November 2017 issue 64

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Issue 64 - November 2017 ISSN 1745-4654

Darlington Today | 1


Bring t h e ch i l dr e n t o o n e o f o u r Su nday lu nc hes and enjo y a tradi ti o nal 3 c o u rse meal. Al l c h i l d ren c a n v i si t S a n ta in his m agical grot t o an d w il l receive a gif t S u n d a y 3 rd , S u n d a y 1 0, S un day 1 7 t h & S un day 2 4 t h Decem b er £1 8. 95 p e r a d u l t, £9 . 5 0 p er chil d (ages 3 -1 2 ) U n der 3 ’s f ree.



Aft er all the sh o ppi n g , pl a n n i n g a n d p rep arati o ns f o r C hri stmas D ay c o me and si t bac k , r e l a x a nd let u s do the c o o ki ng. E n j o y a d el i c i o u s l u n c h w it h f am il y an d f rien ds . £ 2 4 .0 0 p er adul t £ 1 2 .0 0 p er chil d.



A F e st i ve A f t e r n oo n tea at Blac kwell Grange H o tel I s a r e a l t r e a t a f t e r a bu sy day sp ent i n a whi rl o f C hri stmas Sh o ppi n g o r t o wa r m u p af ter a f ro sty wi nter walk. Take a Coup le o f h o u r s o u t t o j u st st o p, relax and share an i ndu lgent treat wi th a f ri end. £ 1 3 .9 5 p er p ers on .



B r i n g yo u r pa r ty to o u r p arty and enjo y a great N ig h t out a t o u r f e st i ve di sco i n cl u ding a 3 c o u rse c arvery di nner and di sc o u nti l 1 .0 0 am Av a i l a b l e o n Th u rsdays , F ridays , S at urdays , & S un days . Fro m £ 1 5 .0 0 p er p ers on

BLACKWELL GRANGE HOTEL Grange Road, Darlington, County Durham DL3 8QH Tel: 01325 509955


Win a tabl e f o r f o ur f o r a 3 co u rs e Sunday l unch priced at £15. 95 per head. Simp ly an s wer th e f o llo wi ng ques ti o n.

H ow m uc h i s a Fe s t i v e A f t e r noon T e a a t Th e B la c k we ll Gr an ge Ho tel? Closing date to enter is Friday 19th January. | For entry details please see the bottom of page 29.

local, relevant and entertaining It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so pop the kettle on, get cosy in your Christmas pyjamas and snuggle up on the sofa to enjoy this extra special, festive edition of Darlington Today.


We’ve got a whole host of Christmassy content for you to indulge in, including a gift guide on what to buy your family, friends and pets this Noel, a tried and tested on the most delicious treats and tipples to serve up at the dinner table this December, and of course, a round-up of what’s on in Darlington this winter.

10 Theatre re-opens

This issue also looks at the re-opening of Darlington’s Hippodrome, as well as what festive fashion you can rock at this year’s Christmas party.

18 Festive fashion

And if that isn’t enough to warm you up this winter, there’s a chance to win an overnight spa stay for two at Ragdale Hall, one night at The Coquetvale hotel and a stay at the Holiday Inn Washington, among other prizes. That’s all from me. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year – see you in 2018.

Giving to Life Tree

The Giving to Life Tree, in aid of St Teresa’s Hospice, has returned to Darlington’s Cornmill Centre again this year offering people the chance to leave a Christmas greeting, a message to loved ones, or the opportunity to remember someone they have lost. The Tree will be open for your messages 10am-4pm Monday-Saturday and 10:30am4pm on Sundays until December 24th, and will continue to stand in the Cornmill Centre into the New Year, when a non-


4 What’s new?


Stay in the know on what’s happening in Darlington

The new Darlington Hippodrome opens its doors

14 No more present panic

We’ve got this year’s gift-buying all wrapped up

Get dressed to the nines this Christmas time

22 Festive food and a tipple or two…

Shannon Hodge explores this season’s top treats and tipples

27 Competition time

Win an overnight reviver break for two at Ragdale Hall


denominational blessing service will be held before the tree is taken down. We need dozens of volunteers to help run this appeal; if you would like to help, please contact Supporter Services on 01325 254321. Venue: Cornmill Shopping Centre, Darlington Date: until Sunday 24th December Time: 10am-4pm Monday-Saturday, 10:30am-4pm Sunday For more events please visit

Win a pair of tickets to see Cinderella on Friday 5th Jan 1.30pm matinee performance Book early for our Christmas 2017 / 2018 pantomime Cinderella - tickets are on sale now. Make sure you get your favourite seats for what promises to be a fantastic festive treat with some very special surprises. Is this the best value panto in the North East? - look at our website to find out. Running time is approximately 2 hours 30 minutes including interval - please note this is a guide only.

Answer the following question to win a pair of tickets.

How much is a full price ticket to see Cinderella at the Forum Theatre on Friday 5th January? Box office tel 01642 552663 - Closing date for entries is Friday 22nd December - See page 28 for entry details or email your answer with full name & address to:

27 PUBLISHER & ADVERTISING Riney Publishing Limited, Sue Riney-Smith t: 01325 304360 e:

EDITORIAL Shannon Hodge and Bronia McGregor, Sorted PR t: 0191 265 6111 e: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate at the time of going to print, the publishers cannot accept responsibilities for errors, omissions, or changes in the details given. Front cover image: Madama Butterfly courtesy of acclaimed Russian State Opera

Competitions: Riney Publishing cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may occur, individual products or services advertised, late entries or prizes not received. No part of this publication may be reproduced or scanned without prior written permission of the publishers.

Darlington Today | 3

LOCALNEWS TEES VALLEY BUSINESS LEADER ‘BRAVES THE SHAVE’ IN FRIEND’S MEMORY Karl Pemberton, Managing Director of Active Chartered Financial Planners, has braved the shave in memory of his friend, Michael Airey, to raise money for cancer charity, Bright Red. Macmillan Cancer Support’s ‘Brave the Shave’ invites people to shave their heads as a mark of solidarity with cancer patients and raise money for charity at the same time. Now Karl has taken to social media to challenge other business leaders in the region to follow him in joining the campaign to raise further funds for the local charity that supported Michael, who lost his battle to blood cancer in July. Michael’s family launched a Just Giving page in his memory to raise money for Bright Red, a Newcastle-based blood cancer charity, which works to improve the lives of patients in the North East. The family originally aimed to raise £5000 through the page but thanks to generous donations from people like Karl, they have raised more than £10,000 to date. Karl said: “I wanted to raise money in Michael’s memory because he was a well-respected member of the Tees Valley business community. I will remember him very fondly, and the incredible amount of money raised by his family on the Just Giving page is a wonderful tribute to his life. “I’m now challenging any of my fellow professionals to do the same and raise money to help fight this horrible disease. If we can give our time, our money, or in my case, our hair, to help those who are suffering then I think we should step up and do it.”

