Vem & Brokiga Brand Presentation

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Stina Wirsén

Ever since graduation from the Konstfack Universi College of Arts, Cra s and Design in 1992, Stina Wirsén has worked as a professional illustrator. She is today one of the most well known illustrators of Sweden, and has wri en and illustrated many children’s books and animations as well as illustrated for various fashion brands, department stores, newspaper and magazines, restaurants and commercial advertising campaigns.

Rights & Brands Vem? & Brokiga by Stina Wirsén


Who is an everyday realism that describes human relations and conflict resolution in fable form. e stories about the Who animals depict life as it is and encourages the readers to see themselves and others as they are. Fragili , strength and humor are all described in the Who world. A blow to the cats head and everything breaks loose. Life as a domino e ect. We argue and we reunite. Welcome to the world of Who.

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Li le Pink & Brokiga

Brokiga stands for playful and joyful education. By encouraging curiosi and with unconventional speedy upturns, the child learns to count without even realizing it.

Brokiga praises di erences and loves diversi , they live their lives without assessing themselves or others. A Brokiga figure can race around the sidewalk with fangs and a princess dress, unmatched and unbothered.

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Who? Facts

• Text and image Stina Wirsén, product design by Anna Hörling

• ere are about 25 titles with the Who animals

• e first books ”Who’s angry?” and ”Who’s Trousers?” was published in 2003

• Film - 16 pieces of small movie

Brokiga Facts

• Text Carin Wirsén, image Stina Wirsén and product design by Anna Hörling

• ere are about 18 titles with Brokiga

• e first book ”A Li le Pink and Many Small Brokiga” published in 2006

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Gender neutral


Environment & Ethics





Art & Design


Inclusion and tolerence

Gender neutral


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e creators

Carin and Stina Wirsén have wri en and illustrated Li le Pink & Brokiga. Today there are 30 books that are read and loved by children worldwide.

Anna Hörling, Stina’s sister and Carin’s daughter, is an industrial designer and interior designer. Anna is responsible for the design of the Brokiga products.

e two sisters work closely throughout the design process - from initial concepts to finished products. e focus is on playfulness, joy, empathy and diversi . It characterizes design, illustrations and care about the manufacturing process and sustainabili .

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Who? Publishing program

Vems byxor? - 2005

Vem är arg? - 2005

Vem bestämmer? - 2006

Vem blöder? - 2006

Vems mormor? - 2007

Vem är ensam? - 2007

Vem är söt? - 2008

Vem är borta? - 2008

Vem är bäst? - 2009

Vem sover inte? - 2009

Vem är död? - 2010

Vems kompis? - 2010

Vems bebis? - 2011

Vem städar inte? - 2011

Vem kommer nu? - 2012

Vem är sjuk? - 2012

Vem är var? - 2012

Vems hus? - 2015

Vem är stor? - 2016

Vems syskon? - 2016

Vem syr? Sy Vemdjur! - 2016

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Brokiga publishing program

En liten skär och många små brokiga - 2006

En liten skär och alla bråkiga bokstäver - 2008

En liten skär och alla ruskigt rysliga brokiga - 2009

En liten skär och alla tvärtemotiga - 2010

En liten skär och alla bråkiga brokiga - 2014

Sy med alla små brokiga - 2014

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Ti a! - 2014
- 2014
- 2015 Rita! - 2015
- 2016 Bok! - 2017
Oj! - 2010 Hej! - 2010 Aj! - 2010 Bang! - 2010 Dela! - 2013

Awards to Stina Wirsén

• e Socie of Newspaper Design

• e Socie of Scandinavian Illustrators

• Stockholm Ci Cultural Award

• Nordic Illustrators’ Award

• Award of Excellence av Socie of

• Newspaper Design

• e Elsa Beskow Prize for ”Rut and

• Knut Have an Exhibition”

• He aklumpen Cultural Prize for

• ”Supershow with Rut and Knut”

• KOLLA! Swedish illustrators’ prize

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Brand artwork examples

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Brand artwork examples

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Selected licensing products

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Rights & Brands Vem? & Brokiga by Stina Wirsén Contact 14
Tjulander Nordic Commercial Director

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