Volume 17, No. 9
September 26th - October 10th 2013 FREE PUBLICATION
Pg. 2 On the Cover
Stuyvesant Enzo Palumbo
Pg. 3 Big Brother 12 Pg. 10
Home Decor
Pg. 17
Otaiko's Restaurant
By Sally Deering
Season s e t a r b le e C n o s d Hu estivals F n u F h it w e g n a Ch
fter a summer of temps that sometimes rose past 100 degrees, Hudsonites can now enjoy September’s brisk breezes and that lovely change of season from summer to fall. So don’t feel sad as you pack away the swimsuits and move the sweaters to the front of the closet. Keep in mind there are still plenty of fun festivities to do this fall with family and friends.
Pgs. 21 - 24 TURN YOUR UNWANTED JEWELRY INTO CASH Jewelry & Watch Repair
Hoboken Gold & Diamonds
115 Washington St., Hoboken
lock problems? NEED A NEW LOCK? See Page 2
Just remember to bring a jacket!
con’t pg. 2