Periódico Septiembre - Ingles

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UNIENDO DISTANCIAS Editorial Board Uniendo Distancias Año 2. Correo 6 September/ 2009 South Zone -Cead Ibagué

Students of the South Zone in the challenge SEBRAE By: Oscar Abel Luna Riojas, Decano Espejo ECACEN South Zone

Principal Gloria Isabel Vargas H.

Coordination William Villa Sandoval

ECACEN through the Integrated System Venture social- SIES has formed a dynamic venture team in order to be a fundamental part of the improvement of the student‟s UNAD GRADUATED life, implementing a Comprehensive Entrepreneur System

José Julián Ñáñez Victoria E. Hernández Alejandro Méndez Oscar Luna Riojas Danilo Bonilla Jhon Fredy Montes Juan Carlos Mojica Milena Alcócer

through the social sensiti-

Editing, design and layout Alexandra Acosta Cifuentes

Translation Henry Carvajal, Jorge Hernández, Edna García, Carlos Granada

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Uniendo Distancias Special

In Florence CEAD

The CICR provides support to the CAP

In this issue: CEAD Pitalito

The Psychosocial Care Center - CAP received logistical support from the International Committee of the Cruz Roja, CICR

For over 24 years the UNAD has presence in the south of Huila, becoming the most inclusive regional educational project for their mode of open and distance education, allowing access to higher education to hundreds of people of seventeen municipalities of Huila Five in Putumayo and two from the boot Caucana. The Regional Center for Open and Distance Education CEAD Pitalito had its origins in the created Operative Unid established by Agreement No. 023 of March 18, 1985 UNISUR Directing By: Edilberto Silva Fierro, Director CEAD Florence Council, to be located in the municipality of San On 14 August the Psychosocial Care Center of Caqueta received Agustin. logistical support for the development of its activities by the International Committee of the Cruz Roja.

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Uniendo Distancias

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Editorial Gloria Isabel Vargas Hurtado Principal South Zone UNAD Nodo Ibagué

Our South Zone page and virtual newspaper "Joining Distances" has been positioning with great pleasure. It can be shown through its beacon between July first and August second. It registers 9159 visitors. This indicates that the proposed objectives are being fully implemented, "having a meeting place that enables us to v know the updated news from anywhere, anytime from this zone. "That is why I express my sincere thanks to those who have made this dream possible, the Media and pedagogical Mediation Vicepresident office, our directors and staff as well

as our editorial board and all of the CEAD team in Ibague. It is important to emphasize the UNAD Leaders Meeting held in the Monastery of La Candelaria in Ráquira, Boyaca, from 16 to 22 August in this issue. We take this opportunity to thank our president, Vice-chancellors and the entire team of the National staff that allowed us to live our PAPS, through a significant experience, sharing solidarity with our colleagues. Finally, it let us take personal and professional challenges in the pursuit of continuous improvement to the qualification which is essential to understand and live permanently ... understanding and living The University and the UNAD SYSTEM is a great commitment from all, particularly if we understand how big this system is and it will continue being responsible for the change in

Afection and Education By: Andrea del Pilar Arenas, ECSAH – Pshicology Program. Cead Ibagué, South Zone

The country's current situation with regard to good treatment, interpersonal relationships, tolerance and giving respite to indifference and countless social conflicts faced by the country is certainly a cause for concern and study for many social sciences professionals, who suggest how adaptation and "the socialization process that is reaffirmed in Educational Institutions is one of the main factors for the establishment of proactive behavior in humans for the benefit of community." The search for integrative elements in the student's education in institutions, has led various authors to focus on the emotional dynamics of teaching practice, due to the importance of "emotional" in the processes of learn-

ing and interpersonal relationships, creating a challenge both the social actors participating in educational as the academy itself. The value of expressing affection or disaffection generated by students on the teacher and vice versa is the beginning of recognizing the classroom in a different dimension to the usual. The classroom is not a neutral space where knowledge and intellect just relate each other. It is a space where relationships, linkages, alliances interweave and invisible battles are fought and power struggles are carried out at the same time. They do not appear in the agenda but they vital part of students and teachers everyday experiences. The importance of emotion in the whole personality and the interrelationship between subjects is that a high percentage of human actions is not the result of reasoning, but of

