WHOLESOME ORGANIC JACKFRUIT Curried-style / 300g MANG PEDRO’S REGULAR PORK RINDS Party Size / 170g LOCAL GREEN KALE Product of B.C. 89¢ ea. $168 lb. LOCAL GAI LAN Product of B.C. $3.72/kg

Birth tourism lawsuit defendant denies offering medical help

failed to do so

One of the defendants in Richmond’s “birth tourist” lawsuit has applied for extra me to file a response to the allega ons.

Jie Zheng is accused in a BC Supreme Court lawsuit of misrepresen ng the level of antenatal and/or perinatal care and exper se her Richmond “birthing house” would be giving the wife and child of claimant Peng Chen

The Richmond News reported last year how Chen, who flew in from China with his wife in 2018 so their child could be born in Canada, filed a lawsuit on behalf of his infant son, Stephen.

Chen claimed his son was born at Richmond Hospital with complica ons and alleged that two doctors Brenda Tan and Balbinder Gill as well as Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH), were negligent in

the provision of medical care to Stephen and his mother, Rang Heng

He further alleged that Zheng who operated or worked at ABC, a birthing house on Ash Street in Richmond took advantage of the fact that he had “li le or no knowledge of the health-care system

in Canada” and that he was “par cularly vulnerable” to the alleged misrepresentaons from Zheng

However, Zheng, who had not filed a response in the allo ed me, recently applied to the BC Supreme Court asking for an opportunity to respond, claiming that she and her family were living in China when the lawsuit was filed in 2020.

While out of the country, Zheng claimed the four tenants ren ng her property were instructed to forward her mail, but had

It wasn’t un l January of this year that a new tenant forwarded her correspondence with regard to the court proceedings

Zheng further claims to have no knowledge of the aforemen oned ABC business, had nothing to do with assis ng Chinese ci zens give birth in Canada and that the only service she offered was room and board and not any medical care.

Chen’s lawsuit makes references to complica ons at the me of his son’s birth, resul ng in his child being in the intensive care unit for several days a�erwards

Chen, a resident of China, claims that, as a result of the doctors and hospital’s negligence, his son suffered brain damage, seizures, delayed growth and development, cerebral palsy and cogni ve impairment

All of the allega ons in the lawsuit are denied by the par es involved and none have been proven in court.

more time
A defendant in the
mond Hospital birth tourism lawsuit has asked for
to respond as she was
in China when the suit was filed
GOOD MORNING, RICHMOND! Spring flowers are in full bloom at Garry Point Park Johnny Choi photo See a new “Good Morning, Richmond” photo, taken by a News reader, every day at The R chmond News is a member of the Glac er Media Group The News respects your privacy We col ect, use and disc ose your personal informa ion in accordance wi h our Privacy Statement which is available at www richmond-news com The Richmond News s a member of the Nationa Newsmedia Counci , which is an independent organization establ shed o dea with acceptable journalist c pract ces and ethica behav our I you have concerns about edi orial conten p ease con act the ed tor at edi or@r chmond-news com or ca l 604-249-3343 If you are no satisfied wi h he response and wish to fi e a forma complaint, visit the web s te at mediacounci ca or call o l-free 1-844-877-1163 RICHMOND NEWS Published every Thursday by the Richmond News, a member of the Glacier Media Group #170-2840 Olafsen Ave Richmond, V6X 2R3 604.270.8031 Advertising Sales: 604.249.3336 Delivery: 604.249.3132 Classified: 604.630.3300, 604.444 3056 or email ACTING EDITOR Alan Campbell 604.249.3342 PUBLISHER Alvin Chow 604.249.3336 DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Kristene Murray 604.249.3353 ACTING ASST EDITOR Maria Rantanen 604.249.3329 Alan Campbell ACAMPBELL@RICHMOND-NEWS COM Jie Zheng has “ no knowledge of the ABC” birthing house business... BC SUPREME COURT LAWSUIT HOMESTAND CONTINUES THRU SUNDAY! BE A PART OF SUMMER #AtTheNat VS SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS AFFILIATE EUGENE EMERALDS THIS WEEKEND AT THE NAT SCAN FOR TICKETS! PLAYNOW THURSDAY + SCRATCH & WIN GIVEAWAY FIRST 1000 FANS PRESENTED BY BCLC ’NOONER AT THE NAT PRESENTED BY FORTISBC SATURDAY MATINEE A&W FAMILY FUN SUNDAY + BEACH TOWEL GIVEAWAY FIRST 500 KIDS 12 & UNDER THU, JUNE 1 @ 7:05PM FRI, JUNE 2 @ 1:05PM SAT, JUNE 3 @ 1:05PM SUN, JUNE 4 @ 1:05PM

Bike lane questions remain unanswered

Dear Editor,

Re: “5-4 vote quashes Steveston mul�-use pathway,”, May 24.

Your ar�cle repeats uncri�cally what in my opinion is a misleading view of the Steveston Highway project prepared by city staff

One ques�on is whether the air pollu�on from vehicles on Steveston Highway is much worse than it is on the Williams Road alternate route.

World-recognized experts at UBC on the adverse health effects from vehicle emissions looked at the Steveston Highway proposal and said it should be moved to Williams Road

They debunked the no�on that the air pollu�on is about the same on both routes The staff asser�on that only emissions from diesel trucks ma er ignores the fact that the emissions from the 43,400 cars per day that pass by the Steveston Highway and Gilbert intersec�on are equivalent to 2,284 diesel trucks

Bus stop bin badly needed

Dear Editor,

The ar�cle neglects to men�on that building the mul�-use pathway (MUP) requires narrowing the vehicle lanes on Steveston Highway with the asser�on by city staff that this will slow down traffic As anyone who drives Steveston Highway can tell you, narrowing the lanes is a nightmare scenario.

The online ar�cle also presented a pre y image of the MUP prepared by city staff showing a wide divider with trees between the MUP and the roadway

The actual width is one metre The UBC experts and the U S Environmental Protec�on Agency specify that outdoor physical ac�vity shouldbekeptatleast100metresfromanundivided four-lane highway like Steveston Highway City staff like to quote Metro Vancouver reports, but neglect to men�on that those same reports recommend keeping pedestrian and bicycle paths away from busy roads



Nikhat Izhar Qureshi


Mike Booton and Donna J. Wilson


Botao Chen


Gabby Cometa


Dr Jim Tanaka


I am wri�ng this email to suggest that the City of Richmond put a litter bin at the Alderbridge Way/May Drive bus stop

I always find there’s a lot of garbage (see photo) on the bench at the bus stop as there’s no li er bin nearby I hope that adding a small bin can solve such problems

Build it up, and they will come

Dear Editor, Re: “‘Urgent’ need for more school space,” News, May 25.

So, I think we have seen this before: a city government approves rezoning to allownumerousnewcondo towers, then, as expected,

hundreds of families move in and there are no school spaces for them

Hmm, I wonder where all the kids that will move into the Richmond Centre towers will go to school?

Come on, city council; when a developer applies


for rezoning, you have all the power. Make the rezoning condi�onal on a community centre and a school being pre-built with every new larger scale redevelopment

The Richmond Arts Awards are presented through a partnership between the City of Richmond and Richmond Arts Coalition, and are sponsored by the Richmond News

LETTERS Send your letters to
John Roston RICHMOND
RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JUNE 01, 2023 A5 Select members of our Sales Team are licensed Real Estate Professiona s with Icon Property Advisors Ltd and cannot provide representation to potential buyers of T mber House For more detai s pertain ng to Realtor Representation, please contact the Sales Team This is not an offering for sale Any such offer ng must be made by way of a D sclosure Statement E & O E A new evolution in building technology that follows nature’s lead. Constructed using innovative crosslaminated timber, this collection of 1–4 bed condos, lofts & townhomes sets a new standard for sustainability and design in your home. Visit our Presentation Centre Today to Learn More Open 12 – 5pm (closed Friday) 102 – 310 Salter Street, New Westminster BC. SCAN TO VIEW WEBSITE TIMBERHOUSEBYARAGON CA 604.345.4131 NOW SELLING Move-in ready homes starting from $609,900

Workers rally after two years picketing

site for travellers landing at Vancouver International Airport

Province, feds fund HVAC

Valerie Leung

Dozens of Richmond hotel workers held a rally last Thursday evening to mark the two-year anniversary of being on strike

The employees of the now former Pacific Gateway Hotel, on Cessna Drive, made their feelings known once more with signs and songs and were joined by fellow members from across the region

During the pandemic, the hotel, which has now rebranded as the Radisson Blu, terminated 143 long-term staff.

However, it’s understood the hotel raked in millions of dollars from the federal government during that time as it was being used as a federal quarantine

According to the workers’ union, UNITE Here Local 40, the hotel owner, an affiliate PHI Hotel Group, refused to recall staff as business recovered, as other local hotels have done

The federal government removed the hotel from its suite of quarantine hotels in 2022 after pressure from the union, while workers have been on the picket line daily since May 2021

The BC Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress have issued a boycott of the hotel until the owner agrees to rehire workers and settles a fair contract

The City of Richmond also resolved not to support events or promote business with the hotel until a resolution is reached with the workers.

The provincial and federal governments have earmarked $2 4 million to improve ventilation in eight schools and one social housing complex in Richmond

Ventilation upgrades will take place at both elementary and secondary schools, for example, to replace fume hoods in labs

The HVAC components that pull fresh air into buildings and other systems will also be improved with an aim to reduce energy consumption Richmond Board of Education chair Debbie Tablotney was joined by Parm Bains, MP for Steveston-Richmond East, and school board staff at R A

McMath secondary last Thursday afternoon to announce the funding

“Improving the air quality in our schools is a priority for the Richmond School District, and we welcome this investment by the federal and provincial governments to support this important work,” said Tablotney, adding this has been “urgently requested” by parents.

“It will also allow us to improve energy efficiency and create a safer and healthier learning environment for our students and staff. ”

Rosewood Towers, a social housing building in Richmond, will also receive part of the funding to upgrade its makeup air unit systems, dampers, bathroom fans and ventilation system throughout both of its towers

Bainshighlightedtheneedfor ventilation upgrades in schools and public buildings

“The funding announced today will help safeguard the health of students, staff and public housing residents in Richmond and protect the overall well-being of the community,” he said

The B.C. government is providing its portion of the funding through the Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy

The strategy aims to respond to and prepare communities for climate impacts including extreme heat

Last year, the Richmond School District announced it would spend $12 million from its capital budget to improve ventilation in 17 elementary schools.

