JHCC | Personnelly Speaking | Apr 2015

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A newsletter for the employees of the Jewish Home and Care Center, Chai Point and Sarah Chudnow Community

Kulanu - All of Us. Together. Welcome to Our New COO (Chief Operations Officer)

April 2015 WELCOME New Team Members Chai Point Ceirah Jackson, Dietary James Smith, Plant Operations SCC Christine Betka, Nursing Eboni Boatman, Nursing Dawnika Walker, Nursing JHCC Yeweinhareg Bekele, Nursing Noah Johnson, Dining Yetunda Moore, Dining Kaprice Ray, Dining Kiara Ristow, Activities Lakeesha Rowe, Nursing Tonetta Thomas, Nursing Kimberly Willis, Nursing Shukettia Wren, Nursing

I am proud to announce an exciting and important addition to our team: Michelle A. Putz will be joining our organization as Chief Operating Officer on Monday, April 13, 2015. Michelle has broad experience in healthcare, with over 25 years of experience in Continuing Care Retirement Communities including skilled nursing facilities, RCACs, independent apartments, assisted living settings and community services. She has served her communities as a CNA, RN, RN Manager, ADON, DON, NHA, VP of Operations and as an interim CEO, and has earned degrees of BS-Nursing and MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is also currently on the board of LeadingAge Wisconsin.

Michelle will have strategic and operational responsibility for the Jewish Home, Chai Point and Sarah Chudnow Communities. She will provide coordination for the senior management team, and work with me and our boards of directors to keep them abreast of our organizational strategies, successes and challenges. I know you will discover that we have found an extraordinary leader to join us in continuing to strive for excellence in fulfilling our long-held mission. Please join me in welcoming Michelle!

Michael I. Sattell, CPA/CFF, CFE President/CEO

Trading Spaces: Accounting & HR To continue to enhance our Human Resources department and Accounting department services and efficiencies, these two departments are moving to other areas of the JHCC/Chai Point community. The HR department will move to the space currently occupied by the Accounting department in the 1414 N. Prospect building. The Accounting department will move to the space currently occupied by the HR department in the 1410 N. Prospect building. We ask for everyone’s patience during this time of transition. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Randy Crosby, Chief Administration Officer, at ext. 810 or 414.277.8810. PERSONNELLY SPEAKING | April 2015 | 1

Social Work Month Each year, the nation commemorates March as National Social Work Month. The month serves as an opportunity for social workers to turn the spotlight on the profession and highlight the important contributions they make to society. Our social workers advocate for our residents, as well as ease them through transitions, hardships, and mentally-tough times. They assist in finding the proper resources to get the care or supplement they need to sustain a certain quality of life. We would like to thank our social workers at Jewish Home and Care Center, Chai Point Senior Living, and Sarah Chudnow Community for bringing about positive changes to our communities and our residents.

Thank you for all that you do!

Sarah Chudnow Community social workers: Melissa Rivera, intern; and Judy Melahm, MSW.

Bonnie Jeglum, APSW Director of Social Services Jewish Home and Care Center

Chai Point Senior Living social workers: Dana Rubin-Winkelman, MSW, CAPSW; and Carolyn Schuman, MSW, CAPSW.

Jewish Home and Care Center social workers: Diana Azimov, BSW; Sarah Cohen; Andrea Smith; Chasity Walter, BSW; and Ruth Bryskier, MSW.

New Employee General Orientation & Training/Continuing Education Opportunities General Orientation

JHCC Staff Education Room

Monday, April 13

7:30 am - 4:00 pm (TBD)

CBRF First Aid & Choking

Tuesday, April 14

8:30 am - 4:00 pm (Staff Ed. Rm.)

Wednesday, April 15

11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Monday, April 27

7:30 am - 4:00 pm (TBD)

Wednesday, April 29

11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Tuesday, April 28

8:30 am - 4:00 pm (Staff Ed. Rm.)

CBRF Standard Precautions Wednesday, April 15

8:30 am - 10:30 am


Wednesday, April 29

8:30 am - 10:30 am

Wound Care (nursing)

CBRF Fire Safety

Emergency Preparedness (everyone)

Thursday, April 23

Preventing, Recognizing, and Reporting Resident Abuse (everyone)

CBRF Medication Administration (for Chai Point & SCC nursing assistant staff only)

Contact the Staff Education Department at ext. 876 or 414.277.8876 for more information and to sign up for the continuing education opportunities.

