River View Observer Jan. 27 to Feb. 8th, 2012

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Volume 16, No. 1

January 27th - February 8th 2012 FREE PUBLICATION



Pg. 2 On the Cover


Then... Pg. 7 Hudson Again

Pg. 14

Home Decor

Pg. 20

Restaurant Views

Pg. 24


Pgs. 27 - 32

The Gift of Jewelry See page 4

Jewelry & Watch Repair

Hoboken Gold & Diamonds

115 Washington St., Hoboken

lock problems? NEED A NEW LOCK? See Page 3

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Local Cigar Shops Offer an In’ Place to Smoke Stogies


here aren’t many places where you can still light up a stogie these days. It’s a no-no at restaurants and bars and if you get a craving at work, it’s out in the cold with the ciggy-puffers. Look around Hudson and you’ll notice several smoke shops in the nooks and crannies of our local neighborhoods – stores catering to cigar-smokers who want a little R&R with their stogies. These shops are an oasis to cigar smokers, the final frontier where they can purchase a cigar, light up in an armchair and draw for an hour or two without someone telling them to “put that out!”

Smokin’ Hoboken Hoboken happens to be home to the oldest cigar shop in Hudson– Flores Smoke Shop on Hudson Street, a small place with a walk-in, cedar-paneled humidor – kept a cool 60 degrees with 80 percent humidity – and lined with cigars


from all over the world. The owner, Carlos Flores opened the shop in 1992 and sells popular cigar brands like Romeo & Juliet and high-end brands like Don Pepin. In the back of the shop Flores installed a flatscreen TV that’s hooked up to Cable and a half-dozen armchairs for customers who want to sit back and smoke their purchases. When the boon hit in 1993, a lot of cigar stores opened up and a lot of store owners came here to check my inventory,” Flores says. “I’m third generation; my family owns a cigar plantation in Cuba.” Flores doesn’t sell Cuban cigars – it’s against the law because of the U.S. embargo – but he does sell the family brand Flor De Florez ($12) 2 c

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