Volume 17, No. 10
October 15th - October 29th 2013 FREE PUBLICATION
Pg. 2
On the Cover
Kooky Kooky Characters Characters Come Come to to Life Life as as Local Local Theaters Theaters Begin Begin New New Seasons Seasons Pg. 3 Pg. 5
Operation Christmas Child J CITY Theater Clay Cockrell
Pg. 15
In the Clubs Mc Brides
Pg. 17
Restaurant Views
Pgs. 4, 11, 20 - 24 TURN YOUR UNWANTED JEWELRY INTO CASH See pg. 3
Jewelry & Watch Repair
Hoboken Gold & Diamonds
115 Washington St., Hoboken
lock problems? NEED A NEW LOCK? See Page 2
By Sally Deering
ulture flourishes in Hudson with art, music and dance performances happening throughout its cities. We also have some terrific theater groups putting on shows for adults and kids and the new season is now kicking off, like J CITY Theater’s production of APARTMENT 3A. Along with J CITY Theater, the Attic Ensemble in Jersey City is celebrating 43 years as a community theater and the Mile Square Theatre in Hoboken opens its season with a wink to the kids in its production of the Broadway play A YEAR WITH FROG AND TOAD. Here’s a closer look at some local theater companies and their upcoming shows. Why not check out a performance or two? You’ll be supporting local theater and those artists who may work in the cultural milieu of New York City and who also nourish the cultural fabric of Hudson’s community
Producing Director of the J CITY Theater Clay Cockrell and his wife Sandy Cockrell, who is the company’s Artistic Director are thrilled to be back on the boards after almost a year-long hiatus brought on by Hurricane Sandy. (See our interview with Clay Cockrell following this story.) This marks J CITY Theater’s 8th season of presenting popular and contemporary plays on the stage of the theater which is located in the basement of St. Michael’s RC Church facing Hamilton Park in Jersey City. The
company recently opened its season with APARTMENT 3A, a romantic comedy about a public television employee who loses her faith in God, men and public broadcasting. As the heroine takes a ride on the romance rollercoaster, she eventually has an on-camera meltdown during a pledge drive which leads to pandemonium and hilarity. The play runs through Oct. 26 and features Sandy Cockrell, Stephen Hope, Randall Marquez and Clay Cockrell. Stage Manager is Jack Vandewark and Tech Director is Nick Probst; Jacquelyn Bird is choreographer. J CITY Theater is a not-for-profit professional theater company based in Jersey City. It is a founding company of the Hudson County Theatre Alliance (www.hudsonall.org) and has produced plays locally since 2006. con’t pg. 2