Periódico Virtual "Uniendo Distancias" - Mayo de 2011 - INGLES

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Year III - No. 20 - 42 pages

Ibague, May 0f 2011

L inking D istances “Education for All with Global Quality"

UNAD monthly publication of South Zone *ISSN 2027 - 6125

Special virtual language week By: Jorge Hugo Hernandez Villamil Liliana Eugenia Alvarez Cabezas ECEDU Tutors - CEAD Ibagué

“ __ Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts Given to the men by the heavens; with it the treasures of the earth and beneath the sea can’ t be equated; for freedom and also for honor we can and should risk your life, and on the contrary, captivity is the greatest evil that can befall men. " Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra INDEX EDITORIAL............................................2 GUEST COLUMNIST............................3 SCHOOL DAY ......................................4 RESEARCH AND REGION ................16 SOCIAL IMPACT COMMUNITY ..........17 COMMUNITY..........17 VIMEDIOS ..........................................24 GREEN SECTION ...............................27 SECTION...............................27

During the week between 25 and 29 April, there was carried out the commemoration of the Day of the Language, International Day of Book and Copyright in the UNAD, organized by the tutors of the School of Sciences Education of the Zone, with the support of the media room, Welfare and VIMMEP CEAD of Ibague. This activity, of academic style and cultural, is called: VIRTUAL LANGUAGE WEEK, which, was not only with the participation of students, staff and tutors from the center, but it involved people of the national University level. It is important to mention why the Spanish Language Day since it was created to commemorate and celebrate the importance of Spanish as an international language, which already has more than 450 million Spanish speakers in the world. We have chosen April 23 for this celebration in honor of the writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, who died on that day in 1616 and Continue page 20

Headlines Communicative Competence Festival: A commitment to creativity By: Marcela Rincón Dubis ECSAH Tutor - CEAD Ibague To promote an academic and social formation, incorporating recreational and cultural elements is one of the main stakes of the Open and Distance National University - UNAD, that within its Pedagogical Academic Support Project has defined the importance of considering the University not only as an public higher education institution, but as a specific area of ​culture, with a pedagogical principle of rationality itself and a specific subject knowledge, study and research. (PAPS, 2008) Page. 7

Tribute to the master Luis Enrrique Aragon Farkas By: Sigifredo Arias ECSAH Tutor - CEAD Ibague

Students of Social Communication: Jorge Leon Sarasty Petrel and Johnny Alexander Bermúdez Lozano, submitted to the educational community of UNAD, the Master's life story of Luis Enrrique Aragon Farkas from Ibague, called "Standing. “ It is the story of composer, musician, performer and folklore historian .The warrior who never gives up, a controversial, tender and loving man. For him, it is the result of this strange mixture, which makes him unique and incomparable. Page 9

QUALITY ..............................................32 QUALITY..............................................32 WELFARE ...........................................35 WELFARE...........................................35 GRADUATES MURAL .........................38 MURAL.........................38 ENTERTAINMENT ...............................39 ENTERTAINMENT...............................39

Third business fair Unad Entrepreneurs Young People UNAD CERES Libano By: Aisa Magaly Chacón ECACEN Tutor – Academic Leader CERES Libano On May 8, 2011, the Third UNAD Business Fair was successfully held in the main Park of Libano. The activity was led by the students of ECACEN UNAD CERES Libano. Several ideas of company services and products were announced and presented by 17 students belonging to the school, with the advice and ongoing accompaniment of Luz Enid Gomez Tabares and Aisa Magaly Chacón Skinner. UNAD participated with its institutional stand, which was led by Dr. Mireya Rocío Prado, resulting in a s u c c e s s f u l d a y, where the excellent


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Gloria Isabel Vargas Hurtado South Area Director Node Ibague




Writing correction

Dear Readers April 23 marks the World Day of the Spanish Language in honor of writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, who was noted for his contribution to Spanish with his great work "The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, a novel published in 1605 , marking it the history of language to create a story which highlighted strengths, weaknesses and aspirations of human life, the story that Miguel de Cervantes was preparing a new version of "Don Quijote," but his death in (23 of April 1616) prevented this noble purpose. Our language was born in Castilla (Spain) to the ninth century AD C., but it took several centuries to consolidate itself as language, today we have approximately 450 million Spanish speakers worldwide and is one of the most important and recognized. The Spanish came to Europe with Christopher Columbus, but will only be consolidated with the presence of the settlers, who managed the Indians to learn the language. Importantly, despite the changes and the passing years, still retain some indigenous languages ​of native cultures of our country. In our country, through Decree 707 of 1938, was institutionalized on Language and later in 1963, the Colombian government enacted into law the decree in honor and recognition to our language. It is important to highlight the responsibility we have to care for and strengthen our language, the new technologies and their widespread use has been blazing an Orthodox conversion, the proof is the abbreviations, the little care for spelling, syntax and wording, situation frequently evident in social networks, which are

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

May 0f 2011

creating havoc in the proper handling of the language, we must ask ourselves, What would Mr Miguel de Cervantes says, if he saw the communication systems and the way language is applied in world? It is possible he may have begun campaigns to strengthen the language and the proper use of it through virtual mediations. Nowadays there are several institutions with the UNAD, fighting to preserve and maintain the Spanish language, for this reason, from 25 to 29 April, the South Zone held "Virtual Language Week"with the aim of promoting good practice to acknowledge its history and importance worldwide as part of our identity. The activity was led by the School of Education who organized various activities such as the Spelling Bee Competition, Short Story, Film Forum, Literary Exchange, organized ( semanavirtualdelidiomazsur.yolasite. com ) virtual page where the community had the opportunity and participate in interactive activities such as academic Virtual Poster Contest, the collective construction of a story (and what about the tell?, likewise, there were interviews with important writers of the Southern Zone as Bahamón Dussan and Gerardo Mario Meneses Pitalito, Miguel Darío Polanía of Neiva and Alexander Correa Carvajal of Ibague, also published some documentaries on the history of Spanish and included some links to virtual libraries of free access. The results of this activity leave a



Design and Layout Media`s Room UNAD – CEAD IBAGUE Email:

positive balance , taking into account that there was generated an academic national and dynamic , with the participation of academic staff, administrators, students and alumni from different schools in the country. A special thanks to all the team of Educational Sciences of the Southern Zone and the team of "Joing Distances, " which accompanied the preproduction and production of each one of the activities that took place this special edition, this being an institutional commitment our language and all Spanish speakers. You will also find the sections already known that we hope will be of interest for its diversity in content and shows the impact of our Alma Mater in the South Zone and in each of the communities that compose it. P l e a s e e m a i l u s a t i b a g u e @ u n a d . e d u . c o or your opinion is important to further enrich this media.

Social Networks and Knowledge By: Liliana Oviedo ECSAH Tutor - CEAD IbaguĂŠ The knowledge dinamyc in a social net

Social Networks are becoming increasingly important in today's society, reflecting the need for individuals to express themselves and be recognized, Aristotle said it well: "Man is a social being by nature" to meet their requirements for physical and spiritual need to live in society . Man is a rational creature, individual, not selfs u ff i c i e n t a n d r e q u i r e s t h e protection of others of its kind, it is communities. But what is a Social Network? Could it be described as a form of social interaction, which produces a dynamic exchange between individuals, groups and institutions who share tastes and preferences with each other, achieving a sense of belonging and develop a fabric that seeks the welfare of the community? These social networks are built based on what each member brings into it. Intervene in a social group begins to find others who share interests, concerns and needs and although it happened more than that, the idea is to break the isolation, which usually manifests itself in seclusion that is one of the difficulties of interaction some people afflicts.

followers. Social networking is a dynamic between people, groups and institutions in different contexts, which usually are very complex. In consonance with BeltrĂĄn and Castillo (2004:1) a knowledge network is defined "as a community of people who, in a formal or informal, occasionally, part time or on a dedicated, working with a common interest and they base their actions on the construction, development and mutual sharing of knowledge " According to Casas (2001:21) these networks "involving both the formation of professional and training networks, as broadcast networks and transmission of knowledge or innovations, which would give rise to the formation of regional knowledge spaces" Knowledge communities are social networks, which promote the production of knowledge through the collective participation of their users. Participation in these communities can bring into play a range of skills and abilities: the ability to problemsolving, communication, collaboration, spirit and creative expression, access information, develop conceptual structures, making transfer knowledge or learning about the subject. Social networks allow the transmission of knowledge among their members, integrating in a global community of common interests to achieve their goals.

There are themed social networks aimed at specific audiences, allowing, thanks to the mode of participation and all the tools they have, to form real communities of knowledge. The ability to know and choose what you want grasp of that interaction is what makes social Knowledge networks, as a particular n e t w o r k s h a v e m a n y m o r e kind of social networks, identifies

elements as part of a set that ranges from the words, concepts and individuals, until the bonds that represent the relationships and links between them, with the common denominator of knowledge. These networks are systems or structures of heterogeneous actors that are based on information and knowledge flows and the generation of new knowledge to solve specific problems. They are complex entities that cross organizational, sectoral, cultural or territorial boundaries linking different actors in institutional settings. So that social networks can help to strengthen the knowledge management processes, enhancing the educational channels, supporting the work that can be developed from the internet and helping to enhance knowledge management, improve internal communication and organizations, capitalize on informal knowledge and best practices at all levels. BIBLIOGRAPHY Beltran, J Castellanos, A. (2004). Supervision. Mexico: McGraw-Hill Casas, Rosalie, The formation of knowledge networks. A regional perspective from Mexico, Antrophos Edition, IISUNAN, 2001, Mexico.

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Knowledge Social Net


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CERES Libano hits with two professional experiences and a monograph From left to right: Dr. Andrea Arenas, Dr.Victoria Eugenia Hernández, and the juries, Dr. Esperanza Castellanos, Dr. Liliana Oviedo and Dr. Jhon JairoFlórez, (Project Director) of student Edna Margarita Lozano (monograph).

