Volume 16, No. 8
August 14th - August 28th 2012 FREE PUBLICATION
Pg. 2 On the Cover
Pg. 6
Hudson. . . Then & Again
Pg. 8
In Your Home
Pg. 13
Restaurant Week
Pg. 16 At the Movies
Pgs. 18 - 20 TURN YOUR UNWANTED JEWELRY INTO CASH Jewelry & Watch Repair
Hoboken Gold & Diamonds
115 Washington St., Hoboken
lock problems?
Drita D’Avanzo of Reality TV’s “Mob Wives” Debuts New Cosmetics Line
By Sally Deering
eality TV star Drita D’Avanzo of Mob Wives sometimes talks like a thug on camera but when it comes to cosmetics she’s a girlie-girl. On Thursday, D’Avanzo greeted fans and took to the stage at the Staten Island Mall to unveil her new line of make-up, “Just Me.” A former fashion model, D’Avanzo isn’t just lending her celebrity to sell lipstick to the masses. She actually went to school to study skincare and make-up and starting her own cosmetics line has been a dream ever since she was a tomboy growing up in the Projects. For those of you unfamiliar with Mob Wives (VH1, Sunday nights at 8) the show’s title tells all. D’Avanzo and her co-stars married men who aren’t 9-to-5ers, but rather, wiseguys with connections to crime families. For D’Avanzo, she was still a newlywed when police arrested her husband, Lee, and sent him to prison for five years. Like other women who have had to pick up the pieces after a life-changing event, D’Avanzo went to school to study cosmetology. When a friend suggested the idea for a Reality TV show, D’Avanzo signed on. con’t pg. 2