Temporary Commercial Use Permit

An application for a Seasonal Patio, in effect between April 1 and October 31, has been received by the City of Richmond from ARC Iberico Imports Ltd, at 1020 - 12471 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, B C , which requires a Temporary Commercial Use Permit Those persons who consider themselves affected by the proposed Seasonal Patio Application are invited to make a written submission to the General Manager, Community Safety at 6911 No. 3 Rd, Richmond B

by email to buslic@richmond ca. All written submissions received prior to the proposed approval date of June 24, 2023, will be forwarded to the General Manager, Community Safety for consideration. For more information on the proposed Temporary Commercial Use Permit for a Seasonal Patio please call Supervisor, Business Licences, Victor Duarte at 604-276-4389 or email: buslic@richmond ca

The same team you have trusted for 28 years with all your plumbing and heating needs NOW DOING COOLING! 604 940 2268 Call today and book your FREE energy savings consultation City of Richmond Notice City of Richmond | 6911 No. 3 Rd. Richmond BC V6Y 2C1 | Tel: 604-276-4000
Seasonal Patio
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Tesla owner takes charging issue to civil tribunal

A Richmond Tesla owner is seeking compensation from Tesla’s Vancouver service centre after the sensor for his charging port stopped working right after a repair session.

Richmond resident Chen Shen scheduled a repair with a Tesla mechanic after his taillight came loose during a car wash

But after a mechanic came by his house for a 30-minute session on May 1, he noticed a new problem

The charging port on his car had stopped responding

“The charging port worked the night before (the mechanic) came We used the charging cable to charge the vehicle. And then it worked in the morning, like the day he came,” said Shen

“And then it failed right after he left And it’s been working for five years and no problem at all.”

Shen went to the Vancouver service centre on West 4th Avenue the next day to complain but claimed he didn’t get a satisfactory response

“They said, ‘Oh no, that’s a coincidence,’” Shen told the Richmond News, adding he was told there was “no possibility” the me-

chanic had damaged the charging port

Shen was told there were two different parts for the taillight and the charging sensor.

He told the News, while he can still charge the car, he has been inundated with error messages on his screen, warning of issues with his charging port sensor

He also received an estimate from Tesla for $1,276 80 to replace the charging port

The News has reached out multiple times to Tesla and the Vancouver service centre for comment but has yet to receive a response

Shen filed an application with the Civil Resolution Tribunal at the beginning of the month and is seeking compensation of $1,276 80 from Tesla

He told the News the issue has been “very annoying,” adding his warranty expired two months prior.

“I called (the) technician like four or five times for just minor issues on the vehicle because (it’s) a Tesla There (were) so many problems with the vehicle before,” said Shen.

He recalled having to replace both his taillights for water damage, as well as other issues with his Falcon door

“Many problems with the car. So, we have to call them once in a while So very, very annoying ”

Business Regulation Bylaw No. 7538 Amendment Bylaw No. 10444

At the May 23, 2023 Council meeting, three readings were given to Business Regulation Bylaw No. 7538, Amendment Bylaw No. 10444, which amends Schedule A of the bylaw to include the premises at 4411 No 3 Road Unit 111, among the sites that permits an amusement centre to operate with more than 4 amusement machines Those persons who consider themselves affected by the proposed bylaw are invited to make written submissions to Council c/o the City Clerk at 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond B.C. V6Y 2C1 or by fax at 604-278-5139 or by email to cityclerk@richmond ca; or make a verbal presentation to Council by appearing as a delegation at the June 26, 2023 Council meeting All written submissions received prior to the proposed bylaw adoption on June 26, 2023, will be forwarded to Council for consideration A complete copy of the staff report is available on the City website at www richmond ca

(City Hall>City Council Agendas & Minutes>General Purposes Committee>2023 Agenda & Minutes>May 15, 2023>Agenda and Staff Reports>.

For more information on the proposed Bylaw Amendments, please contact the Business Licence Division, Supervisor, Business Licences, Victor Duarte at 604-276-4389.

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More victims of rogue landscaper surface

More vic ms of Richmond’s rogue landscaper are surfacing a�er the Richmond News broke the story of his trail of woe

The News reported last week how several Richmond residents felt they had been duped by Chris “Slawko” Hawryluk, who had turned up at their doors offering landscaping services

On each occasion, Hawryluk who used a “Pro Pruners” business card agreed to carry out a range

Developer InformationSession

12931, 13031, 13111, 13131 NO. 2 ROAD

Jim Pattison Developments Ltd. has submitted a Development Permit application to the City of Richmond for a two-storey commercial self-storage building located at 12931-13131 No 2 Road (see Map 1). The site is designated for industrial use, with a portion of the site along the western edge designated as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA). The site is zoned Light Industrial (IL) and commercial storage is a permitted use The proposed building will be located outside the ESA.

We invite interested community members to join us on June 15, 2023, for an in-person Developer Information Session to review the proposal and provide comments.


Date: Thursday June 15, 2023

Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Location: Gym at Homma Elementary (5100 Brunswick Drive)

This is a drop-in event with no pre-registration or formal presentation. A series of self-guided informational boards will be displayed in the venue with members from the project team in attendance to answer questions that you may have

For more information and to provide comments, please visit the project website at www., or scan the QR code above

Questions? Contact us at angela@poonigroupcom or 604 731 9053 ext 105

of work in their gardens, take thousands of dollars from the homeowners and then ply them with illhealth excuses a�er doing a day or two’s labour

Hawryluk gave two neighbours in west Richmond a different excuse each me for not being able to finish the jobs first up, Brian Flagel was told Hawryluk had a broken foot, before a woman down the street was told it was a bad back.

A�er the story about the door-to-door landscaper came out last week, another Richmond resident, Kelly Dhillon, contacted the News to say she successfully took Hawryluk to a Civil Resolu on Tribunal (CRT) a year ago

And his ex-wife and Richmond resident, Lynne Fay, also called in, claiming that her near 70-year-old ex-husband has been pulling this stunt for decades. Dhillon, meanwhile, had to take Hawryluk to the court in Richmond, despite the CRT ruling in May 2022 that he had to repay her the $2,000 she gave him as a deposit for a $4,000 backyard landscaping job in the summer of 2020

That case eventually led to an arrest warrant being issued for Hawryluk earlier this year

He finally appeared in court earlier this month, where a judge ordered him to pay Dhillon back in four instalments, star ng next week

“It’s not really about the money any more, it’s more about him taking responsibility,” Dhillon told

the News, adding that she wants as many people as possible to be aware of Hawryluk’s methods

In the original CRT case, Hawryluk claimed he had offered to give Dhillon a refund but failed to do so because she was “harassing” him.

Dhillon told the CRT that Hawryluk was “largely absent and did almost no work ”

His most recent “customers,” Flagel and his neighbour went to the RCMP but say they were told it was a civil ma er and there wasn’t much they could do

“Unfortunately, he does just enough work to eliminate possible criminal charges,” claimed Flagel “It becomes a civil matter because he has failed to deliver on an unwri en contract. Good luck with that in court ”

The News has made several a empts to contact Hawryluk on the number on his business card and le� a message on his voicemail.

He has yet to reply Richmond RCMP told the News that people should always check a business’ background before giving money

Chris Slawko Hawryluk, pictured at the door of one of his most recent ‘customers’ in Richmond
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MLA defends pulling land out of the ALR

farming once the landfill stopsoperating,Dietrichsaid

It’s like EcoWaste is back to square one in its plans to build a large-scale recycling facility

This is how it felt to the landfill’s vice-president of recycling and waste services, Christian Dietrich, as the company figures out how to move forward with plans on its east Richmond site.

After a surprise decision from the province earlier this year to exclude its land from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) despite opposition from Richmond city council

Dietrich met with city staff to figure out next steps.

EcoWaste plans to build a large materials recycling facility on the east Richmond site to recycle about 30 per cent more of the waste that’s brought onsite, with a diversion goal of 65 per cent

But in order for its business case to be viable, it needs time and height a longenough timeframe so its investment is worth it and a higher maximum height to continue burying those materials that can’t be recycled, Dietrich told the Richmond News

Without the latter, EcoWaste will have to start shipping excess demolition waste to places such as Washington State

The city gave EcoWaste six months to file for rezoning

Essentially, the landfill would be rezoned from its current agricultural zoning to an agricultural zoning with certain permissions allowing the landfill business to continue operations.

The city indicated it wants a plan to revert the land to

EcoWaste created such a plan about 30 years ago, something the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) required it to do

“We haven’t changed that strategy, but the city wants more detail,” Dietrich said.

MLA defends exclusion

The BCNDP MLA who represents the riding where EcoWaste is located defended the province’s decision to pull the land out of the ALR, saying it “makes absolute sense”

The decision “has no impact on food-producing land,” said Aman Singh, MLA for Richmond-Queensborough, given the site has been used as a construction and demolition landfill for decades.

Ultimately, however, pulling the land out of the ALR was the ALC’s and province’s decision, Singh said, and the government had to look at the issue on a province-wide basis.

Singh questioned if anyone would want to eat food grown on a former landfill

“That site holds no soilbased agricultural value,” he said. “There’s no reasonable way to remediate that land”

Before the exclusion decision, the company was caught in a regulatory bind when the province changed the rules in 2019 and said

properties in the ALR could no longer be used as landfills At that point, EcoWaste had been operating for almost 50 years, but they had created a plan for the materials recycling facility

They asked Richmond city council to allow an applica-

tion to go forward to the ALC to pull the land out of the agricultural reserve, but they received a unanimous “no”

It was a few months later when the province made the announcement the land was being removed from the ALR.

Allowing the land out of the ALR means construction companies will have somewhere to deposit their waste, thereby, stopping them from depositing it on viable food-producing land, Singh said

“This ensures no more dumping on farmland,” Singh said

And now EcoWaste can plan its material recovery facility, which they say will double their capacity to recycle, reducing the amount of waste that gets buried, Singh added

Maria Rantanen MRANTANEN@RICHMOND-NEWS COM That site holds no soil-based agricultural value. AMAN SINGH 2023 © A ll R igh ts R eser v ed Close ts b y D esig n, nc rage or 40% Off Plus Free Installation 15% Off PLUSTAKE AN EXTRA Call for a free in home design consultation and estimate 604-409-5063 RN Locally Owned and Operated Licensed and Insured Terms and Conditions: 40% off any order of $1000 or more or 30% off any order of $700-$1000 on any complete custom closet, garage, or home office unit Take an additional 15% off on any complete system order Not valid with any other offer Free installation with any complete unit order of $850 or more. With incoming order, at time of purchase only Offer not valid in all regions Expires 6/30/23 SPECIALFINANCING FOR 12 MONTHS! With approved credit. Call or ask your Designer for details. Not available in all areas Imagine your home, totally organized! Custom Closets, Garage Cabinets, Home Offices and more!


