BOOM! October 2012

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A ladies night out can be a real lifesaver. Literally.

Come hang out with the ladies and get a mammogram! Thursday | October 11th | 5:30pm Hurry, space is limited. Call (334) 834-3671 for more information.

Every woman needs a ladies night out sometimes. So gather your favorite girlfriends and make plans to come to our Ladies Night Out Mammogram Event at Jackson Imaging Center. There will be wine, hors d’oeuvres and music. And each woman will receive a digital mammogram.* It’s one night out that could literally save your life.

1825 Park Place, Montgomery, AL 36106 • (334) 834-3671 • *Insurance will be billed, but no physician referral is necessary • Mammograms will be read by a board certified radiologist

HealthNEWS October 2012

for Boomers and Beyond

Important Answers About Breast Cancer When it comes to breast cancer, you can’t be too curious. As a woman, the more you know about breast cancer—and especially how to detect it—the more you might be able to protect yourself from this all-toocommon disease. With this in mind, here are potentially lifesaving answers to four key questions about this cancer:

Q: What are the warning signs of breast cancer? A: The most common symptom is a new lump in

your breast. Often, cancerous lumps feel different than noncancerous ones. Lumps that are painless, hard, oddly shaped and feel as though they are firmly attached within the breast are the most likely to be cancerous. But breast cancer can also be tender, soft, smooth, round and moveable. They might even be painful. So don’t take chances. Alert your doctor if you notice any new lump or mass. Also tell him or her if you have any of these other possible signs or symptoms of breast cancer: • Swelling of all or part of a breast, even if you can’t feel a distinct lump. • Dimpling or puckering in the breast skin. • Redness, scaliness or thickening of a nipple or breast skin. • A nipple turned inward. • Breast or nipple pain. • Nipple discharge (other than breast milk), especially if it’s bloody. Keep in mind too that breast cancer sometimes spreads to lymph nodes under the arm or around the collarbone—even before the original tumor in a breast is large enough to be felt. This means you should also tell

You didn’t choose to get breast cancer, but you can choose how you’ll cope with your feelings about your diagnosis and treatment. When it comes to your emotions, you’re the expert. You may be feeling a multitude of emotions: shock, disbelief, fear, anxiety, guilt, grief, depression and anger. All of these feelings are completely normal. Accepting and working through these emotions can help you make good decisions during your treatment. Do what feels right for you. Seek out the people and activities that bring you comfort. According to the American Cancer Society, you may want to: • Find out more about your diagnosis. Learning as much as you can about breast cancer may decrease your fear The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

your doctor about any lumps or swelling in these areas.

Q: How often should I have a mammogram? A: Most women should have a mammogram, or

breast x-ray, every year starting at age 40. Regular mammograms are a must because they can find tumors that are still so tiny that not even the most experienced doctor can feel them. And detecting breast cancer at an early stage increases the chances that it can be treated successfully. However, if you have an above-average risk of breast cancer—for instance, if you have a family history of the disease—you may need to start getting mammograms before age 40. You might also need more frequent mammograms than is typically advised. Talk to your doctor about a screening schedule that is best for you. Be aware, too, that growing older is never a reason to stop having regular mammograms. You should continue scheduling them for as long as you are in good health. Finally, it is important to remember that as beneficial as mammograms are, they are not foolproof. Occasionally they do miss tumors, which is why women also need regular clinical breast exams by a health professional.

Q: How often should I have a clinical breast exam? A: Schedule one every three years if you’re in your

20s and 30s. Starting in your 40s, you should have one every year.

Q: Do I need to have an MRI too? A: Probably not. While an MRI is more sensitive than

mammograms at detecting breast cancer, it is also more likely to cause false alarms—results that indicate cancer is present when it isn’t. This can cause unnecessary follow-up testing, including biopsies. As a result, MRI is reserved strictly for women with a heightened risk of breast cancer. Ask your doctor if this imaging test is appropriate for you. Sources: American Cancer Society; National Cancer Institute

and uncertainty. • Find a listening ear. It helps to confide in someone who can handle any emotion you may express. You may want to join a support group, or perhaps conversations with family or friends are more your style. • Pay attention to your needs for rest and other self-care. • Tap into your faith through prayer, books or a religious counselor. • Fall back on coping skills that have helped you deal with crises in the past. But if they aren’t working for you this time, try something different or seek help. • Walk or exercise. Get an OK from your doctor before you start a new exercise routine.

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October 2012




October 2012

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Dont Miss It! The 24th Annual

Holiday Market October 18-20, 2012

Presented by the Junior League of Montgomery

Grand Investor: Premier Investor: Baptist Health

JLM Kicks-Off Montgomery’s 2012 Holiday Shopping Season! Holiday Market begins October 18th, 2012 at an EXCITING NEW VENUE!

Montgomery’s Multiplex at Cramton Bowl!

Wednesday, October 17 ~ 6-9pm Mistletoe and Martinis: Preview Party & Silent Auction - $35 Beverage tickets, hors d'oeuvres and entertainment

Thursday, October 18 Shopping Hours ~ 9am-9pm

TICKETS: Advance - $5 • Daily - $10

Friday, October 19 Shopping Hours ~ 9am-9pm Girls Night Out 6-9pm

Valet Parking will be available for $5

Saturday, October 20 Shopping Hours ~ 9am-5pm

Military & Seniors - $5 Children 10 & under - FREE

Advance Ticket Outlets: Junior League Office, River Bank and Trust (Montgomery, Wetumpka & Prattville locations), Eastdale Mall, My Kid's Attic, and Barb's on Mulberry

Kids! Help the Elves in Santa’s Workshop for Holiday Fun! $10 ~ 10-11:30am Santa is in Town! - Stop by and have your picture taken with Santa ~ 12-5pm

For Info Call 334-288-8816 or visit BOOM! 5

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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October 2012


October 2012

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

BOOM!, The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


October 2012

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”

Volume 3 Issue 3

Carl Bard

Thought Relationships Taste Inspiration

Humor Advice Health Community

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

3 Jackson Hospital’s Health News 8 Publisher’s Letter 12 Cover Profile 16 Author Speak: Featuring Sara DuBoseDon’t 20 Breast Cancer Awareness

page 27

22 Healthy Hearing, Are your neighbors enjoying free cable TV…. ?

Features 15 Finish Old Half-Done Projects It’s just 20 minutes

Departments 10 This and That Have you heard...?

18 Fishing Steelhead Trout

27 Finding Your Dream Mate

On the Rogue River

25 Art & Soul: Sandi Aplin

7 steps

31 BOOM! Advertising 28 {12} Things

Solutions for bored people.

30 Male Call

32 Riverwalk Wine Festival

Greg Budell, The Pink Wedding



page 10

page 32 page 18 BOOM! The River Regions 50+ Lifestage Magazine is published monthly by River Region Publications, 8637 Harvest Ridge Dr., Montgomery, AL 36116. The phone number for voice and fax is 334.523.9510. Copyright 2012 by River Region Publications. No part of this publication can be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed in BOOM! The River Regions 50+ Lifestage Magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products and services herein.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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October 2012



publisher’s letter

My Breast Cancer Story The mission of BOOM! is to serve the folks of the River Region age 50 plus with information and ideas to inspire new experiences, better quality of life and new beginnings.

This is a special time of year in my life because I’m reminded of my experience with Breast Cancer and the blessing it turned out to be. As a tribute to my late wife Marty and many others who grasp for understanding of this disease, I want to share my breast cancer story with you again this year.


Breast Cancer’s Blessing Could life be any better? My wife and I were truly enjoying the fruits of our labor. We were business partners, she was the boss and I was her advisor. We had been publishing Montgomery Parents for eight years, and serving our community with something we thought was worth doing. We were “empty nesters”, and our schedules allowed for travel and plenty of time to love on the grandkids. Through our effort we had discovered the joy of “made for each other”, because both of us brought something to our marriage and business relationship the other didn’t have. We became a complete work Jim Watson, Publisher of love. After a 40 year relationship stemming from a 9th grade history class encounter, Marty and I had discovered the “sweet spot” of happiness and we were enjoying the blessing of God’s design. And then we weren’t.