our country. Similarly, I want to put emphasis on getting ready for High Quality Certification that is being developed with the accompaniment of each missionary and management units as well as the Cluster Leaders. Audits, improvement plans and especially the commitment of UNAD team will allow us giving the country and the world a quality service. In the next issue we will tell you the results of the visit that will surely be very positive. Finally, I express my sincere thanks to all our colleagues at the meeting of leaders, for their smiles, their solidarity and for their great commitment as well as to our directors, leaders and academic and administrative staff from the Southern Zone for their willingness, support and contributions in this whole wonderful process that makes the South Zone to tell the country, "present." emotional states. That is why some of the most important life decisions are strongly affected by emotions. Due to the importance of emotion in human life, we must consider the following question: What is more important, intelligence or emotion? This question raises a false issue. Both are functions of a unitary and structured whole. They never act separately, from which it follows that there is a functional interdependence. The incidence of affective knowledge is a downside if it hampers the objectivity of those trials in which it fully predominates. But it may also note the positive impact emotion can have in the knowledge so that it intensifies the interest in certain issues and it can even anticipate it. Therefore, The Educational Institution should be conceived as a microsociety where a group of people meet and share experiences, knowledge, values, norms and emotions that foster the optimal development of students at both academic and personal spheres.

Uniendo Distancias

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Students of the South Zone in the challenge SEBRAE Come from first page

enterprise representing a consumer

vity, the stimulation of an entrepreneur environment, advising their business

goods industry and begins to compete in similar conditions. These industries

with a social focus, and their manage-

would be similar to the real industry

ment, providing access to funding pro-

and each company will try to use

grams and business development in order to begin, strengthen and the

the best resources in order to obtain the best performance in the industry.

positive impact in society.

Many decisions must be taken in or-

Part of Neiva group will participate in the Challenge Sebrae

SIES Sourth Team

Consequently it was decided the

der to get the company to be the

student‟s participation from the area in the Sebrae Challenge which is a simu-

leader. The team will win a trip to Rio de

lation game to registered students

Janeiro to meet business incubators,

from the whole country. The game uses unique software

universities and companies over there. The southern area is repre-

and the competition has the objective

sented by the students of Business

to take part in refining the knowledge

Administration from Neiva CCAV Ro-

of the business area for all participants, race‟s regardless who are

bayo Nancy Betancourt, Luis Miguel Rosero Gomez Liceth Milena Osorio


Guzman, Marilyn Chavarro Knob, and

Marfa Maritza Echeverry - Ibagué

In competition, each team has the management responsibility of a virtual

Diana Ortiz Mercedes Suarez , We wish the best in this competition.

Mireya Rocio Prado – Mariquita.

National Leader: Diana Carolina Vivas Triana Sourth Zone leader: Oscar Abel Luna Riojas.

Team Facilitatores Adelaida Cuellar Bahamón - Pitalito Fernando Silva Sabi - Florencia José Eduardo Corredor Torres - Neiva

South Zone Speeches

Forum “Social Community Essence of UNAD”

Last August 27th south zone presented some speeches looking to vote for the best one which will be presented in the national forum “Social Communitarian Essence of UNAD”. The speeches presentation was hold in Jaime Alberto Leal Unad´s auditorium- Ibague, and through web conference with other CEADS. After the judges deliberation two speeches were selected, first place the research presented by William Montealegre CEAD Pitalito and second place the research presented by Victoria Eugenia Hernandez from CEAD Ibague, they both would represent the zone in Bogota.





Firts: Pitalito

UNAD in the Hidrographic valleys conseils

William Ignacio Montealegre Torres

Forestal Engineer, Especialized in Enviroment Engineer. Inyumacizo Investigation Group.

Victoria Eugenia Hernández Cruz

Psicologist of Antonio Nariño University. Bachelor of Arts in Education from Javeriana University. Specialized in Pedagogy from Libertadores University. La Ciudad Habla Group

Second: Ibagué

Thinking of UNAD… A view from social and communitarian component in on Distance Education.

