Periódico Virtual "Uniendo Distancias" - Abril Ingles 2011

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Year III - No.19 - 42 pages

Ibague, April 2011

L inking D istances “Education for All with Global Quality"

UNAD monthly publication of South Zone *ISSN 2027 - 6125

Launching: "Linking Distances" Virtual Journal - UNAD South Zone By: John Fredy Montes Mora

By: Sigifredo Arias

South Zone VIMMEP Missionary

Tutor ECSAH - CEAD Ibague

On March 31 in the auditorium "Jaime Alberto Leal Afanador" of Open and Distance National University UNAD - CEAD Ibague, was launched "Linking Distances" Virtual Journal, alternative media which can be found at the website South Zone: From left to right MB Jorge Hugo Hernández Villamil MB - Liliana Eugenia Álvarez Cabezas

The event took place within the week of Engineer Jhon Fredy Montes Mora - RCN Journalist. Felipe Arias Londoño communication and was attended by Felipe Social Communicator -Journalist Julio César Bocanegra Bocanegra Arias, a journalist and news presenter of RCN, who led the workshop presentation of news in At the beginning it was conceived as a the morning, aimed at students of Social classroom project and currently, it has the Communication. record ISSN (International Standard Serial) which uniquely identifies the In the afternoon, the socialization of virtual respective collection and classification, newspaper took place in front of local, regional with the effort and dedication of each of and national media, also the government, the people who conform the editorial public, private institutions and general board and make this a recognized c o m m u n i t y w e r e i n t h e e v e n t . publication that provides information monthly of academic, research, regional Linking Distances, is an open stage to development and community outreach institutions, businesses and community type. members who are working articulately with the UNAD, which is inclusive, participatory and Nowadays, there are 22 editions with a democratic, that´s why the possibility is open to total of 13 sections: Editorial, based on each institution that has, reflect and promote its relevant activities occurred during the experiences as a result of interagency month of publication: Guest Columnist, cooperation. reflections by figures outside the

university; Academy update, educational, teaching and training papers; Research and Region, progress in the projects of different groups and seeds; Community Social Impact, shows the actions of community outreach; Vimedios, media and mediations updates; Green Section, articles on the care of environment; Techno Tips, interesting data about the management of technological tools; Welfare, social and cultural events of community, counseling, thoughts and motivations useful for UNAD family; Quality, content that refers to the quality system ; Mural graduate, life history of recent graduates from the University and finally; Entertainment Section, interactive activities. It is a source of proud for the South Zone, having a written mass media mediated by virtuality, which reaches the entire community in a meaningful way that makes us participants of the knowledge networks and pioneers of this mega project nationwide.

INDEX EDITORIAL ...........................................2

Headlines Affect, Disability and Education ... A challenge for all By: Andrea del Pilar Arenas ECSAH Tutor CEAD Ibague

One of the most discussed topics about education is motivation and its influence on the teaching and learning. Constantly, questions are debated such as "Should there be shown warmth and appreciation to the students, or should there have a formal relationship (distant) for not engaging with them and possibly falling into mistakes as the abuse of trust? This discussion becomes even more relevant and effective when it Page 5

"Education for All with Global Quality ” Development Plan 2011 - 2015 By: Carolina Polania Leyton Quality Leader CCAV Neiva On March 30, the Supreme Council of the University approved the 2011-2015 Development Plan unanimously which has been made up by an exercise of collective construction. UNAD commitment and passion for this project is generating more fruit each day. Firstly, the new development plan helped to clarify the route of the next four years to recognize as macro problem the insufficient quality in the provision of educational services for several local, national and global Page 32

GUEST COLUMNIST............................3 ACADEMY UPDATE. ............................4 UPDATE.............................4 RESEARCH AND REGION ................16 SOCIAL COMMUNITY IMPACT ..........17 IMPACT..........17 VIMEDIOS ..........................................24 GREEN SECTION ...............................27 SECTION...............................27 QUALITY ..............................................32 QUALITY..............................................32 WELFARE ...........................................35 WELFARE...........................................35 GRADUATED MURAL .........................38 MURAL.........................38 ENTERTAINMENT ...............................39 ENTERTAINMENT...............................39

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Editorial Gloria Isabel Vargas Hurtado South Area Director - UNAD Node Ibague The communication comes from the latin word "communicatio" and this in turn the noun "communicate" which translates into Castilian, participating in common, both the noun and the verb stem communicate the word "comunis" root of the Spanish word that means community involvement and interaction with others. The term communication can be interpreted in different ways: Aristotle says that communication is a process where it is used all means of persuasion that have the power to make himself understood; Kurt Lewin, defines communication as a complex system of actions and personal and group interactions where an individual sends a message to another and this in turn responds, generating an ongoing process; William Bortot, says it is a phenomenon that establishes a relationship between two or more individuals, based on message exchange and / or ideas through from which they develop all human relationships and David K. Berlo, defines communication as a process by a transmitter sends a message through a channel to a receiver. Independent of the age, history of communication is linked almost to the same origin of man and has advanced at par to people, the revolution in telecommunications and data transmission has pushed the world towards the concept of "Hamlet - Global ", no matter what happens somewhere on earth can be seen by all countries of the world immediately. "The effects of these new media on society have been much studied ever since. Some argue that the media tend to reinforce the personal views rather than alter it, others believe that change depending on that controls them, can decisively change the political opinion of the community. In either case, it has been shown that the media influence at short, medium and long term, a subtle but decisive on the points of view and the view of the people. “ To UNAD the Social Communication is intended as an educational project, permanent building from the investigation of the facts and for the various actors and cultural spaces, promotes a democratic and participatory communication in different contexts, acting through reflection and

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

April 0f 2011

research communities to the continue searching for better living through the pedagogical academic project and its missionary and management units. The radio station RUV of UNAD, the NotiUNAD weekly news, “Con Olor a Región” and “Desarrollo Humano”, “Boletín Virtual” and in the South Zone, radio, magazine and “Linking Distances” newspaper are media transmitted used to disseminate information and show to the world the impact and social development that is generated from our alma mater, that's why, the last 31st March, the official launch of our virtual newspaper in English and Spanish versions in the city of Ibague, which was attended by important media and companies of region, students, graduated, academic and administrative staff. Under the same event was held on Unadista's Talent Recognition, mention of special significance which makes to graduated for their perseverance, dedication, commitment and sense of belonging with their life project and an example for many Colombians, where clearly reflects that "love is power"; for this occasion, the winners were from CEAD Florencia: Manuel de la Vega Miranda, BA in Linguistics and Literature, graduated from specialization in Education, Culture and Politics, like Anyi Aldana Alexandra Triana graduated of Social Communication, Diosa del Chairá Journalism Award TV mode 2009. From Ibague: Miguel Angel Prado Parra graduated from Systems Engineering and Syscafé Manager and Gilberto Buitrago Buitrago, graduated from Social Communication, Simon Bolivar Prize. In addition from CCAV Neiva: Lizardo Rojas Tovar and Álvaro Córdoba, Social Communication students. Also on April 1 was the forum "Communication Alternatives" leaded by media students.







We thank all the academic staff of the different missionary and management units at national, zonal and local levels; to our directors and management of the South Zone with influence in the department of Caquetá, San Vicente and Florencia; in the department of Huila, CERES la Plata, CEAD Pitalito and CCAV Neiva, and in the department of Tolima in the CERES Líbano and Mariquita and CEAD Ibagué, similarly, the editorial team who with their effort, commitment and dedication have shared this dream and have contributed that to make it a beautiful reality. To our communities, the different entities such as the Governor of Tolima, Huila and Caquetá, Municipalities, National Police, Foundations and all entities that have opened their doors and allowed to the UNAD be an important ally in the regional context, to you, dear readers for joining us in every edition of the newspaper and inviting as always, to write us, all comments are important to us.

PROFESSORS NETWORK IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN (RedDOLAC) By: Mg. Henry Chero Valdivieso Since more than 10 years ago I am a permanent browser of the technological resources that promote the teaching and learning processes, my professional work in education was always related to teaching mathematics and teacher's training. And I believe that the educator´s profile has always motivated me to share in a global way the ICT incorporating progress to education, but the Professors Network in Latin America and the Caribbean, is a clear demonstration that I am not the only one, and on the contrary, we are many teachers who have these motivations. RedDOLAC was created on January 10, 2009; it has been more than two years since its creation and it would be mean spirited not to recognize that the success and positioning that has been made in the academic community is due to the discipline, the contribution and the promotion that each teacher who belong to it, which are close to 7000 members. There are many teachers from an average of 24 countries participating actively In the

Professors Network in Latin America and the Caribbean; among them, specialists who provide their productions and comments. The “Red” is visited from different places around the world and has become a teacher's required space for consultation because there are permanent publication of news, articles and papers of academic interest. The digital culture is growing in teaching and it is necessary to cultivate it, because it is not enough with teachers' knowledge and use of ICT, even it is important to integrate them into the curriculum for the enrichment of e-learning activities in the different subjects. The educational models tendency intended to go gradually over advances in information technologies. This culture and trend demand new teaching skills and a network as RedDOLAC is doing an important role as accompaniment in the development of teaching skills for the management of the information and communication technologies (ICT).

"Nobody teaches to anybody, with humbly to learn, everyone learns from all", this is RedDOLAC lemma and the generosity and the professional detachment from each one of its members characterize and make it could be. The positioning achieved until here, thanks to the work of its members gives us the guarantee that its professors network is going to continue growing as a quantity and quality. Finally, I invite you to visit and to be part of the network in and those who are already members, my appreciation for their commitment, their enthusiasm and participation, and, as I said recently, my special thanks for their human quality, because without it, we could not aspire to save distances and time to feel part of the same community of teachers as it is the Professors Network in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Free Trade (TLC) and the University, it is also our commitment By: Augusto Castro Triana ECBTI Tutor CEAD Ibagué

University classrooms cannot be far away from an important event that these days has the attention of entrepreneurs, economic associations, government entities, State and the community in a broad sense. Since different scenarios over the recent years and endured in recognized social and economic arguments, Colombia made the signing of Free Trade - TLC - with the United States, in a process with which our country seeks to open up new possibilities with the international market: I. What about TLC? It is an agreement among the countries that align themselves with it, which undertake to reduce or eliminate taxes, called tariffs on goods and services that circulate commercially between them, all this, in a special framework conditions and rules that seek to encourage entrepreneurs and investors and thus stimulate the economy of each subscriber of the Convention. This kind of agreements are traditional arrangements between the economies of the world and there are many cases which serve to illustrate the example: Colombians, we remember among others, the Latin America Association of Integration –ALADI- signed with Latin American countries; The Pacific Basin, with countries with coasts on the ocean; G-3, signed with Venezuela

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and Ecuador and the ATPA, signed among Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia and the U.S. It should be kept in mind that Nations are not currently conceived in isolation, but rather the integration of interests and the collective work is essential, with which stimulate the strengths of each country and somehow compensate for weaknesses. II. Some expected benefits: The experience of other countries which have signed this Agreement with the United States, has been positive to the extent that they have increased in relatively short periods of time their volumes of exports, aspect that directly impacts the social and economic indicators that can be reversed among others on the following facts:

· Strengthen business, resulting from the increase in sales of manufactures goods, which creates a new dynamic in the marketing of raw materials and products finished. · Economic growth from the margins of utility, multiplied by new and voluminous amounts of production. · Update and renewal of production processes, as a result of business strengthening.

· Generation of employment, which is evident from the renewal and/or opening of new negotiations and compromises business Let us remember that Colombia, has traditionally been a producer and exporter country with major strengths in flowers, textiles, clothing, plastics, ceramics, crafts, iron, steel, precious metals and services, among others. On the other hand, in the field of services, it opens a vast possibility, whereas with this commercial process it is possible to increase fastly the consumption of them, with education as one of the main elements of this important sector which leads to the generation of a chain of requirements in the academic subjects related to the knowledge, professional, technical, technological training and labour skills, among many other marketing options. In order to face positively a process of this magnitude, we must be prepared and strengthened in many areas, in which the academic aspects occupy a central place.

