Catalogue Price List 2014-2015
Prices effective from 1st November 2014
Welcome Here in Australia we see worldwide trends mirrored in the local industry. Who we are affects the foods that we eat as the population is both growing, and ageing at the same time - the Australian melting pot continues to change. How and where we buy and consume vegetables is also changing as our population becomes more urbanised and household sizes decrease, leading to a higher demand for fresh, convenient foods - Australia is one of the most urbanised nations of the world almost 90% of the population living in urban areas. Health awareness is increasing and the knowledge that the typical Western diet, high in energy and low in nutrients, is at the root of a global obesity epidemic - an epidemic where people can be overweight, and yet still be malnourished (61% of the Australian population is either clinically overweight or obese, and almost 10% are diabetic). As an industry we compete for a share of consumers’ plates with fast foods and unhealthy snacks and we often undersell the point of difference that is most powerful; we have a product that tastes great, looks fantastic, and is healthy for you! Rijk Zwaan is positioned right at the start of the food chain: our varieties feature increasingly better combinations of desired traits. We apply state-ofthe-art techniques to the rich genetic diversity nature offers us. This ensures that we are always able to respond to ever-changing market demands and offer added value to growers, retailers and consumers. Our goal is to help our partners get the best out of our varieties and create sensational products.
Steven Roberts | Business Manager Oceania | Mobile +61 408 613 534
Sharing a healthy future Together with our partners, we want to actively contribute to the world’s food supply and stimulate vegetable consumption by laying the foundations for healthy and appealing vegetables.
Contents 2 4 8 10 14 16
Rootstocks Curcubit Rootstock Solanaceous Rootstock
7 13
Brassica 35 35 35 35 35
19 20 22 24 26 28 29
Resistance Statement Terms & Conditions Planting Guide
38 39 41
Legend Rijk Zwaan Icons = High resistance = Intermediate resistance
Other Spinach & Chard Endive Parsley Carrot Beetroot Celery
30 33 33 36 37 37
= Average fruit weight
The cultivation periods used in this catalogue are a general guide and results may differ considerably between locations. For more detailed sowing and / or harvesting guides please contact your local representative listed below.
Broccoli Green Cabbage Red Cabbage Savoy Cabbage Cauliflower
Iceberg Red Salanova速 Lettuce Green Salanova速 Lettuce Cos Oakleaf Coral Butterhead & Batavia
Capsicum Cucumber Eggplant Tomato Melon Watermelon
Information Fruit crops
Fruit crops
Headquarter Subsidiairy Breeding station Distributor
Sales & Technical
Stephanie Knight
Rob Phillip
Frank Provenzano
Steve Natsias
James Bertram
Leafy Crop Specialist 0418 397 089
VIC West 0418 397 000
VIC East 0427 576 044
Trials 0417 332 204
SA/NT 0417 815 988
Marketing Comm. 0448 322 924
Dusanka Milunovic
Phil Ritchie
Maurice Schiavon
Trevor Pezet
Frances Tolson
Annie Walch
WA 0439 330 123
NSW 0438 592 425
North QLD 0413 273 885
South East QLD 0438 759 925
Product Development 0488 183 588
Trials 0400 582 902
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Sales Support Ph: (03) 5348 9000 Fax: (03) 5348 5530 Email:
Michael Martin
Jimmy Li
John Fergusson-Batte
Sou Kan
Harry Singh Turna
Thorin Retz
Capsicum Originating from the Americas, capsicums have been cultivated for thousands of years and are grown across the globe, central to many regional cuisines. Capsicums vary not only in size but also in shape, colour and pungency (how much of the hot chemical, capsaicin, they contain), from the large blocky Lamuyo types with almost no capsaicin through types like the small but scorching hot Bhut Jolokia (A.K.A. the ghost chilli). Whilst commonly known as the capsicum in Australia, they are known elsewhere as sweet peppers or paprika. In addition to the familiar red, yellow and orange they can also be white, lilac or brown. Green capsicums are unripe coloured varieties
Resistance codes Lt
= Leveillula taurica Powdery mildew
= Potato Y virus
and have a sharper flavour as a result. Australian consumers are discovering exciting new varieties including Dulce Italiano and Tricolore.
Potato Y Tm: = Tobacco mosaic (races 0-3) tobamovirus Tobacco mosaic TSWV
= Tomato spotted wilt virus Tomato spotted wilt
= Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria Bacterial spot
Did you know? Most mammals find capsaicin more unpleasant than we humans do, however birds are unaffected by the sensation it causes. As the bright fruit attract them wide dispersal of the seeds is ensured.
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Capsicum annuum Capsicum
• Large red capsicum for red or green harvest.
• Large red capsicum, afw 190-210g.
• Orange greenhouse capsicum, afw 190-210g.
• Compact upright plant. Good setting in varied conditions.
• Suitable for heated production.
• Excellent fruit quality.
• Suitable for field production.
• Suitable for heated and unheated production.
Bellisa RZ Tm:0
• Red greenhouse capsicum, afw 180g.
Sven RZ Tm:0-2
Nagano RZ Tm:0-2
• Yellow greenhouse capsicum, afw 190-220g. • Compact vigorous plants. Excellent shaped fruit. • Suitable for high tech heated production.
Taranto RZ Tm:0-2 • Medium to large fruited yellow capsicum. • Reliable and proven variety. High production and fruit quality. • Suitable for field production.
Davos RZ Tm:0-2
• Good shape and fast colouring. Early and high total production. Good shelf life. • Suitable for high tech heated production.
• Red conical pepper, 17cm - 20cm long. • Excellent taste and colour. • Suitable for unheated and field production.
Tm:0-2 Lt
• A fast colouring large red capsicum, afw 250-300g. • Excellent leaf cover. Consistent pack out. • Suitable for field or trellis production.
Traviatta RZ Tm:0-3
Tricolore RZ
Red Jet RZ PVY:0,1,1.2/Tm:0-2/Xcv:1-3
• Highly productive with shiny red fruit.
• Large red capsicum. • Vigorous plant. Excellent early production. • Suitable for unheated production.
• Interesting concept of small sweet capsicums, afw 85-95g. • TRIORA RZ, TRIROSSA RZ and TRIYELLO RZ. Extra sweet. Perfect for pre-pack. • Suitable for heated and unheated production.
Upipu RZ NEW! PVY:0,1/Tm:0-2/Xcv:1-3
• Large red lamuyo capsicum. • Tall vigorous plant. Good setting under cooler conditions. • Suitable for unheated greenhouse production.
Arancia RZ
Zamboni RZ Fruit crops
Gospel RZ
• Red greenhouse capsicum, afw 185g. • High productivity and quality.
• Suitable for high tech heated production.
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Cucumber Originating in India, cucumbers have been cultivated for more than 3000 years and were introduced to the Mediterranean by the Romans or Greeks. Cucumbers are even mentioned in the Bible and ancient Roman writings! Ranging from round white apple cucumbers to the more familiar cylindrical green types and everything in between, most types have a crisp and mild taste.
Resistance codes Cca
= Corynespora cassiicola Corynespora blight and target spot
= Cladosporium cucumerinum Scab and gummosis
CGMMV = Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus Cucumber green mottle CMV
= Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus Cucumber mosaic
= Papaya ringspot virus Papaya ringspot
Px (ex Sf) = Podosphaera xanthii (ex Sphaerotheca fuliginea) Powdery mildew WMV
mini (Lebanese) cucumbers, followed by long (continental) cucumbers which have largely replaced the traditional thick skinned green slicer types. More recently bite sized snack varieties have been taking the market by storm; they are sweet and crunchy - a healthy snack for adults and children alike!
= Cucumber vein yellowing virus Cucumber vein yellowing
The most common in Australia are the
Did you know? If you feel worn out in the afternoon have some cucumber - they’re full of vitamin B to help provide a perfect pick-me-up. A healthy energy boost!
= Watermelon mosaic virus Watermelon mosaic
= Zucchini yellow mosaic virus Zucchini yellows
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Cucumis sativus Cucumber
Cca/Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
Addison RZ Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
• Well presented fruit. Strong fruit setting. Early production. High yield potential. • Strong against burnt heads.
Scotinos RZ CVYV
• Promising fast and generative "Blue Leaf" variety. • Consistent production of uniform dark green fruit with a medium rib. • Best suited for unheated production in autumn, winter and spring.
Px (ex Sf)
Fruit crops
Litoral RZ NEW!
Long (Continental)
• Proven variety. • Long fruit with attractive rib. Good quality even in cool conditions. • Best suited to unheated production in autumn, winter and spring.
• Best suited to summer and autumn production.
Myrthos RZ Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
Bologna RZ
• Proven market leading variety.
• Proven variety. Adaptable to many varied conditions. • Strong against burnt heads. • Best suited to unheated production in summer and mild winter climates.
• Moderate vigour. Strong against tipburn. Long dark fruit with a well filled tip. • Best suited to unheated production in summer and autumn. Lettuce
Cca/Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
Grafito RZ Cca/Ccu
CVYV/Px (ex Sf)
• Uniform fruit.
