Types of Pacifism

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Pacifism “Peace I leave with you: my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid,� as per John the Apostle. In 1902 the term of pacifism was adopted at the tenth Universal Peace Congress held at the Glasgow city in the United Kingdom. Pacifists are people who believe that there is no justification for war and violence. Among many other people some of the most famous pacifists are Albert Einstein, John Lennon, Mahatma Gandhi, Oscar Wilde, Martin Luther King Junior, Hellen Keller, Leo Tolstoy, Tenzin Gyasto, the 14 th Dalai Lama, Malala Yousafazi. However, pacifists differ and there are a few types of it. Absolute pacifists believe that there is no justification for violence even in self-defense. They stick to the principle that even an innocent person who is attacked and killed will not be rescued. Rescuing the attacked person is considered unethical. Conditional pacifists are also against the war but they accept the fact that in certain circumstances war will be less destructive. Selective pacifists are a special group of people. They are against the war in case in involves nuclear or chemical weapons. They believe this type of war causes aftereffects and for which the human race needs to pay a huge cost. Active pacifists are highly involved with political activity and promote peace and argue against particular wars. They actively take part in reducing the harm of war and renders supports to the country during this time. Most of the democratic countries are

following this path of pacifism.

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