Affect, disability and education ... A challenge for all By: Andrea del Pilar Arenas ECSAH Tutor CEAD Ibague One of the most discussed topics about education is motivation and its influence on the teaching and learning. Constantly, questions are debated such as "should there be shown warmth and appreciation to the students, or should there have a formal relationship (distant) for not engaging with them and possibly falling into mistakes as the abuse of trust? This discussion becomes even more relevant and effective when it comes to special education, i.e. training people with disabilities, because in this process, the student in a debilitating situation demands more commitment from his /her trainer, as the latter requires creativity, resources and varied strategies to achieve comprehension and appropriate learning, remain precisely where the teacher requires a high level of tolerance for individual difference of their students, a process that inevitably mobilize their emotional resources. In this respect, affection increasingly seen as an important process that crosses the pedagogical practices, such as referencing recent research

which has shown that a loving trainer tends to be more tolerant of the difficulties presented by students , not adaptive behavior and changes in attitudes and performance. But then, what is affection? Firstly, the affection is a process of social interaction that occurs between two or more people, a definition which differs from the emotion, since the last one has been seen as an individualized response of an internal nature. According to this, it is worth mentioning that, affection requires effort and intention on the part of those involved the flow and move from one person to another, being precisely where the triad affection, disability and education is a challenge that be assumed requires determination and conviction of all those, who in one way or another, play the role of educators of this age group as diverse and special, rather than limitations on their ability to deliver, learning and value... This is supported precisely on the fact that you can often see people in

disability with emotional deprivation, without signs of affection and socially excluded, which thanks to its resilience and overcoming educational institutions choose to join, precisely there where the demand for affection lies with special emphasis on educators who though they should not be the primary source of affection. Sometimes, they become the only one who provides. Cases like referenced are more frequently found at UNAD, since the beginning of the academic periods, the number of enrollment of students in situations of disability increases. This makes all faculty members to reflect on the challenge proposed to be complete tutors who put on stage their emotional, social and cognitive skills, not only with students in disability but with all learners and to experience the institutional mission and contributing to education for all without exclusion.

"It's not the disability that makes life difficult, but the thoughts and actions of others " Anonymous

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The forum as place of encounter? By: José Julián Ñáñez ECSAH Tutor CEAD Ibagué The Forum or the square, place of encounters and misunderstandings, of agreements and disagreements, of censorship and approvals, but fundamentally space of argumentation and contraargumentation of ideas, it became the center of the action and organization of the Greek city, as there was a place where problems and everyday situations were widely discussed, thanks to the organizational spirit that printed democracy; this was the space who sealed them as culture and from which weave the greatest legacy that gave humanity, philosophy; thanks to their special way to test one of their major concerns, education, because in this space of (agon) fight - agony, citizens showed learning, carefully cured by their sophist master. Every Greek citizen, into the democracy and setting aside the ideal warrior where the areté (virtue), transformed it into one highest humane, cared to participate within the Forum, turning it into the way to contribute to the construction of the city weaving the threads of it, the form or to pay back what the city had given to them (freedom, culture, governance, knowledge, among others). As time goes this scenario was taking other features, I'm going to stop on the special mention that makes Nietzsche about it in one of his most important works, thus spoke Zarathustra, where the Forum, now converted into market square, had another sense, it is not the place where they talk about important things, but rather where they are exposed the banalities of everyday life, concerns more futile and secondary of the average man whom the modernization project was

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responsible for turning into mere consumers; It's so banal and superficial that when someone says something sensible, nobody pays attention; therefore, for them, following the language game of the word Forum, they could be called the outrageous, those who are not able to participate in the Forum and to understand its dynamics. The quote from Nietzsche that I mention is the following: "when I went to the men for the first time I made a mistake own of the hermits, the great nonsense: I installed myself on the market." And when I spoke to everyone I spoke to no one. And at night I had as a fellow thieves and corpses; and I myself was almost a corpse. But the next morning a new truth came to me: then I learned to say «what I care about the market and the people and the noise of the Plebs and the long ears of the Plebs!». You superior men, learn this from me: in the market, no one believes in superior men. And if you want to talk there, well! But the people will say blinking 'we are all equal'. Following the purpose of Nietzsche, it is shown how the common place for men, the meeting point of the majority of people in Greek antiquity which was so important, has become obsolete and has been reduced to scenarios and smaller groups, but not because it is restricted but because in many cases, as shown by the author, people auto exclude for not understanding the language of men, which in his view called superiors, those who by their own means have been concerned to find the truth, a personal truth that invites them to be owners of themselves and to continue to seek their own reason of being in the midst of the chaos of the universe.

This same situation has seemed particularly worrying in virtual learning environments, where they are internally created and are intended to be conducive spaces for meeting, discussion of construction of possible truths, fruit of the particular analysis whose starting point is the context of the participants; However, there is no echo, one or two trying to stating their truth, their truths or truths that others have found, but the answer tends to be diminishing, reducing in some cases shares without greater relevance and limited only to commend the contribution made by one of the participants perhaps without having understood the contribution. As men of the market facing Zarathustra, the few who want to participate in the forums are ignored, since the adoption of the contribution is not a response that expose to conjecture what raised, making this the place, where you should build knowledge in an arid area full of populated solitudes perhaps for a good number of people who have failed to make the commitment acquired as enrolled in a virtual learning environment, someone who has not acquired the culture of virtuality as similarly was assumed by the Greek citizen who participated for the single reason of being a member of the city.

The journalism ‌ past, present and future “A profession of great inspirationâ€? By: Sandra Mayerly Aroca Social Communication Student CEAD Florencia The history shows how the journalism has impacted our society and what valuable have been journalists for its development. The journalist and historian Richard Kapuscinski through his text: "The five senses of the journalist, makes clear that those who assume this role is exposed to a luxury life, recognition and at the same time, disappointments, countless have been those who have touched the sparks of opportunities, thus reaching top positions in social and political prestige in the world, others, in turn, entered in a modern world, where its work is economically recognized, but their names and efforts have occupied great lists anonymity. This has generated controversy in those who engaged this profession, their contributions and aspirations are infected by the virus-frustration that has conceived loss of m o t i v a t i o n , i r r e s p o n s i b i l i t y,

sensitivity, which eats up the good performance of its activities. On the other hand, the virtual world has imposed before the real world; prevailing in this way throughout our environment, influencing large-scale the information, decision-making, culture, history, and of course the same creator, the man. The mind, sensibility and senses, are dominated by those who have called the owners of power, thus altering what they want and need, injecting society a huge dose of amnesia affecting their culture and history, do not account what we live, but what others believe that we live. Concerning the journalists work, Richard Kapuscinski says: "Any modern society can exist without journalists, but journalists cannot exist without society" which makes clear that sources must be the journalists' strong, and only by this way they will carry out a hard work,

without forgetting on what basis and ethical criteria they built its careers, so maybe sources could be reached by those who will bring the correct form, life and meaning. How to reach success? How we create our position in this job? These are questions that require the journalist to improve its exercise, the society demands best contents and of course the best news, and it is here where so desired success. Socrates, Invaluable insight inspired said: "I only know that I know nothing" and at that time he was a teacher and mentor of other history philosophers, with this attitude shows sensitivity and humility, that we should adopt to continue, not complying with what we learned in college, unlike a good journalist lives informed about everything that happens in all fields of knowledge, it allows to concluded that studying never ends. Therefore, we are living knowledge poachers. This century requires better alternatives, and undoubtedly a good journalist lives up these requirements, only remains to be placed in an appropriate cultural and social context, adopt strategies and specific criteria, do not forget the goal "to inform, learn and teach," no doubt there will be success.

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Operational Plan of South Zone, a commitment to the feet in zone and look in Colombia By: Oscar Luna Abel Riojas Zonal Leader ECACEN CEAD Ibagué The work team at UNAD South Zone which includes the departments of Tolima, Huila and Caqueta to its node in CEAD Ibague is determined to streamline the Zonal Operational Plan based on the new Institutional Development Plan 2011 - 2015 “Education for All with Global Quality”. The main input is the Institutional Development Plan which was built under the methodology and parameters of the situational strategic planning, specifically with Problem Analysis Method - PAM, which is relevant for highly complex organizations, which is based on the planning process in an explanatory model of multi-causal analysis, non linear, with emphasis to the meaning and sense that the problems have on the performance of different roles at University and the generated situations. To execute the Problem Analysis Method - PAM appropriate for UNAD, it should be performed in the first instance an analysis of problems, detecting which has a poor performance or may have a significant improvement in assessing its magnitude: What can it happen? What will it reach?, the urgency: When should it take action? How long can it wait?, the trend: How is its behavior over time (increase or decrease)?, Impact to the people: who, how, when and why are they affected by the problem?. As a result of the analysis done, it has define the problem by giving a name that could identify a clear deficiency, improvement or new building as required, describing the traceability of the anomaly, its beginning and from when it began to be underlying in front to what is happening. Each process must be able to recast and redefine the problems from different institutional actors to find the optimal solution. This is accomplished by providing a goal-orientation: Which are the objectives of the situation?, What limits it to me?, What prevents me fix it?, then it is necessary a metaphorical and analogical method which is nothing more than to use metaphors and analogies in

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the rethinking of a specific problem reaching new proposals and eventually the problem must be submitted to the polling method that is based on the inquiry into how other people assume. This is a strategy that makes it difficult alternatives that have occurred. When he has managed to have the problem with a high degree of ownership and understanding is necessary to identify its causes, it means, investigating what started the problems, this is done with the Cause - Effect Diagram Method, which illustrated in an organized and understandable the origins of the problem, category associations collect any absurd situation that can be conceived and becomes a root of the problem. Finally, the next step is to verify the true causes of the problem(s) found by analyzing its accuracy and information relating to each other systematically and establish probable cause to cover all aspects of the specific problem. This is achieved by confronting the facts and making changes to see the results and reactions of people.

Construction Board Meeting Development Plan 2011 - 2015, 2010 Paipa

Construction Board Meeting Development Plan 2011 - 2015, 2010 Paipa

This process is coordinated with the ALTADIR Method of Popular Planning MAPP, which is a methodology to guide the discussion of issues that are considered representative and provide a solution with real resources and mechanisms are available. This process generates the strengthening of selfdiscipline group discussion providing ingenious solutions to community problems, benefiting the creation of strong commitment by the people as a result of the analysis of problems providing proposed solutions, for our case is a high sense of ownership reflected in the commitment degree of UNAD community with the mission and vision of the University..

Construction Board Meeting Development Plan 2011 - 2015, 2010 Paipa

On the importance of preventing plagiarism By: Edwin Eduardo Delgado Bobadilla ECBTI Tutor CERES Mariquita Before delving into strategies for prevention of plagiarism, it will pose some hypothetical situations that might induce students to conduct virtual plagiarism in their courses, so that you can understand why he did it, then do not assume that plagiarism is something inherent in it. Other possible situations pose the following: perhaps because you work all day and time you have available for academic work is very little, for example, between 08:00 pm - 01:30 am, while it must also share with their family and their role within the family (mother, father, son, as the case may be), excessive enrollment courses, which can range from 5 to 9 courses (minimum 10 credits, maximum 18 credits), difficulties of access to the computer, you may not have; Internet access difficulties, because even if you have computer, it does not mean you have internet, These last examples substantially reduce the time of interaction in virtual learning environment. Likewise, personal or work problems that affect the learning process and some calamity or disease, can encourage the student to attend a practice as questionable as plagiarism, to comply with any course activity. In no way means setting the above justification and that plagiarism is never justifiable, but at least we try to understand the triggers of this phenomenon in everyday student.

software, but this does not prevent, only the highlights. I think the best way is to explain to students the importance of not doing this, it is showing the negative implications of plagiarism in their learning process can be done through email, files, videos, etc. Another strategy is the confidence that the tutor can awake or develop in students, through the warmth of the messages in the course, that in determining time the student discuss to tutor his/her difficulty, so that together (Tutor - Student) seeking a solution that prevents the student to perform the plagiarism.

