Volume 17, No. 7
July 15th - July 31st 2013 FREE PUBLICATION
Pg. 2 On the Cover
Pg. 5 Cynthia Harris Pg. 10 Home Decor Pg.16&17 Outdoor Dining Pg. 21 Ten Ingredients
Robots, Pirates and “Fuzzy Lemons“ ~ Fun (and Educational) Activities for Hudson's Kids this Summer
By Sally Deering
urn off the boob tube, unplug the Xbox and store the video games in the vegetable bin. It’s summer and that means enticing your “mini-me” off the couch and into the fresh air. There are lots of fun – and educational – things planned for kids in Hudson this summer: Secaucus has life-sized dinosaurs; Hoboken has robot workshops; and Jersey City invites kids to dig for fossils in Liberty State Park. That’s just a sampling; here’s a list. Enjoy!
Meet Dinosaur Troubadour!
Pgs. 23 - 28 TURN YOUR UNWANTED JEWELRY INTO CASH Jewelry & Watch Repair
Hoboken Gold & Diamonds
115 Washington St., Hoboken
lock problems? NEED A NEW LOCK? See Page 2
Thursday July 18, 11 am: FREE Field Station Dinosaurs at the Jersey City Free Public Library Bonetti Children’s Room 472 Jersey Avenue, Jersey City (201) 547-4519; www.jclibrary.org Dinosaur Troubadour will read dinosaur stories, play her guitar, sing dinosaur songs with the kids and lead them outside to meet a roaring, breathing 15-foot Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Ewwwww Gross!
June 15 to September 2, 9am - 5pm: Kids $14.75; Adults $19.75 Grossology! At the Liberty Science Center 222 Jersey City Boulevard, Jersey City (201) 200-1000; www.lsc.org Sometimes it’s stinky, sometimes it’s crusty, and sometimes it’s slimy. Explore why the body produces mushy, oozy, crusty, scaly and stinky gunk at Grossology: The (Impolite) Science of the Human Body. con’t pg. 2