Catalogue organic UK 2013

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catalogue | 2013-2014

Vegetable varieties for the professional organic grower available as organic and untreated seed

Organic catalogue | 2013-2014

Rijk Zwaan supports organic agriculture as an environmentally friendly, sustainable and healthy cultivation system. Since 1992 Rijk Zwaan has been working to offer a wide range of organically produced vegetable seeds, which fully meet the organic seed requirements as recognised by all European Certification bodies.

About Organic Rijk Zwaan has a wide range of top

Organic and non-chemically treated

quality vegetable seeds which have been

In this catalogue we present two types

thoroughly tested and offer organic

of seed: organic seed and non-chemically

professional growers the latest advances

treated seed. Some varieties have been

in pest and disease resistances,

produced organically, according to

guaranteed under the organic quality

robustness, taste and shelf life.

market demand and our clients’ wishes.

mark which is recognised across Europe

This organic seed is produced in organic

and the NOP/USDA certification for the

Excellent varieties for organic growers

fields or glasshouses, and is certified


We have a wide range of organically

by SKAL (Stichting Kontrole Alternatieve

produced seed, as well as nonchemically

Landbouw), which is a European

We wish you every success with our

treated seed of lettuce, tomatoes,

regulatory organisation founded by the

organic range! We are confident that

cucumbers, kohlrabi, melons, carrots,

Dutch Farming Ministry, and is accepted

our organic range will contribute to an

peppers, endive, cabbage, cauliflowers,

by the European Union. SKAL is the

optimal organic production and product!

leeks and celeriac. To evaluate the best

inspection body for organic production

varieties, Rijk Zwaan now has dedicated

in the Netherlands. Rijk Zwaan is

trial sites in the UK, Germany and Spain.

registered with SKAL (SKAL no 1693) for

Detailed information on our varieties

products (seeds) and the process (seed

selected and recommended for organic

cleaning, grading and packing).

growing in the UK is presented in this

Rijk Zwaan´s seed production is

Heleen Bos, manager Organic

catalogue. 4

Rijk Zwaan

Outdoor crops

Protected crops

Lettuce 06

Lettuce 22

Brassica 12

Pepper 23

Carrot 16

Aubergine 23

Celery 16

Rootstock 23

Celeriac 17

Tomato 24

Climbing Flat Bean

Cucumber 26





Chard 18


Corn Salad

General terms and conditions


Spinach 18

Box schemes


Endive 19

Resistance codes


Gherkin 19

Contact 35


Carrots & more

Leek 17

Parsley 19 Beetroot 20 Radish 21 Legend Rijk Zwaan icons

Chard & others

= High resistance = Intermediate resistance = Organic seed

Tomato & Crop 1 Cucumber

Lettuce etc.

Beetroot & Radish

= Non-chemically-treated seed


Lettuce BAtavia


Mohican RZ Bl:1-26,28,31/Pb

Novelski RZ

Louxal RZ


Bl:1-31/Nr:0 LMV:1

Mohican RZ is a hearted red batavia

Novelski RZ is a semi hearted, thick

with a strong thick leaf. Mohican RZ

leaved batavia. The leaves are tinged

Louxal RZ is a red loose leaved Batavia.

is strong against basal rot, bolting and

red and with heavy bubbling. It is

The heart is more open and the leaves

tipburn. Shelf life is also very good.

also very strong against tipburn and

are nicely blistered. It is strong against


tipburn and bolting.

Tourbillon RZ

Emocion RZ

Bl:1-28,30,31/Nr:0/Pb LMV:1

Bl:1-28,30,31/Nr:0/Pb LMV:1

Tourbillon RZ is an open hearted blonde batavia. It is strong against tipburn and

Emocion RZ is an open hearted dark

bolting. Tourbillon RZ also has a good

green Batavia. It is strong against

flavour and a bright green colour.

yellowing. Emocion RZ has thick well bubbled leaf with a good flavour.
















Mohican RZ Tourbillon RZ Novelski RZ Louxal RZ Emocion RZ

iceberg lettuce

Diamantinas RZ Bl:1-31/Nr:0 Diamantinas RZ is a medium, compact type iceberg with a strong green colour. It has very good vigour and is strong against internal tipburn. It also has good uniformity and good field standing ability.


Rijk Zwaan


Butterhead lettuce

Weston RZ

Jolito RZ





A compact butterhead for indoor

Jolito RZ is a new outdoor butterhead

autumn and winter production. It is a

with a good shape and clean base. It

good all round variety and is also very

has glossy green leaves and is also

strong against tipburn. It grows well in

strong against tipburn and bolting.

a cold greenhouse.

Iceberg and Butterhead lettuce















Diamantinas RZ Jolito RZ Weston RZ


Kiribati RZ

Kirinia RZ Bl:1-31/Nr:0 LMV:1 Kirinia RZ is a slow bolting, blond oakleaf


lettuce for outdoor production. It


is very strong against tipburn and has

Kiribati RZ is a blonde oakleaf. It is

relatively thick leaves. It is very well

very uniform and slightly more open

adapted to hot summer conditions but

in the heart. Kiribati RZ is also strong

not in wet conditions in late autumn.

against tipburn and bolting.

Cornouaï RZ

Prunaï RZ Bl:1-30/Nr:0/Pb

Bl:1-31/Nr:0 LMV:1

LMV:1 Prunaï RZ is a new triple-red oakleaf.

Cornouaï RZ is a new triple red oakleaf

Vigour under cold conditions and a clean

which is vigourous and slow bolting.


Oakleaf lettuce












Kiritbati RZ Cornouaï RZ Kirina RZ Prunaï RZ Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014






Outdoor crops

Lettuce Babyleaf lettuce

Diveria RZ

Burovia RZ



Triple red leaf colour. Upright growth

Dark green incised leaf. Robust leaf

for easy harvest. Good yield.

with good shelf life. Good yield.
















Diveria RZ Burovia RZ

lollo lettuce

Cavernet RZ

Aleppo RZ



Double-red lollo rossa with less bitterness

lollo lettuce

Licato RZ

Aleppo RZ is a lollo bionda with a more

and very robust. It is also very strong

compact frame size. It is strong against

against bolting and tipburn.

bolting and has a darker colour. The leaf margins are finer and it is strong against tipburn.

Linaro RZ

Bl:1-28,30,31/Nr:0/Pb LMV:1


in the leaf. Frame size is more compact

Bl:1-30/Nr:0 LMV:1

Levistro RZ type with high volume and

Linaro RZ is a blond to medium green

heavy weight. More vigour but slower

lollo bionda for outdoor production.

bolting. Ideal for processing due to its weight. Strong against tipburn and yellowing.
















Aleppo RZ Cavernet RZ Licato RZ Linaro RZ


Rijk Zwaan


romaine lettuce

Victorinus RZ Bl:1-31/Nr:0 LMV:1/Ss (Rs)

little gem lettuce

little gem lettuce

Cegolaine RZ

Arganda RZ




Victorinus RZ is a slow bolting, dark green

‘Rougette du Midi’ type gem lettuce.