But, why is it important not to plagiarism in the learning process? Plagiarism in the learning process, prevents the student to develop cognitive skills on the contents training of the course, affects the development of cognitive skills and axiological, as it would be behaving inappropriately in the space where they are interacting, affection's conception of ethics and morality, deteriorating every day. A student who used to make plagiarism, nor shall develop communication skills, it is not building individual contributions and will not acquire the experience to do it. Not develop interpretative skills, supporting and purposeful, the student would not be making critical reading and reflective teaching of the course content and much less would met cognitive However, in this context, the tutor must processes in order to reflect on what develop strategies to prevent he/she learned and therefore cannot plagiarism, such as the use of any develop significant learning that is

what we should all seek to develop in all stages of life. Then, Plagiarism affects the person in his/her role as an individual, as a student and as a professional of a company, showing the way of behaving, affecting the moral and ethical principles, perhaps preventing he/she from being accepted by a company to demonstrate this behavior in person, delays or prevents the development of meaningful learning and skills, making their integration into society, either in its role as a person or professional. So, It Is exposed , that plagiarism by students in their courses, as well as adversely affect the learning process, will affect at some point in their lives for their inclusion or acceptance in society. If plagiarism becomes a common habit, the student may not be a person and a professional who will positively impact the society in which he/she interacts.

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Workshop on updating regulation to pharmacy managements - CERES Líbano By: Mireya Rocío Prado Coordinator CERES Líbano The Basic Sciences School Technology and Engineering ECBTI, from the Pharmacy management Program held during March the "Workshop on updating regulations on Pharmacy Management", for students, graduates and community members interested in the subject. As a review we want to highlight that the Technology Program of Pharmacy Management emerged in Colombia in 1967, at Antioquia University, as a need of Pharmacists in forming an interim professional which take responsibility of managing pharmacies, while they go to industry to undertake the development of drugs, it represents the start time in Colombia, for pharmaceutical companies implementation. The growth of the pharmaceutical industry in recent times has been so significant that make permanent training and updating activities.

Ministry of Social Protection, which sets the minimum conditions that any institution should take into account to offer the program. In 2005 it was created the Colombian Association of Technology Pharmacy Management (ACOPTERFA by its initials in Spanish), in order to ensure the academic quality of these programs. The program at the UNAD was created in 1994, until the date it has more than four thousand (4000) graduates occupationally located in different health institutions in the country and various regions of Colombia. (From Virtual Bulletin of Unadist community)

activities, she feels active and alive at the University, as well as be updated correctly in his role. The commitment of the School and the Direction is to keep on managing processes such as this contribute to strengthen one of the University axes, the Enclosing one, and the UNAD Visible as in its implementation of PAPS.

To finish we want to invite you to the First International Congress of Pharmacy Management, with head office in Cúcuta city, during November 12th and 13th which will feature Our workshop was directed by Dr. speakers from Spain, Argentina, Wilson Giovanni Reina Rodriguez, Venezuela, Peru and Colombia. Find p r e s i d e n t o f A S E R F A R T O L more information by logging into: ( A s s o c i a t i o n o f P h a r m a c y Management Students of Tolima), who tl/ in an entertaining and educational way socialized current pharmaceutical legislation getting a great reception Since 2001 the different universities from the 25 participants. that train technologists in Pharmacy Management began a process of Mercedes Luna, graduated and curriculum alignment which led the currently operates two pharmacies in resolution 1963 of 2006 issued by the Lebanon, says that with this kind of

Facilitator and participants of "Workshop on updating regulations on Pharmacy Management." Tolima Digital Room – CERES Líbano.

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April 0f 2011

Dr. Wilson Reina, President ASERFARTOL and workshops' facilitator

Learning English is child's play By: Jorge Hugo Hernรกndez V. Tutor ECE CEAD Ibague The popular wisdom expressed with some hilarious "old parrot does not learn to speak", said he has provided the perfect excuse for many older people do not learn a second language. However, this is a myth that has been built around the theme, and that learning a language can occur at any stage of life. Our brain is ready to learn (Ellis, 1996; Gardner, 1996; Jensen, 1996; Johnson Laird, 1990). We ere genetically predetermined to learn, including the ability to assimilate the fifty-two sounds of the universal languages. Moreover, according to studies by British scientists, learning a second language helps to develop part of the brain involved in verbal fluency.

and more clear if the second language is learned before age five. Thus, it should be noted that thanks to research conducted by various linguists and agree with the vast majority of learning theories, is established before age 5 is the best age to learn a second language. Examples that support these provisions are found everywhere, since the vast majority of people who speak a language perfectly; they do because they learned in their first years of life.

Then this session is ideal for learning a language more easily, a fact which confronts all parents to contribute to initiate their children in this work. To this end, we mention two important elements to consider: the need to Experts from University College communicate in English and play. London (UCL) have shown that bilinguals have more gray matter in the First, the challenge for parents and bottom of the parietal cortex. This educators is to create in children the discovery was made through scanners need to communicate in English, for

that reason should be generated at home and in school, and that today children begin their school career early, similar to the real contexts and natural as the process of acquisition should occur in everyday life situations. And second, the game is the ultimate teaching strategy for learning at all ages, especially for children. It is therefore important to create recreational spaces on this level with regard to language teaching, since this favors the understanding and acquisition of communication skills in a more natural. Therefore, learning a second language is not solely in the hands of educational institutions, but all parents must help create this culture from an early age, leading spaces so that their children learn English, using they have an intrinsic motivation to learn and most importantly, enjoy the process.

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Rectoral visit, board higher zonal direction and deans mirror mission CERES Líbano By: Mireya Prado Rocío CERES Coordinator Lebanon During the 10th and March 11th Dr. Jaime Alberto Leal Afanador ,director of the University visited the CERES in Libano , accompanied by some members of the Supreme Council as were Dr. Gustavo Tellez Iregui representative of the Ex - Guiding Dr. Triana Benjamin; Alumni Representative, Dr. Edgar Guillermo Rodriguez - Vice President for Regional Development and Dr. Felix Amin Tovar Tafur - Productive Sector Representative. The CERES was also visited by Dr. Gloria Isabel Vargas, Ibague Node Manager, the Zonal Mission and Mirror Deans. It was a successful experience for the Centre, considering that, directors have not visited this town form the North of Tolima for more than 20 years. In addition, the discussion group invited students and allowed them exposed their concerns to the academic authorities obtaining correct answers to the concerns that the vast majority of students were faced with financial and academic issues. The director also pledged to provide significant support for

Some attendees Principal Officers (from left to right): Dr. Mireya Rocío Prado - Director CERES Líbano, Dr. Gloria Vargas -Director Node Ibague, Dr. Jaime Alberto Leal - Rector UNAD, Dr. Felix Tovar-Productive Sector Representative, Dr. Edgar Rodriguez - Vice President for Regional Development and Dr.Benjamin Triana - Alumni Representative to Board of Governors.

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improving the systems room, among and Deans Mirror and students who other things. made a detailed survey of academic impasses reported by students from The participation of students, alumni, previous years. It must be also faculty and staff was active. The City clarified the important support given Council with the rectors of other by Dr. Gloria Isabel Vargas, who in an universities participating in the Ceres additional day, guided us, giving us and Deputy of the Local Mayor were immediate answers to specific cases also invited. Due to the characteristics of students. of this meeting, it was considered appropriate to make a subsequent We appreciate the visit of the review that showed the need for commission that strengthened the further delineation of the Universities recovery of the UNAD in Lebano that work in this same area, confirming that the UNAD through considering that the UNAD has CERES comes with an inclusive invested heavily to support the trigger in all areas. CERES. Some universities do not recognize it, though. Thus, one of the tasks assigned by the Node Address and CERES is to make a viable, sustainable and effective proposal to continue with the CERES, with the possibility of hiring a manager responsible for maintaining the common areas of the Higher Education Centre "Parque de los Nevados. Along with the visit, we should note the valuable support by the Mission

Discussion of students with the Rector and other members of the main table in the auditorium of CERES Libano.

I Virtual Congress of UNAD´s Pedagogy, reflections of a tutor By: Clara Helena Guzmán R. ECSAH Tutor CCAV Neiva

I decided to write a short article taking as reference the words of Eduardo Galeano: "These are small things. They do not end with poverty. They do not take us out of underdevelopment. They do not socialize the means of production and exchange or expropriate the Ali Baba's cave. But perhaps unleash the joy of doing, and translate into action. And after all, acting on reality and change it, even a little, is the only way to prove that reality can be transformed.'' With great satisfaction, we did this first virtual conference of UNAD`s pedagogy because it was developed to solve the big challenge of face limitations, as our University has been doing since 2005, when it decides to challenge the crippled school and its ossified education models in Colombia, strategically described by Dr. Roberto Salazar in his lecture "An Archaeology of Distance Education at UNAD'', bringing learning to a new virtual scene, in spite of distrust, disbelief, and the opposition of his own players. The First Virtual Congress of UNAD´s Pedagogy, was conceived in a meeting involving all regions and all involved in the UNAD formation, this national event is unprecedented.

The strategy was precisely the collaborative work, thus highlighting that is the best place to build teamwork, planning, dialogue, agreement, supportive processes, emotional, sensitive, especially humans. Its development is the first reading can not be overlooked in this meeting of experiences of all the participants, where the dialogue was the truth on a smaller scale of what the reality of our perception, our practice, our products and to our evaluations in this event for participating groups and events in general.

Another element is the process of adapting to fast changes in this type of learning from those, who in these five years, have been lucky to experience, but with all that encompasses part of a social and cultural context, rooted in historical tradition of authoritarianism and dependence affirmed these behaviors by the media with the individualism fostered by the capitalist model. These are mental paradigms that still cost us to assimilate, students and tutors, the institution and the State regulatory framework.

Thought as the columns of the building of the teaching-learning process, as stated by Dr. Lorenzo Garcia Aretino in his lecture "Quality Teaching Pedagogy of Distance Education as teachers and mentors” we must question our work since we are responsible for managing and dynamic UNAD´s pedagogy.

The dynamics of the conference proposed the main objective, the urgent challenge of INNOVATION. Clearly understood that technology changed our lives, and perplexed by its impressive fast-changing possibilities for learning, today the Mobile Internet development is presented, a challenge to reinvent our practice in the teaching of our The main concern expressed by the p e d a g o g y a t U N A D . tutors can be observed in different implicit and explicit readings: it was the dynamic that develops our work. Taking new technology has It was not heavy but abundant and implications: demanding. This is evaluated in terms of using less time and more First consideration is: How not to fall products as a result, this standard as into the trend of moving traditional an indicator of quality, given that practice and conduct technological compliance is developed in the tools, such is the case has not yet underlying dynamics in the National, passed; Module. Written material Regional and Local context. 300 or 400 pages, as the most important resource in our learning,

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which has been the only change in PDF, digitize it without thinking that technology has imposed other cognitive processes in the dynamics of learning for our students, especially from youth (the integration of image, video, text, and immediacy), something that Facebook tells us for some time but I understand in many CEAD of the country, is prohibited on the premises of UNAD. Should we think about the processes of evaluation? Are we actually using the technology to evaluate the product in quantitative terms? Are processes evaluated in qualitative terms that clearly states the pedagogy conceived from constructivism? We wonder if our activities have objectives and processes to develop students to be critical, leaders, creative and caring, sensitive to social realities, ready to be the new professionals who are ready for social change in our country, and why not, of our world. Possible solutions require many elements as warns Dr..GarcĂ­a Aretio:

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He invites us to rethink our educational processes. He states that we need innovative people to devote his time to develop solutions to our own challenges and our own educational needs, whatever we have our own cultural identity. He speaks of designers, planners, technicians, communicators, educators, specialists and tutors ready to adaptations of the dynamics imposed by the global reality. The Global Director of Product

Marketing at Google, Bernardo Hernandez, assures that Google changed everything and we can not keep waiting, we're not in the era of knowledge because everything is there, what we want we find 'Web search, we are in the era of learning where it is necessary to adapt all this knowledge, and recognize our own educational needs to use the technology in solutions for the implementation of our teaching, innovating technology tools to its ultimate consequences of usability and suitability.