• Attractive dark green fruit with a short neck. • Best suited to unheated production in mild coastal climates.
Inyathi RZ NEW! Cca/Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
• Vigorous "Blue Leaf" variety. Other
• Dark green fruit with a short neck and medium rib. • Best suited to unheated production in autumn and winter
Litoral RZ
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Cucumber Morris RZ NEW!
Mini (Lebanese)
Deena RZ
CMV/CVYV/Px (ex Sf)
Yaqout RZ Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
• Outstanding fruit quality.
• Single fruited variety.
• Proven single fruited variety.
• A strong, open and well-balanced plant.
• Glossy dark green fruit with excellent shelf life.
• Exciting introduction for changeover periods.
• Can become multi fruited due to strong lateral development, with smooth dark fruit.
Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
• Best suited for late autumn to early spring production.
Nouran RZ Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
Khassib RZ
Green Slicer ZYMV
• Multi fruited variety.
Ccu/Px (ex Sf) CMV/CVYV/PRSV/WMV/ZYMV • Market leading multi fruited variety with a strong open plant. • Good balance between plant growth and fruit production. • Best suited for spring, summer and early autumn production.
• Suitable for late autumn, winter and early spring production.
• Starts single, but becomes multi fruited as conditions improve. • Suitable for production in spring and early summer. • per 1,000 PR seeds - $300.00
Alanis RZ Cca/Ccu
• Good length in winter. • Dark colour. • Suitable for unheated production in autumn, winter and spring. • per 1,000 PR seeds - $190.00
Caman RZ Ccu/Px (ex Sf)
• Multi fruited variety.
• Market leading variety.
• Good fruit length.
• Good fruit length. Good shelf life.
• Suitable for summer and early autumn production.
• Suitable for spring to autumn harvest.
Khassib RZ
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata, Lageneria siceraria, Cucumis melo
Cucumis sativus
Watermelon & Melon
Cucurbit Rootstock Whilst records of grafting go back as far as China in the 5th century, commercial
Fruit crops
applications of grafting really began in Japan in the 1920’s. Typically commercial grafting is used in order to overcome soil borne pathogens. Grafting began with watermelons. More recently rootstocks and grafting have been used to increase plant vigour, extend
crop longevity, and to promote increases in yields. Often grafting occurs between closely related species as the crop species does not have the required resistance, however this is not as easy and reliable as grafting onto a plant from the same species. Increased effort has been placed on rootstocks to make grafting more reliable and successful, as to gain valuable new traits such as resistance, tolerance to saline soils, and drought.
researching different lines and species of
Resistance codes Fom
= Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis
= Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Niveum
Fusarium wilt Fusarium wilt For
= Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici
= Verticillium albo-atrum
Within cucurbit rootstocks there are a huge array of types; from wild material, to pumpkins, to squash and true cucumber,
Fusarium crown and root rot
Did you know?
Verticillium wilt
as well as various interspecific crosses; “all of the above”!
Ferro RZ
Fon:0-2 • Cucurbit rootstock for watermelon and melon varieties.
• Strong, well balanced plant with no negative effects on fruit flavour in our trials.
• Strong vigour. Well balanced growth.
Rijk Zwaan
Cobalt RZ
• New cucurbit rootstock for watermelon and melon varieties.
Cobalt RZ NEW!
Prices do not include GST
Eggplant Also known as aubergine, guinea squash and brinjal amongst other things, eggplants were originally domesticated in India and Bangladesh. They have been cultivated for over 2000 years with the first written record found in a Chinese text from 544. They were introduced to Europe in the early middle ages and eggplant was first recorded in England during the 16th Century. Modern eggplants come in a multitude of shapes, sizes and colours, from tiny round Thai varieties, to large round red fruited varieties and everything in between. Most common in Australia is the purple oval type, followed by long purple type. The latest developments are the purple and white striped varieties, and the white skinned varieties. Both of these have a sweeter flavour and firmer flesh than standard varieties.
Did you know? 90% of the world’s eggplants are consumed by five countries (China, India, Iran, Egypt and Turkey).
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Solanum melongena Eggplant
Monarca RZ
Anatolia RZ
• Market leading long oval variety.
• Long cylindrical variety.
• Open vigorous plant. Attractive dark fruit.
• Strong plant. Good vigour. Virtually spineless.
• Suitable for unheated production.
• Suitable for unheated production.
Jaylo RZ
Angela RZ
• European standard long oval variety.
• Purple and white striped oval variety.
• High yield potential. Spineless. Good quality.
• Firm white flesh. Good shelf life and flavour.
• Suitable for high tech heated production.
• Suitable for heated and unheated production.
Lato RZ NEW! • Unique white skinned long oval variety.
Fruit crops
• Spineless fruit. Firm white flesh with good shelf life and flavour. • Suitable for heated and unheated production.
Fantastic RZ • Proven round variety. • Dark fruit. Virtually spineless. • Suitable for field production.
Monarca RZ
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Tomato Originating in the South American Andes, tomatoes were first used as a food by the Aztecs and spread internationally thanks to the Spanish colonisation in the
Resistance codes
Ff (ex Cf)
= Fulvia fulva (ex Cladosporium fulvum) Leaf mould
= Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici Fusarium wilt
ways; au naturel, raw in salads, drunk as
= Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.
dishes and sauces.
Tomatoes are one of the most versatile crops and consumed in many diverse a juice, and cooked as an ingredient in
radicis-lycopersici Fusarium crown and root rot
Where wild tomatoes were often yellow
= Meloidogyne arenaria Root-knot
= Meloidogyne incognita Root-knot
= Meloidogyne javanica Root-knot
On (ex Ol)
= Oidium neolycopersici (ex Oidium lycopersicum) Powdery mildew
= Stemphylium botryosum f.sp. lycopersici Gray leaf spot
= Tomato mosaic virus Tomato mosaic
= Tomato spotted wilt virus Tomato spotted wilt
– 16C, refrigerating them makes all the
= Tomato yellow leaf curl virus Tomato yellow leaf curl
texture. Fridges do flavours no favours!
= Verticillium albo-atrum Verticillium wilt
= Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt
and about the size of a pea, modern cultivated varieties come in all shapes and sizes ranging from tiny cherry tomatoes right up to beefsteak heavyweights. Elegant San Marzano, rustic Coeur de beouf, and cute as a button snack tomatoes are starting to appear on our shelves next to their round cousins.
Did you know? Tomatoes are best stored between 12C lovely aromatic oils lazy and harms the
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Solanum lycopersicum Tomato
ToMV:0-2/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/For/Va:0/ Vd:0/Si On (ex Ol)/Ma/Mi/Mj
• New grape tomato with Fusarium race 3 resistance, afw 11-16g.
• Cocktail truss tomato.
• Outstanding flavour. Strong against cracking.
• Well presented trusses of 250-300g. Outstanding flavour and fruit quality. • Suitable for heated production.
• Suitable for field trellis and unheated production.
Cheramy RZ
Tastery RZ
ToMV:0-2/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/Va:0/Vd:0/S Ma/Mi/Mj • Cherry tomato for single harvest , afw 15-16g. • High percentage of double trusses. Strong against fruit splitting. • Suitable for heated and unheated production.
ToMV:0-2/TSWV/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/Va:0/ Vd:0/Si TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj • Cherry tomato for truss harvest.
ToMV:0-2/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/For/Va:0/ Vd:0/Si On (ex Ol)/Ma/Mi/Mj
Fruit crops
Amoroso RZ
Wasino RZ NEW! • New cocktail roma for truss harvest. • Short open crop. Regular trusses of 300-350g. • Suitable for heated production.
Large Single (Heated) Rootstocks
Primarino RZ NEW!
Managua RZ NEW! ToMV:0-2/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/For/Va:0/ Vd:0/Si On (ex Ol) • Small beef variety, afw 190-210g.
• Well presented trusses of 200-250g, pruned to 10-12 fruit.
• Good early and high total yields. Firm flat round fruit. Open plant with good vigour.
• Suitable for heated and unheated production under mild conditions.
• Suitable for heated and semi-heated production.
Cherry, Snack and Cocktail
Wasino RZ
Confetto RZ ToMV:0-2/Fol:0,1
• Snack tomato for loose pick, afw 1416g. • Sweet mini blocky shaped fruit. High production. Open generative plant. • Suitable for heated and unheated production.
Moscatel RZ Other
ToMV:0-2/TSWV/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/Va:0/ Vd:0/Si TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj • Large cherry tomato for single harvest, afw 20g. • Productive compact plant. Uniform easy fruit set.
• Suitable for unheated and field trellis production.
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Tomato Roma
Monteazul RZ NEW!
Levanzo RZ
Large Single (Field Gourmet)
ToMV:0-2/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/For/Sbl/Va:0/ Vd:0/Si
Leon RZ
ToMV:0-2/TSWV/Ff:A-E/Fol:0-2/Va:0/ Vd:0 TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj
• Proven truss tomato, afw 140-155g.