Jim Watson, 334.523.9510

Associate Editor Kelly Watson

Contributing Writers Sandi Aplin Jeff Barganier Dr. Bettie Borton Greg Budell Lisa Copeland Sara DuBose Sug Keene Sherry Nath Ruth Prendergast Wina Sturgeon

Cover Photography Lola Fine Art Photography


Jim Watson, 334.523.9510

Monette Mottenon, 334.523.9510

Design & Layout Lake House Graphics


Network Delivery


Publications Press, Montgomery, AL 334.244.0436

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In April of 2003, our lives changed. Marty and I were sitting in our living room as our family doctor told Marty she had metastatic breast cancer. We were paralyzed by the thought. It’s as if our brains were frozen. It was a Friday afternoon so we would have to spend the weekend with this intruder; we were being held hostage by breast cancer until Monday’s appointment with the oncologist. We both struggled to understand the why. I researched breast cancer and learned too much while Marty began sharing with family and friends the “news” no one wanted to hear. As an optimist I was going to get to the bottom of this problem and find a solution. Marty, who had a deep faith, knew the solution was with God. Of course, we both would press and probe our doctors for answers and hope and got some of both. But in the end, our journey with breast cancer led to God and the peace that only He can provide. Breast cancer changed our lives, but God was the director. I became a caregiver, and like many men, was pretty unfamiliar with the job description. But when your wife has breast cancer and every day together is truly precious, you ask a lot of dumb questions and you get smart quick. I’m not talking medical stuff, I’m talking laundry and cooking and pill organizing and, most importantly, serving. Marty lived 30 months after her diagnosis and I wouldn’t trade one moment of serving her for anything in this world. The blessing of serving is hard to realize and appreciate because we all want for ourselves. Our nature is to be selfish. But when you serve someone you forget about your needs and value someone else’s. I learned that from Marty. She was a selfless, caring person and when I took on that role in our lives it was an abundant blessing. Marty showed me where to find hope and how to never lose it. Our hope was and is in God. God’s blessings aren’t about being in the best place of your life, they’re about being in the best place with Him. This month’s BOOM! Cover Profile is the dynamic duo that started a Montgomery tradition 24 years ago and many of you will be experiencing it again later this month. Read more about Sug and Ruth on page 12. Because it is Breast Cancer Awareness month we listed a few events that will take place during October. Please take time and lend your support to some of these activities or maybe you’ll decide you want to volunteer throughout the year. I know there’s a blessing in all your actions. We did a Q & A with local author, Sara DuBose, about her fifth novel due out in October. Another local author, Jeff Barganier, shared his recent experience about fishing for “Steelhead Trout” out in Oregon with his wife Cindy. Got some old unfinished projects still haunting you? We have a few suggestions on how to finally get them completed. How about getting back in the dating scene? Need a few steps to motivate you? We’ve got seven to get you started again! Do you drink wine? Me too and I plan on being at this year’s Riverwalk Wine Festival. I also have some tickets to give away for you and a few friends. Drop me a note and share your favorite place to drink wine and you may win a few tickets for some wine on the water!

Thanks again for sharing BOOM! with your friends. We have some new advertisers this month who would love for you to do business with them. Will you? If so, let them know you saw their ad in BOOM! They will appreciate it. Remember, it’s a great time to be Booming!


WIN TICKETS! turn to back cover for details... 8 BOOM!

October 2012 334.324.3472 cell/text 334.523.9510 office

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Meet the doctor who’s all ears. Ask audiologist Dr. Bettie Borton how many ears she’s treated and she’ll say “thousands.” It’s the voice of experience. As a board-certified audiologist with more than 30 years of experience, Dr. Borton is recognized as an expert in hearing health care. The only AudigyCertifiedTM provider in Alabama, Dr. Borton has been helping your friends and neighbors get the most out of life for years. Call for a complimentary hearing screening. Then put yourself in the hands of someone who has done it a thousand times before.

Bettie B. Borton, Au.D., FAAA Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Former National Chair of the American Board of Audiology President-Elect of the American Academy of Audiology For your convenience,

call us toll-free at



7025 Halcyon Park Dr, Ste A


Doctors Hearing Clinic

2204-D Gateway Dr

View our virtual seminar at

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Helping People Hear! r i ve r reg i o n b o o m . co m

October 2012




This & tHAT The Cloverdale Playhouse Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill

Written by Lanie Robertson Directed by Anthony Stockard October 26, 27 and 28, 2012, 7pm Following multiple performances in D.C., Nashville, Winston-Salem and Birmingham, award-winning actress Ashley Bishop brings her critically acclaimed portrayal of Billie Holiday to Montgomery! Experience one of Billie Holiday’s last performances. More than a dozen musical numbers are interlaced with salty, often humorous reminiscences to create a moving portrait of Billie Holiday and her music. The London Times calls it “Original and riveting.” New York Magazine says it ”hurts and exhilarates in all the right places.” *Contains Adult Language* $15/ ticket.


by Michael Hollinger October 11-14 & October 18-21

For Tickets, contact the CP Box Office at 334.262.1530 Email at

A world-renowned string quartet follows their world tour with a new recording contract amid rumors of a break-up -- and the search for a replacement--- just before a command performance at the White House. Michael Hollinger’s play joins extraordinary music with dynamic language as it explores the inner workings and lively relationships of a once tightly-knit ensemble. “This portrait of the personal and professional interactions among a group of musicians is so entertaining and insightful that you’ll never quite listen to a chamber music group the same way again.“- NY Post. Opus is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc. New York. * Contains Adult Language & Situations*

The Stylish Senior Citizen At 81, Carmen Dell’Orefice hasn’t retired her heels: the stylish senior citizen — three to four times older than today’s models. “I don’t know if it’s good or silly,” she told TODAY’s Jenna Bush Hager of her current modeling career. “It’s what I enjoy doing, and I’m able to do it.” With her signature silver mane, sultry dark eyes and youthful elegance, the octogenarian model recently appeared along other mature models — including Beverly Johnson, Carol Alt, Isabella Rossellini and Jerry Hall — in the HBO film, “About Face: The Supermodels, Then and Now.” In an industry which prizes youth, Dell’Orefice says she’s proof of the nation’s general acceptance of a graying population. “I think America may be growing up and accepting the fact that the bulk of life exists beyond 50. Because demographically ... the vast population is over 50,” she said. “This is not to negate the young people coming up. But what kind of an example are we giving young people?” See more at Carmen Dell’Orefice, 15

Finding Your Alabama Ancestors in Cyberspace Do you need help finding all the leaves on your family tree on the internet? Are you overwhelmed by too much information and not enough good information? If so, plan to join archivist Nancy Dupree at the Alabama Department of Archives & History on Monday, October 15, 9-3:30 pm. Dupree will demonstrate the best websites and on-line resources and focus on the most effective search strategies. She will devote special attention to and the wealth of on-line Alabama records now available at,, the ADAH digital archives, and other digital resources. Lunch is included in the cost of registration. An optional tour of the Archives research room and storage areas will be offered following the workshop. The research room is closed on Mondays, so research time will not be available on the day of the workshop. Friends of the Archives members: $30, non-members $40. Alabama Department of Archives & History 624 Washington Avenue. To register contact 334-353-4693 or

10 BOOM!

October 2012

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

BOOMERS, share your stuff with BOOM! We Love to Bring BOOMERS Together, send info and pics to The Twelfth annual Walk ’N Wag dog walk fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, October 13, 2012, on the grounds of the Alabama Shakespeare Festival in Blount Cultural Park. This event brings together dog owners and animal lovers from across the Montgomery area to participate in a one-mile dog walk to help raise money for the Montgomery Humane Society. This event serves two main purposes: first, to raise much needed money to care for more than 10,000 animals the MHS receives every year; and second, to celebrate the special bond between pets and people. This is one of the few events in Montgomery that pet owners are welcome to share with their four-legged friends. For more information go to

Big Dog

A New Take on “Spin the Bottle” You may have played spin the bottle as a kid, but now adults can play Spin the Bottle with Vino Vault ( ) This game is perfect for the next dinner party you host, and the goal is to exchange bottles of wine by the end. To play, each couple or guest brings two identical bottles of wine, one to be tasted while the other is locked in the Vino Vault and unable to be opened. On each turn, one couple draws a card displaying a fiveletter word and sets that word as the combination to the Vino Vault. Play proceeds around the circle with each couple Make Plans to Attend using the spinner to determine which level of difficulty of the clue to be given (black is hardest, ranging to burgundy, the easiest). The couple that set the combination reads the clue each time, and play proceeds until one couple guesses the word correctly, and wins the wine in the vault. There are some real gems in the clues offered. For example, one of the clues for Santa is “More deliveries than UPS.” And one of the clues for Drunk is simply “Keith Moon.”

The Guinness World Records 2013 Edition has declared that Zeus, a 3-year-old Great Dane, the tallest dog in the world. Forty-four inches high at the shoulder, the 155-pound pup is as big as an average-sized donkey. When he’s on his hind legs, Zeus is over 7 feet tall-just a few inches shorter than the tallest NBA players. According to Zeus’s owner, Denise Doorlag of Otsego, Michigan, the giant-but-gentle canine eats 12 cups (nearly 30 pounds!) of food a day; she had to buy a van just to comfortably transport Zeus and her two other (normal-sized) dogs.Tigger, a bloodhound with the longest ears-each is nearly 14 inches-ever, and Puggy, a male Pekingese who has the longest tongue (4.5 inches). The smallest living dog is a Chihuahua named Boo Boo; she stands just 4 inches tall. Photo: Kevin Scott Ramos/Guinness World Records

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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October 2012




Sug Keene & Ruth Prendergast Starting Something! This month’s BOOM! profile is a “twofer”, the co-chairs of the first Junior League of Montgomery Holiday Market, Sug Keene and Ruth Prendergast, who 24 years ago certainly started an important holiday tradition in the River Region. It’s also the unofficial start of the “Holiday Shopping Season” for many BOOM! Readers. This year’s Holiday Market will be held at the NEW Montgomery Mutiplex at Cramton Bowl October 18-20. Normally it’s been held at the Renaissance Hotel, Downtown Montgomery, but there was a scheduling conflict. The Holiday Market has grown to 10,000 shoppers and at least 110 different merchants from throughout the Southeast and the River Region. Sug and Ruth are both long term members of our community and value the many contributions of the Junior League to the quality of life the folks in the River Region enjoy. Both Sug and Ruth have moved on to other interests since those days but their efforts 24 years ago have created a positive holiday shopping experience for many of the Boomer Women out there in the community. Sug and Ruth visited with us recently and shared their recollections about starting The Holiday Market and what they’ve been up to lately. We enjoyed the visit and we think you will too.