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Bamboo MOSO decking is a smart and sustainable choice for your home It offers superior performance, durability and aesthetics compared to composite and hardwood decking. You will not regret choosing bamboo decking for your next project!

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Q: A:

I went for a denture consultation, and I was told that I required soft tissue management because of irritated and damaged gum tissues. What is this?

Soft tissue management is a rehabilitation of damaged gum tissues. Irritation and damage to your gum tissue may result from micro organisms harbored in your dentures’ old acrylic, or ill fitting dentures. First, your dentures require cleaning to remove unhealthy organisms contributing to the infl ammation and edema (swelling). Tissue conditioners (temporary soft lining material) are placed on the tissue fitting surface of your dentures to provide a clean positive adaptation to your gum tissues Healing begins and your tissues are reassessed in a week to confirm the progress of healing. Second and/or third tissue conditioner may need to be applied before continuing the construction of new dentures. Healthy, pink, hard tissues, provide the important base foundation required for a successful denture. New dentures promote a healthy, clean, accurate fitting surface for many years If you have any questions regarding this procedure or any other denture related subject, please book your free consultation with us.

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Q:I was in your store last week and recognize you from the Sears Coin & Stamp in the 1990s

How long have you been doing this?

A:I started in the Sears Coin & Stamp at Metrotown in 1980 0 Western Coins & Stamp Ltd was created on June 6, 1983 3 operating inside Sears.I expanded in 1988 to the ne e Sears Richmond store and ran two stores inside Sear r until 1997.

In 1997 I moved the Richmond store to the mall across the stree e next to Staples. There I finally was able to use our Western Coin & Stamp name o signage.

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How long should grief last after the death of a loved one? Q: A:

grieve the same. Grief is natural and the process takes s time. Our lives have been disrupted and we are anxious over the lack k of control that we have. Often our sorrow seems overwhelming and d we may feel that we will never recover from it. Grief is not tidy It does not travel l neatly along smooth straight roads but rather is akin to an emotional roller coaster r ride of bumpy ups and downs. To mourn is normal, to cry is healthy It is not wrong or bad to grieve, rather it is wrong to not grieve Grief is nature’s way of f assisting us to cope with loss we have experienced and to take the love and d emotion that we had in the person we have lost and to reinvest it in those living g around us. Eventually we will be able to work through our feelings and arrive at t a state of acceptance. The healing power lies within ourselves. So, to grieve is a very human, healthy and necessary response to loss.

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Sales drop, prices stable

Home sales in Richmond dropped almost 50 per cent early this year, but this didn’t translate into lower prices across the city.

A typical single-family home in Richmond sold for $2.1 million in the first quarter of this year down negligibly from last year and townhouses on average sold for $1 1 million, virtually the same as last year.

Only condo prices seemed to go down, with a City of Richmond report showing a 12 3-per-cent decrease compared to last year They seemed, however, to rebound

slightly in April, according to the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver.

The Bank of Canada raised its interest rates several times last year in an effort to cool the housing market, going from 0 25 per cent in January 2022 to 4 5 per cent this January

All types of homes in Richmond single-family, condos and townhouses saw a significant drop in sales during this time period

Homes for sale were also on the market much longer than a year ago For example, condos were listed on average 43 days in the first quarter of 2023, which is twice the length of time compared to a year prior with files from Daisy Xiong

Sick birds at nature park

The bird baths and birdseed feeders at Richmond Nature Park were temporarily taken down after sick finches were spotted in the area

The decision was apparently prompted by the discovery of two sick birds, according to local bird photographer Anabelle Wee She spotted a distressed purple finch last week and informed nature park staff of its condition. The bird was then captured for further investigation

“Sadly, (staff) said the sick finch died last night,” Wee told the Richmond News last week

She added staff told her they suspected the bird, and another finch that was found dead earlier in the week, had died from Trichomonosis, a disease caused by parasites

According to the Canadian Wildlife Health Co-operative, Trichomonosis doesn’t pose a threat to humans or other mammals

Although they have yet to determine how the birds got sick, as a safety precaution, staff have removed feeders that contain seed

A sign was put up on Thursday to inform nature park visitors saying this decision was made “to protect our birds from avian flu ”

However, Richmond city spokesperson Clay Adams said nothing suggests an avian flu outbreak in the community

He added many bird species are at “constant risk of disease” because of contaminated feeders and water

“That is why anyone with feeders should ensure they are kept clean and removed if directed by wildlife experts,” Adams said


Pursuant to the BC Self Storage Lien Act, the owner of Lucky Box Storage (formally Mitchell Storage) DBA Canstore Rentals Ltd. has a lien upon all personal property located at the self-service storage facility for rent or other charges incurred for the storage of the personal property Due to the failure to pay the rent, the owner is enforcing its lien and intends to sell or otherwise dispose of the personal property located in the container listed in this notice

The people liable as debtor’s for whom the lien exists are Jacqueline Yang, Dolores Fisher, and Jie Cong Xu. The contents will be sold by private or public sale on (June 9, 2023) or thereafter online at notice is being provided pursuant to BC Provincial law before the sale The tenants listed may pay the amount necessary to satisfy the lien and the reasonable expenses incurred to redeem the personal property.

Auction start: June 9, 2023

Unit #: CISU1024807, A74, and B060B

Residential Indoor Wood Burning Seasonal Prohibition May 15 to September 15

If you operate a residential indoor wood burning appliance in Metro Vancouver, Residential Indoor Wood Burning Emission Regulation Bylaw No. 1303 applies to you.

What you need to know:

• Users of residential indoor wood burning appliances (fireplaces, wood stoves, etc.) must use best burning practices

• Residential indoor wood burning appliances cannot be used between May 15 and September 15, every year, unless:

¡ The wood burning appliance is operated within an off-grid residence located outside the Urban Containment Boundary

¡ The wood burning appliance is the only source of heat in a residence

¡ There is an emergency (such as a gas or electrical outage lasting more than 3 hours)

Bylaw 1303 aims to reduce the impact on public health and the environment due to smoke from residential indoor wood burning

As of September 2022, if you burn, you must declare your use of best burning practices and, in urban areas, register eligible wood burning appliances

For more information, scan the QR code, go to metrovancouver org and search ‘Residential Wood Burning’, call 604-451-6677 or email

Metro Vancouver offers rebates to reduce emissions from wood burning appliances For more information, go to and search ‘Community Wood Smoke Reduction’

• Auction end: TBD

• Auction location: Online

Auction items: Various items

A12 THURSDAY, JUNE 01, 2023 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JUNE 01, 2023 A13 SOLD OUT EARLY LAST YEAR – DON’T MISS OUT! TICKETS ALREADY OVER 64% SOLD WIN & CHOOSE A BRAND NEW CAR WIN A 2023 TOYOTA COROLLA LE OR $25,000 IN APPLIANCES + $5,000 CASH OR $24,000 CASH OLYMPIC VILLAGE Un 1606o 1607-1708Ontar oStreet Vancouver PR ZE WORTH OVER $2.4 MILL ON NORTH VANCOUVER Uni 1807or 907- 560Hun erSt eet A a b Feb u r 02 ) PR ZE WORTH OVER $2.4 MILLION COURTENAY 1547CrownIs eBou evard PR ZE WORTH OVER $2.4 MILLION SOUTH SURREY 60659AAvenue A a b S p embe 2024 PR ZE WORTH OVER $2.4 MILL ON SOUTH SURREY Uni 34-187 165AS reet A a ab eN v mb r2023 PR ZE WORTH OVER $2.4 MILLION VANCOUVER # 24-755West49Avenue A a ab e p n 2024) PR ZE WORTH OVER $2.4 MILLION KELOWNA PR ZE WORTH OVER $2.4 MILLION WEST PR ZE WORT 10GRAND PRIZE OPTIONS WIN & CHOOSE YOUR NEW HOME OR $2.2 MILLION CASH $30,000 HEROES BONUS DEADLINE TOMORROW DEADLINE: MIDNIGHT, FRIDAY, JUNE 2 | WORTH $30,000 MORE T O W IN BUY TODAY! ERSON AT MAIN LOTTERY T 3 FOR $75 7 FOR $125 21 FOR 50/50 PLUS® 2 FOR $15 | 6 FOR $30 $60 $80 DAILY CASH PLUS™ 2 FOR $25 | 6 FOR $50 | 12 FOR $75 GET TICKETS AT 604-648-4376 | 1-866-597-4376 19+ TO PLAY KNOW YOUR LIM T, PLAY W THIN IT PROBLEM GAMBL NG HELP LINE 1-888-795-6111 | WWW.BCRESPONS BLEGAMBLING CA BC Gam ng Event Licences #140991, #140992 #140993 W nner w l choose one pr ze op ion; other prize op ions w l not be awarded BC s Home own He oes come o rescue o recovery BC s f ont ne doctors nurses and hea h car cr cal y and severe y njured B t sh Columb ans When you need he p hese he oes espond LET S BRING IT M SUPPORT NG $1,460,000 CURRENT JACKPOT OVER LAST YEAR’S 50/50 JACKPOT WAS $2 180,980 WINNER TOOK HALF GET YOUR TICKETS TO WIN YOUR SHARE OF $325,000 IN TOTAL CASH PRIZES 105 DAYS OF WINNING! SurfsideYach Sui e33A-1000SookePo ntPlace A a ab Ma ch2025 TH116-3340LakeshoreRoad A a b Fa 2025 Vi a5-1O dFe ryRoad Av a e u 2025 $2.2 MILLION CASH IT S THE MOST POPULAR GRAND PRIZE OF ALL! WIN MILLIONS IN CASH!


The Richmond News “Best of Richmond” May 25 issue had mispelled the winners’ name for RAPS Animal Hospital, The Woofer Walkers and UCMAS.

We apologize to RAPS Animal Hospital, winner of “Best Veterinarian”, The Woofer Walkers, winner of “Best Doggy Day Care” and UCMAS, winner of “Best Tutor”.

Educators cycled to raise money for scholarships in memory of lost colleagues

Ride remembers colleagues

Among the familiar faces was Oliver Ng, one of Targe Ng’s sons, who rode his e- bike from North Vancouver for the event Oliver and his brother ride in the event almost every year.

