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AWESOME Shortly after 6:00 P.M., on April 3' d other moment of the Church year is so rich in symbolism as the Easter yard. No , ais the fi night r e of all nights. It is the heart of Christianity. It is EASTER! Vigil. "It b e g i n s Those of us in the RCIA Process are waiting for the moment when we t o gleefully at the new fire and begin the vigil of fl Join i with c other k e parishioners r Easter.i n t h e We witness the Easter Candle—with the symbols of Christ's c h u r or Paschal c divinity h and his suffering—being lit from the new fire. We light our candle symbolic of the resurrected Christ. Jesus is the Light of the World! As we enter the church, we are aware of a cantor singing an ancient and beautiful song, Exsultet, "Rejoice." As the lights come on we notice the sanctuary which is beautifully decorated with flowers. We hear Scripture readings about water and new creation as the Word of God is proclaimed. Easter water is blessed. The singing of the Litany of Saints. Alleluias are sung for the first time in six weeks. And it is now time for the Catechumens to be baptized and the newly baptized and Candidates to come into full communion as we join together and become one in Eucharist. JESUSCHRIST IS TRULYRISEN FROM THE DEAD! In preparation for these awesome moments, we spend this evening in prayer.
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Jesus s a i d , " I am t h e l i g h t o f t h e w o r l d . . . . Whoever f o l l o w s m e w ill have t h e l i g h t o f l i f e and w i l l n e v e r w a l k i n d a r k n e s s . " ( J o h n 8 : 1 2 ) Lord J e s u s , y o u a l s o s a i d t h a t w h e re t w o o r t h r e e come t o g e t h e r i n y o u r n am e, you a r e t h e r e w i t h t h e m . The l i g h t o f t h e c a n d l e s sym b o liz e y o u r p r e s e n c e among u s . And, L o r d J e s u s , , w h ere you a r e , t h ere, t o o , a re t h e F a t h e r a n d t h e H o l y S p i r i t . So w e b e g i n o u r m e e t i n g i n t h e p r e s e n c e a n d t h e name of t h e F a t h e r , t h e So n , and t h e H o l y S p i r i t .
SURVEYONPRAYER Mark whereyouarenowin regardtoprayer:
I find prayer easy
The difference prayer makes in my life is very great
I pray often
Concerning my prayer life, I am I usethesenameswhen I address God: My favorite name for God is: Why? What real difference will prayer make in my day-to-day life if I am ever aware of the presence of God?
D e fi n i n g P r a y e r : W h a t i s p r a y e r - - t o yo u ?
Pra y e r b r i n g s u s c l o s e r t o G od. A l l t h e d i f f e r e n t k i n d s o f p rayer a r e o n l y d i f f e r e n t p at h s we t a k e o n o n e j o u r n e y - - a jo u rn ey tow ard u n i o n w i t h G o d . When d o y o u p r a y ? ( S o r r o w , h a p p i n e s s . . . )
How o f t e n d o y o u p ra y ? How d o y o u p ra y ? ( m em o riz ed p r a y e r s ? p r a y e r books? Your ow n w ords? Q u i e t l i s t e n i n g ? ) +++ God w an t s me t o know h i m . I n e e d t o l i s t e n . I n e e d t o t a k e t i m e f o r r e fl e c t i o n i n o r d e r t o d i s c o v e r w h a t G od i s sh o w in g t o me. Pra y e r b e g i n s i n l i s t e n i n g t o G od. G o d sp eaks t o me t h ro u g h o t h er p e o p l e , t h r o u g h S c r i p t u r e , t h e C h u rc h , t h e Sacram en t s a n d in e v e ry asp ect o f l i f e . R e fl e c t i o n : T h i n k o f a r e c e n t t i m e w hen God h a s sp o ken to y o u . H o w d i d y o u e x p e r i e n c e God?
