PRESIDENT’S REPORT by Paul Burmeister, President For this month’s article, I thought I’d share information on a number of initiatives important for our residents to be aware of. First, I’d like to start by thanking ELWCA Board Member Richard Corrigan along with our Property Manager, Debi Hudrlik, for their work with Duke Energy. Thanks to the efforts of both individuals, the property some of our residents refer to as “East Lake Woodlands Community Park” has been added to Duke Energy’s mowing maintenance schedule. The property located off of Sunflower Drive in between Greenhaven Circle and Pinewinds Boulevard is owned by Duke and in the absence of a lease, ELWCA could no longer bear the cost of its maintenance. With Duke’s agreement to mow, the appearance concerns expressed by a number our residents have been addressed. Second, I’d like to thank ELWCA Board Member Connie Hillman, Finance Committee Member Dave Feller and Debi Hudrlik for the work they are currently doing preparing our 2021 Budget. Having participated in all the meetings I’m very pleased with the financial discipline all 3 individuals are demonstrating as well as the realistic expectations our committee chairs are showing as they present their 2021 proposals. Recognizing that Connie and her team are now in the process of “crunching numbers’’ it is premature to commit to holding the line on fees at this time. Recognizing that the existing contracts with our major service providers have annual increases built in, we are always working with our vendors to control costs and ensure good value for our dollars without compromising the quality of services we receive. Similar to budget challenges every community deals with, ELWCA is also working to contain costs and doesn’t raise dues to increase profits. Every penny that is paid into ELWCA ultimately reflects what it costs to maintain the community at the current level of service as required by our documents. Please also keep in mind that being a board member does not grant financial immunity to anyone from the responsibilities of living in an association. In fact, serving on the board reflects just how seriously they take that responsibility. So, please keep in mind that our board members are also subject to paying membership dues. That said, it is the board’s intent to hold 2021 increases (if needed) to a minimum. Last, we are finalizing plans to upgrade the Walmart and Quail Forest gates with barrier arms similar to the units installed at the Metro and SunTrust locations. A recent assessment identified a number of repairs needed at both locations that based on costs, suggested replacement versus repair, made financial sense. In addition to the upgrades being made at the aforementioned locations, the Sunflower gate will concurrently have improvements made, but will not be changed from the current design. Plans are to provide new news associated with project timing and potential gate closings as appropriate.
Last month we wrote about the upcoming budget process and the projects that we are prioritizing for the near future and long term. In order to fund these projects, proper planning is necessary. We continue to receive inquiries as to how much fees may be going up in 2021. We will not know the answer to that until the end of September when we conduct our budget workshop, but the Board will work diligently to minimize assessment increases. When you purchased your home, you were probably aware of fees and assessments, funding reserves for wear and tear, and insurance costs for unknown perils. What you probably were not aware of was the Association’s responsibility to provide for hidden infrastructure wear and tear. Owners often want the Association to maintain and enhance property values with conspicuous, beautification projects. Equally important is the Association’s responsibility for maintaining our infrastructure which if we don’t do will ultimately be more expensive in the long term! Most homeowners and Boards want to keep regular assessments low and only want to invest in visible issues and immediate fixes. It is sometimes difficult for a Board to convince owners to contribute to longterm maintenance. Even though ELWCA uses annual reserve studies, unless those studies consider every possible scenario, there is always a chance hidden issues will surface and reserves may not be adequate. In other instances, when reserve studies do not focus on infrastructure in their normal course some conditions are not discovered until problems manifest. Undiscovered conditions typically worsen with time and get more expensive to address. Since insurance does not cover wear and tear of infrastructure, failing to plan can result in the need for special assessments. The ELWCA Board takes its fiduciary responsibility seriously and strives to create a budget for transparent communication to the membership that meets the needs of the Association. Guarding against superficial repairs that do not address the root of the problems and do nothing more than “kick the can down the road” do nothing more than increase our costs. In 2021, the Board will obtain proposals to have a comprehensive reserve study completed. Our goal is to avoid surprises by thoroughly inspecting our infrastructure, identifying potential issues and setting reserves aside to address issues as dictated. Saving money on an annual basis to address the effects of wear and tear to our infrastructure helps ensure sufficient resources exist when capital expenses are incurred. In an ideal world, being prepared and budgeting appropriately now facilitates avoidance of special assessments in the future. It may be prudent for all sub-associations to address their budget process in this same fashion. Many sub-associations are running extremely lean, and they too may be caught off guard should a hidden infrastructure situation occur. Some thoughts to keep in mind as we enter this budget season: • Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance • Failing to Prepare = Preparing to Fail • Preparation Today Leads to Success Tomorrow The ELWCA Board of Directors, various Committees and Management thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation as we work toward building a better future for our community.
