Rio squawk 9 08 2016

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The Official Newsletter of the Tempe Rio Salado Rotary Club September 8, 2016

The Santa Claus Rotary Club

District 5510

Tempe Rio Salado ~ Camelback Crossroads ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Founded 1905 1,200,000+ Members 34,000+ Clubs 200+ Countries

Bulletin Board

“Service above Self” INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP President John F. Germ (Tennessee, USA) President Elect Ian Riseley (Australia) General Secretary John Hewko (Ukraine) DISTRICT 5510 LEADERSHIP District Governor Tonya L. Watson DG-Elect Extinct t7 DG Nominee Even more extinct District Secretary Peg Glink District Treasurer Charles Holland District Foundation Audit Chair Terrill L. Cowan Polio Plus Rodney K. Daniels District Foundation Treasurer Joanne Kline District Grants Chair Donald A. LaBarge Micro Lending Coordinator Terrence M. Lubsen World Peace Fellows Chair Honora A. Norton ASSISTANT GOVERNORS Area 1 ~ John S. Thornton Jr. Area 2 ~ Anthony D. Finocchio Area 3 ~ Michael V. Maurer Area 4 ~ Nigel Brooks Area 5 ~ James N. Kame Area 7 ~ Rich Guin Area 8 ~ Debra L. Daniels Area 9 ~ Kara Schroeder Area 10 ~ LaVelle McCoy Area 11 ~ Dena Oppenheim TEMPE RIO SALADO LEADERSHIP Geoff Pashkowski ~ President Karen Ingersoll ~ Secretary Larry Horton ~ Treasurer PDG Ben C. Eubank Guiding Rotarian

Support We accept Medical Pepperoni Cards!


OUR MEMBERS ~ TEMPE RIO SALADO CAMELBACK CROSSROADS ROTARY CLUB Stacey Avent Stephanie Babb Ronjon Bhattacharya Corey Bruggeman Jack Buckles Karen Buckles

Patrick de Haan Ben C. Eubank, PDG Dona Mae Eubank Freeman, Ronald J. Corey Harris, Kent Hendricks,

Silvia Herrera Larry Horton ~ IPP Karen Ingersoll BK Knappenberger James Lemmon Tim Lidster,

Geoffrey Pashkowski Christina Ratto Dave Ratto Lynsie Rigby-Scharpf Linda Searfoss Michael Sherron Sue E. Strebe Ralph Williamson

INTERNATIONAL SISTER CLUBS Rotary Club of Southern Districts ~ Western Australia, District 9465 Rotary Club of Bentley Curtin ~ Western Australia, District 9465 Rotary Club of Islamabad ~ Pakistan, District 3272 Rotary Club Roma Sud Est ~ Italy, District 2080 AMBASSADORIAL SCHOLARS Justin Randall ~ Spain 2009 - 2010 Laura Kalb ~ Jordan 2010 - 2011 Beth Anne Martin ~ Chile 2011 - 2012 For Information on TRS Rotary: 623-326-7951

GROUP STUDY EXCHANGE Michael Sherron ~ Japan 2007 Caitlin King ~ Scotland 2009 Larry Horton ~ Australia 2011 Stephanie Babb, Holly Brauer ~ Bangladesh 2013

Tempe Rio Salado


Meeting Minutes ~ August 4, 2016 Attendance: Geoff Pashkowski, Ben Eubank, larry Horton, Kent Hendricks, Corey Bruggeman, Mike Chasan, Karen Ingersoll Guest: Susan Wilkinson – Funding Smart Answers, Merchants Giving Back 7:00 AM-ish: Meeting started and no-one rang the bell!

Rio Macaw Official Club Mascot

Discussion: 1. Larry announced that dues will be paid on time!! 2. CXR will be doing another service project at Victory Place on Tuesday afternoon. 3. Larry has been involved in meetings surrounding RYLA and the upcoming combining of Districts 5510 and 5500. The decision was to not combine the RYLA camps, but continue to keep them separate. The cost of 5500 camp will come down a bit, and 5510 will come up a little. 4. Rotary now has a new motto: “Suck it up Buttercup!” (by guess who) 5. Mike has a new flashlight in his pocket (apparently)! 6. Everyone had a great time at Charter Night! Thank you Ben and Dona Eubank for hosting!