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l a i c e p S

Building Ricci Pitalito Central Park, First Cead based academic Come from first page

063 Agreement in July 7, 1986 it moved to the city of Pitalito, which has operated to date. Initially worked in the administrative headquarters and City Hall headquarters in Building Academic Ricci, under the central park. Cead Pitalito The region has delivered to 906 graduates, shaped and 353 technicians, 519 professionals and 34 specialists, among whom are prominent individuals from the private and public enterprise in the region and the country, such as Consuelo Gonzalez de Perdomo excongresista and exalcaldesa Pitalito Canacué Gladys Medina, now a candidate for the House of Representatives. By signing the lease agreement No. 043 of 8 June 1989, signed by the leadership of

Uniendo Distancias

Memories and prospective of a Dr. Maria Teresa Arias UNISUR Barrier and Mayor Jaime Cortes Espinosa Pitalito Engineer, then get to 99 years CREAD headquarters where formerly operated the plant guava, snack, crackers Herp. During his 24 years of institutional life, the center has had eight (8) directors, one in St. Augustine and seven in the town of Pitalito, who have promoted the wide range of programs that have the UNAD and led various research projects, regional development and community outreach, through agreements, diplomas, courses and cultural activities, with which the university has been linked closely with the regional community.

darity and 2007-2011 development plan entitled "For Educational Quality and Social Equity", which is why the Cead Pitalito become a Virtual Health Care Community Center, with the challenge of achieving greater coverage of education services through the increased use of information technologies and of communication as applied to its methodology of distance education. In March 2010, to meet its silver anniversary, is expected to protocol processing to CCAV Cead. From the Community Center for Virtual Care CCAV Pitalito UNAD further stimulate the EFA, promoting hu-

Current Headquarters Pitalito CEAD The UNAD is changing, developing their teaching academic project of soli-

Miguel Antonio Gomez ( The oldest staff worker at Cead Pitalito - 1989) and Jorge Eliecer Cruz Ortiz (Chancellor)

The CEAD and its directors NAME Jesús Eugenio Henao Sarmiento Oliverio Ramírez Garzón Yamileth Peña Betancourt Jaime Joaquín Murcia Narváez Yubérica Hernández Guzmán Obert Alejandro Ortiz Rodríguez Jorge Eliécer Cruz Ortiz




Forest Engineer

1986 – 1990

4,5 years

Business Administrator

1991 – 1992

2 years

Industrial Engineer


1 year

Public Accountant

1994 – 2000

7 years

Medical Veterinary Zootechnician

2001 – 2003

3 years


2004 – 2006

2,5 years

Business Administrator

2006 – 2009


Uniendo Distancias

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an educative project for development Surcolombiano Growing the region In 1987 academic activities began with the enrollment of 108 students in the Business Administration program. In 1994 there management difficulties. But a time later, when Dr. Jaime Narvaez Joaquin Murcia assumed possession; the student population arose widely so that when he relinquished possession the CEAD had 579 students. Students in La Plata (now CERES), who came to be figured as registered in the Cead Pitalito were excluded in the past three years- Since that time this place was trying to have its own campus.The Cead has grown by 75%, from 477 students in 2006-1 to 836 in 20091. In other words,it had an average annual growth of 25%. man development, locally and regionally with a considerable part of the Colombian Massif, supportive and stimulating the spirit of a nation with vast natural wealth, portrait of a nation struggling every day for peace based on fairness.

Room systems, Cead Pitalito

Eugenio Jesus Henao ( Pitalito Chancellor) and Jaime Alberto Leal A. (Dean Faculty of Engineering), Visit in 1990

Third National gathering of UNISUR Students and officials, 1990

Induction of students, 2007-1

1990, Eugenio Jesus Henao (Pitalito Chancellor), Maria Teresa Arias Barrera (UNISUR President), Miguel Antonio Ram贸n Mart铆nez (Vice President for Regional Development)

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Tecnopedagogical space socialization South Zone Moodle

Uniendo Distancias

Telematic course for management board By: John Montes, VIMMEP, South Zone In the VIII Meeting of Unadista Leaders, celebrated between August the 16th and the 22th at Monasterio de la Señora de la Candelaria in Raquira, Boyaca. Different academic activities were developed in this week.