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Launching: Virtual Journal "Linking Distances" - UNAD South Zone

Felipe Ar



Felipe Aria

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Description of the production of blackberries without thorns (Rubus glaucus Benth) in Pitalito and San Agustin, Huila Department By: Marta Cecilia Vinasco Guzmán Rosiyé Coordinator Group Tutor ECBTI CEAD Pitalito

The Rosiyé research group of the School of Basic Sciences, Technology and Engineering of CEAD Pitalito, has been investigating, since 2006, the blackberries without thorns, growing regarded as promising and exportable. The research was part of the degree project called "Description of the production of black berries without thorns (Rubus glaucus Benth)"", on the municipal rural settlements La Candela of San Agustín and Monte Cristo located on the municipality of Pitalito, Huila Department". This work presents the crop yield and quality of the fruit harvested of the blackberry of Castile (Rubus glaucus Bent) variety without thorns, cultivated in open fields, in three batches of about a hectare, in the municipal rural settlements of Mesitas y la Candela of San Agustín and El Cedro of the municipality of Pitalitor, located at a height of 1800 or 1850 over sea level and an age of growing of 3 to 5 years . They were collected on six dates from August 2009 to March 2010, using a design of blocks randomly, with two repetitions. Harvesting was carried out weekly from plants in full production, reaping the commercial maturity (3, 4, 5 and 6 colors) of 5 plants in tours in z. The fruits were classified in extra categories, I, II and then by colors set out in the standard technique Colombian 4106 of the ICONTEC and weighed individually. For color, they measured degrees Brix. With regard to the results, the average production per plant for each collection is 95,49 grams. The

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average production per hectare for crops with organic management is 4.60 ton /per year and whether the crop is handling with chemicals is 9.9 tons / per year. Production of blackberries without thorns in the South of the Department of Huila, consists of a large number of

small fruits: 55.3 per cent of them caliber D, 41,74% caliber C, 2.89% in caliber B and only 0.03% in caliber A. with regard to the category of the fruits of thornless BlackBerry the 7.40% of the fruits is in extra category, 18.20% in first category and 74,40% in category II. And average weight of the fruit of blackberry without thorns with organic management is 2.82 g, with traditional management is 2.95 grams and the average weight of the picked fruit is 2,89 grams. The average diameter of the fruit is 18.1 mm. Degrees Brix average for color 3 are 4.4 to 4 colors are 5.5, for color 6 are 6.5 and for color 6 are 7.7. The average Brix degrees to the South of the Huila are 6,04. Regarding the statistical analysis, there are significant differences comparing the weight of blackberries

without thorns collected to date, it also applies when comparing the date with the degrees Brix or the type of management. This confirms that the production of blackberry without thorns is affected by the summer. We also found that there is no significant difference between degrees Brix of the f r u i t s o f blackberries without thorns collected in different batches. Keep in mind that two phenomena that could affect the results, which are the low price did that farmers do not undertake cultural practices required by the culture and the phenomenon of the “Niño” had been submitted during the present research, which was presented in the 2009, emphasizing from September 2009 to February 2010. This research, the second developed from resources achieved within the SIUNAD Call 2009 2, has allowed the producers of blackberries in southern Huila and institutions dealing with fruit trees, know valuable information about the quality of the fruit and can take, based on these data, agronomic and commercial decisions for their crops.

Children's rights The UNAD CCAV Neiva in the construction of public policy for infancy, adolescence and youth in Huila department. By: Johana Astrid Coy Ortiz ECSAH Tutor CCAV Neiva The Psychology program is involved in the seeking of knowledge and solutions in agreement to the characteristics of the region in the construction processes of public policy for children, adolescents and youth in Huila department. The alliance of social organizations is a strategy of civil mobilization for empowerment and political regulation of children's rights. THE RIGHTS Recognized the existence of human rights, which seems to be a basic agreement, as well as the desirability for these rights to be formulated in an explicit way (what would be an example of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and that its exercise be guaranteed by the state, then what we can think about is, why it is necessary to

talk specifically about children's rights, if they are recognized as fully human beings. If so, then should children have the same rights as people from different ages, making unnecessary to draw up special rights for them. However, the Convention about children's rights involves this issue in a debate with the United Nations on November 20, 1989. The need to talk directly about children's rights is justified by the specific characteristics that humans have for a long infancy period, which can be summarized in two: immaturity and dependence. It is convenient to take into account, moreover, it is not enough to make simple declarations about rights if it is not foreseen the possibility of its realization. Having a bill of rights is an important step, compared to having none. But it is the possibility for the real exercise which determines a society to be fair and not just the abstract formulation of rights. The most important is that rights can be exercise and that Open and Distance University (UNAD by its initials in Spanish) is working for it, from social projection to design a policy research about children.

children have gone from being considered the parents property, to be a social good that cannot be submitted to an uncontrolled treatment. Social demands have increased in education and technology; living conditions are sometimes so difficult that adults play a role in child development because they are the ones that are producing conditions in which development occurs in a harmonious way. It is a wise the decision to make the state of knowledge from the perspective of children's rights as ordered categories of information to identify on the issues which there are gaps, weaknesses and strengths in order to make recommendations on research Public Policies for Infancy, adolescence and youth.

Our contribution in workshops helps to the construction of diagnosis for infancy, adolescence and youth public policy in Huila department. The characteristics consideration and the current situation have changed noticeably over recent times in our society. From our point of view, the

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"The pedagogy at UNAD! A comprehensive training track” By: Zapata Mauricio Trujillo Regional Development Coordinator CEAD Florencia The National Open University and Distance UNAD makes presence throughout the national territory, thus it is operationalized its slogan "Education for everyone" so that from all the CEAD and CERES always have been managed proposals and projects that seek to encourage students items training that help to integrate processes of change and social transformation. In 2010, the UNAD Florencia CEAD, in the research of experiences its slogan and based on Decree 1278 of 2002 regarding the "Status of Teacher Professionalization issued by the Ministry of Education, which in its article one promulgated: "which is to establish the status of teacher professional development to regulate the state's relations with educators at your service, ensuring that teaching is carried out by qualified teachers, based on recognition of their training, experience, performance and skills as essential attributes that guide everything related to income, tenure, promotion and retirement of teachers server and thereby seeking quality education and professional growth and development of teachers.” The Florencia CEAD submitted a proposal to offer training course in pedagogy for teachers of the Department of Caquetá, taking advantage of today, teachers who make up the Colombian educational system including the department, are characterized by a number of them are licensed and / or other professionals, some have teacher training and conversely others

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require this training to continue their work as teachers and contextualized in pedagogical theories and teaching contemporary that contribute to the improvement of educational processes at different levels of education.

credits; for its development was attended by 25 people from all corners of the Department of Caquetá. This course was successfully completed on 20 December 2010, with appropriate certification for each participant.

The proposal to offer the course in Education was presented by the director of the National Open University and Distance UNAD Florencia CEAD, Mg. Edilberto Silva Fierro, the (ECE) School of Education, which in its pedagogical mission establishes the guidelines for making education a process that brings real change and social transformation through training of trainers, the school endorsed this proposal, thus allowing the director to make arrangements with entities such as the Caquetá Teachers Association (AICA) and the Education Department, the implementation of the Training Course in Education.

In all those contexts National Open University and Distance is consistent with the purpose of contributing to social equity through quality education for all, at different levels and in multiple contexts, which are prepared not only undergraduates, but also professionals in the Course rules, Diploma, Technology and Graduate Studies, for which uses a mode of open and distance learning with digital technologies, providing relevant training opportunities in the workplace, at any time and from any place where you are..

In October 2010, the University o ff e r e d T R A I N I N G C O U R S E PEDAGOGY, with an intensity of 480 hours equivalent to 10 academic

Project Management Training By: Yeni Suarez Tutora ECBTI CEAD IbaguĂŠ

On April 2, 2011 , the Project Management Seminar took place in CEAD Ibague, which was an initiative of the Industrial Engineering program with the support of ECBTI. The objective of this training process is to strengthen and consolidate the knowledge and application of project formulation, generating a research spirit on participants a n d p r o v i d i n g entrepreneurship tools by them. As well as developing events that encourage the UNAD community of South Zone, to be participants of knowledge promoting and academic interaction areas.

55 participants attended to this event, among whom were students of CEAD Pitalito, CEAD Ibague and CCAV Neiva, who received training through conferences aimaimed at the identification, evaluation and formulation projects, both private and social. The seminar included presentations by Dr. Jaime Molina, Quality Assurance and Project Manager of Price Waterhouse Coopers firm, focused on the identification and introduction in projects. Also Dr. JosĂŠ Adolfo Torres

made his presentation, Consultant and Advisor Projects, which presentation emphasized the projects evaluation and their risks; the event concluded with the presentation of Dr. Jaime Eduardo Reyes, Faculty of Economics Dean of University of Ibague, with his presentation of social projects and his implementation in the Tolima department.

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Formation of supportive businessmen By: Oscar Abel Luna Riojas ECACEN South Zone Leader CEAD IbaguĂŠ The prolonged economic crisis that Colombia has faced with a development below the expectations raised by experts in the field, has been leaving a number of unmet needs related to quality of life and welfare of Colombians. This situation has served to highlight a great failure in the academic training of professionals in Administrative Sciences, both those who have had to settle for trying to keep preserve business as those who have started new companies, and those who have been trying to grow the sales of the companies already incorporated, they have made serious mistakes, not for lack of knowledge but of skills.

decisions, the effective administration of the time, the definition of priorities, the negotiating ability, ability to work well under pressure and the leadership.

Organizations can work with good administrators; however in difficult moments, more forward-looking and strategic managements are required. But in periods of crisis it is necessary to have true leaders, visionary people, whose inspiring example break exogenous and endogenous limitations of any type of organization and get its teamwork to accomplish its goals, whose energy and enthusiasm are recursive and have deleted from their lexicon the Judgments against financial criteria, expression " I cannot" and who are marketing, production, management always looking for alternative of human resources, among others methods for achieving its objectives. have been appropriated and applied in a satisfactory manner with good It is pertinent to remember that the results in higher or minor degree. Administration is not only a science Students have learned strategies, but also an art, and it allows key ideas and theoretical knowledge strengthen and demonstrate the of actual contemporary management skills and personality of the trends indicated as appropriated for administrator and therefore the c o m p a n i e s t o d a y, a n d h a v e affinity and quality relationships. It is implemented reasonably well. It is necessary to cultivate these skills, considered that errors in business a t t i t u d e s a n d s k i l l s t h r o u g h comes largely not from lack of workshops, cases, simulations (such elements of judgment, but the as the management games that are absence of skills that do not foster used in some training courses), and thus they will be the managers of the school of business in the country. future who better handle the It is essential and disturbing to difficulties that will be found to identify the skills to be developed generate economic development together with the appropriation of and quality of life for themselves and management theory, but it is the society. unnecessary to make a list of the most guarded secrets in the world, since for several years enterprises are linking them, some of them are: creative thinking the capacity for teamwork, assertive communication, the ability to evaluate and make

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The above refers to one of the characteristics of all human beings, and as a result of those who are in the process of training in management and is the ability to work as a team, the possibility of enhancing efforts, knowledge and resources to move forward with a project and this is not anything else than the ability to show solidarity. So that the administrators identify as a coherent strategy to mitigate the barriers of the current companies the development of associative, inclusive and social projects. Thus in business schools, and in this case at UNAD through the ECSAH consolidates the comprehensive system of Social Entrepreneurship to constitute a single unit of social national entrepreneurship generating the enhancement of the skills needed in the business managers who routed their dreams as success in Colombia, supportive businessmen.