1 RAPS Animal Hospital

2 Little Paws Animal Clinic

3 No. 2 Road Animal Hospital

1 The Woofer Walkers

2 Playful Pups Doggy Daycare

3 Pathfinder Pet Care & Dog Ranch



Temporary Commercial Use Permit Seasonal Patio

An application for a Seasonal Patio, in effect between April 1 and October 31, has been received by the City of Richmond from Sanctuary Cafe Ltd, at 160 - 13020 No 2 Rd, Richmond, B C , requires a Temporary Commercial Use Permit. Those persons who consider themselves affected by the proposed Seasonal Patio Application are invited to make a written submission to the General Manager, Community Safety at 6911 No. 3 Rd, Richmond B.C. V6Y 2C1, or by email to buslic@richmond ca All written submissions received prior to the proposed approval date of June 24, 2023, will be forwarded to the General Manager, Community Safety for consideration. For more information on the proposed Temporary Commercial Use Permit for a Seasonal Patio please call Supervisor, Business Licences, Victor Duarte at 604-276-4389 or email:

Dozens of cycling enthusiasts from near and fargatheredatBurne secondaryonSaturday morning for a leisurely ride for a good cause and to celebrate their community

The bike ride started as a way to remember two Richmond educators and cycling enthusiasts former McNair secondary principal Lorne Bodin and former McKay elementary vice-principal Targe Ng

Now in its 11th year, the event has blossomed into an annual fundraiser to support local students

“It’s always special to be together with colleagues and friends,” said Rob Laing, who organized the event with fellow educators Jim Allison and Jason Leslie.

For many par�cipants, the event takes them back to the days they spent with Bodin and Ng

“And to have a specific day where we can gather to really remember these two amazing individuals, it’s a special day for us”

“It feels great being here, seeing all these people here to celebrate Lorne and my dad’s memory Just feels really awesome,” he said

The annual ride has raised more than $40,000 for scholarships since 2013, benefit�ng gradua�ng Grade 12 students from all 10 secondary schools in Richmond.

This year, more than $3,000 has been raised so far and will be divided into $500 scholarships The next goal is to raise at least $5,000 so each of the 10 high schools will get a scholarship.

As the cyclists set off for a breezy ride down the Railway Greenway, excited for the barbecue awai�ng them at the end of the ride, they were cheered on by Jan Bodin, Lorne Bodin’s wife.

“It’s just so nice that they come together once a year for (Lorne) and Targe and have a great day and do something that they both love,” she said “I find today super emo�onal, but in a really good way.”

City of Richmond | 6911 No 3 Rd. Richmond BC V6Y 2C1 | Tel: 604-276-4000
Hui VHUI@RICHMOND-NEWS COM City of Richmond Notice
Once again, CONGRATULATIONS as the winner of your category!
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Tears flow, hope swells on Dustin’s walk for DMD

A Richmond family was brought to tears a�er around 100 people a ended a 3.3-kilometre walk to raise funds for a common fatal form of muscular dystrophy on Sunday a�ernoon

Dus n Haraguchi, age five, was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in February 2022, “a hard diagnosis to receive” described Erika Haraguchi, Dus n’s mom

DMD is a gene c disorder primarily affec ng young boys It is a degenera ve disease that causes muscles to weaken progressivelyandthefunc onsofvitalorganstodeteriorate,leading to shorter lives

Groups of families, friends, classmates and sports club members joined the Haraguchi family in the grass field outside of Manoah Steves elementary for the Sunday event

“It’s unbelievably difficult and amazing at the same me,” said Erika.

“The school and the community have been so suppor ve the en re way.

“We know that there’s no cure currently, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be (in the future). So doing things like this (fundraising walk) gives us hope”

She said the family plans to organize the walk every year to keep spreading the word about DMD and fundraise for a cure

“It is so beau ful to see everyone coming out to not only support Dus n but also other kids who are diagnosed with this disease,” said Erika, as she wiped her tears

“I want this to be a fun thing I’m hoping the kids will want to come back and be like ‘Hey, remember we did that walk?’ and keep this going.”

The event was organized by Michelle May, Dus n’s aunt and Erika’s sister.

She described her nephew as “a light in this world” with an infec ous smile and a sweet and caring personality and hoped to reflect just that through the event by giving back to Defeat Duchenne Canada, which supports Dus n and other kids like him across the country.

Erika told the Richmond News that there were no signs or symptoms of Dus n having DMD un l he was just shy of his fourth birthday

“Our whole world kind of came crashing down at that moment, but since then, we’ve been able to take it day by day and he’s happy,” she said

Dus n will be a ending Kindergarten in September and while Erika doesn’t “feel ready” she believes her son is

Dozens of family members and friends of Dustin Haraguchi, 5, turned out for a fundraising walk Valerie Leung photo
NEW LEARN MORE Yurkovich Family Pavilion at Richmond Hospital
The Haraguchi family, including Dustin (far right) out on the fundraising walk. Valerie Leung photo

Thrift store treasures

You’re just never quite sure what’s going to come out of the dona on bag at a thri� store

The dedicated team of volunteers at the Richmond Hospital/Healthcare Auxiliary’s Thri� Shop in Steveston is no different

They regularly pull some absolute treasures out of the dona on bags, not least last week, where a cut glass decanter set, vintage clogs and an unopened electric train set were among the unearthed gems

The Chatham Street store posted the items on its social media pages, with the silver-rimmed decanters selling for $65

The circa 1970’s size seven Famolare clogs are apparently from Italy and, although havingafewflaws,areindecentcondi onat $65

There’s also a very cool Molson Canadian gumball machine and the aforemen oned unused Baghmann electric train set, which is going for $75

The decanter set (above) and clogs (below) were on sale at a Steveston thrift store
604-277-4519 | AGreatPlace toLive A Great Way to Live May30-June4,2023 onGranvilleIsland Igniteyour child’splayfuljoy! Thalia (5) “I love pretending to be a fairy godmother ” LaSt WeEkEnD! 1 Slopingposition 5 Descendantofa notablefamily 10 Followingaccepted norms 12 Rootvegetable 14 Havingashapethat reducesdragfromair 16 Integratedcircuit 18 Recordselectriccurrentsoftheheart 19 Usedtoanoint 20 Japanesecity 22 AfterB 23 Muffles 25 Passover 26 Vase 27 Softtouch 28 Abaglikestructure inaplantoranimal 30 PattiHearst’scaptors 31 Israelipolitician 33 Degrade 35 Typeofwrap 37 Polyurethanefabric 38 Avoidscapture 40 Vegetariansavoidit 41 Decay 42 SovietSocialist Republic 44 Vesseltobathein 45 Inchesperminute (abbr) 48 Frosts 50 Dippedinto 52 Controversialreplay systeminsoccer 53 Comforts 55 Neededforyoga 56 Ands/ 57 SouthDakota 58 Printingsystem 63 Dramaticworksset tomusic 65 Highestpoints 66 Socialdivision 67 UsedtotreatParkinson ’sdisease 1 Hillorrockypeak 2 Initialpublicoffering 3 Typeoflight 4 Test 5 Flakycoverings 6 FormerNFLer Newton 7 Partoftheeye 8 Romangodofthe underworld 9.Negative 10 Indianapro basketballplayer 11 Replaceslosttissue 13 Denotesonefrom whomtitleistaken 15 Historiccollege hoopstournament 17 Hutbyaswimming pool 18 DefunctEuropean monetaryunit 21 Feedsoninsects 23 Adultmale 24 Melancholic 27 Sheetsofglass 29 Slangforfamous person 32 Notgood 34 “GhettoSuperstar” singer 35 The“World”isone 36 Usedtomake guacamole 39 Midwaybetween southandsouthwest 40 Wetdirt 43 AncientEgyptian name 44 Setoffour 46 Strips 47 Wife 49 Moredried-up 51 Sociallyineptperson 54 Clustersonfern fronds 59 Barbill 60 Prefixindicating “awayfrom” 61 Veryimportant person 62 Fiddlercrabs 64 Specialtherapy DOWN ACR OSS C a l l u s a t 6 0 4 . 2 4 9 . 3 3 3 5 f o r a n y ti p s o r s t o r i e s . P U Z Z L E A N S W E R c a n b e f o u n d i n c l a s s i fi e d s Find out more about our commmunity at
Alan Campbell


10311 St. Johns Place

THE ULTIMATE RANCHER- tucked into one of Richmond s most prestigious & pretty neighbourhoods is this incredible ONE-LEVEL home offering a QUALITY, DANISH-DESIGNED, architectural renovation. Custom front door with indigenous etched glass windows, Squamish Rock exterior welcome you into the open foyer with ITALIAN MARBLE WALNUT FLOORS throughout family room with gas fp and built-ins, and the kitchen nook area with skylights. Chef s kitchen with stone counters, sof close cabinetry and high-end appliances incl 6 burner stove Primary suite offers two closets and a spa-inspired ensuite. 2 other bedrooms one with ensuite. SUPERSIZE DOUBLE GARAGE. All wiring and plumbing updated in 2011. Brand new boiler and hw on demand, roughed in for HVAC/heat pump. West-facing backyard. One of a kind!

Patti Martin 604-273-2828




#1801-7888 Saba Road


OPAL-the jewel of Central Richmond MOVE RIGHT INTO your own URBAN OASIS, 1300+sq ft with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms PLUS a DEN. Located in the heart of the city righ near the Canada Line, banks, shopping and restaurants. Gorgeous blonde hardwood floors throughout compliment he kitchen cabinets. Kitchen has quartz counters, stainless appliances, gas cooktop and opens onto the spacious dining/living area MILLION DOLLAR VIEWS across the cityscape from the floor-to-ceiling windows and the 2 NE FACING BALCONIES! Huge


10460 Canso Crescent

STEVESTON NORTH-Beautifully maintained UPSTAIRS LIVING 4 bdrm, 3 bath home in a family-friendly neighbourhood with a great school catchment: Diefenbaker Elementary & Hugh Boyd Sec. Extra deep lot featuring a fully fenced, grassy east-facing backyard FRESHLY PAINTED EXTERIOR & updated windows, furnace & water tank. Main floor has 1 bedroom & huge family room with gas fireplace Upstairs o fers 3 bedrooms, renovated kitchen with stainless appliances & laminate flooring throughout, opening onto an ENTERTAINMENT-S ZED balcony overlooking the backyard. Spacious living and dining rooms. Single-car garage with additional driveway parking 20-minute walk to Steveston Village, 8-minute walk to O Hare s Gastro-Pub! Your opportunity to live in a great neighbourhood!