• Excellent fruit and truss quality.
• New roma variety that combines Fusarium race 3, TYLCV and TSWV resistance, afw 140-150g.
• Suitable for heated and semi-heated production.
• Early and high total yields. Firm good quality fruit.
• Large, long roma fruit shape. • Suitable for field trellis and unheated production.
Montebelo RZ ToMV:0-2/TSWV/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/Va:0/ Vd:0 TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj • Large roma variety, afw 120g. • Open and easy to manage plant. • Suitable for unheated and field trellis production.
Large Truss
Endeavour RZ ToMV:0-2/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/For/Va:0/Vd:0 • High yielding truss tomato, afw 140160g. • Open and generative crop. Good fruit set. Well presented trusses of quality fruit. • Suitable for heated and semi-heated production.
• Proven TYLCV resistant variety, afw 140-160g.
• Suitable for field trellis production.
Montenegro RZ ToMV:0-2/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/Sbl/Va:0/ Vd:0 TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj
Petula RZ ToMV:0-2/Fol:0,1/Va:0/Vd:0
• Traditional Spanish style greenback tomato, afw 180-230g.
• Proven variety, afw 140-160g.
• Excellent tasting fruit is harvested at "pink star" stage.
• Consistent reliable performer. High early and total yields.
• Suitable for unheated production and heated production when grafted.
• Suitable for unheated and field trellis production.
Rugantino RZ
73-525 RZ NEW!
ToMV:0-2/Ff:A-E/Fol:0/For/Sbl/Va:0/ Vd:0
ToMV:0-2/TSWV/Ff:A-E/Fol:0-2/Va:0/ Vd:0 TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj
• Traditional "Ox-Heart" tomato, afw 160-200g.
• New variety that combines Fusarium race 3, TYLCV and TSWV resistance, afw 160-170g.
• Ideal for special projects. Excellent flavour and presentation. • Suitable for unheated and field trellis production and heated production when grafted.
• Early into production. Consistent flat round fruit of a good size. Small calyx scar. • Suitable for field trellis production, adaptable under a wide range of conditions.
Endeavour RZ
Valiant RZ ToMV:0-2/TSWV/Fol:0,1/Va:0/Vd:0 Ma/Mi/Mj • Proven variety, afw 140-160g. • Good quality and strong against cracking. • Suitable for field trellis production.
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Solanum lycopersicum Tomato
Solanaceous Rootstock Tomato grafting was introduced into commercial horticulture in the 1960’s
Fruit crops
to combat soil fatigue and soil borne pathogens. Originally it was all via the approach method, which growers typically did themselves as specialist propagators did not exist. In the 70’s grafting diminished as breeding added the necessary resistances to
cultivars, the ability to sterilise soils, and the move to hydroponic production all impacted on the need for grafting. It
Resistance codes
was re-introduced in the 90’s as longer
= Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici
= Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici
Fusarium wilt
term cropping and different pathogens With a wealth of choices available today it is possible to tailor an optimal match between the scion and rootstock based on the characteristics of each, and the
Fusarium crown and root rot Ma
= Meloidogyne arenaria Root-knot
= Meloidogyne incognita Root-knot
= Meloidogyne javanica Root-knot
= Pyrenochaeta lycopersici
= Tomato mosaic virus
cropping environment.
Did you know? Tomato rootstocks are actually an
required even more vigorous plants.
Corky root rot
inter-specific cross between a cultivated tomato and a wild tomato!
Tomato mosaic Va
Sales Representative to plan your orders in
Australia due to shelf life. Speak to your local
= Verticillium albo-atrum Verticillium wilt
Limited stocks of rootstock varieties are held in
= Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt
Emperador RZ
Kaiser RZ NEW!
• Medium vigour. • Suitable for crops where Fusarium resistance is required.
• A strong rootstock that combines the long term benefits of grafting with a more generative steer.
Colosus RZ NEW!
• A new rootstock with very good vigour, yet still provides a balanced plant. • Suitable for heated production. Information
• Suitable for heated production.
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Melon Melons originated in Africa and Southwest Asia and come in a huge variety of sizes, shapes, and flavours, with a range of colours both inside and out. Other than watermelons, the most common melons in Australia are rockmelons and honeydew melons. Interest is now growing in other specialty melons such as the yellow honeydew, with their bright yellow skin and sweet white-green flesh, and more recently the Piel de Sapo which is the Spanish melon of choice. It may have the “skin of the toad�, but the flesh is sweet, crisp and refreshing!
Did you know? Although the melon is a botanically a fruit (specifically, a berry), some varieties may be considered culinary vegetables rather
Resistance codes Ag
than fruits.
= Aphis gossypii Cotton aphid
= Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis Fusarium wilt
Gc (ex Ec) = Golovinomyces cichoracearum (ex Erysiphe cichoracearum ) Powdery mildew Px (ex Sf) = Podosphaera xanthii (ex Sphaerotheca fuliginea) Powdery mildew
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Cucumis melo Melon
Px (ex Sf):1,2,5
• Sutured orange fleshed melon with an attractive netted skin. • Excellent eating qualities.
Caribbean Diamond RZ NEW! Fom:0,1,2
Px (ex Sf):2/Ag
CaribbeanQueen RZ Fom:0,1,2 Gc (ex Ec):1/Px (ex Sf):2,3,5
• International market standard netted orange fleshed melon.
• Large netted orange fleshed melon.
• Vigorous plant. Concentrated fruit set.
• Vigorous plant with good leaf cover.
Caribbean King RZ NEW! Fom:0,1,2
Px (ex Sf):2,3,5
• Large netted orange fleshed melon. • Good presentation. High yield potential.
Gc (ex Ec):1/Px (ex Sf):1,2,3,5/Ag
Fruit crops
34-683 RZ NEW!
Caribbean Gold RZ
• Best suited for cooler production cycles.
Gladial RZ Fom:0,2 Gc (ex Ec):1/Px (ex Sf):1,2,5
• Netted orange fleshed melon.
• Yellow skinned honeydew variety.
• Strong plant. High yield potential.
• Visually attractive. Reliable eating quality. Good maturity indicators.
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Citrillus lanatus Watermelon
Watermelon Watermelon originated in Southern Africa, where it can be found wild in bitter and bland forms in addition to the sweet form that we so treasure. Evidence suggests that watermelons have been cultivated for over 4000 years, and watermelon seeds were even found in the tomb of Tutankhamun! By the end of the Roman Empire melons had begun appearing in Europe, and are now commonly enjoyed across the world as a refreshing treat in the summer months.
Did you know? The world record for spitting a watermelon seed is almost 70 feet!
Resistance codes Ag
= Aphis gossypii Cotton aphid
= Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis Fusarium wilt
Gc (ex Ec) = Golovinomyces cichoracearum (ex Erysiphe cichoracearum ) Powdery mildew Px (ex Sf) = Podosphaera xanthii (ex Sphaerotheca fuliginea) Powdery mildew
Conguita RZ NEW! • Exciting 2-3kg micro-seeded dark skinned watermelon. • Can be used as a pollinator and for fresh market sales. Sweet, crisp, red and firm flesh.
Tigrinho RZ NEW!
Titania RZ NEW!
• Exciting 2-3kg micro-seeded tiger striped watermelon.
• New 7 - 8kg seedless dark skinned watermelon.
• Can be used as a pollinator and for fresh market sales. Sweet, crisp, red and firm flesh.
• High yield potential. Good internal colour. Excellent fruit set.
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Fruit crops Rootstocks Lettuce Other
- Sweet and tasty - Convenient sized watermelon varieties - Harvestable pollinators
A new way
Lettuce Thought to have first been cultivated in Egypt for the oil its seeds produced, lettuce has now spread across all regions of the globe, and even to outer space! Whilst the most familiar lettuce in Australia are probably iceberg and cos, there has been a big shift towards convenience products and bagged salads. These salad mixes incorporate different leaf types such as oak, coral and butter. Salanova速 lettuce have become an integral part of this trend with heads that fall into a multitude of bite sized
Resistance codes Bl
= Bremia lactucae Downy mildew
= Lettuce mosaic virus Lettuce mosaic
= Nasonovia ribisnigri Lettuce leaf aphid
= Pemphigus bursarius
leaves with one cut, yet still having the processability and shelf life that only comes from a mature head of lettuce. This is a great example of a step forward in lettuce breeding where the possibilities are endless, and breeding can offer a wealth of colours, textures and shapes.
Lettuce root aphid Physiological races Bl: 1-15 of Bremia lactucae (downy mildew) in lettuce are to the best of our knowledge no longer observed in practice in Europe nowadays. Therefore reference to the races Bl: 1-15 is no longer made in resistance claims with regard to Bremia lactucae. From September 1st 2014 onwards, the resistance claim of a variety refers only to Bl: 16-31.