In May 5 and 7, UNAD Ibagué and Libano, the following students, socialized their graduation options: Hector Alberto Charry, degree directed professional experience "Promotion and implementation of alternative crops not traditional as strategy of the improvement of living conditions of inhabitants of Rio Recio and Zaragoza settlements of the municipality of Libano, Tolima”, Luz Eslendy Toro Sierra, with the project "Psychosocial strengthening to Improve the quality of life for 15 mothers heads of households in a situation of vulnerability in Primero De Mayo neighborhood of Libano Tolima ", and the CEAD Ibagué, the monograph "Politic Violence in the Municipality of Libano, Tolima <from 1950 TO 1960", by the student Edna Margarita Lozano Varela, of Psychology program of ECSAH. The words are not enough to express what we feel as a tutor, when the product of our formation is presented, is the articulated language, is inscribed on the agenda of the logic, the spiritual and feelings; they are composed of other subject matter, one that does not, but that do break the on tears. It is very important to point out the purpose of the actions that we perform with the communities in which we work, Settlement Zaragoza and Rio Recio by Héctor Charry and Primero de Mayo neighborhood by Luz Eslendy Toro as well as the monograph on politic violence, because inside itn it there is an improvement in terms of that plan for a given action makes it conducive to change and improvement of that reality.

By: Jhon Jairo Flórez Ángel Leader CERES Libano.

the lack of reflection, as the man currently is being eaten by "the vortex of doing ", forgetting to think what they are doing. The development of these projects was born as a result of the desire to improve the reality in which we live. With these three projects was sought primarily to refer to the basic needs of the individual, i.e.; health, education, employment and housing as well as other types of needs such as dignity, self-esteem, appreciation, security, consideration, the ability to find meaning to life and the world around us, etc.

that the student Edna Margarita Lozano, will culminate successfully her monograph.

On behalf of the students of the ECSAH of CERES Libano, we give our most sincere thanks to Dr. G l o r i a I s a b e l Va r g a s , b y contributing time and attention for the movement of Dr. Victoria Eugenia Hernandez, to the city of Libano in order to provide support and accompaniment to all students of ECSAH and especially Luz Eslendy Toro Sierra, Edna Margarita Lozano Varela and The students were accompanied by Hector Alberto Charry. their families and representatives of the community, those with excellent command and depth socialized their choice of degree, responding with appropriate domain to the questions posed by attendees. Congratulations to the future psychologists and we thank Dr. Victoria Eugenia Hernandez, Zonal Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities - ECSAH of the city of Ibagué, as well as the Dr. Mireya Rocio Prado, Director of the UNAD CERES Líbano who accompanied and follow-up the students. Thank you for allowing that the students of CERES Libano continue producing new professionals, to it´s team for the support and guidance provided by Doctors Esperanza Castellanos and Liliana Oviedo, so From left to right: Dr. Jhon Jairo Florez Angel, Teachers CERES Líbano, student Hector Alberto Charry, Zonal Leader ECSAH Mg. Victoria Eugenia Hernandez, Dr. Olga Cecilia Pineda Loaiza, counselor UNAD CERES Libano, Claudia Cabrera and Luz Eslendy Toro Sierra.

One of the major problems of our time is

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May 0f 2011

Student Edna Margarita Lozano Varela, socializing the monograph Politic Violence in Libano, Tolima municipality from 1950 to 1960""

Students of CERES Libano: Edna Margarita Lozano Varela and Hector Alberto Charry,

Deepening Human Development and Family Social Sense Course By: Tatiana Egea Councilor- CEAD Ibague

Deepening Human Development and Family Social Sense Course, offered as an option for undergraduate students of psychology program at the university, is developed in order to delve into issues of family and raise the appropriation of the precepts of the investigation with the IAP model for the strengthening of skills in the design of social projects, space for reflection and joint construction that is generated. It is valuable because of the theoretical background and context that can be learned through the experiences of students in communities and of the ideas. They have to work with them, achieving complementarily between what they can see and live in reality and the contribution from the theory and practice through the advice to become it a mutual education p r o c e s s .

It is important to highlight the skills acquired by students, such as the generation of social technology tools, the expansion of diagnosis and family care framework and the strengthening of investigative competences and the design of social proposals under the logical framework. Additionally, it is extended the theoretical and practical framework for family intervention, from each of the Modulos de Grano de Arena Familiar, which promotes a personal reflection of family processes, and the contextualization of one of the topics discussed in the development of contextual research. In this regard, the projects undertaken by students were aimed at encouraging vulnerable communities, generating impact on theoretical and practical. The scope of the projects were achieved in the sense that it managed to make a contextual

Psychosocial Support To Women Heads Of Family In The Comuna 3 In Ibague And Who Belong To The Association Of Ibague Sensiblizacion And Rethinking On Projects Of Life.


s with Quality of Life, made ​by Diana Medina, Alba Suarez, Gladys Gíraldo, Heidy Zambrano, Dora Milena Velásquez, DHF Course Tutor Specialist Tatiana Egea, Zonal Leader ECSAH Mg. Victoria Hernandez

research, using the IAP model, treating as it was investigated, to help create positive changes within the community, making them think through different psychomotor educational and participatory activities. Communities were receptive to the groups and that assistance was evident in the socialization performed, where satisfaction is shown with the work done by the students and the help the process generated. Thus, the Deepening Human Development and Family Social Sense Course is a course that makes students to get additional competences to those acquired in undergraduate courses and promotes the strengthening of those they got before, obtaining from the social meaning projects developed a positive way to help communities from Ibague and Tolima.

Care And Support Proposal Addressed To Children, Adolescents And Their Families Of The Residential Complex Of Ibagué Caracolí To Strengthen Communication Between Family And Environment Through Leisure As A Regulator Their Conduct LIFE WITHOUT DRUGS "PREVENTION IS EDUCATE."

PsicoUnadista group consisting of: Karla Andrea Restrepo Celis, Gloria Elvi Helen Garcia Villa, Alejandra Bonilla, Maria Cecilia Martinez Guzman, Diana Marcela Garzon.

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Psychoeducational proposal on the Misuse of Psychoactive Substances, Addressed to the Families of Inmates in Treatment in the Foundation of Ibague Called Support Group in Order to Help The Family System With The Therapeutic Development “ADDICTION FREE NEW DAWN"

Support And Development Proposal, Addressedto The Neighborhood Community Yuldaima In Ibague City For The Re-education Of Securities With Emphasis On Communication And Coexistence Of Families “FAMILIES IN TUNE " Sangfaju group consisting of: Juan Carlos Triana Rivera, Fania Lorena Ramirez Jaramillo, Leonor Angela Henao Patiño, Sandra Milena Bedoya Valencia

Psychosocial Care And Support Proposal Addressed To Parents And Children In Malabar (venadillo) That Generates Changes In The Layout And Beliefs Of Families To Strengthen The Relationships With Love And Authority. “VIBRATION AT HEART"

Psychological Development Group consists of: Martha Isabel Diaz Noreña, Jessika Jovanna Murillas Villanueva, William Camilo Acuña Naranjo, Oscar Humberto Nuñez Ospina, Yeimy Katherine Amaya Montealegre

Heart Vibration group consisting of: Edwin Rene Barrero Montealegre, Juliana Andrea Bonilla Villa, Leydi Carolina Gutierrez Ibañez, Feidy Mayerli Castillo Pineda

L inking D istances Publication of the South Zone UNAD

May 0f 2011

Communicative Competence Festival: A commitment to creativity To promote an academic and social formation, incorporating recreational and cultural elements is one of the main stakes of the Open and Distance National University - UNAD, that within its Pedagogical Academic Support Project has defined the importance of considering the University not only as an public higher education institution, but as a specific area of ​culture, with a pedagogical principle of rationality itself and a specific subject knowledge, study and research. (PAPS, 2008) Palacino, (2007) states "... strategies must also promote active participation of students around the construction of their knowledge and their own sense of life." Thus, the School of Social Sciences Arts and Humanities in Ibague CEAD through Communicative Competence Course, has been developing the strategy ", Festival of communication skills, which aims to improve the process of building knowledge and increase the degree of development of skills of students through the design and construction of a leisure area which includes all members of the academic community. Regarding to this purpose, on Sunday May 8, about 180 students from all academic programs, were linked with their creativity and initiative, in a series of events and staging of their skills and

By: Marcela Rincón Dubis ECSAH Tutor - CEAD Ibague

artistic skills, while providing space entertainment and joy and allowing strengthen fraternal ties between parents and children, students and tutors, colleagues and friends. At the festival of communicative competence "Communication as an art, creativity as a means" it was possible to appreciate the scene, mime, folk dance groups, salsa cabaret, theater, poetry, song and story, the product of hard work and dedication of students that articulating the art and academia, dress up, to understand the possibility of learning by doing. Thus, UNAD, once again, live and feel the culture, build space for the integral and diversity shown in the reconciliation between the different forms of expression. UNAD recognizes that the purpose of education should be to form responsible citizens with their selves and society, guiding them to a state of motivation, by developing activities to strengthen their creative spirit and promote the development of his personality. References PALACINO, F. 2007. Communication skills, learning and teaching of Natural Sciences: a playful approach. Electronic Journal of Science Education Vol. 6, No. 2, 275-298

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"Analysis of the success factors of cooperative transport: a case study of Cootranslaboyana Ltda” By: Martha Cecilia Vinasco Guzmán ECBTI Tutor - CEAD Pitalito

Cootranslaboyana cooperative, established in the southern department of Huila in Colombia since 1976, is a successful model of enterprise that has overcome administrative crisis and has remained along the time as an entity which provides services to its members and the whole community at transportation sector. The research aims to identify those best practices, taking into account the cooperative principles and cooperative social balance.

descriptive study, which requires a review of social, economic, administrative and environmental issues, beginning with the implementation of the methodology developed by the World Bank called ICO Organizational Capability Index, which aims to assess in a qualitative and quantitative way the development of organizations, regarding the 7 cooperative principles enunciated by the International Cooperative Alliance in Manchester Declaration, 1985. Similarly, in its development are Objetives: taken elements of the methodology of the Integral Cooperative Social The overall objective was to identify Balance. successful practices in social, economic, organizational and Results y discussion: environmental aspects, taking into account the cooperatives principle The analysis was done for the years that the Cootranslaboyana Ltd 2004 to 2009, because in 2004 the cooperative has developed. company was in a serious crisis, In the development of the objectives, which has been gradually overcome. a characterization of the cooperative To obtain the information was used to i n i t s s o c i a l , e c o n o m i c , review the annual financial reports, organizational and environmental minutes of the General Assembly, was done by taking into account the minutes of Board of Directors and implementation of cooperative Supervisory Board as well as the principles, an analysis of the aspects information provided by managers related to the cooperative principles, and employees of the cooperative. a p p l y i n g t h e O r g a n i z a t i o n a l An application of the tools developed Capacity Index methodology and in the different matrices of data determination of the factors, collection was done. Charts and practices and strategies regarding to tables with data processing were the cooperative principles that have shown. influenced the current state of the cooperative. The average performance of the cooperative Cootranslaboyana, Materials and methods: regarding the implementation of each of the 7 cooperative principles The research uses a mixed is 60 points, where it can be indicated methodology (quantitative and that the cooperative is a moderate qualitative). The type of study used is degree of their application. exploratory, designed to make a

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May 0f 2011

Conclusions: The paper identifies the cooperative principles as an aspect of success of success. The last objective was to study how cooperative principles influence the ability of innovation and commitment of partners to solutions adopted by consensus and with successful results in times of crisis. The model allows analysis of information from the application of cooperative principles, quantified with the allocation of points through the matrix of Organizational Capacity Index and it is a reference system for the cooperative, as well as allowing them to be compared each other.