Patti Martin 604-273-2828

#40-8111 Saunders Road

OSTERLEY PARK-Recently renovated with 3 generous bdrms & 2.5 baths Freshly painted & move-in ready! Newer white kitchen cabinets s/s appliances, quartz counters & new tile floor in kitchen area & foyer entrance hall. Main floor liv/din area & upper level has laminate floors throughout. All the bathrooms have newer cabinets, quartz counters & updated fixtures. Not included in sq ftge is the attic area accessible by Jacob s ladder which is usable space if required. Tucked at the back of the complex onto a greenspace, offering a private patio in the large backyard perfect for outdoor enjoyment. Carport parking includes an EV charger plus additional open spot nearby Fantastic onsite recreation includes an indoor pool, sauna, hot tub & gorgeous mature park-like setting!

Patti Martin 604-273-2828




Blundell Road

ADORABLE 1/2 DUPLEX in Seafair Neighbourhood –located on the QUIET west end of Blundell near the dyke trail system, offering 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Updated kitchen with stainless appliances and brand new stove. Main floor features original oak hardwood floors. Roof 2016. Big, rectangular, south-facing, fully-fenced backyard. Open parking. School Catchment: Gilmore Elementary & Boyd Secondary

Patti Martin 604-273-2828

Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746


$1,999,000 NEW LISTING

Lot 31 Westminster Hwy

Excellent holding property in sought-after McLennan area of East Richmond. Approx. lot size 9.33 m wide x 27.59 m long

(3502 square meters / .87 acres) Zoned AG-1 Agricultural Currently mature blueberry bushes. Ideal propert es for your Hobby Farm for Blueberries or Vegetables and Fruit. Land Only No services available.

Patti Martin 604-273-2828

Adam Wachtel 604-315-2746

Avenue, Vancouver

Potential land assembly opportunity Livable condition property occupied by good tenants on a month-to-month basis which provides some cash flow during the application process. Conveniently located at the centre of Norquay Village with easy access to stores and groceries. Donʼt miss it!

Zack Zhang 778-881-9926

2324 E. 30th Avenue, Vancouver

INVESTOR & BUILDER ALERTt! Two adjacent 33 ft x115 ft lots pre-zoned for low-rise 4-story apartment buildings. Potential land assembly opportunity Livable condit on property occupied by good tenants on a month-to-month basis which provides some cash flow during the applicat on process. Conveniently located at the centre of Norquay Village with easy access to stores and groceries. Donʼt miss it!

Zack Zhang 778-881-9926

RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JUNE 01, 2023 A17 RE/MAX Westcoast, #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond, BC V7B 1B4 / Tel: 604.273.2828 / Cell: 604.317.7768 / Fax: 604.284.1581 / Email: Each office independently owned and operated #402-6011 No. 1 Road TERRAWEST SQUARE - rarely available ONE-LEVEL living, TOP FLOOR n the prestigious Terra Nova neighborhood. 3 bedrooms PLUS A DEN and 2 full bathrooms on the QUIET side of the building. Gourmet kitchen with quartz counters, gas cooking, white cabinets and stainless appliances. High ceilings & engineered hardwood flooring throughout. Primary bedroom offers two closets and double sinks in the ensuite with walk-in shower Enjoy beautiful Western views from your balcony AIR CONDITIONING Lots of in-suite storage, as well as 3 STORAGE LOCKERS & 2 PARKING! Right across the street from Terra Nova shopping mall, steps from transit, in a lovely neighbourhood with easy access to the Dyke trail system, Spu ʼuʼwuks Elementary Richmond Oval, and YVR. Patti Martin 604-273-2828 $999,800 #203-7777 Cambie St, Vancouver NEW CONCRETE BUILDING – SOMA at the popular Cambie Corridor and next to Winona Park in Vancouver West. Air-conditioned SOUTHEAST facing bright CORNER UNIT with 2 Bedrooms & 2 Full Baths and lots of windows. Contemporary design with high-end European MIELE appliances & gas stove, quartz countertops, engineered hardwood flooring, and in-suite washer & dryer Functional floorplan and surprisingly spacious interior make it an ideal first home for a family One gated parking with EV charging and a PRIVATE storage room included. Only 8 minutes walk to Marine Gateway shopping and Marine Drive Skytrain Station to YVR, downtown, Langara College, and UBC. School catchment: Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary & Sir Winston Churchill Secondary Rentals & Pets Allowed. Don t miss this urban gem! Andrea Chu 604-338-6600 $948,900 13922 Terry Road, White Rock This stunning property boasts over 6500 sq. ft. of living space, offering breathtaking ocean views from almost every room Built by Ronco Construction with the highest quality materials, th s custom-built residence features 5 bedrooms & 8 bathrooms with meticulous attention to deta & high-quality finishes. The gourmet kitchen is equipped with top-of-theline appliances & beautifu reclaimed cedar hardwood floors. The upper floor houses the primary suite, 2 add bedrooms w/ en-suite baths, & an office. The lower leve includes a step-ou basement with a self-catering legal suite, games room, wine cellar, media room storage room, & more. Elevators provide access to all three floors. The property sits on a private lot of 27,878 sq. ft & includes a path to a lookou point above the beach Patti Martin 604-273-2828 Zack Zhang 778-881-9926 $6,300,000 Lot 30 Westminster Hwy Excellent holding property in sought-after McLennan area of East Richmond. Approx. lot size 9.33 m wide x 27.59 m long (3502 square meters / .87 acres) Zoned AG-1 Agricultural Currently mature blueberry bushes. Ideal properties for your Hobby Farm for Blueberries or Vegetables and Fruit. Land Only No services available. Patti Martin 604-273-2828
primary bedroom with double closets and ensuite with double vanity area 2 o her good-sized bedrooms Bu lding of ers park-like areas including a playground and grassy area We lappointed amenities including gym and table tennis. AIR CONDITIONING, 2 PARKING and 1 LOCKER! WOW!
Martin 604-273-2828 $1,199,000 NEW LISTING
INVESTOR & BUILDER ALERTt! Two adjacent 33 ft x115 ft lots pre-zoned for low-rise 4-story apartment buildings.
2308 E.

Best location in high foot-traffic Parker Place II in the heart of Richmond. 450 sqʼ retail unit with 24 frontage. HVAC Heat/Air conditioning Suitable for many businesses & no usage restrictions.

Top floor 12ʼ x 40ʼ (478 SF) office. F-to-C windows w/beautiful water & sunset views! Air-con. Shows like new Also FOR LEASE at $2,200 gross plus GST (3.78% NOI).

A18 THURSDAY, JUNE 01, 2023 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM 604-275-9787 www. .com OUTSTANDING AGENTS ... OUTSTANDING RESULTS RECIPIENT OF THE HIGHLY ESTEEMED RE/MAX LUMINARY OF DISTINCTION AWARD RE/MAX CIRCLE OF LEGENDS AWARD RE/MAX LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WESTCOAST Proven Success Since 1984 * *REBGV MLS Statistics Ask us about our FURNITURE ALLOWANCE from $1,000 & up Beautifully-crafted by Robert Bosa's Quorum Group! Practically across Richmond Centre. Low density Functional floor plans Spacious & bright! Quality-finished. Built-in brand name appliances. Gas cooktop. Air-Con. No carpet. Equipped gym Elegance & class throughout. On a very quiet residential street. 1, 2 & 3 bedroom choice units Price from $688,800 & up AWESOME & MOVE-IN READY 621-159 W 2ND AVENUE Immaculate 515sf apt. Junior 1-bdrm +flex rm/laundry + parking & locker N facing, expansive window wall. Sleek, Eurostyle kitchen, brand name appliances. Loads of storage space. Energy efficient. Amenities: landscaped rooftops, BBQ patio, assigned gardening planters, gym, meeting room, & party lounge. Pets & rentals (min 30-days) friendly Fantastic lifestyle w/ great restaurants, theatre, shopping, SkyTrain/ AquaBus, the SeaWall, Hinge Park, & Creekside Cmty Ctr all steps from your front door! TOWER GREEN AT WEST IN OLYMPIC VILLAGE $680,000 1065-8888 ODLIN CRES Pacific Plaza (Cambie & Garden City corner). Walk to Aberdeen Station. 439 sf air conditioned ground fl corner unit w/ water connection. Lots of visitor parking. ZI2 zoned. Perfect for retail & service office. (financial, accounting, lawyer, notary, insurance, Ch nese or naturopathic medical tutorial, art school, vet clinic & more). Has good tenant until October 31, 2024 (net ROI @ 3%). Invest now & use later Please do not disturb tenant. PACIFIC PLAZA 439 SF CORNER OFFICE UNIT $399,800 NEW LISTING
exposure! Corner of Shell/Alderbridge with over 50,000 cars passing by daily, excellent location for your companyʼs branding opportunity Upstairs 1,543sqʼ 2pc washroom, 2 pkg stalls + street parking. IB1 zoned, perfect for showroom/ office for service-oriented businesses such as Minor health (e.g. acupuncture & naturopathic, massage clinics), lawyers or notary, financing & insurance etc 1,543 SF UPSTAIR IB1-ZONED SPACE $880,000 NEW PRICE 6125-4000 NO.
LEASE/SALE $438,000
At Canada Line skytrain Station. Zoned ZMU9 ZC27 (mix retail w/office units) allowing many usages ABERDEEN
shopping centre. 450 SF PARKER PLACE II RETAIL $399,800 NEW LISTING 6671 GIBBONS DRIVE Prestigious Gibbons! Custom blt in 2015. 1-level 3,371 sf executive home on dream 86ʼ x 249ʼ(21,744 sf). West backyard. 3.5-bath, 3-Bdrm + den/ 4th bdrm. Gourmet kitchen opens to family room. 10ʼ to 13ʼ high ceilings 400 sf covered patio with motorized solar shades + 2 gas lines for true outdoor living. Smart home system Triple garage. RARE 3,371 SF 8-YR YOUNG RANCHER ON 21,744 SF LOT $5,490,000 NEW LISTING 6540 MANG ROAD Rarely available well-kept 6 -bdrm (5 up all en-suited) 6-bath + den. Main floor spacious living area & impressive open 400+ sf foyer (18ʼ+ ceiling) are ideal for entertainment! Efficient separate wok cooking area in gourmet kitchen. Hot water radiant heat & light weight concrete upper floor Tiled roof. Triple garage. 350 sunny S/facing balcony 67 x 170 (11,390 sf) lot w/ S backyard on a cherry-tree-lined quiet inside street Walk to Minoru Park in 10 minutes. WEST RICHMOND LUXURY 5,811 SF MANSION $3,688,000 NEW PRICE 4307-4730 LOUGHEED HWY, BURNABY Prestigious & luxury 1,242 sf NW corner SKY -COLLECTION unit. 3-bdrm, 3-bath, 2 side-x-side pkg. Efficient open plan with spectacular mountain & sunset views. Spacious & bright. High end material & workmanship. Quality quartz counter & Bosch kitchen appliances (Panasonic Microwave) AC. & lots of drawer/shelves storage systems. Partly covered 375 sf balcony w/unique sliding doors make in-door/outdoor living relaxing, easy & enjoyable. World class amenities include, gym, yoga studio, lounge, games rm, theatre, music studio & more. Walk to Brentwood Mall & skytrain station. Unit been well taken care of & shows like new CONCORDʼS BRENTWOOD @HILLSIDE WEST $1,568,000 NEW LISTING 501-3355 BINNING ROAD UNIVERSITY VW Prestigious Binning Tower in UBC by Award winning West Group. 1,330 sf 2- en-suited Bdrm + den, 2-bath, 2-u/g secured parking + locker Almost 100 sf SW covered balcony with open view Open concept & floor-to-ceiling windows allow plenty of natural light. Euro-styled gourmet kitchen. Highend Gaggenau 5-burner gas cooktop. Premium quality engineered hardwood flooring. Huge living/ dining area easily fits another bedroom. Facilities: equipped gym, library, lounge, etc. 1,330 SF 2-BDRM CONDO IN UBC $1,688,000
bus route, walk to Canada Line, & Aberdeen Centre Mall. Must see to appreciate. Great investment while you run your business in this well-known

