A multi-level strategy and transit transparency from Libya is essential We listen daily to the subjects of hundreds of migrants arriving from the African continent via Libya to the southern Italian port of Reggio Calabria after being rescued from an Italian naval vessel. We are supposed to believe the decisions taken by Italy to eradicate this dangerous phenomenon, and Europe in particular. The Italian security services are free in their decisions in my opinion, and that the best way to eliminate this rampant phenomenon is the transparency of the transit necessary to bridge the integrity of the political relations between Libya and Italy to try to find a compromise for the management of immigrants coming to Europe from Africa through the Libyan state. Libya will not allow its territory to open more centers to receive new immigrants in the country, one of the solutions that discussed the European Union in an attempt to find a compromise for the management of immigrants to Italy and then to Europe and then to the Americas. At a mini-European summit in Brussels, presented by Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on the proposal of the displaced in ten points called "European multi-level migration strategy, which relies on a new model to solve problems related to transit countries such as Libya. But the problem is that it is the European authorities and the Italian center-left governments who are calling for greater sharing of the burden of managing and receiving immigrants from Libya to Italy across the Mediterranean! The Italian Coast Guard has saved many immigrants over the past years and the Italian Interior Ministry expects the immigration rate to rise in the next few years if Europe does not find a model solution to counter this frightening phenomenon of the European continent. We have mentioned in the previous article that migration from Africa through the Libyan state is the responsibility of governments in general and the ruling classes on the African continent, and the joint cooperation between Africa and Europe is the bridge of integrity between them, which is working to stop the escape of African citizens to the European continent. The allocation of more financial support to the increase of bilateral agreements and the increased repatriation of migrants deprived of international protection in European countries. Libya and Niger are already countries with more European interests than illegal immigration. The most important point for the European authorities in the issue of the multipronged strategy is the establishment of international protection in transit countries
to regulate asylum applications and provide legal assistance to migrants, as well as to voluntary repatriation. As many of us see it as a very ambitious plan, it may face various legal and bureaucratic obstacles and there is still no consensus among the countries that attended the Brussels mini-summit. They have public institutions and are lawabiding. They have bodies that monitor such global grievances on the rights of individuals in freedom Mobility and migration. Moreover, migration to Europe is not particularly new, but since the beginning of 2018, France has been studying hundreds of asylum applications directly from Niger. As for voluntary repatriation, since February 2017, the EU has been coordinating with a working group Deals with persons detained in Libyan immigrant centers. As for the EU's "strengthening of the external borders", for example, it continues to support the Libyan Coast Guard, a joint body or chamber formed primarily by the armed militias that lead the migrants to the Libyan centers. The idea of cooperating with this body is the former Minister of Interior Marco Menotti. The purpose of this crucial point is to reduce the number of departures from the Libyan coast in terms of the overall protection of European borders of migrants, and therefore the European Commission has proposed since those periods increase the resources available to the European Border Agency and to explore the new budget plans of the European Union. Former Interior Minister Marco Menotti has personally overseen the Italian political administration in Libya and has focused on immigration and relations with local communities and municipalities, which were between the president of the National Reconciliation Council, Faiz Sarraj, and Italian Interior Minister Marco Menotti. Amal refers to tenders in the reform of the Dublin system, the European Convention governing asylum procedures in the process of efficiency and integrity and requires that each request for international protection administered by the European state, sharing the burden of reception among the various European countries. However, the document does not specifically indicate the strategy to be used to amend the Dublin system, which is one of the most important objectives outlined in the document and the rejection of a compromise on the transfer of asylum seekers on its territory from migrants from several African countries, including Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Senegal, Sierra Leone and the Gambia. The illegal immigration is again on the coast, especially on the Italian coast as the Italian authorities are putting pressure on Libya to open the new reception centers,
which Libya refuses to allow more, fearing that Libya will become the "land of African migrants" and absorb them on its land and vast natural resources. Illegal migration to Europe and entry into southern Italy is not limited to Libya, but Libya is threatened by the stability of many illegal immigrants on Libyan soil, for economic reasons such as unemployment and the inability to provide decent living in the countries of origin. The re-examination of the illegal immigration project in full cooperation between Libya and European countries is working to stabilize Libya and is working on the full and increasing control of millions of immigrants from Libya's neighboring countries and trying to escape further into the Italian coast. By Professor Ramzi Halim Mavrakis Businessman - Libyan political and economic writer and analyst Resident in the United States of America