The methodology is used to evaluate the performance of cooperative organizations in a particular historical moment to review the action lines of the company, set goals with a view of cooperative development, compare the application of principles among cooperatives and serve as a means to measure the performance of social purpose organizations.

Tribute to the master Luis Enrrique Aragon Farkas By: Sigifredo Arias ECSAH Tutor - CEAD Ibague

Students of Social Communication: Jorge Leon Sarasty Petrel and Johnny Alexander Bermúdez Lozano, submitted to the educational community of UNAD, the Master's life story of Luis Enrrique Aragon Farkas from Ibague, called "Standing."


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It is the story of composer, musician, performer and folklore historian .The warrior who never gives up, a controversial, tender and loving man. For him, it is the result of this strange mixture, which makes him unique and incomparable. Aragon Farkas, is recognized as the person who gave new life to Andean music, manager of the new wave movement in traditional Colombian music. His talent has been exalted and recognized in the competition Mono Núñez, where he won twice, in the National Competition of Bambuco Luis Carlos Gonzalez in Pereira and others where he was later invited as a juror or assessor. His best known works are: the bambuco “My dream”, “As if you were the moon”, “Spells”, “The sorcerer's apprentice”, “As a long time” and “The kiss he stole from the Moon”. He is also known for his waltzes: “Tolimenses Afternoons” , “As you say” and the Sanjuaneros: The Calentana and The tamborito, Stay and “Mixed Cane”. The Master´s present is hard because he suffered a stroke that left him paralyzed three years ago. Since then, he has begun a new challenge. He had to change his lifestyle but he has never stopped composing. He used to compose by using the guitar. Now, he does it with his computer or electric piano. Restless as ever, "Titite" as he is called by his relatives and friends, says he found new sounds, new worlds through the Internet.

Master Luis Aragon Farkas Enrrique Receive Decoration, Tributee

As a result of this new stage of life, the Master Aragon, is preparing to present in society, a song dedicated to Ibague, where the moon will be the protagonist again. He claims that this will be a rare song, which will generate controversy, but he is confident that young people will like.

The teacher Luis Enrrique Aragon Farkas with the Student Network, UNAD - CEAD Ibague

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Recognition of the crop granadilla (passiflora ligularis), cilantro (coriandrum sativum l), arracacha arracacia (xanthorrhiza bancroft), bean (phaseolus vulgaris l. ly carrot daucus carota present in the area of canyon anaime and cajamarca. By: Diego A. Idarraga Marin Research Zonal Leader During a realized visit the present year to Anaime's canyon, I enjoyed a tour for ancient paths, paths of my infancy; and across one deep reflection, I had the motivation of realized an identification and recognition of the factors given in preharvest that cause deterioration and affect the quality and the managing in the preharvest of the products of the zone, that one where there were formed and lived my grandparents and relatives, who with their interesting and striking experiences of life, woke my interest up for this region. Hereby, the present article tries to offer a general information about five (5) agricultural products that take place in the zone. a) GRANADILLA Passiflora ligularis b) CLIMATE. Is typical of regions from 1500 to 2400 m.s.n.m. its temperature varies from 15 to 20 째 C, with moderate relative humidity and uniform. I OCCUR. Frivolous texture, well drenados and rich in organic matter. HE SOWS. The system of sowing of the granadilla is superficial, therefore it is necessary to to realize a plough, before the seed must be sowed in a seedbed by sand; the plants remove to the definitive site when they have from 30 to 40 cm. Of height, the space of sowing is of 12 x 5, 12 cms between bushes and 5 between ruts. SOIL. Light textured, well drained and rich in organic matter. Continued on page 11

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SOWING. The seeding system is superficial passion fruit, so must make a plow, before the seed is sown in a seed with sand, the plants are carried to the final location, where they have 30 to 40 cm. high, the planting area is 12 x 5, 12 and 5 cm between plants and rows. PRUNING. Takes place after harvest and is vital for plant control, production and fruit quality . IRRIGATION. It is essential throughout the development of the crop and is usually naturally . PEST. Is particularly affected by red spider (Tetranychus sp.) DISEASES. Anthracnose (Collectotrichum sp.) total or partial staining of the fruit. FERTILIZER. Is a mixture of chicken, rice bran, molasses, lime and yeast. HARVEST. Is collected with a minimum maturity of 75%, external color yellow, complete development of the fruit, nice flavor.

COLLECTION. Using blunt scissors and plastic or cardboard boxes with a capacity of up to 10 kg. Cut the stem above the third knuckle cup, place the fruit in the false bottom bag and when full is emptied into the box to be taken to the recycling center. SLATTED. Passion fruit planting is done after the tree tomato to use its branches as tutors, to climb into bed, or arbor. B) CILANTRO Coriandrum sativum L. CLIMATE. It belongs to regions 1800 to 2300 m.s.n.m. its temperature varies from 18 to 20 째 C, with uniform rainfall. SOIL. Loose-textured, well drained with plenty of organic material. SOWING. It is sown in association with the beans to protect it from insects, cilantro has a binding power. SOIL PREPARATION. Tracing is performed transversely against the current. . Contined page 11

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IRRIGATION. It is natural but when dry is performed transversely to the sprinkler. WEEDS. There is a biological management of the plant is therefore allowed wild-type coverage that retains moisture and handles other types of weeds, protects against erosion and hand weeding. NUTRITION. Purin is applied nettle that accelerates the growth and revitalize the plant. C) ARRACACHA Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft. CLIMATE. It belongs to regions 1800 to 2300 m.s.n.m. Its temperature varies from 15 to 18 ° C, with constant rainfall throughout the year. SOIL. Clay texture with good moisture retention and good amount of organic matter. SOIL PREPARATION. It takes a small plow and hoyado system, and finally goes to the planting of choline.

m.s.n.m. And uniform rainfall patterns throughout the year. SOIL. It should be loose and with good physical properties. SOWING. Can be done alone or in association with another crop compatible. IRRIGATION. It is natural and in times of drought is made ​artificially by spraying. PEST. Is affected by several pests such as worms tracers (AGROTAR ipsilon), leafhoppers (Empoasca kraemeri), drills (ling testulatis) whitefly (bremicia tabasi) among others. DISEASES. Anthracnose (Collectotrichum sp.) total or partial staining of the fruit. GUARDIAN. As a climbing plant habit should develop a trellis or guardian where the vines grow, for normal development and for their support.

irregularly shaped, dark brown at the edge of leaflets, caused by Alternaria sp., which produces a burning of the leaf, and anthracnose, Colletotrichum sp. CONCLUSIONS The most common problems and promising that affect this beautiful region has to do with policies that are taken from product marketing regions or cities. Viewed crops led to a feeling of sadness at the thought of how this food is wasted because the same market, because sometimes it is more expensive to produce than to sell, causing losses in the production system. The reflection is as follows: In our country there are still people who do not have to eat, but also know about the stubbornness and overconfidence in the experience it provides the farmer, so it is urgent to bring about change to improve their situation Colombian countryside: life in the farmer's field worker, honest, brave and dedicated to their work, farmer dedicate to their land , not to the war!

E) CARROT Daucus carota L. SOWING. It is planted in association with maize and directly. IRRIGATION. Naturally WEEDS. There is a biological management. Is done naturally with machete. PEST. The plants are affected by red spider and the chiza, a beetle.

CLIMATE. It belongs to regions 1800 to 2200 m.s.n.m. And uniform rainfall patterns throughout the year. SOIL. Must be with good physical properties, and rich in organic matter. SOWING. Direct plow prepared soil. IRRIGATION. It is natural PEST. No reports DISEASES. Necrophiliac spots

D) BEAN Phaseolus vulgaris L CLIMATE. Is typical of regions of 1700 Continue on page 12 Google images

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Transport access, the road is still unpaved into the canyon.

Market access both main and secondary across the country.

The type of climate, region, considered one of the best for its climate.

The armed conflict in the region by armed groups.

Diversity of soils rich in organic matter and rich in nutrients.

The displacement can be seen hurt the farmer

Access to technology is developed in crops.

Lack of teamwork associate to form cooperatives, or unification of Anaime sector.

Products with very good presentation, although it should improve a little more to compete on a large scale

Pest problems treated with agrochemicals, and lack of organic practices.

Access to technology in the TLC.

Empirical work on crops by the farmer

Crop diversification, use land productively

Emerging infrastructure.

Quality local products

Policies affecting the region and the marginalized or excluded .

Modernization of agricultural practices

Necessary to enter to the market, by the farmer, who may have their own brokers in favor of him.

Come more into the market to control prices, that would improve the quality of life for farmers and their families.

Preharvest and postharvest losses

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Foreign export markets ..

Location of the region.

There are no stations, the region could produce enough food in optimal conditions the two periods of the year.

The closing of the markets of the

Quind铆o, which migh


leave in crisis the


The gathering of the CAR region located in Cajamarca.

Policies against the welfare of the region by unknown the subject.

The daily efforts of the farmer, the strength of the region for their hard work.

Children of farmers can find b etter future .

Workforce in the region.

For years it has been considered one of the most important regions for the full range of products that produces.

Production capacity have farms, which is very important.

Access to water in the region, which has a wealth of this liquid is not renewable.

The use of glyphosate for farmers in the area.

El rompimiento de las cadenas productivas por los focos de corrupci贸n por parte de avivatos.

The quality demand by consumers, would make the region more competitive, or exclude such jurisdiction.

The farmer's exile from home, their lives, their work, the future of life.