In p r a y e r , h a v e y o u e x p e r i e n c e d a n ab sen ce o f God? Remember when J e s u s w as o n t h e c r o s s a n d a s k e d God why h e h ad abandoned him? W e p r a y , t h e n , n o t t o g e t g o o d f e e l i n g s , b u t t o o f f e r o u r f a i t h an d t r u s t . I f w e co n t in u e t o p r a y , w e w i l l b eg i n t o fi n d G o d i n a n ew a n d p u r i fi e d w a y . W e w i l l e v e n t u a l l y t u r n a co rn er t o fi n d G o d v e r y much p r e s e n t t o u s a g a i n . God w an t s ask. I t h a n k . my l i f e b e g i n s i n my l o v e f o r
m e t o kn o w h i m . I m u st r e s p o n d . I t a l k b a c k . I I s a y I am s o r r y . O r I p r a i s e . A s I d o t h i s , t o c h a n g e . A s I am g ro w in g i n l o v e o f G o d , I g ro w p eo p le an d t h e w o rld .
R e fl e c t i o n : W h o i s G od t o me i n p r a y e r ?
Most o f a l l , l T o g et h er T o g et h er T o g et h er T o g et h er
e t us be t o g et h er- st ro n g , w ise, f r e e an d f u l l o f j o y . i n l o v e w i t h Jesu s w h i c h w e s h a r e w i t h o t h e r s .
PRAYER AT ANEW BEGINNING: OpeningPrayer: With hopeand fear in our hearts wecelebrate a newbeginning in thename of the Father, and of theSon, and of theHoly Spirit Amen. Scripture: Nm 6:24-26 TheLordblessandkeepus! TheLord let his faceshineuponus, andbe gracious tous. TheLord lookuponus kindly and give us peace Petitions: Response:YOU, LORD, ARE THE BEGINNING AM) THE END. Bewith thecatechumensandcandidatesasthey movein a newdirection. Lord, wepray (R) May the sharing and caring of thiscommunitybe with thecatechumensandcandidates. Lord, we pray. (R) In the excitement of anewbeginning,guide our catechumensandcandidatesandcalmany anxiety or fears thatmayarise Lord, we pray. (R) ALL: We rejoice in a newbeginning. Guide andkeep usin your care
The OUR FATHER prayer service: This prayer service is to help ordinary people have a little better awareness of the God we talk to, and of the Son who revealed him, and of the Spirit who lives in them. What better place to start our prayer life today than with the LORD'S prayer?
The spirit of the Gospel resonates in the Our Father. I t is a prayer for the followers of Jesus. Jesus called his Father, 'ABBA.'
The Lord's prayer is found in the gospels in two slightly different versions. One is Matthew 6:9-13 and the other is Luke 11:2-4.
Jesuswas praying, and when he finished his prayer, one of the disciples asked Jesus: "Lord teach us to pray, just as John the Baptizer taught his discOles." In answer to this request Jesus taught them the Our Father. The last lines: "for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen" were added and are our words of praise. In this prayer there is adoration, praise, thanksgiving and petition, and it is a formula prayer which is suitable for all occasions.
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•Prayer Time 1
The Our Father 4a Relating !' teachus to pray...." (Luke 11:9 ' Jesu"Lord, sansweredthis request with the Our Father whichis the prayer form that allChristiansagreeupon. It Is meanttobe usedsiamodel or patternfor prayer,not a rote prayer.Some alsoconsider k a direcdon for the process of prayer—a roadmapfor the journey.The Our Father's importance isn't somuch in its pirticldar words asin its formula:AddressGodasa livingparent,praisehis name,pray for the coming of hisKingdom andsoon. In the next nine PrayerTimes we will center on the Our Father,taking one phrase at a time.We will deepen our understandingby seeinghow it fits intoour livesand the lives of the community. • The NewTestamentgivesus twotranslations of the Lord'sPrayer.We will use the one inMatthew'sGospelas our text: Ou hal Yol y ol
on Gt an as Su .131:
Our Father, who art i n heaven, hallowed be th) name. Th) Kingdoe come. Thy will be done on earth as i t i s i n heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from esil.
• Name somecharacteristics of a perfect,loving parent—fadyir or mother.
If Godis the Father of us all, what relationshipdoes this imply betweenme andpeople of otherraces, religions,nations?