Slower-filling, slightly larger gem type.

romaine. The heart closes well which

Red tinge to outer leaves. Grows well in

Very good shape and stability. Strong

produces a good blanch. Victorinus

cold conditions. Produces supple leaves

against tipburn and internal breakdown.

RZ is strong against tipburn.

with a good flavour. Strong against

Longer harvesting period. Darker green

bolting and internal breakdown.


mini cos lettuce

Rafael RZ Bl:1-20,22-25,28-30/Fol:1/Nr:0 LMV:1 Rafael RZ is a mini cos, slightly taller than a gem type. Very uniform head shape and leaf wrap. Strong against bolting and tipburn.

Romaine, Little Gem, Mini Cos
























Victorinus RZ Cegolaine RZ Arganda RZ Rafael RZ



Triplex RZ Explore RZ Cook RZ Xerafin RZ Descartes RZ Seurat RZ Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014







Outdoor crops

Lettuce The lettuce brand that stands for fresh, flavoursome, crunchy lettuce and for extreme convenience. With just one cut at the base, Salanova lettuce separates into tasty, ready-to-eat, evenly proportioned, baby-sized leaves. Compared with regular lettuce, Salanova leaves are not only smaller, but there are also many more of them. This offers tremendous advantages for everyone involved in the vegetable chain, including processors, retailers and, ultimately, the consumer.

Salanova® one cut, ready like us on:

Red Crispy lettuce

Salanova® Triplex RZ Bl:1-30/Nr:0

Green crispy lettuce

Salanova® Explore RZ Bl:1-28,30,31/Nr:0

Red incised leaf lettuce. Vigourous


Green oak lettuce

Salanova® Cook RZ Bl:1-31

red oak lettuc

Salanova® Xer Bl:1-30

Dark green multileaf with uniform

Dark triple red multileaf

and very slow-bolting, strong against

Explore RZ is a crispy frisée lettuce for

‘oakleaf’ shape. Strong against tipburn

‘oakleaf’ shape. Strong a

tipburn. Finely indented leaf margins.

outdoor production. It has very strong,

and bolting.

and bolting.

Ideal for pre-packing.

thick leaves with a strong colour. Explore RZ has a sweet taste. It has an erect base and is easy to harvest.


Rijk Zwaan



green butter lettuce

red butter lettuce

red butter lettuce

rafin RZ

Salanova速 Descartes RZ Salanova速 Seurat RZ

with uniform

Blonde green multileaf. Good colour

Triple red multileaf. Good colour contrast

79-226 RZ is a red multileaf for outdoor

contrast on leaves. Very good shelf life

with thicker leaves. Very good shelf life

production and possibly for indoor

and easy to prepare. Strong against

and easy to prepare. Strong against


tipburn and bolting.

tipburn and bolting. More vigour for


against tipburn


Salanova速 Klee RZ Bl:1-31/Nr:0

outdoor production.

Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014



Outdoor crops

Brassica red cabbage

white cabbage

white cabbage

Redma RZ F1

Jetma RZ F1

Kalorama RZ F1

Redma RZ is a fresh market variety

Early variety with a round head shape. It

Kalorama RZ is a traditional Dutch white

maturing in 80-90 days. It has a good head

also has good standing ability. Harvest

cabbage. It has a round dark green head

shape and can produce weights of 1-3 kg.

in 55 days. The heads can weigh 1-2 kg,

with a short internal core. Long term

Standing ability is also good.

depending on planting density.

cold storage (July approx) is enhanced by its intermediate disease resistance. It matures in 130 - 150 days and can be

Resima RZ F1

Marcello RZ F1

Resima RZ is the first true round red type

Marcello RZ isa well established green/

that Rijk Zwaan has to offer. Colour is

white 80 to 90 days variety. It can be

extremely dark red, very smooth outer

overwintered as a plant under glass and

leaves, easy cleaning. Storage potential is

sequentially planted to give continuity

excellent. It matures after 130-140 days.

throughout the summer. It has excellent

planted at a range of densities to produce small dense heads around 1 kilo.

savoy cabbage

Margot RZ F1

holding ability and may be kept in cold store to promote a white internal colour

A finely blistered leaf producing a round

at the start of the UK white cabbage

head shape. Maturity period of 125-150


days. The head weight is 1.2-2.4 kg, depending on planting density.

Toughma RZ F1 It is suited to ‘white/green’ harvesting. Toughma RZ matures in 70-80 days. It also stands very well and is strong against splitting and bolting. Head weight is 1-2.5kg, depending on plant density.

Red, white and Savoy cabbage
















Redma RZ F1 Resima RZ F1 Jetma RZ F1 Marcello RZ F1 Toughma RZ F1 Kalorama RZ F1 Margot RZ F1 12

Rijk Zwaan

Outdoor crops Brassicas


pointed cabbage

Vitaverde RZ F1

Adelanto RZ F1

Sonsma RZ F1

Producing a dark green curd, Vitaverde

Adelanto RZ is a first early cauliflower for

Produces a smooth conical dark green

RZ is suited to a ‘normal’ summer in

harvesting from mid-May to mid-June.

head 50-65 days after planting. Sonsma

the UK. It has an upright frame with

The plant is vigorous and the wrapper

RZ is strong against leaf diseases and

good curd cover. The curd is dense and

leaves cover the curd well. The head has

anthocyanin. Head weights can vary from

deep. Maturing varies from 70-85 days

a white curd with an excellent shape.

0.5-2 kg, depending on planting densities,

depending on the time of year.

Maturing varies from 80-85, producing an

making it ideal for large whole head or

easy-to-work plant habit.

small pre-packs.

Chambord RZ F1

Tourima RZ F1

Established as an ideal summer cauli-

Tourima RZ produces a sweet, narrow

flower. Suitable for early spring planting

conical dark green head 65 days after

and maturing in 68-75 days. Harvesting

planting. The head weights can vary

date does not tend to ‘slip’. It produces a

from 0.5-1.5 kg, depending on planting

vigorous well-wrapped, deep, heavy,


compact white curd. Stands well in stress conditions.

Dexter RZ F1 Now set to become the most popular cauliflower in the Rijk Zwaan range. Dexter RZ has proved itself to be very reliable, even under high stress conditions. It produces an upright vigorous frame with an excellent self-covering ring of thick leaves. The curd is very deep and white. Maturing varies from 70-90 days depending on the time of year. compact white curd. Stands well in stress conditions.

Cauliflower and Pointed cabbage













Vitaverde RZ F1 Adelanto RZ F1 Chambord RZ F1 Dexter RZ F1 Sonsma RZ F1 Tourima RZ F1 Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014






green cauliflower



Rijk Zwaan

Outdoor crops




Agassi RZ F1



Eltville RZ F1

Lech RZ F1

Eltville RZ produces good upright foliage

Lech RZ has a pale green bulb supported

Medium bud size. Nicely-domed shape

and a pale green bulb. The bulb quality is

on a strong hypocotyl. The bulb is smooth

even through dry periods. Lack of

good externally and internally. It produces

and produces upright foliage. The internal

bracting. High yield of dense dark green

an upright habit making it easy to harvest.

quality is very strong.

heads with dense florets.

