Mikro Chimaera: A Smaller Portfolio of Rinaldo Hartanto

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Chimaera a smaller portfolio of Rinaldo Hartanto



Daftar Isi Table of Contents Riwayat Singkat Resume Ilustrasi Illustration Fotografi Photography Desain Editorial Editorial Design Tugas Akhir: Novel Grafis Final Project: Graphic Novel

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Riwayat Singkat Resume 5

“A fledging graphic designer and illustrator with great passion in art, culture, and history. Eager to learn in new things.�


Nama Lengkap | Full Name Rinaldo Hartanto Tempat & Tanggal Lahir | Place & Date of Birth Magelang, April 14th 1988 Telepon | Phone +62 819 086 11 838 +62 812 155 02 95

Bahasa Bahasa Indonesia, Inggris (medok), Jawa, Sunda Minat Desain grafis, seni rupa, seni pertunjukan, wayang, ornamen, kebudayaan, mitologi, sejarah, semiotika, komik, literatur, film

Email | Email azuric_revolution@yahoo.com valgranaire@gmail.com Situs Pribadi | Personal Websites Portfolio: reidge.deviantart.com Moodboard: valgranaire.tumblr.com Blog: kalasastra.tumblr.com

Language Spoken Indonesian, English (Javanese accent), Javanese, Sundanese Interests Graphic design, fine art, performing art, wayang, ornaments, culture, mythology, history, semiotic, comic, literature, film

Keahlian Pemikiran konseptual, ilustrasi, tipografi, copywriting, pengoperasian Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), trivia pop culture, humor garing

Skills Conceptual thinking, llustration, typography, copywriting, Adobe programs mastery (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), pop culture trivia, corny jokes

Inspirasi & Pengaruh Yoshitaka Amano, Inoue Takehiko, Alphonse Mucha, Aubrey Beardsley, Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Will Eisner, David Beauchard, Teguh Santosa, Reza Abedini

Inspiration & Influences Yoshitaka Amano, Inoue Takehiko, Alphonse Mucha, Aubrey Beardsley, Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Will Eisner, David Beauchard, Teguh Santosa, Reza Abedini


pendidikan formal formal education 1992-1994

TK Bentara Wacana, Muntilan

Bentara Wacana Kindergarten, Muntilan


SD Bentara Wacana, Muntilan

Bentara Wacana Elementary School, Muntilan


SLTP Bentara Wacana, Muntilan

Bentara Wacana Junior Highschool, Muntilan


SMU Kolese De Britto, Yogyakarta

Kolese De Britto Highschool, Yogyakarta


Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung

Faculty of Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung


Desain Komunikasi Visual, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Lippo Karawaci

Visual Communication Design Major, University of Pelita Harapan, Lippo Karawaci

pengalaman kerja & organisasi work & organizational experience



•Lomba Pidato Bahasa Jawa SMU Kolese De Britto, Seksi Acara

•Kolese De Britto Highschool Javanese Speech Competition, Event Committee


•Re-mural Siliwangi Bandung, Peserta •Pameran Akademis ‘Akar’, Seksi Acara

•Re-mural Siliwangi Bandung, Participant •‘Akar’ Academic Exhibition, Event Committee


•Artbound DKV UPH, Seksi Acara •Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan DKV UPH, Seksi Pameran •Kelas Ilustrasi 1 DKV UPH, Asisten Mahasiswa

•DKV UPH Artbound, Event Committee •DKV UPH Student Comittee, Exhibition Committee •DKV UPH Illustration 1 Class, Student Assistant


•Artbound DKV UPH, Seksi Acara •Kelas Ilustrasi 1 DKV UPH, Asisten Mahasiswa •Kelas Ilustrasi 2 DKV UPH, Asisten Mahasiswa •Kelas Sejarah dan Apresiasi Desain 1 DKV UPH, Asisten Mahasiswa •Studi Tur Bali DKV UPH, Ketua Panitia

•DKV UPH Artbound, Event Committee •DKV UPH Illustration 1 Class, Student Assistant •DKV UPH Illustration 2 Class, Student Assistant •DKV UPH History and Appreciation of Design 1 Class, Student Assistant •DKV UPH Bali Study Tour, Committee Chairman