As!usethe word our before Father,can I consciously Include in my thoughts the members of mysmallgroup, myparish,the worldwide Church,the entire human familyaspraying withme?Are there anyobstacles tomy beingat one with these people as I pray? done
For the kingdom., the power, erd the glory are yours, now and forever, Amen.
• d The authors of both the Old and New Testamentssee a God as having an abiding, personal relationship with us. t AsFather, God is the source of life, everyone's life! We share in this life aschildrensharethe life oft theirparents. h In JesusaddressedGod in very familiarterms; e He talked of Gethsemane he called GodAbba,or Darkly. God's love being greater than that of a human w mother. Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son is also a6parable of the Loving Father. God, for Jesusand for us, has : all the attributes of a loving parent The power to whom we pray 9 is personal,intimate and caring. 4 Yet, 0 LORD,you are our father; 4 ) we are the clay andyouthe potter:
we are all the work of yourhands. (Isaiah64:7)
Responding Relax and breathe deeply. Clear your mind as best you on. Let your Father love you as his special creation!
Aftersometime of quiet, tell yourParenthowgratefulyou are to be his creation.
Remembering Try tosee all the people in your life todayaspart of the"our" in the firstphrase of the lord's Prayer.Pray"Our Father". often as you go through your day.
Prayer Time 2
'Our Father in Heaven'
Close youreyes;breathe deeply andrelax. let your experience of God'spresencebecomemore of a reality. listen to your Father.Enjoy the God—andthe heaven—withinyou.
Whatis heavenns k fluffycloudsandbluesides?LsIt afarawayplace?Are theregatesandharps?Is it complete peace? Where is heaven?Is it up?Is it experiencedonly whenwe die? We've all heardstatements like this one by Robert Browning:"God's in his heaven—Airs right with the world." Or we talk abourthemanupstairs"or "pie in the skywhen we die" This kind of Godandthis kind of heavenseemonce-removedfrom our here-and-nowlives. ButJesusspent his life tellingus that both God and heavenare very near.Heavenis wherever Godis; and in Jesus,God is with us at all dales and In all places.. They were to seek God,yes to grope for him and perhapseventually to findhim—thoughhe is not really far from any one of us."In him we live and moveandhave our being...."(Acts17:27-28) • Reeding and Recording •
Howdo I respondtothe faa thatGodisalways with me?That I am with Godnow?
Asyou go about your work,remindyourselfoften that "Inhim we live andmoveandhaveour being..." (Acts 1728).Repeatthis versethroughout the day.
Prayer Time 3
'Hallowed Be Your Name!' Relatiag
In Scripture a namesayswhoandwhat a personis. WhenGodcommunicates his name,he communicates who he is.God's name in the OldTestament is I Am or The One Who Is:
Thisnameinspiresasense ofaweandreverence—an Interestingcounterpoint toAbba.We know Godasa lovingFather, but we mustalsobe aware of this more-than-words-can-describeaspect of God: the feeling wegetwhenweseea beautifulsunsetor sunrise.Wecan be in awe of God in his manyworks of nature—mountains,oceans,canyons. In intimacy yetreverence,closenessyetotherness, God—andhisname—areholy,hallowed.Wepraythatwe toomaybecome holy (whole) by hallowing his name.
Doesthis reality affectmy life inanyway?If so,how? Reflecting and Recording
I use thesenameswhen I addressGod:
petitions. We are asking the Father to establish his rule, his will everywhere "on earth as it Is in heaven." Jesus compared the Reign of God to a pearl of great price or a treasure hidden in a field (Matthew 13:44-46). The full establishment of thisKingdomwasthe vision and mission of the early Church. And it is our vision and mission too. Praying for the Reign of God on earth can be both exciting and frightening. The earth is, after all, us. Are we willing to be changed for the sake of thisReign?
My favorite name for God is
In what waysam I aware of both the intimate and the awe-inspiring God?
Reflecting and Recording What needs to bechanged in the Church and society so that the Kingdom of Godcan come and God's will can be done in us?