Did you know? Iceberg lettuce is a mutation of a Batavia lettuce; iceberg originally referred to how the lettuce was packed and shipped with a covering of ice to prolong its shelf life!
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Lactuca sativa Lettuce
Iceberg Toscanas RZ
Bernardinas RZ Bl:16-22,24-26,28,31/Nr:0/Pb LMV:1 • Standard shoulder-season variety. • Good shape, even under warmer conditions. Very good internal quality for processing.
• Impressive uniform variety for fresh market and processing.
• The proven performer. Consistent large heads for fresh market and processing.
• Flat base, strong against tipburn and slow bolting. Excellent field standing.
• Strong against tipburn and bolting.
• Best suited to harvesting during the warmer periods.
• Best suited to harvesting during the warmer periods.
• Proven and reliable variety for changeover periods.
Gitanas RZ
Fruit crops
Santarinas RZ
Bernardinas RZ
Bl:16,21,23/Nr:0 • Large framed variety with a proven track record. • Very good vigour producing a round head with good size. Lettuce
• Best suited for harvesting during cooler periods.
Salmarinas RZ Bl:16-31/Nr:0/Pb • New introduction with good shape and head size. Brassica
• Slow bolting and strong against tipburn. • Bred for summer production in cooler areas. Suggested harvest period
Harvest Guide - Iceberg Summer Cycle*
Possible under certain conditions
Santarinas RZ
Toscanas RZ Salmarinas RZ Bernardinas RZ Gitanas RZ * eg: Victoria, Stanthorpe and cooler temperate regions
Winter Cycle*
Santarinas RZ Toscanas RZ
Salmarinas RZ Bernardinas RZ Gitanas RZ * eg: Lockyer Valley, Hay and warmer growing regions
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
19 19
Red Salanova Lettuce ®
Salanova® Red Butter
Attributes Striking bi-coloured, dark cherry red thick glossy leaves that are sweet,
tender, succulent and smooth. Mature baby-sized
79-246 RZ
Salanova® Red Coral
butter leaves.
JADIGON RZ Fluffy, frilly leaf, cherry red on the outside fading in the centre. Not bitter like
traditional types. Hundreds of baby-sized incised leaves.
Salanova® Red Crisp
CODEX RZ Crisp, flexible narrow leaf, vibrant, glossy, frilly at the
top, sweet. Mature babysized incised leaves. Slight variations in leaf colours.
Salanova® Red Oak
STEFANO RZ Gently lobed, bi-coloured, tender, succulent, smooth,
Salanova® Red Butter
Gaugin RZ
Seurat RZ Bl:16-31/Nr:0
supple, bright. Mature babysized leaves.
79-246 RZ NEW! Bl:16-31/Nr:0
• Proven red butter variety.
• Exciting new red butter variety.
• Leaves have a clear colour contrast. Slow bolting and upright growth.
• Striking bi-coloured leaves.
• Proven red butter variety. • Excellent quality bi-colour leaves.
• Suitable for year round production.
• Year round production in cooler areas.
• Year round production in cooler areas.
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Lactuca sativa Lettuce
Duplex RZ
Salanova® Red Oak
• Bright and glossy red crisp leaves.
Bl:16-31/Nr:0 • Versatile red coral style leaves. • High yield and recovery for salad mixes.
• High yielding variety with good strength against bolting. • Year round production in cooler areas.
Bl:16-31/Nr:0 • Exciting new red leaf type for salad mixes. • Narrow red oak style with a small cut surface.
• Year round production in most areas.
Telex RZ Bl:16-31/Nr:0/Pb
Polygon RZ
Stefano RZ NEW!
• Year round production in most areas. LMV:1
Xandra RZ NEW!
• Dark "cherry-red" coral style leaves.
• Proven vigorous double red crisp leaves with a narrow base and flared shape.
• Large frame, clean base and high recovery.
• Slow bolting variety with large frame and good yields.
• Exciting red oakleaf with vibrant red and green contrast.
• Year round production in most areas.
• Year round production in cooler areas.
• Significant yield improvements over previous selections.
Fruit crops
Jadigon RZ
Salanova® Red Coral
• Best suited to autumn, winter and spring production in cooler areas.
Salanova® Red Crisp
Codex RZ NEW! Bl:16-31/Nr:0
• Red crisp leaves with excellent depth and contrast of colour.
• Year round production in mild areas. Amid winter in colder areas.
Salanova® is the name that stands for a range of fresh lettuce each providing hundreds of delicious baby-sized leaves with just one cut! Discover the flavours of Salanova®. Create your quality salad mixes from the exciting range of vibrant colours, unique leaf shapes and delightful textures.
Stefano RZ
• Versatile leaf can be used as a red crisp or red coral.
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Green Salanova Lettuce ®
Salanova® Green Butter
A vibrant glossy green colour, the baby-sized butter leaves are sweet,
tender and succulent.
Salanova® Green Coral
VICINITY RZ Fluffy, frilly blonde-green, not bitter like traditional types. Hundreds of mature baby-sized incised leaves.
Salanova® Green Crisp
Crisp, flexible narrow leaf, vibrant, glossy, frilly at the
top, sweet. Mature babysized incised leaves. All available for year round
production. Slight variations in leaf colour.
Salanova® Green Oak
Gently lobed, typically apple green, tender, succulent, smooth, supple, bright. Mature baby-sized oak leaves.
Salanova® Green Butter
Aquino RZ Bl:16-31/Nr:0
Pascal RZ NEW! Bl:16-31/Nr:0 • Outstanding dark green glossy butter variety.
• Vigorous, upright green butter variety.
• Upright and easy to process.
• Flat leaves are easy to harvest.
• Best suited to autumn, winter and spring production in cooler areas.
• Best suited to autumn, winter and spring production in cooler areas.
Salanova® Green Coral
Vicinity RZ Bl:16-30/Nr:0
• Green coral style leaves with good 3D structure. • High yield and recovery for processing. • Year round production in most areas.
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Lactuca sativa Lettuce
Exfiles RZ NEW! Bl:16-31/Nr:0
Exponent RZ NEW! LMV:1
Fruit crops
Salanova® Green Crisp
• Dark shiny green crisp leaves.
• Green crisp leaves with a deep incision and good penetration of colour.
• Excellent yields. • Year round production in most areas.
• Year round production in most areas.
Salanova® Green Oak
Humboldt RZ NEW!
Expedition RZ
• Glossy green oakleaf variety adapted to mechanical harvesting.
• Excellent yields and recovery for processing.
• Large frame also suits fresh market in sleeves.
• Year round production in most areas.
• Best suited to autumn, winter and spring production in cooler areas.
• Proven green crisp leaved variety.
Exfiles RZ
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Cos Baby Cos
Blanes RZ
41-174 RZ NEW!
• Proven option for 'sweet gem' hearts.
• New red 'sweet gem' variety.
• Good shape and weight with glossy leaves.
• Good shape matches green varieties.
Novelda RZ NEW!
Midi/Large Cos
Bl:16-26,28,31/Nr:0/Pb • Midi cos with good shape, colour and size for single or twin packs. • Suitable for field and hydroponic production. • For cooler periods.
Rosaine RZ NEW! LMV:1
• New 'sweet gem' variety. • Strong against tipburn.
Amadeus RZ Bl:16,17,21,23
• Strong against tipburn. • Avoid mid-summer production in hot areas.
Auvona RZ Bl:17-22,24-26,28/Fol:1 • Large cos with narrow and blistered leaves with a solid mid-vein. High recovery.
Rafael RZ
• Versatile for fresh market and processing, with a long production season.
Bl:16-20,22-25,28-30/Fol:1/Nr:0 LMV:1 • Versatile baby cos variety for whole head, hears and loose leaf.
Astorga RZ NEW!
• Year round production in most areas.
• Avoid mid-summer in hot areas. LMV:1
• Ideal baby cos for hearts and twin packs.
• Slow bolting and strong against tipburn. • Year round production in most areas.
• New 'sweet gem' variety.
Claudius RZ Bl:16-26,28,31/Fol:1/Pb
• Uniform and dark green midi cos. • Strong against tipburn.
• Very slow bolting.
• Year round in warmer areas.
Gradara RZ
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Lactuca sativa Lettuce
• High yielding midi cos variety for fresh hearts and processing.
Patrona RZ
• Slow bolting and strong against tipburn. • Year round production in many areas.
Maximus RZ
• Broad base and a solid heart. Strong against bolting and tipburn.
Fruit crops
Gradara RZ NEW!
• Large cos for winter with narrow blistered leaves and a strong solid mid-vein. • Versatile for fresh market and processing.
Ss (Rs)
• Proven large cos for summer. Slow closing provides good field holding ability.
Quintus RZ
• Slow bolting. Strong against tipburn.
Bl:16-20,22-25,28-30/Fol:1/Nr:0 LMV:1 • Glossy midi cos for whole head and processing.