•Kelas Cross-Cultural Design DKV UPH, Asisten Mahasiswa •Kelas Gambar 2 DKV UPH, Asisten Mahasiswa •Pameran Ilustrasi ‘Daydream,’ Seksi Acara •Pameran Lukisan ‘Eskapis,’ Ketua Panitia •Indonesia Graphic Design Award 2009, Volunteer •DesignEko, Intern Desain Grafis

•DKV UPH Cross-Cultural Design Class, Student Assistant •DKV UPH Drawing 2 Class, Student Assistant •‘Daydream’ Illustration Exhibition, Event Committee •‘Eskapis’ Painting Exhibition, Committee Chairman •Indonesia Graphic Design Award 2009, Volunteer •DesignEko, Graphic Design Intern


•Kelas Cross-Cultural Design DKV UPH, Asisten Mahasiswa •Kelas Sejarah dan Apresiasi Desain 2 DKV UPH, Asisten Mahasiswa •Kelas Desain Komunikasi Visual 1 DKV UPH, Asisten Mahasiswa

•DKV UPH Cross-Cultural Design Class, Student Assistant •DKV UPH History and Appreciation of Design 2 Class, Student Assistant •DKV UPH Visual Communication Design 1 Class, Student Assistant


pameran pilihan selected exhibition 2007 Pameran Akademis ‘Akar,’ Gedung


Serba Guna, Institut Teknologi Bandung

‘Akar’ Academic Exhibition, Gedung Serba Guna, Bandung Institute of Technology


Pameran Akademis UPH Festival XIV, Ruang B242, Universitas Pelita Harapan

UPH Festival XIV Academic Exhibition, Room B242, University of Pelita Harapan


Pameran Ilustrasi ‘Daydream,’ Galeri Gedung B Universitas Pelita Harapan ‘Bark #2,’ Pameran Online Project Bark Pameran Lukisan ‘Eskapis,’ Studio Lukis, Universitas Pelita Harapan

‘Daydream’ Illustration Exhibition, Bulding B Gallery, University of Pelita Harapan ‘Bark #2,’ Project Bark Online Exhibition ‘Eskapis’ Painting Exhibition, Painting Studio, University of Pelita Harapan


‘Bark #9 - 1st Anniversary,’ Pameran Online Project Bark

‘Bark #9 - 1st Anniversary,’ Project Bark Online Exhibition



Karya Pilihan Selected Works



tipe: ilustrasi type: illustration

Menggambar adalah salah satu kesenangan saya sejak kecil. Ketika masuk bangku perkuliahan, ilustrasi menjadi bidang favorit saya. Kisah, tokoh dan makhluk mitologi, khususnya dari Indonesia adalah subjek utama dalam karya saya.

Drawing has been my hobby since I was young. Even as an university student, illustration was my favourite subject. Indonesian mythological stories, characters and creatures, are main subjects in my works.



tipe: fotografi type: photography

Foto-foto ini diambil pada rentang waktu 2007-2010. Saya suka mengambil fotografi seni pertunjukan dalam format hitam-putih. Lanskap yang mistis dan puitis juga memikat saya.

These work are taken from 2007 to 2010. I particularly enjoy to take black and white photography with performance art as subject. Mystical and poetic landscapes amaze me too.




tipe: desain editorial type: editorial design

Brief proyek ini adalah meredesign majalah yang memiliki layout yang kurang menarik dan sistematis. Majalah yang dipilih adalah Gong, majalah seni budaya yang berbasis di Yogyakarta.

The brief of this project is to redesign a magazine with uninteresting and unsystematic layout. The magazine chosen was Gong, an art and culture magazine based in Yogyakarta.

Gambar-gambar di atas dan samping adalah eksplorasi typeface untuk nameplate majalah. Pada versi final, Anke Calligraphic dipilih karena swash-nya yang fluid dan elegan, sesuai dengan konsep seni-budaya yang luwes terhadap perubahan jaman. Those are typefaces explorations for nameplate. In the final exploration , Anke Calligraphic was chosen for its fluid and elegant swashes, suitable for art and culture concept which fleible against the changes of time.


Gambar-gambar di atas adalah contoh layout baru. Sistem 7 grid digunakan untuk membangun tampilan eksperimental dan asimetris. Adobe Garamond Pro dan Avenir LT digunakan sebagai typeface utama.

Here are some examples of the new layout. 7-grid system columns are used to convey experimental and asymmetrical looks. Adobe Garamond Pro and Avenir LT are used as main typefaces.