ODDMANOUT, Encountering the Other

Karl Pemberton, Managing Director at Active Financial

A spokesperson for Bright Red said: “Bright Red aims to make the North East the safest place in the UK, if not the world, to be treated for blood cancer. We cannot continue to do the vital research and treatment we have carried out since 1998 without the support of fundraising and grants. “We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the Just Giving page in Michael Airey’s memory, as they have made a significant contribution to Bright Red’s work in the future.” To donate to the Just Giving page, visit michael-r-airey

THEATRE COLLABORATION BRINGS SOUTH AFRICA TO DARLINGTON DARLINGTON-BASED theatre company, ODDMANOUT, has formed an international collaboration with Johannesburg’s Market Theatre Laboratory for a new production examining womanhood in 2017. A female led project, Encountering the Other will combine an exciting fusion of live and digital


Hospice Chief Executive Jane Bradshaw, Darren Watson and son Daniel pictured outside the Michelle Parker Butterfly Room at St Teresa’s Hospice, Darlington

A HEARTFELT donation to a local hospice has given families the gift of time to say goodbye to loved ones that have passed away. St Teresa’s Hospice, Darlington, has taken delivery of its first cooling mat system which helps to preserve a body after death, enabling the family to keep their loved ones with them for several hours longer than usual to help with the grieving process. The new Flexmort cover cool system was purchased following a donation from local businessman Darren Watson, whose partner Michelle Parker lost her fight for life after battling a brain tumour in 2010. “I wanted to do something to keep Michelle’s memory alive and to give something back,” said Mr Watson, who launched The Michelle Parker Charity to raise money for equipment at The James Cook Hospital where Michelle received her care. “We managed to raise an incredible £40,000 through auctions and charity fundraisers which

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meant that we were able to help not only James Cook but also other charities closer to home. “I saw the building work going on at St Teresa’s while driving home one evening, so I called in to see if there was anything that we could help them with.” Mr Watson’s generous donation of £18,760 also enabled the hospice to equip and furnish one of its state of the art rooms in its new £1.2 million in-patient unit, which has been named The Michelle Parker Butterfly room. “I’m absolutely delighted with the room,” said Mr Watson, who was given a tour of the facility with son Daniel. “It’s a really wonderful tribute to Michelle naming the room in her honour and being able to give something back to help families who have lost loved ones is just what Michelle would have wanted.” Chief executive of St Teresa’s Hospice Jane Bradshaw added: “The donation from The Michelle Parker Charity came at just the right time for us in the middle of a major expansion project. “This is the first room we have named in memory of someone and patients will really benefit from the fantastic contribution that Darren, his family and The Michelle Parker Charity have made. “Being able to purchase our first Flexmort system will also be a tremendous gift to many families allowing them to stay longer with their loved ones after they have passed away.”

performance and is set to challenge perception, demand empowerment and unite cultures through conversation and creation. Through a series of workshops and rehearsals in both the UK and South Africa, participants in the project will explore the themes and issues surrounding the lives of young women today. This will culminate with two performances at South Africa’s Ramolao Makhene Theatre in October, before a further one-off performance at the newly restored Darlington Hippodrome on Monday 27th November, at 7.30pm. Throughout the week of the Darlington showcase, the full cast from The Market Theatre Laboratory, who are flying in from South Africa for the occasion, will be holding exciting workshops for budding North East actors in Darlington. ODDMANOUT, which was established in 2013 by Katy Weir and Scott Young, prides itself on creating work with a strong focus on social change and theatre with story-telling at its heart. Commenting on the new production, Katy, who has previously travelled to South Africa with the Swallows Foundation UK said: ‘We’re very excited about the collaboration and the global profile of this project. “We aim to achieve mixed gender, class, and race participation, providing a more inclusive outcome in a way that transcends more than just cultural divides, but also divides of gender, class, and sexuality.”

GOLFERS HELP CRACK £200,000 HOSPICE FUNDRAISING BARRIER CHARITY golfers addressed the ball and raised money for a good cause at the same time, helping an annual event crack the £200,000 barrier. 24 teams of four teed off at Blackwell Golf Club, Darlington for the 17th annual golf day organised by North-East based home care provider, Heritage Healthcare, in aid of St Teresa’s Hospice. The charity rounds and presentation evening raised £15,000 which brought the amount raised for the hospice, which serves the people of Darlington, South West Durham and North Yorkshire, to £210,000. Overall winners were Stockton-based charted surveyors, Robertson Simpson Ltd. Director of Heritage Healthcare, Glenn Pickersgill, was delighted with the results: “Once again we have had a fantastic turnout and an incredible response from businesses and local organisations who donated prizes.

Above par, Stockton-based charted surveyors Robertson Simpson Ltd, winners of the annual Heritage Healthcare charity golf tournament, L-R, Jonny Weastell, Tony Wentworth, Sally Pickersgill, Paul Tully, Bran Tully, Glenn Pickersgill

“St Teresa’s Hospice is so important for our community; everyone knows someone who has been supported by their incredible staff, including myself, so fundraising for such an amazing charity is an integral part of what we do at Heritage Healthcare.” St Teresa’s chief executive Jane Bradshaw said: “This has been another wonderful day. St Teresa’s Hospice is a community charity, owned by the people of Darlington and District, and we can only continue to do what we do with continued help and support from local people.

Nusrat Razzaq, engagement support officer, Learning Curve Group and Allison Mckay, managing director of Humantics CIC

NEW PARTNERSHIP CREATES TRAINING COURSES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AN EXCITING partnership will provide fully funded courses for young people in Darlington to help them gain the skills needed for



THE TEAM behind three of Teesside’s best restaurants have launched a range of signature wine to celebrate the fifth birthday of one of its eateries. Marcus Bennett and his business partner Jonathan Hall, who run Muse and Cena in Yarm and the Bay Horse in Hurworth, have launched the new wines as part of Muse’s anniversary celebrations, although they will be available in all three of the restaurants. Marcus said: “Wine is a passion of mine, and I’ve always wanted my own label. Since my early days in the restaurant industry, I’ve learned all I can about the grapes, districts, and processes involved in its production.” Marcus and Jonathan were sampling wines with wine expert, Richard Kelley, when they settled upon the idea of creating their own wine story. Jonathan said: “We wanted to create a wine that reflected the quality of our food; demonstrated our ethos of excellence throughout all three restaurants, and told a real story.” Seeing this as an opportunity to develop and grow their brand and having worked with Richard to select their limited-edition wines straight from the cask, Marcus and Jonathan set about working with Gallerina in Darlington

The collaboration between the two companies


The Forum Music Centre at Borough Road will be the first facility in the area to offer fully funded courses by the Learning Curve Group, which specialises in education and training. will mean The Forum can now offer a wide variety of SIA accredited courses, including Customer Services and Health and Social Care, as well as specialist courses in Dementia Care, Mental Master of Wine, Richard ‘The Liberator’ Kelley and Marcus Bennett enjoy the new signature wines available at Muse, Cena, and The Bay Horse.

to design a label to fit with the ambience of all three restaurants. The result artwork by James Paterson, includes a chenin blanc; Voodoo Vixen, and a red made from Touriga Nacional grapes called Smouldering Siren. Both grapes are from South Africa.

