Volume 16, No. 6
June 28th - July 12th 2012 FREE PUBLICATION
Pg. 2 On the Cover Pg. 6
Hudson Yacht Clubs
Pg. 13 Small Kitchens Pg. 21
Mountain Heart
Terrance Simien
Ten Ingredients
Cyro Baptista’s Pgs. 23 - 28 TURN YOUR UNWANTED JEWELRY INTO CASH see on pg. 8
Jewelry & Watch Repair
Hoboken Gold & Diamonds
By Sally Deering
eehawken, which is situated on the Hudson waterfront facing midtown Manhattan, is considered by many as the jewel in the crown of Hudson County. The locals enjoy Weehawken’s beautiful parks and breathtaking views of the Manhattan Skyline and tourists from all over the world often pull up in tour buses to take pics of the view like Paparazzi snapping shots of Kim Kardashian. Every summer, Weehawken turns the heat up a notch with its Summer Concerts on the Hudson, a Wednesday night music series that invites the audience to bring lawn chairs or blankets and groove to live performances of Bluegrass, Rock, Country Rock, Zydeco, Brazilian, Latin Jazz and Big Band music. This summer, audiences will be treated
to Mountain Heart on July 18; Terrance Simien & the Zydeco Experience on Aug 1; Cyro Baptista’s Beat the Donkey on Aug. 15; and on Aug 29, Bandagrande: The Big Bang Theory. This is the ninth year for Summer Concerts on the Hudson presented by The Hudson Riverfront Performing Arts Center, Inc. (HRPAC) a New Jersey non-profit headquartered in Weehawken whose mission is to bring live entertainment to Hudson residents. Executive Director Bruce Sherman of Weehawken produces the summer concerts with the support of HRPAC’s Board of Directors and funding from Weehawken Township, the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and several corporate sponsors. con’t pg. 2
115 Washington St., Hoboken
lock problems? NEED A NEW LOCK? See Page 2