Periódico Virtual Octubre - Inglés

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UNIENDO DISTANCIAS Editorial Board Uniendo Distancias Año 2. Correo 7 October / 2009 South Zone -Cead Ibagué

The South Zone Audit

José Julián Ñáñez Victoria E. Hernández Alejandro Méndez Oscar Luna Riojas Danilo Bonilla Jhon Fredy Montes Juan Carlos Mojica Milena Alcócer

Principal Gloria Isabel Vargas H.

Coordination William Villa Sandoval

Editing, design and layout Alexandra Acosta Cifuentes

Translation Karla Galindo, Yenilce Cedeño, Yalithza Cedeño, Edna García, Jorge Hugo Hernández, Liliana Álvarez, Carlos Granada, Henry Carvajal

English at UNAD By: José Julián Ñáñez Rodríguez, Coord. Académico South Zone During September 24th and 25th the South Zone, CEAD Ibague, got the audit visit for SGS, as part of the process held by the University to get its certification en NTCGP 1000:2004/ISO 9001:2008.

By: Jorge Hugo Hernández V., Tutor Inglés Cead Ibagué

The National Open and Distance University Surcolombiana reached the region since 1986, first in Neiva Pitalito and then in 1989 when a group of students, given the difficulty to get into college attendance, decided to start their higher education through University of the South of Bogotá, UNISUR, at that time CREAD Pitalito. The first physical space where the activities took place in Neiva was the former Vincentian Sisters Normal, thanks to the efforts of the priest Ramiro Charry. By 1992 already had 350 students enrolled in programs of Business Administration, Engineering, Food and Animal Husbandry. And with increased coverage, in 1994, Febru-

Nowadays, language learning has become a necessity for all people around the world, so that each language that is handled is a new door opening. Although English is considered the universal language because of its importance in every field of life; all languages and dialects are also useful at some point. Today, the anger is to learn English, but over the years and the unprecedented development of certain cultures like the Japanese and Chinese could

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Uniendo Distancias Special

In this issue: CCAV Neiva

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Editorial Gloria Isabel Vargas Hurtado Principal South Zone - UNAD Nodo Ibagué

The audit to the certification ISO9001:2008 NTCGP 1000-2004 was carried out successfully on September 24th and 25th. The processes audited were six in which we went over the sentence “No consent”. The times lived before were used to develop a permanent preparation, a long time ago and along this year, not only for the audit but the commitment and sense of belonging that is our characteristic and it demands us to offer a quality service. The day expected arrived and each one of the process leaders had to be checked exhaustively and face their wisdom, expertise and knowledge with audacity, experience and suspicion of the Auditor of SGS Company, in those moments we felt the support of our zone, the Ibague team and the national level, all through the webconference and skype followed the questions and answers each second, the happiness screams “in situ” and through the different mass media when we passed

successfully a process, finally the audit finished all around the country and thanks God “Zero Findings” and then the responsibility and tension grows up, Engineer Luigy Lopez said “the ball is in the South Zone…” thanks God and the effort of all the team, we achieved the proposed objectives, we feel proud of being part of this process, the learning was total and incomparable. Now our duty is bigger, to keep the quality certification and overpass our own challenges, the way of excellence is endless. In this opportunity we continue with the special edition, we began with CEAD Pitalito and now we present the CCAV Neiva, where we underline the best of our region, its history, advances and special projects according to our community social identity. For our next edition, you can expect whole information about the development of the Cultural Week South Zone, which will take place from October 26th to 30th , and in order to close: the sport meeting in the CERES La Plata, The Unadista Song Festival and much more.

The South Zone Audit Come from first page The following dependencies were audited according to the certification guide lines: 1. Regional management for the Social Educative Development, Jose Guillermo Rodriguez Jimenez. 2. Research and Knowledge management, Bachelor Milena Alcocer 3. Academicals Registration and control, Ing. Nilson Albeiro Ferreira 4. Techno-pedagogical management in media and mediations, Ing. John Montes 5. Management of technological infrastructure, Ing. Nestor Ramos 6. Distance formation in different educational levels, Magister Jose Julian Ñáñez The audit was a big success for the CEAD and the University because according to the SGS representative, Miss Buitrago the different audited items didn’t present any conformities. This event will be remembered in the UNAD history since because of it the University will get the certification in November 13, 2009; and after that date the UNAD will join the group of 5 public universities which have this achievement. Getting this certification in quality is, according to the Principal “a great achievement and acknowledgement for the UNAD, which open the doors to internationalize of the institution”. The most important for the South Zone was the role it could perform since we were main characters of this new achievement of the University, and we could demonstrate that quality is not a dream or a commitment but a culture in which we are accessing every day.