Rare opportunity with 2 side by side homes available at the same time on Finn Road. 9431 Finn Road sits on 70’ x 310’ lot =

21,800 sf (half acre) with a cute updated 1900 sf, 2 bedroom + games room home. 9451 Finn Road sits on a larger 90’ x 310’ lot = 27,918 sf (.64 Acre) with an older 2741 sf, 4 bedroom that’s need a little TLC This one has a bonus detached 2000+ sf workshop at the back ideal for working on cars, boats, RV’s or woodworking. Finn Road offers a unique country setting in a convenient ocation just 10 mins to Richmond Center, 10 mins to Steveston Village and 10 mins to the South side of the tunnel. Ideal location to build your dream home with many new homes in the area.

RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JUNE 01, 2023 A19 RE/MAX Austin Kay Realty & RE/MAX Anita Chan Realty - #110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond BC V7B 1B4 CAMBIE & 54TH QUIET 1 BDRM + DEN CORNER CAMBRIA PARK along the Cambie Corridor Quiet back NW CORNER condo with 1 bedroom, separate den, taller windows and amazing 9’9 ceilings! Airy bright and features an extra wide floor plate & large picture windows that face onto the interior courtyard. This parkside home offers 694 SF of spacious living, open kitchen with floor to ceiling cabinets, stainless stee appliances, gas stove, quartz countertops, radiant heat flooring, laminate floors, insuite laundry and HRV for fresh air throughout the year round. 1 Parking & 1 locker All this in an easy and convenient location close along the Cambie Corridor close to Oakridge Mall, Marine Gateway, buses, schools, golf course and parks. #106-6999 Cambie Street, Vancouver 10460 Swinton Crescent WAREHOUSE / SHOWROOM Spotless and super clean showroom / office warehouse located in the Riverside Industrial Park, just south of Steveston and east of Shell Road. A total of 2124 up to 4269 SF of space available on 2 levels when combined with the unit next door Features 2 oversized grade level garage doors, kitchenette, 3 bathrooms, 1 shower HVAC plus 24’ high warehouse space located at the back of the property Space currently includes display grid racks, glass shelves, specialty hangers and spotlights which could be used to display an array of products for various business uses. Comes with a total of 7 parking spots. All this within a very well-maintained complex that’s gated after hours and has easy access to Ironwood Plaza, Hwy 99 and 91. Ready to move in anytime! #1165 & 1170 - 11980 Hammersmith Way 5009 SF HOME ON 12,579 SF LOT Room for everyone with 5009 sq ft living area offering 6 bedrooms, den, media room, rec room and 5 full bathrooms. Flex space on the main floor has space for a 2 bedroom in-law suite. Open floor plan with high ceilings in the entry, living & dining rooms lets in lots of natural light. All this is available on an extra large 12,579 sq ft South backyard lot Hurry this exceptiona value is located in Hamilton East Richmond just minutes to Richmond Center and easy access to all Highways. Just a quick drive to Queensborough Landing for shopping at Walmart, restaurants & Outlet Mall. 5700 Smith Drive NEAR IRONWOOD PLAZA 693 SF OFFICE SPACE RIVERSIDE BUSINESS PARK. This totally open, 693 SF upper level office space comes with its own washroom alarm system, openable skylight and lots of natura light. The unit has also been freshly painted, has a great north facing exposure and comes with 1 parking spot. All this in a quiet location in the SE quadrant of Richmond tha is just behind the conveniences of Ironwood Plaza and nearby amenities which include restaurants, London Drugs UPS, banks insurance, gyms, gas stations and more. Super easy access to Hwy 99, Hwy 91, Knight Street, Oak Street, YVR airport, Ferry Termina and the USA Border Available for move in anytime. #2127-11871 Horseshoe Way UPDATED 2 BEDROOM & 2.5 BATH This super bright and clean 2 bedroom townhome offers 994 sq ft of spacious living and 2.5 bathrooms that’s conveniently located by Bridgeport & No 4 Road. The townhome is located in the NE corner of the complex and has additional side windows off of the living room & kitchen bringing in extra ight. Very well maintained and recently updated with brand new carpets, paint and a nice white kitchen and comes complete with its own front patio 1 parking and direct street access to street and ample visitors parking All this in a convenient location with easy access to Central Richmond, Vancouver, YVR and Highways 99 & 91. Just minutes to Costco Tim Hortons, Golftown & many other shops and restaurants. Ready to move in #138-2211 No. 4 Road PREMIUM OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Excellent opportunity to lease prime executive office space in a central location between the Airport & Wes Richmond at the Sou h Airport Terminal! Premium office spaces available between 816 SF on the 2nd level to 5560 SF on the ground level with its own bathrooms at a reasonable rate Access to a huge executivestyle lounge & boardroom at discounted rates are available to all occupants in the building The all-inclusive GROSS lease rates of $40/SF include property taxes heat, air conditioning, lights & water Easily accessible from Centra Richmond. 4360 & 4380 Agar Drive 1 LEVEL RANCHER ON LARGE 8504 SF LOT Amazing RANCHER that’s hard to find with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, double car garage and a sunny south backyard! Located in a quiet cul-de-sac on a large 8504 SF lot by B unde l & Gilbert Road with excellent street appeal with many new homes in the area. For those wanting to build a new dream home the new home can be as large as 3801 SF plus garage with back lane The home has some updates over the years and would make an excellent home or investment property Conveniently located close to Blundell & No 2 Road by shopping, parks, amenities and Steveston-London Secondary 6960 Chelmsford Street CENTRAL WEST RICHMOND HUGE 11,590 SF SEAFAIR LOT RARE OPPORTUNITY to own this 11,590 SF lot in the desirable Seafair that backs onto the Dyke with spectacular water views and endless sunsets! This custombuilt home is bright and spacious with lots of windows and skylights and offers 3+ bedrooms, den, family room, piano room, 3 full baths tons of storage and X-large double carport. Great for any family to enjoy, buy as an investment property or to build your dream home of up to 4727 SF plus garage Don’t wait as there are very few of these larger lots with a water views left in Richmond. All this in an excellent location in a quiet cul-de-sac that’s close to Seafair Mall, Steveston Village Gilmore Elementary, Hugh Boyd Secondary and everything West Richmond has to offer 8391 Fairfax Place SUNSET & WATER VIEWS RETAIL SPACE 635 SF FOR SALE Excellent high traffic reta l space available for sale Features 635 SF of space with open corner exposures and great visibility from the central Food Court area at the Parker Place shopping mall. Currently tenanted by a computer business that offers a great return on your investment with opportunities to operate your own business in the future. #1250-4380 No 3 Road COMPLETELY RENOVATED 4 BDRM + GAMES FAMILY HOME Amazingly well kept & completely renovated 2589 SF family home w/ 4 bdrms, games room, 3.5 baths that’s located in a super quiet CDS on a nicely landscaped lot with 68’ of frontage! Excellent street appeal w/ custom exterior paint, bright kitchen, chef’s kitchen, SS appliances granite countertops, hardwood floors, new lighting, gutters & more. This “Smart Home” is connected to the alarm, cameras, thermostat, lighting, garage door & Nes doorbell by phone and also offers 2 gas fireplaces, hi efficiency furnace (10 yrs), HW tank (6 yrs), upgraded roo (12 yrs) BI vacuum, double garage & south facing backyard that’s great for those summer BBQ’s. All this in a central West Rmd neighbourhood close to Errington Elementary & Steveston-London Secondary 9180 McCutcheon Place #1508-6068 No. 3 Road 13926 60A Avenue, Surrey #18-7331 No. 4 Road #13-6188 141 Street, Surrey 10228 Swinton Crescent JUSTSOLD 3491 Catalina Crescent JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD #211-4868 Brentwood Drive, Burnaby JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD NICELY UPDATED 5 BDRM HOME Super well maintained and updated family home with 5 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms on a quiet cul-de-sac. Features an amazing 2270 SF spacious floor plan, dramatic vaulted ceilings in the LR, updated gourmet kitchen, laminate floors, newer main bathroom, large laundry room and new hot water tank. This bright home also comes with 2 cozy fireplaces, single garage and an amazing west exposed backyard with a storage shed that’s great for those summer BBQ’s. All this on a 4001 SF lot in a super safe, family-oriented neighborhood close to the Debeck Elementary and Palmer Secondary 8771 Ashbrook Court FAMILY FRIENDLY CDS SUBDIVIDABLE 14,884 SF LOT WOW - SUBDIVIDALE and BACKS ONTO A PARK! Absolutely amazing 104’ x 143’ 14,884 SF that offers totally unobstructed park views in a very desirable neighbourhood in prime West Richmond near Gilbert & Francis Road! The 5109 SF custom built home built by the original owner that currently sits on the property is super bright & immaculate with 6 bedrooms, games room with full ensuite, 5.5 bathrooms, private patios and decks, huge 1200 SF attic space, triple garage and extra-large detached storage garage. Excellent north / south exposures. Enjoy this fantastic home with room for everyone including inlaws nannies or teenagers before you are ready to build 2 side x side dream homes. Subdividable into 2 lots that can be 50’/54’ to 60’/44’ wide depending on your needs. 6431 Woodwards Road BACKS ONTO PARK VIEWS!
21,800 SF HALF ACRE LOT Cute Updated House 9431 Finn Road 27,918 SF - .64 ACRE LOT 2000+ SF Detached Workshop 9451 Finn Road

HOUSE SAT & SUN 2-4PM @ #105-23233 GILLEY ROAD #509-23222 GILLEY ROAD

This 2 bedroom and den penthouse unit offers 1156 sf and enjoys a quiet, private balcony on the southeast corner of the building Hamilton Village - East: Less than 25 homes remain! The East and West, mixed-use buildings, share two indoor amenity spaces, beautiful gardens, a huge playground and an underbuilding parkade Live at the center of it all and come home to sta nless steel appl ances, forced air heating and cooling, sleek modern interiors and your choice of two designer colour schemes Call today!

