The Alternative to incineration

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The CGCR was set up in April 2006 and has been working ever since to raise awareness and propose an alternative to the incinerator for Parma


Gestione Coordination Corretta Rifiuti e Risorse di Parma for Correct Waste and Resource Management in Parma Who we are The CGCR is a committee of citizens opposed to the construction of an incinerator in Parma which proposes a realistic and practical waste management alternative. The CGCR is apolitical and pacifist, and finances all its initiatives independently. Our members include lawyers, d o c t o r s , pharmacists, blue and white-collar workers, experts in marketing and communication, teachers, shop owners and entrepreneurs. Each gives his or her own contribution depending on their experience. We are against the logic of the outright “NO” and are aware of the commitments that communities must make to manage their waste. Accordingly

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we have availed of contributions provided by entrepreneurs and experts in the field to create a solution that is tailormade to suit Parma’s needs. Conferences demonstrations


In recent months, the CGCR has organised two demonstrations which, on each occasion, recorded a turnout in excess of 1,500 people. We filled the city’s main theatre with a conference on the subject of Zero Waste, which saw the participation of speakers of the calibre of Paul Connett, professor of Environmental Chemistry of St. Lawrence University of New York and a Candidate for the Nobel prize in 2008, Luigi Campanella, President of the Italian Chemistry Society and Gianni Tamino, a biologist from Padua University. Awareness raising Through our Website, and by drafting press releases at periodic

intervals, we have supplied the city of Parma with considerable scientific and technical documentation.

“Dear Mayor Vignali, I’m sorry to learn that Pa rma is considering managing its solid waste by incineration...” Gavin Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco Network of contacts We have established direct links with cities that already use correct waste management practices on a day-to-day basis, from Capannori, a small Tuscan town with 50,000 inhabitants, to San Francisco, which has 850,000 inhabitants. Both have successfully adopted the Zero Waste strategy.

Coordination for Correct Waste & Resource Management web: e-mail: PAGE 1

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