PARALLEL Kanthamet Akarawatcharakiat s3537583
Bangkok is under constant developmental changes and transformation, but through its pursuit of development has created a rift between its existing shophouses that are left behind of Bangkok’s former identity, plaguing the former with social issues of inequality and urban connection.
shophouses that are in the way of Bangkok’s developmental plans without redevelopment becomes remnants within the jumbled mess of both new and old developments which co-exists along-
With a disconnection between the city’s fine grain street life and vertical high rises that overshadows its surroundings
Shophouses are left to be scattered across the city with roads built for their own accessibility without the hinderance of city planning.
The livelihood of these shophouses dates to the working class, Chinese migrants. On its façade, the shophouse houses retail, but it is a place of culture, community and adaptation which caters to activities and street activity of the everyday mixed-use function of being a residential and commercial ground.
Life in between In-between
No In-between
Urban activation
Inside & Outside
Spaces in between shophouse Illegal skylight extensions
Wall to wall- retails
MIxed used - Residential and retails Residential Commercial Religious ~2m
informal skylight roof extension allowing the market area to have natural light
Edge to edge shops displaying goods along the wall
Residential Public Retails & commercial (semi-public)
Shophouse condition
MIxed used - Residential and retails Residential Commercial Religious
shophouse typology: Materiality & Build form shophouse: Diversify Community + interation Ensclosed Lack sanitation Lack of navigation and landmarks
Diversify build forms
Corrugated roof
Timber window & door
Steel fence
Ac unit
Plasterboard extension
Different materials create variation in the facade and build form, expressing a sense of local communities
Grid and subdivisions
Main circulation area that allows for programmatic run through
Subdivisions that allow for complex circulations that create preferable circulations
Diversity of build forms and materials
Disorganized subdivisions
Inadequate daylight
Existing grid Disorganization
The sprawl of unplanned shophouses creates an issue of disorganization and subdivisions that causes an overshadow for some of these moments of inadequate daylight. Moreover, poor build materials from residents without proper regulations poses a threat to all users.
Poor build material and non compliance building regulations
Despite the unique vibrancy of the cultural in-betweens, city planners do not see the importance of preserving the city’s history, with an exception to the royal family, government and private owners who are given few incentives to retain their building or refurbish them. Demolition is the preferred choice among developers because the benefits outweigh the consequences of repairing.
Shopping malls in Bangkok resonates with modernization, implying a shift from informal shophouses to formal urban implications that support a developing nature but abandons its past and culture. These malls often feature a podium, where the residential and commercial grounds are separated, resulting in grand spaces and urban scale that are not friendly to occupants in the area.
Podium - Segregation of Res and Commerce
Shopping mall
2 km
1.5 km
3.1 km Public gatherings
one stop shop
Developed area 2015
The effects of development have slowly eaten away at these prior shophouses, displacing them to other places whilst in its place, only to be changed into a courtyard gold kart course that offers none of the prior vibrancy it once held.
site dimensions: 143x175m; 25025m2
175 m
143 m
Mix used
Residential flat
Gov facility
Local market
Locality/ informal
-Driving a strong competitive economy (profit)
-Increasing quality of life
-Sense of control and identity
-Measurement index of wealth
-Civic suqare
-Controlled environment -Designated community
-Flexibility -Community
-Increase urban street life -Semi progamme Res/restials -Clustering (band together to form shopping area community) -External progamme -Micro community
Existing site
Overall site area: 26,892 sqm Mixed used:
16,645 sqm
Mixed used:
25,000 sqm
Residential flat:
9,175 sqm
Residential flat:
18,000 sqm
Local market:
2,800 sqm
Local market: + Community area
6,500 sqm
1,850 sqm
3,500 sqm
Gov facility (local medical service):
8,300 sqm
Gov facility (local medical service):
3,500 sqm
Mall(2floors) :
20,000 sqm
Carpark: 1000car parks
~55 parking lots
Table for area
Mixed use/Gov
Local market/Community area
Shared Public/collective
Re thinking strategy creating new typology Mall (internal) + shophouse (landway & street life) (the play between the inside & out + in between spaces)
Sense of identity - edge & zones
Programmatic configurations (plan)
using existing grid to setup frame that allow for densification and flexibility within the grid
organization of units forms physical unbounded (fragments) but visually bounded in between, this also allow for the usage of in between spaces
Sectional variation + densify build form through the placement of different form this create sectional variation that enable visual connection between level
Sense of identity - edge & zones using existing grid to setup frame that allow for densification and flexibility within the grid
Main circulation area that allows for programmatic run through
Programmatic configurations (plan) organization of units forms physical unbounded (fragments) but visually bounded in between, this also allow for the usage of in between spaces
Site edge increased by sub-divisions Interactive nodes
Layering - shopping mall
through the placement of different form this create sectional variation that enable visual connection between level
Sectional variation + densify build form
Mixed use/mall
Local market/Community area
Shared Public/ collective
open area Mall + retials Mixed sued
Remove massing to maintain shophouse edges that connect to the existing urban surroundings
Civic square Removed form
Removed form
Public connections
site entrance and gathering area
Market and community open area
open area and flexible ground
Circulation connection nodes
interactive nodes
Flixible ground
public interactive and gathering nodes
2nd floor plan
Programmatic configurations (plan) organization of units forms physical unbounded (fragments) but visually bounded in between, this also allow for the usage of in between spaces
Shops and retials Circulation Residential Mall