Eltville RZ has a very strong hypocoty-


ledon. Strong against tipburn and bolting.

Broccoli and Kohlrabi













Agassi RZ F1 Eltville RZ F1 Lech RZ F1 Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014





Carrots Celery Celeriac Clim |




Stanford RZ F1

Crofton RZ F1

Caradec RZ F1

Stanford RZ is a main season ‘Nantes’

Crofton RZ is a late main season ‘Nantes’

Caradec RZ is a main season ‘Berlicum’

pre-pack carrot with a weight of 200-400g.

pre-pack carrot with a weight of 200-400g.

carrot, which can be overwintered for the

The length is around 18 cm and it is 3 cm

Its length is around 18 cm and it is 3 cm

packing and processing markets. Its main

in diameter. The foliage and the roots

in diameter. The foliage and the roots are

use is in industry where it is known for

are very strong against cracking and

strong against cracking and breakage.

its colour, high dry matter and carotene

breakage. Sowing to harvesting is around

Crofton RZ also has a very good flavour.

content. The roots are conical and around

140 days.

Sowing to harvesting is around 130-140

20 cm long by 4 cm in diameter. Sowing


to harvesting is around 120-130 days.

Jerada RZ F1 Jerada RZ is a new 1st early variety for the 2012 season suitable for both pre pack and bunching. The tops are short, upright and strong making it ideal for top lifting and bunching.




















Stanford RZ F1 Crofton RZ F1 Caradec RZ F1 Jerada RZ F1


Imperial RZ

Kylian RZ

Excellent for late production. Strong Grow from mid-early to late. Earlier than

against pithiness and bolting. Darker

Imperial RZ. Good upright growth and

and smoother than Kylian RZ. Good

strong against bolting. Fast to harvest and














Kylian RZ Imperial RZ 16

Rijk Zwaan

Outdoor crops Carrots & more

mbing flat beans Leeks &


climbing flat beans

President RZ

Mantra RZ

Productive variety with upright growth.

Mantra RZ is a stringless flat climbing

Stronger rooting with a good internal

bean. The pod is approximately 18-21

colour. Stronger against hollow roots

cm long. A good self setting pod with a

and septoria. Free from anthocyanin.

good flavour. Best for late spring, summer and early autumn sheltered outdoor Carrots & more


Festival RZ Stringless flat climbing bean. Pod length 21-23 cm. Good setting and fruit quality. Strong against brown seams. Internal seeds are flatter.

Celeriac & Climbing Flat Beans















President RZ Mantra RZ Festival RZ


Blauwgroene Herfst Alcazar RZ

Herfstreuzen 2-Goliath RZ

Matejko RZ F1

For mid-season production. Long shaft,

Goliath RZ is a variety that will harvest

hybrid for harvesting in September to

blue green flag with upright leaves and

early to late. It produces a shorter, thicker

December. It is strong against rust and

strong against thrips. Good for trans-

shaft with very good overall production.

thrips. The shaft has a good length with

Matejko RZ is a dark green pre-Christmas

planting. Strong against phytophthora.

an upright flag.













Blauwgroene Herfst Alcazar RZ Herfstreuzen 2-Goliath RZ Matejko RZ F1 Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014





Chard Corn salad Spinach E |




corn salad

Charlie RZ F1

Cirilla RZ

Red chard for babyleaf production.

Thick, dark green leaves. Leaves are

Intense red veins with bright green leaf.

smooth and upright growing. No

Very uniform.

tendency to spooning. Cotyledons keep colour very well. Good overall yield.

Pulsar RZ Thick, dark green leaves. Leaves are smooth and upright growing. No tendency to spooning. Cotyledons keep colour very well. Good overall yield. For autumn, winter and spring production.

Chard & Corn salad















Charlie RZ F1 Cirilla RZ Pulsar RZ


Gazelle RZ F1 Pfs: 1-13

Toucan RZ F1

Red Kitten RZ F1

Pfs: 1-13

Pfs: 1-13

Round leaf shape, leaf good firmness

Main summer variety with a long produc-

Red vein babyleaf variety. Mid early

and vigor, very dark green leaf color, leaf

tion period. Slower to mature with a dark


arrangement established.

green leaf. Strong against summer heat.
















Gazelle RZ F1 Toucan RZ F1 Red Kitten RZ F1 18

Rijk Zwaan

Outdoor crops Chard & others

Endive Gherkin Parsley |


Très Fine Maraîchère Korbi RZ




Nummer vijf 2 Stratego RZ

Karaoke RZ F1 Ccu/Px

Korbi RZ produces a fine leaf with a very

Stratego RZ is a broad-leaved number

good yield. It is strong against tipburn and

5 type. It produces a solid head with

Karaoke RZ is a parthenocarpic spined



good self-blanching heart. The heads are

gherkin. Strong plant vigour with a dark

vigorous and strong against tipburn and

green colour. Can be grown on the ground

bolting. It is also strong against magne-

or trained.

sium deficiency and grows well in most soil types.

Wallonne-Monaco RZ Monaco RZ produces a larger frisée-type Très Fine type. Monaco RZ produces a well-filled heart, which blanches well. It is strong against tipburn and bolting.

Endive & Gherkin



















Très Fine Maraîchère Korbi RZ Nummer vijf 2-Stratego RZ Wallonne-Monaco RZ Karaoke RZ F1


Moskrul 2 - Verta RZ

A’damse Snij - Felicia RZ

Moss-curled type. For fresh and processing markets. Dark colour. Good

Small flat-leaved type. For fresh and

re-growth. Uniform production.

processing markets. Dark green colour. Good re-growth. Uniform, high production. Strong against mildew.









Moskrul 2 - Verta RZ A’damse Snij - Felicia RZ Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014





Chard & others

head with longer, broader leaves than a

Beetroot Radish &


Libero RZ

Zeppo RZ F1

Babybeat RZ

Medium length foliage with a fine to small

Zeppo RZ is a fast growing hybrid, with

Babybeat RZ produces a smooth round,

crown. Very smooth skin, round shape

a smooth round root with strong foliage.

very uniform beet with less foliage. It

and bright red internal colour. Very good

It has a strong red colour and a good

produces an ideal beet for pickling due

vigour and slow-bolting. Heads with

flavour. Stands warm growing conditions.

to its small round shape.

dense florets.

Beetroot & Radish















Libero RZ Zeppo RZ F1 Baybybeat RZ Carillon RZ Mondial RZ F1


Rijk Zwaan

Outdoor crops Beetroot & Radish

Red beetroot soup Ingredients

Starter • Serves 4- 6 • 750g/18oz beef shank • 2 large onions, finely chopped • 2 celery sticks, roughly chopped • 6 black peppercorns • 2 bay leaves • 2 large carrots, peeled and grated • 3 red beetroots, peeled and grated • 4 tomatoes, peeled and cut into chunks • 3 potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks • 200g/7oz white cabbage, finely shredded • 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped • 2 tablespoons of tomato purée • 2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar • 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil • 1 tablespoon of sugar • 250ml/9fl oz sour cream • 1/2 bunch of fresh dill, finely chopped • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper for preparation details and more (salad)


Carillon RZ

Mondial RZ F1

Carillon RZ is a long rooted cylindrical

Round red outdoor radish. Strong dark

red beet with good internal colour which

green foliage with a small implant. Fine

is ideal for slicing and pickling. Strong

taproot with a stronger skin. Suitable

upright foliage with a high yield.

for spring, summer and autumn.

Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014


Beetroot & Radish

recipes visit us at:

Lettuce pepper aubergine ro ,

Butterhead lettuce

Weston RZ



indoor winter

Lozano RZ




Lozano RZ is a lollo bionda with a more

Weston RZ is a compact butterhead for

compact frame size. It is strong against

indoor autumn and winter production. It

bolting and has a darker colour. The leaf

is a good all round variety and is also very

margins are finer and it is stronger against

strong against tipburn. It grows well in a


cold greenhouse.

Kitonia RZ

butterhead lettuce

Teodore RZ

Bl:1-31/Nr:0/Pb Kitonia RZ is a green oakleaf. It is very uniform and slightly more compact in the head. Kitonia RZ is also strong against


tipburn and bolting.

Teodore RZ is Rijk Zwaan’s first red indoor winter butterhead. It will grow well in a cold greenhouse. It produces a larger

Grinie RZ

framed lettuce with medium thick leaves. Bl:1-26,28,31/Pb Grinie RZ is an open-hearted dark green batavia. It also has good short day vigour with a more shorter head length.

Satine RZ Bl:1-28,30,31/Nr:0 Double-red lollo rossa bred for winter conditions. Frame size is more compact and very robust. It is also very strong against bolting and tipburn.
















Weston RZ Teodore RZ

Lettuce indoor winter















Lozano RZ Kitonia RZ Grinie RZ Satine RZ 22

Rijk Zwaan

Protected crops Lettuce, Pepper, Aubergine and Rootstock

ootstock blocky pepper


Sapporo RZ F1

Monarca RZ F1


Produces dark, oval-shaped fruit. Grows

Colour red, average fruit weight 195 g.

well under cooler conditions. It has good

Vigorous. Crop type slightly denser. To be

vigour and excellent fruit quality.

raised actively at plant raiser’s steer, suffi-

Angela RZ F1

ciently generatively once on your nursery.

Angela RZ is an oval purple / white striped aubergine. It has good vigour with an

blocky pepper

open plant habit. The fruit flesh is very white with a good shelflife and flavour.

Boogie RZ F1

Lydia RZ F1


Oval purple/white striped aubergine. More

Orange pepper with a good, uniform

vigorous than Angela RZ, with a very dark

fruit shape throughout the season.

(more purple than white) and shiny colour

Micro cracking and water spots are not a

and few spines. Colour remains good also

problem. Strong against blossom end rot

in cold conditions.

and a low percentage of second class fruit. Good shelf life and very regular growth.head.

Helsinki RZ F1 Tm:0-2

dulce italiano

Palermo RZ F1 Tm:0-2


Azman RZ F1 Fom:0,1,2,1.2/Va Fon:0-2

Colour yellow, average fruit weight 190g.

Colour red, average fruit weight 125 g.

Vigorous. Crop type long, open crop with

Vigour normal. Crop type long and open,

Good, balanced production in soil-grown

little topping to do, very uniform and

steer with a pre-midnight.

crops. Produces good fruit quality and

blocky fruits.

is strong against cold weather. Ideal for cucumber production. Azman RZ is also

Emperador RZ F1 ToMV:0-2/Fol:0,1/For/Pl/Va:0/Vd:0 Ma/Mi/Mj Emperador RZ is a tomato rootstock for long season production. It is very strong with a good generative action. Will suit most tomato varieties.

Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014


Lettuce etc.

strong against phomopsis.


truss tomato

Mecano RZ F1

Truss tomato

Lyterno RZ F1




On (ex Ol)

ROUnd tomato

cherry tomato

Dometica RZ F1

Cheramy RZ



On (ex Ol)/Ma/Mi/

Va:0/Vd:0/Si On (ex Ol)

Strong generative variety. Suitable for

Good variety for truss and loose harvest.

truss and loose harvest. Beautiful round

Good, strong vigour with well shaped

Very vigorous, strong plants with an

Average fruit weight is

fruit, 100 to 110 grams in weight. Suitable

trusses. Fruit weight is around 95 grams.

upright growing habit. The fuits are well

flavour and an excelle

for low houses. Strong against micro

The fruit is round and has a good flavour.

coloured and shiney. Dometica RZ

cracking. Grows well under different light

produces a uniform, round fruit of


round 85 g.


Deep red cherry toma

Rijk Zwaan


Z F1

Protected crops Tomato

cherry tomato

Piccota RZ F1

large plum tomato

Ovata RZ F1







cocktail tomato

Amoroso RZ F1 ToMV:0-2/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/For/Va:0/Vd:0/Si

On (ex Ol)/Ma/Mi/Mj

ato with firm fruits.

Piccota RZ is a cherry tomato that can be

A large plum tomato with an average fruit

Amoroso RZ produces non-greenback

s 16 g. Very good

harvested loose or as a compact truss.

weight of 70 g. Grows well under semi-

cocktail truss tomatoes. The plant habit

ent shelf life.

The fruits are strong against splitting

heated and cold conditions. Good fruit

is compact but with good vigour. Very

and have a very good flavour. Average

shape and shelf life.

uniform truss formation. Average fruit size

fruit weight is 16 g.

is 35 g. The tomatoes have a good bright

Tomato & Cucumber

colour, a very good flavour and a high brix.

Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014



Adrian Izzard’s farm ‘Wild Country

cucumber Khassib RZ, Angela RZ, a

organics’ is located at Cambridgeshire.

striped aubergine and Manglar RZ, a long

In tunnels, greenhouses and open field

cucumber, with excellent taste, which

Adrian grows a broad range of crops:

means they are ideal for the UK organic

leafies, tomato, eggplant, cucumbers,


lettuces, etc in all colors and shapes! Adrian is always looking for something

Entering Adrian’s greenhouse you’ll see

new, something odd, a distinguishing

something different almost every row!


With such a broad range of crops and varieties, Adrian is able to supply to a

He is trying Rijk Zwaan’s newest varieties

wide range of buyers and consumers

o.a. slicer cucumber Adrian RZ , mini

exactly what they need.
















Adrian RZ F1 Khassib RZ F1 Quarto RZ F1 26

Rijk Zwaan

Protected crops Cucumbers

slicer cucumber

Adrian RZ F1

Mini cucumber

Khassib RZ F1

Ccu/Px (ex Sf)

Ccu/Px (ex Sf)



snack cucumber

Quarto RZ F1 Ccu/Px (ex Sf)

Strong-growing variety under cooler

This variety has resistance to powdery

Quarto RZ is a cocktail cucumber

conditions. Dark coloured fruit with good

mildew, and is suitable for spring and

producing fruits of 9-11cm in length. The

shelf life. Fruit length around 19-23 cm.

summer cultures. It has good vigour and

plant is vigorous producing 3-5 fruit per

Good for soil-grown crops.

an open plant habit. It produces dark

node. The fruits are very crispy and have a

green, slightly ribbed fruit with a length of

very good flavour.

