Using the concept of seaming texture, light can be seamed to create different modes of room delow
Five different Sky window to create differnent emotional rooms below
----For the first week, we take inspiration from artwork of culture of Whurrong to build the form of physical model
Emotional rooms
Interior walls below
----For the texture, different colour of skin can help to create emotional expriences inside
Texture on skywindows Texture on columes Texture on walls
Week 1-- Montage of Model
1.Analyzing the plant
Releasing seeds
Basic motion of canopy
2.Using the concept of motion of releasing seeds combining with the precedent
Godsell’s MPavilion Build form with this motion
Week 2--Flexible canopy ----For the second week, Drooping the pysical model.
Sheoak is the main element for building
3.For the main volume, opening and closing the skywindows allows it to create closed space and open space
The main volume contain a folding canopy released from a container which will provide shading for outside seating
Skywindow take inspiration of flipping of leaves, and allow itself folding to let the light in.
Week 2--Flexible canopy ----The canopy contain a folding canopy to provide shading for outside and fixed canopy allowing sun light to interior rooms.
In this site , fixed cnopy facing the entrance from inside and folding cnopy facing the direction of North
Week 2--Flexible canopy ----Each flexible cnopy is made by canvas which allow it contained inside the container.
1.The property of its expending allow it extend long enough.
2.The canopy has two status which allow it transform into two event mode for day and night.
1. A canter contain a motion of coming in and coming out. we try to create attraction map to repersent each attraction of different centers for the people.
Week 3--Relationship map ----For the third work, we try to make each information into image which can be repersented as diagram.
2.we using point to locate the position of people ,and also the track of how people going though buildings
3.And then, we have different volume of centers which can be linked.
3.we using transparent skin and non-transpaerent skin to repersnet flexible and fixed programs.
2.We build tunnels as link connected these centers.
1. we usin differnt colours to repersent differnt centers of attraction.
Week 3-- Interlink
4.we also make calculation of each actual volume of each center.
----In this part, we start to build the links between buildings
Week 3--Design for each space ----In the final part, we start to make plan and section with the precedent of plant. The Archie Roach Hall
2.Each space has tunnel to accept and release the flow of people.
The Back of house
The Front of house 1.we take bigee wigee as our precedent plant which will help construct the form of roof
The Banjo Clarke
The Front of house
The Banjo Clarke
The Archie Roach Hall
The form of roof
1.we created five basic rules, and try to combine them into a whole into our design.
Week 4-- Designing Rules ----For the fourth work, we start to usnig rules and apply them into the process of design of the Culture Center.
2.And then we pick some of the rules and transform them into a form for the model.
3.we also try to take natural element like sun light into our rules.
1. We try to apply differnt story giving meaning to each rules
2.And also focus to make different emotional rooms with stories.
3.We combined rules as a whole.
Week 4-- Designing Rules ----For the second part, we started to design with the precedent.
4.Some of rules are applied as shading to provide design of interior.
Week 4-- Designing Rules ----For the third part, we start to make our model as a plan.
2.We fit our model into the stimulation of landscape and try to tell the relationship between site and model.
3.We show the information of natural elements like sunlight and landscape
4.We also show the paths inside the model, and also the entrance and direction of each path.
1.We try to show our rules as information in the diagram.
1.with the change of amount of water, the size of pool cahnge. We decide to use it to build a flexible stage.
2.With the seaming of the artwork, we decide to use it to build the form of our shade as the cloud of rain.
Week 5-- Music Centre
3.We decide to build a flecible stage and flexible canopy from these two precedents.
----For this week, we start to design with music element to construct the form of stage
4.The music is about welcomeing differnt people in the party of host, which fit the concept of seaming the shed.
5.And also the precedent of stage tells us a new idea to build a surrounding seating around the stage .
1.We build the flexible shed as a stick above rotate, the pieces of roof will follow up.
2.And the seating area will extend to give more space for stage.
Week 5-- Music Centre ----For the second part , we start to apply each concept into the model.
3.We use transparent shed which is smooth enough for the pieces going up.
4.The stage conatin the Front of house which will also suppy closed threate inside.
Week 5-- Music Centre ----For the last part, we make montage for our model
1.With the diagram, it explain how the shed change.