Suggested harvest period
Harvest Guide - Baby cos (gems and twin pack hearts) Summer Cycle*
Possible under certain conditions
Amadeus RZ Astorga RZ
Rafael RZ Novelda RZ Blanes RZ 41-174 RZ Rosaine RZ (red) * eg: Victoria, Stanthorpe and cooler temperate regions
Winter Cycle*
Astorga RZ
Rafael RZ Novelda RZ Blanes RZ 41-174 RZ Rosaine RZ (red) * eg: Lockyer Valley, Hay and warmer growing regions
Harvest Guide - Midi/large cos (fresh and processing) Summer Cycle*
Claudius RZ Gradara RZ
Auvona RZ Maximus RZ Patrona RZ Quintus RZ * eg: Victoria, Stanthorpe and cooler temperate regions
Winter Cycle*
Quintus RZ Gradara RZ
Auvona RZ Maximus RZ Patrona RZ * eg: Lockyer Valley, Hay and warmer growing regions
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Oakleaf Type
Red Oak Large leaves. Main segment is hydroponic. Full range available for year round supply.
Rouxai RZ
Red Oak
Vitrai RZ
Anikai RZ Bl:16-25,27,28,30,31/Nr:0/Pb LMV:1 • Double red traditional oak with a large frame.
• Bright "cherry" red oakleaf variety.
• Triple red traditional oakleaf variety.
• Upright habit with red colouring on both sides of the leaves.
• Very slow bolting.
• Suitable for year round production in cooler areas.
• Best suited for harvesting in warmer periods.
• Very strong against tipburn and bolting. • Year round harvest in most areas.
Rutilai RZ Bl:16-31/Nr:0
• Triple red traditional oakleaf variety.
Prunai RZ Bl:16-30/Nr:0/Pb
• Clean, upright base and good frame. LMV:1
• Fast growing, compact triple red traditional oak.
• Best suited to production in cooler periods.
Rouxai RZ
• Robust leaves and a tidy, upright base. • Suitable for year round production in cooler areas.
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Lactuca sativa Lettuce
Attributes Fruit crops
Type Green Oak
Large leaves. Main segment is hydroponic.
Kibrille RZ Bl:16-31/Nr:0
Kirinia RZ LMV:1
• Upright and compact traditional green oak variety.
• Impressive traditional green oakleaf variety.
• Strong against internal tipburn, slow bolting.
• Open form, maintains vigour in cold conditions.
• Best suited to autumn, winter and spring production in cool areas.
• A slow bolting traditional green oak. • Strong against internal tipburn and less prone to basal rots. • Year round production in warmer regions. Lettuce
Kiribati RZ
Green Oak
Full range available for year round supply.
• Best suited to harvest in cooler periods.
Kipling RZ Bl:16-26,28/Nr:0
Kiribati RZ
LMV:1 Brassica
• Proven medium framed traditional green oakleaf variety. • Slow bolting and strong against tipburn. • Best suited to harvest in warmer periods.
Kireve RZ LMV:1
• Glossy narrow leaved green oakleaf variety suitable for processing. • Impressive large frame and open form.
• Year round production in most areas.
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Coral Type
Red Coral Large leaves. Cavernet RZ is more for the warmer periods while Wilbur RZ is best for the cooler cycles.
Green Coral Large leaves. Linaro RZ can produce all year round in most areas, while Lorenzo RZ is best suited to cooler production cycles.
Red Coral
Cavernet RZ Bl:16-28,30,31/Nr:0 • Traditional vigorous large leaf red coral. • Strong against premature hearting. Good holding ability.
Wilbur RZ
Green Coral
Bl:16-31/Nr:0 • Dark red traditional coral variety. Capable of large size.
Linaro RZ Bl:16-30/Nr:0
• Less prone to premature hearting than other varieties.
• Traditional large leaf coral, open plant habit.
• Best suited for cooler periods.
• Leaves have a fine curl with good presentation.
• Performs well in hot humid conditions.
• Year round harvest in most areas.
Lorenzo RZ Cavernet RZ
• Traditional large leaf coral, with a big frame. • Uniform and intense green colour with a fine curl. • Best suited to cooler production periods.
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Lactuca sativa Lettuce
Butterhead & Batavia Attributes Fruit crops
Type Red Butter
Large leaves. Skyphos RZ can produce all year round in most areas. Particularly useful in subtropical areas.
Large leaves. Hungarina RZ for the warmer
Red Butter
Red Batavia
Green Batavia
Skyphos RZ
Louxal RZ
Othilie RZ NEW!
• Traditional mignonette with red glossy leaves. • Strong against tipburn and bolting. • Year round harvest in most areas.
• Triple red non-heading variety.
• Blonde-green non-heading variety.
• Sweet and crisp with an attractive blister on vibrant coloured leaves.
• Sweet crisp and glossy leaves. Slow bolting.
• Suitable for year round production in cooler areas.
• Suitable for year round production in cooler areas. Brassica
seasons, Janero RZ best for the cooler periods.
Green Butter
Hungarina RZ Bl:16-31/Nr:0
Green Butter
• Traditional green butterhead. • Strong against bacterial leaf spot. Skyphos RZ
• Best suited to warmer periods.
Janero RZ Bl:16-31/Nr:0
• Quick filling traditional green variety. • Easy to harvest with a broad base and strong against tipburn.
Rijk Zwaan
• Best suited for winter and early spring harvest in cooler areas.
Prices do not include GST
Spinach & Chard Spinach Grown in most temperate zones across the globe spinach is used in a wide variety of ways from stir-fried, to cooked and eaten raw in salads. It is regarded as one of the healthiest vegetables known to man, partly because of its high lutein and vitamin C content. In the current circumstances, spinach breeding is largely about mildew resistance; growers need a reliable crop first and foremost. In addition to this we are always working to improve physical traits in our varieties and post-harvest traits such as shelf life.
Did you know? In the 1930′s U.S. spinach growers credited Popeye with a 33% increase in domestic
Resistance codes Bl
= Bremia lactucae Downy mildew
= Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus Cucumber mosaic
= Lettuce mosaic virus Lettuce mosaic
= Nasonovia ribisnigri Lettuce leaf aphid
= Peronospora farinosa f.sp. Spinaciae Downy mildew
spinach consumption!
Chard Although the leaves of chard are eaten, it is in the same species as beetroot grown primarily for its edible roots. Chard has highly nutritious leaves and is another particularly healthy vegetable, making it a popular addition to babyleaf spinach and lettuces in a salad.
Did you know? Chard is in the beet family, but its roots are inedible!
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Spinacia oleracea
Beta vulgaris
Swiss Chard
Fruit crops
Donkey RZ Pfs:1-11,13 • Robust semi-savoy with dark green leaves for warmer periods. • Very strong against tipburn in hot conditions.
Spinach - Bunching
Gazelle RZ Pfs:1-13,15 • Attractive oval round leaves for cooler periods. • Vigorous and upright with thick vibrant and glossy leaves.
Kookaburra RZ Pfs:1-13,15 • Robust semi-savoy variety with uniform dark green leaves. • Upright habit and strong against leaf burn in warmer conditions.
• Avoid mid-summer in hot areas.
Suggested harvest period
Harvest Guide - Spinach Summer Cycle*
Possible under certain conditions
Kookaburra RZ Gazelle RZ Platypus RZ Tapir RZ Red Cardinal RZ
Red Kitten RZ Charlie RZ * eg: Victoria, Stanthorpe and cooler temperate regions
Winter Cycle*
Kookaburra RZ Donkey RZ Gazelle RZ Platypus RZ
Racoon RZ Red Cardinal RZ Charlie RZ * eg: Lockyer Valley, Hay and warmer growing regions
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Spinach & Chard Platypus RZ NEW! Pfs:1-15
Red Cardinal RZ Pfs:1-11,13,15
Tapir RZ
• High yielding dark green winter variety. Semi savoy x oriental leaves.
• Proven red vein spinach variety for cooler conditions.
• Vigorous semi-savoy leaf for bunching in cooler periods.
• Thick upright leaves.
• Exciting colour contrast and good shelf life.
• Nice green colour and good leaf shape.
Racoon RZ Pfs:1-12,14,15 • Thick yet flexible dark green baby leaves for cooler periods. • Upright growing habit .
Red Kitten RZ
Charlie RZ
Pfs:1-13,15 • Red vein spinach for warmer periods.
• Vigorous upright red veined hybrid swiss chard for babyleaf.
• Good shelf life and relatively slow bolting.
• Exciting contrast between the red vein and green leaf . • Year round production in most areas.
Kookaburra RZ
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Cichorium endivia Endive
Endive Demitri RZ NEW! Fruit crops
• Slow bolting smooth leaved endive. • Upright and high yielding.
Korbi RZ • Very fine leaves for salad mix and fresh market.
• Best suited to autumn, winter and spring production.
Petroselinum crispum
• Upright habit, strong against tipburn and suitable for machine harvest.
Parsley Brassica
Felicia RZ • Flat leaf parsley suitable for baby leaf or bunching. • Dark leaf colour. • Suitable for year round harvest in cooler areas.