HOA Publishers, Inc. 813.875.6068 The East Lake Woodlands Heron is a free digital publication by HOA Publishers . The Eastlake Woodlands Board of Directors welcomes all residents to submit positive and informative articles about our community.
Paul Burmeister, President Chairman: Administrative Committee
Jack Picker, Director Chairman: Grounds/Irrigation Committee
Doug Edwards,Vice President Chairman: Controlled Access Committee
Richard Corrigan, Director Chairman: Government Relations/Legal
Connie Hillman, Treasurer Chairman: Finance Committee
Jeff Fosbrook, Director Chairman: Lakes/Drainage Committee
Chuck Fairman, Secretary Chairman: Roads Committee
Debi Hudrlik, Manager Management and Associates 720 Brooker Creek Blvd. #206 Oldsmar, FL 34677 813-433-2000 Communications:
Mary McCoy, Director Chairman: Insurance Committee
Available Online at:
Janie Baker, Director Chairman: Communications Committee
The Heron assumes no responsibility for the advertising contents of its publication. No endorsement of any product or service is made by the Heron and none should be inferred. We reserve the right to reject any advertisement that we believe would not benefit the residents of East Lake Woodlands. We do not knowingly accept objectionable or fraudulent advertising.
EAST LAKE WOODLANDS FREQUENTLY CALLED NUMBERS Location Rover (Resident Request Number) North Gate South Gate Country Club ELW Water General Information / Accounting ELW Water Emergency Maintenance Line Pinellas County Sheriff, Non-emergency
Management and Associates
Phone Number 813-462-8971 813-749-0710 727-785-7384 727-784-8576 727-784-6262 727-440-4382 727-582-6200 813-433-2014
Management and Associates
Management and Associates
Barcode Information, Mary Hunt Manager, Debi Hudrlik
Accounting, Debbie Reith
VEHICLE BARCODES If you need a barcode you must provide the following: For additional questions please contact: Owners: • Proof of residency: Driver’s license reflecting ELW address OR warranty deed OR closing statement • Vehicle registration for each vehicle requiring a barcode
Renters: • Proof of residency: Copy of lease • Driver’s license • Vehicle registration for each vehicle requiring a barcode
Payment: • Payment for barcodes must be made with cash or check only.
Mary Hunt at (813) 433-2014.
ELWCA MANAGEMENT COMPANIES Management & Assocs. 813-433-2000 Aberdeen Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cross Creek ELW Community Assn. Enclave Greenhaven 1 Greenhaven 2 Greenhaven 3 & 4 Pinewinds Pinnacle Silverthorne St. Andrews Woodlands Estates Woodridge Green Worthington
As of 11/22/2019
First Choice Mgmt. 727-785-8887
B and C Community Management 727-239-5991
Citadel Management 727-938-7730
Elite Property Mgmt. 727-224-1871
Ameri-Tech Prop. Mgmt. 727-726-8000
Progressive Mgmt. 727-773-9542
Woodlake Run 1, 2 & 3
Creekside Turtle Creek 1 & 2 Woods Landing
Jim Nobles 727-447-8949 Stonebriar
Quality Property Mgmt. 727-869-9700
Heatherwood/Laurel Oaks
Hunter’s Crossing
The Meadows
Resource Mgmt. 727-796-5900 Deerpath Hunter’s Trail
Sentry Mgmt. 727-799-8982
Kingsmill Turtle Creek 3 & 4
Cypress 1 Cluster 1 Cluster 5 Patio Homes
Holiday Isles Prop. Mgmt. 727-548-9402
Property Group of Cent. FL 727-771-7753
Diamond Crest Isleworth
Cross Pointe Muirfield
Avenel Lake Shore Vista Warwick Hills The Cove at East Lake Woodlands
NATIONAL SECURITY OFFICER APPRECIATION WEEK SEPTEMPER 21 – 25, 2020 THANK YOU ALLIED UNIVERSAL TEAM by Debi Hudrlik, AMS, CMCA We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge another group of individuals that substantially contribute to our quality of life in East Lake Woodlands, and that is our wonderful Allied Universal Security Team. Perhaps you were not aware, but this year September 21 – 25 is National Security Week! Allied actually initiated National Security Officer Appreciation Week in 2015. It recognizes the in-house and contract security personnel you see patrolling stores, schools, concerts, banks and residential communities such as ELWCA. It is a career that involves being flexible and getting along with a diverse group of people. We all call upon our security officers numerous times a day to deal with a myriad of issues, many of which are well beyond the scope of their contract. We respectfully ask that you join the Board, Controlled Access Committee and Management as we acknowledge and show our appreciation to our current Allied Team: Joseph Aleksa
Tabitha Nix
Brenda Barber
Alba Rodriquez
Glenn Bushong
Robert Romano
Nelson DeMeza
Kathleen Shanks
Miu Eng
Johnny Sheltra
Isachi Halphen
Ricardo Vargas, Account Manager
Bryan Krager
Robert Welden
Tina McCallum
Jyotindra Yagnick
How can YOU show your appreciation? • When you see a security officer on the job, stop and thank them for their work • Use #SecurityOfficerAppreciationWeek and #ThankUSecurity on social media to acknowledge them • Give them a card or hand-written note expressing how much you appreciated their assistance in resolving an issue • E-mail management at and let us know of a particular incident for which you were especially grateful, along with your permission to publish the accolade in the Heron newsletter • Feel free to acknowledge our officers as you deem appropriate, as they would be elated to hear from you Anything you do to show your appreciation you will probably receive back tenfold!
