March 12 to March 27th River View Observer

Page 1

Volume 16, No. 3

March 12th - March 27th 2012 FREE PUBLICATION


Pg. 2 On the Cover

Pg. 5

Hudson Then . . . Again

Pg. 9


Pg. 15

Restaurant Views

Pg. 21

At the Movies

Pgs. 22 - 24 TURN YOUR UNWANTED JEWELRY INTO CASH Jewelry & Watch Repair

Hoboken Gold & Diamonds

L ocal B oxers T rain H ard


to be

C ontenders

By Sally Deering nside an old municipal building and up a steep flight of wooden stairs is a world of sweat and hope, a cavernous space filled young men and women who bring their dreams of championship titles and Olympic gold medals into the four-sided ring of the Union City Boxing Club. Joe Botti, a Union City Police Lieutenant and former amateur boxer has been running the Union City Boxing Club for 23 years and on a recent March evening, the gym is filled to capacity as Botti and his team of volunteer trainers help young boxers train for the 2012 New Jersey Golden Gloves. “We’ve had 29 Golden Gloves Champs,” Botti says, lacing up a young hopeful’s shiny red gloves, “and hopefully this year we’ll have our 30th. We have five team trophies.” Two boxers who train there are Juan Rodriguez, who won the Golden Gloves in 2009 in the Open Class and Jason Escalera, who won Open Class in 2008; now they’re both professionals. “They used Golden Gloves as a jumpstart to professional careers,” Botti says. Herkin DeLaRosa, 20, of Union City, has 26 fights under his belt (Pictured are members of Union City Boxing Club) and sees a Golden Gloves title as his opportunity to go pro. con’t pg. 2

115 Washington St., Hoboken

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March 12 to March 27th River View Observer by Ad Vantage Publishing Inc - Issuu