According the improvement plan for They worked in collaborative the South Zone, in the components of groups about topics related to the academic action, and tecnopedagogical Formation of Unadista Leader. action, the installing of a device into the One of them regarding to the moodle platform was proposed, this active participation of Vicerrectoría device would let dinamize the reticular de Medios y Mediaciones Pedagógiprocesses on the network courses in cas is the telematic course for manorder to get the bank of questions conagement board, this activity was solidation for the south zone, so that it guided by the Engineer John Figueredo, national coordinator of the serves to the national UNAD´s office program Formación de Formadores too, as a storing questions base for the and Dr. María Catalina Duque, tutor national tests elaboration. By now the of this program. use of this tool is operating and is availThe activity was focused mainly able, with the following spaces for each on the development of an academic academic school for networking. 9 project describing each one of the spaces for ECSHH, 6 for ECBTI, 4 for ECAPMA, 2 for ECACEN and 1 for ECEDU, corresponding to each one of the courses directions or managements, that we have into the zone, and which are an each academic leader responsibility, who must activate and dinamize the process by accessing to http:/ Each course leader will have his/her username and password to start the reticular process. The requirements for new user creation who will shape the networks, will be lined through the course director, who will issue an e-mail with the following data: Information, Full name, e-mail, CEAD Addressed to for starting the users available process. Projected by John Montes.

stages and creating a Gant timetable using the platform Zoho, which has multiple services – some of free type and others of plus service- for the users´ use. This platform will be one of the topics to develop in the Office Automation and Telematic Course that will start next September the 10th and will be orientated to all the members who want to reinforce their knowledges in the handle of these areas which are so important and basic to all the Unadista community of the South Zone in order to check the benefits offered by these tools and study the chance of integrating the activities that each member develops in his/her academic exercise. Official Zoho website:

Uniendo Distancias Second world congress of distance education

The e-Learning formation: A challenge to the historic imagination

Distance education is based on the use of technologies to the formation through de design and development of pedagogical mediations and mediated interactions. The use of different technologies has led to the validation of „Models” of distance education: handcrafted, industrialized and virtual. The last one is known as “e-learning”, “on Line education” or “virtual education”, which has given a new input to the distance education, as well as the traditional education. The management of telematics technologies has help to the inspiration of pedagogical , curricular , evaluative practices as well as , interaction, interactivities, relation with knowledge, contexts, learning, equity , social inclusion, quality and ways of production and reformulation of the own subjectivity. In a general view, the different relation between technology and education expressed in the e- education, are generating the need to re -formulate the public policies in education, regulatory norms, quality standards, the accesses, uses and

transferences of information and knowledge, the criteria for the economic in education, indicators of social inclusion, equity formation cycles, and educative spaces.

Topics Formation and research in the elearning Population and social responsibility in the e-education Organization and economy in the e-learning Technology and social inclusion in the e-learning formation.

Dates and Place Date: September 14th -17th, 2010 Place: Convention center Cartagena de Indias, Baharoma Auditorioum. Cartagena de indias, Colombia, South América.

More information in link: “II Congreso Mundial de Educación a Distancia” or c http:// where you will find a file with the information.

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NotiUNAD Lauching

By: John Montes, VIMMEP, South Zone Last Thursday 13th of august , the launching of the new program called NOTIUNAD was officially done during the VIII Unadistas Leaders Meeting which took place in the Monastery Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria in the city of Ráquira, Boyacá. The Program was created by the vicerrectoria de Medios y mediaciones. The main purpose of the program is to show current news about education, technology, pedagogics and others topics which are interesting for all the local, regional and international academic staff. It is important to inform you that this service can be found in the following link: Therefore all the Unadista community from south zone are invited to participate sending its videoclips of different events, extracurricular activities that are done in each one of the faculty and tha can be shown through this means. Do not forget to get evidence of all that activities we do because that is the best way to show our daily work. Visit the folloing website to see the trailer video of NOTIUNAD: option=com_seyret&Itemid=75&catid=9

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Uniendo Distancias

Profundization course as graduatin option

Family and human development By: Psc. Jakdin García Muñoz and Tatiana Egea Arciniegas. At the beginning of this course about family and human development as a graduation option, many wrong ideas came into the students‟ minds, however throughout the course those ideas changed, creating news expectations and developing new competences in the future professionals and making them understand that this course which was only considered at the beginning as an option to graduate , it would also let them comprehend the complexity of the human behavior inside such an important context which is family, understand the different relation states and the multiple situations that they can experienced and at the same time those situations can create conflicts. This learning will be acquired through a searching project which must be contextualized and as a result of it an auditing proposal should be created in order to make future professionals honourable people , capable to help and make new proposals according to people‟s needs, be instruments of social energy who contribute to change the current and no-desired social and family reality. This course gives students tools which will make them efficient in their jobs, specifically in the social and communitarian field, specializing in family and human development, standing out for their ability to apply the theory through participative action research (PAR). In this way UNAD gives the students the choice to have access to an graduation option which will be useful to reinforce their research competences and academic profile, therefore this course its an excellent chance for the students who chose to graduate as a psychologist with emphasis in community. This course could not be done without our students who support it and the participation and help of Victoria Hernández Cruz, Dean of ECSAH from south zone and Ricardo Jiménez national coordinator of the course.