Maria Kokkinos DECOR
What is the number 1 problem people have when remodeling? STYLE AND COLOR PALETTE. Let me help in achieving your goals!
THANK YOU LETTER Good morning Mrs. Hudrlik, I am writing to you in regards to outstanding actions taking by Ricky Vargas, here at East lake Woodlands community. My son went on a bike ride about 2.5 weeks ago and fell off his bike, breaking both of his wrists. It happened inside our community. He was siting on the side of the road as he could not make it home on his own. Ricky stopped to check on him, and after seeing he was hurt immediately loaded him in his truck, including his bike and helmet, and brought him over to our house. He displayed so much care and kindness to our son and us, and I could not leave this without sending a note to acknowledge his commemorable actions. He is one of the most kindest, compassionate people I have met and is always smiling and taking care of the community. Since I walk in the neighborhood, he has stopped and asked about my son on several occasions, following up on his progress since surgery on his wrists. Its not often you meet someone that takes their job to heart, and Ricky certainly does. He displays a great deal of professionalism, compassion, care and humanity. We are so grateful he was here to help our son and make us feel very safe here in our neighborhood. Thank you for having a great team that takes care of needs of our neighborhood so well. And thank you to Ricky for his kindness and support. Sincerely, Marina Baronas
EAST LAKE WOODLANDS COMMUNITY PATROL REPORT Tampa Road Gate 727-785-7384 or North Gate 813-749-0710
(Noise, Speeders, Solicitors, Domestic Disputes, Trespass, Fireworks, Suspicious Persons)
0 23
(Vandalism To Mailboxes, Grass Damage, Stolen Bikes, Dumping, Theft, Assault, All Other Criminal Activity)
(Gates, Gate Collisions, Pets, Deer, Welfare Checks On Residents, And All Others)
39 5 74 16/64
The Sheriff monitored 36 hours during the month of July.
Vehicles stopped – 85, Citations issued – 6, Warnings issued – 79 warnings that included 23 for stop sign violations, 34 warnings for speeding, 20 for other, 1 for expired tag and 1 for no valid driver license. There were 2 citations for speeding, 4 citations for stop sign violations.