2.We using traditional element as facade of Music Center.
3. with the bond blow, it suppy the support for our model.
4.We fit our model into site , and try to use style of line to show the interior stage .
5. For the gound, we have traditonal canvas to welcome the guests .
1.We build a track of map according the stories we have.
Week 6-- Music Center 2.0
----In this week, we design with the stories and build a digital model.
3.Different gap on the roof will suppy differnt light for seating area below.
For the stage, we make seating from second floor which will also suppy sapce for seating.
2.According the track, we try to use them into our roof facade.
1. For the front of house, we design a connection between seating area and the gallery below
Week 6-- Music Centre 2.0
2.Differnt height of seating supply differnt angles to see the stage .
----For the second part, we make section of model to explain relationship bettween front of hosue and the stage .
3. The roof going up with an angels with will give larger space for the stage.
3.Differnt height of seating allow people watching performance fron different angles.
1.The seating area extend from the second floor .
Week 6-- Music Centre 2.0 ----For the final part, we start to design the interior space in our model.
4.The veiw from the stage to seating area.
5.We using differnt colour as facade to make them differnt mode of seating.
2. The second floor watching the seating below.
Week 7-- Concept map
----For this week, we design the concept map of Framlingham
1.We take the view of eagle seeing the view form cloud to the ground, and below the holes is the pieces of culture.
2.The holes of cloud aim to tell a meaning of letting sunlight in to the broken pieces .
1.The main entrance of the building close the car park .
Mid semster --Progress 1.0 ----For the start of the design, we make the primary concept and site plan
2.We are inspired by the yarning cycle and divide it into three stages of activities, the first one is burn fire as performing activities, and lanscape as walking activity, and campnig as teaching activity.
2.We decide to desing as a whole , and usnig concept of landscape to build the form of roof.
3. And the roof of landscape is a cruve form Z axis, it allows people going up and down.
1.The roof touch the gorund, and the trend of roof follow the change we take from the landscape, which is the land and the hooking river
Mid semster --Progress 1.1 ----For the second part, we show each room in differnt area of building
2.The stage as bonfire set as center where every space have access to the foyer of the Archie Roach Hall
3.And the gallery connected to the Banjo Clarke and the Front of house.
Mid semster --Progress 1.2
----For the third part, we explode the Banjo Clarke which contains two event mode.
1.The form of each classroom are inspired by tent, which hav functional shed and yarning space inside
2. The floor of Banjo Clarke allow it get connect to the gallery and outside garden.
3.For the main volume, opening and closing the skywindows allows it to create closed space and open space 3. Going into gallery is inside learning, and going to the garden is the outdoor learning.
4.We also set tree holes where people can interact with palnt at its different stage of growing.
4.And this whole track of flow of people would become different accesses into and out of the buildings.
1. We also inspired by Drooping Sheoake, and opening way becoem the skywindow of shed.
4.360 degrees change when day and night.
2.We take three colour modes form bonfire to construct the colour if shed , and also the change of fire in different colour in skywindows.
3.The main volme of shed are made by three pieces form differnt angles which aim to make people walking 360 degrees around the building, and it would still the form of bonfire.
Mid semster --Progress 1.3 ----For the fourth part, we start to design the form of Archie Roach Hall.
2.Change of colour of each plates also supply light below.
1.Each plates itself would become support for each other.
Mid semster --Progress 1.4
----For the last part is the render view for Archie Roach HAll. 3. People outside can have different view of bonfire.
4. The skywindows also are functional which response differnt degrees of sound.
5.differnt height of seating can watch the performance freely.
Final work--Progress 2.0 ---- For this part, we start to update the form of yarning cycle buildings
1.We see landscape as cruve from Z zxis, and river as curve of xy axis, and create different height of interior room and roof
2.We using secton to analyze how people exprience inside the front of house.
THE RESTAURANT contain indoor and outdoor space for enjoying meal, it allows people go up to the roof and has differnt mode of views
THE RETAIL STORE has double floors to contain differnt activitives
THE FRONT OF HOUSE and WELCOME SPCAE using the concept of different expriences in different heights of roof
THE EXHIBITION and GALLERY has two floors for different exprience with views outside and inside. It using the concept of landsacpe and river.