This fantastic partnership is just one of the ways The Forum, which is run by Humantics, is seeking to develop its future. Allison McKay, managing director of Humantics CIC, said: “It is fantastic to be part of this support pathway for people to gain new skills and experience in a variety of sectors.

Marcus said: “South Africa produces exceptional wines, and we felt these names match our chosen flavours and characteristics.

Engagement Support Officer at the Learning

The whole design for each of these wines has been inspired by the idea of the chapters of a murder mystery novel and we hope to continue this idea in the future.”

19 and above with the aim of transforming lives

AN INSPIRATIONAL carer has cut her hair to raise money for charity in aid of a cause close to her heart. Jackie Jackson, a support worker for a pupil at Beaumont Hill Academy, Darlington, decided to cut her hair, which she had been growing for over five years, to help raise funds for an Acheeva Bed for the specialist school, which supports children with a range of disabilities from learning difficulties to severe and complex needs. Jackie, 53, who provides the daily health and care requirements for pupil Alfie Bower, said: “Children like Alfie, who have extremely complex health needs, can be in a wheelchair for up to eight hours a day with very little room to move around.

Beaumont Hill Academy support worker Jackie Jackson, 53, centre with pupil Alfie Bower and teaching assistant Jo Longstaff surrounded by staff and students

Health awareness, and Understanding Autism.

“They need to be able to lie down and stretch out and the Acheeva beds provide the full postural support needed. They are very expensive and although the academy already has some they are quite old and need replacing.”

Curve Group, Nusrat Razzaq, said: “We deliver various courses for unemployed individuals aged and giving people the skills to move forward.”

Fellow Beaumont Hill Academy teaching assistant, Jo Longstaff ,was given the honour of chopping 24 inches off Jackie’s hair, which will be donated to The Little Princess Trust, a UK Charity which provides free real hair wigs to children who have lost their own through cancer treatment or other illnesses. “I’ve already raised over £400 through my Just Giving page and hopefully a lot more people will support me to help towards the cost of the bed, which is around £4000,” said Jackie. Beaumont Hill Academy principal Caroline Green added: “We had been applying to a number of charities to help us try to buy a new Acheeva bed but unfortunately had been unsuccessful. “This is a wonderful gesture from Jackie and all the people who have supported her.” To donate to the Just Giving page, visit: jacqueline-jackson-1

Darlington Today | 5

Darlington Christmas Lights Switch On In In Association Association with with Feethams Feethams Darlington Darlington

Thursday Thursday 23 23 November November 5pm 5pm -- 6.30pm 6.30pm

Darlington Market Square Darlington Market Square Hosted by TFM’s Steve & Hosted by TFM’s Steve & Karen Karen Special appearance from Special appearance from Santa Claus Santa Claus Panto star guest appearance Panto star guest appearance from the Darlington from the Darlington Hippdrome pantomime Hippdrome pantomime Street theatre and Street theatre and performances performances throughout the show throughout the show Fireworks Finale Fireworks Finale And music, games And music, games and competitions and competitions For For further further details details call call 01325 01325 406417 406417 Find events Find us us on on events in in Darlington Darlington

6 | Darlington Today

Christmas gift vouchers for a magical & memorable experience...

Choose from an overnight stay, a relaxing day spa package, a meal in the restaurant or simply a monetary value. Vouchers can be purchased in person at our reception or online at

Christmas events at Headlam Snowball Party Nights

The In-between Party

New Year’s Eve Ball

8 , 9 , 15 , 16 & 22 December

28 December

31st December

We still have some limited availability on these dates when you can enjoy a three-course dinner followed by dancing to our disco and a great live band! Tickets are £40 per person, minimum party size of 6.

A fantastic night out with great food and live music from an excellent pop/rock band. Proceeds from this night go to St Teresa’s Hospice in Darlington. Tickets are £45 per person, minimum table size of 4.

This glamorous black tie event includes a Champagne reception, six-course dinner with wine and entertainment including a saxophonist, disco, live band and firework display. Tickets are £99 per person with tables in either the restaurant or ballroom.






w w .u k


Headlam Hall He ad l am N e ar Gain fo r d Dar l in gto n DL 2 3 H A Tel: 01325 730238 r e ce p tio n @ h e ad l am h al l . co . u k

TIS THE SEASON TO GET CREATIVE AT THE WORD Bronia McGregor looks at all the events The Word has to offer this Christmas. Sleigh bells are ringing, the wreaths are out and it’s the most wonderful time of the year to visit The Word, the National Centre for the Written Word in South Shields. With a stocking-full of exciting Christmas themed events, facilities for researching local and family history, a retro gaming zone, interactive media wall and much more, there’s no reason not to make a day trip out of it. The Christmas events kick off with Fablab in Christmas Action on 2 December where budding designers will have the opportunity to pose their burning questions to resident

experts. Experience the lab in action and browse the gallery of intricate laser, vinyl and 3D printed designs to get inspiration for your own Christmas crafting. And if you want to try your hand at some laser designs yourself then Christmas Laser Fun for Children on 9 and 16 December gives you the opportunity. Use the laser cutters to create your own unique design and see it transformed into a coaster, keyring or even a decoration for the tree. There’s nothing better than a handmade card so to add a personal touch to your Christmas cards, so head to The Word’s Christmas Card Booth on 2 and 9 December to create your own. You can even put yourself on the front of your card using the magic of green screen so don’t forget to bring your best festive jumper. With pantomime season in full swing, I’ll Tell Ya About the Worm is a workshop on the 16 December where the Lambton Worm plays the starring role. Learn all about the local legend while making the worm out of LEGO and have a go at turning the tale into an epic stop motion animation.

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And nothing says Christmas like a winter wonderland. On 9, 16 and 23 December, Christmas Tales will bring festive stories to life with characters projected onto the walls, traditional songs, games and even a lesson in how to catch Santa. So with a packed schedule and even performers and choirs frequenting the Atrium during the build up to the big day, make sure to plan a festive day out at The Word in December. The Word can be found at 45 Market Place, South Shields, NE33 1JF.