Ranch el chaco on meseta Tolima: an opportunity for academic processes of knowledge and technology and transfer. By: Diego A. Marin Idarraga Research Zonal Leader

The infrastructure of Ranch El Chaco consists of: mechanical workshop, milking area, milk tanks, manure (manure tank) used as fertilizer. The calf is the one who eases the cow for milking, milking times are in the morning at 6:00 am and in the afternoon at 2:00 pm, the farm is SELF-SUSTAINING. Livestock breeds that commonly exist in this area are: Sardinian (with black freckles and Dalmatian), Indian livestock, Holstein-Friesian (in the picture) is one of the most important dairy breeds in Europe and the U.S. Although this milk is less substantial than other breeds, it is the one that produce most volume per animal. Farmers milk the cows every 12 hours, almost always with a milking machine. A glass tube that takes milk straight from the udder to a

warehouse preserving its taste and cleanliness. A cow that produces 6,100 liters of milk per year amortizes production costs, but a good specimen can produce 50% more. The concept and formulation of the current breeds began in the United Kingdom, northern Europe and the Channel Islands during the midnineteenth century, and most modern breeds were created in the second half of this century. However, there was already livestock with similar characteristics in these areas even before the breed's concept became dominant. At present it accounts 274 important breeds, many other varieties have not reached the breed status. The races differ also in color. The Holstein is black and white, although some

animals may be red and white, in this farm there are also native cattle, the breeds differ also in the milk yield volume and its composition. The Holstein-Friesians produce the largest amount, 7,890 kg on average, the advantage of these crosses between Holstein and native breed is the good milk production acquired and thanks to it the livestock conditioning to the equatorial zone, which is where we are located. About the milking system, the calf comes to milking machines with the cow to ease a little the milk to come out, which goes to a storage tank in a room next to it, These calves are cared as future generations from descendants of good milk production.




Calf: FOOD: consist on animal feed, legumes (Gliricidia, criptoria beans), salt. Milk. Pastures. Dairy cow : 8 -10 kg. Dry matter, animal feed, legumes (Gliricidia, criptoria beans), salt. Pasture.

Pietran Breed: animal feed, water 3 times a day. Automatic drinkers.

HEN FARM ARMERO Laying chicken. Animal feed and water 3 times a day .. 3 automatic waterers.

Landra Breed: Animal feed, water 3 times a day

Breeder: animal feed and water 3 times a day hopper feeders

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MILKING PLANT DESIGN: Here comes the animal to a cubicle where is mechanically milked, the milk is transported by pipeline to the storage area where it remains at a suitable temperature for its subsequent distribution. There are 2 milking per day, each cow is producing considerably, in average 14-16 liters in the morning and 4-6 liters in the afternoon, the animal's udder is washed with iodine-based products. After milking the area is washed with hot water, hypochlorite and caustic soda. Farmers milk the cows every 12 hours, almost always with a milking machine. A glass pipe carries the milk directly from the udder to a warehouse, preserving its taste and cleanliness.

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b). EASE OF OPERATION: The area is on cement, the floors provide a better way of cleaning, feeding zone is livestock approachable both adults and baby deer, also has electric fences for better livestock management.

wash after the milk extraction, to avoid pollution the pipes that are inserted directly from the udder are washed, these pipes were previously disinfected with iodine and hypochlorite for cleaning purposes.

c) SAFETY OPERATOR: Operator safety is good, nothing was known about this kind of problems, if there is any, it will be considered to be in the best condition to resume with the appropriate seriousness and responsibility.

Finally, Ranch El Chaco has excellent management conditions, with the most sophisticated technology in Latin America, Dr. Alfonso Mejia with his effort and dedication, has worked hard to create productivity habits and appropriate efficiency, as mentioned Dr. Johnson: "The tiny habit chains are generally too small to be felt until they become too strong to be broken."

d) HYGIENE AND HANDLING: It meets cleanliness and disinfection appropriate standards on the arrival to the milking plant we observed the


Keys to preserve the leadership By: Huberth Preciado GarcĂ­a VIDERPCO Zonal Leader Google Images

escape from this situation. That is why it is important to know, recognize and live UNAD mission with a strong, unifying vision that promotes an environment of trust, but it must also internalize the PAP'S ( Teaching Academic Outreach Project) which is our identity and differentiating with other It should be recognized initially educational communities. that all kinds of situations are g e n e r a t e d w i t h i n a l l Providing timely and relevant organizations and that they information about the rationale, directly affect the welfare of it. history and the mental process Obviously, the best way to that occurs in the decisionmaintain a reliable working making is another key aspect environment is to avoid damage to maintaining trust within to the trust. The relevance of an organization. This involves organization's leadership is vital, breaking down the barriers of the reliability, integrity and exclusivity and domain being transparency of communication exerted in other times for w i t h p e o p l e w i t h i n t h e possession of knowledge and information, and prepares us organization is essential. so unaware and open to University organizations do not integration that is projected in the performance of network models. Conventional wisdom says that the important thing is not to arrive but maintained, as to remain in force and the recognition of leadership in any activity of life is one of the biggest challenges facing all the people who run or exercise a leader in an organization or community.

As expressed by Larry A. Downs (Vice-Chairman of Nelson Group) "Success breeds success" one of the first components of development in any organization is the confidence factor, but even in organizations that do their best for themselves, many people are not willing to trust because past experiences in their lives. In many organizations people are suspicious of stigma and scars from previous experiences where they were poorly informed and misdirected repeatedly. A study made at Simon Fraser University in the United States determined that the players of the triumphant sports teams are more likely to trust their coach and they believe this knows what they need to win, plus of being interested in them of heart; he does what he promises. All this happens regardless of the confidence that they can get their o w n t e a m m a t e s . In conclusion we must pause a moment to consider what the real level of confidence in our organization family, education, employment or community and foster the growth and development needs of each of the members of the community, allowing us to maintain recognition of our leadership.

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Third business fair UNAD: Entrepreneurs young people UNAD CERES Libano By: Aisa Magaly Chacón ECACEN tutor – Academic Leader CERES Libano

On May 8, 2011, the Third UNAD Business Fair was successfully held inthe main Park of Libano. The activity wasled by the students of ECACEN UNAD CERES LIbano. Several ideas of company services and products were announced and presented by 17 students belonging to the school, with the advice and ongoing accompaniment of Luz Enid Gomez Tabares and Aisa Magaly Chacón Skinner. UNAD participated with its institutional stand, which was led by Dr. Mireya Rocío Prado, resulting in a successful day, where the excellent academic management and administration of the UNAD CERES Libano was shown.

We thank to the small businessmen who accompanied us: Creations LORED, Germán Hernández works of art which soon will be presenting his work in Madrid, Spain; Arts Footwear SOFI - Sandals – accessories; ANA tissues among others. We also thank to the following students Yinyola Sierra and Sandra Bernal who presented two folkloric dances and the current CERES Libano Beauty Queen Erika Melo (ECAPMA) who accompanied us with a dance. This event is a further demonstration of the commitment we have with our institution, the students and the community in general, showing the relevance and social responsibility that UNAD disseminates and runs through its programs.

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CERES Jose Celestino Mutis provides institutional support and backed to entrepreneurship in north Tolima By: Milena del Pilar Ramos Mesa ECACEN Tutor - CERES Jose Celestino Mutis

CERES José Celestino Mutis went with the Chamber of Commerce from Honda in 2010 in implementing of the National Program to Formalize Business and Strengthening Business routes. This program was designed by Cali´s Chamber of Commerce, supported by Commerce Industry and Tourism Ministry. Currently implemented by 31 of the 57 Chambers of Commerce of the country, which goal is to make a process of support to strengthen and help growing the companies already formalized, by seeking their organization and projection.

For implementing this program, CERES located in San Sebastian de Mariquita, supported to transfer knowledge and business experiences, by promoting strengthening of the productive units attending the conference which lasted during 90 hours of training and 24 hours for group counseling, through six business development units.

opportunity to increase their business skills, view their businesses in a different way, and of course, give another growth chance for the San Sebastián de Mariquita Municipality, headquarters in North of Tolima region.

Actions like this one, allow the UNAD to establish and strengthen ties with different public and private entities represented in the region, In the Moreno y Escandón which are working for growth in the Technique Edicative Institution country center region. Villa Holanda site and UNAD CERES José Celestino Mutis support 46 entrepreneurs had the &imgrefurl= ml&usg=__oDYXbRpFSDxJqnvnCaveR7zqPW0=&h=150&w=200&sz=16&hl =es&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=QgT rXvSt5Bm47M:&tbnh=120&tbnw=160&ei=i 5PRTd2WK5PogQekuNStDA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmicroempresarios%2 Bcolombianos%26hl%3Des%26client%3Dfirefoxa % 2 6 s a % 3 D G % 2 6 r l s % 3 D o r g . m o z i l l a : e s ES:official%26biw%3D1339%26bih%3D559%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch0 %2C2390%2C239&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1061&vpy=171&dur=1093&hovh=1 20&hovw=160&tx=93&ty=37&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:0&biw=1 339&bih=559 JWokQAPfmdKA8PLKR3v_18cnMeOMqxd6w

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Agreements in the south By: Huberth PRECIADO GARCIA. South Zone VIDERPCO CEAD Ibague.

Regional And Community Development Projections Unad-south Agreements



Florencia City Hall

Comité Departame ntal De Terue City Hall

Algeciras City Hall

Acevedo City Hall

Ibagué Kiwanis Club

Publication of the South Zone UNAD

7 months


Foster Directed practices

2 years


2 years


6 months


Enrollment Subsidies for students.

6 months


Gradute 20 Social Mass Communicators from Tolima Department

3 months


Enrollment Subsidies for students.

6 months


Foster Directed practices

2 years


and professional


directed Experience Interagency cooperation and integrati on

Projects and physical and human resources programs.

Interagency cooperation and integrati on

Projects and physical and human resources programs.