9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Monday, April 6

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Monday, April 7

9:00 am - 1:00 pm

CPR for the Professional Rescuer Tuesday, April 21

11:00 am - 4:30 pm

For more information go to http://training.sliverchairlearning.com/jewishhomecare


Clip ‘n Save: Passover Preparation & Reminders Passover begins on Friday, April 3, at sundown and continues until sundown on Saturday, April 11. Below are some things to keep in mind as Passover approaches. •

All of our communities will be Kashering (making all the kitchens and related equipment kosher for Passover) on Wednesday, April 1. After this date, we will only have kosher for Passover food throughout all communities.

From Thursday, April 2 through Saturday, April 11, no personal beverages are permitted on the floor except for water.

Activities departments, including Adult Day Programs, should not plan cooking or baking projects during Passover due to the work-restricted days during the holiday.

The dietary and maintenance departments are advised to start planning for the Kashering process. Staff will be assisting with moving, equipment repair and maintenance, as well as the kashering of the dishwashers. Kashering will begin at 5:30 pm to allow staff members to get home at a reasonable hour.

The Rubenstein Kosher Family Oasis (JHCC) and Fred & Linda Wein Café (SCC) will be closed Wednesday, April 1 through Sunday, April 12, 2015. They will reopen on Monday, April 13.

The JHCC Gift Shop will be closed on Sunday, April 5, and Friday, April 10. They will be open during other regularly scheduled hours, however no candy will be available during Passover.

All employees are required to complete the Passover Training component on Silverchair.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation in these matters. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office of the Mashgiach at ext. 819 or 414.277.8819.

Passover (Pesach) 101 Passover is a commemoration of the Exodus from Egypt-especially the night when G-d “passed over” the houses of the Israelites during the tenth plague--and of the following day, when the Israelites had to leave Egypt hurriedly. Centered on the family or communal celebration of the seder (ritual meal), Passover is one of the most beloved of all Jewish holidays. In anticipation of Pesach, it is traditional to engage in a thorough spring cleaning. During the holiday, Jews’ food reflects the major theme of Passover, reliving G-d’s great redemptive act. Because the Israelites had no time to let their bread rise, Jewish law forbids eating (or even possessing) any food that can contain leaven. Therefore, a major part of the preparations for Pesach consists of removing all traces of leavened foods from the home and replacing them with unleavened foods. This necessitates both a massive cleanup and the replacement of one’s ordinary dishes with special Pesach ones. The central ritual of Pesach is the seder, a carefully choreographed ritual meal that takes place either in the home or in the community. A number of symbolic foods are laid out on the table, of which the most important are the matzah, the unleavened “bread of affliction,” and the shankbone, which commemorates the Pesach sacrifice in the Temple. The seder follows a script laid out in the Haggadah, a book that tells the story of the redemption from Egypt and thanks G-d for it. Although the focus of Passover observance is on the home, it should not be forgotten that Pesach is a holiday, on the first and last days of which traditional Judaism prohibits working. There are special synagogue services, including special biblical readings, among which one finds Shir haShirim, “The Song of Songs” and Hallel, psalms of praise and thanksgiving for God’s saving act in history. The last day of Passover is one of the four times a year that the Yizkor service of remembrance is recited. http://www.myjewishlearning.org


Social Media Module Check out our social media pages!

Facebook JHCC: http://www.facebook.com/JewishHomeAndCareCenter Chai Point: http://www.facebook.com/ChaiPointSeniorLiving SCC: http://www.facebook.com/Sarah-Chudnow-Community JHCC Foundation: http://www.facebook.com/jhccfoundation Twitter ReCharge!: http://twitter.com/JSL_ReCharge JHCC Foundation: http://twitter.com/JSLiving YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/JHCCFoundation LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/company/the-jewish-home-and-carecenter-foundation

But remember…please do not access social media during working hours!

Garden Safely Gardening can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors, get physical activity, beautify the community, and grow nutritious fruits and vegetables. Take a few minutes to help stay safe and healthy while gardening. • Put on protective gear as needed, including safety goggles, sturdy shoes, long pants, gloves, insect repellent, and sun screen with sun protective factor (SPF) 15 or higher. • If you’re outside in hot weather for most of the day you’ll need to make an effort to drink more fluids. • Make sure your tetanus/diphtheria (Td) vaccination is up-to-date. If it’s not, call your health provider to make an appointment to get it. http://www.cdc.gov

Social Media Fun Fact:

Social media accounts for more than one in every four minutes spent online.

A Place to Pray for the Holidays

Core Value/Guiding Principle:


We create the vision for our future through inspiration and passion in an ever-changing world.