CONTROLLED ACCESS by Doug Edwards, Vice President and Chairman of the Controlled Access Committee
The rainy season seems to be here along with the heat! Drive safely on wet or damp roads. The road surfaces are slicker at the beginning of the rain shower. For the month of July, 2020, we were still in the midst of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. While vehicle traffic through East Lake Woodlands was lighter than normal, bicycle and pedestrian traffic has seen a marked increase, and drivers should watch out for walkers and bikers at all times of day or night. The new, lighted, aluminum SunTrust entrance gate has been hit so many times that it will need to be replaced shortly. This will cost the Association nearly $1,000. Anyone caught hitting any of the gates will be charged a fee toward the replacement of the gate they hit. We are still working on installing cameras at all gates and will probably start with the SunTrust gate first. Reminder: No signs are to be placed on Community Association property. During July, 2020, there were 85 traffic stops by the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) deputies. Summary: 79 warnings were issued for stop sign violations, no proof of insurance, and equipment. 6 citations were issued to drivers for speeding and stop sign violations. The PCSO patrols in East Lake Woodlands 12 days per month in 3 hour shifts, days, nights, weekends and Holidays. Incidents of racing inside East Lake Woodlands continue to be an issue. Please be on the lookout for oversize pickup trucks and large SUVs racing side by side. This is not only a traffic violation, but
EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. All of our roads are single lane and NO PASSING is permitted. The Sheriff’s Office has been alerted and they will be providing extra patrols in an attempt to catch and possibly ticket or arrest those responsible. If you see any vehicles racing or otherwise being driven irresponsibly, please call the roving patrol at 813-462-8971 or the PCSO at 727-582-6200. Try to provide them with as much information as possible. Make, Model, Color of the vehicle(s), tag number(s). Do not put yourself in danger. If you see an accident, call 911.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: In the coming weeks, your East Lake Woodlands Community Association will be replacing the Quail Forrest sliding gate with the new and improved lift arm gate. Be alert when approaching this area. The vendor selected for this project is Accurate Electronics. In the coming weeks, your East Lake Woodlands Community Association will be replacing the Walmart sliding gate with the new and improved lift arm gate. Be alert when approaching this area. The vendor selected for this project is Accurate Electronics. In the coming weeks, your East Lake Woodlands Community Association will be repairing the SunFlower sliding gate. Be alert when approaching this area. The vendor selected for this project is Accurate Electronics. As always, if you have an EMERGENCY, call 911. Contact the PCSO deputies for a NON-emergency, their number is (727) 582-6200. The controlled access roving patrol officer can be reached at (813) 462-8971. BE AWARE AND STAY ALERT. IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING.
EAST LAKE FIRE RESCUE HOSTS BLOOD DRIVE by Claudia Faiola, Fire and Life Safety Educator
FOR MORE BUSINESS? Get noticed in your community!
East Lake Fire Rescue will be hosting a Blood Drive on Wednesday, September 16th, from 11am to 4pm. The Big Red Bus will be parked at Station 57 located at 3375 Tarpon Lake Blvd., Palm Harbor, FL 34685. Those who are interested in donating can schedule an appointment by visiting donor/schedules/drive_schedule/931299. All who donate will receive two pairs of cancer awareness socks. Many potential blood donors believe that they can’t donate blood due to medical or other reasons. But whether you have heard or read information about donation restrictions or been turned down in the past, please do not self-defer. You may be able to say “Yes I can!” and share your power through blood donation.
My original intention in preparing this article was to write about the benefits and disadvantages of living in the unincorporated areas of Pinellas County. That was triggered by the enormous water bills our neighbors in Oldsmar received, but Oldsmar is a town/ city and East Lake Woodlands is in the unincorporated area of Pinellas County, so our water bills come from Pinellas Utilities – so no worries (maybe). However, a few events have overtaken that theme so we will save it for a future article. Firstly, the Council of North County neighborhoods (CNCN) held a forum with the County Commissioners on Monday, Aug. 17. It was reassuring to hear (or see if you were on Zoom) that Pinellas County has significant resources that will help carry it through 2020 at least. The commissioners and the county administrator did acknowledge that 2021 will see some belt tightening; so, don’t worry you will still get a water bill. However, equally importantly, included in the Pinellas County Coronavirus Relief Fund monies was Pinellas County Administration, which is under guidance by the U.S. Treasury Department for State, Territorial, Local, and Tribal Governments. Under the terms of this “grant” CARES Act (Coronavirus Relief Fund) the County is obligated to “add additional programs to allow and enable more businesses and families impacted by the pandemic to obtain financial aid, necessities, or expanded employment or business training; and allow for greater public health protections by building local capacity for testing, contact tracing, skilled nursing, PPE, community health educators, or other public health measures providing for protective equipment or for the costs thereof”. An original amount of $13 million was given to Pinellas County. The County Administration is now preparing to implement Phase 2 of the CARES Act – the details of which should be available on the County website at The County expects non-profit assistance will be provided by the Pinellas Community Foundation. “Small businesses and individuals will remain a focus as we try to meet the fundamental needs of the community such as housing stability and food security”. The proposed amount is $30 million for Phase 2. If you know someone that needs a hand – even if it is for a water bill – check out the program. Secondly, The Florida State Representative for District 64, James Grant, has resigned his seat in the Florida Legislature to take the position of Chief Information Officer (CIO) with responsibility for Florida Digital Service, which has a cross cutting responsibility for maintaining state data, setting up testing environments to demo state software before it’s rolled out, and facilitating data sharing between government agencies. Rep. Grant has had a long-standing interest in technology, and we wish him well in his new job. Have you tried to file for unemployment lately – ‘nuff said”. The Democratic candidate for District 64 is Jessica Harrington, a middle school teacher who lost a relatively close race to Grant in 2018. Given the short time frame until elections there is some dispute as to whether the Republicans can nominate a replacement. If the Republicans can and do nominate a replacement candidate, the nominee will be invited to the CNCN Candidates Forum on September 21st. District 64’s western most boundary is East Lake Road so ELW is included along with Oldsmar and northwest Hillsborough. Speaking of East Lake Road, the County Commission has been looking closely at the heavy TRAFFIC FLOW on East lake Rd. caused in large extent by increased flow from all the new developments in south and south west Pasco County heading for Clearwater and St. Pete. East Lake Woodlands was instrumental in establishing the East Lake Road Beautification corridor several years ago as well as an effort to widen the roadway to three lanes up to the county line. CNCN will be holding a forum on the East Lake Road traffic issue on Oct. 19 at which various options will be discussed. East Lake Woodlands had a prominent role in past decisions on East Lake Rd and should prepare for additional challenges as we attempt to accommodate both growth and the way of life we enjoy in the unincorporated East Lake area of north Pinellas. Stay tuned for additional information on this issue.