Strong bridges and caring ties established UNAD with the social projection of its graduated By: Consuelo Mosquera Academic Counselor CERES Mariquita As part of the social, cultural and political National Open University and Distance - UNAD was for Consuelo Mosquera not only teaching and academic space where she found the right tools to reach safely and fitness communities, but has also been the bridge used to support the society from different fields. Thus, since the process as a student UNAD was linked specifically to one of the most vulnerable populations in the region, such as people experiencing cognitive impairment. She began as educational agent when only grades fifth semester affinity chosen profession and vocation, and thereafter, was promoted in office coming to take possession as Coordinator of the Center for Comprehensive Care in Disability Status "Pardo Lelio.” Also, after submitting his professional practice directed at this institution, was able to establish an agreement between the UNAD and the entity that administers the program, which remained active for three years for other college students could make their practices there.

The practice ahead of his degree work emphasized the psychosocial support of the population affected by disability "Lelio Pardo, for restoring rights. Through this practice is significant progress, as the association of children and young people of this center to the regular classroom, after making hard work in educational institutions of the city, where he had the support and supervision UNAD permanent through the tutor of Psychology, Dr. Dora Elisa Ramos Zapata. The result of this work was very satisfactory for the downtown community "Lelio Pardo", since from a foreign agent, as it was for them at the time the UNAD, social recognition was achieved for these people whose voices often ignored, which are excluded by the ignorance that is in front of the subject, where the collective imagination is that they are sick and must be isolated from the rest of society because it is believed to be the best, both for themselves and others.

Currently, Consuelo Mosquera, serves as the academic advisor in the Ceres UNAD Mariquita, plus two active students are working in the center of special children as educational agents, where Consuelo continues, at the request of this community of special children and their families, working as Coordinator and Psychologist. The idea is to continue strengthening this bridge has been very meaningful to many people. Now, from the space of Academic, works to serve the community UNAD, especially students, based on the precept of unconditional support, the constant will and life experience summed up in one sentence: "The results are surprising when you love what you do.”

Left: Educational Agents Center "Lelio Pardo" Right: Dr. Consuelo Mosquera, Academic Counselor UNAD, CERES Mariquita and Special Centre Coordinator. Image taken at the headquarters of the Institution of Comprehensive Care, accompanied by a significant group of children with cognitive disabilities.

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To participate, an enhancer right that must be encourage from infancy. By: M. Angélica Morales Amézquita – ECSAH Tutor CERES Mariquita Image taken from:

From an etymological perspective the word comes from the Latin participation and parte capere, which means taking part. Through participation it is shared decisions with other group members which involved the own life and the society which we belong. The participation most commonly used meanings are: action and effect of taking part, part that corresponds to each one that take part in something. At theoretical level there are highlights three tendencies from which is the issue of child participation about: the Convention of Children's Rights by Roger Hart and childhood role. The United Nations Convention about the Children's Rights, approved by the General Assembly on 20 – 11 - 1989, ratified over the decade of the 90's of last century by 191 of the 193 Member States of the United Nations, becoming thus in the most widely agreed international document in the history of mankind. The Convention has given full recognition in the international area to children as law subjects, which means, law citizens. But when talking about their participation right, there is no reference. For example, the vote right, but something much deeper: the right to be considered as authentic citizens, the right to express by themselves and be taken into account in all aspects of their lives. In view of Roger Hart, the model of the ladder of children's participation is the main contribution. From this there are describe the different levels that can occur in terms of children participation in different stages. It is considered that any child is able to

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opine, decide, forming his own criteria and develop initiatives that transcend the children's stages, any time they are allowed to do so. Participation is thus conceived by Hart as a process in which "share the decisions that affect proper and community life” is necessary. It is a right which exercise is only possible through the confidence and self-esteem development, learned in a practical w a y, t h r o u g h t h e l i v i n g a n d coexistence. Finally there is the tendency of the child Leading role, in which Alexander Cussianovich takes a rights perspective to consider children as citizens in full exercise whose participation in social and political spheres is a prerequisite for accessing other rights . The proposal of child leading role arises in Latin America from experiences with working children and is based on the recognition of these as social actors and not as executors or consenting of something. In that sense is not confined to politics but other aspects of social life as (spiritual, identity, the emotional and cultural) should be taken into account. M o r e o v e r, r e s e a r c h e r s f r o m organizations such as Save the Children adopt a concept of child participation as a result of the discussion and contrast among different theoretical sources and inquiries into social representations in children, youth and adults, which refers "to the exercise of children and adolescents power, as the right - taken as the ability - to express opinions to others and with others, to make their voices be taken seriously and assume responsibly according to their maturity

level and development, shared decisions in matters that affect their own and communities lives. " From this definition it is necessary to clarify that by referring the "exercise of power" does not refer to political power, but the ability to do something. Implies a power to make decisions freely and spontaneously, allowing them to assume challenges and recognize the skills and abilities they possess. This "Power" is analyzed by Save the Children in a comprehensive way, to approach it from the concepts that are the basis of practices and proposals lived among adults, children and infant pairs, noting that two power perspectives are expressed through the exercise of children's participation: finite power (that face, the one that people compete) and to infinity (which increases by sharing it).

For times of crisis: Corporate Social Responsibility By: Huberth Preciado GarcĂ­a South Zone Missional VIDERPCO CEAD IbaguĂŠ

UNAD Zona Sur CEAD IbaguĂŠ Unidos por el Desarrollo regional

Nowadays, it is common to hear in all the social circles about Corporate Social Responsibility as an everyday item and which all believe have conceptual adequacy, but in practice it is diluted by lack of a solid definition and ownership of the meaning. When the President Obama illustrated in his recent speech on the state of the union, to reduce unemployment and accelerate the growth it was needed to overcome in education and building the rest of the world, as a first step to win the future, calling and encouraging innovation; It was no more than a reflection to the Corporate Social Responsibility as a form of innovation. Now, if the local, regional and national situation is analyzed, where the model and traditional type of Colombian businessman is the one whose vision is based on the idea that if the company has experience, a good number of years existing and relative success, there is no reason to change, unfortunately, we have a mistaken view that ends up becoming a barrier between the company and the reality of the changing environment, given that if the organization does not start

processes of innovation as a Social Responsibility has the risk of becoming obsolete in the middle of an increasingly competitive market. As it is understandable, both the Manager and the high directives are those who lead the course and in large measure the present and future of the company, which invites organizations wishing to excel in the market begin to be innovative, but not only in the product or in the strategies, but in a model of innovation from the top management, that must lead and innovate in Corporate Social Responsibility. Another aspect to consider is the new technologies and specifically the Internet and social networks where many aspects of the company including social responsibility must be redefined, understanding that the subject now is about communities.

generation of a responsible environment, the responsibility for quality of education and the development of Community production projects. Taken from:


In conclusion it is necessary to reflect on Corporate Social Responsibility, not only as a unique event but also as a process that should be part of the organizational culture and debating aspects as sensitive as the business environment, the

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Social engineering, a reality we see but from which we are not protected By: Gloria Alejandra Vanegas Rubio ECBTI Tutor CEAD Ibague It is normal today, hear about young people and adults, of how to find passwords for email, see what information has the co-worker, n e i g h b o r, f r i e n d , e n e m y, t h i s uncertainty that is generated is because most people are very evident in protecting our information, since for convenience in most cases, we protect our information, either an email, phone, family or private information of the company, in a way, which for us is unwavering, but for people who are in charge of social engineering is the easiest way to undermine all our information. There are two forms of social engineering, in a personal way and the other from a specific site as a business, a phone call to fixed or mobile, your friends, in the trash company or home, these forms of deception, trickery , impersonation, posing as other people, trying to fool the users to steal personal data ,using techniques that have nothing to do with programs that can protect your information, are what make us wonder that both should take care of our information and Otherwise, it would harm. The first way is: to prevent and how do we do it? Simple, educating ourselves on a personal level, such as job level, clearly defining what information is confidential, it must be protected. Enabling us, on how to keep information secure on a regular way, updating security mechanisms and strategies, which should be changed continuously. How to detect? The most frequent indications would suggest that we can be victims of social engineering is to know very personal information back to haunt us, knowing our data as a card, phone numbers,

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names of our closest relatives, the names of our pets, investigate about our friends, regular activities we do, review the notes we made in diaries, notebooks, small papers, books, asking for confidential information, these mechanisms would make vulnerable our information, which is why we should think about giving this information to friends, coworkers, or calls from unknown people impersonating officers recognized companies, which apparently can be harmless, but can hurt us later.

control of the equipment available in the room and be constantly updated. E-mail: Do not trust all messages that arrive via email, many of them may be spoofing emails known to you or flashy show information for one may be interesting but they are actually trying to extract information Passwords on mobile devices: Use the filters up these devices, avoid leaving the default password is still used by many.

MOST COMMON ATTACKS AND HOW TO PREVENT IT: It is important that there is a company responsible for personal information security. Among the most common attacks are: By Phone: Both staff and the office, refrain from giving confidential business information or other partners. In social networks, avoid accepting unknown people trying to find out about your professional or personal life, and to avoid photos of their property. At the office: to avoid typing usernames and passwords in the presence of strangers. Access Facilities: define areas of restricted access, preventing the entry of unauthorized persons . Garbage Cans: Garbage preferably be in places where they can monitor, preferably in business use paper shredders and disposal procedures adequate information. Computer centers: avoiding the entry of elements, where confidential information can be extracted and have


As we realize there are multiple ways to attack our information confidential, and that vulnerability we thought we were not there because we ourselves are the cause of these attacks by naive or trusting. Let this be a wakeup call for us to be more suspicious of those around us, not to say that I distrust everyone. But if you distrust the people who want to find information beyond that normally have known.

The challenges of web 2.0 for scientific research By Susan Paola Rojas MartĂ­nez ECBTI Tutor CEAD Ibague The term Web 2.0 introduced in 2004 refers to the current form of the Internet, common room for new generations and less unknown to those who are past 40. It arises as an evolution of the original web site with the new dynamic that facilitate further social interaction and informative, with various services such as applications, social networks, videos, wikis, blogs, among others. Obeying this social phenomenon, the educational community is introduced increasingly in technology and what started with tools such as ICTs (information and communication), extending its domain by requiring the user to acquire skills to access all the benefits of Web 2.0 that is also conducive to decentralize information science. Since the impact of technology and the growing popularity of internet, "know how to navigate" became an indispensable skill for the computer network that was needed. However, it was not always useful and accurate information, necessary conditions for

the status of art in any investigation and to support scientific arguments with significant sources of reference, comparable and recognized. Web 2.0 allows more effective dissemination of research results. It enables any user to access bigger amounts of information, appropriate distribution of content, specialized search engines so that they can gain access to quality publications which are most often free. It also promotes scientific exchange of ideas, virtual advising, distance learning, development of collaborative activities and a number of opportunities for planning, coordination, analysis and implementation of projects in different fields.

evaluated and selected; that is, the challenge imposed on us by technological developments, gives the man and better tools to develop academic processes and / or scientific work requiring the development of skills to effectively utilize the learning and build knowledge together in a continuous interaction to scientific excellence. Web 2.0 is no longer an isolated technological tool is a new way of doing things and introduces each year a different kind of inevitable collective intelligence that we know and use. Think about information. Live the information.

