Volume 18, No. 5
May 6th - May 25th 2014 FREE PUBLICATION
Pg. 2
Star Moms
Ingredients Pg. 3 Ten Alana Puentes JC Chili
Pg. 8
Cook-Off Winners
Pg. 9
On the cover
Pg. 18
For the Jersey City Brew Club, Membership Grows with the Trend to Home Brew Beer
Doo Wop
By Sally Deering h, beer.
Some folks drool at the sight of a foamy frosty mug of beer; others scrunch up their noses and swear it tastes like sweaty socks. For those of us who fall into the first category – beer lovers, that is, – The Thirsty Quaker in Jersey City sells 700-800 craft beers (an incredibly huge selection) and home brewing supplies for those who want to try making the saintly concoction at home on their kitchen counter.
Pgs. 26 - 28 TURN YOUR UNWANTED JEWELRY INTO CASH Jewelry & Watch Repair
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Above: Jersey City Brew Club members share their home brewed beers at the recent 4th Street Arts Chili Cook-Off in Jersey City.
The American Home Brewers Associations estimates there are more than 1.2 million home brewers in the United States and the numbers continue to rise. In Hudson, home brewing has become extremely popular says Kendall Alvarez-Eskew, owner of The Thirsty Quaker and President of the Jersey City Brew Club, a group of Hudson home brewers who meet once a month to share new brews and techniques in home brewing. The JC Brew Club grew from 6 members to 40. Alvarez-Eskew credits the trend to make home brewed beer to when it was legalized some 30 years ago. “American craft beer is huge right now,” AlvarezEskew says.
cont’d pg. 9
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