18-20 cm. The fruits have a good shelf life

Tomato & Cucumber

and a very good flavour.

Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014




Rijk Zwaan

Protected crops Cucumbers

Cumlaude RZ F1

Eminentia RZ F1

Ccu/Px (ex Sf)

Ccu/Px (ex Sf)

Cumlaude RZ has high resistance to

Eminentia RZ is strong-growing with good

mildew. It has an open plant habit, with

endurance. It has an open plant habit

good vigour. It is strong against burnt

with good lateral development. High

heads and mycosphaerella. Cumlaude

production levels (can be 5% more than

RZ has good stamina to produce good

Aviance RZ). A single-fruited variety with

stamina to produce good quality dark

higher mildew resistance than Aviance

green fruits that are slightly ribbed.

RZ. Very good fruit setting in midsummer, small flowers that quickly set. Eminentia RZ has very good quality fruit that is slightly ribbed, with a good round end, a short handle and a good shelf life.

LONG cucumber

Aviance RZ F1

Cadence RZ F1 Cca/Ccu/Px (ex Sf) Cadence RZ is strong growing with good endurance. Very suited for growers with


less heat. Good fruit length. Good quality

Px (ex Sf)

fruit that is slightly ribbed.

Proloog RZ F1 Ccu

Aviance RZ has intermediate mildew

Px (ex Sf)

resistance. It has good strong growth with stamina to grow for long periods. The

Proloog RZ has the same high level of fruit

plant has a nice open habit with small

quality as Aviance RZ. The plant develops

flowers and single fruits. Its productivity

slender shoots, but stays open due to the

is at the same level as that of susceptible

smaller leaves. It also has shorter inter-

varieties. The fruit has a nice shape and

nodes, which gives Proloog RZ 1-2 more

colour, with a good shelf life.

leaves under the wire.
















Aviance RZ F1

Tomato & Cucumber

Cumlaude RZ F1 Cadence RZ F1 Eminentia RZ F1 Proloog RZ F1 Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014


General terms and conditions of sale of Rijk Zwaan UK Limited Definitions 1. In these Terms and Conditions, the following words shall have the following meanings. “Company” means Rijk Zwaan UK Ltd. “Customer” means the customer of the Company. “Contract” means any contract for the sale of Goods by the Company to the Customer. “Goods” means any goods forming the subject of any Contract including component parts or materials incorporated in them, but shall typically be seeds. Applicability 2.1 These Terms and Conditions shall be applicable to each offer made by the Company and each contract made between the Company and the Customer, save in respect of the latter where otherwise expressly agreed in writing by the parties. 2.2 These Terms and Conditions shall be incorporated into each offer made by the Company and each contract made between the Company and Customer, to the exclusion of any terms and conditions stipulated or referred to by the Customer. Offers, orders and agreements 3.1 A Contract shall be formed between Company and Customer upon the acceptance of an offer by the giving or sending of an order by the Customer (which shall in itself constitute an acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by the Customer), subject to the Company’s right to revoke any offer made by it up to 3 working days from receipt of the order. 3.2 In the event that the quantity ordered by the Customer differs from the Company’s standard packing unit or its multiple, the Company shall be free to supply the next higher quantity and charge accordingly. 3.3 It is the Customer’s duty, when placing any order or when requested to by the Company, to specify in writing any particular documentation that is required in order for the Goods to comply with the statutory and/or regulatory requirements of the country to which the Goods are to be delivered, including (but not limited to) any necessary: - invoicing documents; - documents in respect of phytosanitary requirements; - international certificates; - import documents or statements. Prices 4.1 All prices are for net weights. 4.2 All prices quoted by the Company are subject to alteration without notice. In the event of a new price being quoted to the Customer, that shall supersede any earlier price quoted and apply to all orders placed after notification of the new price to the Customer. Carriage 5.1 Unless stated otherwise, prices are inclusive of packing and delivery within England, Scotland and Wales.


5.2 Orders for less than £150 are despatched by first class post, unless the Customer is notified otherwise, and the cost of postage shall be met by the Customer. 5.3 The Company reserves the right to charge in respect of carriage where the order weighs 10kg or more, in which event the charge shall be made at cost. 5.4 Any extra costs incurred by the Company as a result of special demands made by the Customer concerning transportation will be charged to the Customer. Damage, delay or loss in transit 6.1 The Company shall endeavour to deliver all Goods on the delivery date, provided a sufficient quantity of the ordered Goods is available to it, but cannot guarantee delivery within a specified time period and/ or on a specified date. 6.2 All deliveries are subject to the usual crop and processing reservation. In the event that the Company makes a justified appeal to the crop and processing reservation, the Company is not obliged to deliver but will endeavour to deliver pro-rata quantities or comparable alternatives. In the event the Company makes an appeal to this reservation, the Customer is not entitled to any indemnity or compensation whatsoever. 6.3 The Goods are deemed to be delivered to the Customer when the Company makes them available to the Customer or any agent or carrier of the Customer. 6.4 The Customer shall on delivery of the Goods carefully inspect the same for any damage or loss and in the event of either or both, where necessary: - sign any delivery documentation “Damage in Transit”; - notify the Company of such immediately by telephone; and - confirm by return first class post to the Company. 6.5 Risk in the Goods passes when they are delivered in accordance with clause 6.3. 6.6 The Company may deliver to the Customer and the Customer shall accept in satisfaction of the Contract a lesser quantity than the quantity of Goods ordered. 6.7 If the Customer fails: - to take delivery of the Goods or any part of them; and / or - to provide any instructions or documents required to enable the Goods to be delivered, the Company may on giving written notice to the Customer store or arrange for the storage of the Goods, and on the service of the notice: - risk in the Goods shall pass to the Customer; - delivery of the Goods shall be deemed to have taken place; and - the Customer shall pay to the Company all costs and expenses including storage, any redelivery and insurance charges arising from its failure.

