convocatoria 2021_bienalsur_e-estudio fm_

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Pequeñas certezas para cambios constantes / Small certainties for constant changes Ramon J. Fermin • Dayana Melendez

10 Summary The proposal consists of exploration and experimentation of matter and structure as living space in the construction of a landscape as atmospheres - SMALL CERTAINS -, as the inherent aspects of an artifact capable of conceptually and physically sustaining the objects, in response to manifestation, of constant changes, present in society; an approach that challenges the aspects of the habitable space and the demands that the CONTEMPORARY CONDITION, characterized by its instability. An approach with a transversal knowledge between the conceptual interpretation of the contemporary condition and the construction exploring and experiencing the tectonics of the material. Understand the scope of materiality in terms of its possibilities as a support structure and the limits as a configurator of a space such as landscape, atmosphere and place. Variables that are considered as the scope of the artifact with which to operate. The understood the artifact, like construction - matter, structure and landscape - and the events that happen in it - living - and in this approach from the contemporary condition; artifact as construction and human activities as a manifestation of life. This construction understood as the built space - a framework -, which have their own demands and conditions (matter) that allow the narrative of events and experience to unfold. The process aims to manifest what we have called 3 states: Liquid, solid and gaseous. The contemporary condition (liquid state) is taken - it is assumed -, matter and structure (solid state) is explored - it is experienced - and the landscape (gaseous state) is discovered - it manifests itself. Three complementary states that channel this approach to artifact. Constant changes / Liquid state: The first state is presented and reflected conceptually on the contemporary condition, it is understood from philosophy, sociology and the derivation that physics has had, as regards its repercussion on the ways of living, which is defined as unstable, where ephemeral, transitory and spontaneous, among others, take relevance, in addition to a change in the notion of time and space with respect to the conception of modernity, produced by new technologies and the new relationships that are manifested in human activities . Small certainties (material and structure)/Solid state: In the second state - technical - it consists of selecting a material, to understand its properties, its possibility as a structural and assembly system. Technical level consisting of specific knowledge of the subject as an element to carry out both constructive and spatial research. The emphasis on construction is taken as a strategy for the creative process, since an idea is not presented as a foreshadowing of a form, but unexpected results are found and discovered by the process of configuring the artifact itself from the spear and limitations of matter, elements and parts. Landscape(atmospheres)/ Gaseous state: The third state consists of the encounter of the unpredictable. A process where it is not foreshadowed, but is discovered, appears and manifests itself, product of the exploration of matter and structure. The landscape, as a place defined as experiences of atmospheres and events, is interpreted as gaseous, as opposed to the generic and indefinite space, which is “solid”. Here, the duality between space and place has been interpreted as materialization of air.

20 Summary The design criteria adopt premises of sustainable construction such as: granting new uses to public space; optimize energy consumption with reusable and low maintenance elements, facilitate the reuse of elements by deconstruction and dry construction; favor local and flexible use, incorporating available materials and unskilled labor for construction work. To achieve the physical change of the desired public space, the following components are proposed: Through reusable materials located preferably in the sector where the intervention will be carried out (1). These are studied and analyzed as a constructive and mathematical system in which it shows the possibilities in shaping living spaces (2). Several of the various options that allow these materials are tested, in terms of their constructive and structural-bearing capacity - (3). The proposal incorporates color through various mechanisms and strategies. The color is a consequence of the selected element; drawing the shadow cast by the structure. To be painted by the community (children) (4). The color incorporated in the proposal is a synthesis of the interpretation of the elements, which depending on their forms and configurations, diverse and multiple textures and landscapes are obtained (5). The stamping process and all the dynamics for the installation of the device is carried out by the present community. A process that links from the beginning of the proposal, both in the selection of the existing material available for reuse and the possible place for intervention. It is a proposal for community participation (6). The cover will allow incorporating elements such as audio for the Sonora experience, bird feeders, lighting and symbolics elements in support of the cultural activities, rites and traditions of the community (7). It is sought to form a modular and flexible roof system for the conditioning of public space, with the ability to adapt to the different areas present in the sector to intervene. A space that emphasizes the participatory process, in sustainability through the reuse of materials, art as a manifestation through an intangible element such as the shadow and the appropriation of both the artifact and its use by the inhabitants. A landscape in which all the senses are amplified, generating a proposal that takes into account art, architecture and the city, with the participation of the community. (8)









plastic caps and containers






Atmospheres: urban landscapes


Proposal for the El Güire Sector, for the CCS CITY COMUNIDADES Competition.

The proposal has been tested in Caracas, Venezuela. Within the framework of a public space competition CCS COMMUNITIES which won the first prize in the El Güire Sector. Below, we present, as an example of the proposal in which it was executed in 2019., The proposal presented by the winning team at El Güire, #EHLab, a group of professionals led by the architect Ramón Fermín, the landscape painter Angela Papadia and the artist Dayana Meléndez. Part of the identification of potentialities and needs of the sector in different aspects, such as creating microclimates that favor permanence in public spaces, generating conditions for the community to develop their traditions and cultural manifestations and encouraging the productivity of local entrepreneurs through a space according to the activity. ... In order to achieve the physical change of the desired public space, the following components are proposed: 1.-Cover, composed of lids of spindles spun by means of guayas, forming a tensioned mesh to fasteners placed in new or already present walls and posts. ... With this intervention, we sought to form a modular and flexible roof system for the conditioning of public space in El Güire, integrated with vegetation and urban equipment, with the ability to adapt to the different areas present in the sector to be intervened. CCScity450 program Within the CCScity450 program, a set of neighborhoods that are linked for geographical, historical and functional reasons have been identified with some of the places recognized in the initial stage of the same, where the works developed in Caracas since 1925 by renowned architects were registered, American planners, landscape designers and artists in association with local professionals. In CCScity450 Communities, Fundación Espacio approaches the study of popular sectors in the city of Caracas as an integral part of it, recognizing the public space as a basic service, a new project focused on these communities is proposed along the valley of the city. The neighborhoods are spaces that have great qualities and offer opportunities for the development of proposals and programs based on their organization, present values and their ability to adapt; without ignoring that they are also highly vulnerable places due to many of their geographical conditions that hinder aspects such as accessibility, services and attention to risks or possible emergencies.

Proposal: Caracas, Venezuela 2019










Visiting the site Preparation of the area Painting the mural Building the roof Planting vegetation Events, sharing, meetings ... use of public space

‌with the community


In search of the intangible Stamping the shadow

‌design drawing shadow cast by the roof



Proposal: Caracas, Venezuela 2020

10 The execution of a mural on the walls of the Hospital's parking lot, in order to re-activate residual spaces and restore lost vitality through art. For this, the artist Dayana MelĂŠndez creates a mural of tricolor circles, in ranges of blue, yellow and white on the exterior surfaces of the roofed parking lot of the Children's Orthopedic Hospital, finishing off in the urban intervention, which with circles on roads and sidewalks cry for better pedestrian spaces in the immediate vicinity of the Hospital, the Ministry of Food and the Luisa Goiticoa Community School, which converge at the same point. The design of the mural included words that express the wishes of the children of the area for their future, because a small event was held in which, under the direction of the artist, the children of the School traced the laudable characteristics on the circles that are closely related to the voices of the same community. In addition, these characteristics are integrated between them charging the same body, the same face, a well-defined identity and print a personal stamp to a mural with many hands. Among the words expressed by neighbors, users and walkers about their future aspirations are: well-being, family, future, respect, dream, tolerance, solidarity, spaces for all, happiness, love, family, have fun, enjoy, joy ... coexistence !

Proposal: Caracas, Venezuela 2018

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