Darlington Hippodrome opens its doors Bronia McGregor reviews the Darlington Hippodrome’s impressive renovation, and takes a look at where it all began. Following 18 months of anticipation and a multi-million pound restoration, the Darlington Hippodrome is finally ready to unveil its new look to the public. It was announced in March 2016 that Darlington Civic Theatre had received a £4.5m grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund which formed a key part of the £11.3m regeneration project to restore the Grade II listed building to its former glory. The theatre now bears its new name, Darlington Hippodrome, rebuilt in the original art nouveau style. As well as careful restorations to the exterior, the Edwardian auditorium has been given 10 | Darlington Today

has welcomed even more famous faces to Darlington, with the likes of Sarah Millican and Darcey Bussell taking the stage more recently, but the theatre’s regeneration promises to bring even more potential to the town. And the venue will now be able to welcome even more theatre goers into the building, with 1000 seats and an enlarged backstage area (the stage space has not changed) which means the theatre can accommodate bigger and better shows. The new and improved venue is now more accessible for everyone, with extra legroom and two new lifts which will provide disabled access to all levels of the building, meaning everyone can enjoy the new theatre.

new life alongside the creation of a modern new entrance, promenade gallery, and a beautiful vaulted function room. The aim of the project has been to add 21st century facilities and an expanded artistic programme without losing the unique charm and authenticity of the Edwardian theatre, which originally opened its doors in September 1907.

sparkle and glamour to the residents of Darlington. However competition from the cinema threatened the theatre industry and a string of different managers struggled to keep the business afloat after Signor Pepi’s death in 1927. After an enthusiastic effort from the community, the Borough Council of Darlington took over full responsibility for the theatre in 1966 and Darlington Civic Theatre was born. Since then, the theatre

The New Hippodrome and Palace Theatre of Varieties was the product of Signor Reno Pepi and his love for the stage. Originally a famous quick change artist liked so much by Queen Victoria that she gave him her diamond scarf pin, Italian ex patriot Signor Pepi moved into theatre management in 1902 and began acquiring a chain of music halls. Over the years, famous names like Tommy Cooper and Anna Pavlova graced the stage, bringing a touch of

The impressive opening season will kick off with Strictly Musicals 2, and offer some Christmas magic with the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs pantomime starting in December. 2018 boasts even more spectacular shows, with everything from acclaimed musicals to ballet and even productions specifically for a younger audience. With such an impressive programme there really is something for everyone and there is absolutely no excuse not to visit. Darlington Today | 11

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Darlington Today | 13

No More


Present Panic


By Bronia McGregor

It may be the most wonderful time of the year but that doesn’t make Christmas shopping any easier. This year Santa’s little helpers have taken away the present panic by creating a festive gift guide packed full of treats that anyone would love to find under the tree. And with top high street retailers like Marks and Spencer, TK Maxx and House of Fraser, Darlington has all the gifts you need to show your loved ones how much you appreciate them this holiday season.


So get into town, pick up some goodies and have yourself a merry little Christmas. 4


6 7




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Fat Face, Spa in a Jar - £25 Debenhams, Dog Beer and Biscuits £10 New Look, Lightbox -£19.99 George at Asda, Kitchen with Washing Machine and Fridge - £80 Matalan, Bayliss and Harding For Him - £8 TK Maxx Glitter iPhone Case - £12.99 Sainsburys, Football Trivia - £8 Oasis, Party Clutch - £30 Marks and Spencer, My First Paddington Toy - £12 House of Fraser, Pie Face Game - £22.99 Debenhams, Game of Thrones Monopoly - £30 Dorothy Perkins, Floral Robe - £22 Next, Bear Cushion - £16 Argos, FujiFilm Instax Mini 9 Lime - £73.99 TK Maxx, Hello Handsome Notebook - £4.99 House of Fraser, Joules Dinosaur Dressing Gown - £29.95 Next, Mulled Wine Candle - £4.50 Argos, Bush Classic Turntable with Legs - £89.99 Topshop, Embellished Hat - £18 Primark, Gingerbread Mug - £4 House of Fraser, Charbonnel et Walker Gin Truffles - £14 House of Fraser, YSL Mon Paris Eau de Toilette - £71

14 13


12 15 16



20 19

22 21

Darlington Today | 15





er y w nta ev


- 3pm

Christmas Decorations Workshop

Sat Dec 9th 11am - 4pm

Balloon Modelling ng i & Face Paint 3pm 11am Sat Dec 16th

Elf Du ‘Good o with om Sat D ec 2n eter ’ d 11am

Elfie Selfie

Sat Dec 16th 11am - 3pm

Musical Elves Sat Dec 23rd 11am - 3pm

Polar & PengBear charac uin Sun De t c 24th ers 1

1am - 3 pm



opening hours CHRISTMAS SUNDAYS Sunday 26th November Sunday 3rd December Sunday 10th December Sunday 17th December

10.30am - 4.30pm 10.30am - 4.30pm 10.30am - 4.30pm 10.30am - 4.30pm

CHRISTMAS THURSDAYS Thursday 23rd November Thursday 30th November Thursday 7th December Thursday 14th December Thursday 21st December


Monday 11th December Tuesday 12th December Wednesday 13th December Friday 15th December Saturday 16th December

9am - 8pm 9am - 8pm 9am - 8pm 9am - 8pm 9am - 8pm

9am - 7pm 9am - 7pm 9am - 7pm 9am - 7pm 9am - 6pm

CHRISTMAS WEEK Monday 18th December Tuesday 19th December Wednesday 20th December Friday 22nd December Saturday 23rd December CHRISTMAS EVE CHRISTMAS DAY BOXING DAY Wednesday 27th December Thursday 28th December Friday 29th December Saturday 30th December


NEW YEAR’S EVE NEW YEAR’S DAY Tuesday 2nd January

9am - 7pm 9am - 7pm 9am - 7pm 9am - 7pm 9am - 6pm 10.30am - 4.30pm CLOSED 10am - 5pm 9am - 5.30pm 9am - 5.30pm 9am - 5.30pm 9am - 5.30pm

10.30am - 4.30pm CLOSED 9am - 5.30pm


After 5pm on Late N ig f r o m 23rd Nov ht Thursdays Offer ap plies to ember cars en tering th e car park after 5p m

Darlington Today | 17


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River Island, Junior Girls Sequin Jumper - £22 Miss Selfridge, Silver Plisse Trousers - £30 River Island, Dinosaur Christmas Jumper - £28 Topman, Bah Humpug Jumper - £32 River Island, Boys Tartan Shirt - £12 New Look, Red Check Print Borg Lined Jacket - £24.99 Marks and Spencer, Red Bow Bag - £35 Miss Selfridge, Multicoloured Striped Sequin Skirt - £65 River Island, Junior Girls Gold Ankle Boots - £25 Primark, Star Sequin Mesh Hem Girls Tee - £5 River Island, Brown Faux Fur Collar Jacket - £65 Topshop, Red Boots - £36 Topshop, Christmas Tube Socks - £3.50 Next, Purple Printed Jacket - £90 Primark, Home Alone T Shirt - £5 House of Fraser, ISSA Katie Tie Wrap Dress - £99 Topshop, Christmas Wreath Jumper - £55 House of Fraser, Howick Junior Boys Cravat Waistcoat Set - £35 New Look, Black Stars and Moon Heels - £29.99 Marks and Spencer, Christmas Mistletoe Jumper - £29.50 New Look, Red Flower Tassel Drop Earrings - £8.99