6.8 The Company shall not be liable for any penalty, loss, injury, damage or expense arising from any delay or failure in delivery or performance from any cause at all nor shall any such delay or failure entitle the Customer to refuse to accept any delivery or performance of or repudiate the Contract. 6.9 The Company is allowed to effect partial deliveries of the goods. This will not be applicable, however, if a partial delivery has no independent value. In the event of partial deliveries, the seller is entitled to invoice each delivery separately. Returned Goods 7.1 At the Company’s absolute discretion, the Customer may be permitted to return surplus Goods and receive a credit note in return. 7.2 The Company will only consider exercising the discretion at clause 7.1 if: - the Company’s prior written permission for return of the Goods is obtained; - the Goods are returned in their original packaging, seals unbroken and without any damage of any kind; - the Goods are returned to the Company within 5 working days of delivery, quoting the original invoice number; - and the Goods themselves were not specifically ordered. 7.3 Any return of surplus Goods by the Customer to the Company shall be subject to a handling charge and the cost of shipment shall be met by the Customer. Title 8.1 Notwithstanding the earlier passing of risk, title in the Goods shall remain with the Company and shall not pass to the Customer until the amount due under the invoice for them (including interest and costs) has been paid in full. The Customer does not have the right to claim any means of compensation. The retention of title is also extended to claims that the Company might obtain against the Customer on account of the Customer’s failure to meet one or more of its obligations towards the Company. 8.2 Until title passes the Customer shall hold the Goods as bailee for the Company and store or mark the Goods so that they can at all times be identified as the property of the Company. The Customer shall not pledge the Goods in any way or allow any other claim on them. In the event of any resale of the Goods, the Customer shall ensure that the Goods are subject to a retention of title in favour of the Company. Payment 9.1 Payment shall be made within 28 days of the date of the invoice. In the event of default, interest shall accrue on the outstanding amount at the rate of 2% per month, although the Company reserves the right to vary the interest rate charged. 9.2 The Company reserves the right to pass any outstanding account to its Solicitors, [Wood Sherwood, 6-10 Railway Street, Pocklington, York YO42 2QZ] or any

Rijk Zwaan

Legal affairs General terms an d conditions of sale

other third party, as and when it deems it appropriate, in which event a £50 administrative charge shall become immediately payable, together with all legal costs as they become incurred. 9.3 In the event that the parties agree a scheme of partial payments extending over a period of time, any default by the Customer shall trigger an obligation to pay the total amount outstanding under the Contract immediately. The last sentence of paragraph 9.1 will be applicable accordingly. 9.4 The Company reserves the right to withhold all deliveries to the Customer under all Contracts until such time as all and any outstanding payments owed by the Customer to the Company under any other Contract are made. The Company shall have a lien over all Goods the subject of a Contract between it and the Customer, in whosever possession the Goods may be, until such time as all and any outstanding payments are made. Complaints 10.1 The Customer shall examine the Goods on delivery, or as soon as possible thereafter, and shall inform the Company in writing within 6 days of delivery in the event of any of the following: - The incorrect Goods having been delivered; - The incorrect quantity of Goods having been delivered; - Complaints in relation to the defective packaging of the Goods. 10.2 Any complaint in relation to defects in the Goods, trueness to variety, varietal purity and/or the germination of the Goods shall be submitted by the Customer to the Company in writing within 8 days of delivery, save in the case of defects that were not apparent on delivery in which case the complaint must be made within 8 days of the defect being discovered or could have reasonably been discovered. 10.3 Any complaint must be in writing and shall include batch, delivery and invoice details. The Customer shall also specify the circumstances in which the Goods have been used since delivery and, in the event of any resale of the Goods by the Customer, the identity of the purchaser. 10.4 Any complaint in relation to an invoice of the Company shall be submitted by the Customer to the Company in writing within 14 days of the date of the invoice. 10.5 The Customer’s obligations in respect of payment shall not be varied or altered in any way by the fact of submission of a complaint. 10.6 No complaint in respect of the performance of Goods shall be considered by the Company unless the Customer is able to establish to the Company’s satisfaction that the seed grown and alleged to have performed unsatisfactorily was in fact Goods supplied by the Company, sown on suitably prepared ground, treated carefully and correctly throughout and subject only to such conditions as were likely to produce a

Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014

favourable crop. 10.7 Any failure by the Customer to comply with any aspect of the complaint procedure, as set out in clauses 10.1 to 10.6 above, shall preclude the Customer from making any claim in respect of the Goods against the Company. 10.8 In case of a permanent dispute between the parties about germination, trueness to type, varietal purity, technical purity or health, an assessment may be performed at the request of either the Customer and/or the Company by the Naktuinbouw (ISTA station), in Roelofarendsveen, The Netherlands, or by another objective and independent body as agreed upon by the Customer and the Company, for the account of the unsuccessful party. In case of a dispute about health, application of ISHI (International Seed Health Initiative) accepted methods is preferred. The outcome of the assessment will be binding on both parties, notwithstanding the right of parties concerned to submit to the authorities referred to in article 19 any disputes about the consequences of this outcome. Warranties 11.1 The Company warrants that the Goods delivered to the Customer: - Comply, at the time of delivery, with the UK Seeds Regulations in force at that time; - Conform, to the best of the Company’s ability, to any description given by it concerning the Goods; The Company shall also endeavour (but not warrant or guarantee) to notify the Customer should any Goods delivered to it not comply with their product specification in the Company’s catalogue for that season. 11.2 The Company does not guarantee, represent or offer any warranty whatsoever in respect of the following: - That the Goods will necessarily be fit for the Customer’s intended purpose. The Customer shall satisfy itself that the Goods ordered are of a variety and performance satisfactory for its requirements and shall be deemed to have ordered the same at its own risk; - That the Goods will produce the results indicated by any germination figures, general guidance, tests, quality data or other literature supplied by the Company in respect of those Goods, the Customer acknowledging that results will depend on a variety of factors including location, cultivation measures and climatic circumstances; - That use of the Goods does not infringe any intellectual property rights of third parties. 11.3 The Company shall endeavour to deliver Goods that are free from any latent defects but it cannot guarantee or warrant in any way that such will be the case and it is not a condition of sale that the Goods will be free from any latent defect. 11.4 Any and all warranties under clause 11.1 above shall lapse in the event that the Customer: - carries out or causes to be carried out any process on or repackaging of the Goods;

- uses or stores the Goods incorrectly or causes them to be used or stored incorrectly. Advices for cultural practices, variety descriptions, recommendations 12.1 Cultural advices from the Company are without engagement. Cultural advices, descriptions, recommendations and illustrations in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, the Company cannot accept in any case liability on the basis of such information for deviating results in the grown goods. The Customer itself will be deemed to determine whether the Goods are suitable to be used for the intended cultivations and under the local conditions. 12.2 As used in the information supplied by the Company, “immunity, resistance and susceptibility” shall mean the following: - “Immunity”: not subject to attack by a specified pest or pathogen. - “Resistance”: is the ability of a plant variety to limit growth and development of specified pest or pathogen and/or damage they cause when compared to susceptible plant varieties under similar environmental conditions and pest or pathogen pressure. Resistance varieties may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest or pathogen pressure. 2 levels of resistance are defined: (i) High/standard resistance (HR): plant varieties that highly restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen under normal pest or pathogen pressure when compared to susceptible varieties. These plant varieties may, however, exhibit some symptoms or damage under heavy pest or pathogen pressure. (ii) Moderate/intermediate resistance (IR): plant varieties that restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen, but may exhibit a greater range of symptoms or damage compared to high/standard resistant varieties. Moderately/ intermediately resistant plant varieties will show less severe symptoms or damage than susceptible plant varieties when grown under similar environmental conditions and/or pest or pathogen pressure. - “Susceptibility”: is the inability of a plant variety to restrict the growth and development of a specified pest or pathogen. Special Treatments 13.1 In the event that Goods are specially treated or tested at the Customer’s request, the Company accepts no responsibility and makes no warranty whatsoever for the effectiveness of any such treatment or testing. The Company’s liability shall be limited to such treatment being carried out in the correct manner and/or in accordance with the instructions given by the manufacturer of the chemical in question. 13.2 The Company shall not be responsible for any damage, direct or consequential, caused to the Goods in the course of any treatment or testing carried out at the Customer’s request. 13.3 In the event that treatment or testing reveals


General terms and conditions of sale of Rijk Zwaan UK Limited that the Goods are, in the opinion of the Company, defective, the Company will at its option either replace the Goods or refund all payments made in respect of the same, but that shall be the extent of its liability. 13.4 The purity and germination percentages are based on tests carried out prior to any such treatment being applied.