1.The front of hosue take the form of landscape and river, and it conected with restaunt, retail store and welcome space, and the gallery.
2.In this section, we arranage interior room and walking tunnels between different areas.
4.We also take the concept of Eel trape and river, they become roof facade to split the platform of roof like river divide land
Final work--Progress 2.1 ----The design of WELCOME SPACE
5.And also though the dividsion of river, they become paths going in and out of the buildings.
6.The space of gap between Archie Roach Hall and the Front of hosue can be a open space for people seat and walking aroud .
Final work--Progress 2.2 ----The design of WELCOME SPACE 1.The entracne of welcome space.
2.Entrance are include the path going to Archie Roach Hall and the way going to the Front of hosue.
4. The seating area and the bar with a tree holes inside the Front of house.
3.The sculpture and seating of Welcome space.
5.The flag of whurrong community.
Final work--Progress 2.3 ----The design of Restaurant and Retail sore
5.The seating facnig inside
6.Retail store inside
1.Outdoor seating of restauant.
7.Second floor of Retail store. 2.Interior Seatnig of restaurant
4.Restaurant has a wide facing to the window which allow people to see the views outside. 8.The view seeing restaurant from second floor.
3.Tea house beside the restaurant
Final work--Progress 2.4 ----The design of Gallery
1.The gallery contain three teachnig rooms inside and the walls for the gallery.
2.The view seeing gallery on the roof
4.The view seeing gallery from outside.
3.The view inside the Gallery
Final work--Progress 2.5 ----The overall view of Welcome Room
1.The view seeing Archie Roach Hall from the roof of Restaurant.
5. The view seeing Archie Roach Hall from the roof of Restaurant.
6.The view seeing Archie Roach Hall on retail store.
2.The view of roof of the Front of hosue 4.The veiw seeing Welcome Room and entrance for the front of house and the Gallery’s.
3.The view seeing Restaurant and outdoor seating . 7.The view seeing welcome Room from outside.
Final work--Progress 2.6 ----The design of Archie Roach Hall
1.We decide to close the three plates to create closed space for the stage inside.
2.And also design floors and space for bars and foyer for people which is below the seating area.
3.The main stage contain the staeg for Reginal Saunders , it will slide out to the canopy outside , that’s wht the main stage is 3 meters height.
4. The facade build along the plates and have change of colours and lentgh.
Final work--Progress 2.7
----The design of ARCHIE ROACH HALL
1. More plates need more change of colour and style of bonfire to show the change of fire.
2.Even we close the plates, from 360 degrees, it would still be differnt styles of fire.
3.We usnig colourful glass as facade, and construct smoke of fire as shading area.
4.The black Stone seating is the fire stone around the bonfire, which will provide seating for people .
5.At the same time, we using the fire wood to construc the entrance and foyer of Archie Roach Hall.
Final work--Progress 2.8
----The design of ARCHIE ROACH HALL
5.The veiw seeing the facade from outside. 1. The fire wood entrance and foyer
6.The birdview seeing Reginal Saunders.
2.The Reginal Saunders
3.We usnig yarning cycle to design the seating inside, and also another fire wood hang as light above
4.The sound response system are design as fire smoke
Final work--Progress 2.9
----The design of BANJO CLARKE
1.Banjo clarke has four classrooms, and supply two event mode 5.The garden inside allows outdoor learning.
2.The transparent glass allow people seeing the view outside
4. The Interprice map showing how building re-support to the whurrong community.
3.And the gound of classroom is grasses, whic make peopel closed to the nature.
Final work--Progress 3.0
----The plan of all area.
1.From the plan, it can be seen that different structure and different width of wall.
2. The plan also shows the relationship between three main areas .
1.The entrance allow driver enter easily, and it contain car parking, bus parking and truck parking.
Final work--Progress 3.1 ----SITE PLAN
2.The route map showing the location of site and city.
Final work--Progress 3.2
----Final Overall view
1. Views seeing people on the roof
2.People are easily interact with differnt space of these three main areas.
3.The whole design is an extension of bonfire.
4.The view seeing ARCHIE ROACH HALL