BOOM!: Please give us a brief biography, i.e. where you’re from, education, what brought you to the Montgomery area, did you raise your family here, schools, married, family, etc? Ruth: I grew up in Montgomery and attended the Country Day School, Johnson Elementary, Bear Elementary, the Montgomery Academy and Jefferson Davis High School. I attended Emory University for two years and graduated from the University of Alabama with a BA and an MA in American Studies. I met my husband (a Yankee) after my freshman year of college when we both worked in Yellowstone

12 BOOM!

October 2012

Sug: I was born and grew up in Attalla, AL. After graduating from the University of Alabama, I married my sweetheart, Tommy Keene. Tommy received his law degree from the University of Alabama and we moved to Montgomery where we raised two children, Jason and Alison. They both graduated from Montgomery Academy and of course, the University of Alabama! BOOM!: As members of the Junior League of Montgomery, you both were responsible for starting the first Holiday Market. Would you please share the experience of starting this Montgomery tradition and its importance to our community today? What would Montgomery be like without the Junior League?

Ruth Prendergast and Sug Keene

National Park. We have two children: Patrick, an assistant district attorney in Baldwin County, and Jenny, a reservation specialist in Steamboat Springs, CO. My husband works for the Department of Human Resources as an administrative law judge, and I currently have a great job as a realtor with Alfa Realty. Once both our children graduated from college, my husband and I (why I DO NOT know) moved to a big outdated house on six wooded acres with a pond and a pool. Now there is never enough time for all the projects that arise from those four things. Also, unintentionally, we seem to have replaced our two grown children with four bad dogs and a cat. So we spend a lot of time vacuuming dog hair, refereeing dog fights, and supporting our vet.

Ruth: In 1987 I was the chairman of the rummage sale, a long-time Junior League fundraiser. Sug was my co-chairman, so she was chairman of the 1988 rummage sale. At that time the Junior League had two major fundraisers—the rummage sale in September and the horse show in November. Members tended to have an affinity for one or the other of the projects, and some were very devoted to the horse show. Although the horse show provided a valuable service to the Montgomery community, it had been declining in its value as a fundraiser. In 1988 a task force was formed to study the viability of a holiday market as a replacement for the horse show. I served on this task force, and we reviewed various holiday markets. Sug joined us after the rummage sale. After much consideration, the committee decided that, although daunting, it was possible to organize, develop, and inaugurate a holiday market for the fall of 1989. Sug and I were asked to co-chair the new event as it was an unknown entity, A LOT of work, and we worked really well together.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

One of the first things that had to be deterplace the annual horse show fundraiser. Ruth BOOM!: Many Boomers are experiencing a mined was a name for the new event so we and I were co-chairs on the project which we renewed sense of purpose, new goals, new held a membership wide contest to select the had to create from scratch. For careers, especially if they’ve experienced the new name. We example, we had to develop empty nest syndrome of their kids moving wanted a name a logo, find a venue, solicit on. How would you describe this sense of that did not just merchants, assemble a market renewal in your life? Any advice for the rest of say Christmas, committee with job descripus seeking renewal? but incorporattions for each sub-committee, ed the concept develop advertising, find someRuth: I think the most important way to of all holidays. one to design experience renewal Montgomery and install is to stay challenged. County District booths…the list It is important to Attorney Ellen was endless! always have some Brooks was the We must have challenge whether winner of this planted the it is planting a new contest as she right seeds beplant, remodeling a came up with cause now the bathroom, planthe simple, Holiday Market ning a wedding, Sug and her rescued dog, Dixie but very apt, is in its 24th or sewing a day name…The Holiday Market. year! Each year thousands gown. Challenges of people experience this are what keep the Also, we had to immediately plan the overall unique holiday event by shopengines firing and structure of the event so that we could ping a variety of merchanthe wheels turnreserve the venue and determine which dise from a diverse group of ing. It is imperative committees were needed as well as how they vendors. Many of the local as we age to feel would function, how many people they would shop owners have booths and useful, to be useneed, and what their specific responsibilities develop special relationships ful, and challenges would be. with new customers. The facilitate usefulness. Ruth and her son’s dog, Wrigley (1 of 4) economic impact Some challenges One of Sug’s and my of the Holiday Market has been we embrace and some challenges are forced main goals, in addition to tremendous to the River Region upon us, but, regardless of their origin, they planning, organizing, and make us stronger, they empower us, and they implementing a successful The Junior League has had a make us alive. and profitable market, was major impact on Montgomery. to assuage the anger and The quality of our lifestyle here Sug: I spent many years raising children, disappointment that some in the River Region has most working and volunteering in the community. felt as a result of the loss of definitely been affected by the I am now enjoying the freedom to pursue the horseshow as a Junior Junior League’s involvement whatever comes along. League project. We tried with the community. Some very hard to meld horse examples include spearheading BOOM!: What are you most passionate show people and rummage the Children’s Museum at The about? sale people into a cohesive, Montgomery Museum of Fine functioning whole, and I Art. They have funded and volunRuth: I am most passionate about my children think we were very successteered at Brantwood Children’s ful. Once the structure was Home, Clefworks, Sug: We have a house on Lake in place and the chairmen Nellie Burge Martin. I am happiest at the Ruth, at work with a hammer were selected, they and Center, MOCOA lake. I have been working on their committee members worked tirelessly (Montgomery Area Council on The Children’s Harbor Auction and diligently until they created a well-oiled Aging), M.A.N.E. (therapeutic the last few years. My biggest machine. horseback riding opportunipassion is my family. I love ties to children and adults to get everyone together for The holiday market was a success on many with disabilities), Montgomery holidays and catch up on their levels. It generated sizeable revenue as well Cancer Wellness, Montgomery lives. as providing a fun and enjoyable event for the Coalition for the Homeless, membership and the community at large. The Cloverdale Theater, Family BOOM!: How do you like to The Junior League is an integral and necesSunshine Center, Troy Unirelax and wind down from a sary part of the community. Not only does versity Rosa Parks Museum, hard day’s work? it fund various projects, but it impacts the Aid to Inmate Mothers, local whole community through the copious volunschools and so much more. Ruth: I like to watch “ProjSug with husband, Tommy teer hours provided by its membership. The Junior League continues ect Runway”, “Smash”, “The to add value to our community. Voice”, “The Good Wife”, and “Dance Moms.” Sug: The Holiday Market was a new fundraisI’m trying really hard to stay away from er for the Junior League. It was created to re“Honey Boo Boo.”

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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October 2012



Sug: After dinner I love to sit down, relax, catch up on emails, watch my favorite tv shows, read the newspaper or read. BOOM!: Favorite vacation spot? Any travel dreams planned for the future? Ruth: We can’t go on vacation because of the yard and the kennel. When we do go away, I can’t relax because I’m worried the whole time about who’s going to get jumped or snake bit. Sug: My favorite spot on earth is Lake Martin. If I can go there, that’s all I need. BOOM!: Do you still have the time to be involved in community, civic or other activities? Ruth: There is always time to be involved. Sug: I have slowed down on my volunteer hours but I always keep my eyes open for new opportunities. BOOM!: What’s your dream job? Ruth: My dream job would encompass so many different jobs. It would require interaction with people. It would never require being inside at a desk forty hours a week. It would involve creativity; with lots of

14 BOOM!

October 2012

planning, thinking, and developing. It would sometimes require writing. It would be challenging, but doable. And it would deliver a great sense of accomplishment and success.

Sug: Quiet-Organized-Happy

Sug: I would love to be a professional organizer.

Sug: Collecting, jigsaw puzzles, reading and Lake Life.

BOOM!: What is it about living in the Montgomery/River Region area that you like? Ruth: I like that it is still a small town functioning within a larger framework. Sug: I love the small town feel of Montgomery. It has all the shops I love without all the chaos of big city traffic. It has a wonderful sense of community. I love to walk in a store and have them know my name and what I like! BOOM!: As you’ve aged, how have your ambitions changed? Ruth: I’m not sure what they are, but I don’t think they’ve changed. Sug: I have gone from work, to mom, to volunteer, to senior citizen! I enjoy the sense of being needed, but also enjoy the sense of freedom to pursue new adventures. BOOM!: Give us three words that describe you?

BOOM!: Do you have any hobbies or other activities that grab your attention?