Liability 14.1 If, in the Company’s opinion, a complaint by the Customer, made in accordance with clauses 10.1 to 10.7 above, is justified, the Company will at its option make good the damage to the Goods, provide a refund or replace the Goods, provided always that the Customer fully cooperates with the Company and takes all possible steps to mitigate its losses. 14.2 The Company shall not be liable for any damage suffered by the Customer caused by or in any way related to defective Goods, save to the extent that such damage is proven to have been caused by the Company intentionally or as a result of its gross negligence. 14.3 If the Company is liable for any damage incurred by the Customer, the Company’s liability shall be limited to the amount of the invoice (excluding VAT) charged to the Customer in respect of the delivery concerned. The Company shall not in any circumstances be liable for any indirect damage suffered by the Customer or any third party, including consequential damage or loss of profit. 14.4 The Customer shall indemnify the Company against all claims and rights from third parties for compensation for damage allegedly caused or in any way associated with the Goods, save to the extent that any such claims or damages as are satisfactorily proven are also proven to have been caused by the Company intentionally or as a result of its gross negligence. 14.5 The Customer shall at all times have in place adequate insurance in respect of the indemnity given in clause 14.4 and shall submit details in respect of the same upon the first request of the Company. Time Limits 15.1 Any potential claim for compensation or complaint based on these Terms and Conditions shall expire in the event that no claim has been issued in writing against the Company within 12 months of the delivery of the Goods. Further use/cultivation 16.1 All Goods are sold for the purpose of production of agricultural and horticultural crops, destined for human or animal consumption. 16.2 The Customer shall not: - Use, cause or permit the Goods to be used for further propagation, reproduction of propagation material and/or seed production;


- Pellet or cause or permit the Goods to be pelleted without the Company’s express written agreement; - Offer the Goods for resale under any different name to that under which the Goods have been sold by the Company; - Use trademarks, copyright material, intellectual property rights, logos, signs resembling them and other signs belonging to or otherwise used by the Company, save that Customer is entitled to trade or sell on the Goods in their original packaging; - Use seeds of original varieties, which are protected by Plant Breeders’ Rights or by nameright, in anything other than the Customer’s own country. 16.3 Any Customer who trades or sells on the Goods to third parties shall impose each provision within clause 16.2 above as conditions of sale. 16.4 All test results, designs, specifications and data supplied by the Company shall remain its property and all knowledge and other technical information, patentable or unpatentable, copyright and registered designs and all other intellectual property rights arising from the execution of any orders shall become the property of the Company. An offer made to the Customer or a sales agreement between the Company and the Customer does not imply and may not be interpreted by any means as an implied license to the Customer with regard to any intellectual property on the goods offered or sold. 16.5 The Customer shall allow the Company and its agents or contractors direct access to its business, including greenhouses, in order that the Company can carry out or have carried out on its behalf inspections. “Business” in this clause shall also mean any business activities that are carried out by a third party on behalf of the Customer. The Customer shall upon request also allow direct access to its administration with regard to the relevant propagating materials. Force majeure 17.1 The Company shall not be liable for any failure in the performance of any of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions caused by factors outside its control. If such circumstances continue for a continuous period of more than 2 months, either party may terminate the Contract by written notice to the other party. In this event, the Company will not be liable to the Customer whether under clause 14.2 or otherwise. Insolvency 18.1 If the Customer : (a) has a Receiver or Liquidator appointed to any of its property or business undertaking; or (b) announces that it is ceasing to trade; or (c) fails to make a payment as due, suspends payment and/or notifies his creditors that he is unable to meet debts or that he is about to suspend payment of his debts; or (d) convenes, calls or holds a meeting of creditors or makes any arrangement, voluntary arrangement or composition with its creditors; or if:

(e) the directors of one party make or state an intention to make or give notice of a proposal for voluntary arrangement under Part 1 of the Insolvency Act 1986; or (f) a petition is presented for winding up or administration of one party; or (g) a resolution is passed for the voluntary winding up of one party; or (h) one party is dissolved; or (i) a statutory demand in bankruptcy is served on one party; or (j) an interim order under Part VIII of the Insolvency Act 1986 is applied for or made in respect of one party; or (k) a bankruptcy petition is presented against one party; or (l) a party suffers the levy or enforcement of any execution, distress, sequestration, detention or other process on any of its property or premises; or (m) a party being a partnership, any of the above events occurs with respect to the partnership or to any partner therein then: the full or full remaining price for any Goods delivered by the Company shall become immediately due to it and the Company shall have the right to terminate the Contract forthwith. In these circumstances, the Company will not be liable to pay any compensation to the Customer. Disputes 19.1 The parties shall in the first instance seek to resolve any disputes that may arise from offers and contracts to which these Terms and Conditions apply between themselves. 19.2 In the event that a dispute cannot be resolved by the parties themselves, both parties will subject themselves to the judgment of an arbitration committee, which is appointed by and conforms with the BSPB Rules. Governing law 20.1 These Terms and Conditions and any contracts made by the parties are governed by English law. Enforceability 21.1 If a provision of these Terms and Conditions is invalid, that provision will automatically be replaced by a valid provision that corresponds as closely as possible to the purport of the invalid provision. 21.2 In the event of a provision being invalid, the other provisions of the Terms and Conditions will remain fully valid in so far as possible. ISF Rules and Usages 22.1 In the event that these Terms and Conditions do not contain any rules with regard to a specific topic, all transactions between the Company and the Customer shall for that topic be subject to the International Seed Federation (ISF) Rules and Usages for the Trade in Seeds for Sowing Purposes (ISF Rules and Usages), unless the ISF Rules and Usages deviate from the purport of these terms and conditions. The applicable edition of the ISF Rules and Usages is the edition

