3 minute read
Get to know the Community Patrol and Gate Access Committee
By Kathren Coleman | Ranch Association
The Community Patrol and Gate Access (CPGA) Committee has done a tremendous amount of work on behalf of DC Ranch since fall 2022 when the Ranch Association Board of Directors reorganized the structure and scope of work for the committee. Transitioning from the previously named Safety Committee, the revamped CPGA Committee works to review and provide recommendations on various community concerns such as, but not limited to, improvement of services offered by the Association’s third-party vendor, camera technology enhancements and locations, community speed limits, speed deterrent alternatives, reduction of motorized vehicles on paths, resident accountability on standards, and emergency preparedness. The CPGA Committee also recommended a traffic study be done to address areas of concern. The traffic study was completed by Stanley Consultants and provided data with emphasis on traffic calming and speed deterrent options. The committee members meet monthly to discuss improvements for the community and are focusing on the implementation phase of the recommendations that have resulted from the traffic study and addressing concerns from the 2022 Resident Survey.
“I look forward to working with this resident committee to improve the safety in our community by recommending speed deterrents, increasing community patrol presence, and educating our residents on the scope of services that are provided through our community patrol and gate access team,” says Greg Kiraly, Chair of the CPGA Committee.
Considerations to date
Additional safety signage indicating pedestrian/ bicycle and cart crossing, speed limits signs and traffic calming signage. Speed humps are being considered in several locations in Windgate and Horseshoe Canyon in addition to some park areas.
Increasing the speed limit on portions of Windgate Pass.
Enhanced raised crosswalks that are visually different than the road, by using differing color or textures, are also being considered for Windgate, Country Club, and Horseshoe, and perhaps in-road crosswalk lights at Crescent Park/ Ethyl’s Garden area.
Stop bars and enhanced stop signs are part of the recommendation that will assist in curbing excessive speeds.
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By Sally Shaffer | General Manager

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