BOOM!: What future challenges do you have? Ruth: Oh my gosh, I can’t begin to list my challenges. Every day brings more and more challenges, and I’m already overcome and overrun. Some days just getting out of bed is a challenge! Sug: Taking care of aging relatives, facing retirement and a possible move. BOOM!: How is aging different from when your parents were your age? Sug: I think seniors now enjoy a much more active lifestyle. We are more engaged with the community and more social. We also lead longer, healthier lives. We want to thank Sug and Ruth for helping us put together this month’s BOOM! Cover Profile. We also want to thank Charlene Holtsford for coordinating the photo shoot and Q & A. If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please send them to

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Finish Old Half-Done Projects

One big drawback to hitting middle age is something that’s rarely ever talked about: How much faster time flies. You start a project, something else comes up, the half-finished project lies around gathering dust _ and before By Wina Sturgeon you know it, years have gone by. Sometimes, the project doesn’t even get started. It becomes a kind of dream plan in the back of your mind, like “Get rid of all those old books I’ll probably never read again,” or “Paint the kitchen” or “Clean out the closet.” I have a friend who had a collection of his children’s broken toys that he kept meaning to fix. His children are now in their 20s. My own personal downfall is sewing projects. I have cut-out pattern pieces for an unfinished jacket started more than a dozen years ago. The fabric purchased to make a onesie for a friend’s new grandchild is still folded in my sewing room; the kid is now 7.

This will accomplish two things. First, you probably won’t want to stop after 20 minutes. You’ll look forward to working on it again. Second, even just 20 minutes of work will show progress. After a few 20 minutes sessions, you’ll see enough progress to get enthusiastic about finishing it.

living space. But don’t automatically toss something because the time frame to do it has passed. I’ve already begun working 20 minutes a day on that onesie. It can go to a friend who is expecting a new grandchild.

Once you’ve completed those three projects, choose three more. The final step: If you really don’t feel like working on a particular project, THROW IT OUT! Don’t keep the materials around, cluttering up your

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Wina Sturgeon is an active boomer based in Salt Lake City who skates on both ice blades and wheels, lifts weights and gardens to stay in shape. (c) 2012, Adventure Sports Weekly ( Distributed by MCT Information Services

“Sassy… and deeply affecting” –The New York Times

October 6, 13 & 20 Saturdays Only!

I recently invented a way to finish off old projects, and even get the UNSTARTED ones done, without admitting defeat and tossing them. I call it “sectioning.” It’s a very simple and workable method, though it does take a bit of self discipline. Start by choosing three unfinished or unstarted projects. Pick three that would give you the most satisfaction to get done. Next, select a time of day when you’ll always have one uninterrupted hour. Regard this as an almost sacred hour; no phone calls, no surfing the Web, no TV. Here’s the secret to sectioning: Spend 20 minutes, and only 20 minutes, working on each project. Don’t think that it’s hardly enough time to get started. It IS enough time to get a bit of the project done. After exactly 20 minutes, move on to the second of the three projects, without exception. After 20 minutes there, move on to the third.

By Laura Eason | Adapted from the novel by Mark Twain

ALABAMA ShAkESpEArE FESTivAL 1-800-841-4273




Author Speak: Featuring Sara DuBose Sara: In this story my 22-year-old heroine, Beth Davidson, wants love and affection but not the kind offered by her intruder or at the price she may need to pay. For 16 years her life has remained on hold and now a predator is at her heels. When Lt. Wilson, the officer in charge of stalking and domestic violence, interviewed Beth he spoke of power and control. Now those words sometime roll around in Beth’s head like dice in the hands of a gambler. On other days, it feels like the gambler’s fingers are closing in for the kill. Would you like to read more about your Montgomery community, be entertained and informed, plus find some suspense and romance in less than 300 pages? Then read on. Recently, BOOM! caught up with author Sara DuBose to ask about her latest novel, Uncharted Waters.

BOOM!: Sara, your first four books are set in the 1950’s, but this one is a contemporary suspense. Can you tell us more about Uncharted Waters and what motivated you to write it? Sara: Well, I wanted more insight into a problem facing all communities. Not long ago I read that 60% of all 911 calls are related to domestic violence and stalking. Although I’ve never experienced or known anyone involved in such a crisis, I was determined to investigate. Now, in hindsight, I see how three thoughts drove me to complete this book: The need to learn more about the dangers of stalking and abuse, the desire to show how true romance must be founded through God alone, and how the God of the Bible walks all believers through uncharted waters. BOOM!: That’s quite a mouthful, so give us a synopsis.

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Since losing her mother at age 12 and experiencing a fractured relationship with her dad, Beth is finally living on her own and experiencing a life of restrained optimism. Optimism, that is, until the sudden appearance of this invader. Then, day by day, as his advancements continue, Beth’s young faith will be tested almost beyond endurance. The emotional atmosphere becomes one of panic on a leash. The reader will ask “What does this stalker want, and how far will he go to get it?” Beth doesn’t know but she is about to find out. BOOM!: It sounds interesting, but tell us who you see as your audience. Sara: I envision two groups. Younger romantic suspense readers will pull for Beth as she struggles with past family baggage and present fears. Older readers, however, often hold their hope in handcuffs so Uncharted Waters will show how to submit and live in God’s grace, whatever the fear. I also want readers to see the futility of trying to steer their own course. BOOM!: Are there other benefits:

Sara: Yes. Splintered families and job insecurity plague many believers and seekers today so readers will relate to Beth Davidson’s plight. Unique features include warnings of the dangers of cyberstalking and the need to exercise caution when using the social networks. Some young single women are so eager for a romantic relationship they lack judgment regarding internet use and are too quick to trust any male who shows an interest. This book is not a Facebook diatribe but it does offer critical information to our computer driven generation. So, parents and grandparents, here is an opportunity to offer a subtle warning to someone you love. Uncharted Waters will also provide insight into the workings of the Police Academy and show how police officers and individuals in our new One Place Family Justice Center offer aid to victims of stalking, domestic violence and other crimes. Readers will develop a deeper appreciation for those serving in law enforcement and the justice system. BOOM!: If you could give us a summary of your goal or purpose for this novel, what would it be? Sara: My purpose is to show how we all must navigate uncharted waters yet we are never alone. I want readers to identify with Beth Davidson, relate to her struggles, consider how they might react in a threatening situation and maybe even coax their own submerged fears to the surface. BOOM!: Where can we find you and your book? Sara: Capitol Book & News and Trinity Presbyterian Church Bookstore, or any bookstore can order it for you. It will also be listed with Amazon (e-book included) and other online stores. My website and contact information is: www.saradubose. com. I am also available for motivational talks about writing or other career goals. The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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October 2012




hat you’re about to read is more than a mere travel piece about the exquisite beauty and serenity of Orvisendorsed Morrison’s Rogue River Lodge or the incredible experience of fishing for steelhead trout on that famous Oregon river, though these are decidedly prominent features of this story. There’s much more under the surface here than the fierce fight of a twenty inch “half-pounder” or Morrison’s elegant four course evening meals. This is about living life large—something worth praying for!

Fishing Steelhead Trout on the Rogue River with Jeff Barganier

Nine years ago this month I abruptly left a twenty-plus-year career in financial services. I simply put my head down on my desk and prayed for deliverance. No, not the spiritual kind; although the securities business does seem to have more than its share of demons! Rather, I prayed for honest work that would bring peace and meaning to my life; then I sold my business—without a clue about what I was going to do next. It’s truly amazing how earnest prayer can change your life. But I scarcely imagined that a legal/financial guy like me would end up working with artists and designers. As I write this, my wife Cindy is sitting a few feet away, tapping out an entry for her blog, Forever Design. She’s blogging about our most recent project: the interior design of a mansion on the Sawgrass Golf Course in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. She’s probably bragging about my prowess at hanging heavy mirrors or my skill at painting gold drapery rings white. We’ve been working together now for most of these years since my escape from the demonic realm. And guess what? The work is peaceful; and what could be more meaningful than spending almost every waking hour in the company of the girl you love? My writing tends to chronicle the unique projects I take on as a worker-bee in Cindy’s firm: the construction of a headboard from old garden gates; the acquisition and restoration of antique Argentine doors for her studio; New England excursions in search of various treasures, and other ventures in search of art and history. A few years ago, I

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Photo by Lenore Perconti

spent a week in Holland writing about the thousands-of-years-old art of roof thatching. Publication of that story led to a feature in Dutch the magazine about the Dutch group “Acoustrio” performing at Florence, Alabama’s W.C. Handy Music Festival. Now I’m off to discuss art with artist James Sampsel on Oregon’s wild and scenic Rogue River. James also just happens to be a professional fly fisherman and an awesome river guide...with Dutch roots, no less. (His dad is Pennsylvania Dutch). James and I became friends over the internet. I e-mailed him in the spring about my interest in featuring his art on, my website dedicated to artists with interesting stories to tell. James called me out of the blue one day from Uruguay where he was fishing (and painting) near the city of Piriãpolis. He invited me to visit Southwestern Oregon to learn fly fishing and talk art out on the swift green waters of the world famous Rogue. This boomer found the idea irresistible! Why the heck not? September 5, 2012, 5:00 a.m.: There’s good reason I get up mornings as early as 4:30 to exercise. My body needs to be in shape for the activities I demand of it during these “golden years.” But this morning I’m sitting in the terminal at Montgomery Regional. In eight hours, Cindy and I will land in Medford, Oregon. (She said there was no way I was going on this trip without her!) We’ll rent a zippy little car at Rogue Valley International