Responding Relax and breathe deeplyi calm your mind. Use the name for God with which you are most comfortable. Address God by this name; be silent awhile. Again speak this name; again be silent. Continue to relax in saying your God's name with love. Remembering
What changesdo I need to makeso that theKingdom can be realized in me? •
Frequently addressGod by your favorite nametoday. Write it, read it, sing it, say it—do whatever helps you hallow his name.
Prayer Time 4
01' )
'Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done.: Relating To pray for the coming of God'sKingdom—or Rule or Reign—and to ask that the will of God be done, are other-directed and, in some ways, future-oriented -••
ti• *4
WhatELM1willing to do right nowtobeginthe process?
Acknowledgingmy reliance on Goddoes notmean that I do nothing. Quite the contrary: I usemytalents, skillsandabilities withevenmorededicationtogiveback to the Father and to share withothers what he hasso generouslygivenme. WhenweseriouslyacceptourverylivesasGod's gift, we openourselves up to receiveevenmore of God's goodness - •
"-Jesustaught us toask daily for whatwe deed.To do R this,we mustbe aware of our realneeds. el Whataremyphysicalandmaterialneedsatthistime? le ai n Reiponding g a Relaxandbreathe deeply.Presentto y our answers to the last two questions. Be quiet awhile, n knowing that your Father is responding. d Fa t he r y o u r R e Remembering c Write in your appointment book, or insomeother o visible place,one thingyouare doingthisdaytoletGod's rW h a t are my spiritualandemotionalneeds? Kingdomcome. d i n g
Prayer Time 5
'Give Us Today Our Daily Bread' Relating
In asking our Father for our daily bread,we are askingfor more thanJustfood.We are petitioning for all the basicneeds of life Whenever we ask for somethingfromanyone—.a friend, a parent,God—we acknowledgethatwe are not self-sufficient.Thatis whyaskingissodifficultforsome of us to do.We wouldrather gowithoutthanbeindebtedto someoneelse. Butasking for 'bread" characterizesusasChristians. Byrequestingthat God fill our basic life needs,we are honestly saying: I am dependent on God for my Wel
Whatarethe needs ofmyfamily,mycommunity,my world?
How will I give back to the Father and to my community the "bread" already given to me this day?
Responding Relax and breathe deeply. Remember, you are in contact with God who loves you and wantsto satisfy your daily needs. Be quiet and listen. Then thank him for all he has already given you. Remembering With each meal or snacktoday, rememberhow your Father has filled your needs in the past and is filling your needs today. Trust him to provide you with "bread" tomorrow.
The opening focus of the Our Father is on God—his name, his Kingdom and his will for us. Then the focus shifts to us and our personal needs as we pray for bread, the very sustenance of life. In our very asking we affirm our belief that we are dependent on God for everything. Next we pray for forgiveness. 'Sins," "trespasses: "debts,""wrongs"—various translations of the Our Father use different words to express our deep sense of "missing the mark," violating others' rights, owing more than we can repay, breaking God's law. Whatever word we use, however, we know we stand In need of God's healing forgiveness. And God's forgiveness is always there for us. But we need to open ourselves to receive this forgiveness over and over again. We pray today to receive the forgiveness of God.Only then can we pass that forgiveness on. Reflecting and Recording God'sforgiveness is his gift to us. We need to accept this gift and forgive ourselves. Right now I most need God to forgive me for these sins, trespasses and debts:
Prayer Time 6
'Forgive Us..:e9/01 Relating 44 Pray, slowly and thoughtfully, the prayeriesus taught Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us the wrong we have,done as we forgive those who wrong us. Subject us not to the trial but deliver us from the evil one. (Matthew 6:94 4)
Right now I most need to forgive myself for the following sins, trespasses or debts:
Perhaps the following prayer might help. Responding Relax and breathe deeply. As you do so, let Cod's unconditional love and forgiveness flow through you. Let God love you and forgive you. Conclude with this prayer:
Reflecting and Recording This exercise requires time, thought and, at least, your desire to forgive. List all thosewho have hurt you in anyway. You may want to go back to your childhood, your teen years and so on.