Uniendo Distancias

Trapped on the net By: Pedro Uriel Rojas, ECSAH Economic crisis, globalization, companies on the net are some of the factors which can be considered like the cause of a growing phenomenon in all companies or organizations that meets more than five people, private or state one. I do not know if this has happened to you or if you perceive the same, but in this moment in the place where you work is surrounded by workmates who simultaneously develop the noble and old job of sales. A decade ago in the workplaces, these characters were sporadic and for some times offered their products, sending the underground magazines or catalogues which include; perfumes, clothes, jewels and cosmetics. In our days there are true libraries that are in the offices, cubicles, modules and other company rooms. We find the partner who sells the trips to Tierra Santa, to San Andres, to the coast and to Tierra Caliente (a touristic place of Ibague), and the person who offers us since Holly Week a delicious Christmas dinner to pay in reasonable payments, the person who sells weight-reducing treatments and the efficient medicine to the hair fall. The partner who offers whispering the medicine to revitualize your sexual power, unique, natural and without contraindications, the person who “legalizes” designer clothes at half price, cells with TV signal, domiciliary sessions of mesotherapy or here in t he com pany bat hroom, Om nilife,Anway, Renna Ware. If you think you can escape from the sale’s partners troop surfing on

the Internet, you are taking an option in which you can also find advertisements, and publicity of products, type “Mercado libre”, offering from the last avant-garde article of the nanoscience to used objects in perfect conditions. The true is that the big companies based on the organizing logic of Taylor or Ford models of production that put up with the cyclical crisis of the 1930s and 1970s and the technological change very evident produced in this last decade necessarily has to look for another model of production: The Company on the Net, with the implementation of the informatics and telecommunications in the organizing life and the institutions together. Then the company on the net is the way of answering to the crisis of profitability which suffers the process of money accumulation of the classic companies. What are the characteristics of this way of organization? With the spreading and overcrowding of technology, the company on the net spreads easily, this can be seen with clear accent in the commercialization. T h e com-

Page 3 pany links and other ways of working and hiring allow to avoiding benefit burdens and other work and commitments which generate great costs of investment In order for the company on the net to have utility and effectiveness must offer quality products with immediate and visible results. That is the most efficient way of selling the company on the net. The link that the company would acquire with you does not compromise contractually. The company avoids to spend money in leasing, energy, internet, advertising and choosing processes of staff, since the same multilevel system allows to identify the engaged worker easily. The ways of motivation to be involved in this company are: 1. The first beneficiary is you consuming the products. 2. You are earning an extra money without much effort since the product sells itself 3. You are using your time and schedule because you get independence.

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The history, facts and images of the past

ary 28, the student association makes the CEAD Neiva is officially under the 009 agreement of the Board of UNISUR. In this time are beginning to offer of the programs in Community Social Psychology and Social Communication and by 1999 was already open the programs in Pharmacy Regency and Systems Engineering. Today we can say with great satisfaction that we have transcended the traditional schemes of higher education and the community and its directives UNAD Neiva, since Yamileth Peña (1994 - 1996), Oreste Carlos Quintero (RIP) (1996-1997), Silvia Santos (1997 - 1998), Victor Arturo Moreno, (1998 - 2004) and Jaime Narvaez Joaquin Murcia, (2004 to date) have taken up the challenges and achieve goals at region al level.

