February 10 to february 27, 2014 river view observer

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Volume 18, No. 2

February 10th - February 27th 2014 FREE PUBLICATION



Oscar & Pg. 2 Hudson County Margaret Pg. 3 TheHague?

Pg. 4

On the cover

Actor Vincent Curatola Picks Up Where Johnny “Sack” Left Off

Pg. 19


Pgs. 22 - 24 TURN YOUR UNWANTED JEWELRY INTO CASH Jewelry & Watch Repair

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n the HBO award-winning TV series THE SOPRANOS (1999-2007) it was easy to like Vincent Curatola’s character Johnny “Sack” Sacramoni, a mobster who worshipped his heavyset wife. Sure, Curatola’s character was a cold-blooded killer and he was scary to watch, but there was always a touch of humor, especially when he had to endure wisecracks about his wife’s weight. Curatola was so convincing that when Johnny Sack winced at a fat joke, the viewers did, too. A Jersey guy, Curatola grew up in Englewood a residential community just north of the George Washington Bridge. According to his website – VincentCuratola.com – he always had the acting bug and it was his wife Maureen who encouraged him to take classes. Soon after Curatola brought Johnny Sack to life. In the seven years since the show ended, Curatola has made a few movies, appeared in several TV shows and taught acting in New York. He recently taped five episodes as an exasperated judge on the CBS hit show THE GOOD WIFE starring Julianna Margolis. Has it been difficult for Curatola to reinvent himself after eight years in a hit series? Do all roles pale in comparison to Johnny Sack? cont’d pg. 4


Pg. 5

Legendary Locals

By Sally Deering


Photo by Stephen Lovekin - © 2012 Getty Images

Bayonne Family Dental See our ad on page 10


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