fleetMaritime: IRISH SHIPPING & FREIGHT Compiled by Howard Knott Edited by Jarlath Sweeney email:
Volume 7, No. 4 Winter 2012
The empty container problem
s has been mentioned in the columns of ‘Fleet Maritime’ previously, the issue of availability of the empty containers that are needed for the development of Irish exports is becoming more pressing. The Irish Maritime Development Office, (IMDO) highlighted the issue in its “Transport Economist” document published in the Spring and this, together with many exporter's bad experiences in this matter, has prompted the Irish Exporters Association (IEA), a number of Shipping Lines that operate on the short sea services, as well as others whose focus is on deep-sea, and Ports to look into the matter and try to find solutions.
During the summer the Port of Liverpool and the Scottish Transport Development Body, Sestrans, became involved. In Scotland there is a specific issue with a rapid growth in worldwide demand for Scotch Whisky. This is best shipped in 20ft containers into which the cases can be packed tightly and the load made completely secure, but 20ft containers are few and far between. More recently the European Shippers Council (ESC) has become involved in the discussions. Ever since the start of the container revolution in the 1960s, Irish exporters had enjoyed a situation in which the number of containers of all sorts and sizes coming into Irish Ports with imported goods significantly outnumbered the demand for boxes for use in export cargo. This situation led to shipping lines being very keen to get cargo for as many boxes as possible and they offered not only low door to door shipping rates, but also did not have to charge a container positioning fee. When the Celtic Tiger hit the wall in 2007 the number of laden containers, particularly from the Far East and other deep-sea markets, quickly dropped off. However, it was the closure of manufacturing at Dell Computers in Limerick that really tipped the balance. Dell had been bringing in over 70 boxes with components every week and this traffic not only supported container services running into Cork, Waterford and, for a period, Foynes but also meant that a significant range of containers was available to exporters south of a line running from Wicklow to Galway. In almost all cases the cost of haulage to Limerick and back to
shipped into and out of Ireland together with Britain north of the line from deep-sea Ports was roughly in balance.
local Port was already covered by the shipper of the import cargo, so that the extra cost of positioning to the Exporter was minimal. A clear indication of the current problem is the case of one Line that is shipping each week on a vessel that has come from Benelux to Dublin before going on to Cork, carrying up to 60 empty containers from Dublin to Cork. Because these containers belong to other companies, the Line can earn reasonable revenue from this exercise but, of course, the issue is whether or not the Munster based exporter will pay all or part of this additional cost. Another case in point is a Line moving substantial volumes of its own containers on its vessel, from Dublin to Waterford to support regional exporters. A further reported case is the deep-sea Line whose Dublin office was informed that it could not book any more cargo in 20ft containers to come into an Irish Port. If the importer really wanted the cargo shipped it would come in 40ft container adding substantially to the cost. Another curious fact is that a map of Britain and Ireland was divided with a line running from Bristol to the Humber Estuary; you find that the current number of containers being
So, what solutions suggest themselves so far? One would be to operate the longest possible container train from Dublin Port to Cork. If the empty containers moving southbound can be combined with laden containers coming into Cork Port but with cargo destined for Dublin, then the cost could be competitive with shipping coastwise, and container flow could be much more regular. More might be done to exploit the available capacity on feeder and Short Sea vessels that call to Liverpool before coming to Irish Ports and on vessels that call to Dublin before sailing with their own cargo for a Scottish Port. In the US the body co-ordinating grain exports has developed a web based system that enables Shipping Lines to post the delivery locations and times for import cargo during the coming week. This enables the potential exporter to source the nearest containers and work around the availability date so as to minimise the transport cost. Some such system may be worth consideration here but work will also have to be done on the methods in which the Shipping Lines, who own the containers, impose substantial hand-over charges on merchants of forwarders that wish to do their own haulage. One other problem that is remarkably common is that the Exporters do not help themselves as, very often, situations arise that the side of the house that brings in components and other materials does not communicate with the export side. It quite often happens that a container from Shipping Line “X” is discharged and goes away empty, only to meet another one from the same Line coming into the plant empty to pick up an export load. Even more common is the failure of the exporter to control the total shipping, either directly, or through his Freight Forwarder, by using the same Shipping Line for both imports and exports, and thus backloading incoming containers. This empty container work is very much on-going and has been taken into the “best practice” work activity package of the EU backed Weastflows project. It is important that all views and opinions are heard and you are urged to come back to howard@ with any thoughts.
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