June 15-June 30,2020
Volume 24 No. 6
Est. 1998
Hudson County’s Bi-Weekly-Cultural, Lifestyle and Entertainment Publication In This Issue
Pg. 4
Beloved Hoboken Tradition Moves Online This
Pg. 8
REAL ESTATE 10--12 Pgs.7 Pgs.7--10
Eglentowicz see page 2 Exit On The Hudson Realty See page 7-11
Summer JUNE 19 19--21, 2020 Mile Square Theatre, brings its 17th annual celebration of theatre and baseball into living rooms and bleacher seats all across the country with 7th Inning Stretch: from the dugout. Since 2003 2003— —in celebration of Hoboken’s historical claim as the birthplace of baseball baseball-See page 5