Anzoátegui City Hall

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Psychosocial Intervention in Educational Institutions of the Municipality


City Hall

Tolima Governorship

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and professional

directed Experience

Andaquíe s


2 years

Foster Directed practices

Belén de

The Vice-Presidency Regional Development and Outreach made the legalization of Conventions that seek to visualize the UNAD with public and private institutions in the South Zone with great commitment and responsibility , with a view to promoting: support the enrollment of students the region, development of practical and professional and directed experience and integration of projects, programs and physical and human resources for the development of students and fulfilling social responsibility and inclusion enacted since the Mission. These are some of the existing agreements and managed in the South Zone:



and professional


directed Experience

Art, disability and communicative channels By: Lina Cervera Rivera Work performed at: Foundation Unámonos CEAD Ibagué

The Foundation Unámonos is led by Maria Clara Vallejo Arbelaez, who is disability, being unable to move her legs and have difficulty to move her arms, she thinks about how to improve the life quality of those people who experience similar situations. Therefore, within this organization many programs are carried out with children and youth, such as PAINTING YOU WITH THE HEART, which develop artistic painting workshops, to give these people the opportunity to acquire new skills and the ability to take incapability feelings out, encouraging them to do different activities beyond its limitations, showing them that these incapabilities are simply obstacles that can be overcome, and taking this into account, they can do even more they imagine.

psychologist in educational field, I carry out workshops coaching, interacting with every children and youth participants, observing their m o t o r, c o g n i t i v e a n d physical skills, as well as their limitations, from which I evaluate their disposal compared to painting and craft activities, allowing me to identify, their special learning needs.

All this, for providing and implementing tools, through changes in the methodology developed there, depending on the needs of every child and every young person, according to their difficulties. In order to improve learning through artistic subject, optimizing thus their experience, because my role main objective is to ensure a To carry out the foregoing, the greater interaction level and Foundation requires the remove communication psychology assistant support. barriers among themselves. And it is precisely my role as a

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Special virtual language week By: Jorge Hugo Hernandez Villamil Liliana Eugenia Alvarez Cabezas Tutors ECEDU - CEAD Ibague

“ _ Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts given to the men by the heavens; with it the treasures of the earth and beneath the sea can’ t be equated; for freedom and also for honor we can and should risk your life, and on the contrary, captivity is the greatest evil that can befall men. " Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

During the week between 25 and 29 April, there was carried out the commemoration of the Day of the Language, International Day of Book and Copyright in the UNAD, organized by the tutors of the School of Sciences Education of the Zone, with the support of the media room, Welfare and VIMMEP CEAD of Ibague. This activity, of academic style and cultural, is called: Virtual Language Week, which, was not only with the participation of students, staff and tutors from the center, but it involved people of the national University level. It is important to mention why the Spanish Language Day since it was created to commemorate and celebrate the importance of Spanish as an international language, which already has more than 450 million Spanish speakers in the world. We have chosen April 23 for this celebration in honor of the writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, who died on that day in 1616 and,

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under the Julian calendar, that day died William Shakespeare and the Peruvian Garcilaso de la Vega. Also we celebrated on this date, the World Book Day, issued by UNESCO in 1995, a celebration held in order to promote reading, publishing and the protection of intellectual property through copyright because it is through sales of books that authors can concentrate on creating them, and no such sales royalties form, to go into the hands of unscrupulous pirates, all you do is hurt and slow down a little more the development of our beloved country. On the other hand, Spanish or Castilian is one of the six official UN languages ​and, after Mandarin, Chinese is the language most spoken in the world by the number of people who are native s p e a k e r s ( S o u r c e : h t t p : / / /).

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Recounting such an important event, between Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 April, it made “ making story” ​the story ECE -CEAD at Ibague ,and virtual posters to the respective zonal level competitions, on Wednesday 27 was officially launched Page alluding to this day the link:, where they found interactive activities such as: And what about the story? Space created for the collective creation of a story; Digital Posters: This competition invited the community to select one of the poster that best managed to represent the relationship between virtuality and language; To see if you know ...: Twelve questions to assess knowledge about our language and literature; Words: Curiosities of language El Quijote interactive project that allows an innovative approach to the first edition of Cervantes' masterpiece, preserved in the collections of the National Library of Spain. Through this initiative you can enjoy the Quixote

as if I had the book in their hands, while you can access multimedia content that help to contextualize the work, about this new scan has built an interactive website that has been built-in maps, illustrations, prints and other content from 43 different editions of the Quijote and other 21 works, all belonging to the NBS (Source: eractivo/index . html);


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Tola and Maruja: Video on Youtube of these recognized characters in the humor that day to mark the anniversaries of language reminiscent of the language; The Library: Link that leads to the Library page of 2.0 of UNAD; Interviews: Conversations with leading representatives of the letters in the departments of Tolima, Huila and Caqueta, who shared their experiences and impressions about literature today; Data from the Spanish: Videos alluding to the general, history and Spanish day.

Imagen: Página Semana Virtual del Idioma Z- Sur:

On April 28 the cinema carried out in the audience of the CEAD Ibagué forum " Pantaleón and the Visiting ones ", based on the novel of the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa. During the day of April 29, in hours of the evening, there was realized the Literary Exchange, activity that consisted of the change of a literary new work for one that already was there, the assistance was very positive on the part of the community unadista, the one who in the course of the day approached the institution to take part actively in the summons; likewise, the activity of books in the table, possessed the publication of some significant works for the literary world, and that for his relevancy in the epoch of its traffic, today come out for his cultural legacy and for having been a milestone inside the society..

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(Slides of major literary works by ECEDU tutors - CCAV Neiva)

Finally, on Friday, the 29th of April, there was spelling realized by the students' participation of different academic programs, the winner was Magaly Varón Quevedo belonging to the Program of Psychology, who demonstrated in different tests his big knowledge and domain of a topic so important and so forgotten at present immediately after badly so called economy of the language: the spelling

On the other hand, the winner of the contest of local story was Sandra Mariza Arias Muñoz of the program of Psychology with the story “it is not any more than peace”, across which it makes us, think it brings over of the constant search of the peace on the part of every human being along the existence.

Pedro Uriel Rojas Gualteros, ECEDU Southern Zone Dean and Magaly Varón Quevedo, ECSAH Student

Liliana Álvarez Cabezas, ECEDU Tutor – CEAD Ibagué and Sandra Mariza Arias Muñoz, ECSAH student

It Is Not Any More Than Peace It was already by night when suddenly the fear invaded his emotions. It jumped of his bed and was thrown to the street seeking to obtain the calmness, it had the white tez and faded hair, clear eyes and tenderness in the look; yes, it was so beautiful that up to the moon it was envying it. In spite of his 33 years, still he had the soul of a child and the heart of a giant; but his smile was fading up on having seen that his dreams were leaving him. He was feeling that the life was running very rapidly and was not managing to obtain what had dreamed. His thoughts were digressing on having penetrated in the night. It sat down to

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the shore of the street; the anxious was sheltering to the world with wind kissed his forehead guessing beams of hope. Perhaps for devoting the darkness of his mind. ourselves to sleep more that for living we are getting lost of something, it The stars were lighting in the high of pondered in his meditations, then it the hills, distant view where in shouted: it does lacking peace to us, semidarkness it waits for the forest the echo bounced in all the corners with his amazing mysteries, which and returned towards him as a some of them are called myths, other confirmation it does lacking peace to legends and statements, realities and us! customs that have got lost with the years, with the technological Where do I find her? It traversed advances, which take off us of identity towards all the directions, already almost it was dawning and finding and of imagination. answers, it returned to sit down, the He felt of crying, he thought about that confusion was guessed in his face, it moment about the power of the tried itself to calm down, for the first destination, about the faith that so time it was silently, always it seeks to strange word! What does feel when be in the middle of the noise, when it we lack it? It will be empty! Slow it was was coming to house of his office passing that night of full moon that it always it was lighting the television Continue on page 23

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and was travelling from channel in channel to separate the voice of his interior, was thinking that always he would speak to him about worries, because of it was accustomed to reject or to darken with stronger noises . The dawn was tacking in the horizon with his beautiful colors, his eyes were meditating fixedly, like trying to eternize that moment in his memory. Finally he was listening to the voice of his interior that he was speaking to him saying, the peace is here in you, searches in your interior, there you will find her, you do not have to travel distant view, do not have to look for her in other persons, only remain a moment silently and it will come to you. Undress those feelings that damage you, do not suffer any more, liberate you of the ties of the soul and permit again to dream, do not be bad to dream if you fight and make these dreams real. A cold invaded him in his body and thought that all that was not sensible, that was a product of his imagination unbalance; but then he said loudly, that it is sane in this world of chaos where the emotion does not have any meaning, where nothing is strange for us! I prefer this feeling! Yes! We live much occupied to feel, to worry for other one, he began to walk returning in his trodden ones, he entered to his house, already the morning was coming and he felt starting living again. He thought that he would never return to see the equal night that would not go to bed before contemplating the majestic hills

that furrow his city, which would wake up some dawns to contemplating the dawn, because he discovered that what he needs is not any more than peace. Despite, the group of theatre of the University, shaped by students of the CEAD Ibagué, linked themself to the celebration across short representations realized in the cafeteria and in the classrooms, in which they were inviting to the academic and administrative body to taking part in so valuable remembrance. To finish, in the space at 4 pm there was issued in the Radio Virtual UNAD a special allusive program in the day of the Language, in which one spoke it brings over of the commemoration of this date in the Spanish-speaking world. In special this one, there was done an important recognition of the Peruvian writer, with Spanish nationality also, Mario Vargas Llosa, who gained the prize Nobel prize of Literature 2010; the Swedish Academy granted the award to the author " for his cartography of the structures of power and his biting images of the resistance, the revolt and the defeat of the individual ". The dream of the Celt - Mario Vargas Llosa's major novel - describes the survival in the darkest and recondite of the humanity, appearing in his purer form, and for ende, got depraved. The Peruvian is the third South American winner of the prestigious Nobel Prize on Literature, since it was granted to the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez in 1982 and to the Mexican Octavio Paz in 1990. Fuente: icias/cultura/ g Within the program we met some special guests, who were asked about the role of literature in the evolution of man, Colombian literature and the influence of social networks in the language. Likewise, with the participation of the Director of CCAV Neiva, Aníbal Atahualpa, who shared his work as a storyteller, and to close, the interview was conducted Ibaguereño writer Alexander Correa, author of Guilty or innocent?, chronicresearch , based on the real case of Lt. Col. Jose Joaquin Aldana

All Virtual Week of celebration Language Day was framed by the articulation of the language with the Information Technologies and Communication Technologies (ICTs) nowadays, It is important to stand out the great reception that took the link “ and what about the story?, within which were involving a large of number of people from university assigned to different areas of the country who actively contributed to the collective creation of a story that had us on edge for this week: Maria Dolores, Roxane, Dona Mencha, Benjamin and Amalia, turned into the prominent figures who accompanied our diary routine; some were good , others dramatikc, they were a sample of the personality and of the character of the writers, who with the draft of some lines turned into co-authors of an innovative work. Later they can see the result in http: // 27a68149f4 And finally, the poster , winner of the zone, was conducted by Miriam Yaneth Sánchez, Leader of ECSAH CEAD Florencia, who fully comply with the parameters requested by the organizers of the activity, this being a clear example of the interlinking of language and virtuality. A cada una de las personas que colaboraron e hicieron posible esta actividad, de parte de la ECEDU Z – S u r, n u e s t r o s m á s s i n c e r o s agradecimientos por la acogida de la actividad y desde ya, los estamos invitando para la celebración del próximo año. Each of the people who participated and made this activity, part of the ECEDU Z - South, our most sincere thanks for the reception of the activity and from now on, we are inviting you to celebrate next year.