My Father, I need your forgiveness. I accept it today and I also forgive myself. Help me to accept myself asyou accept me throughout the day. •
Remembering When you are tempted to start putting yourself down or belittling yourself today, say, "My Father forgives me; I forgive me, toor
Prayer Time 7
As We Forgive' WAP Relating It Only one petition of the Our Father includes a condition: "Forgive us...as we forgive Often we hold others responsible for the hurts and wrongs in our lives. And at times they are. People do cause uspain. People have ignored us, stepped on us, used us, abandoned us, forgotten us. These are real hurts. Social systems, government bureaucracy and even the Church have caused some of us untold anxiety and pain. We are not asked to pretend that unjust and painful events didn't happen or that we aren't affected by the sins of those who have wronged us. But we are asked to forgive, to absolve, to release from debt. Webster's New Collegiate Diaionaty detmes forgive as "to give up resentment or claim to requital on account of an offense." Just as our Father forgives us even before we ask, we, in turn, must release others from their debts to us. We must absolve them. We must let go and surrender the hurt, the pain and, especially, the sense of power that ' bearing a grudge can give us. And we must do this over and over again. Forgiveness Is a daily discipline. Only by releasing and forgiving others will we be able to grow. Only by passing on our Father's forgiveness to others will we ourselves be healed.
When you are finished, go back and recall the hurt associated with each name. Then let it go! Forgive that person. You might say something like: Through the forgiveness Christ has given me, I forgive and release N. You maywish to continue this exercise over a period of several days or weeks. Responding Relax and note any new sense of freedom you may now feel. Thank your Father for giving you his great gift of forgiveness.And ask for the power of the Spirit so that you can continue to forgive. Remembering ALday's end, look back and focus on any people that you need to forgive. With the power of the forgiving Christ within you, let go of the hurt and forgive each person. And don't forget to forgive yourself too! (You may wish to make this a nightly practice.)
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R e fl e c t i n g a n d Resp o n d in g : IN WHAT WAYS HAVE I BEEN "DEL IVERED" I N T H E PAST?
LET US SPEND SOME TIME REFLECTING; RECORDING AND RESPONDING TO SEGMENT I X • b i - Yete.- f r 1 c t ing a n d Responding: R e4fle . 6 I . fi n d i t d i f fi c u l t t o A 4 4 4 w - 6 4 ( 2 - R e t ,
Am_ krre.e."0 S AM' k l gr Y LM l t . . . . p r a i s eI. God be c a us e .... j j 4 " . 1 6
I fi n d i t e a s y t o p r a i s e God b e c a u s e . . . .
The Hebrews wrote beautifulpsalms(songs) to praise God. Slowly readPsalmSt 0 Lon), our Lord, howglorious is yournameover all the earth! Youhave =sited yourmajestyabove the heavens. Out of themouths of babesandsucklings youhavefashionedpraisebecause of your foes, tosilence the hostile andthe vengeful. When I beholdyourheavens,the work of your fingers, •
.ce"4446 ' Youhavemade him little less tharithe angels, andcrownedhim with glory andhonor. Youhave givenhim rule over the works of your hands, putting all things under his feet: Allsheepandoxen, yes,and thebeasts of the field, The birds of the air, the fishes of thesea, andwhateverswimsthe paths of theseas. 0 LORD, Our Lord, how glorious is your name over all the earth!
the moonandthestarswhichyousetinplace— What is manthat youshouldbe mindful of him, or thesonofmanthatyoushouldcarefor him?
Throughout t h e da y t a k e some moments t o p r a i s e t h e F a t h e r . You may wa nt t o us e o n e . o f t h e f o l l o w i n g pr a y e r s o r one o f your own c hoic e : " F o r y our s i s t h e Kingdom." " 0 Lor d, our L o r d , how g l o r i o u s i s y our nMme." " G i v e tha nk s t o t h e Lord f o r h e i s good."