EAST LAKE FIRE RESCUE HOSTED PRACTICAL AIR TRANSPORT TRAINING by George Bessler Assistant Chief On July 20, 21 and 22 East Lake Fire Rescue hosted practical Air Transport training with Air Crews from Bayflight 3 and 4 at East Lake Station 57. Personnel from East Lake, Oldsmar, Tarpons Springs, Safety Harbor and Sunstar participated each day. This was a comprehensive training session to accomplish the following: • Review of Safety Features, emergency procedures and patient loading procedures for Bayflight 3 (from BMC) which is an EC 135 rear patient loading Helicopter. • Safety Features, emergency procedures and patient loading procedures for Bayflight 4 (from Brooksville) which is a Bell 407 side patient loading Helicopter. • Review of 600-25 SOP on Helicopter Operations. • Review of proper LZ practices and desired LZ report to flight crew. • Review of desired patient report to flight crew. • Review of MOM CS5 Transport Resource Utilization protocol. • Review of Flight Crew advanced skill capability. • Review of Medical equipment carried on Helicopters. • Demonstration of patient loading procedures on rear and side aircraft. • Expectations that Flight crew has for first responders. We must all remember that Air Transport must be used judiciously and in accordance with MOM protocol and for the ultimate benefit to our patients. Air transport is an invaluable link in the continuity of patient care when used appropriately. We are blessed to have dedicated and skilled flight crews from Bayflite that put the wellbeing of our patients above their own safety. They perform heroically every time they take to the sky!
In the few short months that I have served as Communications Chairperson of the ELWCA Board, I have felt nothing short of grateful for the valuable work of your ELWCA Board of Directors and our Property Manager, Debi Hudrlik. Together they give tirelessly of their time and talents to maintain and develop our strong East Lake Woodlands community. In ELW, we reside in a close-knit community. Managing the ELWCA requires a clear understanding of the interrelationships that exist between the Board, Management and ELW residents. The way in which we work together has a direct impact on our lives as residents of ELW. Your ELWCA Board and Property Manager work to protect, preserve and enhance our common community assets and thus our property values. Each and every decision is made transparently, considering all facts, factors and the sound advice from a myriad of resources. In an election year, dare I say…we are quite similar to a government. Minus the politics, the community association officers are elected to provide leadership. We are a representative Board that have designated rules and responsibilities. We carry out policy making and give oversight. We work to involve residents in meetings, discussions and committees. Our residents provide valuable input, involvement and sharing in the work of governing our association.
Board Members are your neighbors who volunteer to contribute to our ELW community. They have chosen to be involved and accept the important responsibility to work with our property manager to maintain and improve ELW. They willingly and happily accept these responsibilities, and in doing so, spend a significant amount of time to do the job well. As we begin a busy season full of projects, I want to thank those who have a part in making ELW such a nice place to call home. Your dedication and hard work are appreciated!