18 | Darlington Today



11 10



non Ho

By Shan

ve party e ns festi a e m h the offic ping at on, whic p is te s s a o d tm e tw a foo to Chris er you’r r getting , ntdown . Wheth e pub, o athering th g t l a The cou lmost upon us a u ls n a n p a r u ’s a o . y s y il is a h hristm the fam season pint wit eese at ut this C ing for a nd it you o s and ch k ie p party, go to e d sories a c e you ne d acces ll of min g re t and in x ta e th n N a ry baby fu S r, has eve uits, to of Frase s n e y s to k u g n o a in H Darl d sw cluding . litter an tores in pped up quins, g n’s top s w e all wra From se to b e ro th rd , a s w it n e k tiv novelty your fes ok, have New Lo 16 15







Darlington Today | 19


B I L L I N G H A M F O R U M , T H E C AU S E WAY , B I L L I N G H A M , S TOC K TO N - O N - T E E S T S 2 3 2 L J B I L L I N G H A M F O R U M , T H E C AU S E WAY , B I L L I N G H A M , S TOC K TO N - O N - T E E S T S 2 3 2 L J



20 | Darlington T H I S F A CToday I L I T Y I S O W N E D A N D S U P P O R T E D B Y S TO C K TO N - O N - T E E S B O R O U G H C O U N C I L A N D I S M A N A G E D B Y T E E S AC T I V E LT D. T H I S FA C I L I T Y I S O W N E D A N D S U P P O R T E D B Y S T O C K T O N - O N - T E E S B O R O U G H C O U N C I L A N D I S M A N A G E D B Y T E E S A C T I V E LT D.


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Prices include unlimited gym and track access at Eastbourne Sports Complex, Prices include include unlimited unlimited gymAvenue, and track track access at at DL1 Eastbourne Sports Complex, Complex, Bourne Darlington, 1LJ. Prices gym and access Eastbourne Sports Prices include unlimited gym and track access at Eastbourne Sports Complex, Bourne Avenue, Avenue, Darlington, Darlington, DL1 DL1 1LJ. 1LJ. Bourne Please contact Eastbourne Sports Complex on 01325 405400, Bourne Avenue, Darlington, DL1 1LJ. Please contact Eastbourne Complex on 01325 405400, email orSports visit

Please contact gym Eastbourne Sports Complex on 01325 405400, Prices include unlimited and or track at Eastbourne Sports Complex, email visit access Please contact Eastbourne Complex on 01325 405400, email or Sports visit Prices include unlimited gymAvenue, and track access at DL1 Eastbourne Sports Complex, Bourne Darlington, 1LJ. email visit Prices include unlimited gym and or track access at Eastbourne Sports Complex, Bourne Avenue, Darlington, DL1 1LJ. Bourne Avenue, Darlington, 1LJ. 405400, Please contact Eastbourne Sports ComplexDL1 on 01325 email orSports visit Please contact Eastbourne Complex on 01325 405400, Please contact Eastbourne Sports Complex on 01325 405400, email or visit


Shop ‘til you drop… If you’re braving the supermarket or the high street this Christmas, you won’t be disappointed… Everywhere from Iceland to Greggs has shelves upon shelves of mouth-watering seasonal goodies to sink your teeth into, including Santa’s favourite – mince pies… The Iceland Mince Pie selection pack (£2 for 6) was a huge hit here at Darlington Today HQ, reduced to mere crumbs in record-time. However, another popular choice among the mince pie fiends in the office was Greggs’ Sweet Mince Pies (50p each, 6 for £1.75 or 12 for £3) which can be an easier option for those passing a Greggs on the countdown to Christmas. The mince pies were helpfully washed down with a glass of fizz from the new Barefoot Bubbly Pinot Grigio, available nationwide RRP £8.50 which was light, fresh and would go great with a Christmas day turkey. For the designated drivers among us, the Belvoir Fruit Farms Festive Fruit Punch, available online and at select independent retailers RRP £3.70 is an equallyenjoyable alternative.

‘Tis the season to eat, drink and be merry. So, to get you, your family and friends in the seasonal spirit, Darlington Today’s little helpers have been hard at work testing this season’s tastiest food (and washing it down with a festive tipple or two) to make sure your cupboards and fridges are full to bursting with the newest, most delicious treats this Christmas.

with a larger appetite, then the Young’s, 2 Gastro Chunky Salmon Melt in the Middle Fishcakes RRP £2.50 may be a better option, as they’re creamy, rich and filling. If fancy starters aren’t your forte and you’d

rather stick to a good, hearty option, allow us to introduce you to a firm favourite among the men in the office – pie. If you’re wanting to stick to the traditional kind, the Iceland, Luxury Festive Layered Pork Pie (£10.00 for 1.36kg) is incredible and will leave you with plenty left for Boxing Day and beyond. Alternatively, if tradition isn’t high on your agenda, you can’t go wrong with a good old Pukka, Deep-Fill All Steak Family Pie RRP £3.35 or a Greggs, Festive Bake £1.50. For your veggie guests however, the Iceland, Roast Parsnip & Portobello Mushroom Pithivier (£6.00 for 600g) is divine.

When it comes to Christmas dinner, everyone likes to impress. So, if it’s your turn to cook this year, allow us to introduce you to some yummy appetisers… For the fish lovers and pescatarians of the group, Iceland’s eight mini crab mac & cheese pots (£3.00 for 160g) are sure to please. Although, if you have guests 22 | Darlington Today

While your guests are finishing up on their starters, send the older kids around the table to serve up the grown-ups a glass of Apothic Dark, Tesco RRP £10 ready for the main course.

A Christmas dinner wouldn’t be complete without a turkey, but what if your turkey had a twist? After serving up the Iceland, Turkey & Gammon Wellington (£10.00 for 896g) in the office, we came to the conclusion that a plain old turkey simply wasn’t enough for us anymore, and a combined wellington is certainly the way forward... Now you can’t have the meat without the veg, but having old crockery filled with soggy sprouts and crusty carrots just won’t cut it on Christmas day. Luckily, Iceland have pulled through again with the visually-stunning (and also delicious) Luxury Christmas Tree & Baubles (£2.00 for 400g) – which is perfect paired with gravy or horseradish. The best is yet to come though, so make sure you save some room for dessert… Starting off with the show-stopper, we have the exquisite Iceland, Luxury Raspberry & Pistachio Layered Pavlova (£6.00 for 574g) which is lovely paired with double cream and let’s be honest here, pavlova is an absolute palatepleaser. The bright and colourful Iceland, Eight Fruity Eclairs (£3.00 for 120g) were also a hit in the office and went well with a cup of tea from the Newby Teas, Black Tea Crown Assortment Sainsbury’s RRP £15.

