River view observer nov26 dec15 2014

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Volume 18, No. 11

November 26th - December 15th 2014 FREE PUBLICATION



Pg. 2

Three Men and a Coat

Pg. 3

On the cover

Hudson Has Lots of Fun Things to do This Season


Pg. 17


Pg. 20 Home Decor

Pgs. 21 - 24 TURN YOUR UNWANTED JEWELRY INTO CASH Jewelry & Watch Repair

Hoboken Gold & Diamonds

By Sally Deering

t’s the holiday season and during the next few weeks, Hudson will be a fun-filled extravaganza of holiday happenings for the whole family. Events will include music, theater, dance, selfies with Santa and a tree trimming party with a special visit by the Snow Queen. Whatever your fancy, whether it’s a hip version of the Nutcracker ballet or rock n’ roll holiday classics sung by hipsters, there’s something special for everyone to do as we ring in the holidays. Have fun and be Merry! DANCING SUGAR PLUM FAIRIES Nimbus Dance Works presents: JERSEY CITY NUTRACKER Fri., Dec. 19 at 7 pm; Sat., Dec. 20 at 1 & 5 pm; Sun., Dec. 21 at 1 pm Frank R. Conwell M.S. No. 4 Auditorium • 107 Bright Street, Jersey City Tix: www.nimbusdanceworks.org; (201) 377-0718 “Jersey City Nutcracker’s unique retelling of this classic tale illustrates two children’s urban holiday adventure filled with fantasy, adversity and celebration with underlying themes of community and friendship.” Choreographed and directed by Nimbus Artistic Director Samuel Pott, the adaption of Tchaikovsky’s holiday ballet is performed by a cast of professional dancers from Nimbus Dance Works who portray familiar characters such as the Sugar Plum Fairy, the Rat King, the Arabian Princess and Drosselmeyer. Local kids and adults from the community also participate – all with a Jersey City twist! cont’d pg. 3

115 Washington St., Hoboken

lock problems? NEED A NEW LOCK? See Page 3

Bayonne Family Dental See our ad on page 7


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