Airport and drive to Merlin in the hills forty minutes northwest. Not long after we exit Interstate 5, the Rogue River will appear on our left and we’ll follow its winding course through scenic hills, past Hellgate Canyon and deep into Oregon’s wilderness to the tranquility of Morrison’s Lodge on the Rogue. September 7: I’m sitting on the back deck of Morrison’s Lodge gazing out upon the kind of scene that a picture cannot adequately convey: a broad manicured lawn with white Adirondack chairs, sun-splashed verdant hills, and an osprey soaring against deep blue sky over the Rogue. I hear white-water falling from Morrison’s pond. It’s the same hypnotic sound that lulls me to sleep at night in our room with this view. The attentive and hospitable Lowell Pratt manages the lodge. His daughter Crystal is setting up the outdoor dining area for another incredible meal—fish tonight! His wife is in the kitchen. Oregonians, in general, are kind and friendly. I find myself thinking I could stay here forever. A large black-headed blue jay lands on the rail to my right and inquires what I’m doing—this is the same blue jay that steals butter from the tables and squawks, driving Crystal crazy. Guess he’s never seen a writer at work. But there have been others. Zane Grey wrote many of his western novels in a cabin which still stands along this historic river that is steeped in Native-American lore. Lean, tanned and muscular James Sampsel could easily fit the description of a Zane

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Grey character. He came of age in this back country, fishing, hiking and capturing its wild beauty on canvas, the way Grey captured its wildness with words. James is not only proficient with a brush—he sold twenty original paintings over the summer—he’s also a superb artist with a fly rod. We learn the technique of “twitching” our lines from seats in his float boat. You cover a lot of river that way—about ten miles a day—with James eagerly rowing against the current all the way to keep us where the “happy fish” hang out. He thinks a motor is cheating. We beach just above Hellgate Canyon where he sets a pretty nice lunch table, complete with a table cloth and silverware; and we enjoy roast beef sandwiches and potato salad prepared for us that morning. While Cindy and I chow down, James stands in the Rogue’s cold current in crisp morning air under spectacular blue sky, and demonstrates how to “draw a circle” with the rod, swish line from the water, then whip the line up into a “D” pattern in the air and cast out to the river’s center. He performs this maneuver in one graceful, seemingly effortless, motion. After two days on the river, James has us gracefully casting into the majestic flow, too. A good fly fisherman on the Rogue will catch only about one elusive steelhead every eight hours. But when one finally takes the fly, it is an exhilarating show: I feel the line jerk. The feisty half-pounder takes the fly and the reel spins rapidly.

The rod bends well over but I keep it high and begin to reel. Line tears through the water as the steelhead fights for his freedom. Several minutes pass before I pull him close to where I’m standing on rocky-river bed, waist-deep in the swirling Rogue. Everyone is screaming. “Woo hoo!” Cindy shouts from upstream. James is with Cindy. He hikes his waders and lunges against the current, trying to reach me in time. He leaps over and takes hold of the line, pulling the fish from the water and unhooking him. We get the picture. Then I gently place him back in the Rogue, turning him into the current. He’s still for a few seconds as if offering thanks and farewell, then zips from my hands and disappears to fight again another day. A Rogue River experience isn’t just about the fishing. You see, smell, hear, and feel so much out here that it’s quite easy to become lost in this all-consuming majesty of creation. Cindy turns to me and says, “I didn’t think I was stressed at all. But being here makes me

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

We hear the dinner bell up at the lodge and ease over the lawn to its deck where we are seated at our special table. The service one receives here is akin to what I have experienced at Blackberry Farm in Tennessee or High Hampton near Cashiers, North Carolina. Nothing pretentious: just gracious, laid-back people pampering me at my pace. After an orange roll or two—Morrison’s orange rolls are famous in Oregon—the waitress brings salads made of fresh Oregon greens. The sun has set below the hills and rope lights set the deck aglow. Cindy and I sip wine and watch darkness envelop the Rogue. A soft pale hue washes away blue sky and juxtaposes itself against the blackness of the hills. I smell steaks cooking. Somebody pinch me. September 12: We’re home again and memories are fresh. You need to give yourself at least five days or more if you wish to see other important attractions in the area. I highly recommend these: Crater Lake to the northeast is an easy day trip from Morrison’s Lodge. It’s a geological wonder well worth the drive. You can have lunch at Crater Lake Lodge right on the rim of the caldera. Their clam chowder is excellent. Then plan to visit the giant red wood forest at Jedediah Smith Red Wood State Park near Crescent City, California to the southwest before taking a scenic drive up the spectacular Oregon coast. You can spend the night on the Pacific Ocean at Gold Beach, a quaint fishing village where the Rogue meets the sea, and cross back over lush farm country to Morrison’s the following day in plenty of time for dinner. Or, in the alternative, enjoy a wonderful evening meal of hazelnut encrusted steelhead at Medford’s historic train depot, home of Porters Train Station Restaurant and Bar. Enjoy a bottle of local wine. Tell them I sent you.

Still, as we reminisce, the highlight of our Oregon experience was being on the Rogue with James Sampsel at the oars, and the “Southern hospitality” of the great folks at Morrison’s. It’s no wonder they’re included in the Orvis book of Great Fishing Lodges of North America by Paul Fersen. My granddaughter likes to sing and dance to a popular pop song called Rumor Has It. But instead of rumor, she sings…boomer has it. Right she is. Boomers have it. And what do “boomers” have? We have the opportunity and a host of incentives—not the least of which is an enduring thirst for life—to live the last years large, and in the process, maybe leave the world a little better place than we found it. So what are you waiting for? Jeff Barganier is a freelance writer and co-owner of Cindy E. Barganier Interiors LLC in Pike Road.

Photo by Lenore Perconti

“Slowly, slowly now, lift your rod, set the hook,” James instructs.

understand that I was, and didn’t realize it.” Such is the Rogue’s transcendent peace on one’s mind and body. Stress begins to melt away the moment you arrive here. Morrison’s Lodge and the Rogue experience is also about the chirping of crickets at night and birds at dawn, a big fish jumping in the lake, the sound of rushing water, the cry of an osprey overhead. Even the hissing of lawn sprinklers melds into nap-inducing harmony. I follow the changing shadows on the hills above the Rogue, view the in-creeping colors of fall, all set in splendor, crowned by Oregon-blue sky. Wind whispers through giant fir trees. The passing of cars on Galice Road above the lodge mimic the rhythmic crashing of Pacific waves on Gold Beach two hours west of here. It’s all so soothing, like the breath of God airing my soul; and a balm for work-sore eyes. Surely, Heaven must be like this.

Morrison’s Rogue River Lodge 800-826-1963 James Sampsel Artist/River Guide Crater Lake National Park Jedediah Smith Red Wood State Park Porters Train Station Restaurant and Bar Blog: Forever Design

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October 2012



Everyone is invited to GO PINK! at The Shoppes at EastChase during the month of October to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Trick or Pink at The Shoppes at EastChase-October 20 The Shoppes at Eastchase will be transformed on Saturday, October 20! When you arrive, pink fairies, witches and characters brought to life by actors from the Alabama Shakespeare Festival will greet you. Fountains will flow with pink water and fog and pink pumpkins await your artistic touch to transform them into festive Jack O’ Lanterns. It’s time for TRICK OR PINK! Let the kids dress up and come out for a family night with all kinds of fun starting at 6 pm! Participating retailers will be handing out candy and goodies. You could paint a pumpkin in the Pink Pumpkin Patch or take home a prize in the costume contest sponsored by Bama Country at 6:30. Want more? How about face painting witches and inflatables to get your jump on! Joy to Life along with the American Cancer Society, Sistas CAN Survive, and the Cancer Wellness Foundation were be on-hand to provide everything you want to know about fighting breast cancer. Then at 7:30, everyone will gather together at the Main Street fountain to create two human pink ribbons! Once in place, we will light up the October sky as we turn on our PINK ILLUMINATED BALLOONS at the same time -- all to honor and celebrate with our Breast Cancer Survivors! Photographers will be there to capture the moment from high above! Go to www. to purcahase your balloon. Go Pink Fashion Show at Dillard’s –Sunday, October 6 The Shoppes at EastChase to host the Joy to Life, Women of Hope Fashion Show at Dillard’s. Dine Pink at The Shoppes at EastChase –Tuesday, October 8 Visit participating restaurants and mention “Go Pink.” A percentage of the proceeds will benefit The Joy to Life Foundation. Visit The Shoppes at EastChase website at for a list of participating restaurants.