CLOSING PRAYER ngroma] L E T U S PRAY: e t . God, S o u r c e o f o u r c o u r a g e , F r i e n d o f o u r h e a r t , T each er o f o u r s p i r i t , h e a r t h e h o p e s a n d f e a r s o f our l i v e s a n d s t r e n g t h e n u s t o g o o u t f r o m t h i s p l a c e , f r o m t h i s co m m u n it y, t o m i n i s t e r t o a w o r l d s o r e l y i n n eed o f r e c o n c i l i a t i o n , l o v e , a n d j u s t i c e .
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In t h i s l a n d w h e re r e l i g i o n i s p e d d l e d f r o m T V s c r e e n s f o r mo n ey, amusement p a r k s , o r h o s p i t a l b u i l d i n g s , make u s f a i t h f u l f o l l o w e r s o f t h e G a l i l e a n who h a d n o p l a c e t o r e s t h i s h e a d , a n d who cam e n o t t o b e s e r v e d , but t o s e r v e . I n t h i s s o c i e t y w h e re m i g h t o f t e n s u b s t i t u t e s f o r m o r a l i t y , a n d w e a l t h f o r g o o d n ess, m a k e u s remember your r e q u i r e m e n t s t o d o j u s t i c e , t o l o v e s t e a d f a s t l y , and t o w a l k o u r p a t h s w i t h h u m i l i t y ,
I n t h im s iw ra c iioanl ,, h e taht rnei d c , aanndds d ex u tarlo p b reed s torrul ds tw , hoere p p re ss es y er ed j u d i c e dreams, w h e r e i l l n e s s a n d p o v e r t y s t i l l s t a l k t h e m a j o r i t y o f t h e human r a c e , w h e r e d e p r e s s i o n an d d ru g s en slave e v e n c h i l d r e n , s e n d y o u r s p i r i t upon u s , s o t h a t w e m i g h t p r e a c h g o o d new s t o t h e p o o r , r e l e a s e to t h e c a p t i v e s , r e c o v e r y o f s i g h t t o t h e b l i n d , a n d s e t a t l i b e r t y t h o s e who a r e o p p re s s e d . n t h i s f r a g i l e p l a n e t , t h re a t e n e d b y n u c l e a r h o lo cau st and p l a g u e d b y k i l l e r d i s e a s e s , m a k e u s h e a l e r s , n o t m u rd erers; s p e a k e r s o f t r u t h , n o t s p r e a d e r s o f f e a r : Make u s amb assad o rs f o r C h r i s t , c a l l e d t o a p p e a l t o a broken w o r l d , f o r C h r i s t r e c o n c i l e d u s t o h i m s e l f a n d gave t o u s t h e m i n i s t r y o f r e c o n c i l i a t i o n . 0 G o d , o n t h i s d a y , p l a c e i n o u r m i n d s a new v i s i o n ; p l a c e o n o u r l i p s a new w o rd ; p l a c e i n o u r h e a r t s a n ew co u rag e, s o t h a t w e may " a c t j u s t l y , l o v e t e n d e r l y , a n d w alk h u mb ly w i t h y o u , o u r G o d . A m e n .
CALL TO MISSIO N: We c o n c l u d e o u r Ev e n i n g o f P r a y e r by l i s t e n i n g t o J e s u s s a y t o u s what h e s a i d t o h i s d i s c i p l e s in h i s Serm o n o n t h e Mo u n t : "You a r e l i k e l i g h t f o r t h e w h o l e w o r l d . A c i t y b u i l t o n a h i l l cannot b e h i d . No o n e l i g h t s a l a m p and p u t s i t u n d e r a b o w l ; in st ead yo u p u t i t o n t h e lamp st an d , where i t g i v e s l i g h t f o r everyo n e i n t h e h o u se. In t h e sam e w ay your l i g h t m u st s h i n e b e f o r e p e o p l e , so t h a t t h e y w i l l s e e t he g o o d t h i n g s y o u d o and p r a i s e y o u r F a t h e r i n h e a v e n . " ( Matthew 5 : 1 4 - 1 6 )
Let u s g o i n t h e p e a c e o f C h r i s t a n d m e e t a g a i n h e r e i n t h e PLC Sa t u r d a y e v e n i n g , a t 6 : 0 0 P . M .