Volume 17, No. 10
October 31st - November 19th 2013 FREE PUBLICATION
Pg. 2
On the Cover
Pg. 3
Maryanne Kelleher
Pg. 10
Pg. 17
Cafe 95
Pg. 19
Grand Master Austin Wright Book Signing
Jersey City Theater Company Raises the Curtain on its 43rd Season
By Sally Deering
ucked away in the back of Barrow Mansion, a beautiful old building on Wayne Street in Jersey City, men and women dressed in 1940s costumes roam the rooms like ghosts waiting for their guests to arrive. And arrive they will as The Attic Ensemble prepares IRU WKH ŕUVW VKRZ RI LWV UG VHDVRQ ZLWK WKH police drama DETECTIVE STORY by Sidney Kingsley. It opens Fri, Nov. 8th and runs the next couple of weekends. Directed by Attic’s Executive Director Billy Mitchell, DETECTIVE STORY features 22 actors who play VKDG\ DQG QRW VR VKDG\ FKDUDFWHUV ZKR FRPH through the doors of a New York City police station.
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,WĂ‚V D 6XQGD\ HYHQLQJ MXVW Ĺ•YH GD\V EHIRUH WKH VKRZ RSHQV and actors are rehearsing in their costumes – designed by Yolanda Keahey of Jersey City – while Mitchell keeps things moving, correcting lighting cues and coaching actors in their VFHQHV 7KH VWDJH LV VHW ZLWK ROG ZRUQ RXW GHVNV DQG FKDLUV period typewriters and telephones which ring constantly throughout the play. Think TVs “Barney Millerâ€? only set in the 1940s instead of the ‘70s. There’s a certain charm about The Attic Ensemble even though there’s an underlying uncertainty about its future. For the past 42 years Attic has presented contemporary plays and musicals in Jersey City and after 42 years of struggling to make ends meet, the company’s future is as wobbly as a backstage prop table. “It takes a good number of people to run a theater company,â€? Mitchell says, taking a short break as the company prepares for D UXQ WKURXJK Ă„1RQH RI XV WDNHV D VDODU\ ZH GR LW EHFDXVH ZH love it and we feel passionately about it. Last season was tough for us. ROPE (the play) was up two weeks after Hurricane Sandy, and it affected our attendance. We couldn’t do a third show EHFDXVH RI D ULJKWV LVVXH :H XVHG WR KDYH DQ RIĹ•FH LQ WKH building but we couldn’t afford it this year. con’t pg. 2