Ladies Night Out

Come hangout with the ladies and get a Mammogram at Jackson Imaging Center. Thursday, October 11th at 5:30 pm Call for details, space is limited, 334.834.3671.

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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

BOOM! is proud to Salute Survivors, Encourage Awareness and Remember Our Loved Ones in the battle against Breast Cancer During National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we stand together in our support for a cure and our support for the women who are faced with the disease. By encouraging breast cancer research and raising awareness of the importance of early detection, we can all help save lives. It is estimated that nearly 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and that more than 40,000 of these women will die. Breast cancer is a threat to women of all ages, races and walks of life. Even men are at risk for breast cancer, with approximately 1,700 men diagnosed each year. These numbers remind us why it is so important to know the signs, symptoms and risk factors of breast cancer. Early detection of breast cancer is the best weapon against the disease, which means breast self-exams should be performed regularly, with clinical breast exams every one to three years. By the age of 40, women should begin getting mammograms every one to two years. In addition, healthy lifestyle habits like physical activity, not smoking, minimizing alcohol intake and consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables can help women reduce their risk factors.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer The journey to end breast cancer starts with a single step. Take that step with the Montgomery Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. Just a few hours of your time will help bring a lifetime of change for people facing breast cancer and their families. Plan your teams now and get ready to make a difference in the lives of friends and family. Passion drives us to walk in and raise money for Making Strides. Passion for those we wish we could have back in our life, for those battling the disease, and for a world without breast cancer. This year’s walk is Saturday, October 13, at Huntingdon College. 7:30 AM Registration, 8:30 AM Program and Walk. For more info contact Laura Walter at or 334.288.3432

Sherry Nath, Survivor

I am a two time cancer survivor and have been involved with the American Cancer Society since 1992. In September of 1990 my family and I came to Maxwell AFB, Al. from Stuttgart, Germany. Returning to the States, I decided to get an annual physical. The nurse practitioner noticed a small mass in my breast. Having just had a breast biopsy in Germany, three months earlier I was surprised and totally denied her findings. Never the less, I was sent to the surgeon’s office within the hour and scheduled for a breast biopsy within the week. The results were positive for cancer. In three short weeks, I went through a breast exam, biopsy, and a Modified Radical Mastectomy. Welcome to Montgomery! I am so thankful for early detection and the nurse practitioner at Maxwell Air Force Base Hospital. My Doctor contacted the American Cancer Society and I was put in contact with another breast cancer survivor through a program called Reach To Recovery. As a result, I received a new friend, knowledge about breast cancer, an exercise routine, a sleeping bra and a temporary prosthesis. At that time the ACS also had a support group I attended called Bossom Buddies. Each month we had a speaker that provided support and knowledge. We had talks about diet, chemo, radiation and we were given information on up and coming new procedures. I was so totally impressed with these two programs that I decided to become a volunteer for the American Cancer Society. Since then I have been passionate and totally committed about this organization.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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October 2012



Healthy Hearing

By Dr. Bettie Borton Au.D.

Are your neighbors enjoying free cable TV…. Or do you or someone you love need a hearing test?

Is your TV so loud that your neighbors are getting the benefit of your new satellite dish?! Hearing loss is a very common health concern in the United States today – in fact, it’s the 3rd most prevalent Dr. Bettie Borton Au. D. chronic health condition in our country, ranking only behind arthritis and high blood pressure. So, if this health care concern is so prevalent, will your primary care physician recommend a screening? Chances are, no. Amazingly, only 13% of primary care physicians routinely send their patients for hearing evaluations or screenings – which means that almost 90% of patients are not directed to evaluate their hearing, and may be overlooking a healthcare concern that has big consequences. And really, hearing loss is no laughing matter. Failure to regularly assess hearing is a costly error for patients, their families, and for society at large. We now have a great deal of research available regarding the consequences of untreated hearing loss (isolation, fall risk, relationship to cognitive problems, quality of life, and even links to reduced income level and failure to find or keep your employment). Each year, unaddressed hearing loss costs the US economy alone billions (yes, I said billions) of dollars in employee/business/health care related issues. But what about the resistance factor? So, physician referral aside, why don’t more folks seek out hearing screenings, or appropriate hearing devices

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to address hearing loss on their own? If you know someone who is beginning to develop hearing loss, perhaps you’ve run up against this challenge. Suddenly, the person you know and love becomes accusatory (“you’re mumbling”), demanding (“don’t talk to me with your back turned”), and irritable (“you don’t have to shout at me!”). We all giggle about spouses with “selective hearing”, but it’s important to remember that in couples where one person has unaddressed hearing loss and the other does not, this one-sided deficit can take a terrible toll on the relationship itself. Did you know that the divorce rate is actually significantly higher in those marriages? Again, not really very funny.

So why do people postpone getting a simple, painless, hearing test? Well, consider that in most cases, hearing loss develops very gradually. The change can be so subtle that the person with hearing loss actually loses their frame of reference for normal loudness. While their communicative counterpart is frustrated to the max, the person with hearing loss may be blissfully unaware of what they’re missing. Additionally, in our youth oriented culture, hearing loss is often equated to aging, and sometimes people struggle with accepting that time is passing (and they are aging!). But in actuality, this is not a fair assessment. The fact is that today, noise exposure has replaced aging as the number one cause of hearing, and we live in a very noisy world. Just because you didn’t work in a noisy factory or serve in the military doesn’t mean you haven’t been exposed to damaging noise. Hair dryers, jet skis, yard equipment, and loud music are culprits for causing hearing loss, too.

Sometimes people worry about the cost of hearing devices themselves, which is a legitimate concern. Hearing devices can be costly, but given the amount of use (7 days a week, at least 8-10 hours a day), the cost is relatively modest as compared to the overall communication benefit, and the costs of say, an automobile. Those with hearing loss will likely use their hearing devices many more hours than their car.

Since hearing devices often represent a significant investment in healthcare, choose your hearing healthcare provider carefully. If you’ve never had your hearing evaluated, seeing an audiologist who can determine whether or not your hearing loss needs medical treatment is very important. Also, if you have budget limitations, it becomes paramount to get the most value for monies expended. In other words, you want to be certain you purchase the right product for you, and a Board Certified Audiologist can be a tremendous advocate in that regard. So if the TV in your house is consistently louder than it should be, make sure that you and your family have your hearing evaluated by an audiologist, and follow their recommendations for improving your hearing health. You (and you neighbors and family members) will be glad you did! To learn more, visit or call Doctors Hearing Clinic at (334) 396-1635.

Dr. Bettie B. Borton is a licensed audiologist in Alabama, was the first board certified audiologist in Montgomery, served as National Chair of the American Board of Audiology, and was recently elected as President Elect of the American Academy of Audiology.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


Fe at u re d A r t i st T h i s Month, Carol Hutchins Barksdale Carol has always been intrigued and inspired by travel. Her father was an officer in the Army which meant most of her childhood, she and her family lived in several foreign countries, including Germany, Norway, the Philippines and Italy.

Alabama State Council on the Arts in 2008, her artwork was selected for an exhibition to hang at the State Arts Council gallery with other accomplished artists of the region. In 2009, Trey Granger, who was then the Director of the Montgomery County Voter Registration Office, asked her to create a large painting for their collection entitled, “The Art of Democracy.” She was given full liberty to select her subject within that theme, as long as it included voting. Carol chose to paint the Cloverdale Junior High (now part of the Huntingdon College campus) in use as a voting center. The painting is now part of their permanent collection and can be seen in their offices. In 2010, 2011 and 2012, Carol was asked by Ken Reynolds, as a representative of the City The Women of Poughkeepsie 36x48 mixed media of Montgomery, to create the artwork for the Riverwalk Wine Festival poster. On June 3rd 2011 she was honored with an my knowledge Opening with the next After graduation from high school at Mary Reception generation. My Mount International School in Rome, Italy, for her goal is to help them she returned to the United States to her One to understand, father’s home town, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Woman appreciate and Carol graduated from the University of Exhibition express their Alabama in 1978 and earned a B.A. in of 27 feelings through English Literature. This is when she began paintings art.” She painting professionally at the teaches and teaching in the Ferguson students Sycamore Dreams, 24x48 mixed media public as well as Gallery to paint private schools. at the primarily University through the medium of She is still teaching. of Alabama which closed on June 30th. watercolor and/or acrylic. Last year she taught a class at the Museum Many of Carol’s painting have been Carol’s career as a painter has of Fine Art, here in purchased by individuals and are also in progressed substantially since Montgomery and corporate collections such as Alabama 2005. In that year, she was continues to give Power Company, Moore Wealth chosen to create the artwork private lessons. Carol Management, Energen Corporation, awards for the Montgomery says, “Art has been Welch, Hornsby and Welch and Health Area Business Committee For such a large part of Care Systems. Summer Breeze the Arts. In 2006 and 2007 my life. I remember Energen’s corporate collection her paintings were chosen for Visit Gallery One Fine Art creating art with my 48x36 mixed media 423 Cloverdale Road, Montgomery, AL publication in the Montgomery mother when I was Gallery Director Sandi Aplin Sketchbook and the Birmingham a little girl while my father was away in Sketchbook. At the invitation of the 334.269.1114 Viet Nam. “I have always wanted to share

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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

By Sandi Aplin

Art & Soul

Celebrating Indian Summer II Ar t Exhibit Montgomery, seminars at Auburn University in Auburn and is also currently teaching in the OLLI program in Auburn and LLI at Auburn University, Montgomery.