In connection with the above, we can say that the investigative process is closely related to document activity, but not enough to search and find information and should therefore

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Network: the pastime of society in the new century By: Sandra Mayerly Aroca Ramirez Student Social Communication CEAD Florencia The world today lives permanent questioning, relating to consumer electronics and virtual overflow that has flooded society in the new century.

and anonymity makes many young people end up enslaved, not only for the loss of time, but by the fatal attraction that entails.”

"Humanity has been forced to accept ultimatums and protection programs for addicts in the network,” according Sambé, 13 February 2011 (PPP). Salfnitcan, spokesman for the event "Suess Turisnautas International Fair 2011 in Santa Maria la Redonda in Mexico, says the organization said that the safety net to ensure addicts extension of mirror neurons in the parietal cortex of at least 100 million followers digital, due to the tragedy in January 2010 when a large group of web addicts suffered first degree burns by the use of burning batteries.

This happens by mistake, to say the least way parents as said Haro, who criticized and warned parents about the phenomenon called "digital selfmedication, which is that to a depression or problems, they turn to social networks in which embody moods and strangers for advice to overcome the discomfort or the problem before talking to their parents.”

This is just an open mouth of the countless tragedies and problems under which our society has been involved. In this connection, last September 29, 2009, the New Journal - Social Networking: "An attraction with consequences, in dialogue with the psychologist Mercedes Haro said that today children and adolescents" changed the social life of a virtual life. " Moreover, the expert stressed the importance and the damage that can eventually lead because "it was noted that in recent times, there are signs of children between 9 and 17, that indicate addiction to social networks" which undoubtedly leads to a bit of a "social isolation, and with that freedom

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Currently there are clusters of organizations concerned about the mental health of addicts in the network, ensure to improve the quality of their programs, strategies and How will this happen?, knowing that the manipulation of information has spread to such an extent that got out of the hands of the creators of social networks, the company is making strides, the children of our century are born with a fully developed mind, as opposed to us. On the other hand, "While some fight against the addiction of compulsive cliktypers, across the world there are information poor countries in which is reflected in the absence of sensory and depression after use of optical illusions, generated in cliktypers a cyberworld in duality technology, which allows information at a click and also at the same time separated from the rest of life ", Salfnitcan ratified at a press conference in

Santa Maria la Redonda in Mexico. This gives us a clear view that although the social landscape is critical look which countries can do something, because there is no addiction so obvious to the world. Our society cannot return your steps and correct mistakes, but they can make the new generations have a better and healthy future, mainly by giving affection and friendship by providing both begging in social networks. Society in the new century must be based on one man and fight against those who have used the networks not to educate, but to propagate programs and pages with content that hurt society in the new century, failure to do so, what future will the next generation?

ESE San Antonio departmental hospital Pitalito Huila has already PGIRHS By: Nelly Maria Mendez Pedroza Inyumacizo Research Group Director Inyumacizo ECPAMA Local Leader CEAD Pitalito

Leidy Xiomara Ordo単ez Pe単a, Member of the Research Seed SIMAC, supported by the research group INYUMACIZO formulated the Plan of Integrated Solid Waste Management and Allied Hospital (PGIRSHS) for ESE Hospital San Antonio Division of Pitalito Huila, as a research project to obtain the title of the UNAD agroforestry engineer. The research environment is particularly important for public health, the Pitalito and the region Surcolombiana, as the ESE who attends the second level of health throughout the region, becoming a clear message about the need and importance of environmental management and the ability of students and graduates of the UNAD to solve real problems. Poor management of these wastes is often the cause of infections and diseases caused by pathogens such as Hepatitis, Rubella, Penet, TB, CMV, HIV, cancer and others with serious consequences for the community, particularly in the institutions providing services health by the volume and type of solid waste they generate. These present a potential risk to human health and the environment, including surface and ground water, soil, air, biota, and quality of life, not be a better management of them, finally ending in open dumps, streams and rivers. The waste generated in health and related

services, especially in the wards of infectious diseases, emergency rooms, clinical laboratories, blood banks, maternity wards, surgery, morgues, radiology, among others, are classified as hazardous infectious nature, reactive, radioactive and flammable.

the waste generators and service providers deactivation and special public toilet. The environmental component PGIRSH, he joined the National Environmental System. The system involves aspects of planning, design, implementation, operation, maintenance, administration, monitoring, control and information The PGIRSH, was formulated and begins with a situational analysis following the guidelines established by and a real commitment by generators decree 2676 of December 22, 222, and service providers. decree 1669 of August 2, 2002 and resolution 1164 of September 6, 2002, "The most successful research w h i c h a d o p t s t h e m a n u a l o f PGIRSHS formulation has been to Procedures for the Comprehensive convince and receive strong support Management Hospital and Allied from all staff of the entity. It was Waste (MPGIRHS), in order to create fantastic recognition of the UNAD for healthy environments for people brainpower, academic staff and working in the institution, patients, students. This academic year will visitors and the general community. boost the region as a leading region in the management of renewable natural This is framed by the commitments, resources and the environment, "said goals, strategies, activities, processes p r o j e c t d i r e c t o r, e s p . W i l l i a m and procedures that will lead to a real Montealegre. awareness among workers of the importance of handling medical waste and the like from origin to final disposal. This will ensure the appropriate training of plant staff and contractors, so that they form a team to take the proper functioning of PGIRHS. The PGIRSH, is understood as a coordinated set of people, equipment, materials, supplies, supplies, effective specific regulations, plan, programs, activities and financial resources, which allow for the proper handling of

Overview of the ESE Hospital San Antonio Division of Pitalito Huila. March 2011. Source: Ordo単ez Leidy X. Cead UNAD Pitalito.

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UNAD CEAD Pitalito, General Coordinator of CIDEA South Zone - Huila By: William Montealegre ECAPMA Tutor INYUMACIZO Research Group CEAD Pitalito The southern region of Huila department, comprised of nine municipalities, social actors have recognized the UNAD leadership and unanimously have entrusted the overall coordination of the Interagency Technical Committee for Environmental Education (CIDE) southern Huila ECAPMA head for two years. CIDEA tending aims for sustainable development and environmental protection in their jurisdiction through addressing policies, plans, programs and environmental education projects, coordinate all activities in the field of environmental education is developed in the southern Huila, and manage programs, projects and activities prioritized education as well as giving a complete and timely implementation of existing legislation on Environmental Education, issued by the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development and the Ministry of Education National, appointed to the National Environmental System (SINA). The National Environmental Education Policy can be understood as the set of guidelines, rules, activities, resources, programs and institutions that allow the implementation of environmental principles. "One of the objectives is to train individuals and groups for making responsible

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decisions in the management and rational management of resources in the context of sustainable development, seeking to consolidate their democratic values of respect, coexistence and citizen participation in their relations with nature and society, in the local, regional and national levels. Given the systemic nature of the environment, environmental education should be considered as a process that allows the individual to understand the relationships of interdependence with the environment, from reflective and critical understanding of biophysical reality, social, political, economic and cultural that, from the appropriation of the concrete reality, it can generate in him and in his/her community attitudes appreciation and respect for the environment. How we study the environmental problems and what is environmental education, depends on the design of the relationship between individual, society and nature, and what kind of society we want. In these times of economic calamity, social and ecological takes its real dimension the importance and need to assume leading roles to minimize the impact of climate change. All work in environmental education should be institutions and sectors. No single institution can address all environmental issues. Work in

Environmental Education is not for a single sector but must be coordinated between the various sectors and members of a society and / or community. So CEAD Pitalito ECAPMA advances that pooling their efforts and management, find the space that corresponds to official institutions, producers' associations and environmental ONGs in the area, the council Guarapo River Basin, in southern Huila. A single organization is chosen among all. The UNAD, we expect to achieve as part of the manager of the production chain of sugar cane in southern Huila, the Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation CODECYT, and have six research projects underway.

Can a horse, a dog or other animal to be part of the rehabilitation process of people with physical or mental difficulties? Lina Maria Mahecha Bermudez ECSAH Tutor CEAD Ibague Danilo Bonilla Trujillo ECAPMA Tutor CEAD Ibague

The answer may be as simple as a Yes, but as short as a NO, because the Animal Assisted Therapy is an enigma to some, but definitely a miracle for many others, from the relationship established and emerging link between the animal and the patient can see abysmal results in the rehabilitation of patients with different diseases and diagnostics. Today the use of companion animals of different species, dogs, cats, horses, dolphins, birds, etc. are increasingly used in therapies that some background as described by the Psychiatrist Boris M. Levinson in 1953, who related an episode where a child with a c l e a r r e t r e a t s h o w, w h e n approaching a dog Jingles of the Psychiatrist, began playing with the animal. The psychiatrist had the bright idea to include Jingles in the treatment to see if this therapy helps the rehabilitation of Johnny. There are many names for these types of therapy, Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) or Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) and Zoo therapy, Equine, Dolphin therapy, etc. Just remember that animals are our allies and partners in many circumstances, sometimes we even save the life or help it to be much more pleasant and healthy, they are our allies in fighting against depression or anxiety, even for wane so great that desire to be parents, to care for and raise a "child" are perfect companions in times of eternal loneliness and even become a member of the

family, to the point of living duels overly strong when they have already are not. The AAT. is much more serious and orderly. Raises a number of objectives and targets for the recovery of a patient who, as a rule, has not improved with traditional medicine. Thus, progress in this therapy are harvested for the study, the establishment of values ​in the development and diagnosis. Here are some traits that differentiate the two treatments and because the person controlling the process is a physical therapist or a psychologist, that is, someone qualified. The animals for these purposes should be selected from a very early age according to their behavioral characteristics and socialization with other animals but also human and always under the supervision of a veterinarian specializing in ethologic (animal behavior), leaving them animal programs if they can build trust and support for people who interact with them. For his training dogs is usually passively resist manipulation, shouting, jerking, hair-pulling and other interactions that do not bear a normal dog. They also bring, pull and push objects. The therapy dog ​​must be conditioned from childhood to various household items, such as noise machine cleaning, cooking or washing. Must be accustomed to the various elements of the street as vehicles of all sizes, sirens, horns, etc. Must be accustomed to all sorts of people of varied ages,

both sexes, various disabilities, uniforms and tones of voice. xA c c o r d i n g t o B e a t r i z Moragues, author of the article Animals as Therapy, "... there are animals that are especially therapeutic for their availability in natural environments, and are the ones we mention below to be the best known and most used in pet therapy treatments. Dolphins as therapy: they convey to us the sounds of alpha waves through their "echolocation", through the use of which nature has provided them to capture prey and recognize their environment. In his "sound" out sounds that directly affect our nervous system, we first scanned to see how we, in a "holistic", that is, in our three-dimensional body, mind and in our value system. And if the time is right to start sending waves capable of balancing and making us feel very good, very c o m f o r t a b l e . Dolphins are friendly beings, cheerful and intelligent they are used, especially in therapy with autistic children. Autism has good results when treated with therapy animals especially dolphins. Horses as therapy: they are noble animals, with great dignity, not humble them to ask for affection, you have to win them, and their confidence. Its enormous size and power, and the characteristics of personality Continues on page 30