Happy$$: 

Kent is happy that he’s almost through the 1st week of school. Has 26 students – so far… may actually end up with 30 kindergartners.

Geoff and Barb were headed out of town for her birthday weekend and had to turn around at the airport. Barb got sick and spent the entire weekend in bed. 

Ben thought it was a wonderful Charter party that wasn’t polluted with K-State S***. (due to Geoff’s absence.)

Larry Also enjoyed the party on Sunday – good attendance from both clubs. Pulled his 1st shift with Happy Joe’s Pizza and learned just how much he doesn’t know!

2. Is it FAIR to All Concerned?

Corey – Morgan bought a 4WD truck and has been having lots of fun with it. The hood came in for his ’71 Chevelle.

3. Will it Build GOODWILL and Better Friendships?

Mike has had such a good week that he lost his voice (lots of speaking engagements).

Karen in full swing with the toy drive at her office. Happy about this crazy rain!

The Five Way Test 1. Is it the TRUTH?

4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to All Concerned? 5. Is it FUN?

Have a Terrific Week!

Meeting Minutes September 8, 2016 Attendance: Karen Ingersoll, Larry Horton, Patrick de Haan, Corey Bruggeman, Kent Hendricks, Geoff Pashkowski, Mike Chasan, Ben Eubank, Billy Wilkinson, Sue Wilkinson 7:00 AM (or thereabouts): Meeting called to order Invocation: Ben Eubank Pledge of Allegiance: Mike Chasan 5-Way Test: All

Discussion: 1. Larry announced that our DG, Tanya Watson, will be visiting CXR on October 6 th. 2. CXR is partnering with Kyrene for the Dictionary Project. 3. Friday, September 9th , 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM: The 911 Memorial setup with ASU Rototact. Takedown will be on Monday, September 11th. If interested in volunteering, be sure to wear your Rotary shirt. 4. September 13th, 4:45 PM – Victory Place (South Phoenix), CXR will be serving chicken dinners to homeless veterans transitioning back into society. 5. Saturday, September 24th, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM – United Food Bank. Multi-rotary project… wear your shirts! (And really comfortable, closed toed shoes.) 6. CXR working on a big project for Officer Of The Year – winner will have $1,000 scholarship donated in his/her name to Franklin School. Discussion about how to help make this a successful project, and possibly much more $$ awarded, press time, etc. Thank you Larry for brining all of these announcements to us!

Happy $$: 

Kent happy that he got to stay the extra ½ hour with us today. This Sunday will be the 1 st day of the season watching 8 games all at once. (His friend has quite a set up!)

Geoff attended the James London Learning Center ribbon cutting at Laird School. The new library is really nice, but with some empty shelves so may need more books.

Corey celebrated his birthday up north and went to Charlie Clarks Steakhouse in Pinetop for dinner. (Yum!) They got stuck in some heavy traffic in Star Valley on their way back down the mountain.

Mike is pretty happy with some new technology he’s been working with for sales.

Larry has his parents coming for a visit. Happy about Sue and Billy becoming newest members. Had a really interesting patrol experience on Sunday that culminated in trading a heroin addict with a transvestite. (Quite the story!)

Pat is very happy that Sue has joined us. (Hmmmm… no mention of Billy…?) Had a funny happening at Costco over the weekend – three kids wanted to see him, when he bent over to talk with them on of the nose pads from his eye glasses fell off. Noticing something falling from his nose, one of the kids said “Hey Santa, a big bugger just fell out of your nose!” Hahahahaha!

Billy’s daughter came to town over the weekend… had a really nice visit with her and is really proud of her and her parenting.

Sue let us know that they have a newly hired telemarketer to help make calls to any potential merchants to add for PNA.

Karen happy that business is going well. Really excited to be taking her grandson, Jett, to karate class tonight!

Ben happy that TX Longhorns did so well and ended up winning the game.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!!

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