This 1 bedroom and den unit has a large West-facing patio, perfect for hosting guests when completed, estimated in 2024 Hamilton Village - West: Less than 15 homes remain! Hami ton Village - West offers the same style and value as Phase 1 in a larger, 2-part build ng The East and West, mixed-use build ngs, share two indoor amenity spaces, beautiful gardens, a huge playground and an underbuilding parkade Live at the center of it a l and come home to stainless steel appliances, forced air heating and cooling, sleek modern interiors and your choice of two designer colour schemes Call today!

A20 THURSDAY, JUNE 01, 2023 RICHMOND-NEWS.COM #103 - 2252 W 5th Ave #219 - 4280 Moncton St TWO master bdrms, TWO walk-in closets & TWO ensuites PLUS powder room. 1355 sq ft space conducive to co-ownership, multi-generational living or room for care-giver Outstanding 416 sq ft covered balcony. Extra large walk-in storage. Steveston Village walkability with all amenities at your door step This is a treasure! NEWLY LISTED $1,189,000 #203 - 13251 Princess St 11320 Caravel Ct Bringing Results Home PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORAT ON 604.970.8118 RE/MAX Westcoast #110–6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond, BC V7B 1B4 $879,000 This amazing condo has a beautiful mountain view right from your living room window At night, another spectacular captivating, view awaits you, as thousands of gorgeous lights glisten and shine like diamonds, ighting up the entire mountain side of Grouse Mountain. Breathtaking, mesmeric PANORAMIC VIEWS of the city lights spanning for miles. A short walk brings you to the marina side & footsteps to ocean with a boardwalk for more adventure to walk, jog and ride your bike. Prime location in the heart of Yaletown. Call today for a private viewing. 3502 1009 EXPO BLVD. VANCOUVER $459,000 Come check out this amazing 1 bedroom plus den in ARBORETUM II! QUIET Top floor corner end unit facing courtyard! Windows at 2 ends of this unique condo w th on y one ne ghbour ng wa l Updated ki chen with sta n ess stee appl ances, updated ba hroom & vanity, lamina e floor ng hrough out Convenience of in-suite laundry secured parking & storage locker Stay cool this summer in the outdoor pool. New roof completed in 2023, maintenance fees nclude hot water heat and city utilities. Fantastic central location with walking distance to T&T Skytrain, Lansdowne Mall, Kwantlen University restaurants, & shops! Don’t miss this outstanding opportunity to own this home in Richmond! 201 8451 WESTMINSTER HWY., RICHMOND $769,000 Welcome to “The Fairview”! This spacious 1 bedroom + den is a must see! Step into the bright & airy living area with abundance of windows providing ample of natural light. Beautiful HW floors throughout, kitchen complete with stainless steel appliances. Den can be easily transformed into a second bedroom, making this 794 sqft condo highly functional. Private treed outlook, balcony/den with mountain view! Equipped with parking & storage. Exceptionally well-maintained complex with proactive strata. With Arbutus Greenway at your doorstep, minutes walk to future Granville SkyTrain station, Granville Island, and boutique shops on 4th, makes this an unbeatable location! Don’t miss this rare find! 407 2288 PINE ST., VANCOUVER $1,238,000 Welcome to SEASTAR in the heart of one of Vancouver’s most coveted neighbourhoods! Fabulous 2 bedrm, 2 bath suite offers a Scenic 180-degree Panoramic views from English Bay to F e Cr ly cared for home with beautiful bamb flo g ou ut, kit h nite counter tops, Stainless applian m s u alconies where you can enjoy your mor f r a vening g ass of wine. Convenience of in-suite laundr age, & secured parking. This truly is a fantastic opportunity to own a piece of paradise! Call today for a private viewing! 1503 1003 PACIFIC ST., VANCOUVER NEW LISTING SOLD Offered at $859,900 • Sean Lawson 604.240.4837
Offered at $579,900 • Sean Lawson
HOUSE SAT & SUN 2-4PM @ #105-23233 GILLEY
604.240.4837 OPEN


from this over 1400sf unit in sought-after Edgewater Park where you can enjoy the views of the dyke and water Spacious 4 bedroom, 1 full plus 2 half bath townhome with crown moulding n the living & dining rooms, aminate updated gas f/p & mantel, vanities, windows & sliding doors replaced in 2005, h/w tank in 2020 Lovely fenced backyard with pavers & mature fruit trees, blueberry bushes, asparagus & raised gardenbed with stonework. Enjoy the waterfront views from your private balcony while sipping your coffee/wine Perfect for growing families. Fantastic community with outdoor pool, playground & updated clubhouse

C ose to transit, Dixon Elementary F.I., Boyd Secondary & McMath Secondary

F.I., dyke Garry Point Steveston Village Make this yours!

11191 6th Avenue $2,788,000

Be prepared to be amazed by this 4 yr old 4 bdrm 3.5 bath unique custombuilt home on a 5194sf corner lot in highly desirable Steveston Vil age voted as Metro Van’s Best Neighborhoods in 2020 Absolutely stunning entrance w/16’ ceiling. Adjacent living rm boasts 14 ceiling w/linear gas f/p Real wood engineered flooring on main & stairs w/ 9’ ceilings & radiant heat throughout Large Plygem windows for natura light Contemporary expans ve k tchen w/m nimal st cab nets quartz counters & waterfa l sland, paneled Thermadore appliances w/built-in coffee maker & adjacent wok kitchen Family rm w/12’ folding glass doors overlook a private southfacing yard & covered patio w/gas fire table Primary bdrm w/linear gas f/p & oversized uxury ensuite Steps to GP, dyke schools, transit

115 –

9700 Glenacres Drive $728,000

Welcome to Glenacres Village a wel -maintained townhouse complex in a fantastic central location. This 2 level end unit features 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths, with a south-facing fenced backyard perfect for outdoor entertaining. Steps away to Walter Lee Elementary and conveniently located to McNair Secondary and McRoberts Secondary (for French Immersion), this home is ideal for families and investors Kitchen was updated in 2013, newer w/d, bathroom tile and tub in 2012, aminate floors in spacious living and dining rooms, wood burning f/p and spacious primary bedroom. Extra storage in attic and attached storage shed off the patio Quiet location and steps to the playground and pool. Close to transit Ma ntenance fee includes City water and sewer

RE/MAX Canada is hosting a contest for Canadian residents* who choose to list their home for sale with a RE/MAX agent between January 1st and July 9th, 2023 for a chance to win some fantastic prizes! Visit for more details.

Fabulous opportunity to acquire a family townhouse in North Vancouver’s sought after Canyon Heights neighbourhood. Three bedrooms up with fourth bedroom down perfect for the growing family Extensive renovations since 2014 and maintained in good condition by caring owners. Private back patio with green belt to enhance the separat on from your neighbours Great schoo catchment with sought after Canyon Heights Elementary and Handsworth Seconday close by Th s home is accessed off Montroyal and is a private enclave separate from the rest of the complex. Bonus three parking spots out front of your unit including the garage. Close to Cleveland Dam park, Capilano Suspension Bridge and Grouse Mountain. Great location for commuters who need to use the Lions Gate Bridge for that downtown office

RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JUNE 01, 2023 A21 Thank you to the Richmond News readers for their vote of confidence. Our agents and offices made it to the Best Realtor and Best Real Estate Agency categories on the Best of Richmond, Richmond News of 2023.
Westcoast 604-273-2828 2023 Each office independently owned and operated Follow us sutton group - seafair realty 550 - 9100 blundell road, richmond, bc v6y 1k3 604.241.4898 SAVOUR THE SUNSETS 61-11491 7th Avenue It doesnʼt get any better than this! Two bed townhome in popular MARINERS VILLAGE with its grand greenspaces & close proximity to parks, walking trails & Steveston Village. Spacious Master Suite with 3 piece ensuite, lovely maple kitchen, gas fireplace plus big ba cony to enjoy Gulf Island & mountain view STEVESTON VILLAGE $950,000 BIG, BOLD & BEAUTIFUL 3160 Broadway Street Spotless and spacious is this custom ‘Trendsetter’ build nestled on an unusually large Steveston Village lot – 5,940 sq ft Clever floor plan boasts 5 bedrooms up, office on the main and generous principal rooms. Beautiful kitchen overlooks the private south facing yard as does the large & lofty living room. STEVESTON VILLAGE $2,898,000 CHOICE COMPLEX 315-1166 54A Street, Tsaw Luxury living in Tsawwassen s sought-after BRIO Spacious 1,189 sq ft 2 bed/2 bath home with bedrooms separated by living area – great floor plan with no space wasted. Lofty 9 ceilings, engineered hardwood floors, bright white kitchen and 2 parking. Minutes from shopping, restaurants & the beach TSAWWASSEN $849,000 MAINTAINED TO PERFECTION 8200 Seafair Drive Simply stunning home situated on a lushly landscaped 8 566 sq ft lot. Beautifu BIG kitchen with sky-lights, HUGE island and walls of windows Solid hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths & tasteful updates & décor Minutes from shopping and the West Dyke allows you to enjoy long walks & sunsets. SEAFAIR $1,998,000 ELEANOR SY TAN WESTSIDE Cell. 604-802-1696 Bus: 604-263-8800 OF B C 30 Years #1901-1196 PIPELINE ROAD Coquitlam ~ $1,198,000 EXCEPTIONALLY SPACIOUS and beautifully REMODELLED 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom SUB-PENTHOUSE at the highly sought-after Hudson built by Bosa This executive-sty e residence with 2 balconies features STUNNING PANORAMIC VIEWS of Lafarge Lake and the surrounding mountains with unparalleled privacy Enjoy the added convenience of two side-by-side secured parking stalls on the main level, a large storage locker, a proactive strata and an AMAZING RECREATION CENTER. Prime central location close to transit, shopping, restaurants, library, community center and any other amenity you desire A rare opportunity waiting for YOU! 1107 MONTROYAL BOULEVARD North Vancouver ~ $1,450,000
Valeerie Laurendeau Endle
Opportunity 604.6
Independen ly Owned and Opera ed 110-6086 Russ Baker Way, Richmond
1B4 Bus:
– 3031 Williams Road $959,000 Enjoy the gorgeous sunsets
Westcoast 64

Your Community


One Final al Gift

Scattermenotto restlesswinds, Nortossmyashes tothesea.