The CEAD NEIVA turns their 18 years In this crossed it has been managed to build and implement actions, such as: From 1989 to date, 1.709 students had obtained titles as technologists, professionals and specialists. This talented group of graduates have contributed to regional and national high performance in public office by popular election, in private enterprise and as managers of their own businesses, which generate direct and indirect jobs to the economic revitalization of the region. Internships, work degree and professional practices have impacted vulnerable populations in the Department of Huila and in the districts 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Neiva. Strategic alliances with private enterprise, inter-administrative agree-

ments with local authorities and with national public institutions, which are present in our region, are an example of successful experiences that we can show them to the country.

Successful experiences • Capacity to improve social skills of students in the formal sector of the of Huila state. The target population of epidemiologically relevant events in mental health, community and communication strategies with school-oriented projects amounted to 57.727 people. Of these, 82% are students, 7% indigenous population, 4.3% of families, 2.6% displaced and 2.3% for educators. • Computers in class: another way to learn. The coverage struck the 37 municipalities of Huila, a population of thirty thousand students, two thousand teachers and 240 school administrators, 100% Educational Institutions participating municipalities, developing 72 projects, urban and rural drivers. Departmental Program Bilingualism "Huila Speak English" Through UNAD to 270 teachers were trained in the Department of English, improving their level consistent with the Common European Framework. In addition, he prepared for foreign language teaching to 690 teachers to guide the area from kindergarten to third grade basic education, which made their project to the institution where they work. • Inspection and monitoring of educational institutions of the department of Huila. To contribute to improving the School Management,

Management Directive, Administrative and Financial Management, the Academic Administration and Community Management on aspects of quality, coverage and efficiency of educational institutions of formal and municipalities uncertified, impacting Educational official Institutions to 317 and 72 private. Technical advice to the department of Huila in the implementation of SGI's Integrated Management System for obtaining quality certification in Standard GP - 1000-2004. The UNAD, with a team of professionals, reviewed and advised all administrative processes with the government of Huila, did comply their respective processes and operational risk maps of continuous improvement. Similarly, it provided all the technical and methodological aspects in line with technical standards NTC GP-1000-2004, MECI - NTC-5254 and 1000-2005 operational risk for the Government to achieve Quality Certification for the public sector, given by ICONTEC, in 2007. Many institutions with whom we have worked and obtained successful experiences, which will be presented in another publication. All this leads us to ratify the commitment to continue to lead regional development processes and carry out the mission of our University in this sector of the country.

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UNAD in Neiva

Knowledge and Commitment

In the frame of the Cultural Week, Neiva's CCAV realized at the beginning of this month the Fair IV of Academic Schools and Unadista Integration, a space of meeting to socialize academic and investigative experiences of social projection. Everything with the aim to contribute with the promotion and involution of the values that foment the wellbeing, the knowledge and the development of the Huilense community. In the reflection of human The School of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, led by Mabel Goretty Chala Trujillo, opened the day with the conference “Young People Today”, orientated by the psychologist Julián Vanegas Lopez. In his chat he realized an optimistic analysis on the situation of the teenagers of Neiva's city and, simultaneously, he did the invitation to renew the channels of communication with them. The Fair also was the setting for the socialization of investigative results of the program of Psychology, some of the projects: "Benefits of the alternative treatment based on natural agents for the drugs addicts' recovery " and " A culture plunged ", recounted to the psycho-socials effects of the construction of the "The Quimbo" Hydroelectric. Equally, the ECSAH located a stand for the Evaluation of the intelligence; in this exercise, of great impact for the visitors, the interested parties surrendered to a psychometric test and received a report on their intellectual quotient, as well as the explanation of the obtained results and basic concepts relative to the topic. E - Commerce and Expo Unad For their part, the School and Business, Countable, Economic and Administrative Sciences (ECACEN), under Eduardo Corredor Torres's leadership, had the responsibility of organizing two central events of the fair: E-Commerce, Electronic commerce. His aim was to share experiences as for design and functionality of web pages. In this activity companies took part as the Lottery of the Huila, IncubarHuila,