Rina RZ • Curly leaf parsley suitable for bunching. • Dark green. Fine curly leaf. Slow growing .
• Suitable for year round harvest in cooler areas.
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Brassica Brassicas are native in the wild to Western Europe, the Mediterranean, and temperate regions of Asia. Cultivated brassicas include a wide range of food crops (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, swedes, kale, cavalo nero, kohlrabi and mustards) as well as canola (oil seed rape). All brassica food crops are high in nutrients with high levels of vitamin C and soluble fibre in addition to various compounds that are reported to reduce cancer risk.
Did you know? Some cuisines prefer the stems of broccoli to the florets; once peeled the stem is crisp and sweet!
Resistance codes Foc
= Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. conglutinans Fusarium yellows
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Brassica oleracea Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and kohlrabi
• Best suited to harvest from May to November.
Red Cabbage
Agassi RZ
Fruit crops
Redma RZ Stabilis RZ
• Red cabbage, 85 day maturity.
• Strong against hollow stem.
• Spring and autumn harvesting variety, 70-80 day maturity.
• Best suited to harvesting late spring to early autumn.
• Vigorous and upright habit makes harvesting easy.
• Best suited to transplanting late winter to late spring.
Savoy Cabbage
Vashon RZ NEW!
Cercy RZ
Estrema RZ
Foc:1 • Medium vigorous variety, 85-90 day maturity.
• 80-90 day maturity. • Medium vigour with excellent self cover.
Foc:1 • Proven and reliable market leading savoy cabbage, 80-100 day maturity.
• Good self cover.
• Best suited to harvest in summer / autumn in cooler areas and autumn and winter in cooler areas.
• 2-3kg heads, good performer under a wide variety of conditions.
Green Cabbage
• Year round production in most areas.
Multima RZ NEW! Sentender RZ NEW!
• 1.5kg - 2kg heads with a good field standing ability.
• Summer broccoli, 70-80 day maturity.
Foc:1 • Flat green cabbage, 90 day maturity.
• 120-130 day maturity with good self cover and frost tolerance.
• 2-5kg heads with good field holding ability.
• Good performance against temperature fluctuations.
Stabilis RZ
• Especially recommended for cool winters with hot springs.
• Best suited to summer and autumn harvest in cooler areas.
Toughma RZ NEW! • Baby cabbage, 75-85 day maturity.
Sententia RZ NEW! • 100-110 day maturity.
• 1-2kg heads with long field standing ability .
• Upright plant with good self cover and strong against frost.
• Year round production in most areas. Suggested harvest period
Harvest Guide - Cauliflower Jan
Summer Cycle*
Possible under certain conditions
Stabilis RZ Sentender RZ Sententis RZ Cercy RZ Vashon RZ Winter Cycle*
* eg: Victoria, Stanthorpe and cooler temperate regions
Stabilis RZ Cercy RZ * eg: Lockyer Valley, Hay and warmer growing regions
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Daucus carota Carrot
Carrot Found in Europe as far back as 2000BC, cultivated carrots were originally grown for their fragrant leaves and seeds. Parsley, fennel, dill and cumin are all closely related to carrots, and are all still grown for their leaves and seeds. Carrot roots first started appearing as a crop sometime between the first and tenth century AD and were purple, the modern carrot thought to have arisen from Afghanistan at the end of this period with red and yellow rooted varieties being more prevalent at the time. Carrot cultivation spread into Asia and Europe from this point and then from there into the new world when Europeans settlers introduced the carrot into Colonial America.
Did you know? The orange carrot so familiar today was selectively bred in Holland where patriotic growers chose to keep seed from plants with roots which were their national colour, orange!
Crofton RZ NEW!
Jerada RZ NEW!
Morelia RZ
• Slender nantes type carrot with excellent flavour.
• Very early fine bunching carrot.
• Mid-season nantes type carrot with strong erect tops.
• Long smooth roots have good internal colour and suitable for high density cropping.
• Compact strong and upright tops. Very uniform roots. • 80 day (summer).
• Suitable for summer and autumn crops.
• 120-130 day maturity (summer).
• Smooth cylindrical roots with good colour.
Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Beta vulgaris Beetroot
Beetroot Zeppo RZ NEW! Fruit crops
• Fast growing hybrid beetroot for bunching and processing. • Tall vigorous plant with average root diameter around 80mm.
• Suitable for production in all areas.
Apium graveolens
Zeppo RZ
Celeriac & Celery
Celery Brassica
Kelvin RZ NEW! • Slow bolting celery, dark green leaves and shiny stems. • Strong against black hearts. Excellent for sticks and hearts. • Best suited to harvesting from early summer to autumn.
Stetham RZ • Main season celery, long apple green stems. • Proven in Australian conditions.
• Best suited to harvesting from summer to late autumn. Avoid planting too early.
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Resistance Statement Definition of the Terms Describing the Reaction of Plants to Pests and Abiotic Stresses for the Vegetable Seed Industry (Adopted by the ISF Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Section in June 2012) 1. Introduction
environmental conditions and pest
covered by the original resistance claim.
The relationship between a plant and
Immunity is when a plant is not subject
a pest is very complex. The terms that
Resistant varieties may exhibit some
to attack or infection by a specified pest.
describe the reaction of a plant variety
disease symptoms or damage under
to a pest are determined by tests under
heavy pest pressure.
with known and characterized biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains of the pest in question. In practice however, the ability of a pest to cause disease in a plant depends on environmental conditions, the properties of the organism itself and the capacity of the plant to defend itself. Varieties within a plant species can differ in their ability to defend themselves. Under different conditions, such as age of the plant, pest pressure and virulence or
FAO defines a pest as: Any species, strain or biotype
Two levels of resistance are
of plant, animal or pathogenic agent injurious to
plants or plant products. Pathogens (microorganisms such as bacteria,
High resistance
: plant varieties
that highly restrict the growth and
viruses and fungi that cause a disease) are, therefore, included in the term “pest�.
development of the specified pest under normal pest pressure when compared to susceptible varieties. These plant varieties may, however, exhibit some symptoms or damage under heavy pest pressure.
adverse environmental conditions, the interaction between the same plant and
pest may have different outcomes.
varieties that restrict the growth and
Pests are known to develop and form
development of the specified pest but
new biotypes, pathotypes, races or
may exhibit a greater range of symptoms
strains that can cause damage to plants
or damage compared to high resistant
that remain unaffected by the original
varieties. Intermediately resistant plant
form of the pest.
varieties will still show less severe
To promote consistency in the terms
symptoms or damage than susceptible
used to describe the reaction of a plant to a pest, ISF Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Section has defined the following
plant varieties when grown under similar environmental conditions and/or pest pressure.