Christmas table, with its shimmery, golden glow and succulent, rich taste.

If you’re keeping the fancy desserts for the grown-ups, a few alternatives for the kids, including the adorably decorated Greggs, Christmas Tree Biscuit 85p or the Greggs, Christmas Gingerbread Muffin £1 which come complete with a sweet, surprise centre.

Those with a flavour for savoury can skip dessert and opt for a bowl of Heat & Eat Crisps, Tesco RRP £2.49 which come in flavours such as hand cooked cheese and chive with a caramelised onion chutney dip. All you have to do is pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds and you have yourself a hot tasty treat – which coincidentally slid down really well with a small glass of Graham’s 20 Year Old Tawny Port, Waitrose RRP £35.95.

If you’re after a different beverage to serve up post-dinner, look no further than the new CÎROC French Vanilla, Amazon RRP £41.05, which can be made into your own special Christmas cocktail by simply adding passionfruit liqueur, passionfruit syrup and lime juice. Or if you’re more of a gin and tonic kind of girl/guy, the Dingle Original Gin, RRP £32.50 comes highly recommended from the seasoned drinkers among us. The winter warmers topping our tipple list this year include the uniquely flavoured coffee liqueur Conker Cold Brew, www.conkerspirit. RRP £30, and of course it wouldn’t be winter without sinking a whisky chaser while sat by the fire – so our top choice is Cotswolds Single Malt Whisky, www. RRP £44.95. If a cold glass of something alcoholic simply isn’t enough to toast the festivities, then grab yourself a box or two of the snack-lifechanging Oast to Host Prosecco Mince Pies, RRP £7.50 – never mind garlic bread Peter Kay, prosecco mince pies are the future…

Stay in bed and surf the web… While we’re big fans of shopping local here at Darlington Today, sometimes we just can’t resist the festive buys we find online. After all that alcohol, you’re bound to get a little peckish on Christmas evening – or for those with bottomless stomach pits, you’ll be ravenous. So, why not please the hungry tummies (including vegan tummies at the party) by whipping up the VBites’ VegiDeli 48 piece party pack, RRP £13.99 which includes duck style spring rolls, mini quiches and chickpea bhajis.

One of our favourite finds was the showstopper of all showstoppers, Donald Russell’s 23 Carat Golden Goose, www. RRP £89 - which would be the jewel in the crown of anyone’s

For the carnivores, make a section on the table filled with a selection of the oh-so delectable Topping’s Pies, Classic Dinky Topped Pork Pie Collection, Yumbles. com RRP £23.76.

And while you’re at it, don’t forget to bring out the cheese board, complete with crackers, VBites’ VegiDeli Duck Style and Orange Pate, www.vbitesfood. com RRP £2.29 150g and our Christmas cheese favourite, which just gets better and better with each bite, Yorkshire Wensleydale with Cherries & Brandy (Half Moon) £16 Seeing as it’s Christmas, we don’t see why we can’t have another dessert after all of that food… So, to be the hostess with the mostess, purchase a pack of Christmas Pudding and Snowmen Cake Pops, RRP £19.99 and serve them up after the cheese board. Nobody ever has to know you bought them online, you’re a whiz in the kitchen, remember… Other sweet treats topping our eatall-the-food-wecan-before-January shopping list include DessertsVille Gingerbread Popcorn, Yumbles. com RRP £10 which tastes just as incredible as it smells – SO GOOD, the oh-so pretty and fresh to order The English Rose Bakery, Macaron Selection Box of 14, RRP £20 which includes salted caramel, hazelnut and Nutella, and strawberries and cream flavours, and last but not least, the soft, silky Buttermilk Gingerbread Fudge, www.buttermilk. RRP £2.99 which has a subtle festive flavour that is an absolute treat for the taste buds.

From all of us here at Darlington Today, we hope you have an amazing Christmas full of friends, family and of course, food! Enjoy… Darlington Today | 23



Since 1931, our family business (est 1888) has supplied and installed AGA Cookers in homes throughout the North East and North Yorkshire. We are also experts in Range Cooking appliances and our unbiased advice will allow you to make the right choice for your kitchen design and budget. Our magnificent Showroom has a dedicated display with working models and demonstration area. We have collections of high quality Range Cookers from Lacanche, Steel, Falcon, Mercury on display and new for 2017- KitchenAid Major Appliances.

Visit our Showroom today 1 Stirling Court, Eleventh Avenue North,Team Valley, Gateshead, NE11 0JF • 0191 482 0033

Bring The Warmth Into Your Home

An iconic classic, the AGA Cooker still tops the top-ten must haves for the home

The classic look of an AGA Cooker hasn’t changed much since its invention in 1922 by Swedish scientist Gustaf Dalen. The beauty of an AGA is its effortless design, and they are built and crafted at the AGA Factory in Telford. The cooker is constructed of cast iron with a vitreous enamelled exterior and comes in a number of beautiful colours, or you can even choose your own individual colour with the bespoke colour service which is available. The cooker itself works on the principle of stored heat. Using a small energy source (whether it be electricity, gas or oil) the high level of insulation inside the cooker holds the heat and distributes different temperatures to the castings of the cooker. It is a simple but effective resource, and running costs for gas models are currently less than £12 per week. As the cooker is on all the time, the beautiful warmth from the Aga produces an ambient temperature which seeps into the fabric of the building, silently but sweetly raising the temperatur and reducing your requirement for additional heating in your kitchen. In the cooler North East climate and in the modern open plan kitchen design the AGA is

ideal for providing constant warmth. More recently, models of fully- or semi controllable AGA Cookers have become available. There is also a compact baby AGA which will fit into any small flat or cottage, or suit a smaller budget – there really is an AGA to suit every home and every lifestyle. Founded in 1888, the family-run business Walter Dix & Co became one of the first AGA dealers in 1931, covering Tyneside, Northumberland, Durham and North Yorkshire. To this day they provide expert advice on AGA and employ both their own installation team and service engineers. Their fantastic showroom at Team Valley,

Gateshead boasts all the latest models of AGA Cooker and also hosts regular cookery demonstrations. Their knowledgeable staff can demonstrate working models and provide all the necessary information on why an AGA can truly bring the warmth into your home. In addition to AGA Cookers, Walter Dix & Co also is the leading supplier of rangestyle cookers. They have 14 different brands and more than 70 appliances on display in their showroom, as well as a dedicated AGA Cookshop and AGA Wood Burning Stoves. To find out more, get in touch or visit the Team Valley showroom which is open six days a week.

