Rio squawk 7 14 2016

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The Official Newsletter of the Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club

The Santa Claus Rotary Club

Founded 1905 1,200,000+ Members 34,000+ Clubs 200+ Countries

“Service above Self”

President John F. Germ (Tennessee, USA) President Elect Ian Riseley (Australia) General Secretary John Hewko (Ukraine)


District Governor Sherry F. Mischel DG-Elect Tonya L. Watson DG Nominee James A. Erickson District Secretary Peg Glink District Treasurer Charles Holland District Foundation Audit Chair Terrill L. Cowan Polio Plus Rodney K. Daniels District Foundation Treasurer Joanne Kline District Grants Chair Donald A. LaBarge Micro Lending Coordinator Terrence M. Lubsen World Peace Fellows Chair Honora A. Norton Area 1 ~ John S. Thornton Jr. Area 2 ~ Anthony D. Finocchio Area 3 ~ Michael V. Maurer Area 4 ~ Nigel Brooks Area 5 ~ James N. Kame Area 7 ~ Rich Guin Area 8 ~ Debra L. Daniels Area 9 ~ Kara Schroeder Area 10 ~ LaVelle McCoy Area 11 ~ Dena Oppenheim

Geoff Pashkowski ~ President Karen Ingersoll ~ Secretary Larry Horton ~ Treasurer PDG Ben C. Eubank Guiding Rotarian

Guaranteed no hair in your food!

Stacey Avent Stephanie Babb Ronjon Bhattacharya Corey Bruggeman Jack Buckles Karen Buckles

Patrick de Haan Ben C. Eubank, PDG Dona Mae Eubank Freeman, Ronald J. Corey Harris, Kent Hendricks,

Silvia Herrera Larry Horton ~ IPP Karen Ingersoll BK Knappenberger James Lemmon Tim Lidster,

Geoffrey Pashkowski Christina Ratto Dave Ratto Lynsie Rigby-Scharpf Linda Searfoss Michael Sherron Sue E. Strebe Ralph Williamson

Rotary Club of Southern Districts ~ Western Australia, District 9465 Rotary Club of Bentley Curtin ~ Western Australia, District 9465 Rotary Club of Islamabad ~ Pakistan, District 3272 Rotary Club Roma Sud Est ~ Italy, District 2080

Justin Randall ~ Spain 2009 - 2010 Laura Kalb ~ Jordan 2010 - 2011 Beth Anne Martin ~ Chile 2011 - 2012 For Information on TRS Rotary: 623-326-7951

Michael Sherron ~ Japan 2007 Caitlin King ~ Scotland 2009 Larry Horton ~ Australia 2011 Stephanie Babb, Holly Brauer ~ Bangladesh 2013

Tempe Rio Salado Meeting Minutes ~ July 14, 2016


Ben Eubank, Larry Horton, Karen Ingersoll, Geoff Pashkowski, Mike Chasan Meeting called to order by Geoff Pashkowski

Rio Macaw Official Club Mascot

Ben Eubank Geoff Pashkowski Everybody 1) A very long discussion ensued on the topic of our nation’s current political climate and racial tensions. Everyone agreed that rhetoric promoting hatred and “blame” on all sides only serves to perpetuate divisiveness. ALL lives matter and the nation cannot heal until we learn to respect life and each other’s differences in whatever forms they may present themselves. 2) On a much happier note, we have a new member! PDG, PP Ben Eubank officially inducted Michael Chasan into Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club. (Despite Ben almost impaling Mike with the point of the rotary pin. Something about hazing??) Welcome aboard Mike!!! (Geoff found a red ribbon to pin on Mike… the accompanying comment was “Best in Show”. Ha ha!). 3) REMINDER: Charter Night will be July 31st, 2016 at Ben and Dona Eubank's home!

1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to All Concerned? 3. Will it Build GOODWILL and Better Friendships? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to All Concerned? 5. Is it FUN?

Geoff Heading to DC as Barb’s trophy husband; she has speaking engagement there. His daughter recently got a ladder stuck under her car while on the freeway. The highway patrol helped free the ladder, and then left it on the side of the road!

Karen is very proud of Steve. In support of Larry, the officers who have recently lost their lives and all of those who serve and protect us each day, he shaved his head. His quote: "The hair will come back, but the lives lost will not."

Mike has been attending Toastmasters for his public speaking… has now been twice voted as “best speaker”!

Larry announced that as of November 30, 2016 he will be retiring from the police force and working full time as an investor in the Happy Joe’s Pizza franchise.

Ben felt that he had been neglecting his HOA so he put up a 25’ flagpole in his back yard. All of the neighbors are betting and taking odds on how long it will take the HOA to take action.

Built in 1710, this central tavern on the Green was a gathering place for both locals and travelers and the site of many important town meetings. Captain Parker and his militia gathered in this tavern in the early morning hours of April 19, 1775, to await the oncoming British Redcoat troops.

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