Remembernow thoseyearsgoneby Whenlovinggifts Igavetothee.

Remembernowthe happytimes Thefamilyties weshared.

Don’tleavemyresting placeunmarked Asthoughyou nevercared.

Denymenot onefinalgift

Forallwho cometosee

Asinglelasting proofthatsays

Iloved...&you lovedme.







May 10, 1924 - May 21, 2023

Mom passed away peacefuly at home a few days after her 99th brthday Predeceased by her husband Lno n 2007, her brothers Bl and Bud, and sister Annie (Doole) Survved by her daughters Bev (Gordon) and Linda, grandchldren Tyler (Samara) and Tracey, and great grand-chidren Travis, Harlow and Brody Aso survived by her sister-in-law Rena Gagno (her shopping buddy when their kids were at school)

Mom was born in Quick, BC, and grew up n Burnaby In 1950 she marred Lino and they moved to the famly farm in Richmond She was Dad’s right hand, mikng cows, baiing hay and doing everythng else that occurs on a farm In the 1960s, Dad started a truckng business where Mom become the bookkeeper and problem sover There was never a dull moment n her lfe In the 1980’s and 90’s Mom enjoyed spending tme at the farm in Keremeos and vacationng in Pam Sprngs She spent a lot of time on the phone not ony as a good friend, but aso as a “therapist” and mother-figure to many Mom loved to spend tme with her grandchidren who she was so proud of, as wel she found great oy in her great grandchldren Mom ddn’t have a bad word to say about anyone and saw the brighter side to everything She was a carng person and a friend to al whose lves she touched Mom suffered a stroke in June of 2022, and we were abe to have Mom an extra 11 months due to the tremendous care and ove she receved from her care givers

Rachel and Mara

A Ceebration of Life wil be hed at the Rchmond Funeral Home on Thursday, June 1st 2023 from 4:00 - 7:00 pm In ieu of flowers, donations to the Rchmond SPCA woud be appreciated

Onlne condolences may be left at www richmond-funeral ca

Funera arrangements entrusted to Rchmond Funeral Home • (604) 273-3748

JOHNSTON, William Stuart

August 11, 1965 April 5, 2023

Call or ema l to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-653-7851 • 604-362-0586 •

Book your ad online anytime at

Bill was born in Vancouver on August 11, 1965. Passed away in hospital in Richmond on April 5, 2023 Predeceased by his mother, June. Lovingly remembered by his father Brian; brother David (Linda); nieces Taylor and Ashley; uncle Alastair (Darlene); and cousins Greg (Rebecca), Alastair (Lisa), Robert (Ana), James and Douglas. Remembered also by friends, colleagues from 25 years with United Airlines and former teammates with whom he shared good times and triumphs on the soccer pitch. No service is planned at this time.

McCLELLAND, Rickey George

September 16, 1941 - April 4, 2023

It is wth great sadness that we announce the passing of Rickey George McCleland (Rickey Mann) on the morning of Apri 4, 2023, with hs wfe and son by hs sde

Rickey was born in Vancouver and lved most of hs ife in Rchmond He was a wel-known and muchoved musican and entertainer who travelled extensively: performng with Brenda Lee in Asia and as a soost in both Canada and the US Rickey was a reguar openng act at the Cave and Isy’s Supper Cubs as wel as at popuar ounges throughout BC and Alberta He has ‘Starmertus’ status in the BC Entertanment Hal of Fame Later in his ife he became a sought after piano and accordon tuner/techncian

LANG, Edith

August 18, 1924 - May 9, 2023

Edth Lang (née Evans), a ong-time resdent of Rchmond, BC, passed away peacefuly in her home in Steveston at the age of 98

She was predeceased by her mother and father Edth and Edgar, husband AJ, and siblings Dot, Jean, and Jack

Edth was ful of reslience, humour, and kndness

Her generosity and love were imitless

As the matriarch of our famiy, Edth was a true inspiraton that shaped al of our hearts She wil truly be mssed and always remembered by her daughter Pat (Mike); son Jim (Debbie); grandchildren Evans, Raeene (Haso), Travis (Kate), Spencer, Curtis (Tamara), great-grandch dren Brennan and Owen, severa neces, nephews, and cousins

A private service was held by famly at Mnoru Chape on May 18, 2023

In leu of flowers, donatons can be made to Children’s Hospita

As Rckey’s father and grandfather were pioneers of Rchmond, the famly s proud to have a road named after them Athough he spent so much of his ife in the limelight, Rickey was a solitary man who enjoyed hs quet tme readng, playing piano, or gong on forest walks Rckey, Lana, and Alex oved to camp, do provincial road trips or trave to Las Vegas or Hawai together Occasionaly Alex and Rickey woud kayak together in Deep Cove Rickey was predeceased by hs parents, (Ceci) Erc and rene McClelland and is survived by his wife Lana, son Alex and many cousins

The famiy wishes to acknowledge and thank so many people who heped us in Rckey’s long ourney wth Alzhemer’s: our GP; the Alzheimer’s Society, UBCH CARD team; the Rchmond Menta Health Team; the staff on 4N and ECT team at Richmond Hosptal; everyone at Hamiton Vllage Care Centre; the doctors and staff at Parkvew Tertiary Care and Mt St Joseph’s Hospita and realy, everyone who provided Rickey wth such amazing care and compasson (and of course Mabe the cat) at Pnegrove Place n Richmond

Join us for a ceebration of Rickey’s lfe at 2pm Sunday, June 25, 2023, at the Austra Vancouver Cub, 5851 Westminster Hwy, Rchmond Pease email rckeymannpian0@gmail com (*note “zero”) if you pan to attend The famiy looks forward to hearng your stores or sharing a song

In ieu of flowers, a donation to the Alzheimer’s General Donations Fund (T115) UBC, 500-5950 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3, https://give ubc ca/alzheimers-research in his memory would be wonderful





UR AWAY; but your cat s ok thanks to Rosemary Newspaper, mal co ection, waterng plants and mantaning securty for your home and your beoved cat 604-351-3831



Canon Camera found n Superstore parking lot. 604 270 3285

DORGE, Elfriede Martha Elisabeth (née Kober)

Efrede was a carng wfe, mother, grand-mother, great-grandmother and friend She left this word on May 17, 2023 She was predeceased by daughter Angelika and husband Otto Efrede s survved by her daughters Efi and Evein; grandchildren Catherine, David and Erika (and their partners Andrew, Natalie, and Nel, respectivey), and great-grandchidren Bernce and Eloise

Born to Franz Kober and Emma Kober (née Koberg) on September 28, 1921 n Berin, Germany, Elfriede grew up n the town of Zehdenick in the Oberhavel region of Brandenburg Efrede had a chalengng eary aduthood She grew up in the tumultuous perod leadng up to the second world war, and after high school was required to support the war effort, during which she met her future husband Otto Ernst Dorge In the four years following the war, Elfrede and her husband had three daughters, and the famiy found much of their lives and stabiity upended in Sovet-controlled East Germany n 1953, the family was persecuted by the East German/Soviet authorities and became refugees, fleeing to West Berin and eventualy Canada

When the famiy arrived in Ontario, they lived on a dary farm in Stouffvile wth the kind and supportive Steckey family During this tme, Elfriede earned extra money for the famly by tying up cauiflower in the fields Eventualy they put down roots in Streetsvlle, where Efrede supported the famly by working as a house cleanng lady, and ater at CTS Corporaton while also supportng the famly as a homemaker In an old dary farm on the outskirts of Streetsvlle that Otto converted nto a chicken farm, Efrede helped feed the chickens and colect eggs whle her husband had shift work It was a family affair with everyone expected to end a hand, however most of the work anded on Elfriede Efriede and Otto eventually folowed Eveln to BC, and lved in Richmond since 1980

Efrede was passionate about caring for her family, and aways sought ways to support them where possible She enoyed spending her free time baking, knitting/crochetng, and watchng soap operas An actve congregant of the Trinity Lutheran Church, she contributed to outreach programs by craftng countless baby blankets, hats and sweaters which were donated to those in need of warmth in developing parts of Africa

A celebration of life wil take pace on Wednesday, Juy 19th at 11:00 am at Trinty Lutheran Church in Richmond In ieu of flowers, pease consider a donation to the BC Schzophrenia Society or the Canadian Cancer Socety

LOST CAT White & Grey Tabby since June 2022

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Saturday 9 am - 2 pm 11206 Kingcome Ave

Smal furniture, various househod items and al knds of other

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Maid it Bloom Spring, reguar, office, move out and same day ceanings 604-833-7217

Edgewater Park Garage Sale

June 3, 10AM 1PM

It’s the annual Edgewater Park Garage Sale Over 100 un ts part c pat ng There will be food avail ab e by the c ubhouse Come on down! 3031 Williams Rd, Richmond, BC

2BR/1BA BC Okanagan

Small turnkey automot ve/ motorcyc e shop with ma n res dence and renta su te, complete w th all too s/ equipment/furnished.

L sted as a business to avo d purchas ng issues for new residents 250 533 9551

RENTAL HousEs For rEnt

RMD, Newy reno d, Spac priv 3 BR Upper, with prv 2 BR ste down, f/p, den, cov pato, 8 new appls, am flrs, fenced, carport, prkg N/P Now $4795 604-833-2103

RICHMOND-NEWS.COM THURSDAY, JUNE 01, 2023 A23 HOME SERVICES Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE
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