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and idiosyncrasies, makes them especially animals as therapy, to social pathologies and for the physical rehabilitation of the body. Animals as therapy, are helpful for people with problems, in this case the horse cite a case of a young woman whose passion for these animals was immense. One fateful day was involved in a spectacular accident, which resulted in paraplegia. For a long time refused to ride that until then had been his favorite horse, until one day, with the encouragement and the help of a relative, he mounted his horse again, after the accident. Surprisingly found that his horse, which could not lead with his legs for his paralysis, allowed himself to be his voice. Interestingly, when someone rode this mare had to direct it in a normal way, ii means, with his legs because it did not voice any circumstances. Facts like this hint at the exquisite sensitivity and wisdom of some animals as therapy, as in this case, contribute to a very important way to regain people with the will to live. Dogs as therapy: it may be the therapy that most animals know. The dogs take a great attitude and emotional attachment to the human being without making value judgments, and they can be excellent guides. They are playful, affectionate, and playful and are with us faithfully throughout his life. Petting a dog or cat lowers blood pressure constant, frequency of breathing and heartbeat. Promotes friendship between the owners and the responsibility of caring for children. In nursing homes, where

dogs are introduced there is the fact that these elderly receive fewer doctor visits, but their families. Are well known, guide dogs or guide dogs. To make this work dogs need balanced character, and learn easily. Such dogs cannot be distracted face any situation, must be able to function comfortably in any place where persons or other animals, no signs of aggression. Among the selected breeds dominate the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever and German Shepherd. The cat as therapy: it teaches us to be relaxed with a conscience. The cat may be sleeping, but at the same time is aware of everything happening around him. No cat stressed. His purr promotes positive emotions, and small signs of affection are very well received by their respective owners. The cat is one of the animals as therapy, especially recommended for people who are or feel very lonely and cannot devote much time to caring for your pet. There are enough studies to say that having a cat is beneficial to health. The friendly contact with the cat reduces stress in their owners, will relax and calm down. It has also verified that people with psychological problems improved by having the company of a cat.

a chicken or a pig can be cathartic, since it is not often leave pet only if they trust you. And that's very good for people timid, withdrawn, with fears, introverted and looking to expand .... " The scientific explanation of the above goes far beyond a simple close relationship with animals, it is the central nervous system (CNS), who is involved and who allows the starttrigger many neurochemicals such as endorphins and serotonin- and physiological responses to stimuli, sensory-level, and specifically by the brain's limbic system, responsible for regulating the emotional component of our behavior. Against this, the visualization and contact with nature and especially animals, induces the release of endorphins in the CNS, generates feelings of tranquility strains and gratify our mental processes. Are those elements that interact directly with the man who delivered the best results in this relationship and this is the case of animals.

With children, these results in the therapy are apparently more and more noticeable, due to the prevalence of emotional thinking that characterized by the rationalization and control of primary instinctual drives that are more representative of adults. However, children, youth, adults and elderly, healthy or sick, are able to experience these feelings and benefit from them when they are Farm animals as therapy: these able to contact them. can also be animals as therapy, as On the other hand, has clearly they are very afraid, more afraid of established that there are close it better than us when we are links between bodily functions and frightened. When you get to psychological state, to the extent reassure a farm animal, it is also that many physical illnesses and reassuring himself. Petting a rabbit, the resolution of these are due to different mental processes. It is the immune system, in most of these Continues page 31

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diseases, their actions as part modulating the individual's mental state.Therefore, situations of joy, relaxation, tranquility and optimism organic facilitate recovery of many conditions affecting, is without doubt the main cause of the benefit that represents the coming together of people and animals.

for the strengthening and development of many processes that are affected and that are vital to the development of patients with any type of difficulty. Many patients can be involved from the Animal Assisted Therapy. Among the most common diagnoses in therapeutic groups are patients with brain damage, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, Rett syndrome, West or Angelman, multiple sclerosis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, pervasive developmental disorders such as autism, asperser bifid spine. There are also patients with neuromuscular diseases or suffered some head trauma.

This therapy also provides psycho-emotional benefits such as increased self-confidence and emotional control as well as decreased anxiety and fears, from the functional standpoint, serve to stimulate the respiratory system, digestive and circulatory systems, and develop a psychosocial level cooperative behavior, teamwork and reduce the aggressive As has been noted, there are multiple benefits derived by impulses. patients who are part of the For this and many other animal-assisted therapy and reasons, Animal Assisted which are beyond the simple link Therapy is a rehabilitation to the animal, and also allows the p r o g r a m t h a t t r a n s c e n d s development of social skills and everyday traditional therapeutic processes of adaptation to areas and to empower as an environment , a sensory level alternative mode of clinical work

can be reached to enhance balance, motor skills and behaviors of defense, in addition to the control and regulation of voluntary movements, cognitive level, develops the verbal and nonverbal communication, increases memory processes, attention and concentration , basic psychological skills such as gnosis and praxis and learning processes.

BIBLIOGRAPHY - Horse and Simon (2001) Manual of Clinical Psychology, Child and adolescent health. - CARLSON, N.R. (2002). Behavioral Physiology. Barcelona: Ariel Psychology. - Lachman and Butterfield, cited by Pozo, J. I (1996) In: The cognitive and learning theories. Ediciones Morata. Madrid. http://www.laotrainforma m http://www.discapacidad

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"Education for All with Global Quality � Development Plan 2011 - 2015 By: Carolina Polania Leyton Quality Leader CCAV Neiva On March 30, the Supreme Council of the University approved the 20112015 Development Plan unanimously which has been made up by an exercise of collective construction. UNAD commitment and passion for this project is generating more fruit each day. Firstly, the new development plan helped to clarify the route of the next four years to recognize as macro problem the insufficient quality in the provision of educational services for several local, national and global interest groups in the context of the online and distance learning, and the substantive responsibilities of the UNAD. This problem arises from the OPERATION OP1. PUBLIC POLICY AND REGULATION OF THE O NLINE AND DISTANCE EDUCATION . Contributing to the formulation of public policy and regulation relevant to EAD and its various methodologies (e learning, m -learning, etc.) OP2. UNAD TEACHING MODEL. Ownership, consolidation and development of Pedagogic UNAD model.

OP3.UNAD PATHS. Systematic monitoring of the trajectories of the graduates. OP4. RESEARCH OF IMPACT. Productivity, Relevance and Competitiveness

OP5. ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT. Information management and communication as the foundatio n of organizational learning. OP6. SENSE OF BELONGING. Consolidation of comprehensive university welfare OP7. TRAINING RESPONSIBILITY

OP8. Lasting quality. Institutionalization of institutional self -evaluation and accreditation programs for quality.

OP9. SUSTAINABILITY. Consolidation, research and development of strategies and alternative fun ding sources.

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critique evaluation made by the University due to its own requirements. Thus, the new slogan " Education for All with Global Quality ", sums up not only an institutional stance about the how, why and what the plan is constructed, giving priority not only to an inside look at global trends but The ten-year plan, government policies, among others, which generates an intention to continue participating in the scenarios of social equity and inclusion in the shadow of educational quality.

to recognize what those descriptors vector of problem are. These can illustrate or show the situation and above all, what change is expected in each scenario, what the purpose is in order to establish each of these operations, what operation of the plan is the one that allows us to attack and counter a macroproblem. For this, the UNAD in its new development plan focuses its actions, efforts and resources in 9 operations, which are:

While it is true, the macroproblem is identified and shared, It is also a need


Lead the development o f the new national public policy: a) ensure the conditions and necessary resources for offering distance education programs and high -quality virtual environments, and b) specify the conditions of quality, validity and recognition of qualifications in Colom bia of the international virtual supply. Implement e -learning teaching model on the UNAD learning from the foundation and operation of its educational component , teaching, curriculum, technological and organizational, to improve continually the quality of materials, student services, support tutorial and counseling and assessment processes AVA. Attend the needs and expectations of the graduates for their own professional development, the institution and its environment. Strengthen resarch processes, procedures and products from the joint research with the academic model teaching, curriculum chains and problems of the environment to achieve the positioning of the UNAD Develope skills and tools for managing systemic timely, thorough, responsible and ethical reporting and corporate communication through teaching strategies, monitoring and evaluation. Increase the impact of comprehensive wellness programs by university management and development strategies consistent with the present corporate policy and regulations. Increase the eff ectiveness of support to students by the faculty and other educational actors. Develop and implement an annual self -assessment process th at results under these plans are designed to maintain recertification, improve quality and achieve high quality accreditation programs and the own institution. Potentiation of sources of income of an existing mission and implementation of new sources, by consolidating a portfolio to leverage the management at UNAD

Besides the te chnical rigor w ith which it was esta blis certainly an exam hed, this plan is pl challenge that th e of the ongoing e university has to go farther and fa rther, as the bette r, closer to the dr eam of serving the vast majority of th is certainly an ambi country, and it is tious plan becaus e, as stated the director in the last Committee "... It responsible that is an ambitious believes it has sufficient conditi ons to achieve and surpass goals, so we did, and we w ill do, a university that is built as it is doing the UNAD un be allowed to drea doubtedly must m... "

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QUALITY PILLS By: Diana Carolina Verján Ávila Zonal Management Strategic Leader CEAD Ibagué

Did you know...? UNAD won for the second consecutive year a comprehensive rating of 82.58% favorable in Fiscal Audit of the Comptroller General of the Republic, performed in 2010. 63% of the students served in 2010 by the UNAD are in strata one and two. "Outcomes Development Plan 2007-2011" UNAD currently has 50,000 graduates. "Results Development Plan 2007-2011" At UNAD we have 36 research groups categorized in Colciencias (34 in category D, 2 in category C and 2 in category B) and 198 research groups operating. "Results Development Plan 2007-2011." The South Zone was rated 3.85 / 5 on the level of expectations and needs fulfillment of its users, according to the results of the second National Student Survey about Quality of Service. The 2011 - 2015 Development Plan slogan of UNAD is called "Education for all with Global Quality”. At UNAD, planning focuses on the approach and principles of the Situational Strategic Planning, particularly the Problem Analysis Method (MAP).

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Qualify yourself in educational quality By continuing the training process and up to date courses on topics related to Quality Management, all UNAD community is invited to participate in the examination session that regional SENA Tolima has opened, for courses Management System (EMS) NTC Standard ISO 14001: ISO 9001:2008 04 and NTC Module I: Foundations of a System of Quality Management. Course Name ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) ISO 14001 S T A N D A R D N T C : 0 4 Course Length = 40 hours General information: Participants training in the Environmental Management System (EMS) according to ISO 14001 Standard NTC: 96. Environmental Management Systems. Specifications with guidance for use, so that they are able to establish, document, implement and maintain an Environmental System in any organization that is willing to demonstrate healthy environmental performance and fulfill with standards and current legal requirements. Contents Week 1: Introduction to Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Week 2: Pollution management and P r e v e n t i o n Week 3: Planing process for implementing an EMS Week 4: Management Review Methodology : Online Course Name ISO 9001:2008 MODULE I: FOUNDATIONS OF A MANAGEMENT Q U A L I T Y S Y S T E M Course Length: 40 hours General Information Developing in students the necessary skills for the development and implementation of a Quality

By: Diana Carolina Verjan Avila Zonal Management Strategic Leader CEAD Ibague M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m i n a n Tourism and Information. organization under the regulations ISO Unit 3: Requirements and Interpretation 9000 version 2008. The program is o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t a n d a r d I S O aimed at people interested in General information and requirements of strengthening and implementing the standard. Quality Management Systems under ISO 9000 regulations, especially for Interpretation of the requirements of ISO entrepreneurs, executives, managers, 9001:2008 NTC. supervisors, quality facilitators, Focused Customer Quality auditors, process owners and all the Unit 4: and their human talent organizations processes Kinds of Customers involved in advocacy, implementation, requirements monitoring and internal quality audits. . In this way to professionals, teachers, F o c u s e d C u s t o m e r Q u a l i t y . advisers, consultants and students Related Processes with Customers interested in the quality topics and who Q u a l i t y S e r v i c e E n t e r p r i s e s . have previously had a working contact. Methodology The module length is 5 weeks, in which the student must spend at Contents and Course Objective : l e a s t 1 0 h o u r s p e r w e e k . Understanding and managing the So that the online student, will have requirements of International Standard established term limits which should be ISO 9001:2008, their interrelationships considered for sending the teachingand their relevance to the company, learning-assessment. contributing to the development and maintenance of a System of Quality E n t r y R e q u i r e m e n t s Having work experience or who has lived Management. a corporation culture where recognizes UNIT 1 : Introduction to Quality the key about the processes and business M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m s conditions such as: industry, customers, I n t r o d u c t i o n t o Q u a l i t y . suppliers, processes (design, production, Quality concept and its evolution. logistics, marketing, etc.) budgets, job Q u a l i t y P r i n c i p l e s . functions, responsibilities , areas of the General Information about ISO company, teamwork, commitment, the 9 0 0 0 : 2 0 0 5 R u l e company's organizational structure, others. Changes Standard ISO9001: 2000 c o m p e t i t i o n , a m o n g AVA students have R u l e V e r s u s 9 0 0 1 : 2 0 0 8 It is required Unit 2 Management System Kinds dominion about basic conditions related H A C C P S y s t e m to management and communication O H S A S s y s t e m tools: email, chat, IM, word processing, ISO14000 Environmental System spreadsheets, presentation software, S y s t e m s - G I S I n t e g r a t i o n Internet browsers and other systems and Management System ISO22000 Food tools necessary technology for virtual training. Safety. Quality Management Systems in the Public sector.