terms. It is to be noted that if a resistance is claimed in a plant variety it is limited to
2. Definitions Susceptibility is the inability of a plant variety to restrict the growth and development of a specified pest. Resistance is the ability of a plant variety to restrict the growth and development of a specified pest and/or the damage they
susceptible plant varieties under similar 38
the specified biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains of the pest. If no biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains are specified in the resistance claim for the variety, it is because no generally accepted classification of the cited pest by biotype, pathotype, race or strain exists. New biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains that may emerge are not Prices do not include GST
Rijk Zwaan
Terms & Conditions
Rijk Zwaan
Prices do not include GST
Rootstocks Lettuce Brassica
applicable) provides otherwise, any and all guarantees on the part of the seller lapse if the customer carries out processes on the goods or causes processes to be carried out on them, repackages the goods or causes them to be repackaged, or uses and/or stores the goods incorrectly or causes them to be used/or stored incorrectly. 7. Except where the Australian Consumer Law (as applicable) provides otherwise, the seller does not guarantee in any way that the use, sale, transfer, production or any other possible act involving the delivered goods and/or the use, sale, transfer, production or any other possible act involving the goods arising from the delivered goods does not infringe any (intellectual property) rights of third parties. 8. Where the customer acquires goods and services under these Conditions of Sale as a Consumer from the seller as a supplier, i) the seller limits its liability for a failure to comply with any Consumer Guarantees (other than (a) a Consumer Guarantee as to title, encumbrances or undisturbed possession of goods conferred by the Australian Consumer Law; or (b) where to do so would otherwise cause all or part of this clause to be void) to (at the seller’s option): - in the case of goods, repairing or replacing the goods or paying the cost of having the goods repaired or replaced; and - in the case of services, re-supplying the services or paying the cost of having the services re-supplied, and the seller does not exclude or limit the operation of the Consumer Guarantees under any other provision of these Conditions of Sale or in any other manner and the parties agree it is fair and reasonable in all the circumstances for the seller’s liability to be so limited. ii) the seller only supply goods and services to professional growers, however in case the goods and services supplied by the seller qualify as PDH Goods or Services, the operation of the Consumer Guarantees are not excluded or restricted in these Conditions of Sale. Article 10 Defects, complaints terms 1. The customer shall be deemed to have examined the goods on, or as soon as possible after delivery and shall inform the seller within eight days after delivery if the goods delivered do not comply with the purchase order. 2. Complaints concerning apparent defects to the goods, including their packaging, must be reported to the seller in writing within eight days after the date of delivery of the goods to the customer. Complaints concerning alleged non-apparent or hidden defects to the goods, including their packaging, must be reported to the seller in writing within eight days of the date on which the alleged defect concerned was or could reasonably have been discovered by the customer. Complaints have to be set out in such a manner that the seller or a third party can verify them. The batch, delivery and invoice details have to be specified. Except where the Australian Consumer Law (as applicable) provides otherwise, in the event that any complaint is not reported to the seller in writing within the stated period, the complaint will not be dealt with and the customer will lose all rights to obtain any form of recovery, including damages. 3. In case of a permanent dispute between the parties about germination, varietal purity, trueness to type, technical purity, an assessment may be performed at the request of either party by the Naktuinbouw (ISTA station), which has its registered office in Roelofarendsveen, the Netherlands, or any other ISTA accredited station as agreed by the parties, for the account of the unsuccessful party. The sample for this assessment will be taken from the seller. 4. Complaints concerning an invoice of the seller must be submitted to the seller in writing within fourteen days after the date of invoice. Submitting a complaint does not give the buyer any right to suspend payment of the invoice concerned. Article 11 Indemnification Except where the Australian Consumer Law (as applicable) provides otherwise, the customer indemnifies the seller against all claims and rights from third parties
case the invoice amount shall be charged to the customer’s credit account, payment shall then be due in accordance with the applicable credit account conditions. The customer reserves the right to refuse applications for a 30 day trade credit account. 2. If any supply under these Conditions of Sale is subject to goods and services tax, the customer must pay the seller the price plus an amount equal to the goods and services tax, payable by the seller, at the same time as the invoice amount is due. 3. In the event of a breach of any of these Conditions of Sale by the customer, the insolvency or bankruptcy of the customer or failure by the customer to pay any invoice as they fall due, the seller may do any or all of the following (in addition to any other rights it may have): i) require the customer to pay immediately all amounts invoiced but unpaid; ii) suspend or cease supplying goods to the customer; iii) enter the customer’s premises and repossess goods for which payment has not been made; and iv) immediately commence legal proceedings for the recovery of any or all amounts owing, or which become owing, by the customer to the seller, in which case a certificate in writing signed by an authorised officer of the seller shall be prima facie evidence of such amounts owing by the customer. 4. The customer must pay all legal costs, fees and any other expenses including but not limited to bank charges, incurred by the seller pursuant to this article. Article 9 Liability 1. In these Conditions of Sale, “Australian Consumer Law” has the meaning given to that term in section 4 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth); “Consumer” has the meaning given to that term in section 3 of the Australian Consumer Law; “PDH Goods or Services” means goods or services of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption; and “Losses” means any liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including legal costs and expenses, regardless of whether incurred or awarded) arising in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise. 2. Under the Australian Consumer Law (and other similar legislation of Australian states and territories), certain statutory guarantees are conferred in relation to the supply of goods or services to a Consumer (“Consumer Guarantees”). 3. To the extent permitted by law, apart from the express terms of these Conditions of Sale and (where applicable) the Consumer Guarantees, the seller gives no other representations, guarantees, warranties or conditions, express or implied, in relation to any goods or services supplied under these Conditions of Sale, or any other rights provided by the seller under these Conditions of Sale. The seller excludes from these Conditions of Sale all representations, guarantees, conditions, warranties, rights, remedies, liabilities and other terms that may be conferred or implied by statute, general law or custom, except any guarantee or right conferred under any legislation (including the Australian Consumer Law), the exclusion of which would contravene legislation or cause part or all of the clause purporting to exclude that guarantee or term to be void. 4. The seller is not liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, for: i) any Losses suffered by a party that cannot reasonably be considered to arise naturally from a breach of these Conditions of Sale or the event(s) giving rise to the Losses; ii) any and all actual or anticipated loss of profits, revenue, goodwill, savings, data, business opportunity or expectation; or iii) any and all indirect, special, consequential, punitive or exemplary Losses. 5. Except where the Australian Consumer Law (as applicable) provides otherwise, no guarantees apply to the product specifications: in case the goods delivered do not comply with the product specifications as mentioned in the seller’s catalogue regarding the current selling season, the seller will inform the customer about this. 6. Except where the Australian Consumer Law (as
Article 1 Applicability By placing its order, the customer accepts each and all of the general terms and conditions of sale and delivery appearing below Conditions of Sale. These Conditions of Sale will apply to all goods sold to the customer and may only be varied or altered by notice in writing signed by a duly authorised representative of Rijk Zwaan Australia Pty. Ltd, hereafter called the seller. Article 2 Acceptance of order and price 1. The seller reserves the right to accept or decline the customer's order in whole or in part. 2. Unless otherwise specified, all prices quoted are in Australian dollars and do not include other costs and charges associated with the purchase such as insurance, delivery and freight charges and duties and taxes (including without limitation any custom duties or goods and services taxes), which are the customer’s responsibility and the customer must pay or reimburse the seller for and indemnify the seller against all such costs and charges. 3. The seller reserves the right to adjust its prices periodically. Any new price quotation supersedes the former quotation as regards orders placed after the date of the new quotation. 4. All given weights and numbers are net weights and numbers. Article 3 Good crop and processing reservation All deliveries are subject to the usual crop and processing reservation. In the event that the seller makes a justified appeal to this reservation, the seller may decide not to deliver any goods or to deliver pro-rata quantities or comparable alternatives. In such a case the customer is not entitled to any compensation whatsoever. Article 4 Supply 1. The prevailing Incoterms apply. Delivery will take place on an ex works basis. 2. Except where the Australian Consumer Law (as applicable) provides otherwise: i) the customer is not allowed to return goods to the seller, unless the seller gives permission thereto; and ii) the costs of possible return shipments shall be at the customer’s account. Article 5 Delivery time The seller is bound to deliver at a reasonable time in conformity to the sowing or planting season after the customer's order has been accepted. An agreed delivery date is an estimate only and the seller is not liable to the customer for any early or late delivery. Article 6 Partial deliveries The seller may effect partial deliveries of the goods. In the event of partial deliveries, the seller may invoice each delivery separately. Article 7 Risk and retention of title 1. Title in the goods remain the property of the seller until the customer has paid for them in full. 2. Until title passes to the customer: i) ownership of the goods remains with the seller; ii) the customer holds the goods as bailee and fiduciary for the seller; and iii) the customer must store the goods separately and in such a manner that they are clearly identified as the property of the seller; iv) the customer must not pledge the goods or allow any other claim on them; and v) the seller may enter the customer’s premises and take possession of the goods, the customer will render the co-operation necessary in order to achieve this. 3. The customer shall furthermore impose on its customers the obligations laid down in this article. 4. The customer must pay the seller the proceeds of any goods for which the seller has not received payment, and the customer holds those proceeds on trust for the seller until paid to the seller. 5. Risk in goods passes to the customer on delivery to the customer or to the customer’s authorised representative. Article 8 Terms of Payment 1. The customer shall pay for the goods on a cash in advance basis, unless the customer applies for and is granted a 30 day trade credit account by seller in which
Fruit crops
General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery of Rijk Zwaan Australia Pty Ltd. Applicable to all offers and agreements.
for compensation for damage (allegedly) caused by, or otherwise associated with, goods supplied by the seller, including claims and rights which have been submitted against the seller in its capacity as producer of the goods on the basis of any regulations relating to product liability in whatever country, except if said damage is due to intentional misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the seller. Article 12 Advices for cultural practices, variety descriptions, recommendations 1. The customer must make its own determination whether the goods are suitable to be used for the intended cultivations and under the local conditions. 2. The customer acknowledges that differing degrees of specificity exist in the relations between plants and pests or pathogens. Identification of such specificity generally requires the use of highly elaborate analytical methods. Recognising whether a plant is subject to a pest or pathogen or not may depend on the analytical method employed. It is important, in general, to stress that the specificity of pests or pathogens may vary over time and space, depends on environmental factors, and that new pest biotypes or new pathogen races capable of overcoming resistance may emerge. 3. As used in the information supplied by the seller, immunity, resistance and susceptibility shall mean the following: - Immunity: Not subject to attack or infection by a specified pest or pathogen. - Resistance: is the ability of a plant variety to restrict the growth and development of a specified pest or pathogen and/or the damage they cause when compared to susceptible plant varieties under similar environmental conditions and pest or pathogen pressure. Resistant varieties may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest or pathogen pressure. If in a resistance code of a certain variety reference is made to certain pest biotypes or pathogen races for which the resistance is claimed this means that no resistance is claimed to other biotypes or races of the same pest or pathogen. If in a resistance code no reference is made to pest biotypes or pathogen races for which the resistance is claimed this means that resistance is claimed only to certain not further specified pest biotypes or pathogen races. Two levels of resistance are defined: (a) High/standard resistance (HR): plant varieties that highly restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen under normal pest or pathogen pressure when compared to susceptible varieties. These plant varieties may, however, exhibit some symptoms or damage under heavy pest or pathogen pressure. (b) Moderate/ intermediate resistance (IR): plant varieties that restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen, but may exhibit a greater range of symptoms or damage compared to high/standard resistant varieties. Moderately/intermediately resistant plant varieties will still show less severe symptoms or damage than susceptible plant varieties when grown under similar environmental conditions and/or pest or pathogen pressure. - Susceptibility: is the inability of a plant variety to restrict the growth and development of a specified pest or pathogen. Article 13 Force Majeure 1. The seller shall not be liable for non-fulfillment of these Conditions of Sale in the event of strike, fire, floods or natural disasters, delay of carriers, act of government, shortages of required raw material or materials required for the fulfillment of these Conditions of Sale, unforeseeable stagnation of suppliers or other third parties or any other cause beyond the seller's control (Force Majeure Event). The seller's obligations under these Conditions of Sale shall be suspended for so long as the Force Majeure Event continues. 2. In the event of a Force Majeure Event occurring, the seller will inform the customer as soon as possible. 3. In case a Force Majeure Event exists for longer than two months, both parties will be entitled to terminate the affected purchase order. In such a case, the seller will not be obliged to deliver any goods or provide any indemnification to the customer. 4. In the event of a Force Majeure event occurring, the customer will not be obliged to provide any compensation.
