CfLT newsletter issue 7

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Centre for Learning and Teaching - October Newsletter Issue 72010 What is ToTAL? Transformation Through Active Learning - an ambitious approach to learning and teaching strategic development that aims to enhance the student learning experience. Key to ToTAL will be the development of sustainable infrastructures and resources that will support students in engaging with more independent and personalised approaches to study and research and in becoming more active partners in their learning. ToTAL will aim to facilitate the swift development of blended learning approaches across BG, harnessing technology in order to improve the student learning experience whilst working within increasingly constrained resources.

Two key strands 1. 2.

A systematic review of learning and teaching strategies through course review and revalidation (focused upon courses in SCEI) Practical approaches that will support more independent, accessible and flexible learning across the Universiy College

ToTAL: areas of activity • • • • • • • • •

e-enhancement of existing resources Using Bb more effectively Identifying areas of resource duplication Developing module templates and resource banks to support blended approaches to delivering study and research skills Remodelling modules to facilitate PBL approaches Encouraging student generated content The use of mobile technologies Linking assessment feedback to self-study resources online e-portfolio pilot To find out more about ToTAL, talk to Claire Taylor, David Barber or your Head of Department

The Prezi Doctor Is In Having trouble with Prezis? Need some 1:1 support? Make an appointment with Rachael Burnett for helpful tips and guidance through the swirly world of Prezis! Before making an appointment please set yourself up with an educational Prezi account. These can be set up via the main Prezi website Chose a student/teacher licence and use your college email address to sign up. You will receive a couple of emails from Prezi at first (in order to confirm set up) then you should receive no more. Have a play with the program and see what you can achieve without assistance. If you start getting confused by pathways and zebras that is the time to contact Rachael who will be happy to help. Rachael has also produced a wiki within the CfLT area on Blackboard which may help you when you’re starting out. Prezi is a really simple tool and staff are already using it in lectures. Students are also familiar with it so why not join in with the presentation revolution! Contact Rachael:

New Staff in the Centre for Learning and Teaching The CfLT would like to welcome two new members of staff to it’s team. Lawal Muhammad is the new e-Learning Resources Developer and Elaine Cobb is our Learning Systems Support Technician. Lawal and Elaine are part of the new ToTAL project (see the first page of this newsletter for more details). Lawal is based in Skinner Room 201 (sharing with David Barber) and Elaine is in Skinner Room 124 (with Caroline Pearce and Rachael Burnett).

DIARY DATES Learning and Teaching Conferences 2011 Winter Conference 2nd February* Spring Conference 12th April Summer Conference

13th July

Lawal Muhammad: (01522) 583791

*Half day only (till 2pm, including lunch)

Elaine Cobb: (01522) 583697

Details about conference content will be released nearer the time.

BLACKBOARD: New Tricks and Top Tips Want to email just all Student users of a Blackboard Course? Now you can without having to set up a group! Go to the Control Panel, click Send Email under Course Tools then All Student Users. Alternatively you can click Send Email under Tools on Your Homepage.

Want to automatically email a Blackboard Announcement? Now you can just with a tick in a box as you add an Announcement. Note: This will email everyone enrolled on the course including all tutors and administrators. (If you are unsure exactly who is enrolled in your course go to the Control Panel and click List / Modify Users under User Management then click Search)

Do your students complain of trouble logging on to Blackboard? Check they are using just their B number as the username for Blackboard. Their new Live@edu requires them to use the whole email address which is causing some confusion.

Trouble opening Weblinks in Blackboard? If you see the Security Warning ‘Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?’ click No

Trouble opening Word Documents or PowerPoint Presentations? With Office 2003 or earlier you will need to download the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack from here Note: If a person doesn’t have PowerPoint at home at all they can download PowerPoint Viewer 2007 from the Microsoft Website here

Trouble opening PDFs? They may need the latest Adobe Reader from here

Uploaded a new version of a document to Blackboard but still see the old one? Unfortunately this is an issue you may not notice unless you double check every item after you upload it... When you replace an item with an updated version you need to change it’s name slightly otherwise Blackboard still finds the old copy. Note: Keep file names simple – Blackboard doesn’t like dashes, apostrophes, brackets etc.

How can I minimise compatibility Issues? Consider turning Word Documents into pdf files. We all have CutePDF Writer. If you’re not sure how to use it a step by step guide is available on the CfLT Blackboard pages under Resources then Technical User Guides. If it doesn’t work as it should please log a ticket on the IT Helpdesk here. Note: Don’t use Frutiger for Blackboard. ‘PDF’ it or switch to Verdana.

Academic Staff Development - Important Information The Centre for Learning and Teaching is now able to offer a complete booking service for all staff development events. We can book your travel, find and pay for accommodation and organise conference places. This should mean that staff are never out of pocket and that time isn’t wasted chasing up bookings and trying to organise the finer details. The SD1 form has been adapted to include a booking section where staff can add information about travel requirements and accommodation needs etc. (Please note that if you intend to organise your own events you do not need to fill in this section). The earlier the request for assistance with booking travel, the cheaper the tickets (travel to London can be as little as £40 if booked early enough) Staff are, of course, still allowed to book their own events and the CfLT have put together guidelines to assist them in doing so. All forms and guidelines are available in the secure employee area on the main BG website. For further information regarding staff development and expenses contact Rachael Burnett

Who to contact about what: Dr. Claire Taylor Dean of Students and Academic Engagement (from 1st November) Claire is responsible for leading and directing the ‘Academic Engagement’ hub, which comprises the Centre for Learning and Teaching, BG Research, the Library, Academic Registry and Student Support. Go to Claire to discuss any aspects of strategy in relation to learning, teaching and the student experience, and also for support with new staff induction.

Dr. David Barber Lecturer in e-Learning Go to Dave for: support and advice around e-learning, digitisation and other classroom based technologies. Lawal Muhammad e-Learning Resourses Developer Go to Lawal for: ToTAL Project resource consultancy and development. Caroline Pearce Learning Technologist Go to Caroline for: advice and support with Blackboard and other learning technologies.

Dr. Hazel Kent and Jane Sharp Learning Advisers Go to Hazel and Jane for: advice about referring students, planning and delivering workshops on study skills, supporting students with specific learning differences. (general) Shan Lewis-Hobbs Dyslexia Support Tutor Go to Shan for: advice regarding students with dyslexia and screening information. Elaine Cobb Learning Systems Support Technician Go to Elaine for: support with the e-portfolio system, Mahara. Rachael Burnett Information and Resources Assistant Go to Rachael for: information about staff development, conferences and Prezi. Go to I.T services for any issues with I.T equipment in teaching spaces and offices as well as queries regarding software and your profile.

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