In Florence CEAD

The CICR provides support to the CAP

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It conveys the UNAD and work provided by the CAP in Caqueta promotion and prevention of social problems that limit effective social development of vulnerable population and victims of armed conflict in the department. The CAP is an institutional commitment that starts from the community and supportive essences and conceives its scope from the academy of Social Sciences School of Arts and Humanities Psychology Program and the Regional Development Vicerrectoría community screening in their lines of human development performance, coexistence and productivity, institutional development, community development and public policy for social inclusion.

Training teens with conflicto with the law

The CEAD Pitalito in association with the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar ICBF, has began a training program in basic systems to 28 Teens belonging to the "Adolescents in Conflict with the Law" through the “Senda Piel Organization”. This program has as a main purpose to generate new opportunities for Teens in order to help them to rethink their life projects through training in systems areas, complementing the training and intervention made by the ICBF. In this way we fulfill with one of the main purpose of our axiological values Decalogue: “ Unad believes in education as the only distinguishing element of social progress and productivity in our nations. "

Uniendo Distancias In love and friendship day

How to get the happiness?

Now a days, in a full contradictions time as we´re living, it´s even difficult think in as nice as noble feelings, like friendship and love are. Parents who murder their children, sometimes they abandon them and their destination generally is a sure death anywhere a few hours after been born. Half friends who betray for a lentils plate, for money, for the seductor son of sirens... with woman´s scent. But in the midst of this sad reality, there are people who find new life ways. They also find that loyalty in the friendship, respect for nature and love for their family; all of these elements have much more value all the power or gold of the world. In the edition, we want to share some reflections and wise phrases about happiness, love and friendship. We wait they to serve to everybody for thinking a bit, and try to conduce their ideas looking for a truthful happiness.

“My love is my best clothes, it´s my dwelling, it´s my endless space”. “My love is all what I have, if I deny or sell it what for breathing?”. Silvio Rodriguez. “For actions and no for words friends will be appreciated”. Tito Livio. “He prefers to be deceived by a false friend than he to deceive a truly one” André Maurois

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Extraordinary graduation ceremony

Last Friday 28th f august 29 Business administrator sans seven technician in Pharmacy from Ibague got graduated. This extraordinary graduation ceremony took place in the auditorium of Camara y Comercio in Ibague. The principal of the south zone Gloria Isabel Vargas, The academic and research coordinator Julian Ñañez, coordinator of Means and media John Montes and the deans of each faculty: Danilo Bonilla (ECAPMA), Alejandro Mendez (ECBTI), Oscar Luna (ECACEN) and the coordinator of regional development Guillermo Rodriguez were there sitting at the main table. Then, there was a short classical music concert by Mauricio Figueroa and Jaiber Bermudez. After that the students took the oath. After reading some resolutions, each one got their own diploma and graduation record. ECACEN gave some awards to three of the graduate people: to Helio Faber Vásquez Londoño for institutional support, to Elda María Lozano Reyes for friendship and academic commitment and to Clímaco Zambrano Vargas for leadership. Best wishes for the new business administrators and technicians in pharmacy and always carry the seal of Unadista quality.

“Happiness is a butterfly that if you purse it, it´ll always be farther than you can reach it, however if you´ll stay quiet and in silence, it could lay down on you”. “So much time, by thinking of your silence, until I understood, it was your talking to me way, then I started to think in my silence and I discovered it was my loving you way”. “Between your silence and mine, I conquered how to cry to the world, with my closed mouth, which my horizon runs through your own sky”. Maria Victoria Duque López . “Friendship is a soul which abides into two bodies; a heart which abides into two souls” Aristoteles. “Love is as fever. Leaves and increases against our willpower”. Sthendal.

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