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Winner Poster Miriam Yaneth Sánchez, ECSAH Leader - CEAD Florencia


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The reading and writing processes to be vitalized through virtual spaces By Henry Carvajal ECE Tutor Academic Leader CEAD Pitalito

According to the National Administrative Department of Statistics, the Colombians only read two books per year. This average talks about the low percentage of people in the country, contrasted with the number of books read by people in other countries where the average is five books per year. Like reading, writing has become one of the least performed not only by the public in general but also by scholars of the country. Considering these low percentages in reading as writing in Colombia, it is necessary to say that seeking strategies as well as a reflection on these two processes (read & write) are urgent. Let us first consider a strategy for reading and writing called "Our story" which was carried out within the framework of the celebration of the Virtual Language Week held between April 25th and April 30th in the Zone. The strategy consisted on the digital and collective creation of a story among the directives, the administrative, teachers and students belonging to UNAD community. For the construction of the story the summoned should read what others had written and write between one and five lines following the thread of the story. To participate in the construction of this collective digital story was available on a space wiki, that is a website that enabled edit and add content freely in a document. As soon as the first line was written, some people initiated their participation, which was a little slow

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at the beginning. Some added lines full of suspense, romance, horror and tragedy to the story; others wrote some lines that were beyond the script written by the other participants. In total there were forty eight participants from all over Colombia. Although the turnout was quite significant, that is to say, forty-eight people in three days, it is necessary to comment on the process of reading and writing that took place. The story was seen by more than a thousand people, all of them had been invited to write at least a line to follow the sequence of the story, but only forty-eight people participated. Regarding to the above results, the question of the meaning of the number of participants and which implies the process of reading and writing arises. A simple answer would be that the summoned did not have time to write or perhaps that they do not like writing; however, it is necessary to say the response to this situation is a little deeper. According to Estanislao Zuleta in his book “Tribute to the difficulty�, the reading and writing are quite complex processes that require a high degree of organization of thought, produces self-analysis, selfreflection and self-contradiction which can be generated in pathologies such as headaches and insomnia among others, that is to say, these two processes are constant challenges for the mind and body. Because of the implications involved in these processes,

someone could argue that people consciously or unconsciously have excuses to read or not, and / or write or not. One of the most common excuses for some individuals is related to the technology. They argue that either they are so mired in filling reports on computers or that they do not have computer skills and therefore they don't like to write. At a glance, you could infer from this answer that technology would have something to do with not wanting to write; a deeper look, however can easily disprove it. Like pens, computers are only tools that allow embodying what the mind has. So, what it is essential to write is not the tool but the inspiration you have, the desire to organize ideas or put in public what you think of something. In conclusion, if the statistics relating to the reading and writing of our country want to be changed, it is essential to develop strategies that can inspire such processes (one of them, the collective writing of short stories in web spaces). In addition, to find this inspiration it is made indispensable the use of computing and communication technologies since they make part of the new tendencies of the daily life and of people.

Tips for development of competences in English through virtual communities, chats and forums By: Henry Carvajal Tutor ECE Academic Leader CEAD Pitalito One of the great opportunities presented to us by the web 2.0 to learn a foreign language are virtual communities, chats or forums. These allow not only to be in real time contact with others who know the language, but they also provide the opportunity for selecting community or chat or forum that suits the need of learning skill or time required by the person concerned. So, if your desire is to strive for a constant encounter with authentic material in English, or if the desire is to share or bring into action any of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading or writing). Here you will find a list of virtual communities chats and forums with a short description of them.

1. RWorld Rworld is an online free community for the advanced practice of the language. You can have a spoken or written conversation with native speakers. You can participate in games with your new language and participate in language exchanges


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4. English spanish link English / Spanish link is a chat room where you can find a native to learn English and practice your knowledge both written and conversational.

5. Babelan Babelan is a space where you find the opportunity to enter forums of interest.

http://www.babelan.NET/babelan.php?lang=eng & c = BCN

2. Spanglish chat Spanglish chat is a place to practice your English and make friends. You can speak in English - Spanish or both.

6. LiveMocha LiveMocha calls itself the world´s largest language learning community. This is an ideal place to meet people from all around the world interested in learning and teaching languages.

Learn English. Net Learn English .NET is a space that presents grammatical explanations and forums for language practice.

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Virtual and cultural event articulation through virtual language week By: Henry Carvajal ECE Tutor Academic Leader CÉAD Pitalito

Without a doubt, the articulation of new technologies of information and the communication with cultural celebrations of our country provide a new space so that the latter are maintained and revitalized. The Open and Distance National University (UNAD) South Zone through its School of Education, has presented an articulation between the technological and cultural events, through the activity carried out on the occasion of the cultural celebration of The Spanish Language Day. The socalled activity "Virtual Language Week ', was represented in the creation of an interactive website which not only visitors could read or watch, if not that they could participate in certain activities relating to cultural event." Videos of interviews with writers belonging to three departments, Tolima, Huila and CaquetĂĄ, as well as of some story tellers allowed to publicize the most representative of the letters of each of the departments.

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The submission of an electronic questionnaire related to themes of Spanish Language Day allowed visitors to the page to participate and get an immediate response to their answers. The competition of digital posters allowed not only that the students have expressed their creativity but that also allowed visitors to the page to vote electronically by the poster that seemed most appropriate. The creation of the collective story on a web page was an experience that allowed more than a thousand visitors not only to read what others had written but to write some lines to continue the story. The above activities, i.e., interviews, electronic questionnaires, digital posters, as well as to the creation of the story through a wiki space are a sample of how the technologies o f c o m p u t i n g a n d communication can become a great ally in cultural celebrations. They not only allow the people to be passive actors but they involve them and invite them to interact.

Thus, we can say that the articulation of the technology and cultural celebrations should be a constant challenge for all those who are immersed in the educational process, both traditional and online. It is time to begin that process of revitalization and deepening of our cultural celebrations using new trends or formats in which the education and the daily life of our people happens.

Nearest virtual meetings through Web 3.0 The way leading to virtual reality By: John Fredy Mora Montes Zonal Leader VIMMEP

Through virtual training scenarios in distance education has sought different ways to ensure the proper support and monitoring the academic activities in an online course such as: chat, wiki or internal mail, which at the time have been used and have been marked under the characteristic of being flat and not generating the proper interaction is required to these accompany processes. This is where the Web through its constant changes allows the possibility of finding alternatives or options to choose the best tool to achieve that academic objective. H o w e v e r, c r i t e r i a s u c h a s performance, scalability, stability, services and security will always be the cornerstones to establish the best tool of tutorial accompanying. The National Open University and Distance (UNAD) has a virtual platform development conference that incorporate audio and video with the ability to allow entry of up to one hundred (100) users simultaneously. But it is important to have other alternatives that offer

similar services but more importantly that the same offered security. Among them MS NetMeeting, Microsoft program, which allows multiple video chat one on one, but this requires that all computers have installed the application and the respective licensing for use. Another possibility is BoostCam, an excellent online service that lets you create a multi-videoconference platform in a simple, effective, also simple and easy to use, and free environment. Also you c a n f i n d : v a w k r,,,, therefore each one offers security and service guarantees when making video calls for academic or personal purposes. But is Videoconferencing the only way to do tutorial accompanying in virtual environments? It isn't the only one but it is one of the best strategies to approach and

allow students to share a space where discussion and active participation will become the best sources of collective knowledge. You do not forget that all these services have extended through the web 2.0 where the incorporation of three-dimensional scenarios are gaining momentum as another space for interaction and academic dynamism. This is the case of applications such as Second Life that through the construction of a character or avatar a person can interact with others in 3D space and to develop out conversations and even virtual conferencing. Second Life is a virtual environment where any individual, student, businessman or neophyte can interact to manufacture his or her own character or avatar. Everything that exists in Second Life is something that residents or developers designed or manufactured. Different interactions are carried out in this Second Life and may be subject to various sociological studies. The Connectivism era is taking us to share knowledge society, where everyone learns from everyone, the foundation that was built through Web 2.0. To experiment, explore and discern technical aspects and results will be the best way to choose the best virtual support tool for the academic and external community.

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Instant Messaging, another reason to be more connected... Our private space is being invaded or we are making the most of our free time? By: Ing. John Fredy Montes Mora Zonal Leader Vimmep Thirty (30) years ago there could not measure the extent that the Network would have to pass certain areas which were considering as private or unique Personal spaces such as the simple activity of reading, playing sports and even ideal time for basic activities. Today, these spaces are invaded by tones, ringtones, vibration or buzzing that end the current tranquility which as consequence lead the connection in the cyberspace. Why? because the hardware has evolved considerably as well as the applications or information systems that are constantly changing, allowing more accessible and easier to transport in different home and personal electronic devices. A practical example is the cellphonesMartin Cooper who is considered the father of mobile telephony; he never imagined that his invention will become the work primary tool and which many of us become dependent because of different applications that bring new models that make easier common and repetitive tasks. But why the personal area has been invaded? because communications on these devices allow that what was done through a PC connected to the Internet using instant messaging programs such as Windows Live Messenger (Microsoft), Google Talk (Google), Yahoo Messenger (Yahoo) and others can be incorporated as portable applications in a Blackberry

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or Cellphone counting on availability of these services through a data plan - Internet - and therefore the user will always stay connected to the network. The current society is polluted and irradiated by electromagnetic waves where all home corners or workplace are not exempt, as in an office wireless router can be seen in other places can be find antennas or mobile connection devices which facilitate and make lighter connectivity access allowing the user to remains the possibility of being always immersed in the network. Therefore, it would be interesting to ask the following questions: How many hours you are connected? Does the free time being used to rest or to do more than you

normal daily activities? "Does the family moving to second place by answering a call or responding to a bell by a message from the Blackberry? "Free time is actually free or shared electronically? Are you a human being or a electronically measurable and quantifiable being? Everything done in a day should always be measured at 1 and 0? Could the greetings will be sum with a "Hello" or a smiley in a chat? Will new generations have time to have fun without using networked? Do not forget you must have time or moments dedicated to different activities and we must always have the possibility to enjoy many times without being subject to remain network connected.

