June1 june15 rvo 2015

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Volume 19, No. 6

June 1st - June 15th 2015 FREE PUBLICATION



Pg. 2


In “The House of Atreus” an American Vet Returns Home to More Casualties Art House Productions’ New Play Opens June 4th Lord of the Pg. 3 Square Dance

Pg. 6

On the cover Bayonne

Pg. 12 Hometown Fair Pg. 17

Ravall Restaurant

Pgs. 20, 22 - 24

By Sally Deering “A cursed bloodline. A family on the edge. If this house could speak, what stories it would tell.”


hat’s the tagline for the new play THE HOUSE OF ATREUS which premieres Thursday, June 4, at Art House Productions in Jersey City. It’s a collaborative work between Christine Goodman (Executive Director of Art House Productions) who wrote the piece, Mason Beggs, who directed, and choreographer Meagan Woods.

THE HOUSE OF ATREUS is an immersive and unconventional theater piece. Instead of putting the Jewelry & Watch Repair actors on stage and the audience in rows of seats Hoboken to observe, the set takes up the entire theater with Gold & Diamonds 115 Washington St., Hoboken a chair and TV in one area, a broken down porch in another, and a dining room table at center. The lock problems? audience enters through a haze of smoky fog and is NEED A NEW encouraged to find a spot of their choosing to watch LOCK? www.hobokenlock.com the play as it unfolds around them. This immerses the audience into the play’s action, which becomes part of the overall theater experience. cont’d pg. 6 TURN YOUR UNWANTED JEWELRY INTO CASH

LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER Budget Blinds See page 3

Bayonne Family Dental See our ad on page 10

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