Julia Wallace, John Wagnon, Cecily Hulett and Susan Moore

On Tuesday September 18th Gallery One Fine Art and Susan Moore, Moore Wealth Management welcomed friends, clients and artists to a wine and gourmet cheese reception featuring artwork by Cecily Hulett, Julia Wallace and John Wagnon. There are nineteen paintings in this exhibition of figurative, still life and abstract works on canvas. Susan Clayton Moore, J.D., is a financial consultant and the principal of Moore Wealth Management, Inc., with offices in Alexander City, Auburn and Montgomery, Alabama. She has been a stockbroker and financial planner for over 28 years. She was quoted in the June 2009 Kiplinger magazine about her process of tactical asset allocation and noted for her actions to withdraw most of her client’s assets out of the stock market in January 2008.

Susan has been a patron and good friend of Gallery One Fine Art since 2004. She and I served on a philanthropic board at Auburn University for the last eight years. In the early Spring of 2011, our street was closed for about four months. so Susan offered her Montgomery office for our Spring shows. It was very successful, so we have continued hanging new artwork quarterly and are now hanging the first show in her Auburn office with the opening scheduled for October 16th. Susan says, “In my opinion, art, philanthropy and financial independence are essential elements to achieve the American dream. Alabama has a rich artistic tradition, as evident from the quality artists and museums where we celebrate the really good artists of today but also of the past. With the help of Gallery One Fine Art and their director I am building a collection of Alabama artists, both living as well as deceased, that I can someday leave to my daugh-

Asleep on the Beach by Julia Wallace

ter and possibly gift to museums. Sandi Aplin and Gallery

One Fine Art have been so helpful to me in this endeavor, working with me in July Harvest by John Wagnon acquiring a collection and hosting rotating exhibits at my offices in Montgomery and Auburn so we can showcase the work of these fine Alabama artists.” Nocturnal Day Dreams by Cecily Hulett

Sandi Aplin, Director of Gallery One Fine Art A free lance writer living in Montgomery, Alabama

For the past 20 years, Susan has participated in a weekly radio show called The Comfort Zone. Currently, the show is on Tuesday mornings at 8:15 a.m. and can be listened to on the internet at www.1300WTLS. com. Susan feels information is power and helps her clients set financial goals. She currently offers a wide variety of seminars in all three of her offices, she has taught seminars and round tables with special guests such as Keivan Deravi, professor of Economics at Auburn University, The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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October 2012



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October 2012

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

7 Steps to Finding Your Dream Step 1: Stop Making Excuses about the Reasons You’re Not Dating! Do you tell yourself and everyone around you that NOW just isn’t a good time in your life to date? If so, you’re likely to be alone for a long time. Just like you schedule important meetings for work, you need to schedule your dating life as well. Start by finding about 20- 30 minutes a day to spend either online or in the real world meeting men. Step 2: Decide Why You’re Dating! Would you like a male friend you could take to an event or to a movie or dinner from time to time so you don’t have to go by yourself? Or do you desire a husband to share your life with? You need to know why you’re dating so you know what type of man and relationship you are looking for. Step 3: Be Realistic About Men Are you looking for the cutest and coolest guy out there to be your boyfriend just like you did in high school? We’ve all aged so cute is probably not the same as it was back then. But, a man can turn cute in your eyes literally overnight as you bond with him. So give Average Joe a chance when you can. He is more likely to make a better boyfriend than Mr. Hottie will any day.


Step 6: Commit to Going After Your Dream Man Dating can get hard. When you find yourself rejected by a guy you really like or you feel you’ve seen every man there is to see online, you may want to quit. Don’t! Keep at it and do what it takes to find your Mr. Right. Step 7: Get Dating Help and Support When You Need It Women quit dating and miss out on meeting the man they are By Lisa Copeland meant to be with because they just don’t have the skills and techniques to deal with the dating Step 4: Be Visible in the World So Men Can challenges that come up. When you think Find You about it, we weren’t taught how to date Do you stay at home every night with your back in our youth. cat watching TV? If so you aren’t going to meet a lot of men. Sadly, they don’t just fall In fact, most of us just sort of fell into out of the sky onto your doorstep-although relationships and ended up marrying that it would be nice if they did. So get out high school or college sweetheart. Don’t be there now and look for activities in your embarrassed about getting help if you are area or check out dating sites that involve struggling in the dating arena. Look for datthe type of men you’d be interested in. ing programs or dating coaches and get the tools and skills that will make your dating Step 5: Flirt and Have Fun! journey so much easier. It’s probably been a long time since you’ve Lisa Copeland, the No. 1 Dating Coach for Women flirted so it may take some practice on your over 50 passionately spreading the truth about how part to do it well again. Start by smiling at easy and fun dating can be for women our age! every man you see. Most will smile back at Find out more at you. Both online and during dates, be play(c) 2012, Lisa CopelandDistributed by MCT Informaful. Use the type of conversation and flirty tion Services behavior you’d use at a cocktail party.

BOOM! The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine is going GREEN!

Like Walmart, Starbucks, Kohl’s and Microsoft, BOOM! has decided to offset its carbon footprint through the purchase of REC’s. A REC is a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) issued by the EPA and certified by Green-e Energy. Each REC represents the generation of one megawatt (or 1,000 kilowatts) of clean electricity produced from a renewable energy source. In addition to purchasing REC’s, we’re also recruiting likeminded people to become Renewable Energy Partners and share their passion for a cleaner America! If you’re interested in purchasing a REC for your home or business, visit this website for deails: , If you’re interested in becoming a Renewable Energy Partner and make some extra money by sharing your passion for a cleaner America call 334.324.3472. The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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October 2012



October 2012

{12 Things} for active boomers and beyond


Live Glass Blowing Demonstrations Montgomery Museum of Fine Art Friday, October 5th, 5-8 pm

In conjunction with the exhibition Psychedelic Mania: Stephen Rolfe Powell’s Dance with Glass, the Museum is hosting an evening of glass performance and artist demonstrations on Friday, October 5th from 5 to 8 pm. Join us on the Museum’s lawn to witness the fire and excitement of Stephen Rolfe Powell’s dance with glass in a mobile glass studio provided by Janke Studios of Atlanta; visit with other artists as they demonstrate their art making, and participate in creating your own art project all while enjoying the music of Southern Gentleman and a cash bar. For more information


Alabama National Fair October 5-14

This annual event raises money for children’s and youth charities with midway rides, mainstage entertainment, food, informational and commercial booths, a kids’ area, livestock competitions, a family faith day and more.


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Alabama Shakespeare Festival October 6, 13 and 20th, 2 pm & 7:30 pm

The waters of the mighty Mississippi will flow through the stage of the Alabama Shakespeare Festival when Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer comes to the theatre. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, adapted for the stage by Laura Eason, tells the classic tale of two of the nineteenth century’s best known teens, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, who seek hidden treasure, witness a murder,

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October 2012

attend their own funerals, and get lost in a maze of caves as they try to stay one step ahead of the evil Injun Joe. The adaptation stays true to Mark Twain’s engaging language, characters, setting and fast moving adventure. Ticket information 1.800.841.4273 or visit or in person at the ASF box office located at 1 Festival Drive in the heart of Montgomery’s beautiful Blount Cultural Park.

MONTGOMERY DOWNTOWN ARMS Chair Concert-Guy Davis Kiwanis Park-Old Alabama Town Sunday, October 7th, 6:30 pm

Guy Davis, who will be the featured performer at the October 7th ARMSchair concert in downtown Montgomery, is a man of many talents. While nationally known as one of the best bluesmen in the country, he is also a composer, actor, director, and writer. Davis will be the featured artist for the third show in the 2012 ARMSchair concert series, sponsored by the Alabama Roots Music Society, at Kiwanis Park at Old Alabama Town. Admission is $2 per person, with children under 12 admitted for free. The show will begin at 7 p.m., with the gate opening at 6:30 p.m. Concert-goers are encouraged to bring their lawn chairs, food, and beverages. Concessions are not available on site. This is a rain or shine event.