Walter Dix & Co 1 Stirling Court, Eleventh Avenue North, Team Valley, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 OJF Tel: 0191 4820033 email: website:

26 | Darlington Today

Win an Overnight Reviver Break for two at Ragdale Hall Spa worth over £500 With the Christmas season here and the prospect of spending hours in crowded shopping centres looming, wouldn’t it be great to think about enjoying a relaxing spa break at the UK’s Best Spa*? Ragdale Hall Spa is offering one lucky reader an Overnight Reviver Break for two people worth over £500 in our Christmas competition. Combining state-of-the-art facilities with the charm of traditional Victorian architecture, Ragdale Hall offers the most luxurious and extensive spa facilities in the country – with the new Rooftop Infinity Pool (Ragdale Hall’s sixth pool) offering stunning views across the rolling Leicestershire countryside, allowing you to lay back, relax and breathe in the fresh air, while being cocooned in the blissfully warm water. You can also enjoy unlimited use of the multimillion-pound Thermal Spa, gym, all exercise classes and outdoor activities

during your visit. A 50-minute Blissful Face & Back Therapy each is included, as well as robe hire throughout your stay and your own pair of Ragdale Hall flip flops. And with three-course dining in the sumptuous Dining Room and breakfast delivered to your room also included, everything is taken care of - you just need to switch off and relax. If you’re not the lucky winner you can give that gift of ‘me-time’ to friends, loved ones and family – or even drop a few hints yourself! Ragdale Hall vouchers make the perfect Christmas gift and start from just £25. With spa packages starting from £60 there is something to suit every taste and budget. Gift vouchers are

beautifully presented in a special gift pack and wallet, and are valid for a whole year. To win the competition simply answer the following question.

Following the installation of the rooftop infinity pool, how many pools does Ragdale Hall now have - 4, 5 or 6? Please see page 29 for details of how to enter.

For more information or to order your vouchers visit or call 01664 434831

Terms and Conditions: The prize is valid Monday - Thursday, subject to availability. Over 16s only. Travel is not included. Prize must be taken within six months of the winner being notified and is non-transferable. Arrival 2pm, departure up to 6.00pm the following day (check out of rooms at 11am). *SpaFinder Wellness Awards November 2016. Ragdale Hall Spa, Ragdale Village, Nr. Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE14 3PB

*SpaFinder Wellness Awards November 2016

Darlington Today | 27


Win Sunday lunch for 2 with a bottle of wine at MeRcure King’s Head Hotel


To win a 3 course Sunday lunch for 2 people with a bottle of wine in our newly themed restaurant “The Kings Grill” simply answer the following question?

How much is Sunday Lunch at Mercure Kings Head Hotel? Closing date for entries is 19th January 2018 Entry details can be found on the next page.

Enjoy a Sunday Lunch If you aren’t successful in winning this competition, then why not take advantage of the hotel’s fantastic value Sunday Lunch.

£13.95 for 3 courses Pre-booking is essential, to make a reservation, call reception on 01325 380 222 Terms & Conditions 3 course Sunday lunch for 2 people with a bottle of wine. Pre-booking is essential. Subject to availability.

Through their expert knowledge and experience in helping their clients obtain their best possible skin, Dawn and Jill at Broom Mill skin bar ( formerly Broom Mill Day Spa) are happy to announce that they are now focusing all of their expertise on your skin. After a full refurbishment they are now in a unique position to help you achieve both your short term and long term skin care goals. As long term Dermalogica experts they can now offer specialist IPL treatments and High Definition make up and brows to further enhance your results. To check their opening hours or to book online see our website

COMPETITION Win a Pro-Skin 60 treatment worth £60 The ultimate treatment, different every time. Customised with dermalogica’s advanced products, techniques and technology in a soothing environment made for relaxation. The ideal choice for those who want a comprehensive experience to address all skin concerns and achieve healthy glowing skin.

To enter just answer the following question: What was Broom Mill Skin Bar previously known as? Closing date for entries is 19th January 2018. Please see bottom of the opposite page for entry details

HOLIDAY INN WASHINGTON Holiday Inn Washington UK hotel is ideally located between historic Durham, Sunderland and Newcastle, just off junction 64 of the A1. This long-established hotel is well known for its friendly staff and warm welcome. With plenty of free parking, the hotel has an established restaurant Traders, and a contemporary lounge and bar area, serving drinks and light snacks. There are 136 fully air conditioned bedrooms at this hotel in Washington, including family and accessible rooms. Ideally placed for enjoying the many tourist attractions the area has to offer. So whether you fancy a day in historic Durham, a trip to the coastal areas of South Shields, a day back in time visiting the award winning Beamish Museum, a

day of retail therapy shopping at the famous intu Metrocentre or taking in the history and culture, not to mention the amazing restaurants, bars and shops that the city of Newcastle has to offer.

THE COMPETITION Win an overnight stay for 2 people in a luxurious double bedroom, fully inclusive of bed, breakfast and dinner with a bottle of wine in Traders Restaurant. Answer this question for a chance to win: What is the name of the hotel’s restaurant? Closing date for competitions is Friday 19th January 2018. Please see opposite page for entry details.

Free company party available Holiday Inn Washington are prepared to give away 60 x 3 course meals for a Company party in the New Year to raise money for the hotels chosen charity. All you need to do is arrange your own transport to and from the hotel and the 3 course dinner will be provided free of charge. For further details please contact Paul Mandeir General Manager T: 191 418 9401 Email:

Holiday Inn, Washington, Emerson, Washington NE37 1LB 0191 4189400 | Follow us on Twitter @HIWashington Like us on FaceBook Holiday Inn Washington

Winners Darlington Today 63 28 | Darlington Today

A pair of tickets to see Dolly Parton at Billingham Forum: S Hague of Darlington A pair of tickets to see Madama Butterfly at Billingham Forum: M Morgan of Bishop Auckland

Table for 4 people at a Chrstmas Party Night at Mercure Kings Hotel: K Kemp of Darlington An overnight stay with dinner at Holiday Inn Washington: Mrs P Loughran of Darlington

An overnight stay with dinner at The Coquetvale Hotel , Rothbury: M Thompson of Bishop Auckland A family luxury 2 night glamping break at Sedgewell Barn Wigwams: Mrs B Millington of Aycliffe


WIN AN OVERNIGHT STAY AT THE COQUETVALE Located in the nineteenth century country town of Rothbury, on the edge of the Northumberland National Park, The Coquetvale Hotel is perfect for a relaxing break in beautiful countryside or the ideal base for walking, cycling or many outdoor pursuits. The stunning Cragside House and grounds are a 5 minute drive away as are the breath-taking Simonside Hills. A little further afield Alnwick Castle and Gardens as well as the stunning coastline with Bamburgh Castle and Holy Island being landmarks. The Coquetvale Hotel offers the finest Northumberland welcome, offering 14 well-appointed ensuite bedrooms. Boasting a combination of double, twin, family and 2 stunning very recently refurbished superior suites. The hotel recognises that many of the visitors to this spectacular area are those of the 4-legged variety and therefore is very dog friendly. The grand restaurant offers a mix of traditional and modern, with its high ceilings, featuring ornate rose and cornice, decorated in subtle grey and silver – with stunning double

aspect picturesque windows and views towards the Northumberland National Park and Coquet Valley. An experience team of Chefs offer tempting dishes, with many seasonal and daily specials, there truly is something for everyone. Not to mention the award winning breakfast, which boasts locally sourced ingredients. Afternoons teas served daily, and Sunday lunch from midday. The bar offers a diverse selection of wines, guest ales both on tap and bottle, premium spirits and fine wines. The bar is also accessible to our relaxing decked terrace with comfortable seating and panoramic views of Rothbury – weather permitting. Recently under new ownership, the family with a wealth of hotel experience and are focussed on delivery a truly special guest experience, in terms of both service and product so with that in mind have already commenced a gradual and discreet refurbishment programme of all areas. The Coquetvale, Station Road, Rothbury, NE65 7QH, Northumberland