Free courses offered by SENA Online. Source httpxx

Quality Management Systems indifferent camps: Education, Health,

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April 0f 2011

Cursos gratuitos ofertados por el SENA VIRTUAL. Fuente

When anxiety and nervousness are the comanders… By: José Alirio García Márquez ECSAH Tutor CEAD Ibagué In the troubled world of technological and social life in which you live, there is no doubt that the nervousness is always influencing the mind and human action, which makes it difficult to eliminate completely the burden of anxiety that accompanies the activities of the human being, especially if they are related to challenges associated with significant levels of importance and responsibility which often generate significant levels of impotence and, in the worst cases, worrying results of incompetence. Did you know that anxiety affects performance, depending on what you do with it? The nervousness is there and we must accept it, but do not allow it to interfere with our performance, if for some reason it could happen, it would be likely to say that it is the nervousness which is sending its thought and action; perhaps it would be from a step to conclude that you as a result of this interference what you do does not result completely satisfactory. Learn how to detect the moments that generate you anxiety and put on the side of the nervousness to turn it on his ally, not your enemy; turn it into a self-regulatory asking you calm and balance, because some mild level of tension is not necessarily harmful; on the other hand, if you are aware of this soft tension, integrate it to your thoughts and actions, which will give more security to overcome the adverse effects that violate your strength, speed, and endurance; in this sense, the tension becomes

proactivity and dynamics instead of nervousness and tension. However, it is necessary to be clear that to add the nervousness as ally is not key to ensure its disappearance; What it is achieved through it is a little relaxation. If you get anxious , your body gets altered significantly increasing the heart rate, raising the blood pressure, your breathing becomes quicker and the use of oxygen is increased, and it can turn, in many cases, into nausea, dizziness, dryness of the mouth and feeling of fatigue and weakness, yawn shivering, or in activities such as biting the nails, tilting the legs, screwing the hair, dispel the attention with objects, sweating in abundance, urinating frequently , diarrhea, insomnia and even breathing difficulties, as the muscles of the neck and throat tighten causing asphyxia. Anxiety can be expressed physically, as described in the preceding paragraph, or psychologically, because of a narrowing of the field of perception and its focus, making the subject less capable of receiving and processing information, making him lose flexibility and therefore generating significant difficulties to adjust to permanent states of confusion and not anticipated events. Therefore, a person who is commanded by nervousness, rather than focusing on his job, anxiety will being overload him with himself; Therefore, when he is anxious, arises therein the trend to observe and assess what he is doing , the selfreferential concern that significantly


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interferes with the performance; in addition to being overwhelmed by the intrusion of thoughts and images adapted, concerned about all the things that can go wrong or what so inadequate and unable to or what distractor as and evil as good or bad could do different tasks, the same as having eyes on the consequences of a possible performance below expectations, rather than on activities and what to do. Thus, a person dominated by nervousness is more ready to play as poorly as he feared to do so. Although sources of anxiety are numerous and occur in all stages of the life of human beings, they basically come from a way of seeing the world in general or the events in particular; it often comes in ways of thinking as unrealistic, exaggerated, closed and vague. It is not competition that makes us nervous, but the way in which we see it. And remember that when the nervousness rules you, volitional capacity is altered and it can bring you many difficulties for the labour and human coexistence and even for your own perception.

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April 0f 2011

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South Zone is preparing for its IV traditional sports meeting By: M. Morales Angelica Amezquita Welfare Leader CERES Mariquita Sporting events performance is justified from the University Welfare area as an activity that allows full compliance with the shafts that support it, considering that it harmoniously converge: "The Integral Training, Organizational Culture and human growth Development . " In this way, aims for a comprehensive participants´ training, with an equitable distribution of all the alternatives that this event become possible holistic and human development and improving the life quality of the university community. The own dynamization about Sports Meeting will contribute to the community´s Welfare by taking into account their daily work ; since in each of these stages will be promoting peaceful coexistence, altruism, solidarity, perseverance and other values ​that allow the institutional level strengthening.

This activity was proposed by the Zonal Director four years ago and now it´s expected the initiative tends to be welcome in other areas of the country, with the objective that , the National Olympics can be made, in a near future. Currently the Zone is working in order to reach that the eight (08) Centers which belong the South Zone, have the possibility of hosting, because every year the development event will be assigned by chance for each year.

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April 0f 2011

At this time the South Zone will gather in the fruit capital from Colombia, with Mariquita Ceres as host, by hoping to develop a schedule that satisfy the expectations level that has been progressively set in this event, which every year by changing significantly. It should be noted that within the last Zonal Steering Committee agreed to set the completion of the event in the second half of 2011, providing greater opportunities for training and community participation. For the IV Sporting meeting is important that all interested representations to take into account the following suggestions: The proposed sporting modalities are: male mini-soccer, mixed basketball and beach volleyball, mixed mini tejo and chess, male billiards pool, female billiards-pool, tennis and table tennis. Each representation will be able to register teams for all sports, but the number of participants in each center may not exceed the maximum established , 30 people.

Center, a club managed by the Department of Welfare and Discipline of the Army. This site offers spacious and comfortable facilities that will support event logistics such as the courts, tennis field, mini football, beach volleyball and basketball. Club managers have ordered that, to the extent of their possibilities and by groups, they will offer the City Tour in Chiva Rumbera at the time the Event organizers are available. Participants may also use the pools and other recreational sites into the club. Interested people can obtain more information by contacting the Welfare leaders from each center . Official poster UNAD IV South Zone Sports Meeting.

Each sport must have three (03) minimum registered representations in order to develop the competition, otherwise such sport will be excluded from the event. The IV South Zone Sports Meeting will be held at "San Sebastian Recreation Afiche oficial IV Encuentro Deportivo UNAD Zona Sur

Celebration women and men´s day CERES Líbano - UNAD By: Mireya Rocío Prado Coordinator CERES Líbano

In a playful act, the day of women and men in CERES Libano was held, activity, within the framework of friendship and cordiality, enabled the UNAD family of Libano to close ties of brotherhood, to reiterate how important they are in fulfillment of their different roles, in which everyone expresses his or her particular way of being, feeling, love, vibrate, cry, laugh, create and live as different but equal beings in a dream called UNAD.

Now, while the celebration of men's day is not as popular or publicized as the women, they await enthusiastically every March 19 a gesture, a greeting or a single detail. Let´s remember that on March 19 the Day of St. Joseph is originally celebrated, father of Jesus and Colombia has adopted this date as men's day (in some countries as Spain it is the date to celebrate the father's day).

The world reminds us to celebrate Women's day, as the moment in which the defense of their rights is crucial to publicly claim more forcefully than ever their valuable place in contemporary society.

It should be noted that there is an International men's day, accepted but popularly ignored. Held since 1999 and its date adopted by the UNESCO- is on November 19. The reason why

this date was chosen is not clear. Therefore, that in our Colombian land will continue to welcoming the proposal to regionalist held in the month of March the two dates that invite closer ties of gender equity.

Tutors and students of CERES Park Los Nevados of Libano - Tolima in the men and women`s day integration.

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Motivation and training to achieve our dreams By: Alvaro Castillo Business Administration Graduated. To c l a i m k n o w l e d g e , understanding things in order to be able to do something to demonstrate the commitment of our qualification, to achieve our dreams in an orderly way our is paramount to begin a long road where the lack of motivation, is designated as one of the primary causes of impairment and one of the most serious problems reexamine and understand quickly the new techniques of formal education. It is the study of researches and understand the importance of motivation in learning, whereas this, there is no learning. Theorists of learning and teachers agree with the motivated students learn more quickly and more effectively, than those who are not motivated. The motivation should be considered at the beginning and during the development process; lack of consideration of sustained intrinsic motivation can become a barrier to the development of educational action, being essential to motivate who wants to learn. It can be noted that the use of workshops mentioned by students as "very useful and enlightening," saying that they have allowed in the context of higher education stand out and excel as individuals with real guidance to the daily task

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April 0f 2011

learning, and those guidelines when setting the result of knowledge and application of models analysis that motivate the student or graduate, with different motivation patterns, which in the long term can influence in the academic performance. In this article I emphasize the need for the students to fulfill their dreams and lead towards real learning with concrete results and benefits, from positive experiences or not, allowing overcoming the fear of failure. In this sense, those people who focus their interest mainly on external factors can see undermined their creativity, a feature usually mentioned in the profiles of graduates from institutions of higher education. It has been identified that, some of the barriers or inhibitors of creativity in academic activities, including the difficulty to isolate the problem and to investigate the obvious, is to pose a real problem, from a real need. This is why, work strategies should be established, so that people feel part of a real team and promote problembased learning, promoting

significant solution strategies. This will allow a thorough analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of student discipline needed to pursue the implementation of initiatives, solve problems based on theories and principles and the need to revise the theory, methodology or technique to find strategy in order for our dreams come true as entrepreneurs and students generate self-sustaining businesses and get the motivation to pursue a graduate degree and still meet our goals to 100% which started as a dream.

NAME ALVARO ANTONIO CASTILLLO NINO PROFESION: UNAD BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SPECIALIZATION: HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEE: GOVERNMENT OF TOLIMA PROFILE UNAD graduated 2001, Business Administrtion, Technologist in Commercial and Business Management 2000, public employee since 1992 in the Government of Tolima in the administrative area, brigade member and quality internal auditor of MECI group of government. Busineesman, founding partner of associative enterprise of Tolima talented work with a group of proffesionals of the Tolima talented fair since 1999.



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Activity on-line:

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April 0f 2011


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Crossword Solve the following crossword puzzle, which has reference to the contents of each of the articles published in this edition of the online newspaper:

1h 5h 2h




3h 4h 2v

4v HORIZONTAL 1. Common site related to social engineering as unsafe. 2. Plan of Integrated Solid Waste Management and Allied Hospital 3. It is one of the zonal leadership that can take a tutor. 4. The largest network in the world. 5. Everything should be done with a level of demand. 6. Abbreviations: Distance Education. Activity on-line: abril/crucigrama_abril_2011_Ingles.htm

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April 0f 2011

VERTICAL 1. School deepening whose line is livestock. 2. The new pastime in the Age of Technology. 3. A research group at CEAD Pitalito. 4. Is the association of people with a common goal.


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April 0f 2011

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