Can I Quote You On That? We are in need of new quotes to use on our websites! If you have something you would like to say about living or working at Chai Point, Jewish Home and Care Center or Sarah Chudnow Community, whether about the experience of living and working here, the food, the activities, or just in general, we want to hear from you. Please email comments to rloss@jewishseniorliving.org or visit the Mar/Com office on the B level of Chai Point. You will find a form there to fill out. Forms will also be available in the employee lounges.

The Jewish Home and Care Center Kohl Family Synagogue and the Sarah Chudnow Community Ruth Coleman Synagogue welcome the community to worship during Passover

Jewish Home Sarah Chudnow Date and Care Center Community 1st Day, April 4........... 10 a.m. ...................... 10 a.m. 2nd Day, April 5 ......... 10 a.m. ...................... 10 a.m. 7th Day, April 10 ........ 10 a.m. ...................... 10 a.m.; 4:30 p.m. 8th Day, April 11 ........ 9 a.m.; ....................... 10 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Yizkor; ... including Yizkor 4 p.m.

1414 N. Prospect Ave. 414-276-2627

10995 N. Market St. 262-478-1500

Quotes will be used on different pages throughout the websites, and changed periodically. PERSONNELLY SPEAKING | April 2015 | 4

Employee Appreciation Anniversary Luncheon 10 years J.B. Clay Latrice Farr Gregory Farsee Tihut Gebre Aragaw Getahun Patricia Jackson 15 years Marilyn Alston Kathleen Butt 25 Years Donette Pettiford 30 years Richard Kupferberg

On Thursday, February 19, we honored the longevity of our staff at the Employee Appreciation Anniversary Luncheon. Congratulations and thank you for your continued service! 5 years Ida Bailey Yongjie Ma Tetyana Britkova Jennifer Mayers Keena Conery Judith Molina Regina Dies Myrna Orengo John Gruenwald Lourdes M. Suarez Joseph Hunt Alem Tesfatsion Morgan Jones-Robinson Gary Vodnik Lawrence Ladin Keyonia Walker Carol Lukaszewicz

Congratulations to Elena Kleyneman who was recently promoted to Director of Nursing (DON) at Sarah Chudnow Community.

Priscilla Maitland Linda Martin Mirabelle Regis Ruby Washington Natasha Wells Deborah Zemel Richard Bomkamp James Hahn

The Grapevine

Do you have exciting news? Are you newly married? Are you a proud parent or grandparent? Submit your news to the Grapevine by emailing Becca Loss at rloss@jewishseniorliving.org.

Congratulations to Everyone Celebrating April Anniversaries with Us! Heather Adkins Mary Campbell Donna Cumby Laquita Grady Michael Hayes Sandra Johnson Jean Leonaitis Rem Midell Sandra Schulte

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Tommy Williams Marnilo De la Pena Connie Eastman Khalid Howze Sally Moskol Annette Patterson Yvonne Weddle Deborah White Lorie Jensen

1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3

Rama Jyothi Narayana Susan Skirko Ikisha M. Smith Jacqueline A. Zephirin Ana Feliciano Juanita Gonzalez Jacqueline Nowak Yemer Wondim Bao Xiong

3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5

Chris Cleveland-Mitchell Patricia Stampfer Priscilla Maitland Altagracia Melchor Sherry Nash Vadim Nenashev Jennifer Ruiz Linda Barczynski

7 7 11 12 14 14 19 23

Happy Birthday! Apr. 3 Conlin Steinert Apr. 4 John Gruenwald Apr. 4 Lorie Jensen Apr. 4 Princess S. Ferguson Apr. 5 Morgan Jones-Robinson Apr. 5 Robin Wohlfeil Apr. 6 Ida Bailey Apr. 6 Stacey Hodges Apr. 6 April Moore

Apr. 7 Barbara Erby Apr. 7 Tamicia Johnson Apr. 7 Nancy Kesy Apr. 8 Timothy Biewer-Heisler Apr. 11 Carmillita Collins Apr. 12 Lyudmila Balan Apr. 12 Kendra Jones Apr. 13 Mary Kurland Apr. 13 Jesus Regis

Apr. 16 Apr. 16 Apr. 17 Apr. 17 Apr. 18 Apr. 19 Apr. 20 Apr. 21 Apr. 24

Khalilha Collins Bonnie Jeglum Ashley Clark Colin Lamb Maria D. Miranda Kelly Schneider Jim Noffke Elijah Jones Terinika Cross

Apr. 24 Apr. 24 Apr. 26 Apr. 26 Apr. 28 Apr. 28 Apr. 28 Apr. 29 Apr. 29

Jonathan Sykes Karen Yust Benedetto D’Epiro Jean Leonaitis Beatrice Gray Carol Ann Skurulsky Patricia Stampfer Vicky L. Mack David Milbauer


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