Strategies in the teaching-learning process in environmental management By: Olga Valbuena Patricia Riveros ECACEN Tutor - CEAD Ibague

In traditional schools, there were rigid postures where the teacher used hierarchical, fully exhibition, and where he was the example to follow and the spotlight with magisterial and centric education and where students had an attitude of obedience, repetition and memorization, constant passivity. But many contemporary educational positions that appear in the nineteenth century, modernize these methodology giving importance to the role of experience, knowledge to guide the making, is the practical as an end and not as means. To achieve this change, tools should be used in the teaching-learning process to help to build awareness in an autonomous way, not only to facilitate the retention of the concept, but also to be oriented to form new possibilities for acquiring them. Perez in his competency-based training book says: The concept of strategy refers to a set of actions that are designed and put in place in an orderly fashion to achieve a particular purpose. In this way, everything has a meaning given by the general thrust of the strategy. In the field of education, teaching strategies relate to future plans of action that triggers the teacher systematically to achieve certain objectives of student learning.(PĂŠrez, 1995, p.196) Teaching strategies are a way of teaching and a way of learning that encourages students to the construction of knowledge, and scientific and technological changes that have occurred in recent times create the need to implement more dynamic ways of

teaching, where recognize the different learning styles of young people today. In subjects such as environmental management is necessary to reinforce concepts that are studied in order to take a clear reflection on environmental issues and potential or advantages and disadvantages that arise in our daily lives. Therefore, it was proposed to develop some issues, an alternative teaching that contributes to the appropriation of concepts, through the establishment and retention of technical vocabulary. The additional proposal was to conduct a fun story as a tool, with specific terms of the course, changing the traditional way of imparting that knowledge and in order to obtain better results by diversifying the activities in the classroom to create a dynamic environment , increase literacy skills and encouraging creativity in the student, but without stop using the tools proposed both a tutorial module and didactics guide of the course that are essential in the education in the National Open and Distance University. This teaching strategy was a great motivator for students and which it was obtained the expected results, I discuss one of the stories made, taken from the academic work produced by Jenny Marcela Carvajal Delgado, the story is titled The Planet T "The gossipers tell that many centuries ago, there was a point in the universe called PLANET T. There was Mrs. Living water living with his three sons named Rivers, Seas and Lakes. Their task was to go and feed much of the world. Her work was greatly admired and respected because she was a lady neat and clear. Mr. Air was very playful and he liked to blink a lot,

because in this way he was able to raise thousands of kites into the sky with pure air. The third neighbor was Mr. Fire whose work was not as indispensable in the PLANET T for this reason he used to sleep. The fourth and last neighbor was the most intelligent, but feared and destructive one called Man. His work was to create. So the time went and everything on the planet was in peace in PLANET T. One day the fourth inhabitant started doing things unusual. His intelligence and creativity led him to create automobiles, factories and buildings, to create an urban ecosystem, changing the natural ecosystem. His neighbors were proud of him, but did not have in mind that they were going to be affected with those creations.

For example: the health of Mrs. Water l and her three children was no longer the same since they stopped being crystalline and pure and they were taking a dark color and an unpleasant odor, called pollution. All this because the original waste industries and human activity, such that water was the lady could no longer roam the planet as it did before. “ Image Link:

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TICs (ICTs) Importance in Education By Sandra Patricia Barrios Rodriguez Local Leader GIDT Cead Pitalito

Technological advances have let changes in education by using tools which have been created both in the field of computer and communications, new ways of acquiring knowledge interactively, need an immediate change about methodologies used in education processes, therefore, the appropriate use of learning tools allow students to improve new learning styles. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education are tools which facilitate all learning processes in each of knowledge areas, hence the importance of teachers to take ownership of them to be incorporated into classrooms in order to get from students greater attraction to the knowledge generating activities where they

becomes the star about his own knowledge in order to achieve a truly meaningful learning. Technology must be seen as an option to create, teach and learn, so that as a teacher I can accept student needs and new requirements about new digital age demands. Students are interested and motivated in learning, for this reason the teacher´s roll, is entering into digital era literacy and use all available resources in technology in its environment for beeen willed to use technology as a teaching resource in their favor. It is also necessary to take into account the responsibility to be acquired in the management of information because of the freedom to acquire it, as teachers we have the

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obligation to guide students to be critical of available types of information. In eachof the areas of professional performance, it is a reality the information and communication technology use for developing activities, transactions, purchases, queries, and enrollments. These are some examples which requires knowledge about TICs (ICT'S Currently, it ´s a key objective to prepare future professionals to work in the new era of knowledge society

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How to make a backup institutional mail? Por: Nestor Senen Ramos Arteaga GIDT Zonal Leader

It is very important to keep copies of email. It is useful when we need to verify some information at any time before an internal or external watchdog committee. That is why it is presented in three steps about how to make institutional a copy of the mail domain These steps work for all Gmail accounts, too. Step 1. Install the program that allows us to perform the backup for the electronic mail. For doing this, we must go to the link h t t p : / / w w w . g m a i l where the operating systems Windows or Linux Versions can be found depending on our needs. Installation is simple and intuitive. After installing the application, you can identify it in the next desktop icon:

Step 2. Configure Gmail-Backup data to access the account and destination information for backup. As shown in the picture; you must fill out the following information fields: - Full name of the mail account. In the example - Password, exactly as it appears to enter the mail. - Destination folder to copy information: Click the Directory button and select the folder that is assigned to contain a copy of email. It must surely have a minimum available with 20 gigabytes of disk space to fully discharge information. - The Date From field: Here you specify the starting date from which it will begin copying mail messages. - The field to date: It records the date for mail messages to which it will be done the backup. -The format for Date fields is dd / mm / yyyy, where dd belongs to the day, mm the month and yyyy the year. Fig. 2 We recommend using a backup a year. In other words, indicate the date from the first of January to 31 December of the respective year and save the information in your messages into folders by year.

- Step 3. Verify and explore the local folder where you performed the backup. This folder should contain files extension .eml which identifies the e-mail messages. - You can also configure a mail client (Mozilla Thunderbird, Microsoft Outlook) to locally access to emails of support. - For any technical support. You can ask for help via the help desk, which will be attended by the team of Innovation M a n a g e m e n t a n d Te c h n i c a l Development in each center.

To begin copying and downloading to the local folder, click the Backup button

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Qualify in quality By: Diana Carolina Verján Ávila Strategic Management Leader - CEAD Ibagué

Continuing with the information about free courses offered by SENA, in this edition will be raised the planning module II: For more information visit SENA website:

tools for setting up and implementing logistics, marketing, etc.) budgets, a system of quality management. job functions, responsibilities, company areas, teamwork, commitment, company's Contents organizational structure, competition, and others. UNIT 1: General Planning · It is required for AVA students to handle basic conditions related to computing management tools and UNIT 3: Process Management communication: email, chat, U N I T 4 : P l a n n i n g o f P r o d u c t M e s s e n g e r, t e x t p r o c e s s i n g , spreadsheets, presentation software, Development Internet, browsers and other systems and necessary technological tools for Income Requirements virtual training. For this course to develop the student has to approve the first course of the Quality Management Program, or From: Free courses offered by SENA that has the following competences: V I R T U A L . S o u r c e : ·Understand, interpret and apply the php essential elements to sensitization and socializing the process of implementing a quality management system according to ISO 9000. UNIT 2: Quality Strategic Planning .php?areaid=1 Course Name ISO 9001:2008 MODULE II: PLANNING FOR A SYSTEM OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT Course Length 40 hours Generalities The program is aimed at people interested in strengthening and implementing Quality Management Systems under ISO 9000 regulations, especially for entrepreneurs, executives, managers, supervisors, quality facilitators, auditors, process owners and all the human talent from organizations involved in sensitivity training processes, implementation, monitoring and internal quality audits. Likewise to professionals, teachers, advisers, consultants and students interested in the issue of quality and that previously have had a working contact. Methodology Virtual, the module has a duration equivalent to 5 study weeks, in which the student must spend at least 10 hours per week. Course Objective Develop in the Staff knowledge for the planning and implementation of

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·Recognize the importance of quality management system according to ISO 9000 since their activity and within the business context in which it operates. ·Strengthen its capacity for comprehension, analysis, assimilation and generation of critical and reflective thinking around the problematic involved in the nonquality companies. ·Having work experience or having lived a corporate culture where key elements of processes and business conditions be recognized such as: industry, customers, suppliers, processes (design, production,

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Quality Tips By: Carolina PolaníaLeyton Strategic Leader of management South Zone

Did you know that… The institutional slogan for the next four years is "Education for all with global quality”? Did you know that… UDR is a Regional Development Unit attached to the VIDERPCO as the setting for revitalization of community and social processes in strategic areas for the University, where there are no CÉAD, CERES or CCAV for the care of vulnerable population. Did you know that… Since 2008 has begun to take shape the UDRs of Leticia, Cubará, Tumaco and Soacha ?

Did you know that… To think positively and proactively is quality!

Do not insist on reminding colleagues and yourself the problems.

Take always to your meetings and your places of work alternative, solution and comment in an enthusiastic and motivating way with the sense of turning your work and that of other more productive.

Did you know that… The institutional planning is directed under the approach and principles of the situational strategic planning, and in particular the method of analysis of problems - MAP?

Did you know that… Currently, UNAD has more than 56000 students and that the goal of its Development Plan for the year 2015 is to reach 80718 students?

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Sanjuanero Caqueteño, a true representation of southern Colombian Folklore By: Licenciado Arlex Amézquita Méndez. Welfare Leader UNAD - NEIVA, folklorist, with over 30 years of experience in the Sanjuanero, Sanjuanero worksho leader in different municipalities of Caquetá. He´s been jury of Miss Caquetá In June, the South Zone will meet in Florencia city Caquetá, where it held the sixth version of Folclorito Zonal Cultural Meeting or is proposing as recently from the Welfare Committee. As is customary, the host delegations have shown what the folk that all participants must submit as part of the election of the Queen Zone. In this opportunity, candidates must dance the Sanjuanero Caqueteño, a dance depicting the folklore of this warm land from south of our country. In this article his principal characteristics try to be socialized in a special way, in order that the whole community of UNAD well knows this artistic expression and could prepare better to its respective delegations for this important cultural appointment. The Musical Author, the Teacher Dídimo Cubillos and the suit of the lady was designed by the bachelor Nohora Gutiérrez de Farfán. For the woman, the blouse is of white color in dacrónthread, style peasant with neckline in "V", with the fruits of the land drawn in her contour (cassava, banana, chontaduro, grape caimarona, flowers and animals such as the macaw, boruga, monkeys, etc.), rings in gold and silver laces that heighten the beauty of the woman who wears it; accompanied of light-fittings or paintings that represent the biodiversity in fauna, flora and natural resources of the department.