Rijk Zwaan

Legal affairs General terms an d conditions of sale | Resistance statement

Resistance statement that is valid at the moment the Company has made the relevant offer or the parties have entered into the Contract. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS FOR THE SALE OF SEEDS PER SQUARE METRE TO GROWERS Amount 23.1 The amount of seeds to be bought will be determined following consultation between the production advisor of the Company and the Customer. This amount will be mentioned in the order form. To determine the amount of seeds required, the number of square metres on which the Customer will grow plants shall be determined first and shall also be shown on the order form. The starting point shall be a maximum of 2.5 plants per square metre, unless expressly agreed otherwise by the parties and duly noted in the order form. Any deviation from 2.5 plants per square metre may have consequences for the price per net square metre (see below). Payment 24.1 The price per net square metre as included in the order form is valid for one growing period as indicated in the order form. “Net� means that only the surface that can be used for the production of plants will be taken into account for the determination of the number of square metres. 24.2 Invoicing for the amount due for the seeds will take place in one instalment upon delivery. Use of seeds 25.1 The Customer shall use or cause to use the seeds for one production of plants on the number of square metres and in the growing period as included in the order form. In the event that a variety is grown on more square metres than the square metres agreed upon, the Customer shall pay to the Company twice the price as mentioned in 24.1 for each square metre that exceeds the number of square metres as agreed upon. In case seeds remain after the period in which plants have been raised, the Company shall collect those seeds. 25.2 The Customer shall not provide the seeds or any other material of a variety in whatever form to third parties. The Customer is however permitted to provide the seeds to a plant raiser if: (i) the plant raiser only uses the seeds to grow young plants for the Customer in accordance with the number of square metres and growing period as included in the order form, and (ii) the plant raiser delivers all the remaining seeds and all young plants that were grown out of the seeds to the Customer.

Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014

Definition of the Terms Describing the Reaction of Plants to Pests and Abiotic Stresses for the Vegetable Seed Industry (Adopted by the ISF Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Section in June 2012) 1. Introduction The relationship between a plant and a pest is very complex. The terms that describe the reaction of a plant variety to a pest are determined by tests under controlled environmental conditions with known and characterized biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains of the pest in question. In practice however, the ability of a pest to cause disease in a plant depends on environmental conditions, the properties of the organism itself and the capacity of the plant to defend itself. Varieties within a plant species can differ in their ability to defend themselves. Under different conditions, such as age of the plant, pest pressure and virulence or adverse environmental conditions, the interaction between the same plant and pest may have different outcomes. Pests are known to develop and form new biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains that can cause damage to plants that remain unaffected by the original form of the pest. To promote consistency in the terms used to describe the reaction of a plant to a pest, ISF Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Section has defined the following terms. 2. Definitions Susceptibility is the inability of a plant variety to restrict the growth and development of a specified pest. Resistance is the ability of a plant variety to restrict the growth and development of a specified pest and/or the damage they cause when compared to susceptible plant varieties under similar environmental conditions and pest pressure. Resistant varieties may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest pressure. Two levels of resistance are defined. High resistance (HR*): plant varieties that highly restrict the growth and development of the specified pest under normal pest pressure when compared to susceptible varieties. These plant varieties may, however, exhibit some symptoms or damage under heavy pest pressure. Intermediate resistance (IR*): plant varieties that restrict the growth and development of the specified pest but may exhibit a greater range of symptoms or damage compared to high resistant varieties. Intermediately resistant plant varieties will still show less severe symptoms or damage than susceptible plant varieties when grown under similar environmental conditions and/or pest pressure. It is to be noted that if a resistance is claimed in a plant variety it is limited to the specified biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains of the pest. If no biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains are specified in the resistance claim for the variety, it is because no generally accepted classification of the cited pest by biotype, pathotype, race or strain exists. New biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains that may emerge are not covered by the original resistance claim. Immunity is when a plant is not subject to attack or infection by a specified pest.


Box schemes Box schemes have always been popular

have their box schemes, providing fresh

in the UK, and in spite of the economic

and delicious vegetables and fruits in

recession, box schemes companies see

the neighbourhood. Often recipes and

their weekly number of boxes and turn-

cooking tips are included.

over increasing. Boxes contain a broad variety of fruits and vegetables, produced on UK soil by box scheme companies and their membergrowers. Also smaller organic farmers


Rijk Zwaan

Resistance codes Resistances in lettuce LMV Lettuce Mosaic Virus Lettuce mosaic Bl Bremia lactucae Downy mildew Nr Nasonovia ribis nigri Lettuce leaf aphid Pb Pemphigus bursarius Lettuce root aphid Ss (Rs) Sphingomonas suberifaciens Corky root Fol Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.Lactucae Fusarium wilt Resistances in brassicas Foc Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. conglutinans Fusarium yellows Resistances in spinach Pfs Peronospora farinosa f.sp. Spinaciae Downy mildew Resistances in sweet peppers TMV Tobacco mosaic tobamovirus Tobacco mosaic ToMV Tomato mosaic tobamovirus Tomato mosaic PMMoV Pepper mild mottle tobamovirus Pepper mild mottle TSWV Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus Tomato spotted wilt

Resistances in tomatoes / Rootstocks ToMV Tomato mosaic tobamovirus Tomato mosaic TSWV Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus Tomato spotted wilt Ff Fulvia fulva (ex Cladosporium fulvum) Leaf mold Fol Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici Fusarium wilt For Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici Fusarium crown and root rot Sbl Stemphylium botryosum f.sp. lycopersici Gray leaf spot Va Verticillium albo-atrum Verticillium wilt Vd Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt On (ex Ol) Oidium lycopersicum (now Oidium neolycopersici) Powdery mildew


Cucumber vein yellowing ipomovirus Cucumber vein yellowing Papaya ringspot potyvirus (ex WMV-I) Papaya ringspot Watermelon mosaic potyvirus (ex WMV-II) Watermelon mosaic Zucchini yellow mosaic potyirus Zucchini yellows

For more information on our resistances, please view

Product specification More information on the ESA product specifications for vegetable precision seeds and the applicable general terms and conditions of sale, please visit our website

Resistances in cucumbers / Gherkins / Rootstocks Ccu Cca PX (ex Sf) CMV

Cladosporium cucumerinum Scab and gummosis Corynespora cassiicola Corynespora blight and target Sphaerotheca fuliginea (now Podosphaeria xanthii) Powdery mildew Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus Cucumber mosaic

Colophon text, lay-out and editorial team:

Rijk Zwaan photography:

Tjipke Meijer, Rijk Zwaan printing:

Drukkerij Van Deventer edition:



Crop Specialist Organic

Manager Organic

Martin Kyte E T +44 7710 009216

Heleen Bos E T +31 6 1017 1809

Organic catalogue UK 2013-2014

September 2013


Rijk Zwaan UK | Organic catalogue | 2013 - 2014

Rijk Zwaan’s descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information in whatever form for example on expiry, sowing, planting and harvesting dates are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan does not accept in any case liability for damages resulting from the use of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information. The buyer/user itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended cultivations and under the local conditions. Inclusion of a variety in this edition does not automatically imply that such a variety is available for purposes of exploitation; it might be available for testing only. For more information, please contact Rijk Zwaan ( The pictures in this edition show the types to which the varieties as mentioned belong and not all varieties as such. These pictures do not constitute any warrranty, express or implied, of crop performance.

Rijk Zwaan UK Ltd | Pocklington Industrial Estate | Pocklington, York YO42 1NR | T +44 (0)1759 305830 |

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