Kebanyakan halaman majalah ini didesain dengan mengeksploitasi elemen hitam-putih seperti citra fotografis dan ilustrasi, mengikuti tampilan majalah asli.

Most pages are designed by exploiting the black and white elements such as photographic images and illustrations, after the original.




tipe: tugas akhir - novel grafis type: final project - graphic novel

Proyek Tugas Akhir ini mengangkat novel Anak Bajang Menggiring Angin karangan Sindhunata dan mengadaptasinya ke dalam bentuk novel grafis. Tujuan akhirnya adalah menciptakan visualisasi yang akurat, menarik, dan persuasif. This Final Project discussed about Anak Bajang Menggiring Angin, a novel written by Sindhunata, and adapted it into graphic novel form. The final objective is to create an accurate, intriguing and persuasive visualization.


Proses pertama adalah brainstorming, perencanaan proses kerja, dan riset. Diagram di bawah menggambarkan alur kerja yang sistematis dari keseluruhan proyek ini. The first steps taken were brainstorming, work planning, and researching. The diagram below depicts a systematic workflow of the whole project.

Berbagai studi visual maupun literatur dilakukan setelahnya. Referensi visual yang digunakan antara lain novel grafis Epileptik oleh David Beauchard dan wayang orang Sriwedari. Numerous visual and literary research was committed. The example of visual references used were Epileptic (a graphic novel by David Beauchard and wayang orang (theater) of Sriwedari.


Gaya visual yang akhirnya dipilih adalah stilasi wayang kulit Gagrag Solo. Gagrag ini memiliki anatomi yang lebih ramping dan anggun daripada Gagrag Yogyakarta. Lengan-kaki yang panjang dimanfaatkan untuk mendramatisir adegan dan cerita. Stylized wayang kulit Gagrag Solo (Solonese style shadow puppet) was chosen for visual style. This gagrag has slimmer and more elegant anatomy compared to Gagrag Yogyakarta. Elongated limbs were exploited to dramatizes action and story.


Langkah selanjutnya adalah mengilustrasikan gambar secara digital berdasar naskah yang telah disusun dari novel asli. Ilustrasi dikerjakan dengan Photoshop sedangkan bingkai dan teks dilayout secara digital juga dengan menggunakan InDesign.

The next step is to digitally visualize the illustration based on the script. The script itself was an adaption of the original novel. Illustrations were made in Photoshop while frames and text were also layouted digitally with InDesign.


Buku dicetak hitam putih pada Japanese Book Paper 160gsm. Total jumlah halaman sebanyak 64. The book was printed in black and white on Japanese Book Paper 160gsm. This book comprised of 64 pages.



Berikut adalah sketsa dan desain untuk sampul buku. Ilustrasi secara simbolis menggambarkan garis besar edisi buku yang bersangkutan. Proyek ini hanya mencakup edisi ke-7 (yang diadaptasi dari bab ke-7 novel asli). Sampul edisi ke-6 dan ke-8 juga didesain untuk menyampaikan sebuah sistem visual yang jelas.


These are preeliminary sketches and designs for book cover. The illustrations symboliize the general plot of respective issue. This project only cover the 7th issue (which adapted from the 7th chapter of the original novel). 6th and 8th issue’s cover were also designed, in order to convey a clear visual system.

Tema utama untuk edisi 7 adalah dualisme. Siang dan malam, naga dan garuda, kebaikan dan kejahatan adalah subtemasubtema yang dipertentangkan dalam edisi ini. Keseluruhan tema itu ditampilkan dalam desain sampul di samping.

The main theme of the 7th issue is dualism. Day and night, naga serpent and garuda bird, good and evil are opposed subthemes in this issue. All of these theme and subthemes are visually presented on the final cover design in the next page.


Setiap edisi juga memiliki palet warna khas yang menyimbolkan tema-tema utama. Integritas sistem visual dicapai dengan tipografi, mandala, dan fotografi hitam-putih sebagai latar belakang. Every issue also has its own colour palette which symbolize main themes. Visual system integrity was achieved with typography, mandala and black and white photography as background.



This Portfolio is Authorized by Rinaldo Hartanto All Artworks Belongs to Rinaldo Hartanto All Photographs by Rinaldo Hartanto No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or other wise, without prior permission in writing from the author. Rinaldo Hartanto Š 2011


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