the Chamber of Trade, the Federation of Municipalities Territorial Huila, between others. This one was a propitious space for the exchange of ideas in the improvement of the commercial practice. Since part of the event of the ecommerce webconference appeared from The Florida USA, on the origins, development and future of the electronic commerce, which was orientated by Phd. Jose Lepervanche. Equally, the Mgs Luis Corridor Toast, he shared the experience acquired in Mexico across a conference on safety of the information in the electronic commerce. The chat demonstrated the efficiency and the kindness of the use of the TIC's. Expo Unad: ECACEN, Convinced that the best way of forming entrepreneurs is to generate enterprises, he motivates his students towards managerial initiatives by means of the development of this event. In this version they presented business plans, managerial projects and companies in march developed by the Unadistas students and with participation of companies of the Region. The summit of the robotics The School of Basic Sciences, Technology and Engineering presented a proj ect of application of micro controllers towards the field of the robotics, which originated the construction of a robotic spider, articulated across 12 servomotors and controlled by this class of devices. The work was developed by the students Jhon Fabio Ramirez, Jhon Jader Tovar and César Augusto Gómez, of the program of Electronic Engineering. The director engineer of the project, Fabián Bolívar, assured that " the basic aim is to stimulate the robotics in the field of the electronic engineering, since this one is a branch of the part of the

control that is in summit. Hereinafter they try to apply this beginning for needs of the daily life, since in the robots to deactivate bombs or for monitoring. It is necessary to improve the prototype and then achieve frequency to control it across radio; it is to say, of wireless and like that form to manipulate objects and to accede to sites where the man cannot come. " ECAPMA and the fox-hunters of Neiva The Agricultural, Cattle Sciences and of the Environment Schools offered to the fox-hunters' association of the Huila, AMOZOTRANS, a chat on the care and nourishment of the horse. This one was orientated by the tutor Mauricio Ramirez Gaitán and they attended it more than 20 members of the unionization, who of an active way received the given recommendations. Also, they demonstrated their satisfaction with the vaccination brigade and desparasitation of his equine ones. Art: Culture and integration The cultural note of the Fair IV of Academic Schools and Unadista Integration was at the expense of the students of Social Communication and of the communicative competitions course, who are employed at the rescue of the wisdom of the opita people, guarded in the image and in the orality of the forbears and that is transmitted from generation to generation; now, recognized, valued and spread by the unadistas students.

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Montly consums of ARAZA in the urban zone of Florencia

By: Iraide Molina Peralta, tutora ECACEN Florencia. The Caqueta city is denoted as promised land; the Florencia city its capital is at the forefront of that connotation, this is the reason to government agencies, higher education and research which are present in the town, are managing the current development, generating alternatives or courses of action to determine the areas of competitiveness and productivity in the region. The university UNAD, inside the research work projects involving forward to contributing to the generation of actions that would allow the development to which the Florence town is pointing, so taking account that the Amazonian fruits, especially arazá, fruit that is found in different Florencia areas and its daily production is increasing, identifies the importance of inquiring about the current consumption of the fruit in the consumer market and Florence industrial town. Research is conducted with Marketing Research students course in the first half of 2009, for development was taken as reference the consumer mar-

ket where you applied the technique to collect samples of the Northern communes, East and South, as well as the industrial market where the owners were questioned about the fruit processing. The results obtained to determine that in Florence, the monthly consumption of these communities amounts to 4377 pounds; actually in the industrial market, the processors that are present in the region require 14,640 pounds per month to process, which the supply mostly small producers of Valparaiso, Solita, Doncello, and some of Florence, and others, with whom he has a verbal contract with clear commitments in delivering the product, according to the employer requirements. The fruit is known by 100% of responded people but this consumption varies in each municipality, (North 80%, East 66% South 94%), the people that answered told that it requires marketing strategies and actions by different actors in the production chain that would allow arazá fully marketing the product The purchase price of the product in the communes is between $ 500 and $ 1500; This differs from the period, if the product is in crop demand increases and the price tends to fall, And if supply is limited (no harvest) the price tends to increase. The aranzá is a product that in stratum 1 and 2 in the town, we can find in the houses courtyards, thus allowing consumption. The inherent characteristics of the fruit (pleasant aroma and taste) make it very desirable in this market, al-

though this is not the nutritional denotes that it has, especially in stratum 1 and 2, which scored 42% and 35% about nutritional . At the conclusion of which is managed according to figures by the Agriculture Ministry on aranzá production in Florence in 2008,the production was 40 tones falling to 80,000 lbs, per Year, this differs from the amount consumed in the urban area of the municipality; the consumption inclination of aranzá in the Florence town is growing that urgently must be managed and lines of action designed to enable a real opportunity to see business potential in order to help improve social, economic, environmental not only small farmers but traders and the general population; Additionally, processing companies must begin to identify market segments for their products to local and national level in order to take advantage the production fruit, thus avoiding wastage or loss of production. Similarly, creditors should be seed money to enable compliance with legal requirements for access to potential markets. In order to develop the above it will requires commitment, belonging sense and projection by the actors that make up each link in the chain arazá.