The skirt is of blue color aquamarine, rotunda finished in golden and silver laces; the blue represents our water wealth; on the skirt light-fittings elaborated in high relief go, with the figure of aquatic species of the region, and on the skirt the atarraya goes, tool with which the fishermen it obtains this resource of the rivers and lagoons (lately in competitions of the dance, they do not superimpose her for his weight, of the plummets) .Like accessories the woman takes a headdress of tropical flowers to make him happy to her set. The male costume consists of a white shirt, long sleeve, made in dacronwire, adorned with lace and gold thread, the pants are white linen, and they use it rolled up above the heel. The footwear is a pair of white sandals of fique; in his neck has a rabo e gallo in red satin . The belt is brown leather with buckles, as cornerstones of its

representativeness Caqueteño folk have a poncho, belt, and a peasant hat pindo (wing). As fundamental elements of the Caqueteño in his folkloric representation we have the poncho, the belt and a rural hat of pindo (of wing). The steps are three (3): first step (to a point - heel), and second, three quarters (contra); third bambuquear. The figures are eight in their respective order: Invitation pairs, the eights, surrender, blown, swept wing, secret, sanctuary, punishment and the conquest. For a better understanding of the choreography, please read carefully the conventions that are presented below (Conventions planimetric taken from the book of the last century. Author. Arlex Amézquita Mendez.)

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1. INVITATION. (Step walked.) 2. THE EIGHTS. (Step walking)

The man takes the lady's hand and leads her to center stage and dropping her after a turn in order to start the sanjuanero Caquete単o. Variables - Taken her from the waist and out. - Taken her hand and go out - Taken her by the hand and waist plus one turn surrounded the stage.

Departing from the center they move away to the ends of the scene, and the pair they describe each one a circle that is superposed in the center forming an eight, and the lady adorns herself with a draft. The second one eight is projected by a meeting where the lady flirts with the hat finishing with the capture of the rabogallo by an end to the time with the man and they separate tensing it.

3. SURRENDER. (Step contradanza) 4. Flown. (Step bambuqueado)

Rhythmically the man puts his right knee on the floor, and it gently after a flirt and hold the rabogallo, waving her skirt and on tiptoe to step dragged (contradanza) gives a spin around the man with a twist ending (in 8 times), simulating a kiss while the two faces of each one are in front, they stand and cross below the rabogallo in which she was traveling in rolled two or three turns.

Consists of three steps bambuqueando and fourth both of them very rhythmically lift the right foot and left alternate with up to eight times, breaking her waist with his face two accompany the movement in the last she takes the hat of the man in the head and travels to one end of the scene and stood face to face, and she puts the hat on the floor.

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6. THE SECRET. (Step walked.)

(Step bambuqueado and chopped)

Face to face each other are located at the end of the scene , coquettishly she covers her face with his hat and then moves to the center where is deposited on the floor (face down) jumped back in step starting with right foot, returning close to hat and placing the right toe on the wing and drag it to her three times, while the couple tries to pick it up, the woman moves back to initiate with her couple an eight , after she raises the hat from the floor , then the man came from behind and she covered his face with the hat.

7. PUNISHMENT. (step bambuqueado)

She pased near him and she invites him to follow her, in this moment he passed the rabogallo tensed from hand to hand, over her; which takes with both hands and on the face he accompanies her with the hat making some movements on the sides, she unrolls and flees initiating with the right foot it counts four times and the right foot raises with the equal one simultaneously that simulates a punishment with the rabogallo.

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The man simulates a secret she amazed by the offer (privately) she pushes him and runs to an end of the scene with a forceful denial and simulating to be furious, but, in her denial she looks very flirtatious, sample she shows her index of the right hand saying one not, accompanied by miser's gesture (chuck under the chin) with the right elbow on the left hand.

8. THE CONQUEST. (step bambuqueado)

In long step bambuqueado the pair moves joined by the waist, and with the hand of out they take the ends of the rabogallo hamaqueándolo towards ahead on their heads give turned to the scene staying in front of to the public and looking at their face very nearby, showing happiness for the conquest.

Thanks to: Dr. Pabló Andrés Alvares (Florencia) Folklorist: Wilson carry (Florencia) UNAD-well-being CEAD - FLORENCIA (Milena Molano Cuellar)

Meaningful experiences: "love the service Conference By: Zoraida Castro Lucia Angel Tutor-CERES ECACEN. HUILA. UNAD LA PLATA

One of the great challenges of modern business is to provide ongoing training to its human resources to improve communication with customers both internal and with external customers, to strengthen and differentiate themselves from competitors, creating living spaces and teamwork helping to provide a service efficiently, effectively and efficiently. Taking into account that economic activity in the town of La Plata, Huila, relies heavily on commercial activity and services, where customer service becomes a corporate responsibility, the School of Administrative Sciences, Accounting, Economics and Business (ECACEN ) at National Open and Distance University UNAD, CERES Villa de San SebastiĂĄn de La Plata, managed to develop a successful conference, "Love the Service" in the first quarter of 2010, in the Auditorium of the Marilla Educational Institution, in the same town.

For this event a group of local merchants, guardians, alumni and students of the School supported and organized by teams, in areas of logistics, protocol, advertising, among others, where each group was responsible for development of the administrative process, so that they would apply the knowledge acquired in the Business Administration program. The conference attendees began to arrive, minutes before 7 pm. They registered before entering the auditorium. It was possible to have the assistance of more than 110 people. Mostly were owners and employees of sponsoring companies, students and university graduates. As 7.30, Dr. Carlos Arturo Orozco, an international speaker, started the event. He developed it in a pleasant, educational environment. Everything was relevant to all the interests of the audience, proving to captivate the attention of the public.

After 9.30 pm, the theme was fully developed and the conference was closed with the approval of the audience. We told them that we were going to give them the certificate of attendance during the same week. This commitment was fulfilled done in a personalized way. We believe that this activity was successful from every point of view, to achieve project the image of the university and the community from La Plata and the region, thus fulfilling the goals envisaged in the Operational Plan Area and reaffirm the meaning of membership of the educational community for his institution.

Speaker: Dr. Carlos Arturo Orozco. Students, graduates and sponsors.

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Something important to tell my daughter By: Julio Cesar Hernández Gutiérrez Ecacen Graduated

On August 22, 1969 in Espinal town, occurred one of the most important and happy events for the history of humanity and especially for the family Hernández Gutiérrez, “I was born” Julio Cesar Hernández Gutiérrez, the sixth and last Miguel Alfonso and Rita Cecilia's child, two peasants natives of Chagualá village from Coello Township in Tolima, two human beings spotless, full of love, tenderness, values, virtues, principles and the most important, agricultural hard workers to meet the responsibility that implies the welfare and livelihood of their children. All my childhood was spent happily on Chagualá village, among games as cars, land, lleva, Hide and seek, soccer, which I shared with my siblings and neighbor playmates. Within its possibilities, my parents rewarded us at certain times of year (June, December and birthday) with shoes, clothes and toys, but when we were wrong or rude with them or with others, they punished us not allowing us to go to places we like, or with a slender wand, my mom said that "the more slender the more it hurt and we learned the lesson." I never received from my parent's bad words punishment; they spoke tough to me, but any bad word. As I have always said and will support until the last day of life that God gives to me, "My parents are my source of pride and inspiration" since their relationship was of

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unconditional love, respect, unity and loyalty. But like all couples, there are quarrels or inconvenient times but I never heard or saw them discussing tough or saying bad words, even less my dad or mom trying to physically attack each other. My school life began when I was 7 years old, I enrolled to do first grade at the village school, it was a very nice epoch because when I had break I could go home and take my break there, as I previously said, my parents come from a very traditional family framed in a culture of values, respect, honesty, principles and unique strengths. All these were the foundations for a good performance in my primary school since I did not lose any course level. I always stand out for being a responsible person in my tasks, respectful, cooperative and appreciated by teachers. In 1981, my primary school stage ends and I began the high school epoch until 1987, wow! Cool, one of the best times of my life, because it was there where I found my group of best friends, I had known some of them at primary school. Finally, another stage of my life is in 1989 when I start my working life. This stage is because I left school in 1987, I went to college and I could not join to study agronomy or animal husbandry, although my dad did not have enough financial resources he motivates me to continue training myself to have opportunities in my life Therefore, I

took the decision to move to Bogotá and start my working life which gave me great achievements and blessings, thanks to the support and everything my family taught me. But hey, life has given me plenty of good experiences, but most experiences I would say, blessings, it has given me friends, awards, promotions, my college career in the National Open University and Distance-UNAD, where I graduated as Business Manager at the Ibague CEAD in 2010 and the most important, for my life my "wife and daughter.” Thanks to my work, responsibility, honesty and teamwork learned items and structured largely by the training received at the UNAD, I have achieved job stability, 9, 5, 1, 5 years respectively. For all these reasons I have outlined some short-term goals, I successfully finish with recognition my career, I properly complete the adoption process of my beautiful daughter in order to fully perform my role as father. And in the long term, create my company which will generate economic stability which will ensure a better life quality for my family. Thank God, Thank UNAD.


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CROSSWORD: Solve the following crossword puzzle, which has reference to the contents of each of the articles published in this edition of the virtual newspaper:

Horizontales: 1. CEAD Folcl贸rito that will host the South Zone in 2011. 2. Learning Community is the largest language Language. 3. Attitudes and Social Cognitive Strategies. 4. It is one of the best emails. Verticales: 1. Invested: Human Development and Family. 2. Rapid measurement of intellectual ability. 3. A social phenomenon that transcends the school and family. 4. It is a program used as a mail client. 5. Name of one of the composers of Tolima. 6. Total Number of Participants in the Festival of Communicative Competences. Solve it online:

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Solución Sopa de Letras – Abril 2011:

Solución Crucigrama – Abril 2011:

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