Newly refurbish Superior king-size suite

READER OFFER As a special readership offer, why not take advantage of the Winter rates for December, January and February, selected dates available at £55.00 per couple fully inclusive of Bed and Breakfast. Call for more details on 01669 622900 or email Visit our website

READER COMPETITION Win an overnight stay for 2 persons, in double or twin room fully inclusive of Northumbrian breakfast and 3 course evening meal. To be taken before end of March 2018.

How many well appointed bedrooms does the Coquetvale Hotel have? Closing date for entries is Friday 19th January see below for entry details.

ENTER TO WIN To enter any of the Darlington Today competitions please ensure you clearly mark on your entry the name of the competition that you are entering together with the answer to the question if there is one with your name, address and contact telephone number to: Darlington Today Magazine competition, 45 Atkinson Gardens, Aycliffe Village, Co. Durham, DL5 6LH

(Please note any competition entries without full contact details and contact telephone numbers will be voided and not entered into the competition) Darlington Today | 29

WHAT’S ON THEATRE Darlington Hippodrome Tel: 01325 244 659 Strictly Musicals 2 21 – 25 November Join the Darlington Operatic Society for a night of the best-loved musical numbers, with songs from Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Mamma Mia, and many more. The show combines dazzling costumes, impressive choreography, and a live 10-piece band, with some of the best performers in the North East.Tickets from £15 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 9 December – 14 January It’s the most wonderful time of the year and that means panto season.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a fun day out for all the family, starring Lee Ryan of Blue and EastEnders fame, West-End leading lady Zoe Birkett, Middlesbrough born comedian Patrick Monahan, Coronation Street’s Eric Potts, and actor and comedian Liam Mellor. Tickets £22 Viennese Dreams New Year 2018 - 1 January Bring in the New Year in style with all the glamour and magic of Viennese Dreams. Enjoy Viennese classics, stirring waltzes and heartfelt songs brought to life in this once in a year event. Tickets £19 New Jersey Nights - 16 – 20 January Celebrate the music of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons as New Jersey Nights takes the audience on a nostalgic musical journey from the band’s humble roots to becoming one of the bestselling groups of all time. The production boasts an award-winning cast of singers, dancers, and a live band to perform some of their biggest hits like Big Girls Don’t Cry, Walk Like a Man, and Rag Doll. Tickets from £22 Majestic Theatre Tel: 01325 633255 Cinderella - 11 – 27 December Slip on your glass slippers and get ready for the pantomime. Watch one of the best-known stories brought to life on stage with Cinderella, her two ugly stepsisters, good friend Buttons, and a fairy godmother for some family friendly fun. Tickets £11

30 | Darlington Today

MUSIC The Forum Music Centre 01325 363135 Eugene ‘Hideaway’ Bridges 8 December Don’t miss nine times USA Blues Music Awards nominee Eugene ‘Hideaway’ Bridges for an evening of American blues and soul music, interlaced with the sounds of Eugene’s gospel singing past. Tickets £15 Kounterfeit Kinks - December 9 Kounterfeit Kinks are the UK’s leading tribute to The Kinks and have performed all over the country. With vintage equipment and authentic clothing, their performances of the group’s hit songs Waterloo Sunset, You Really Got Me and Days bring the raw energy of the band to life. Tickets £10 The Springsteen Sessions December 16 Covering four decades of Bruce Springsteen’s music, The Springsteen Sessions are a tribute act you won’t forget in a hurry. The musical journey brings his best known songs to life on the stage, featuring classics such as Born to Run, Jungleland and Rosalita. Tickets £12 Led Into Zeppelin - December 29 Considered to be the most authentic sounding tribute to Led Zeppelin, Led into Zeppelin have performed to audiences all over the UK and their performances of Stairway to Heaven and Whole Lotta Love definitely won’t leave you Dazed and Confused. Tickets £10

Lantern making at the Bowes Museum

The Bowes Museum The Bowes Museum 01833 690606 Traditional Christmas Fair 13 and 14 December Embrace all the fun of the fair in the Museum grounds with fairground amusements, a lantern trail, food chalets and lots of fun for the whole family. £5 adults, £2.50 children Bowes Museum Christmas Market 15 – 17 December The annual Bowes Museum Christmas Market is back and bigger than ever, with over 100 hand-picked stallholders providing locally produced gifts and produce and toe-tapping Christmas music and seasonal entertainment. £5 adults, £2.50 children Santa’s Enchanted Wonderland Grotto 13 – 22 December Give the children a chance to write their special Christmas letter, to hunt for the elf’s naughty friend and to explore the captivating toyshop windows, before taking a magical journey to Santa’s cosy sitting room to receive an early Christmas present To book visit museum website.

EVENTS Head of Steam Museum 01325 405060 Santa at the Station 9 – 10 and 16 – 17 December Santa is coming to Darlington and he’s brought presents. Meet Santa in his magical grotto, complete with mini train ride, arts and crafts, face painting, and a gift to take home. Tickets from £4

CHARITY South Park Tel: 01914109974

Choco Charge - 25 November Organised by the North East Autism Society, the Choco Charge is a family friendly 5k run with interactive and Christmas film themed characters and chocolate zones along the route. Get in the Christmas spirit for a good cause and enjoy a mince pie and a hot chocolate at the finish line. Tickets £20

All details were correct at the time of going to press. Please check with the individual venues before travelling as information may change.

10.30am - 2.00pm Talk to our staff and students about the courses we offer and how to apply for September 2018. You also can enjoy our Christmas Fair including craft stalls, and much more.

ALL WELCOME Vane Terrace Darlington DL3 7AU t: 01325 461315 Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:


Saturday 18th November

o t t o r G s a t n a S 30am to 5.30pm 9. s ay rd tu Sa en op be ill w 4.30pm and Sundays 10.30am to

Breakfast or Tea with Santa can also be booked

There are 4 themed rooms of Christmas decorations and a lighting and oristry department geared for the festive season.

Garden & Landscape Centre Stokesley Road, Hemlington, Middlesbrough, TS8 9DY Find us on B1365 between Stokesley & Coulby Newham

Telephone 01642 590650

Visit our Cafe - the perfect place to unwind

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