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By: John Fredy Montes, VIMMEP, South Zone

Windows 7 for college students for only 30 Dollars It´s real Windows 7 will be reached for all college students for a 30 dollar-price due to a Campaign launched by Microsoft in order to catch potencial clients: ADOLESCENTS. Microsoft has design Windows 7 offer lead to the youngest ones, who give the most of the income for the company and its expansion too. Now, Windows 7 can be bought by people who live in USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Korea or Mexico, although the company does not descartar the idea to offer it for other countries ( let´s hope it is offered in Colombia). People who want to buy it, they will be able to do it till the 3rd of January 2010 in the website Source:

Video magazines, live magazines for the future Newspaper and magazines search about the concept of Video-Magazine or Live Magazines. Media and magazines are having a hard time because of Readers immigration to Internet. Therefore Companies have been searching and will continue doing it about how to make their field more effective, reaching people through video-magazines or like it is called by others LIFE MAGAZINES. Technically, it would not be that easy to use flexible oled screens and a flash memory, which will be the one in charge of showing the content of the Live Magazine. At the beginning people would have to get just the magazine bases and then the flash card for each month or week edition. In order to have the concept clearer, here there is a video which explains perfectly the way the video magazines or Live magazines work. Source:

Windows XP boot at start up damage One of the most striking difficulties in computing is to see that one day our PC does not "want to start. So today we treat one case in which this problem-which is caused by several reasons, can be solved with a quick and precise action. All PCs loads their operating system into RAM reading a boot code written in the hard drive. When this code recorded in the area called Boot deteriorates or is removed as a result of a virus attack or failure of the substance that covers the plates of the hard disk, the operating system simply fails to boot.. Windows shows this damage with different symptoms, one is trying to start repeating his charge, but since the boot code is incomplete, only the logo and the PC is "frozen". Another symptom may be that the loading sequence is repeated again and again showing the boot screen with the choice of loading options in Safe Mode, Normal Mode, etc. but without starting any of them. Because you can not boot from the hard drive must be logged in with an installation CD. So the PC should have the first option to search the operating system to boot, the optical drive (CD ROM-DVD). Such an allocation is made within the SETUP program which team will have to check with the motherboard manual or the PC if it's brand. The second step is to boot the PC with the Windows CD. This prompted to press any key to start booting from the CD. The loading sequence at one point will ask if we want to repair an installation or start a new installation. We must select repair. Windows will ask which partition is the one we want to repair, this is version 1. Therefore type 1 and press the Enter key. This operation is known as computer access to Windows Recovery Console. It is a resource used in those impossible cases to boot the operating system. It will be only shown a black screen with a blinking cursor. Here comes the critical part. Type: bootcfg / rebuild and press Enter. Finally remove the Windows CD and turn off and on again the PC. If the hard drive’s damage is only located in this part, the problem will be resolved. Windows will rewrite the damaged code. But if the boot `s damage persists, you will have to consider using another PC to backup your data and formatting your hard drive to reinstall Windows from scratch. Source:

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Apple Multitouch Mouse 2.0

English at UNAD Come from first page

Apple could launch its first Multitouch mouse fixed into the new mouses 2.0. Yesterday after seeing the new generation of multitouch mouses, it seems to be the company already has a commercial version of these mouses. As we mentioned yesterday, the new multitouch mouse offer the user a superior experience to work with graphic environments and interphases that require or offer the possibility to operate with different sights, perspectives, such as objects rotation, zoom, etc…. Apple had an ongoing project with this Mighty Mouse, due to this is the field they have updated less so far, if this project is ------ we could have the first multitouch mouse in the market. The multi touch mouse will let people perform complex movements and gestures which can be done only with a multitouch screen or a trackpad so far. These mice will have the same mechanism as these two computer hardware. Anyway, we give Apple a shoulder pad because of its constantly evolution and technological searching, which always go forward of the rest companies. It will be called Mighty Mouse 2.0!! s o u r c e : h t t p : / / informatica/1284/raton-multitactil-de-appleratones-20

make a language like Mandarin become the new "fashion" when it is time to study a second language. In our country, the conception of English is changing due to the globalization we are experiencing; increasingly growing number of students of all ages and social classes who are taking an English course. And virtuality is no exception. In the Internet, there are all sorts of sites where you can learn English in an easy and funny way. It is important to exploit all the advantages that technology offers, noting that for this kind of education there are no barriers of time and space, since it tends to form self-directed learners who are able to develop an efficient learning process. The Internet is consolidating in a privileged place to virtual education because of its many benefits. However, there are still many mental barriers to break down. Therefore, we must keep trying to make everyone be aware that education can be developed in an environment different from the classroom, in which the teacher is guiding and monitoring in person each process step. That is, the need of the physical presence of the teacher felt by students must be eradicated. Furthermore, it is a matter of changing the paradigm and understanding that communication with teachers and peers can occur through the net (forums, chats, blogs, etc.). Thus, the UNAD is responding to new demands of globalization, where the entire school community: directors, management staff,

tutors and students must study and use English and take maximum advantage of it in all aspects of life. The translation of virtual bulletin ¨Joining Distances” from the south zone is the result of group effort made by English tutors, those who intend to provide an opportunity to practice reading skills to members of the University. This is just a small step on the long road to generate a culture of bilingualism where everyone is in constant contact with this language and being aware of its great importance and the benefits that it can bring in terms of Education, employment and quality of life. The National Ministry of Education has designed a project entitled "Colombia Bilingüe 2019 ", which claims that all educational institutions in the country including primary and secondary levels must have a bilingual education. In line with this project, the UNAD has as one of its goals teaching English to its entire academic and management staff. For doing this, it is necessary to start with different activities that contribute to this work within each of its campus. Then, the signs of the different units of the University, the creation of an English club for students and the academic and management staff and translation of the virtual bulletin is a good experience for the tutors of the School of Education Science in the South Zone and this is a means of showing the work in a more practical and concrete way. So the invitation is extended to the entire community to take advantage of all the resources we have to improve our performance in English.

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Culture and fraternity: Settiing for UNAD identity

By: Wilington Rodríguez Jiménez, Zonal Coordinador of Bienestar Institucional, CEAD Ibagué. In theory, we can say that to be UNADISTA, it required only complete the registration and come into possession of student or to sign the labor contract that recognizes the academic, administrative. However, beyond the procedural formalities is fraternity and attitudinal codes, which in one form or another and define our identity as a community singled. But, ¿ how to build this affection and matching networks affection and agreement? Undoubtedly, the contribution being made by the academy and its dynamic curriculum that overwhelmed around the science and knowledge. But the importance of

feeling think and act collectively, would be to other scenarios where through the language of rhetoric, the literature, arts and sport, implies the use of other scenarios where the people discover, recognize and each one take on their roll in the university. It is our responsibility , develop, promote, build and participate in the tools and strategies consolidation in order to sensitize and give a added value, although give an emotional magic that is so necessary for revival our identity. It is the justification for the vast range of festivals, meetings, competitions, events and contests of all kinds, that seem the

Colombian populate calendar. This is the raft that has kept them afloat, it is a our meeting point to forgive, to reinvent ourselves, to smile, to be Colombian. Bienestar Universitario has an specif misión it is the implementation of spaces and mechanisms for meeting, it is the most important purpose, the active participation of all segments and each UNAD memeber, it wolud certify the UNAD goal. To be UNADISTA involve commitments, actions and reactions comprehensive humanized. To be UNADISTA is an invitation to redress the violence legacy of and will not, that stain the country university, is to promote the exaltation of life through science and language, is to engage, to move from criticism to action.

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