Article 14 Further use/cultivation 1. The goods shall not be re-sold by the customer in any matter without the prior written consent of the seller. 2. The customer is not allowed to use the goods delivered for further propagation and/or reproduction of propagating material. 3. The customer shall allow the seller, or anyone, who controls on behalf of the seller, direct access to its business, including and in particular the greenhouses of its business, in order that the seller can carry out inspections. “Business” in this article shall also mean any business activities that are carried out by a third party on behalf of the customer. The customer shall upon request also allow direct access to its administration with regard to the relevant propagating material. 4. If the goods delivered are sold to a third party, the customer must impose the stipulations of paragraph 2 and 3 of this article on penalty of damages to that third party. Article 15 Intellectual property rights 1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the customer must not use, or cause to register the seller’s intellectual property rights (including without limitation any trademarks, names or logos, plant breeder's rights or patents) in any way. 2. If the goods delivered are sold to a third party, the customer must impose this stipulation on penalty of damages to that third party. Article 16. Seed-treatment at the request of the customer Except where the Australian Consumer Law (as applicable) provides otherwise: 1. In case the goods, at special request of the customer, are being treated by or on behalf of the seller, the seller does not provide any guarantee regarding the effectiveness and/or consequences of such treatment. The seller shall not be liable for any damage resulting from treatment performed at the special request of the customer. 2. If the seller can nevertheless be held liable for any damages resulting from a treatment performed at special request of the customer, the liability of the seller shall be limited to the extent possible and at its sole discretion, to replacement of the goods or crediting the invoice related to the concerned goods. All data concerning the goods are based on tests, executed prior to the requested treatment. Article 17 Severability Part or all of any provision of these Conditions of Sale that is illegal or unenforceable may be severed from the Conditions of Sale and the remaining provisions of the Conditions of Sale continue in force. Article 18 Applicable law and jurisdiction These Conditions of Sale will be subject to and governed by law of the State of Victoria and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State. Article 19 Waiver If the seller has a right arising from the customer’s failure to comply with these Conditions of Sale and delays in exercising or does not exercise that right, that delay in exercising or failure to exercise that right is not a waiver of that right or any other right. Article 20 PPSA 1. The customer acknowledges that these Conditions of Sale create a security interest in the goods supplied to the customer for the purposes of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPSA). In addition, the customer grants the seller a charge in all goods supplied to the customer under these Conditions of Sale, which charge secures the performance by the customer of its obligations to the seller. 2. Nothing in these Conditions of Sale may be construed as an agreement or consent by the seller to: i) subordinate any security interest granted in favour of the seller in favour of any person; or ii) defer or postpone the date of attachment of any security interest granted in favour of the seller. 3. The customer must not create or cause to be created a security interest over, or in respect of its rights in, the goods, other than a security interest arising under these Conditions of Sale and other than a security interest granted by the customer in all of its assets in favour of a bank or similar financial institution. 4. The customer must not, without the seller's prior consent, allow: i) the goods to become mixed or commingled with any other property; ii) the goods to
Prices do not include GST
become an accession to any other property; or iii) any other property to become an accession to the goods. 5. The customer must do all things and provide all information necessary to enable the seller to perfect its security interest in the goods, including: i) ensuring that the security interest is enforceable against third parties, or otherwise effective; and ii) assisting the seller to complete the registration of any financing statement or financing change statement (each as defined in the PPSA). 6. The customer must immediately notify the seller if any other person attempts to enforce a security interest in the goods. 7. The seller may apply or appropriate all money received from the customer as the seller sees fit (including so as to enable the seller to preserve any purchase money security interest (as defined in the PPSA)). An application or appropriation by the seller will override any appropriation made by the customer. For the purposes of the PPSA, this paragraph constitutes the method of payment application agreed by the parties. 8. To the extent permitted by law, the customer irrevocably waives its right to receive notice of a verification statement (as defined in the PPSA) in respect of each security interest granted in favour of the seller. 9. To the extent permitted by law, the customer irrevocably waives any rights under sections 95, 118, 121(4), 130 and 132(4) of the PPSA. 10. Where the seller has rights or powers in addition to, or existing separately from, those in Chapter 4 of the PPSA, those rights and powers will continue to apply and are not limited or excluded (or otherwise adversely affected) by the PPSA. Additional conditions for the sale of seeds per square metre Article 21 Amount The amount of seeds to be bought will be determined in consultation by the production advisor of seller and customer. This amount will be mentioned in the order form. To determine the amount of seeds, the number of square metre on which customer will grow plants shall be determined first. Said number shall also be mentioned in the order form. Seller will indicate the maximum amount of plants per square metre, which amount shall be mentioned in the order form. A deviation from the aforementioned starting point might have consequences for the price per net square metre. Article 22 Payment 1. The price per net square metre as included in the order form is valid for one growing period as indicated in the order form. “Net” means that only the surface that can be used for the production of plants, will be taken into account for the determination of the number of square metres. 2. Invoicing for the amount due for the seeds, will take place in one term upon delivery. Article 23 Use of the seeds 1. Customer will (cause to) use the seeds only for one production of plants on the number of square metres and in the growing period as included in the order form. [In case a variety is grown on more square metres than the square metres agreed upon, customer will pay to seller twice the price as mentioned in article 22 for each square metre that exceeds the number of square metres as agreed upon. In case seeds remain after the period in which plants have been raised, seller shall collect these seeds. 2. Customer is not allowed to provide the seeds or any other material of a variety in whatever form to third parties. Customer is however permitted to provide the seeds to a plant raiser if i) the plant raiser only uses the seeds to grow young plants for customer in accordance with the number of square metres and growing period as included in the order form and ii) the plant raiser delivers all the remaining seeds and all young plants that were grown out of the seeds to customer. For this purpose, the customer shall give the relevant information to the seller.
© 2014, RIJK ZWAAN Australia Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of any nature, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Rijk Zwaan
Plants per ha (*1000)
Broccoli Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celeriac Corn Salad Cucumber Eggplant Endive Leek Lettuce Melon Mini Cucumber Parsley Spinach (Baby) Spinach (Bunching) Sweet Pepper Swiss Chard Tomato Watermelon
250 200 - 300 700 - 1,300 250 - 300 2,200 - 2,600 280 - 350 30 - 50 200 600 340 - 440 850 - 1,200 20 - 45 30 -50 500 - 600 80 - 100 80 - 100 120 - 150 100 300 25 - 30
40 - 100 22 - 90 1,200 - 1,600 40 - 100 100 10kg seed/ha 15 - 20 16 - 20 60 - 90 160 - 200 80 - 120 8 - 25 15 - 25 5kg seed/ha 6 - 8 mil seeds ha 2,500 - 3,000 18 - 30 6,000 20 - 30 9 - 15
Seeds per gram
The number of seeds per gram is an estimate only and depends on the harvest and on the grading of the seed. Plant density depends on the crop, the growing system used and the growing season and may vary under different local conditions.
Fruit crops
Planting Guide
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Rijk Zwaan’s descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information in whatever form for example on expiry, sowing, planting and harvesting dates are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan does not accept in any case liability for damages resulting from the use of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information. The buyer/user itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended cultivations and under the local conditions. The pictures in this edition show the types to which the varieties as mentioned belong and not all varieties as such. These pictures do not constitute any warranty, express or implied, of crop performance.
Rijk Zwaan Australia Pty Ltd £ PO Box 284 Daylesford, Victoria 3460 £ Australia £ T (03) 5348 9000 £