MONTGOMERY DOWNTOWN Taste of The River Region Renaissance Hotel Sunday, October 7, 6-8 pm

Formerly known as the Taste of Montgomery, a great event to explore the many tastes of our restaurant community. Plenty of food and drink in support of the Junior League of Montgomery and the Alabama Restaurant Association. Tickets $25 in advance or $30 at the door. Renaissance Hotel & Conference Center. Help raise money for a good cause, so plan to Share a New Experience! tickets at www. or 334.288.8816

MONTGOMERY DOWNTOWN Air Supply Davis Theatre for the Performing Arts Tuesday, October 9th, 7 pm

The talented, multi-platinum group Air Supply will be in Montgomery for one night only to kick off the Subscriber Series with an evening filled with their romantic hit songs. The trademark sound of Russell Hitchcock’s soaring tenor voice and Graham Russell’s simple yet majestic songs created a unique sound that would forever be known as Air Supply. “Lost in Love,” “All Out of Love,” “The One That You Love,” “Sweet Dreams,” and “Making Love Out of Nothing At All” have each achieved multi-million plays on the radio and solidified Air Supply’s status as a soft rock legend. For more information on the upcoming season, call the Theatre office at 334.241.9567. davistheatre/shows.html

DREAM FIELD FARMS Grandparent’s Day Dream Field Farms October 13th

We have a pumpkin patch in between Montgomery and Union Springs. Grandparent’s Day scheduled for October 13th with half price admission and we’re open the whole month of October. We have a real, working farm so people in the 50+ age group enjoy it because they get to see their grandchildren enjoy the same things they enjoyed during their childhood. It’s great fun for children and grown ups alike! or call 334.534.6976. Directions: Take Taylor Road West to 231 South. Turn left onto 231 South. Take Highway 82 East towards Eufaula. We are 14 miles down on the right at the 186 mile marker.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

It ’s a G re at T i m e to B e B o o m i n g ! P l e a s e s u b m i t a ny event s / p i c t u re s to j i m @ r i ve r re g i o n b o o m . co m



A Sunday afternoon feast, in 25 flavorful courses, hosted by the Birmingham Originals, an organization of locally-owned restaurateurs. The festival showcases some of the finest food in town, and proceeds from the event provide culinary scholarships as well as promote dining at locally-owned restaurants. The Birmingham Originals represents restaurants committed to increasing awareness of their own regional flavors, emphasizing locally produced food and celebrating their contributions to the community. Each of the 25 participants will have a tent, from which a specialty of the restaurant will be served. General admission tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. For advance tickets, go to or call 205.383.1610.

Bring your detective skills and appetite on Friday, October 27th for a Zombie-themed Mystery Dinner Theater. For those who have been missing the fun, a Mystery Dinner Theater includes a little detective work while you dine on delicious cuisine prepared by Callaway Gardens’ culinary team. The mystery will include opportunities for guests to interact with the cast. Guests selected just before the show will receive reading parts and will be cued to deliver their award-winning performances. Expect a few surprises and activities to add to the fun, and solving the mystery comes with token prizes for the winning team. The Mystery Dinner Theater package is $249 per couple in the Mountain Creek Inn. 1-800-callaway or visit

Break ‘n Bread Railroad Park Sunday, October 14th, 1-5pm


Baytowne Beer Festival October 19-20

Bring together more than 100 domestic and international beers, 40 craft brewers, the charming Village of Baytowne Wharf at Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort with beautiful October weather and you have a winning combination for fun in the sun at the Baytowne Beer Festival this October 19 and 20. Known as the “Best Beer Fest on the Emerald Coast,” this popular event features on-site craft brewers, beer samplings, seminars and live music. Beer aficionados will be able to sample domestic and international options, including specialty, seasonal and not yet released beers. Call 877.402.5804 or


Angelfest St. Michael and All Angels Church Saturday, October 20th, 9-2 pm The church will present it’s annual Angel Fest...which consists of a bake sale, silent auction, concessions, childrens’ carnival and vendors with unique wares....Saturday, October 20th from 9 am - 2 pm. Free to the public!...all proceeds from this event benefit the outreach program of our church.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Mystery Dinner Theater (zombie themed) Callaway Gardens October 27th


Spinners 31st Annual “Pumpkin Patch” Arts & Crafts Show Saturday/Sunday, October 27-28

Free. Artists and craftsmen from throughout the Southeast with original work for sale, entertainment, food alley, homemade baked goods by Spinners members, children and youth activities,5K/8K run, antique car show and motorcycle show, door prizes, drawing for queen-sized quilt handmade by Spinner members, jack-o-lantern contest and more. Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Spinners Park 390 W. Sixth St. Prattville. 334.365.7195.


Ladies Can... A Series of Workshops for Women Russel Do it Center, Wetumpka Wed., October 10, 17, 24 & 31, 10-2 pm

October 10 is Carpentry 101, the right tool, screw, nail and technique for the job, etc. October 17 is Household Maintenance & Repair, repair a hole in the wall, painting tips, care for your heat and air units and more. October 24 is Plumbing Basics, fix a leaky faucet, fix your commode, clear a clog, install a faucet, protect your pipes and more. October 31 is Electricity: Maintenance & Repairs, safety with electricity, hang a ceiling fan, change a switch or outlet and more. Pre-registration required, $5 per class. Bring a sack lunch. Call 334.567.6301 r i ve r reg i o n b o o m . co m

October 2012



By Greg Budell



(October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month) Mariannie Smith is one of my personal heroes.

NEVER write directions with a Sharpie on the back of parchment paper! The ink had bled my carefully written words into blocks of red. It appeared I had redacted my own directions.

As good a neighbor as one could hope to have, Mariannie has been fighting the big “C” for 3 years. First came the removal of a tumor from her lung, followed by chemo and radiation.

A year ago, it turned up in the bone this time it was a matter of keeping it in check with treatment - but the word “incurable” was included in her diagnosis for the first time. The doctors could make no promises.

I have been visiting Mariannie and her husband Bob several times a week for a few years now. She tells compelling stories of life in rural Alabama before electricity came to her farm. (1940s). Social networking meant church. She was an independent woman before it was fashionable - attending Auburn University when few women did - and graduating to become a teacher, while raising 3 kids. She was a multi-tasker well before the term came to be.

Mariannie has led a good and remarkable life and this hand she has been dealt seems horribly unfair - but she has faced it head-on with no self pity.

In fact, after the “incurable” diagnosis was issued, she had but one wish - to live long enough to attend her beloved granddaughter’s wedding this past August. There were many times earlier this year when that seemed unrealistic. Mariannie went through some tough times physically. Chemo ruins the taste buds and at a time when staying nourished is of the utmost importance - the “cure” kills the appetite and food gains a metallic taste. Still, she stayed focused on making that wedding!

Not one to be defeated, Mariannie’s condition improved week-by-week over the summer, so the only drama on August 4th was provided by me, of course. The invitation gave an address for a church in Madison, Alabama which I thought was in

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October 2012

suburban Birmingham, 90 minutes away.

The day of the wedding I typed the church address into Mapquest and discovered that Madison was, in fact, a suburb of Huntsville - 3 hours away! (Home of the Rocket City Rednecks and host to more PHDs per capita than any other city in America). Unfortunately, I will never make it to Rocket City because of my math or science genius - and the day of the wedding I wondered if I’d get there at all.

I changed my departure from 4 to 2PM. Always the planner, I hung my wedding-attendee clothes on a hanger and drove in my crap-wear sweats and flip flops because I just knew I’d slosh coffee during the drive. I wrote the directions down on the back of the invitation, got in the car and left. I was sailing along when I hit very slow traffic south of Birmingham. It was annoying because there was no accident and no obvious reason for Interstate 65 to be packed. But it did chew up my half hour of extra time allotted for the drive. As I got close to Huntsville, traffic again came to a complete halt. Now, making the wedding ceremony was in doubt. Things crawled for another half hour and again for no obvious reason - until I saw the sign announcing “LEFT LANE CLOSED SIX MILES AHEAD”.

I endured that, and made it to my exit at 6PM meaning I still had a chance to catch part of the ceremony. I reached for the invitation to check the directions and learned a very important lesson.

I missed my exit and added another 24 miles to the trip before getting back to Madison. Now I had to find the church, but picked the wrong convenience store to ask for help! This was clearly the first time an English speaking white man had been in their establishment and they had no idea what I was talking about. At the point of despair, I was saved by a Madison cop, who was pulling in for the afternoon donut. However, by the time I found the church at 6:55PM, the only person there was the bride’s Mom. “Follow us!”, she said - and we were on our way to the reception. Needless to say, few things are faster than a Mom rushing to her daughter’s wedding reception and I almost lost her car. I did not want to get a ticket so I tracked her tail lights going south and finally caught up as they were exiting 65.

Classy guy that I am, I was halfway to the country club hall when I realized I was still in my sweat pants and flip flops. Changing pants in a Ford Fusion hybrid is NOT easy.

At last, I was inside. Mariannie and Bob were seated at table #1 across from the bride. “Mimi” looked beautiful and glamorous. I don’t know that I have seen a happier face and she was delighted to know I had “no trouble finding the hall“.

Since making the wedding kept her in the fight, we have created a list of other dates over the next year - birthdays, holidays and other benchmarks so Mariannie always has an incentive to keep going. Mariannie may have retired from the profession, but she remains a great teacher in these subjectsCourage. Determination. Love. Nobody knows them better.

Greg Budell lives in Montgomery with his dog Hershey. He’s a 25 year veteran of radio who hosts the Greg & Susan morning show 6-9 am and Happy Hour 3-6 pm on Newstalk 107.9, Greg can be reached at The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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