Communication Announcements: • You can subscribe to have the Heron emailed directly to you. Log in to and select Newsletter Sign Up. • You can subscribe to receive a printed copy of the Heron for $35 per year. Contact HOA Publishers at 813-875-6068. • If you would like to receive ELWCA announcements and updates via email, please return the electronic communications notice posted on the website. See, click on ELWCA-Community Association, then Announcements, then Return of Electronic Communications Notice. • The next ELWCA meeting is September 15th at 6:30 PM via Zoom. All ELW residents are welcome to attend, see www. for details. You will need your member password to access the Minutes & Financials page where the login information is posted. • Check the ELWCA website often for the most current announcement and updates.
BIRD OF THE MONTH RUDDY DUCK by Jake Jacoby, ELW Resident In June 2018, I had the opportunity to fly into Vancouver, BC, rent a car and then drive approximately 4-hours to Kamloops, BC, where I joined a photographic workshop hosted by www. We stayed at a resort on a beautiful lake (elevation 4200-feet) that had several resident Loons, which was our target species. One afternoon during the workshop, we drove to a small pond nearby Kamloops that had 2 pair of Ruddy Duck’s in residence and exhibiting their nesting coloration and behavior.
Male with tail up
America. They dive and swim underwater and both adults and ducklings mainly eat seeds and roots of aquatic plants, aquatic insects, crustaceans and other invertebrates (animals that do not have a backbone or spine). They forage mostly by diving to the bottom of shallow ponds, straining mouthfuls of mud through thin plates on their bills and swallowing the prey items that are left behind. Insert photo #6349 titled: Male with tail up Ruddy Ducks spend the vast majority of their lives on the water. They are fast fliers but have little maneuverability in the air, and they tend to swim and dive rather than fly to escape predators. The most common predators include Red-tailed Hawks, Great Horned Owls, mink, raccoons, and red foxes.
Mr. & Mrs. Ruddy Duck
The Ruddy Duck is native to North America and one of the “stiff-tailed” ducks. They are small, compact ducks with stout, scoop-shaped bills, and long, stiff tails that they often hold cocked upward. They have slightly peaked heads and fairly short, thick necks. The males have blackish caps that contrast with bright white cheeks. In the summer, the males display rich chestnut bodies with bright blue bills. In the winter, the male’s bill turns a dull gray color. Ruddy Ducks breed in marshy lakes and ponds. They nest in dense marsh vegetation near water in cattails, bulrushes, or grasses. The female builds the nest out of grass, locating it in tall vegetation to hide it from predators. Incubation is normally about 3-weeks with a typical brood usually containing 5 to 15 ducklings. Ruddy Duck eggs are the largest of all waterfowl. Taking Flight Ducklings are born active, welldeveloped and covered with down receiving minimal care from their mother and none from their father. Ruddy Ducks are not monogamous and adult pairs will form each year for breeding. Occasionally, males will take multiple mates. Once on the breeding grounds, males perform unusual courtship displays in which they stick their tails straight up while striking their bills against their inflated necks, creating bubbles in the water as air is forced from their feathers. They punctuate the end of this display with a belch-like call. Ruddy Ducks are migratory and winter in coastal bays and unfrozen lakes and ponds travelling from the U.S. through Mexico to Central
Inflated Chest
Ruddy Ducks were imported into the UK in 1948 by conservationist Sir Peter Scott. As a result of escapes from wildfowl collections in the late 1950s, they became established in Great Britain, from where they spread into Europe. By the year 2000, the population had increased to around 6,000. The Ruddy Duck’s aggressive courting behavior and willingness to interbreed with the endangered native white-headed duck of southern Europe, caused concern among Spanish conservationists. Due to this, a controversial scheme to extirpate (root out and destroy) the ruddy duck as a British breeding species started. By 2014, the cull had reduced the British population to about 100.
EAST LAKE FIRE RESCUE 7TH ANNUAL *VIRTUAL* 5K RUN/WALK by Claudia Faiola, Fire and Life Safety Educator
East Lake Fire Rescue would like to invite you to join their 7th Annual *Virtual* 5K Run/Walk. Being that the event is virtual this year, participants will be able to run/walk the event any day, anywhere and anytime they prefer between 10/24/20 and 11/21/20. The package this year will include a 5K tank top, a custom race medal (first 100 registrants only) and a “post-race party” in a bag! Participants will also be able to download the RaceJoy app to receive real time performance information and to automatically have their time tracked. Our charities need our help right now and we hope that we will be able to continue to support them with the help from our community members and our sponsors. By registering for our event, you will be able to complete the 5K Run/Walk on your own time, wherever you would like. You will be able to pick up your 2020 tank top, a medal, and a “post-race party” in a bag (goodie bag) during packet pickup! Stay tuned for more info. For more information and to register, visit: events/ELFR5K20